
brittyazelhey guys05:36
brittyazelare we planning for gnome 3.8 for 13.04?05:36
darkxstbrittyazel, it will likely be via the ppa05:38
darkxstsince ubuntu is holding back on many packages05:38
brittyazeloh ok05:46
brittyazelthat is fine though05:46
brittyazelis there a way we can bundle that ppa by default with our iso?05:46
brittyazelit seems like much of the distro and it's updated gnome packages rely on that ppa rather than just what is in the main repos05:47
darkxstbrittyazel, most things are already in gnome3-team/staging if you like to break things05:47
brittyazellol no i'll probably hold off05:47
darkxstI think at this stage we will stick with the official packages for the iso05:47
brittyazelI'm hesitant to upgrade my work machine to 13.04 alpha to help hunt bugs, though the 3.8 kernel that landed today is tempting to say the least05:47
darkxstand we do push all our bug fixes into the main repos, its just where there is a version split we need to use the ppa05:49
brittyazelman that is unfortunate that we share so many packages with standard ubuntu. It means we have to constantly tiptoe around them :-/05:49
brittyazelyeah I get it. Derivatives like kubuntu have it a bit easier because they can have all of their own packages in the repos without conflict05:50
brittyazelIs there any particular reason that we do not include the gnome3-ppa by default? It seems like it makes it harder, though I dont know all of the internal details05:51
darkxstbasically comes down not being able to include ppa's in an official derivate (not that we are quite there yet, but still)05:52
brittyazeloh that's an odd requirement....especially for a distro like ours in which having all of our necessary applications in the main repos would mess with ubuntu05:54
brittyazelwe could do something super sneaky and have our own version of gnome packages in the main repos but with a different naming convention and different dependency table so as to separate ourselves. But that would be SUPER hard to maintain05:55
darkxstno, that won't happen05:55
brittyazelI figured as much. It would be an insane amount of work and would probably be way more effort than it is worth05:56
darkxstthe main pain points (such as gnome-control-center) are getting fixed, but now ubuntu has dropped a cycle behind05:56
brittyazeltoo bad ubuntu doesn't brand all of the gnome libraries and packages that they use as "ubuntuunity" or something. Then we could have the same scenario as the other derivitaves05:57
darkxstbut that would be pointless05:57
brittyazelyeah I noticed that. Actually i'm intrigued on where ubuntu is headed actually. Ubuntu Phone is largly written in QML/Qt, and they want a unified interface. Though their main desktop is GTK....05:58
darkxstU1 is not GTK05:58
brittyazelyeah but isn't that the only qt app that ubuntu has in it's native stack?05:58
darkxstsoftware centre as well probably05:58
brittyazelthey killed the qt version of unity.05:58
brittyazelno software centre is gtk+05:58
darkxstyeh with so many custom/ugly widgets who could guess05:59
brittyazellol I know. I'm actually kind of for ubuntu adopting QML and Qt and migrating away from gnome/compiz. I think it would make a better end user experience, but that is just me.06:00
brittyazelIt seem like Gnome is moving one direction and Unity is moving another06:00
brittyazeland there's only so many post-hoc patches that can be applied06:00
darkxstapperently not, some packages have 30+ patches06:06
darkxstg-c-c at one point was I believe closer to 10006:06
darkxstprobably ~60 now06:07
brittyazellol yeah but that is 30-100 patches to an already dated package. I mean they could just stay at 3.4/.6 forever and just patch the living hell out of it, but that seems illogical06:07
darkxstyeh and many bugs are caused by mismatched versions06:08
brittyazeland it seems like they built a decent phone UI already...I wonder if we will ever see that on the desktop06:08
darkxstI would estimate around ~60-70% of bugs I have worked on have either been due to ubuntu packaging or patches06:08
brittyazeldo you know at all what changes the phoneOS is going to bring to the Desktop? Are they going to merge the two projects at all06:08
brittyazelwow that is crazy06:09
darkxstI think its just the same packages, but they are working to improve performance and power consumption of mobile devices06:10
darkxstluckily I dont have a nexus 7 otherwise I would probably try and port gnome-shell06:10
darkxstor something stupid like that06:11
brittyazelI dont think the phone UI is running compiz though. It looked way to stable and nice to be compiz (if that is too harsh) lol06:11
darkxstcould be, its running proprietry binary blobs for 3D06:11
brittyazelfor gnome3 to want to be on touch screens so badly, i've never actually seen it on a touch screen lol06:11
brittyazelyeah but, maybe i'm just ignorant, but I've never known compiz to have nearly half of the features needed for a touch ui with edge detection and whatnot06:12
darkxstthat was never a design critieria (despite the rumours)06:12
darkxstthose features are not compiz!06:13
brittyazelfor which? Gnome?06:13
darkxstyeh gnome-shell06:13
darkxstedge detection etc, is in Xorg/Xfixes06:14
brittyazelI know they never said it, but much of the ui is moving from menu-based to sliding switches and buttons. Seems very touch-ish. Which is completely fine06:14
darkxstunrealted to the WM06:14
brittyazelgotcha gotcha. So they just have compiz set to trigger events based on xinputs?06:14
darkxstwell compiz hooks into events triggered by X06:15
darkxstmaybe they have taken elements from touch UI's, but they are not desiging for touch devices06:16
brittyazeli see06:18
brittyazelI know they aren't purely focusing on touch-ui's (like windows 8 *cough*), but you can tell it is definitely in their thoughts, especially with the xinput2.2 stuff being implemented next round06:19
brittyazelthough I am under the belief that there is a median interface that works for desktop ui's and touch, and that Gnome-Shell has found it lol06:19
brittyazelso I applaud them06:19
darkxstyeh, I can't use anything else anymore.06:21
darkxsteverything else just seems wrong06:21
brittyazelI definiely love it. I still love kde and appreciate it's applications, detail, and complexity. But gnome-shell is next-gen. I just dont get why people flack it so hard06:23
darkxstlol, cuase it don't look like gnome2!06:23
brittyazellol they hate it because it has taste and style06:24
brittyazelI never understood the desire to punnish ones self with ugly ui's lol06:24
brittyazelone's guys aregument to me was that "it is impossible to be productive on gnome-shell" and when I countered that I am in fact VERY productive on it he said "nuh uh, you obviously dont do "real" work"06:25
darkxstwell I suppose there are a few points. 1.lack of customisation (but there are extension/themes/tweak-tool for that).06:26
darkxst2. people hate change06:26
brittyazelIt is crappy that most UI changes need to come from third party tools06:26
brittyazelyou get spoiled on KDE where every little detail is giving a gui tool06:26
darkxst3. it was really released a bit early (3.0 was really a super early alpha)06:27
brittyazelyeah I agree with that06:27
darkxsttweak-tool is just a wrapper to gsettings06:27
brittyazelI guess given those 3 you can be disatsfied with it, but it is fervently hated lol06:28
darkxstOh I'm sure ther are more06:28
darkxstalso the big point, is IMO the dissatisfied users are always the loudest06:29
darkxsthow many people write blogs posts just to hate on a project06:29
darkxstvs how many who love a project06:30
brittyazelwell 3.6 made gnome-shell great for me personally :-) I love the new gdm and notifications. I wish 3.8 was just for bringing UI customization options. Then I would be in heaven06:30
brittyazelyeah it's true. So many vocal haters. And it scared people off who research stuff before hand (even though it is free and can only cost them time to try it themselves)06:31
brittyazelI wish I knew more about packaging and the behind-the-scenes work so I could help you guys06:34
brittyazelunfortunately I would probably be more of a burden06:34
darkxstheaps of good stuff have landed in 3.7/8 already06:37
darkxstespecially amazing considering how early in the cycle it is06:37
brittyazelI read it was just changes to the control-center like a privacy setting list and a search option list06:38
brittyazelis there anything else substantial?06:38
darkxstrelayout of overview search06:39
darkxstricotz, did you build gjs in a deb? if so can I grab a debdiff?06:41
brittyazelis 3.8 getting xinput2.2 and gstreamer1.0 do you know?06:42
darkxstmy jhbuild is still hosed06:42
darkxstbrittyazel, niether of those are gnome-shell things, more distro stuff06:42
darkxstgsteamer1.0 was already support in 3.6 i think06:43
brittyazelI gotcha. I thought that there were gnome elements that depended on those06:43
darkxstg-s shel has been ported to xi2 already06:43
darkxstthe new pressure/pointer barriers should be landing in Xorg 1.1406:45
brittyazelis 13.04 getting 1.14?06:45
brittyazelbtw it's pretty nice that they set the gtk flags for wayland recently06:45
brittyazelthat should make it nice for wayland in the future06:46
darkxstI think its planned (Xorg 1.14), but ricotz or jbicha would likely know more06:47
darkxstwayland is still some way off06:47
brittyazelyeah a far way off06:47
ricotzdarkxst, a debdiff? what are you trying?06:49
darkxstricotz, or just the source packages. Just want to try install it locally06:50
darkxstI figured you probably already done that, so no point re-inventing the wheel06:51
ricotzi see06:51
ricotzyou need to rebuild its rdepends too though06:52
darkxstricotz, yeh  I realise that06:52
darkxstricotz, thx06:54
ricotzdarkxst, i guess you havent tested your patches with g-s then yet?07:40
darkxstricotz, yes I have, but I have that unrelated "focus issue" :(09:08
darkxstricotz, gnome-shell doesnt want to build either ;( http://paste.ubuntu.com/1519355/09:13
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ricotzdarkxst, amd64 with nvidia blob?10:49
darkxstricotz, yeh10:54
darkxstricotz, I take it you have seen the seg faults on GC?10:56
darkxstricotz, particularly this, http://pastebin.com/GxKtpXCW surely that can't be right ;(11:02
ricotzdarkxst, yeah seeing those, but i asked because of the g-s deb packages11:17
ricotzuploaded them to the folder too11:17
darkxstricotz, I just removed the gtk-docs line from the .install file11:17
ricotzyeah, you probably missing a build-dep11:18
darkxstricotz, I tried to rerun 'apt-get build-dep gnome-shell' but it didnt think I needed anythin11:21
ricotzdarkxst, gtk-doc-tools11:25
darkxstricotz, thats installed11:26
ricotzyou have checked the debian/control build-deps?11:27
ricotzanyway, you got around it11:27
darkxstanyway I should sleep, and then tomorrow I will find a sledgehammer or something to coerce gdb into behaving!11:38
darkxstricotz, http://pastebin.com/8N2L3QpY22:19
ricotzdarkxst, will try it22:31

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