
pittiGood morning05:34
balloonspitti, man, you have an early timezone :-)05:39
balloonsgout nacht05:40
pittiballoons: sleep well!05:42
jibelgood morning07:20
pittibonjour jibel, ça va?07:23
jibelbonjour pitti. ça va bien et toi ? I wish it will be a surprise-less day unlike yesterday :)07:24
pittijibel: heh, without jenkins crumbling underneath you, you mean?07:24
jibelpitti, yes07:25
jibelpitti, I forwarded you a feature request from jodh. He'd like to run tests in a container, inside the testbed07:33
jibelthis is for the case where a test can potentially kill itself07:33
pittithanks, I'll have a look07:35
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apwgema, yo ... we have boot speed testing going on on an ongoing basis right ... where is that so i can see when a regression was introduced12:42
gemaapw: it is not completely populated yet12:43
apwi thought you guys took that over like a year ago12:43
gemawe did and then we realised that the data we were producing was completely irrelevant with variation of up to 50% between runs12:44
gemaso we are refurbishing it12:44
gemaand some bug in the desktop hit us, but let me see how much data we have in staging, just a sec12:44
gemaapw: I was planning to have this up and running before the new year, but we got delayed12:45
rbasakBattling with adt-run today, and the manpage makes little sense to me14:23
rbasakHow do I get adt-run to test using the tests in an unbuilt local tree, but using a package from the repository?14:23
rbasakI feel that somebody could really do with going through all the documentation for the "developing dep8 tests for the first time" use case.14:24
rbasak"SKIP Test breaks testbed but testbed does not advertise revert-full-system" - well OK, but I need to override that. I know that'll break the system.14:31
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cprofittis Mike still using the jedimike handle on irc?14:57
roadmrcprofitt: yep, he just doesn't seem to be online right now15:11
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cprofittroadmr: thanks16:22
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