
didrockssil2100: hey!09:32
didrockssil2100: there is a new failure, but just one and on the 3 architectures!09:32
didrocksjibel: FYI ^09:33
didrockswe were almost there, snif!09:33
didrockssil2100: I was really believing we would release now :p09:34
sil2100didrocks: ok, let me see that then, looks like a more random failure, but maybe we can make it better not to fail09:34
didrocksat least the next/prev are fixed!09:34
didrockssil2100: the weird thing is that it's failing on the 3 config09:34
didrockslet's hope it's reproduceable09:34
didrockssil2100: ps-indicators-autopilot-release-testing09:34
didrocksrev 6309:34
sil2100Ah, ok, sorry, I misunderstood you09:35
didrocksseb128: popey: btw, do not hesitate to upgrade to the daily-build ppa09:35
sil2100So it's failing on all, hm hm09:35
didrockssil2100: yep09:35
didrocksseb128: popey: I did it, and it looks good, just have this indicator failure ^09:35
* sil2100 pulls latest unity09:36
seb128didrocks, you rebuilt unity with the compiz opengl abi downgraded?09:36
didrockssil2100: daily-build ppa09:36
popeydidrocks: i do every morning09:36
didrockssweet ;)09:36
seb128didrocks, k, upgrading09:36
sil2100Ok, so, a check for is_focused is not enough, *sighs*09:39
didrockssil2100: so, the test is giving a false positive?09:40
didrockssil2100: do you know what changed from yesterday?09:40
sil2100didrocks: I have no idea, I mean, this failure seems to happen when the Terminal takes a bit longer to start - i.e. the shell on it09:41
sil2100I added a wait for the Terminal window to have focus, but as I can see it doesn't help always, since the window can be focused but not yet ready to fetch input09:42
sil2100I'll try to think of a quick clean solution09:42
seb128mhr3, hey09:44
seb128mhr3, with the current daily build my dash has a sort of weird blue "," between the expendable categories and their ">"09:45
seb128e.g "installed" in the app lens09:45
didrockssil2100: thanks, counting on you to be able to release unity :)09:45
seb128is that normal/wanted?09:45
didrocksmhr3: confirmed here09:45
mhr3seb128, yea, i saw that with trunk some time ago09:45
mhr3not sure who did that :)09:45
didrocksyou didn't ask? :/09:46
mhr3iirc the number of results wasn't displayed either in that case09:46
seb128there is only a ","09:46
seb128or "."09:46
mhr3thought it's an upcoming design change09:46
seb128well, it could be to drop the label, the weird char seems wrong and misaligned though, I somewhat doubt it's a design change09:47
mhr3andyrock, would you know something about that ^?09:47
popeyit's a ':' here seb12809:47
popeyyou have good eyes! I never noticed that! ☺09:48
didrocksI just have a . here09:48
seb128popey, could be, I've an hard time to see exactly what char it is with my background color09:48
didrockspopey: he's good, isn't it? :)09:48
andyrockmhr3, no ask nick :)09:49
andyrockmhr3, btw if Nick is not online (or busy) i can try to fix it in the afternoon09:51
didrockswe will never be able to release unity :(09:51
sil2100huh? Something besides the AP test is broken? :(09:52
didrockssil2100: yeah, but not linked09:53
didrockssil2100: you can continue on the test :)09:53
didrockshey dednick :)09:54
didrocksseb128 | mhr3, with the current daily build my dash has a sort of weird blue "," between the expendable categories and09:54
didrocks       | their ">"09:54
didrocksseb128 | e.g "installed" in the app lens09:54
didrocksdednick: good, this and one test failing that sil2100 is working on are the last step before enabling daily release of unity :-)09:54
didrocksdednick: do you know about it? or maybe have a look at it?09:55
dednickseb128: Do you have the "See X more results" showing next to the > ?09:55
seb128that replace those labels09:55
seb128I've like "Installed "," >"09:56
seb128without the ""09:56
seb128didrocks and mhr3 and popey confirmed09:56
dednickok. i think i know what this is. mandel was doing something with StaticCairoText width calculations that might have caused a regression.09:56
didrocksdednick: I just have one one the file category working, all the others are like seb128 told09:56
dednicki know it has caused some problems before09:56
didrocksinteresting :)09:56
dednickdidrocks: i'll check with mandel about the status of that quick.09:57
didrocksthanks :)09:57
popeydidrocks: what do we need to do to allow users to file bugs against the compiz package in the daily ppa with "ubuntu-bug compiz"? I am getting the usual "This is not an official Ubuntu package" popup from apport09:58
didrockspopey: let's see if we need to do that, as the daily-build is just a 4 hours step between build and distro normally09:59
didrockspopey: if we have some stack stalled for more days, maybe it will be useful, I'm just unsure for now09:59
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jibeldidrocks, with unity ppa, dash blinks when I type something in the search bar, I'll try to make a video10:18
didrocksthanks jibel, duflu will maybe have some hint about it10:18
sil2100hm, there doesn't seem any 100% safe way, so I'll do it a bit hackish10:23
didrockssil2100: so adding more timing?10:24
sil2100Or maybe, let me check something on my guest session ;p10:26
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jibelpopey, hey, which tool do you use to record a video of a desktop session with the dash? I tried recordmydesktop, but it's all dark and only captures the background10:27
popeyjibel: kazam10:29
seb128jibel, gtk-recordmydesktop works for recording the dash, etc on my raring10:30
seb128jibel, you can always use your phone or camera or something otherwise ;-)10:30
jibelseb128, it doesn't here with raring, all updates, etc on an intel atom IGC10:32
jibeli'll try kazam10:32
didrocksdednick: did you find anything relevant?10:35
jibelseb128, finally recordmydesktop works fine, the problem comes from totem for the playback10:39
jibelbug 109850210:47
ubot5bug 1098502 in Unity "Dash blinks when typing text in search bar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109850210:47
sil2100Ok, tested all nice solutions, none were giving me complete guarantee, so I'm using the simplest one10:50
sil2100A sleep call, yea, we like those10:50
didrockssil2100: well, let's do that I guess…10:52
* sil2100 sighs10:52
sil2100Preparing a merge10:53
sil2100I'll have a talk with thomi next week about doing it nicer, for now let's hope this will solve the issue for releasing unity10:53
didrockssil2100: sounds good, yeah, let's do what we can for now :)10:54
didrocksbut I need to know where dednick is as well, not sure if we should block the release on that issue, specifically if the fix is trivial…10:54
dednickdidrocks: mandel is looking at the issue now.10:55
didrocksdednick: ah sweet, what is his IRC nickname? can he come into that chan? :)10:56
dednickdidrocks: mandel10:56
dednickdidrocks: i've just asked him to join10:56
didrocksthanks dednick :)10:57
mandeldednick, hello10:57
didrockshey mandel ;)10:57
didrocksmandel: so, I guess all eyes are on you to release unity now, but no pressure :-)10:57
didrocksmandel: more seriously, do you think the fix will be trivial?10:58
mandeldidrocks, hello, so I'm looking at the StaticCairotText rendering, it seems that the PrelayoutManagement does have the correct size, witch is interesting10:58
mandeldidrocks,he, no pressure :)10:58
didrocksmandel: oh, "funny" did you notice it's a blue dot as well?10:59
mandeldidrocks, that I did not see, let me check10:59
didrocksmandel: it's barely noticeable, but we are more than one having <category> . >11:00
didrockswith . being : for popey11:00
mandeldidrocks, is more like two blue dots,  but is probably it trying to render the font and doing something wrong11:00
didrocks(and blue)11:00
didrocksok :)11:00
popeyyeah, could be squished text11:00
popeyand not actually a :11:00
didrocksbut why blue? :p11:00
popeywell that too11:01
mandeldidrocks, popey no to worry, I already have a fix, I need to clean the code a little and make sure it does not break in other cases11:02
mandelgive me 15/30 mins or so to make sure11:02
didrocksmandel: you rock! :-)11:02
dednickmandel: remember to check the tooltip as well ;)11:02
mandeldednick, hehe, yes, I remember that ;)11:03
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didrockssil2100: btw, if you need some approval on your branch11:04
didrocksmandel: just to know, the fix will be in nux or unity?11:04
sil2100Please, free karma ;)11:04
mandeldidrocks, unity11:04
didrocksmandel: ok, great, thanks ;)11:04
didrocksnot respawing a rebuild immediately then11:05
* sil2100 always wonders why he spends so much time writing all this rationale in the merge requests11:05
didrockssil2100: I read them, worth it!11:05
didrockssil2100: thanks! approved :)11:06
sil2100Thanks :)11:06
sil2100andyrock: soo, a Qt application for testing bug #1087422 is fine as well? ;)11:07
ubot5bug 1087422 in unity (Ubuntu) "Windows that start minimized cannot be opened" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108742211:07
sil2100andyrock: I'll add the feature you're requesting in a moment then!11:08
andyrocksil2100, yeah it's fine I've already tested :)11:09
andyrockthank you btw :)11:09
sil2100andyrock: updated - the name is fine btw. ;p11:18
sil2100andyrock: test it once again and if it works as it did before, approve and let's get it merged!11:18
didrocksandyrock: sil2100: can you just wait that we do this release before getting it merged?11:19
didrocksandyrock: sil2100: I don't want we add one another variable parameter before this release :)11:19
sil2100andyrock: ^ ;)11:19
andyrockdidrocks, sil2100 yeah no problem :)11:20
didrocksthanks :)11:20
sil2100andyrock: let's get the testapp thing merged in the meantime11:21
mandeldidrocks, so nux revno 742 fixed a logical error in the layouts (no bug number, doh!) and before that was fixed I added a workaound for statica cairo text, with the new code in nux that is not longer needed and goes wrong in a diff way, I have fixed it and changed the test to ensure everything works correctly11:25
didrocksmandel: oh interesting side effect of a workaround then :-) do you have a branch handy?11:26
mandeldidrocks, please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/unity/static-cairo-text/+merge/14287311:26
andyrocksil2100, ok let me wrote the AP test for unity (without merging it for the moment)11:26
* didrocks opens and builds while reviewing11:26
mandeldidrocks, I will add no comments about nux && layouts ;-)11:26
didrocksheh :)11:27
didrocksmandel: well, I know what you mean, I felt the pain in the past :)11:27
mandeldidrocks, I don't know if I should feel happy because I knew where to find the problem or otherwise11:28
didrocksmandel: ahah, well, you can call that "expertise on the subject" :)11:29
didrockssome kind of niche knowledge ;)11:29
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Mirvcan you reproduce that nautilus again starts behind other windows in raring+daily?11:32
didrocksmandel: confirming the fix is working! :)11:34
didrocksMirv: hum, I don't see that11:34
didrocksmandel: nice work, thanks! ;)11:34
didrocksand still having tooltips :p11:34
mandeldidrocks, take a look at the launcher, but works too, just in case :)11:34
mandeldidrocks, you are faster than me ;)11:34
Mirveg. maximized firefox, super + 1, nautilus starts to the background not front11:34
Mirvdidrocks: ok, interesting, seems to me similar to what quantal had before nautilus was patched11:35
didrocksmandel: heh :)11:35
didrocksMirv: ah indeed, if started with super + something11:35
didrocksI was cliking on the launcher11:36
seb128even clicking on the launcher it goes unfocussed for me11:36
didrockshum, not here, maybe something with the state11:37
seb128we had to drop the nautilus patch, upstream fixed it in a different way for 3.6 which works for gnome-shell but not us11:37
Mirvsame as seb128, although I noticed it requires the maximized window11:37
seb128andyrock was working on that11:39
seb128he had a patch for gtk, not sure how that is going11:39
andyrockseb128, what?11:40
seb128andyrock, nautilus not getting focus in raring11:40
seb128andyrock, well, "in raring", in 3.6 since we dropped your patch, since cosimoc did a different version which works for gnome-shell but not unity11:40
seb128andyrock, well, didn't you say it's a gtk bug in the timestamp handling?11:41
andyrockseb128, yeah i'm sure that gtk/gdk had that bug but startup notifications maybe can workaround it :)11:41
andyrockand unity does not support them11:42
seb128so it's not "again", it's "still" ;-)11:42
seb128andyrock, did you ever get any feedback on your gtk patch?11:42
seb128I wonder if we should just distro patch it11:42
andyrockseb128, no Trevinho and me opened a gdk bug with a very simple test program showing the issue11:43
andyrockbtw we really need to support startup notification in unity11:43
andyrockTrevinho wants to do it directly in bamf11:44
andyrockbut he is too busy11:44
andyrockwe need to put that bug in the "polish blueprint"11:44
Mirvfiled bug #109853311:48
ubot5bug 1098533 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "New nautilus window starts behind fullscreen window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109853311:48
didrockss/fullscreen/maximized/ isn't it?11:49
Mirvdidrocks: thanks, yes, title is wrong11:49
didrocksyw ;)11:49
Mirvtest case was correct. fixed title.11:50
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Trevinhoseb128: I have a workaround that I'll try to land upstream too...13:06
Trevinhoseb128: this is the issue (and workaround) https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68883013:07
ubot5Gnome bug 688830 in gtk "gtk_window_present uses an invalid time value, and does not always work" [Major,Unconfirmed]13:07
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seb128Trevinho, hey, thanks, I was looking for the bug earlier but I didn't remember enough about it to find it back13:19
seb128Trevinho, we should maybe distro patch it13:19
seb128Trevinho, not sure upstream is going to go anywhere on that anytime soon13:20
Trevinhoseb128: I was talking of nautilus only.... Even if that change could maybe done at gdk level...13:20
seb128oh, ok13:21
didrocksTrevinho: another subject: on the one ws by default, do you still have something to do on the unity side?13:27
didrocksTrevinho: on the g-c-c side, I'll just set the hsize and hsize to 1x1 or 2x2 if disabled/enabled13:27
Trevinhodidrocks: yes, I'm in the process of updating the shortcut-hints now... That's the final step..13:33
Trevinhodidrocks: ah, and probably a few lines to remove in launcher controller (to avoid removal), but on launcher side everything is done13:33
didrocksTrevinho: ok, but agreed that on my side, I just have to do that, change hsize/vsize?13:33
Trevinhodidrocks: yes, we listen to that value13:33
didrocksif one of them is > 1, you enable the "ws mode"13:33
didrocksTrevinho: excellent, thanks :)13:34
didrockswould be a nice hacking during my first flight on sunday13:34
didrockstoo early on Sunday, so need something easy :)13:34
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mterrycyphermox, more yellow paint.  While my branch built fine for i386 in a PPA, amd64 apparently died overnight14:01
Trevinhodidrocks: will you also include an option to show/hide the desktop icon?14:21
Trevinhodidrocks: it should be explained here btw https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1cbPd9WSSbFHg4Z7BSOQxDKusMe2aJjj0FEF2AMxNOZM/edit14:21
didrocksTrevinho: yep, I'll do it at the same time14:23
Trevinhodidrocks: fine, the notes at the bottom should explain everything14:23
didrocksyep ;)14:27
mterrydidrocks, so how can we match a given daily build to a bzr commit number?14:31
didrocksmterry: quick easily, look at debian/changelog14:33
didrocksyou have "automatic snapshot from rev <…>"14:33
mterrydidrocks, ah yes!  ok14:33
didrocksmterry: btw, hopefully this build will be the first daily release! :)14:34
didrocksrunning all the tests14:34
mterrydidrocks, yeah  :)14:34
didrocksthen, running only the indicator tests on the indicator stack + whole ppa14:34
didrocksand if everything is fine, publishing!14:34
* mterry crosses fingers14:34
* didrocks too14:37
didrocksI think ~ 20 minutes for all the test running14:37
didrocksthen, the indicators one will start (~55 minutes)14:37
mterrydidrocks, how can I see a list of packages uploaded for SRU but not yet accepted into -proposed?14:49
didrocksmterry: check the unapproved queue14:50
didrockslike for quantal:14:50
mterrydidrocks, there's a page on LP, right?14:50
didrocksyep :)14:50
mterrydidrocks, nice, thanks14:50
mterrythat's what I couldn't remember14:50
mterrycyphermox, despite the amd64 build failing for libappindicator in my PPA, I have to work on some other stuff today.  But I do think my branch makes things better anyway (i386 worked)15:07
didrocksmterry: cyphermox: FYI, I remove dbusmenu from the list of daily release, it's failing on every arch due (weirdly) to a missing file (see ppa failure)15:34
didrocksmterry: sil2100: on another note, all indicator tests passed \o/15:34
didrocksnice work sil2100 ;)15:34
sil2100Yaaay! \o/15:35
didrocksas soon as unity is published on armhf, it will be time for the first daily release :)15:35
sil2100https://launchpadlibrarian.net/128198353/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-armhf.unity_6.12.0daily12.12.05bzr3034pkg0raring0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <- but it looks like a random failure15:35
sil2100didrocks: I guess in daily all is OK?15:36
didrockssil2100: yeah, waiting for publishing15:36
mterrysil2100, ld crashed!?  ick15:41
didrocksok, done15:46
didrockstime to force publication \o/15:46
didrocksok, readyyyyyyy15:53
didrocksand copy request to distro done \o/15:54
didrockssil2100: mterry: first real daily release of unity done to the distro \o/15:54
didrocksenabling the cronjob now!15:54
didrocksnice work everyone :)15:55
* mterry opens champagne15:55
* sil2100 claps his hands15:55
* mterry uncomfortably watches the Jenkins bot proposing and approving its own branches15:56
didrocksmterry: heh, you know that even that was broken?15:57
didrocksI had to patch bzr lp-propose to have the option working15:57
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didrocksfginther: hey, I thought that merging for the latestsnapshot was skipping the build? https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins/bamf/latestsnapshot/+merge/14292516:46
fgintherdidrocks, no sorry, there has been no progress on that16:49
didrocksfginther: ok, you follow them and reapprove? :)16:49
cyphermoxdidrocks: indicator-session buils fine now (but with start-service disabled), and I got a autopkgtest test almost working; wanna do a first review before I propose a merge to actually merge this?16:50
fgintherdidrocks, I thought the approved rev_id issue was fixed. This is the first one of seen w/o an approved revid for many weeks16:50
didrockscyphermox: I would love to! looking :)16:51
fgintherdidrocks, looking into what happened here16:52
didrocksfginther: thanks :)16:52
didrockscyphermox: it sounds good to me, did you run it with some autopkg infra?16:54
cyphermoxyeah that's what I'm doing16:55
didrockscyphermox: maybe localcheck should be integrationcheck ?16:55
cyphermoxfor now it's still failing but I was able to manually run it16:55
cyphermoxcould be16:55
didrocksok :)16:55
didrockscyphermox: as you wish for the naming, but this makes more sense to me than "local"16:55
cyphermoxso it's just a matter of getting the autopkgtest script right16:55
didrocksnice work cyphermox, can't wait to see that one down! :)16:55
cyphermoxyeah me too16:56
cyphermoxthe heavy drinking is starting to take a toll ;D16:56
didrockscyphermox: ahah, you needed an excuse for that! :-)16:56
cyphermoxdidrocks: always do :P16:56
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didrocksfginther: bamf and dee are the only 2 remaining ones not merged yet, isn't it?17:27
fgintherdidrocks, compiz is still building17:30
didrocksright :)17:31
fgintherdidrocks, yes, just those 317:32
didrocksfginther: ok, thanks!17:32
didrocksfginther: yeah, maybe in the future, having those bypassing the build will gain a lot of CPU cycle17:32
didrocksfginther: especially as we are doing that everyday now (for all projects having new code)17:32
fgintherdidrocks, I'll make some time to work on this today and next week, will keep you posted17:36
didrocksfginther: excellent, thanks!17:36
didrocksfginther: if you need some special tag to recognize those kinds of merge or have any question, do not hesitate to ask!17:36
fgintherdidrocks, thanks!17:37
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