
rick_h_http://ssaboum.github.com/meta-deps/ cool13:54
snap-lWow, that's pretty sweet13:55
snap-lI love the red dot near the center: setuptools13:55
rick_h_lmao https://twitter.com/rkkski/status/288956938778189824/photo/114:29
rick_h_not sure how real that is, but that's great!14:29
snap-lThis just got me to turn on line numbering in my vim editor14:35
snap-lGod, I love PYthon15:33
snap-lnothing major, just seeing some elegance.15:34
rick_h_the more you know the prettier it gets15:34
snap-lLooking at the QuickWIki tutorial, and the way they find the wikiwords in a document is quite elegant.15:34
snap-lwikiwords = re.compile(r'\b([A-Z]\w+[A-Z]+\w+)', re.UNICODE)15:35
snap-ltitles = set(wikiwords.findall(content))15:35
snap-l(from http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pylons-webframework/en/latest/tutorials/quickwiki_tutorial.html)15:35
snap-lNot sure if anyone of you plays Magic the Gathering (I personally couldn't care less) but apparently Guild of Blades is now a sanctioned Wizards of the Coast location, and has Friday Night Magic tourneys19:42
snap-lThey also have Munchkin Tournaments.19:42
jcastrorick_h_: why do people like rugs21:29
jcastro"I got us an entrance rug!"21:29
jcastroNo, you got a dirt attractor that covers my beloved OAK FLOOR.21:29
snap-lMan, I love this song.21:43
snap-lDiablo Swing ORchestra21:43
snap-ljcastro: I like rugs in moderation21:43
* snap-l knows that will come back to bite him someday.21:43
jcastrosure, I like small rugs, for the shoes and whatnot21:44
jcastrobut don't cover real wood. It's like, my new thing.21:44
jcastrooh god, I'm becoming rick21:45
snap-lWe all get there someday.21:45
* snap-l slips jcastro the rick_h_'s anonymous card21:45
snap-lCall ahead for meeting times21:46
rick_h_jcastro: yea, I'm with you21:47
rick_h_but then again not everyone puts in a nice wood floor, just a cheap one21:47
rick_h_and some people *gasp* don't appreciate the look of a nice wood floor21:47
rick_h_see every bit of 'modern' furniture made of plastic/composites/etc21:47
jcastrothey should be killed21:47
snap-lThat's like not appreciating air21:47
* rick_h_ starts printing snap-l's card as well :P21:48
snap-lGood for 1 free throttling21:48
snap-lHey, I like wood21:49
* snap-l knows that will come back to bite him someday.21:49
snap-lApparently I just love wood and rugs21:49
snap-land cheap plastic21:49
brouschenough about your fetishes. This is a family channel21:49
snap-lOracle: the gift that keeps on giving21:51
jcastroJava was making people suffer long before oracle came around21:53
jcastrothey just make it feel better when you do so21:53
snap-lI don't remember this level of security tom-foolery21:53
snap-lSeriously, they should just open up the code, give it to Apache, and just build Sun hardware.21:55
snap-lthis is ridiculous21:55
jcastroI'm pretty sure no one wants Sun hardware anymore either. :p21:55
snap-ljcastro: Apparently someone is buying them21:55
jcastroPeople buy meth too21:57
snap-lProbably the same set21:57
jcastroBEHOLD MY VIDEOS21:57
snap-lI've been beta-testing this.22:07

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