[00:56] howdy yall [00:56] hey gilbert! [00:56] what up paultag! [00:56] how goes it? [00:57] gilbert: chilln! watching some portlandia and fixing some dput-ng bugs :) [00:57] gilbert: whatabout you? [00:57] what's new? long time no see! [00:57] just back from vacation tyme :) [00:57] \o/ [00:57] gilbert: when are you getting married, again? [00:58] building some chromium ;) [00:58] hhaaha, oh no [00:58] just did! [00:58] no way! [00:58] mazel tov! [00:58] yeppers [00:58] kinda crazy actually [00:58] yeah? [00:58] always seemed like it was super far off [00:59] but its awesome [00:59] :D [00:59] so yeah lots going on [00:59] totally :D [01:00] How's the PhD? [01:00] done [01:00] do you defend soon? [01:00] Nice! [01:00] Dr. Gilbert! [01:00] yeah, that too [01:00] also weird, but cool [01:00] Dr. Gilbert, Married man. [01:01] yeah, alternative universe [01:01] :) [01:01] anyway, huge relief now getting all the big stuff in life done [01:01] hahaha, I bet! :) [01:02] so, the big question [01:02] what next? [01:02] did i ever tell you about psidef? [01:02] nope :) [01:03] it's a security/computer security consulting company that i started last year [01:03] so gonna be working on getting that going for the immediate future [01:03] kickass! [01:03] that's pretty amazing [01:03] yea, exciting times [01:03] you're a machine, gilbert! [01:04] i dunno about that, but perhaps [01:04] robo-gilbert [01:04] hahaha [01:04] anyway i've got some services running on psidef.org, but what i really need to do is work on the html. kinda plain now :( [01:05] * paultag loads [01:05] hahahahahaha [01:05] that's true :) [01:06] anyway, the web front will be more for sales purposes anyway, and i haven't had time to actually take jobs if they were coming in, but that should be changing [01:06] totally. [01:08] what r u up to lately paultag? [01:09] gilbert: still @ sunlight, busy as hell, but really fun. Flying out to CLE to talk @ Carroll on feb 6th, working on some Debian stuff. Wrote a lisp variant I'm talking about on the 24th here in BOS fully hosted in Python [01:09] gilbert: lots of code, not much change. [01:09] good stuff [01:10] lisp is something i have yet to find myself wanting to learn [01:10] aye [01:10] gilbert: it's macro system is a selling point (it's natrual for lisp to process lisp code) [01:11] so it gets handed lexed but not eval'd code in it's natrual list form, and it can return the tree after it digests it [01:11] i get urges to look at haskel every now, and then but lose interest quickly when i run through tutorials examples that are (to me) incredibly ugly [01:11] aye [01:12] if you want to see my slides, I can send you my pre-talk copy [01:12] (I've got it up now) [01:13] i've had crazy thoughs lately about working on a python variant [01:13] yeah? [01:13] yeah, just thoughts about a few things that i don't like that i have ideas on doing better [01:14] iiinteresting [01:14] like what (out of wonderment) [01:14] i've been meaning to write a list down. some things that aren't coming to me right away [01:15] np [01:15] yeah, i'd take a look at the slides [01:15] I'll send them in /query (I like keeping them private before a talk) [01:15] sure [01:16] gilbert: the two-pane layout is a "repl" - left is lisp, right is Python, feel free to edit the left in-slide === bakis is now known as Guest19888 === Guest19888 is now known as bakis === dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away