
magespawnwe are officially listed as a malaria region, but i don't do anything except bug spray/cream repllent.03:59
magespawnsuperfly ^04:03
Kilosmorning all o/05:04
Squirmit's drizzling05:27
Kiloswe still had nothing05:29
Kilospro got a bit last night05:29
Kiloshes maybe 20 or 30 ks from here05:29
Kiloshi timkeller 05:42
Kiloshi superfly 05:43
Kiloshi jrgns 05:58
Squirmour office06:02
Squirmhas a sulfur stench06:02
Kiloswow from what?06:06
jrgnshi Kilos, all06:12
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za 06:16
Trixar_zaHey Kilos06:19
inetproguten morgen06:36
Kiloshiya inetpro 06:37
inetproKilos: those few drops don't count for anything06:37
Kiloswe got nothing06:37
inetprosomebody stole them away06:38
inetproKilos: at least it is much cooler this morning06:38
Kilosyip luckily06:38
Kiloswas a stinker yesterday and last night06:39
inetprohope that we'll see some big rains today06:41
Kilosmaybe we should revive the rain dance06:41
inetpronee man!06:42
inetprojust pray to the big man06:42
Kilosi dont think he is very happy with mankind at the moment06:43
inetprohe'll sort things out 06:43
Kilosyo Vince-0 06:43
Vince-0Hi Kilos 06:47
superflygood evening06:54
* Kilos waves to the fly06:55
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi henkj hubx 07:16
inetprosuperfly: uh, it's morning, really07:16
hubxhi there07:16
Kilosinetpro, http://imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img594/6826/marog.jpg07:17
inetprohubx: wb07:17
inetproKilos: sjoe07:17
inetprolyk soos ware onkruid07:17
Kilosjy gooi dit seker al jare weg07:18
inetprosal moet gaan loer07:18
Kilosdaai goed lekkerder as spinasie  en meer voedings waarde07:18
inetprowat is daai Kilos?07:18
inetprois dit mfino of die ander goed?07:19
Kilosdis die marog wat die ou boere misbredia genoem het want dit het al om krale op gekom07:19
Kilosdie swartes hier noem dit mfino 07:20
superflythanks magespawn that's what I was thinking. I really don't see the need to pump my body full of chemicals07:20
inetprosal bietjie moet kyk 07:20
superflymagespawn: and less so for the kids07:21
inetproKilos: wat pluk jy, groot of klein blare? of albei?07:22
Kilosal blare wat nog mooi is , wat goggas nie by gekom het nie07:22
inetprosuperfly: get a mosquito net for the kiddies07:22
inetproor two07:23
Kiloseek squito probs in a flat?07:23
superflyinetpro: yeah, and tabbard 07:23
superflyKilos: no, in kzn07:23
Kilosoh lol07:24
superflyKilos: I'm going up to visit magespawn in june07:24
Kilosyeah thats great i been watching the planning superfly 07:24
superflywell, we're going to my sister's wedding, and magespawn gets to benefit07:25
Kilossquitos come out as the sun goes down there so if you close up before then you ok07:25
Kilosand can burn mosquito coils as well07:25
Kilosor those plugin thingies07:25
Kilosand nuvolari  too lucky fellas07:26
superflyja 07:26
inetproKilos: too or two?07:30
Kilostoo also as well07:30
nlsthznmorning all 08:21
Squirm[08:02:10] .:Squirm:. has a sulfur stench08:26
Squirm[08:06:02] .:Kilos:. wow from what?08:26
SquirmKilos: don't really know08:26
Squirmmy boss thinks it's water stuck in the conduit08:27
Kilosnot nice squirm but you get used to it after a while , like going to hotwater sulphur springs08:30
Squirmit's not nice at all08:39
superflyI suck at those sorts of games, but that's a pretty good idea09:26
superflyand having teams does make it better09:26
henkjI wouldn't mind playing some games if I wasn't working09:32
magespawnsuperfly fans also work nicely at night to keep the mozzies away, kids under a certain age cannot have tablets, anyway it will be the middle of winter.11:07
superflyya, saw all of that and figured we'd be fine with just precaution11:07
magespawni am up at Hilltop camp in the reserve at the moment11:08
magespawnOn a game drive11:08
charl_good evening11:08
inetpromagespawn: nice 11:10
magespawnTwo days of contrast yesterday 45 in the shade, today 25 cold and rain. 11:11
inetproat least things have cooled down in Pretoria as well11:14
inetprosuperfly: you still enjoying that new phone of yours? 11:15
superflyinetpro: yes11:15
inetproso how's it comparing with that Nokia now? 11:16
superflyI still love the Nokia's physical keyboard and pure linux platform11:20
magespawnNokia ftw11:20
superflybut the Android ecosystem is awesome11:21
superflyI wish I could have a Nokia ecosystem like the Android one11:21
magespawnThe n900 hardware capabilities/flexiblity are cool11:22
magespawnGotta go guys see you later.11:25
inetprosuperfly: I think we'll get there 11:40
inetproone day11:40
superflyinetpro: I hope so, I'm looking forward to seeing how SailFish does.11:42
superflysee? you CAN bottom post from your Android phone.11:47
superflybuncha nerfs 11:48
Kilossome peeps cant even bottom post from a buntu pc11:57
Kilospainful reading mails nowadays posts top and bottom11:58
inetprosuperfly: all we need is for hardware manufacturers to agree in doing things the real open source way12:10
superflyinetpro: fat chance12:10
inetprothe direction that sun microsystems was going12:10
inetproyeah, it's a tough one12:11
inetprohow else will we get there?12:12
inetproKilos: wb12:17
inetprowaar was jy?12:17
Kilosek watch julle nog die hele tyd12:17
inetproek wonder12:18
Kilosen peer het my vir 2 minute gedooi12:19
inetprosuperfly: I must be honest, I see a lot of negativity about Ubuntu/Canonical but I am still very positive about it12:26
inetprowe've come a very long way even if we still have many challenges ahead12:27
inetproand the ecosystem just keeps growing12:27
inetproand it's still very good for Linux as a whole12:27
charl_superfly: didn't nokia dump linux in favour of windows?12:37
nlsthzno/ all I need some advice from the boffins regarding dual screens12:37
* nlsthzn read yesterday nokia is open to android possibilities 12:37
charl_inetpro: that's true but most of the negativity seems to be related to unity though12:38
charl_nlsthzn: that's interesting... i think they are feeling dumped by microsoft considering they are competing with hardware manufacturers now12:38
nlsthznboth companies are in a tight spot but any one of them will jump at the possibility to stay relevant :p12:40
charl_interesting enough, it almost looks like nokia disappeared from the market12:41
charl_i see or hear almost nothing of them these days12:41
inetprowhat we need is for more open source guys to stand together, take a stand and not allow one single company to dominate and take the biggest slice of the cake12:41
* nlsthzn has dual monitors, one conntected to Radeon gfx card and one connected to Intel on-board... Radeon working fine and Intel now showing anything (except at boot time it shows the Ubuntu plymouth screen)12:41
inetprothere is space for everyone12:42
charl_what took me by surprise is that even blackberry is still quite active and their new devices look all the more like android/iphone12:42
charl_nokia lost out bigtime12:42
charl_nlsthzn: good work, which drivers are you using for the radeon?12:43
charl_inetpro: that's easier said than done, although personally i'm quite happy if a few large companies keep competing against each other as well12:44
charl_as long as there's enough competition in the market we can't have microsoft trying to take over the world with their browser again12:44
nlsthznsome more info that might be useful - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208796312:44
nlsthznI am using the radeon drivers from AMD12:45
nlsthznbut the intel card doesn't show if I xrandr etc12:45
charl_is the intel an on-board one?12:47
nlsthznworks very well in Windows from the get go :/12:48
charl_i have an intel hd in my lenovo and it's working great on ubuntu12:48
charl_intel graphics chipsets are so simple they work on almost anything :)12:49
nlsthzncharl_, sure, but I am trying to get both the Intel and Radeon to work at the same time each powering a different monitor12:49
nlsthznIf I go to a tty the intel takes over and the radeon goes blamnk12:50
nlsthznseems it is either the one or the other at the moment12:50
charl_ah, so when you're in X you have a picture on the radeon and not on the intel12:50
charl_and if you go to tty you have it the other way round?12:51
charl_very interesting12:51
charl_i can understand the behaviour if you go to tty but it just means X isn't configured correctly right?12:51
* nlsthzn has no idea12:51
charl_and xrandr gives you only one monitor? or both?12:51
nlsthznonly one12:52
charl_very interesting12:52
nlsthznand won't run on the second in tty cause no x running their :p;12:52
* nlsthzn going to try #u-beginners12:52
charl_not exactly a beginner question imho :)12:52
nlsthznstill better than going to #ubuntu12:53
charl_this looks interesting: https://www.tizen.org/about12:56
* nlsthzn is rather hoping Ubuntu Phone OS gets a ROM for the S3... but tizen might be cool too :p12:58
charl_android not cutting it for you?12:58
nlsthznsure, I love android, but I also like Unity and Ubuntu :p12:59
charl_i like the idea of ubuntu phone but i'm just wondering what the main selling points will be13:00
inetprocharl_: a phone that can be docked to become the desktop on a big screen will be amazing13:01
nlsthznwell in theory with a quad core phone and enough ram you have  a desktop in your pocket 13:01
nlsthznjust need the dock like you said13:01
inetproendless possibilities13:02
charl_it will be hard competing with the number of android apps in google play, and android apps are usually designed specifically with the touch screen in mind13:02
inetproall we need is good hardware13:02
charl_the docking feature is indeed very cool, but i was referring to the latest "proper" ubuntu on a phone13:02
nlsthzncharl_, same13:03
nlsthznubuntu on android is android on the phone, ubuntu when docked, ubuntu phone os is ubuntu on the phone and ubuntu when docked13:04
charl_yeah exactly, the latter then13:04
Kiloshmm i keep disconnecting it seems13:05
Kilosthats something new13:05
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos 13:05
Kiloshi there nlsthzn 13:05
nlsthznspam all the channels :/13:06
Kilosthey already threatening to ban me13:07
charl_it seems like canonical is pushing really hard for the device convergance, same as microsoft13:07
charl_one application that can run across all devices with both touch-screen interfaces and physical mouse/touchpad/keyboard etc13:07
nlsthzncharl_, they state so catagorically13:08
nlsthznUnity isn't just a clever name13:08
nlsthzngreat seems #ubuntu has turned into a spammer channel with only hello's and such 13:14
nlsthznsilly question - where is typical places for xorg.conf to hide (I know one is /etc/X11) any others?13:24
SquirmXDSL released 100Mbit connection13:33
Squirmin SA13:33
Squirm100Mbps – R64,370 per month13:33
Squirmgoogle, in the US, has it for free13:33
Squirmfor 1000Mbps, google charges like $4013:34
* Squirm kicks South Africa13:34
inetproSquirm: ai!13:40
Squirminetpro: it's bad :/13:57
Squirmwell, actually, it's just plain wrong13:57
* inetpro agrees14:01
inetproSquirm: that is our biggest hurdle at the moment14:12
Kilosok all go home now14:25
superflybye! 14:26
Kilostoods superfly 14:26
Kilosgo safe14:26
charl_ciao all15:12
inetprothank you kilos15:44
Kilosfor what now inetpro ?15:44
inetproKilos: you said I can go home15:44
Kiloslong ago man15:44
Kilosyou been sleeping15:45
inetprooh but I didn't see it then15:45
inetproKilos: but /me has been at home long before that15:45
Kilossjoe sklem15:46
Kiloshet jy gelees wat het ek gese15:46
* inetpro had to fetch the highschool kids at school today15:46
inetproKilos: jep, and all done15:47
inetproand dusted15:47
Kilosgood man that was quick15:47
Kilosthem too?15:47
inetproall in a days work15:47
Kilosyoull only get that prob where the ground doesnt rain wet15:47
Kilosthem and flees love dry soil15:48
inetproKilos: we'll sort them all out15:48
Kilosgood man15:48
inetprothanks for the tips15:48
inetprohelps to have a farmer on the channel15:49
Kilosanytime sir15:49
Kilosmy limited knowledge is yours15:49
Kilosyo tumbleweed 15:52
Kilosall good?15:52
tumbleweedyup, pretty good. you?15:57
Kilosweather liars say we had 60% chance of heavy rain today and tonight15:57
Kiloswe had nothing15:57
Kilosgood ty tumbleweed 15:57
tumbleweedwell, it was only a 60% chance :)15:57
Kiloslemme know when you python guys have time to work on the greeter please15:58
Kilosit does funny things15:58
tumbleweedsuch as?15:59
Kilosif i close it by ctrl+c in the terminal and restart it greets everyone individually15:59
Kilosmajor spam15:59
Kilosotherwise it just greets new peeps when channel quiet16:00
tumbleweedright, so it should ignore everyone who's in the channel when it joins16:00
Kiloswhen it joins normally it does ignore them16:00
Kilosonly with the ctrl+c kill16:01
Kilosif i tell it die it doesnt16:01
tumbleweedthat's suprising16:02
Kilosyeah shes a cheeky thing16:02
Kilosyou can visit on ##kilos16:03
Kiloshi Tonberry 16:12
Kilosinetpro, hier kom die wind16:47
* Kilos tuned juank a bit in the mail16:51
inetproKilos: ja ek voel hom hy kom16:51
Kiloshehe hopelik saam met water16:52
Kilosi go eat16:56
Kiloshi smile 17:14
smilehi :p17:14
Kilosnuvolari, spoel jy weg?17:30
* Kilos peeks in at the morgue18:30
Kiloshmmm,, smelly bunch of corpses18:32
superflytumbleweed: ping18:40
tumbleweedsuperfly: hi18:40
superflytumbleweed: I'm getting 404 errors when I apt-get update on my Debian sid VM18:41
superflylemme pastebin my output18:41
tumbleweedsounds like a broken mirror18:42
superflytumbleweed: I'm using ftp.debian.org and security.debian.org18:43
superflyErr http://security.debian.org sid/updates/main Sources18:43
superfly  404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:43
superflyI've messed around with it a bit, tried to get it back to normal. hold on while I get it18:44
tumbleweedsuperfly: security.debian.org doesn't have a /debian/18:47
superflytumbleweed: still getting a 404: Err http://security.debian.org unstable/updates/main Sources18:50
tumbleweedoh, and of course, unstable isn't doesn't have security support18:51
tumbleweedunstable's security updates come in the form of new uploads to unstable18:51
tumbleweedtesting gets security updates, but only very rarely18:52
* superfly was trying to get the most recent version of Firefox, er IceWeasel, as opposed to version 1018:52
tumbleweedmost come through unstable18:52
tumbleweedsuperfly: you probably want mozilla.debian.net18:52
superflytumbleweed: right18:52
* superfly sees the light18:55
superflytumbleweed: I've decided to move to Debian18:55
superflynot sure exactly when, got data to backup and move and stuff18:56
superflybut the KDE that comes with Debian is just smoother than what comes with Kubuntu18:57
tumbleweeddon't tell the kubuntu people that :P18:58
superflyI'm over them. I tried to get help from them once and everyone was pointing at everyone else.18:59
tumbleweedI find Kubuntu one of the most functional areas of Ubuntu. They manage suprisingly well with a tiny team18:59
tumbleweedbut it probably helps that there's a coherent upstream and no commercial conflicts18:59
magespawnevening all19:05
Kiloshi magespawn 19:05
Kiloswe still had no rain19:05
magespawnWe had rain today and major drop in temp19:06
Kilostemps dropped lekker but no water19:06
* Squirm looks at inetpro 19:12
Squirmseems I have you on twitter19:12
inetproSquirm: why?19:12
SquirmI just saw an email saying you retweeted something from Command Line Magic19:13
Squirmbecause I don't use twitter, twitter seems to send me random messages to remind me I have an account :P19:14
inetproSquirm: hmm... ok19:14
inetpromust be one of those rather interesting retweets19:14
Squirmlsof / | awk '/ DEL /{proc[$1]=1;} END{for (name in proc){print name;}}' # names of processes that keep deleted files open.19:15
inetproahh, I liked that19:15
inetprolsof is one very underestimated powerful command19:15
inetprowith so many different things you can use it for19:16
inetproand combined with awk the above is just lovely19:17
inetprogeek heaven19:17
inetproI particularly love that last for loop in awk19:19
inetprohave never used it before this to be honest19:19
* magespawn goes to read up on lsof and awk19:21
superflyinetpro is showing his sysadmin side19:22
inetprosuperfly: eh :-P19:23
inetprosuperfly: it's nice, isn't it?19:24
superflyinetpro: I'm not a sysadmin, never needed to use it19:24
inetprojust copy and paste that on your desktop19:25
inetproeven there it returns interesting info19:25
inetprothen do the following and see how awk transformed it for you19:26
inetprolsof / | grep DEL19:26
inetprothen go and do it on a busy server and you will appreciate the coolness19:27
inetprocopy and paste in your cli*19:28
inetprooh and here's another magic one from climagic that just landed on twitter19:41
inetprols -rtl | tail -n 1 19:41
inetprowell not so magic but useful19:43
inetprotail -n 1 can be shortened to just tail -119:43
inetprooh and if you need to watch a folder with a number of frequently changing files just do this:19:47
inetprowatch 'ls -lt --full-time | head'19:47
inetprois it Friday evening?20:10
inetproahh, no wonder it's so quiet here20:11
inetpromagespawn: BTW, did you see anything today?20:11
magespawnBig five except leopard20:12
magespawnyup pretty cool despite the weather20:12
inetproit cold there?20:13
magespawnFor us yes20:13
inetprointeresting how we have these extreme fluctuations this year20:14
inetprothis season*20:14
inetproI guess even the animals are confused20:14
magespawnThey tend to react as it happens20:18
magespawnMost of the big ones prefer colder weather20:22
inetpronow that is interesting20:23
magespawnMeans they can stay more active without overheating20:24
inetpromakes sense20:26
superflymagespawn: where do you do these game drives?20:32
inetprosuperfly: I'm guessing the hluhluwe game reserve?20:33
* inetpro was there many years ago20:34
inetprovery nice area20:34
magespawnMost of the time but occasionaly some of the others20:34
inetprooh of course, there are many private farms as well20:34
magespawnAnd Mkuze, St Lucia/isiMangaliso20:36
inetprosjoe magespawn, you go as far as the St Lucia park as well?20:37
magespawnSometimes, only about 100 km though20:38
magespawni have a warped sense of far when it comes to driving20:39
inetpromagespawn: you have a tracking app on your mobile phone?20:41
inetproor other device even?20:41
magespawnSomewhere never used it though20:41
inetprosome very useful apps that are available for android these days20:42
inetprocould be interesting if you used it on a regular basis to see where you have gone and where not20:43
inetproand then marking the areas where you have spotted the different animals20:43
magespawnYeah would be, how many times i have been down the same roads20:44
magespawnI do that that at the current company i have done about 150 000 km of game drive20:45
magespawnWork out how far you drive per day, then work it over 10 years, give yourself a shock20:47
* inetpro calls it a night20:51
inetprogood night everyone20:51
magespawnGood night21:05
magespawnI am also off, night y'all21:05

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