
WanderingEnderIts basically the CLI version of the desktop upgrade, Ziber.00:00
ZiberWell, they're talking about using the GUI... How do I do it at the commandline?00:00
jribZiber: scroll down to the server section00:00
ZiberI don't see it.00:01
bond__blami: you know how to check for MSS in ubuntu?00:01
jribZiber: what page are you reading?00:01
WanderingEnderThese docs need updated.00:02
WanderingEnderdesktop is only for desktop users. No info for server.00:02
jribZiber: yes, that tells you how to upgrade 12.04 desktop to 12.10.  Try the other link...00:02
Ziberhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade ?00:02
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:02
WanderingEnderEOL is ancient talks about getting up to 10.04 in the future.00:02
Ziberthe upgradenotes one?00:02
jribit's true, the documents need some tlc00:03
jribZiber: yes00:03
WanderingEnderUpgradeNotes stops at 11.04 to 11.1000:03
jribZiber: it gives you the steps, but you may or may not need to change your repositories. We'll help you cross that bridge when you get there00:03
Rage1Can I use recovery mode to undo an upgrade?00:03
jribRage1: depends on what you mean by "undo"00:03
ZiberYeah, I don't see anything about server there.00:03
jribZiber: did you click on the link for your version?00:04
Ziberoh, nevermind. found it.00:04
Rage1to reset my computer back to 10.0400:04
WanderingEnderZiber: "server" just means there's no GUI.00:04
jribRage1: no00:04
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WanderingEnderI'm running "Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS" which I installed lbuntu on top of. What I do in CLI is no different than on a straight server version.00:05
Slart!downgrade | Rage100:05
ubottuRage1: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.00:05
Rage1I've been desperately trying to somehow downgrade/reinstall ubuntu back to 10.0400:05
Rage1and I already know that00:05
WanderingEnderHeck, this box isn't even in the same country I am in.00:05
jribRage1: what version are you on now?00:05
Rage112.04 LTS00:05
WanderingEnderRage1, the way to downgrade is to backup your data and install 10.04.00:06
jribRage1: why do you want to downgrade?00:06
Rage1constant error messages00:06
WanderingEnderWhy you're doing that, I don't know, but that's the safest way.00:06
Rage1programs failing00:06
jribRage1: like?00:06
Rage1printer not working00:06
Rage1stuff like drapes and adblockplus are crashing00:07
crackguycan I ask CentOS related questions here? #centos is pretty dead if that's okay?00:07
macmartineUnicorn is all of a sudden failing to start and telling me to look in stderr. Where is that?00:07
jribcrackguy: only ubuntu here.  Maybe try ##linux00:07
Rage1and I keep getting a bunch of internal errors00:07
crackguyjrib, ##linux is dead too! :(00:07
WanderingEnderRage1, format your PC, install 10.04. That's how you do it. The proper response is to diagnose wtf is going on, though.00:08
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Rage1I'm not very smart when it comes to computer errors and this stuff00:08
jribRage1: have you tried creating a fresh new user to see if it continues?00:08
jribRage1: could be worth a shot00:08
vithin /etc/apt/preferences when specifying to pin by origin, is the domain name the only way? i want to be more specific than "ppa.launchpad.net". i'm trying to pin ppa:izx/ovz-libc or http://ppa.launchpad.net/izx/ovz-libc/00:09
Rage1If I create a new user will I have to change a bunch of stuff?00:09
SlartRage1: if you're experiencing lots of crashing you might want to run a memory check as well00:09
jribRage1: well you won't retain your customizations but you're doing this to see if the errors stop00:09
Rage1and do you mean deleting my old user and creating a new one?00:10
WanderingEnderRage1, did your PC come with Ubuntu from the store?00:10
jribRage1: no.  Just create a new one00:10
Rage1I installed it00:10
WanderingEnderRage1, do you know how to create a new user?00:10
jrib!pinning | vith00:11
ubottuvith: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:11
jribvith: there's some discussion there.  What do you want to do exactly?00:11
WanderingEnderThat's what I thought. I can't remember the bot trigger for that. I would suggest help.ubuntu.com and search for "create new user"00:11
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BaribalHi again. I'm trying to follow this tutorial to upgrade 12.04 -> 12.10: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades     When running do-release-upgrade, I get no new release offered. Should the value of Prompt in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades something other than lts?00:11
WanderingEnderBaribal, yes, it should.00:12
jribBaribal: yes, see the comments at the top of that file00:12
w3bcrawlerdoes anyone know which repo's (if any) vmware can be downloaded from? it's not showing up when i use 'apt-cache search vmware'00:12
WanderingEnderLTS means you won't get a dist upgrade till the next LTS version.00:12
jrib!vmware | w3bcrawler00:12
ubottuw3bcrawler: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware00:12
WanderingEnderWhich is what, 2014?00:12
jribw3bcrawler: not sure there is a repo00:12
BaribalOkay, thanks, that's stress blindness. ^^00:12
jribWanderingEnder: yes00:12
w3bcrawlerThanks jrib! :D00:12
MK`Is there a way to get Ubuntu to remember to set the sound device to my headphones when I plug them in? I need to keep doing it manually.00:13
vithjrib: i want to do something like "Pin: origin ppa.launchpad.net/izx/ovz-libc/". will that work with the subdirectories specified that way?00:13
vithevery example i see only has a base domain name after origin00:13
jribvith: I'm not sure.  Can't you just pin the package?00:13
jribvith: are you trying to make sure only the ppa version is installed?00:14
ozzloyrhythmbox isn't playing flac for me.  12.04.  i'm unable to find the solution using google (so far).  how do i get flac playback in rhythmbox?00:14
vithi could, but i thought i could make it easier on myself pinning the whole ppa since there's several packages00:15
vithbut yeah, i'm on an openvz vps with an old kernel version so i have to keep this version of libc installed00:15
vithnow that i'm trying to install build-essential it's getting more complicated00:15
jribvith: the debian documentation linked to from ubottu's link tells you about all the possibilities and where the you can find the files with the details for each repository00:16
tripelbBillyZane: hey am back OK to pm me to .. I need t know what computer you have. Like the current os? Not the brand. And Google install Ubuntu window.     Or Mac depending, while you wait, heh.00:18
questionairehow to install skype on 12.10 ? i added partner repository by sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" then doing sudo apt-get install skype is of no help also did sudo apt-get install skype-bin skype00:19
jribquestionaire: what is the output of: dpkg --print-foreign-architectures00:19
gonzojiveI'm getting a kernel-panic on a lived that was working 10 minutes ago00:19
roastedQuestion - I have a hard drive here I want to back up. If I use rsync -a, will it effectively back it up? Or should I just use dd or clonezilla?00:19
gonzojivethat is the livecd hangs at the loading screen00:20
roastedback up as in, I want to transfer the entire OS too00:20
gonzojivebut before it was booting up properly.  this is 12.0400:20
questionairejrib: no output on screen for dpkg --print-foreign-architectures commad completes thats it00:20
jribquestionaire: output of "uname -m"?00:21
questionairejrib: x86_6400:21
kunjiroasted: dd rescue works well, using dd without the rescue bit doesn't do any error checking if I recall correctly00:21
jribquestionaire: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update   # then try installing skype again00:22
goddardmy system takes 140 seconds to start00:22
goddardhey can some one help me with this boot chart http://i1337.photobucket.com/albums/o667/Ryein/goddard-G73Jw-quantal-20121203-1_zps93aa7231.png00:22
bond__Does anybody here know how to check MTU size in ubuntu?00:22
Slartbond__: ifconfig or ethtool perhaps?00:23
questionairejrib: i was following this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/215298/unable-to-install-skype-on-12-10-64bit also did wget command but at 21-22% it said can't read source try again later00:23
kunjibond__: yeah ifconfig will show it00:23
tripelbHave 2002 powerpc iMac 384M RAM and booting the "12.04 desktop ppc-mac liveCD" (Precise)  starts up with a text screen, but gives no chance to check disk integrity,. After that, from that shell, all my tries to boot ubuntu from the liveCD are UNsuccessful. Anyone up for helping?00:23
bond__thanks kunji and Slart,  do you also know how to check for Tcp initial window size? /proc/sys/net/ivp4/ didn't helped me00:25
kunjitripelb: Hey, I've been reading up on it, but while I did have it work in the past, I didn't encounter the same problems you did, so I'm probably not going to be that much help.  I'll send anything I find that fits those symptoms your way though.00:25
javierf_Hi! I installed fresh ubuntu last time in 11.04, being upgrading since them until 12.10. But I carry some minor bugs, little things that don't work anymore as they should. I've decided to format my hard drive and install everything from new, but after so long time there are many things I will loose, like the applications installed. Is there a way to save the list of what I have installed and use it after the ubuntu install to have them back? thanks!00:25
jrib!clone | javierf_00:25
ubottujavierf_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate00:25
questionairejrib: ??00:26
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jribquestionaire: did you try what I said?00:26
kunjibond__:initial window size, hmm, haven't got a clue, I've got a feeling it's done by the driver and there might not be a standard way to check it, that's just a guess though.00:26
mantfirehi hi00:27
Slartbond__: I have no ideas either.. googling didn't really turn up anything useful00:27
mantfirei have some error upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 with update  manager00:27
ixio2bguys /dev/sda is giving me grief, ATA errors etc. I have added a new disk of the same size. I want to dd /dev/sda to /dev/vdb... but is there a way I can DD only the used data on the disk.. its a 1TB disk with only 12GB being used. I dont want to DD 98% of zeros00:27
bond__Slart: googling didn't help me either :(00:28
bekksixio2b: No, there is no such tool on the level where dd operates.00:28
holysinuse windows instead00:28
mantfirei found my error here  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/101556700:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 1015567 in dpkg (Ubuntu Quantal) "upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [Critical,Fix released]00:28
bond__kunji: its not done by driver. I am sure about that00:28
mantfirebut the script there dont solve the problem00:28
kunjibekks: I believe you can dd a partition or even just a folder, let me double check though00:29
agentHi there. I've upgraded to 10.04 and keep having problems with the wireless. First it was dropping, I sorted it. Now it isn't connecting. It is staying in Airplane mode. I've tried some forum suggestions. Could anyone suggest something? Thanks00:29
agent12.04, sorry00:29
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning00:29
bekkskunji: You can dd a partition, but the logical used content of a filesystem, neither a folder.00:30
javierf_!automate | javierf00:30
ubottujavierf: please see above00:30
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kunjibekks: Hmm, but you can for an image file00:30
bekkskunji: No. Even for an image file, you cant dd just a single file from within your image file.00:31
Slartdoes dd even know about files and such? isn't it all just blocks?00:31
vithjrib: alright, i think i got it with "Pin: release o=LP-PPA-izx-ovz-libc" which i got from apt-get policy. thanks00:31
jribvith: cool00:31
bekksSlart: dd has no clue about filesystems.00:31
kunjiixio2b: So I think you could shrink your partition with gparted, then use dd-rescue to copy it.  You take the risk that something could go wrong during the partition shrinking though.00:31
kunjibekks: I didn't mean a single file from the image, but what I meant was the image file is a single file in your filesystem... so it's not correct to say it can't at all00:32
Slartbekks: mm.. thought so =) thanks00:33
questionairejrib: it is showing for install now....but its showing 149MB data for installation,,,,,is it ok....skype file from MS is only 25-35mb something00:33
bekkskunji: dd can handle block devices, and it treats an image file as a block device.00:33
javierf_if I want to replicate my packages in a fresh install of ubuntu, I will repeat the minor bugs I'm experiencing now, am not I? (because I will keep my home configutation files)00:33
jribquestionaire: you probably need some dependencies.  I don't know00:33
jribjavierf_: if the erratic behavior is caused by your configuration, sure.  Why don't you create a fresh new user and see if the "bugs" go away/00:34
javierf_jrib: that's a very good idea, I'll try that. thanls00:34
questionairejrib: its shwing 2 screen full of packages00:34
jribquestionaire: skype uses 32-bit packages, so that may be possible00:35
questionairelook at these---are these good enough ?? http://www.noobslab.com/2012/11/install-latest-skype-41-in-ubuntu.html and http://www.tecmint.com/install-skype-4-1-in-ubuntu-xubuntu-linux-mint/00:37
questionairejrib: ^^^00:37
emxi noticed that when a process was idle for a certain period of time i sort of have to wake it up. e.g. the terminal: i press down the enter key and a command prompt appears. a certain time passes and another one appears. the intervals get shorter and shorter until it behaves as expected. can i pass a kernel parameter or something to change this "waking-up behaviour" to "just do your job"?00:37
jribquestionaire: what's wrong with the repositories?00:37
questionairejrib: nothing but on the above 2 links its only 3 stpes with different files00:38
jribquestionaire: use the repository version00:38
ixio2bhow would I find *.vmdk00:39
questionaireok...but if u'll look at those for few seconds then good enough just 6 lines of commands to read00:39
jribquestionaire: I saw them00:40
questionaireok...they are not worth ?00:40
jribquestionaire: if you use the repositories, then you'll get updates automatically00:40
jribquestionaire: if you don't want that for some reason, you can go to skype.com, download the .deb, and double click on it.  Then you have to take care of updates though00:40
questionairebut again i doubt that i'll need deps coz the version supplied is i38600:41
josh_anybody here know about ubuntuforums.org?  I've been trying to log in all day with my launchpad ID, and it just doesn't work00:41
krabador_i need help to reinstall nouveau drivers fully working. i used the package run from nvidia, but with today's kernel upgrade, it don't want to work again after the uninstallation/reinstallation like every kernel upgrade00:41
krabador_please help me00:42
jribjosh_: #ubuntuforums00:42
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questionairejrib: i have marked them for installation....but now if i do aptoncd and backup then will i be able to install them again afterwards ?00:42
jribquestionaire: I don't know about aptoncd00:43
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.00:43
camper123i need help with installing ubuntu00:43
topper4125did you try that wiki krabador?00:43
krabador_topper4125, yes, but now i've in use a non properly working version of nouveau00:44
topper4125!install | camper12300:44
ubottucamper123: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:44
djxvillainI need some hardcore help, is this an appropriate channel?00:44
questionairejrib: there were some suggested packages also but i have left them....only installing default ones00:44
josh_djxvillain: sorry, pron is prohibited on freenode00:45
krabador_topper4125, i used nvidia173 from nvidia site, until today. today i've done the kernel update, in the today's updates, in my 12.1000:45
komradefoxi have a dual-boot of 12.04 and win8. and i'd like to reinstall 12.04. can i just create a live disk, run it, and format my current ubuntu partition, and then reinstall?00:45
djxvillainjosh:  very nice.  hahaha.  Is this a good channel for some video driver related issues?00:45
josh_ask and see00:45
krabador_topper4125, and they stop working. Not so bad, every kernel updates they do it, and i ever reinstalled it later00:46
krabador_topper4125, but after today's update, they don't want to works again, like some incompatibility00:46
topper4125komradefox, yes that will work perfectly00:46
komradefoxtopper4125: grat, thanks :D00:47
topper4125krabador_, k lemme do some digging, I think I have notes on this somewhere00:47
mega1i have a small problem when i use putty and type exit it useto close now it does not anyone know why00:47
djxvillainSooo, on my laptop I was trying to update my video driver because I noticed these strange graphical glitches constantly.  Well, I followed an online 'tutorial' and now my laptop won't even boot up.  Here's the site I used:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Manually_installing_Catalyst_12.6.2C_special_case_for_Intel.2BAC8-AMD_hybrid_graphics00:48
krabador_topper4125, the nouveau version i'm using now, by default, it's not properly workinf00:48
djxvillainI'm freaking out.00:48
magn3tsLet's play a game. Name a gstreamer based music player and I will personally guarantee that I can crash it with my music library.00:49
topper4125krabador_ do you want to use the 173 drivers?00:50
kunjimagn3ts: gstreamer never really worked for me... ever, I just grab vlc right away00:50
magn3tsHaha, banshee won't even open. Rhythmbox opens for 10 seconds. Noise will open but will freeze on a FLAC file and then will fail to ever unstick even after closing/reopening.00:50
* magn3ts doesn't even have that much music00:51
kunjimagn3ts: any  .ape files in your mix? :P00:51
magn3tsHm, not sure. I could check. My `find` fu is weak thoguh00:51
krabador_topper4125, i must, because nouveau, with my card, are really slow00:52
tripelbHi kunji can I pm you?00:52
krabador_topper4125, and my card is supported only in 17300:52
brizilubuntuhow can i install windows 7 onto my external hard drive with ubuntu 12.0400:52
kunjitripelb: Sure, though I haven't found anything new yet T.T00:52
topper4125does this solution work for you? http://askubuntu.com/questions/186801/restoring-nvidia-drivers-from-older-version-of-ubuntu-to-new-version-on-disk00:53
topper4125or is the 173 completely not working after todays update?00:53
tripelbjosh_:  I thim00:53
krabador_topper4125, yes, i've the issue, but i ignored it, by using nvidia official00:53
tripelbjosh_:  I think you might  to register again00:53
tripelbjosh_: use the same userid00:54
krabador_topper4125, yes the 173 official nvidia .run package are not working after today's update00:54
krabador_topper4125, i uninstall it and reinstall it, but nothing00:54
brizilubuntuhow can i install windows 7 onto my external hard drive with ubuntu 12.0400:54
josh_tripelb: right now I'm too pissed off to want to have anything to do with ubuntuforums00:55
brizilubuntuany one can help00:55
josh_tripelb: maybe I'll feel better about it tommorrow00:55
krabador_topper4125, every kernel update i must reinstall it, but ever with no problems00:55
tripelbkunji: OK PS I was macppcgal for a bit00:55
agentHi there. I've upgraded to 10.04 and keep having problems with the wireless. First it was dropping, I sorted it. Now it isn't connecting. It is staying in Airplane mode. I've tried some forum suggestions. Could anyone suggest something? Thanks00:55
topper4125hmm... krabador_ I'll have to do some quick reading on what exactly heppened in todays update to see what the changes were... is the issue bad enough for you that you could revert to the older kernel or do you need the newest one for other reasons?00:55
Rage1can someone help me with a problem with my printer in 12.04?00:55
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bekksbrizilubuntu: As long as you cant install Win7 on your external, Ubuntu cant help you.00:55
=== agent is now known as KoolAid
kunjitripelb: Yeah I saw that :P00:55
topper4125!cups | Ragel00:56
ubottuRagel: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu00:56
krabador_topper4125, no, no reason to use the newest00:56
dr_willisairplane mode on a computer? never noticed that befor00:56
krabador_topper4125, i can come back to the older with no problems00:56
tripelbCan I install Ubuntu on a ppc Mac not GUI as I can see the text as it messes up?00:56
Rage1I just need help with the printer not printing00:56
brizilubuntuu mean we cant install windows 7 on external hard drive00:56
kunjidr_willis: lol, yeah, it's because of the "Convergence"... the phone and tv stuff00:56
tompaHello how do i change my file manager to show folders in list view?00:56
bekksbrizilubuntu: Thats a question for ##windows00:56
topper4125krabador_ I'm not saying that's the *only* solution to this issue, but it maybe the fastest if its a bit of a problem for you.00:57
dr_willistripelb:   Ive had Ubuntu on my old PPC mac. but i always had problems with it. and the mac was so old.. it was a hassle. but it should be doable00:57
Rage1the printer works00:57
brizilubuntui have ubuntu ?00:57
Rage1but there's something wrong with the configuration00:57
KoolAidI'm not finding any help with my question. Is there a more suitable channel to ask in?00:57
mega1i have a small problem when i use putty and type exit it useto close now it does not anyone know why00:57
w3bcrawlertompa: that depends on the file manager you're using. I'm using 'thunar' and it's in the 'View' menu.00:58
krabador_topper4125, i must use the nvidia official with this videocard, because nouveau are really really slow00:58
brizilubuntuso shal i reinstall windows on my laptop an then create an external hard drive fro ubuntu 12.0400:58
krabador_topper4125, unusable00:58
brizilubuntuwill that work00:58
krabador_topper4125,  it's a shitty geforce fx 590000:58
dr_willisbrizilubuntu:  ive ran ubuntu from external usb hds, works decently well00:58
topper4125krabador_ k... looking to see what was in todays update and if anything is mentioned about the 17300:59
HaematomaAnyone have experience configuring postfix or CLI email?00:59
w3bcrawlertompa: If there's a 'Help' menu, go to 'About' and perhaps try Googling how to change settings in your file manager (probably either nautilus or thunar)00:59
KoolAidI tried re-installing an earlier version when I encountered the problem before. I later did a partial update before the up-grade. I'm having problems since the upgrade00:59
HaematomaI'm attempting to set up postfix to use with mail so that I can send myself update emails at the end of a maintenance script.00:59
brizilubuntuhow can i can you give me the link or else any other option i am new to this please00:59
tompaw3bcrawler im using the one which is default in 12.0401:00
bekksbrizilubuntu: The channel you have to ask wether you can install Win7 on an external disk is ##windows01:00
dr_willisbrizilubuntu:  i install to external same as i do internal. I  always manually partion and tell it where to put / at on the  external (same as i do on internal) and be sure grub installs to the external also.01:00
bekksbrizilubuntu: Currently, you are in #ubuntu01:00
w3bcrawlertompa: are you using Gnome or KDE?01:00
dr_willisbrizilubuntu:  or just unplug the internal so you onluy have an external. :) then you cant make a mistake01:00
Rage1topper4125: for some reason the printer works and everything, but it says that the configuration is wrong.01:00
KoolAidHas anyone else encountered the problem of "Airplanemode" on and unable to disable it?01:00
tompaw3bcrawler im using unity01:01
trickyjHi all01:01
KoolAidI was looking for a place to deal with questions about Ubuntu. I keep finding this channel and the forum. Where can I find information?01:02
KoolAidI am not getting any responses01:02
topper4125krabador_ Really not finding anything new for the fx 5900 since mid December, nothing about the latest update...01:03
Rage1!airplane | KoolAid01:03
eduardo__join #ubuntu-br01:03
brizilubuntubekks: so can i install windows 7 on external hard drive with the help of ubuntu 12.04? If so how?01:03
eduardo__join  #ubuntu-br01:03
kunjiKoolAid: you can find information in both places: I haven't had the problem you're having though, I've never turned on airplane mode.  On IRC you need to be patient... very patient, and if you annoy people they won't answer you at all even if they know :P01:03
krabador_topper4125, ok i'll use the older kernel01:03
brizilubuntui don't really know ?01:03
krabador_topper4125, i thanx you01:03
Rage1!airplanemode  | KoolAid01:03
topper4125Ragel Printer make/model?01:03
Rage1what do you mean01:04
KoolAidthanks kunji. I never enabled airplane mode to begin with.01:04
topper4125krabador_ you're welcome, wish I could have been a bit more helpful...01:04
brizilubuntuif not can u let me now the alternate bcoz i need windows01:04
kunjiKoolAid: Yeah, I've never had it start on either though, I have no idea how it interacts with the rest of networking on Ubuntu.01:05
topper4125Ragel the printer you are having problems with, is it a HP 2112 for example?01:05
Rage1It's a canon ip260001:05
KoolAidI closed my wireless connection to use a wire. Hasn't come back on since and I keep trying different things. Don't really want to re-install if I can repair it.01:05
aguitelhow install nvidia-173 in 12.10 ?01:05
mega1briziubuntu you cant use ubuntu to install windows 7 you can only install windows from cd or iso image01:05
magiK_I do have to say that Xubuntu loads allot faster than the regular Ubuntu,  I do have the option for both but running in Xubuntu mode seems to go a heck of allot faster.01:05
ajrossnzhi everyone. Does anyone know how to paste text in xterm using a mac keyboard? I can't seem to get it workinghey everyone. Does anyone know how to paste text in xterm using a mac keyboard? I can't seem to get it working01:05
kunjiKoolAid: There's this: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html  But it makes no mention of Airplane Mode whatsoever T.T01:06
topper4125Ragel, have you tried this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12935001:06
Rage1I don't use archlinux, topper412501:07
brizilubuntumega1 ok i got that but after creating a CD of windows 7  i dont know how to proceed01:07
kunjitopper4125: I think it's Rage1 not Ragel.  (One not Ell)01:07
Rage1yesh :D01:07
topper4125The Arch solution uses cups... same as ubuntu... should be comperable Rage1 (sorry for the typo.. not on my system and this IRC client is 'odd')01:08
topper4125maybe not the same... but comperable01:08
KoolAidthanks kunji. I don't know what's causing it. I had a dropping connection and that fixed. Now I just want to be able to connect via wireless too.01:08
Rage1ah I see01:08
tripelbUh oh. No posts here means lots most connection01:08
tripelbIn cyberspace01:09
tripelbNo one can hear me01:09
kunjitripelb: I can here you!01:09
topper4125Rage1, should give you a step in the right direction.01:09
kunji*hear.. lol01:09
un2himMagiK...I'm trying xubuntu as well as mint xfce.  Lots to like (speed), but I always end up going back to stock ubuntu01:10
Rage1it doesn't really mention anything about configuration problems01:10
mega1brizilubuntu: you have to be very carfull make sure you know where you are installing to and windows 7 may replace the mbr of you internal hd and you may have to repair it when you are finshed but you have to boot into the cd to install windows 701:10
brizilubuntuis their any link explaining abt installation of windows onto external drive please can u give the step sothat it may be easy..01:13
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brizilubuntumega1: Is their any link explaining abt installation of windows onto external drive please can u give the step sothat it may be easy..01:14
Rage1can someone at all help with an error in my canon ip2600 printer?01:14
zgI run realvnc on my server and was wondering if it's possible to keep it running while I am logged out of the machine01:15
MarcNAny pointers on debugging the IDE on WinXP/7/8? The serial/usb driver is not installing.  I'm helping FIRST Robotics kids and *none* of the kids' laptops properly load the driver provided with the 1.0.3 windows kit.01:15
mega1brizilubuntu: its not that hard once you boot into the cd there is a big buttion called install now click it next pick hd after that it will be installed01:16
dr_williszg:  thats how vnc normally works for me.01:16
MarcNIDE 1.0.1 works great on *my* Ubuntu laptop, but the student's aren't up for that...01:16
dr_williszg:  i ssh in, start a vncserver with a remote/hidden desktop. it stays  in the bacckground if i  disconnect/reconnect the vnc client01:16
brizilubuntumega1: thanks i will try ;-)01:17
MarcNoops! Wrong window.  Sorry...01:17
zgyou ssh in, but I don't want to enable that capability ;)01:17
dr_williszg:   the question is do you want to see the CURRENT visible  desktop. or have a hidden desktop session01:18
mega1does anyone know why when i putty into my server and type exit it does not close the putty window01:18
dr_willisYou can spawn a vnc session from rc.local at boot time and it will stay running untill you close it01:18
brizilubuntuI have on more problem i recently brought a Epson XP 405 printer and i install the drivers but in does't detect it can any one help me with it?01:18
robmanheya - anyone have any tips on how to get tproxy enabled on 12.04LTS01:19
zgdr_willis: I downloaded the proprietary software from realvnc.com, so i'm not sure01:19
dr_willismega1:  first guess.. its a putty setting to close window on disconnect01:19
dr_williszg:  theres no need to get realvnc from them. theres dozens of vncservers in the repos01:19
dr_willis!info tightvnc01:19
mega1it closes when i connect to my frends server01:19
ubottuPackage tightvnc does not exist in quantal01:19
dr_willis!find tightvnc01:19
zgdr_willis: I prefer realvnc01:19
ubottuFound: tightvncserver, xtightvncviewer, tightvnc-java01:19
dr_willisthen i guess you  should read the realvnc docs.. all the vnc servers work about the same01:20
compdocI like vnc4server - also in the repos01:20
zgtheirs doesn't work the same01:20
dr_willisthen you should definatly be reading their docs01:20
zgtheir latest version doesn't work with other clients trying to connect -- you need their client :/01:20
dr_willissounds liek a good reason to NOT use realvnc then01:20
kunjiI'll second that01:21
brizilubuntuI recently brought a Epson XP 405 printer and tried printing it can any one help me with it?01:21
dr_willisthe thing people comming from windows have a hard time understanding is that vnc can have  several 'hidden' desktops running in the background that you only see via a vnc client. which is differnt from shareing the current visible desktop.01:22
dr_willisin windows vnc can only share the current desktop (last i looked)01:22
zgis this related to the "tty" numbers that I see in the `who'01:22
dr_willisin linux, it can do it either way01:22
Alward‏​‏​السَِـِْلآِمَِ ‏عَِلَِيَِڳِـِّمَِ وَِرَِحَِمَِـُِھِّ اَِلَِلَِـِّہًِ وَِبَِرَِڳِآِتَِـٌِہٍََ🌹01:22
mega1dr_willis: it will close when i connect to my frieds server01:23
dr_willismega1:  if you set up vnc right. it will stay in the background.01:23
dr_willisif you set it up a differnt way it spawns on connection, then closes on disconnect01:23
zgmy vnc is setup to start when logged in01:24
dr_willisthats why it closes on exit then.01:24
zgit "spawns" on login, and goes away on disconnect01:24
zgon logout*01:24
zgspawns at login, "despawns" on logout01:24
zgI've always had issues setting up alternatives01:25
dr_willisi can start a tightvnc session with openbox. and leave it rinning in the background, i can then logoiut  and then connect to the vnc session from any vnc client. the desktop stays running01:25
zgfinding clients that are cross-platform, etc..01:25
zgwhen I found realvnc, everything worked, I didn't have any issues01:25
dr_willismost vnc clients/servers are cross platform..   except aparently realvnc01:25
dr_willisi use tightvnc with vnc4server,  with tigervnc. with.. i cant think of the others.01:25
dr_willisseveral vnc clients on my phone'01:25
zgi'm gonna look into vnc now01:26
zgon ubuntu store01:26
dr_willisfreenx is better then vnc in many ways01:26
dr_willisstore? its in the default repos. :) no need to buy anything in the store.01:26
zgI just installed one called X11VNC Server01:26
dr_willisx11vnc shares the CURRENT desktop.01:26
zgerr, Software center, my mistake01:27
dr_willisit works the same as VINO does in gnome.01:27
zgso, if I want to remotely control my ubuntu desktop (at home) from anywhere, what would your recommendation be01:27
dr_willisso to use it you have to login locally first and never logout locally01:27
dr_willisvnc across the  internat would require ssh tunnles also. so not  the  best way to do it01:27
dr_willisacross the internet.. i just ssh. I  dont use a desktop/or vnc.01:28
zgI also want to be able to reboot remotely and be able to still remotely control01:28
dr_willis3g/4g can be real laggy when doing it from the internet on my phone i find.01:28
zghm, I might as well just setup ssh01:29
zgerr, you know, get a better password setup,  a different port, etc etc.01:29
dr_willisssh is the sort of thing you should DEFINATLY have if you want to remote into your pc01:29
zgI should setup private/public keys instead of passwords01:29
dr_willisyep. i do that normally but it can be a pain01:29
dr_willislike i try a new ssh client.. got to figure out how to import the keys first..01:30
zgputty all the way :D01:30
zg(if windows)01:30
dr_williswindows? who uses that any more01:30
zgsince yesterday? not me01:30
dr_willisIm on my android phone right now01:30
dr_willisi irc into my znc zerver on my raspberry pi linux box. ;)  then get here via znc01:31
dr_willisi can ssh into my pcs if i wanted to also.. but rarely  need to these days.01:31
dr_willisand putty has some really annoying 'quirks' ;)01:33
dr_willisbut its the windows mindset.. its what everyone uses and has used.. so no  one wants to try to  change/find somthing better01:33
zgznc is the most epic software evar01:34
dr_willisputty + xming is handy if you got a ubuntu box on the lan (or linux box)01:34
dr_willisyou can ssh x forward to the windows box and see gui apps on windows then.01:34
zgthe best part is that I've been "connected" since january 3rd, lol01:34
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zgwhere is the sshd port configuration on ubuntu? I can't seem to find it01:35
dr_willis /etc/ssh/sshd*01:35
dr_willisnear the top01:35
zgno sshd* stuff in there01:35
dr_willisperhaps you dont have the ssh server installed then01:36
zgthat's what I was thinking01:36
dr_willissetup fail2ban and logwatch also to see if anyones trying to break in to your ssh ports. ;)01:36
dr_willischangeing port #'s is  not really mich of a security improvement.01:36
zgyou mean znc supports ssh?01:39
zgor that's how you connect? I don't want to connect to znc01:39
brizilubuntuI recently brought a Epson XP 405 printer and tried printing it can any one help me with it?01:43
dr_willisi set my irc client on my phone to connect to the znc port on the pc01:44
dr_willisyou could ssh tunnle if  you  wanted i guess01:44
ShawnRiskhow come my hard drive on my laptop is making noise?   I know this might be because of the spinning but how do I make this stop?01:44
zgnah, I just want to connect to ssh over a different port01:44
dr_willisthats like l one of the first settings in the sshd config files01:45
cmj141Gtk-Message **: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Gnome.pm line 103, <> line 2.01:45
cmj141 01:45
cmj141is this bad01:45
kunjiShawnRisk: honestly you don't... unless you've got access to a cleanroom and lots of specialized tools.  You backup everything and budget for a new drive when the current one fails.01:45
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dr_willishard drives are the weakest link in pc hardware these days it seems..    they can fail at any time01:46
RollinV2cmj141: i think i know the fix, i just removed that problem from my system01:46
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ShawnRiskkunji: this is not loud just noise is coming from the computer.01:46
cmj141RollinV2 : im all ears... i mean eyes01:47
dr_willishard drive starts making weird noises.. time to make sure you  got current backups01:48
RollinV2cmj141: try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1518796/01:48
RollinV2cmj141: hope it works for you, i spent about 20min using google fu to find those solutions01:49
sceleusI am having some serious ubuntu graphics driver issues01:49
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cmj141ill let u know thx!01:50
sceleusRunning a nvidia gtx 550 TI and tried to install the graphics drivers and now my screen is stuck in 1024x768 mode and the entire OS scrolls when I move the mouse to the edge of the screen.01:50
mega1in ubuntu server 12.04 how do i format unpatictioned hd01:51
bentinatahow can I create an global-menu on xfce4-panel?01:51
bentinatamega1, use disk-manager01:51
bentinatamega1, palimpsest01:52
jsebeanhello all, I am trying to install the Ubuntu BCM4312 drivers on my computer. Usually it installs automatically but for some reason with ubuntu 12.10 64bit it wont, any ideas what deb packages I can download to install it manually?01:52
zghow do I change my ubuntu apt-get mirrors01:53
zgthe mirror I'm on is horribly slow01:53
jsebeanthe bcm4312 is actually working off of my USB stick but the install wont01:53
jsebeanI have no ethernet so I cannot install it from the repos.01:53
bentinatazg, software-properties-gtk01:54
zgbentinata: where is that? /etc?01:55
bentinatazg, no. open terminal and type "sudo software-properties-gtk"01:55
zgoh nice01:55
KsMjsebean: BCM4312 needs broadcom's proprietary "wl" kernel module, so you'd have to enable restricted repos/packages01:57
KsMnot sure if ubuntu still uses jockey-gtk, that might have the package that provides wl01:57
djxvillainSooo, on my laptop I was trying to update my video driver because I noticed these strange graphical glitches constantly.  Well, I followed an online 'tutorial' and now my laptop won't even boot up.  Here's the site I used:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Manually_installing_Catalyst_12.6.2C_special_case_for_Intel.2BAC8-AMD_hybrid_graphics01:58
lombardodoes ubuntu usually listen on udp port 39166 and 5353?01:58
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dr_willisin 12.10 the addiditional-drivers tool is in a tab under the software-sources tool02:02
dr_willislombardo:  theres no default services.. so by default it dosent listen to any ports02:03
zgany ideas why mount.ntfs is taking up a lot of CPU?02:03
zg(I used wubi to install ubuntu)02:03
dr_willisbecause your whole ubuntu system is on a ntfs drive02:03
dr_willisin a file on a ntfs filesystem02:03
dr_willismost people in here learn to avoid wubi. ;)02:04
bekkszg: It is a design problem and one of the caveats of a filesystem implementation in userspace.02:04
zgany way to move that into it's own dual-boot and access hardware directly?02:04
zgwithout reinstalling everything? :(02:04
dr_willistheres tools out there to convert a wubi install to a hd install02:04
dr_willismight be easier to just reinstall.02:04
66MAAHTUCHello all! Can anyone recommend a good how to, tutorial on how to setup sshJails on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS or higher?02:04
bentinatahuh, I use wubi, but my system on ext402:04
dr_williswubi installs into a file thats got ext4 INSIDE the file. mounted via the loop  back features02:05
dr_willisits still on a windows drive. Unless its gained some new features.02:05
KI4ROI have a Canon PIXMA 280 plugged into a USB port on my wife's UBUNTU machine that works fine from her machine.  Now I am trying to access it from my machine with address but I don't seem able to print to it.  Any ideas?02:06
zgdoes ubuntu detect windows installations automatically02:06
dr_williszg:  normally yes02:06
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Dougie187In gnome classic, how do you change the modified button for move window?02:06
dr_willisKI4RO:  use the cups web interface on her machine. make sure the thing is setup to share the printer/server to the network perhaps.02:06
Dougie187Like, changing alt to super02:06
KI4ROdr_willis, CUPS web interface?02:07
undertakeri'm hav[ing issues burning an iso to a disc02:07
dr_willisDougie187:  you mean  the alt-click anywhere to move a window feature?02:07
undertakerincredibly aggravating02:07
dr_willisKI4RO:  yes.  the cups server  has a web interface on http:// localhost:63102:07
bentinatadr_willis, if I format the disk with wubi02:07
magiK_I've been using the Xubuntu desktop instead of Unity and I haven't gotten any crashes yet so I think I'm going to be sticking with this for awhile.02:08
bentinatadr_willis, is my system still ntfs?02:08
eduardojoin #ubuntubr02:08
bekksbentinata: You do not format any disks using wubi :)02:08
Dougie187dr_willis: yeah. I want to change it from alt to super.02:08
KI4ROdr_willis, I'll have a look02:08
dr_willisbentinata:   wubi installs ubuntu to a file on the windows drive.. not sure what you  formated..02:08
66MAAHTUCHello all! Can anyone recommend a good how to, tutorial on how to setup sshJails on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS or higher?02:08
Dougie187dr_willis: but in gnome classic. not unity.02:08
dr_willisDougie187:  the alt-click thing is a feature of X> its the same reguardles sof window manager/desktop i  belive02:08
undertakercan anyone help with an .iso burning issue?02:09
bentinataI booted with an USB stick, it's wubi right?02:09
Dougie187dr_willis: well, in unity I can change it with ccsm, under the "Move windows" section. But I'm not sure how to change it in no effects gnome classic, when it doesn't have compiz running02:09
bentinataor wubi is just installation on windows?02:09
magiK_bentinata, no wubi is ran from inside windows02:09
eduardo gente02:09
magiK_bentinata, do not use wubi it is very slow02:09
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dr_williswell wubi installs from insode windows.. but you boot the wubi install and are not RUNNING wubi inside windows.02:10
bentinatathanks dr_willis, magiK_, bekks02:10
dr_willisits just ON a windows partition/filesytem02:10
magiK_dr_willis, Even so wubi is significantly slower02:10
magiK_dr_willis, and you will need to defragment your harddrive often.02:10
dr_willisit will be slower.. never seen any benchmarks02:10
magiK_dr_willis, I use to run ubuntu through wubi and it fragmented my hd so fast it's not even funny02:11
dr_willisthat dosent make sence - the ubuntu hd file is a single huge file made at install...02:11
dr_willisso i cant imagine  why it would fragment the windows install over time.02:11
magiK_dr_willis, so I switched to a full install. more speed and don't have to worry about fragmentation issues because you have the full ext4 filesystem.02:11
dr_willisi dont use wubi. so i dont worry about wubi02:12
bentinatawhy people use wubi? basic installation isn't so difficult02:12
undertakercan anyone help with an .iso burning issue?02:12
dr_willisi keep waiting for wubi to get removed from the  disks02:12
magiK_dr_willis, ;) yeah wubi is cool just for someone to try out and see if they will like ubuntu02:12
dr_willisundertaker:  clarify the issue.02:13
undertakerwell, i'm trying to mount this ubuntu studio .iso to a disc02:13
djxvillainCan someone please help me with this error:  "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface).  It is likely that it is not set up correctly.  Please, please, please help me.  It's on my wife's laptop and she has a lot of data on there that we can't afford to lose.  Please help.02:13
Pacman_Hey When i do Apt-get update i got Static ip set but got these errors http://pastie.org/private/3r6x6badmz377saqjjvvra02:13
undertakeracetone iso can't find my disk drive02:13
dr_willisundertaker:  you mean mount the iso to a directory?02:13
undertakerthe mounter that comes with ubuntu won't even open02:13
undertakeri... have no clue02:14
undertakeri just want to get ubuntu studio and it told me to mount it to a disc02:14
dr_willisundertaker:  you BURN to an actual disk/optical drive.. you MOUNT to a directory02:14
Dougie187dr_willis: I got it. I had to use dconf-editor. Just in case you were curious. Thanks. :D02:14
dr_willisI dont see how mounting the iso will acomplish much.. whats your end goal?02:14
dr_willisDougie187:  i dont even rember the original problem02:14
Pacman_Can someone please help Me02:14
bentinataPacman_, your issue?02:15
Pacman_ When i do Apt-get update i got Static ip set but got these errors http://pastie.org/private/3r6x6badmz377saqjjvvra02:15
Pacman_think some is wrong with my dns02:15
undertakerthen i have no clue how to install ubuntu studio then...02:15
dr_willisundertaker:  you burn it to a cd/dvd or put it on a USB then boot it and use the installer.02:15
dr_willisis the normal way02:15
undertakeri burned it once when it worked but it only basically copied the iso file to a disc02:16
undertakerthere was no installer on the disc, just an iso02:16
dr_willisyou dont just drag/drop/copy the iso  to a disk02:16
dr_willisyou BURN/IMAGE the iso to the disk02:16
bentinataPacman_, try change your mirror02:16
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:16
undertakerthat's my problem though, no program is letting me02:16
dr_willistheres iso image burning tools for windows..02:17
dr_willisinfrarecorder is one.02:17
dr_willismost likely a dozen others.02:17
undertakerbrasero isn't, acetone isn't, not even the ubuntu default will02:17
dr_willisunetbootin puts the iso on a flash drive.. not burn to dvd02:17
undertakerthat one wont even open02:17
Pacman_bentinata>  How do i do that?02:17
undertakeri need to figure out why three separate programs refuse to mount ths thing02:17
Pacman_Using Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS02:17
dr_willisundertaker:  so you are on Ubuntu now? and want to  install ubuntu-studio on top of ubuntu? or remove ubuntui and replacce it with ubuntu-studio?02:18
bentinataPacman_, in terminal, type "software-properties-gkt"02:18
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:18
undertakeri just want to install ubuntu studio, that's all02:18
dr_willisif you really want to MOUNT it.. you cando it via the command line02:18
bentinataPacman_, "software-properties-gtk", sorry02:18
dr_willis!info ubuntu-studio02:18
Tabisboon question: ok, so ubuntu uses grub2 - fine, but how can i install grub legacy to an external drive now?02:18
ubottuPackage ubuntu-studio does not exist in quantal02:18
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undertakeri can try that, what do i put in place of mount point?02:18
dr_willissudo mkdir Ustudio02:18
Pacman_need to install it...02:18
RollinV2undertaker: on windows use imgburn to make the install dvd02:19
dr_willissudo mount -o loop ubuntustudio.iso Ustudio02:19
undertakeri don't have windows02:19
Pacman_<bentinata> need to install that program02:19
dr_williswill MOUNT the iso to the directory Ustudio02:19
undertakerdr_willis: the filename I have is ubuntustudio-12.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso02:19
bentinatadr_willis, how to change mirror for software sources?02:19
nearsthi peepl02:19
dr_willisundertaker:  so use the example and use the name you  have02:19
bentinataPacman_, do you have software-center?02:20
undertakerand put ustudio in the place of mountpoint?02:20
dr_willisYou make the mountpoing any directory name you want that exists02:20
undertakeri don't know what that is though02:20
dr_willisMAKE a directory02:20
dr_willisany directory02:20
undertakerjust any?02:20
dr_willismkdir Iwanttoputitherre02:21
undertakerso just make a file anywhere02:21
dr_willisthen use that name as the mountpoint02:21
dr_willisits a DIRECTORY02:21
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:21
undertakeri know but i think it's clear i don't even know how to make a directory02:21
dr_willissudo mkdir Ustudio02:21
dr_willisi said how earlier02:21
dr_willisactually no need for sudo in that.02:22
dr_willissudo mount -o loop ubuntustudio.iso Ustudio02:22
undertakeri did the mkdir thing and it did nothing02:22
dr_willisdid you look and see if it made a directory?02:22
undertakerno clue how to find it02:23
undertakerbut when i put in the command all it did was make a new line02:23
dr_willisuse the file manager and lookl.. or try 'ls'02:23
dr_willisno error message = it worked02:23
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dr_willishaving commands print out large 'yes we worked perfectly' messages would benn annoying02:23
dr_willisuse the ls command and look at your files.. or use the file manager to look at your directory02:24
undertakerok, it worked02:24
dr_willisit may be time to  read a few bash beginner guides.02:24
servvsI have a built in intel 6150 wireless N wimax card in my laptop02:24
undertakeri've asked in here for a few before but no avail02:25
servvshowever I am not showing a device for the wimax, only wlan0 and my lan adapter02:25
undertakerthe ones i find online myself are vague to my eyes02:25
dr_willistheres 100000's of bash tutorials on the internet02:25
Pacman_<bentinata> all i have is normal server install + ssh02:25
dr_willissee whch has the  most hits/tags/votes on delicious.com  ;)02:25
undertakerbut i just said the ones i've seen so far are vague, so do you have any suggestions?02:25
undertakerthink backk to when you were a noob at this02:26
Tabisnext try: how can i setup grub-legay to an external drive without the ubuntu preinstalled grub2?02:26
dr_willisthat was 25 yrs ago undertaker  the internet dident exist then02:26
undertakerthanks anyway02:26
dr_willis25+ yrs.. im old02:26
Tex_Nickundertaker : youTube has a lot of good beginning vids for bash02:26
dr_willisor see who tags the most on delicious.com02:27
dr_willisOreially's Using Bash book - is a must read also02:27
siggij72_yeah try searching for advanced shell scripting, there's a good one from vtc on utube02:27
undertakerwhen i did the iso command you gave me it said no such file02:27
undertakerwhich is bs because i directly copied the name of the file02:27
dr_willisundertaker:  use the correct name. with proper case. use tab completion to make sure its correct02:28
dr_willisor its in a differnt directory02:28
dr_willisfrom where you are at now02:28
undertakeri did, i shift-ins the thing in there02:28
codezombieanyone here familair with grub and the ubuntu server install process? I'm trying to write a grub.cfg file to boot an ubuntu iso from usb.02:28
undertakerit's in my downloads folder02:28
servvsany idea how to get wimax to work on ubuntu 12.10?02:28
codezombieI seem to be running into issues with the cd rom detection process since I don't have a cd rom02:29
dr_willisundertaker:  so is your shell IN the Downloads directory?02:29
dr_williscd Downloads02:29
undertakerwhich shell?02:29
dr_willisthe one you are typing commands  in02:29
dr_willisyou either work on files in the current directory. or you give a full path to the files.02:29
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dr_willisI would guess your  shell is currently cd'd to your HOME. while the iso is in /home/yourusername/Downloads02:30
* akakcolin 02:30
undertakeri can't even tell, the iso went straight to my downloads folder when it fnished downloading02:30
dr_willisthe shells prompt shows its current directoryu or use the 'pwd' command02:30
undertakerit's home/home/downloads02:30
dr_willis Your users name is  home?02:31
psusicodezombie, why don't you just use the usb startup disk creator?02:31
codezombiepsusi: efi02:31
psusicodezombie, and?02:31
undertakerno it's schlonginator02:31
dr_willisundertaker:  so your full path to your Downloads directory would be /home/sliongwhatever/Downloads02:32
codezombiepsusi: I also don't have an existing installation to use the creator.02:32
psusicodezombie, what are you using then?  windows?  unetbootbin should work02:32
codezombiepsusi: I'm installing on a mac mini.02:33
undertakerit says home home downloads at the top for me02:33
RollinV2undertaker: cd ~ && cd Downloads02:33
undertakerwhen i click the icon with the house that says schlonginator it doesn't open anything02:33
psusicodezombie, you can just dd the image to the usb then and it should boot02:33
dr_willisuse the shell.. its easier for support02:33
codezombiepsusi: it in fact does not work.02:33
undertakeris it always this hard just to mount an image?02:33
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dr_willisif you knew the basics of bash - its trivial02:34
codezombiepsusi: I've attempted this a few times. Having to use a grub binary to boot the iso directly.02:34
RollinV2hard is a relative term02:34
dr_williscd  ~/Downloads02:34
dr_willismkdir ISODIR02:34
codezombieI get an error during the installation that states the cd rom (which there is none) is not able to be used for installation.02:34
dr_willissudo mount -o loop ISONAME.iso  ISODIR02:34
undertakerok it says no such file or directory when i do the iso command you gave02:34
undertakerbut the file is there02:34
undertakerthat's what's bugging me02:34
codezombiepsusi: which leads me to beleive I'm missing a critical boot flag.02:34
dr_willisand we are back to wheres your SHELL is cd'd to...02:35
dr_willisso what does 'pwd' say02:35
undertakeri have NO clue02:35
dr_willispwd = print working diurectory02:35
RollinV2type 'pwd' in your terminal02:35
servvswhere can I get wimax drivers for linux?02:35
psusiundertaker, the file is where?  does `ls` show it?02:35
nearsteww. wimax?02:35
dr_willisnotice the 3 commands i gave earlier.. the first one cd's to the Downloads directory02:35
M4d3L1how do I check what is running on a specific port?02:36
dr_willisthe bash proompt also shows the current directory02:36
undertakerpwd says home/schlonginator/02:36
undertakerthat's it02:36
dr_willisundertaker:  so you are NOT in the Downloads directory02:36
EatAtJoesI would like to install Windows7 in a virtual machine inside my ubuntu. I have to buy windows to do this, should I buy the Windows 7 System Builder version?02:36
undertakerdamn it02:36
dr_willisso give the Full path to the ISO. or cd to Downloads02:36
c00keeexplain to me what samba is good for02:36
dr_willisthen use the commands02:37
RollinV2cd to downloads seems safer for him02:37
psusic00kee, sharing files over the network02:37
undertakerthis is the full path /home/schlonginator/Downloads02:37
dfafasdfasfdur doing it wrong u run k26 in w7 vm02:37
dr_willisundertaker:  now use the 'ls' command to see what files are there.02:37
dr_willisyou  should see your  ISO file now02:37
thec4kec00kee, specifically to and from windows systems02:38
undertakerall ls did was list my directories again02:38
crittekUSB 802.11 adapters . . .  . supported?02:38
dr_willisyou dont see your ISO file?02:38
dr_williscd Downloads02:38
undertakerwhere, file manager or terminal?02:38
undertakeryou told me to type ls and i did02:39
dr_willisuse the terminakl...02:39
psusithec4ke, it's actually kind of good for sharing between linux systems too... NFS is kinda shite02:39
dr_willisnot the filemanager02:39
dr_williscd ~/Downloads02:39
TheLordOfTimecrittek, you mean 802.11 wifi adapters?02:39
c00keehow about from linux to windows systems02:39
dr_willis should show your  iso file02:39
undertakerwell right now in the terminal i have nothing02:39
TheLordOfTimecrittek, like a wifi dongle or something?02:39
thec4keyea agreed02:39
dfafasdfasfdso who can help me with a packet02:39
servvsso am I really not going to get any help with this wimax in ubuntu?02:39
undertakerthat command said no such exists02:39
dr_williswhich command? what did you type EXACTLY02:39
RollinV2dr_willis: it might be easier to pastbin him a list of commands to follow at this rate02:40
TheLordOfTimecrittek, depends on the adapter.02:40
undertakercd ~/Downloads02:40
crittektrying to find compatible for Lubuntu 11.10 USB 1.102:40
TheLordOfTimecrittek, some are supported OOTB, others aren't.02:40
memandIs there a way of making the compiz function show desktop ignore a window?02:40
dr_willisboss is hollering at me.. i gotta run. back in about an hr.02:40
undertakerok i got it02:40
TheLordOfTimecrittek, if i may give you a suggestion, upgrade to 12.04 or later, 11.10'll be EOL in april.02:40
undertakerthe iso isn't in there at all02:40
RollinV2undertaker: you need to learn your bash commands for cd, ls, and mount02:41
psusiundertaker, then you have to figure out where the heck it is02:41
crittekhad trouble with iso file on old equip. . . . plan to upgrade02:41
TheLordOfTimecrittek, as for which ones're supported, i don't know offhand, someone else might be able to help you with that, so have some patience while you wait for someone :)02:41
undertakeri know where it is! in my downloads folder02:41
undertakeri've been saying that this whole time02:41
psusiundertaker, you just said it insn't02:41
RollinV2undertaker: no you dont know where it is02:41
memandI have a teminal set up as a transparent bacgground, but it kind of loses its point if it also disapears when I "show desktop"02:41
undertakerwhen i go to my downloads folder, it's right there02:41
undertakerthat's where it went when it finished downloading02:42
psusiundertaker, then typing ls ~/Downloads in a terminal should show it02:42
dfafasdfasfdwhere is !noobhelp channel02:42
undertakerthis is ridiculous02:42
undertakernot you guys02:42
memanddfafasdfasfd: What seems to be the problem?02:43
undertakerthis entire thing02:43
thec4keundertaker, type this:  find / -name "*.iso"02:43
matrixfoxlocate thefile.name02:43
thec4keit might take a while02:43
dfafasdfasfdmemand i need help with a packet02:43
undertakerit brings up every file in downloads BUT my ido02:43
RollinV2he might not have locate installed02:43
psusiwho said anything about locate?02:43
memanddfafasdfasfd: You need to be more specific than that :)02:43
undertakernow it shows up02:43
dfafasdfasfddns Standard query A x.x.x02:43
RollinV2psusi: matrixfox did02:44
memanddfafasdfasfd: what do you want help with?02:44
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dfafasdfasfdI want to know what it is. Is it wireless specific? I cant find any info about it02:44
dfafasdfasfdand the x.x.x is actually 01780178017802:44
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undertakerk so the iso is in downloads02:44
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:45
psusidfafasdfasfd, what the heck are you talking about?02:45
KI4ROdr_willis, Thank you so much...it is printing from my machine now...now just have to try to get it working from my son's Windows machine, but that will wait until tmw LOL02:45
undertakeralready did that02:45
dfafasdfasfda dns query packet02:45
bazhang!ot | dfafasdfasfd02:45
ubottudfafasdfasfd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:45
psusidfafasdfasfd, what about them?02:45
bazhangdfafasdfasfd, that has nothing to do with ubuntu try ##networking02:45
RollinV2anyone have good starting dotfiles for ubuntu 12.04/12.10.. im redoing mine and appreciate starting suggestions. thanks.02:46
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RollinV2bonus if github repo02:46
memandAnyone here that has an idea as to how I can make a window imune to compiz's show desktop function?02:48
ejatanyone having issues with display driver on raring kernel 3.7.0/3.8.0 on macbookpro ?02:48
undertakerStill getting no suh file or directory when i try to mount this iso02:48
bazhangejat, #ubuntu+1 for raring02:48
ubottuejat,: Raring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+102:48
RollinV2undertaker: what directory are you in. type 'pwd' on the command line02:49
escottundertaker, paste.ubuntu.com your terminal session02:49
RollinV2escott: wow, excellent suggestion.02:50
undertakerone sec02:50
Egonnewbie|3: howdy02:50
cfhowlettnewbie|3, greetings02:50
HaematomaHi, is anyone here familiar with rtorrent configuration?02:51
undertakerescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1518884/02:51
escottRollinV2, can't tell if that was serious or sarcastic02:51
bazhangHaematoma, whats the exact issue02:51
RollinV2escott: serious.02:51
RollinV2escott: though a joke about how many nerds it takes to cd into a downloads directory could be made right now.. haha02:52
escottundertaker, thats not enough to say. you are in ~ the file ubuntustudio-12.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso is not in ~02:52
HaematomaI have two watch folders, labeled watch1 and watch2.02:52
HaematomaI want downloads in progress for watch1 to go in progress1, when they are completed I want them to go into completed102:52
escottundertaker, if that file is in ~/Downloads you need to "cd Downloads" first or "sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/ubuntustudio..."02:52
Haematomafor watch 2, I want downloads in progress to go into folder progress 2, and for completed downloads completed 202:52
undertakermy fundamental issue this entire time has been that error02:52
bazhangHaematoma, on a single line, thats impossible to read02:53
Haematomabazhang:  sorry, I will try again.02:53
undertakerand that's where i get lost02:53
Haematomabazhang: I want rtorrent to move completed downloads into different folders depending on the watch folder02:54
undertakeri did the cd downloads command before this and nothing was solved02:54
thec4keundertaker, do you understand what cd does?02:54
RollinV2man cd02:55
escottRollinV2, no man entry. its a builtin02:55
undertakervery vaguely02:55
cfhowlettinfo cd02:55
thec4keyour shell is like a folder02:55
thec4keyoure always "in a  directory"02:55
thec4kecd changes the directory youre in02:55
psusiundertaker, how are you lost... you are being given the exact commands to type, yet you apparently keep refusing to type the first one02:55
RollinV2escott: really? ive never .... ah wow. learned something new today02:55
thec4kesee at the end of your prompt02:55
thec4keyou have the little ~02:55
undertakerdude I've been typing every single command given02:56
thec4kethat means youre currently in your home directory02:56
thec4keits an alias for home02:56
escottundertaker, if you "cd Downloads" your prompt should become schlonginator@schlong:/home/schlonginator/Downloads$ and "ls" should list the ubuntustudio iso file02:56
thec4keyou need to do cd Downloads02:56
psusiundertaker, you have not been typing the "cd Downloads" command02:56
cfhowlettundertaker, help cd will give you the program commands02:56
undertakerhaha ok, let me show you what happened when I typed cd downloads then02:56
thec4kethat means change directory to tDownloads02:56
undertakersince I didn't do it three times or anything02:56
RollinV2ubuntu is also case sensitive, downloads != Downloads02:57
undertakerschlonginator@schlong:~$ cd downloads bash: cd: downloads: No such file or directory02:57
thec4keits case sensitive..02:57
psusiundertaker, it's a capital D02:57
escottundertaker, cAse SENsiTIVE02:57
RollinV2called it. lol02:57
undertakeri remember doing it with a capital too, and it gave this schlonginator@schlong:~/Downloads$02:57
thec4kethat is what you want02:57
undertakerthis was like 20 min ago02:57
escottundertaker, then does the iso appear if you type "ls"02:58
thec4keyou somehow are no longer ther02:58
RollinV2you had it undertaker02:58
undertakerdid that too, and yes it does02:58
Haematomabazhang: nvm, i think i figured it out. thanks anyhow02:58
thec4kethe mount command should work now02:58
thec4kebecause youre in the  right directory to use it02:58
undertakerthis is exactly what I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/1518892/02:59
undertakerline 19 has the iso I'm trying to install02:59
thec4kenow do the mount command02:59
thec4kethe one that failed earlier02:59
matrixfoxundertaker: cd ~/Downloads03:00
psusiundertaker, now mount it03:00
escottundertaker, then "sudo mount -o loop ubuntustudio-12.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso ~/poop should work if there is a "poop" directory in ~03:00
psusiundertaker, you did create the "poop" directory right?03:00
RollinV2escott: i really wish we could make that the room topic for today03:01
undertakerescott: this is what i got mount: warning: /home/schlonginator/poop seems to be mounted read-only.03:01
matrixfoxthat's fine...03:01
escottundertaker, sounds like you have already successfully mounted the loopback at some point in the past03:02
psusiundertaker, then mount it now.. and note that tab completion works in the shell so you don't have to type the full file name, just the first few letters, then hitting tab should fill in the rest03:02
escottundertaker, "mount | grep poop" what does that output03:02
psusiundertaker, the iso9660 filesystem ms read only by definition03:02
undertakerescott: /home/schlonginator/Downloads/ubuntustudio-12.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso on /home/schlonginator/poop type iso9660 (ro)03:03
escottRollinV2, gotta love the 12 year old guys03:03
escottundertaker, its already mounted03:03
undertakerbut not installed?03:03
escott!xy | undertaker03:03
ubottuundertaker: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.03:03
psusiumm.. no... mounting != install03:03
memandwhat exactly is it that we are trying to do?03:04
undertakeri don't think that's totally accurate but whatever03:05
psusiundertaker, if you want to install ubuntu studio, then you need to either burn it to a cd, or use the usb startup disk creator to write it to a usb flash stick, then boot from it03:05
undertakerthat was my inital problem!03:05
RollinV2undertaker do you want to upgrade an existing ubuntu install to studio, or start fresh?03:05
bazhangis a lie03:05
undertakeri said that at the beginning, three programs won't burn this to a disc03:05
RollinV2undertaker: you can upgrade to studio03:06
escottundertaker, you clearly have a working linux system. how did you install that one?03:06
undertakeri said that, and i got led on this lovely rollercoaster of mounting03:06
memandundertaker: you wan't to install this ubuntu studio distro right?03:06
thec4kei think someome missunderstood you03:06
thec4kemounting has nothing to do with this03:06
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undertaker[21:13] <undertaker> well, i'm trying to mount this ubuntu studio .iso to a disc03:07
thec4kemount doesnt mean burn03:07
psusiundertaker, you don't 'mount to a disk'... you burn to a disk03:07
thec4kethats where the confusion is03:07
memandundertaker: do you have a usb drive near by?03:07
psusiwhich are you trying to use, a flash drive, or a dvd?03:07
RollinV2undertaker: what operating system and version are you using right now?03:08
undertakerUbuntu 12.1003:08
thec4kethe live DVD?03:08
undertakeri ave a blank dvd03:08
psusiundertaker, then fire up brasero and burn the iso to the disc03:08
RollinV2undertaker: ok, you cant upgrade to studio.. you need to install it fresh03:08
undertakerthats one of the programs i said wasn't working an hour ago03:08
dr_willisRollinV2:  i was thinking that also..03:09
undertakerbrasero and acetone can't find my disc drive03:09
cfhowlettundertaker, do you have vanilla ubuntu installed?  Because you CAN easily upgrade that to Ubuntustudio ...03:09
psusidefine "don't work"03:09
undertakercfhowlett: no03:09
memandremember to do it at the slowest bur speed posible (no kidding) so it has the smallest chance f'ing uo anything ;)03:09
psusiwell if your drive isn't working then you've got a problem03:09
thec4keundertaker, did you install ubuntu?03:09
escottundertaker, somehow somewhere someday you burned yourself an ubuntu cd because you *have* a working ubuntu system right? why not recreate that process but with the ubuntustudio iso03:09
cfhowlettundertaker, ok.  USB installation is not an option?03:09
thec4keor are you just running it from the dvd03:09
RollinV2dr_willis: ya.. this is a rare time i'd like to see studio work on the *.10 releases03:09
undertakerlet me send shots of what happens in acetone and brasero...03:10
dr_willisRollinV2:  ive rarely messed with Studio, never really clear on the differances. It does have  a custom kernel i thought03:10
bazhangundertaker, do you have a current ubuntu install03:10
dr_willisxcombust seems to work well for burining isos also03:10
bazhangundertaker, is that a yes03:10
dr_willisIm not even sure why people would need Ubuntu-studio instead of normal ubuntu ;))03:11
thec4kereal time kernel03:11
thec4kebetter for rendering audio i and video in real time03:11
undertakerthis is acetone: http://imagebin.org/24246103:11
bazhangundertaker, if you have ubuntu currently, then just install the ubuntustudio-desktop package03:11
cfhowlettdr_willis, some people like oysters, some people like clams ...03:11
thec4kefor things like sequencing and video editing03:11
dr_williscfhowlett:  i perfer Steak!03:11
bazhang!info ubuntustudio-desktop | undertaker03:12
ubottuundertaker: ubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.108 (quantal), package size 4 kB, installed size 39 kB03:12
RollinV2bazhang: i dont think he can? its not in 12.10 right?03:12
chamunkswhats the default tracert tool included in ubuntu.03:12
psusiunless you are recording music you are creating with a synthesiser, there's no need for that03:12
bazhangRollinV2, see above03:12
undertakerhttp://imagebin.org/242462 brasero03:12
bazhangundertaker, please note what I just said03:12
dr_willissudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop03:12
dr_williswill convert a ubuntu install into a ubuntu-studio install then. :)03:13
bazhangundertaker, there is Zero reason to burn another iso03:13
dr_willisit will install a LOT of extra stuff03:13
undertakerubuntustudio-desktop package? is that in sw center?03:13
skp1i gotta pee, brb03:13
bazhangundertaker, YES03:13
thec4keor if youre using av processors03:13
dr_willisundertaker:  the bot says it is.03:13
undertakeri was directed to do this iso stuff yesterday in the forums03:13
cfhowlettundertaker, I'm an ubuntustudio fan(atic).  If you don't need the full meal deal, why not install just vanilla ubuntu and the components you need rather than the full ubuntustudio?03:13
thec4kewhich you undoubtedly are03:13
psusithat's weird.. a blank dvd holds 4.7g not 2.603:13
undertakerthat struck me as odd too03:14
bazhangundertaker, so install that package, select from login, and you have ubuntustudio03:14
undertakerthere's no studio in the sw center03:14
thec4keyoull need to reboot the pc to load the new kernel as well03:14
dr_williscommand should be ---->    sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop03:15
bazhangundertaker, do it from the command line then. IT'S there03:15
undertakerguessing it's a terminal install03:15
psusiundertaker, have you burned this disc before?03:15
RollinV2undertaker: also read this when you get some time. bookmark it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:15
dr_willisor you are  the software center is hideing it under advanced type items03:15
cfhowlettundertaker, note that 12.10 is NOT recommended.  12.04, the LTS release is the recommended package.  Why?  Bleeding/cutting edge interim releases break.  LTS releases are a bit more stable.  For a working, production studio machine, you might want to factor that in ...03:15
bazhangpsusi, he does not to burn a disk at all03:15
psusionly think I can think of is that this disc has been burned and then blanked maybe, which doesn't work with -R media since it can't be erased03:17
undertakerso i should install 12.04?03:17
undertaker(yes, i know i need to learn this shit)03:17
dr_willisis this for real work.. or for you playing around.. ;)03:18
cfhowlettundertaker, I'd suggest you consider it.03:18
RollinV2undertaker: i started with ubuntu studio years ago because i thought the wallpaper was pretty.. trust me.. you will learn and improve. dont be discouraged.03:18
psusiundertaker, make sure you are using a fresh disc03:18
cfhowlettundertaker, as rollinv2 stated, you WILL learn how these things work.03:18
dr_willisundertaker:  why do you specifically need ubuntu-studio anyway?03:19
undertakervideo editing03:19
undertakeri have a channel03:19
dr_williswhat kind of editing?03:20
oitofelixHello.  I'm trying to play sound using SDL with NAS driver, but if I try it with mplayer or Audacious I get "Failed to open audio stream: No available audio device." NAS is working nice.  Only SDL over NAS driver has that issue.  Can anyone help?03:20
dr_willisunless its somthing critical - the normal desktop may work fine for you03:20
RajviHi All, This might sound stupid! - How to apply themes on 12.10. I installed some. I know where they are!03:20
undertakerthe normal desktop?03:20
undertakerraj, you might need tweak tool03:21
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RajviSuggest something!03:21
dr_willisundertaker:  yes the normal ubuntu 12.10 desktop can do most video editing tasks fine. Ubuntu studio has a real time jernel and other tweaks for RECORDING  that make it better in some cases03:21
pmp6nlHello,  I have a usb external hard drive.  Every so often while I am creating an encrypted file via truecrypt it will randomly unmount.  Any ideas?  Thanks03:22
dr_willisbut i doubt if you will notice much of a differance03:22
undertakeri don't have any video editors on here though03:22
cfhowlettundertaker, openshot03:22
dr_willisyou can install anything On ubuntu thats on ubuntu-studio. they use the same software sources03:23
cfhowlettundertaker, video editing ... openshot03:23
undertakerdoes that come preinstalled/03:23
RollinV2pmp6nl: is the drive usb or a/c powered? if usb it miht disconnect from lack of power03:23
cfhowlettundertaker, no.  see software center and install03:23
dr_willisi think theres like 4  nonlinear video editors out now isent there? Openshot, kino, that one by the VLC guys?  and some other03:23
escottpmp6nl, check dmesg03:23
pmp6nlRollinV2, its usb3, no ac03:23
undertakerRajvi: Do you have tweak tool?03:23
dr_willisMy USB3 Hard disks have AC Power. ;)03:24
cfhowlettdr_willis, avidemux is the other well know VE03:24
dr_willisor the big ones do at least.03:24
dr_willisthats more of a converter isent it?  I rarely work with video03:24
psusiesata for teh winz03:25
tompahow do u oben and install a ".deb" file?03:25
RollinV2cloud storage ftw03:25
dr_willistompa:  one way  sudo gdebi foo.deb03:25
RajviNo, I know some, but don't know which one would be good?03:25
psusitompa, you can install it with sudo dpkg -i foo.deb03:25
dr_willistompa:  if you have gdebi instggalled.03:25
cfhowlettdr_willis, I've never used it.  Openshot is so intuitive, even an old hound like me can figure it out...03:25
dr_willisgdebi will pull in needed dependencies. so its handy03:25
undertakerRajvi: where did you download the the theme from?03:26
FatsDominobrok was always good03:26
tompadr_willis so it would be sudo gdeb foo.deb + what? how does the terminal know which file to choose?03:26
pmp6nlRollinV2, escott not sure if anything helpful is in dmesg, would you mind checking?  http://pastebin.com/eiNg9E0D03:26
dr_willistompa:  thats it...  use the name of your deb03:26
psusitompa, you tell it the file to choose?  hence the foo.deb argument03:26
tompadr_willis okey03:26
escottpmp6nl, [ 3449.820734] Buffer I/O error on device sdb5, logical block 3499745503:27
escott[ 3449.820736] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb503:27
dr_williskids these days.. dont know the   foo/bar  terms03:27
psusitompa, "foo" is a wild card expression for "insert correct name here"03:27
Rajvifrom here sudo apt-get install delorean-varnam-theme03:27
docmurI have minidlna installed on my server and when I had one media_dir=V,FOLDER listed I could rescan the folder and it worked prefectly, today I added 4 more folders accross different mount points but now it wont rescan, it will start fine but I can't get minidlna to see the new files03:27
undertakerRajvi: ok, go to the sw center and get "tweak tool"03:27
dr_willisFatsDomino:  dont me msging me.. and dont be msging people useless spam03:27
psusiescott, are there lines before and after that?03:27
escottpsusi, line 323 and such03:28
pmp6nlescott, some sort of disk error.  fdisk it?03:28
RollinV2dr_willis: one day at a time. they will learn.03:29
Rajvii DON'T SEE weak tool in Software Center03:29
undertakertweak tool?03:29
farfuhi there, I was wondering what do you guys suggest to do on a new installation of Ubunto 12.10 on a PC Pentium 4 where the side bar does not appear03:29
escottpmp6nl, its possible it is going to sleep03:29
dr_willisi think the theme tool got renamed in 12.1003:29
RollinV2Rajvi: sudo apt-get install tweak-tool03:29
pmp6nlescott, is there a way to keep it awake?03:29
dr_willis!info tweak-tool03:29
ubottuPackage tweak-tool does not exist in quantal03:29
undertakerit's called tweak tool for me03:29
RajviThnks guys03:29
skp1it;s gnome-tweak-tool03:29
dr_willis!info gnome-tweak-tool03:29
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.0-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 99 kB, installed size 738 kB03:30
Rajvii will use the terminal03:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones!03:30
psusisomeone wanna show FatsDomino the door?  he's spamming/phishing/begging for money in private msgs03:30
bazhangpsusi, whats up03:30
RollinV2gah, im 0 for 2 on remembering exact app names today03:30
hexstatikit there a way to improve the smoothness of 12.10 system wide? im getting some tearing and some stuttering...running on a 120hz monitor very noticeable03:30
hexstatikseems like there should be a way to turn up the rendered fps or something like that03:31
RajviTweak tool is not in my repos, i guess :(03:31
RollinV2hexstatik: install 12.04, or install xfce, or install mate/cinnimon, or install gnome 3 if you live dangerous03:31
hexstatikRollinV2: 12.04 was smoother?03:31
hexstatikRollinV2: this is my frist ubuntu install in last 5 years03:32
farfugreat! I will do the 12.04 and give it a try. THx03:32
RollinV2hexstatik: for me unity was much smoother in 12.04. it may vary for you of course03:32
bazhangRollinV2, recommend ing MINT ppa is not good advice at all.  unity and gnome-shell are all gnome303:32
RajviCan i use MYunity would that would work03:33
bazhangRajvi, what version of ubuntu are you on03:33
RollinV2bazhang: "if you live dangerous" implied that.03:33
njd001re-hi i thnk i missed something earlier when you said i could adjust nano's colours you mentioned nanorc but there was somehting else you guys suggested i look at03:33
bazhangRajvi, why not just change themes with system settings03:33
=== Teufelchen_ is now known as Teufelchen
RajviI m not able to do so :(03:34
Rajvionly shows default themes!03:34
bazhangRajvi, give a link to the theme please03:34
RollinV2njd001: could be any of the dotfiles. .. .vimrc, .bashrc, etc03:34
bazhangRajvi, which one or ones03:35
bazhangRajvi, are you on gnome-shell or unity03:35
RajviGimme a tool or something too apply these. I know where they are installed!03:36
njd001this Fusha color for comments section is *killing* me i practically have to cross my eyes to read it03:36
pmp6nlescott, i will give sudo hdparm -S 0 /dev/sdb5 a try03:36
njd001the .bashrc maybe ?03:37
bazhangRajvi, they are not fully compatible with 12.0403:37
RajviAlright, guys.. I gave you guys enough headche with these03:37
dr_willisi think ubuntu-tweak (get it from its homepage) akso has some theme selection section03:37
RajviI will find out.03:38
bazhangRajvi, it says so in the comments on that link03:38
dr_willisive been using gnome-shell lately. ;)03:38
njd001looks like its .bashrc03:38
dr_willisit has its own tweaking tools.03:38
njd001thanks for that RollinV2 i was banging my head on a wall trying to figure out who would pick fusha for a background color03:39
RollinV2njd001: thats the beauty of linux. dont like it. change it :-)03:40
njd001yes i can't find it03:40
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njd001i dont think im spelling fusha right03:40
njd001maybe pink?03:40
njd001I am looking at TCL eggdrop scripts for stock quotes and i can't read the notes section :(03:41
bentinatahahaha, ubuntu is cute with fuchsia03:42
Mkop1for some reason ubuntu is not recognizing my microphone. anyone have advice for how to troubleshoot?03:43
* njd001 isnt finding a color blinding me 'cute'03:43
escottpmp6nl, doubt that will help its probably a usb issue03:44
pmp6nlescott, ya it didnt help.  No truecrypt is complaining of a disk error.  Do you know how to revert hdparm -S ?03:44
hexstatikit there a way to improve the smoothness of 12.10 system wide? im getting some tearing and some stuttering...running on a 120hz monitor very noticeable03:45
dr_willisyou mean for video playback> or the desktop03:48
hexstatikfor example if i take a window and drag it around03:48
dr_willisccsm has some sync to vblank setting i recall03:48
hexstatikthere is some 'ghosting'03:48
hexstatiklemme see03:48
njd001this is bugging me nothing in the .bashrc03:49
hexstatikdr_willis: and i am on a 120hz monitor, its much smoother in windows03:49
hexstatikdr_willis: its almost as if the frames per second are capped at say 60 and not 12003:50
dr_williscould be your only at 60mhz rate also03:50
hexstatikin other words im not getting the maximum out of my 120hz monitor which costs 400 dollars03:50
hexstatikyou mean my system or the monitor? the monitor is at 120hz03:50
=== FatsDomino is now known as Tennis_Bagel_Tab
dr_willischeck the monitor settings tool03:50
hexstatikthe monitor is at 120hz03:50
hexstatiki checked, and i can tell from my cursor03:51
hexstatiki have two monitors actually one 120hz one 60hz03:51
hexstatikso its easy to compare03:51
dr_willisyou got better eyes then me  then..  ;)03:51
dr_willisI recall old amiga days with interlaced displays at like 15hz ;)03:51
hexstatikyea i remember playing doom03:51
hexstatikon a laptop in early 90s03:52
hexstatikit was a slideshow03:52
keberif you wanna be billionaire, you must go over 3 seas03:53
krzkrzanyone can recomment a terminal that stores sessions?03:53
dr_williskrzkrz:  clarify what you mean by that.03:53
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bazhangkeber, what?03:54
hexstatikkrzkrz: quake stores your commands and you can view them with up arrow, i think regular terminal does too03:54
njd001RollinV2 any other ideas how to get rid of this Fusicha comment colors03:54
krzkrzdr_willis, youve used maxosx before?03:54
hexstatikkeber: what if just millionare will do?03:54
bazhangkeber, no more nonsense, stay on topic03:54
thec4kekrzkrz: gnu screen can save and resume sessions03:55
krzkrzdr_willis, im trying to create a window group03:55
krzkrzso when i open a terminal. other tabs with commands will execute03:55
krzkrzwhen i reboot, i dont need to manually open all these tabs and execute each command03:56
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dr_willisnot seen one that remembers03:56
dr_willisssh would really confuse it i bet03:57
krzkrzdr_willis, what approach can i take?03:57
tompahow do you uninstall something you didnt install through ubuntu software center?03:57
krzkrzi dont want to have to manually open each tab and run each command after reboot03:58
jake_I need to remove  ubuntu as a dual boot for windows 8 and reinstall it. how do i do that?03:59
bazhangjake_, then just install over it03:59
dr_willisjust reinstall and reformat03:59
jake_when you say reformat it what do you mean?04:00
dr_willisubuntu installer can format the artitions04:00
dr_williswhy are you reinstalling04:01
jake_ok. is it more beneficial to use windows installer or a disk to install it04:01
jake_because i used windows installer and its really slow compared to what i think it should be.04:01
dr_williswindows installer is wubi04:01
jake_yes i used wubi04:01
dr_willisnot a normal install04:01
jake_but i feel using a usb or disk will be better. correct?04:02
dr_willisavoid wubi04:02
dr_willisfaster. es04:02
hexstatikdr_willis: in ccsm under composite i found refresh rate04:02
bazhangjake_, the installer will handle resizing etc04:02
hexstatik"rate at which screen is reddrawn", i am not familiar with the term reddrawn04:02
jake_will it automatically write over the last version of ubuntu?04:02
dr_willishexstatik: general tab has a vsync setting i recall04:03
hexstatikvsync is off04:03
hexstatikand vsync is not the ussue04:03
dr_willistell the installer what to do.. is best04:03
hexstatiki just tried 30 in refresh rate04:04
dr_willisjake_: the installer will not remove a wubi install04:04
hexstatikand it is indeed the fps04:04
Aironethello all I am having trouble connecting my aironet CB21Ag-A-K9 wirless cardbus on a panasonic toughbook running Xubuntu 12.10. The drivers are there but is shows as eth0 is this correct?04:04
bazhangjake_, not with wubi, no. add/remove in windows to remove that wubi04:04
jake_how do i remove a wubi install?04:04
jake_oh alright cool. it still gives me an option to boot into ubuntu though?04:05
tompahow do i uninstall a program i didnt install from ubuntu software center?04:05
Aironetcan anyone please help me?04:05
bentinatatompa, sudo apt-get remove "program name"04:05
bentinatatompa, and if you want to clear the remain file of that program, use --purge04:06
njd001figured it out04:07
njd001it was the tcl.nanorc file :D04:07
ogistHello, I have a file /home/ogist/quake2/quake2 and I want to make a shortcut of it on the desktop. How do I go about this? :)04:08
dr_williswubi is in the windows add/remove programs list04:08
KsMln -s /home/ogist/quake2/quake2 ~/Desktop/Quake\ 204:09
AironetHello I have a aironet wifi cardbus that wont be seen by Xubuntu does anyone have advice on how to connect it?04:09
KsMalternatively a .desktop file where you can specify an icon and stuff04:09
dr_willismake a script ogist that cd then runs the game  may work better04:09
tompabentinata how do I know what the program is named? Seems that Oracles VM isnt named "virtualbox" then :/04:09
bitpimpI am running a ubuntu 10.04 server and installed rails through the repos; I need to update rails due to the recent exploit; any suggestions?04:09
krzkrzi hate how you have to type ctrl+shift v or c to paste or copy in terminal04:11
dr_willishmm a security fix should get put in to the  normal updates i would think04:11
krzkrzcouldnt they have just made it ctrl+c and ctrl+v04:11
dr_willisor use a ppa , or source for a newer version04:11
AironetHi I am having wireless connectivity problems using Xubuntu anyone have advice?04:12
dr_williskrzkrz:  ctrl-c was used by bash/unix befor MS took it over for pasteing04:12
dr_williskrzkrz:  i tend to just select/middle click the mouse04:12
ogistit says the link is broken04:13
dr_willisogist:  perhaps you did a typo04:13
krzkrzdr_willis, im coming from macosx. the interface and shortcuts in osx look more consistent04:14
chmacDoes Thunderbird have a stop button? It's been downloading 70/100 messages in my inbox for >5 minutes. I want to cancel it and start over...04:14
emesI'm trying to install acroread on 12.10, but it requires libgtk2.0-0:i386 which apt-get barfs when I try to install04:14
dr_willisogist:  running a game via a link may not work properly. a shell script may be a better idea04:14
dr_willisa launcher.desktop file running a script may be an even better idea04:15
ogistit just opens and closes04:15
dr_willismany games/apps NEED to be ran from their 'data' directory04:15
ogistit came with a .desktop file04:15
dr_willisit may have came with a script as well. ;)04:15
ogistactually the tar.gz file came with bin share and lib, i had to move the bin file to the share and the lib file to the share/baseq204:15
jake_it still appears to not all be removed. why?04:15
dr_willistheres also updated versions of quake2 i recall that just use the games original  data files04:16
ogistthen i go into the folder and double click quake204:16
krzkrzdr_willis, what version of ubunut are you using. im curious?04:16
dr_willisusing 12.10 on  my desktop box.04:16
dr_willisbeen using my raspberry Pi more ttthis month.   however.04:16
dr_willisogist:  running from terminal will print any error messages. and better for trouble shooting04:17
ogistUntrusted application Launcher when i open Quake II.desktop04:17
krzkrzdr_willis, raspberry Pi?04:17
dr_willisYep. Got me a Raspberry Pi running as my znc server now04:17
mansoor-sI am unable to connect to my server with SSH (http://pastie.org/private/yr4niedzxdhzz1ojgakqrq). Could anyone take a look and tell me whats going on?04:17
ogistdr_willis: i downloaded this tar.gz file for quake2, it has it compiled already but the executable comes in a folder by itself and i had to put it in with the share folder to get it to work04:18
ogistim not sure where i am supposed to move all these files, so i just copied the bin file and lib files to the share dir and i run the executable from there and it works04:18
dr_willisogist:  came from where?04:18
MTsolIs there a way I can download the additional driver straight from windows?04:18
ogistthis is the file04:19
ogistit's precompiled04:19
bazhangMTsol, driver for what04:19
ogisti just dont know what to do with the folders04:19
ogistbin share and lib04:19
ogistthat's what is in the tar.gz file04:19
ogistalso Quake II.desktop04:20
MTsolbazhang: Well I'm having the display issue but I got it to come up by pressing the brightness key but now its having trouble keeping a wireless connection04:20
bazhangMTsol, driver for what04:20
MTsolAnd if I do get it to connect to wireless it has trouble staying connected04:21
bentinatatompa, it named vbox04:21
MTsolSo i guess ubuntu wureless drivers?04:21
memandOkay this is officially driving me mad now, I have a terminal window that I have set up to act like a Transparent terminal background. And that is all fine, exept that when I do "show desktop" in compiz for example, it also dissapears. I have tried to set a window rule in compiz that this window should be un-minimizable and unmovable, but no luck there...04:21
bazhangMTsol, what chipset04:21
dr_willisogist:  id say check their docs. Most likely you can copuy them all to the /usr/share  directory04:22
MTsolbazhang: How do I find that out?04:22
ogistlib bin share04:23
ogistthats what is in the tar gz file04:23
tompabentinata oh... unfortunatly it didnt work either :(    "E: Unable to locate package vbox"04:23
usr13MTsol: lspci |grep ireless04:24
bentinatatompa, you can see the system monitor to find out that program name04:24
MTsolusr13: I'm on windows atm04:24
MTsolCant keep a steady connection on ubuntu04:25
AironetI need help connecting aironet cardbus to xubuntu 12.10 can anyone help? Thank you in advance04:25
bentinatanot me, sorry :(04:27
MTsolWould I need a wireless driver? Or?04:27
ubottuAironet,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:27
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
tompabentinata it says its named virtualbox but if i run "sudo apt-get remove virtualbox" i gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/1518993/04:27
AironetIt connects under eth0 but wont show under connections in the upper right hand corner04:28
bentinatatompa, maybe you custom install it? and put the folder somewhere?04:28
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:28
AironetMTsol were you talking to me?04:29
MTsolAironet: anyone I guess.04:29
tompabenitnata yea that was the case, I spelled wrong "VIRITUALbox" and didnt find it in ubuntu software center, so i search for some random command on internet04:29
tompabentinata the folder is located under home/virtualbox04:30
mansoor-sI am unable to connect to my server with SSH (http://pastie.org/private/yr4niedzxdhzz1ojgakqrq). Could anyone take a look and tell me whats going on?04:30
somsipmansoor-s: it's strange that your ~/.ssh/mansoor.pem is tried as a private key but only publickey auth methods can continue. Could this be an issue? I've not seen it before, but can't say I connect with -v very often...04:31
MTsolDo I need to download the additional drivers oackage to resolve my issue?04:31
somsipmansoor-s: and you usually need to connect as ubuntu@ec2... so maybe that would help04:31
mansoor-ssomsip, -v means verbose, it spits out all of the information04:31
somsipmansoor-s: I know what it means. I just don't have to use it04:32
servvshow can I get the wimax to work on an intel 6150 wimax card?04:32
bentinatatompa, is the executable inside that folder? you can directly delete it04:32
mansoor-ssomsip, I don't either, when it works XD04:32
mansoor-subuntu@ doesnt' work either :(04:32
somsipmansoor-s: ok - my EC2 pem shows as private in -v but connects fine so it's a red herring04:33
MTsolDo I need to download the additional drivers oackage to resolve my issue?04:33
somsipmansoor-s: and you used mansoor key when you started the instance? Have you ever been able to connect to this one?04:33
tompabentinata im afraid not, what is the equivalence to .exe in linux?04:33
bentinatatompa, none04:33
usr13MTsol: We don't know.04:33
bentinatatompa, it marked as executable04:33
mansoor-ssomsip, hmm, i created the key, but how do I "use" it with the instance?04:34
adoniscikrhymthbox behaves differently depending on whether I run it from the command line or Dash. If I use the icon, I get "network connection" errors. Why might this be?04:34
bentinatatompa, you can even execute a .txt file04:34
mansoor-si rebooted the instance after creating the key, and this is the first time i'm trying to ssh into the server04:34
somsipmansoor-s: when you cereate the instance, it's on the...4th setup screen04:34
usr13tompa: A file that has the executable bit set to it.04:34
servvshow can I get the wimax to work on an intel 6150 wimax card?04:34
somsipmansoor-s: well that's a fail then. You must add PEM keys when you create, or you can do it after but you need to upload the key and suchlike04:35
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usr13tompa: Linux does not need file-names to determine whether it's executable or not.04:35
mansoor-ssomsip, AHH you are onto it04:35
mansoor-sthe instance is already created, i must figure out how to set the key after its been created04:35
tompabentinata hmm okey, however i don't think it is04:36
somsipmansoor-s: yes04:36
bentinatatompa, how you install the virtualbox?04:36
tompauser13 okey :) just took it for granted it was built on the same idea04:36
tompabentinata I followed the commands at this link http://www.noobslab.com/2012/04/install-virtualbox-4112-on-ubuntu.html04:37
bentinatatompa, wait, I'm opening it, and probably for a long time (my connection is slower than snail)04:40
tompabentinata no worries I'm glad someone even answering ! :)04:40
usr13tompa: You know that you could just use the package manager.  You can do it from command line:  sudo apt-get install virtualbox04:41
usr13tompa: and    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils04:42
adoniscikrhymthbox behaves differently depending on whether I run it from the command line or Dash. If I use the icon, I get "network connection" errors. Why might this be?04:42
mansoor-sthank you very much somsip04:42
somsipmansoor-s: np04:42
tompausr13 I did spell wrong first time "VIRITUALbox" and thought it wasnt in the default ppa...04:43
usr13tompa: If you didn't know, you could do a search, like:  apt-cache search virtual |grep box04:43
usr13tompa: Do it now so you'll see.04:43
tompausr13 hmm what does that information tell me? Did i do a search in the default ppa for "box" ? and the result is the hits of the search?04:46
bentinataI'm new to IRC, and I like this. this is better than listening my teacher up ahead. xD04:47
tompabentinata what are u studying?04:47
cubwhat is a gflop?04:48
GerbilSoftcub: surface rt ;)04:48
GerbilSoftactually "gigaflop"04:48
GerbilSofti.e. one billion floating point operations per second04:49
usr13tompa: It showed you available (authorized) packages that can be installed.04:49
cubhow do i find a certain process in terminal04:50
cubfor example.. locate apache or chrome04:50
somsipcub: locate apache; locate chrome04:50
cuband ty GerbilSoft04:50
tompausr13 okey :) is it always searching in the default OS version's repository?04:50
bentinatatompa, oh04:51
cubokay somsip, and this will show me the process too as well as ID?04:51
bentinatatompa, try sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-4.104:51
usr13tompa: You are always better off installing packages via the package manager. Pretty much anything you could want is available via Ubuntu's package manager.  If you install only from the package manager, you'll be assured everything will work as expected.  When you deviate from that method, things may not work well for you.04:51
somsipcub: it will show you where it is in the filesystem. Do you want something like 'ps aux' instead?04:51
usr13tompa: Yes, that is correct04:51
cubsomsip how would i find a certain process by name then?04:54
cubps aux -C ?04:54
somsipcub: I'd grep it - ps aux | grep apache04:54
bentinatatompa, according to your tutorial try "sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-4.1"04:54
usr13cub: ps aux |grep process-name04:54
cubwhats grep do?04:54
cfhowlettcub, info grep or man grep on the terminal will tell you04:55
somsipcub: outputs lines that match a string/expression04:55
tompausr13 yeah i know, as I said i search for it but couldnt find it so I assumed it wasnt included (as many other programs ain't). Thank you for all handy information love the support!04:55
usr13cub: grep print lines matching a pattern04:55
cubok ty04:55
tompabentinata yeah it worked! Thanks. how did you find the name of the file?04:55
bentinatatompa, your link just finished loaded04:56
tompabentinata lol04:57
bentinatachallenger, yo?05:07
challengerbentinata, i'm having problem regarding connection speed05:08
challengerit was working fine .. but from last couple of days its getting slow down05:08
dr_willisapt-get supports tab completion. so  apt-get remove vir<tab> should  have shown a list  that should have included  virtualbox. :)   for future referance05:08
challengersometime it gets disconnected after 10-15 min05:09
challengerdon't know what to do05:09
dr_williscould be interfearnce from some one elses stuff05:10
bentinatamaybe it cause your provider05:10
dr_willisif you are on wireless05:10
challengerno .. i'm on wired connection05:10
dr_williscable? dsl? other?05:10
challengeri 've checked out everything  ..network card.. preference,05:10
challengerdsl connection05:11
randomjayim in asia, everything is always slow :/ other computers on the network are not suffering from speed drops?05:11
MK`What is the name of the laptop battery applet in 11.10 for gnome fallback? Mine crashed, want to reenable it.05:12
challengeris there any command i can use here to show u my sys info?05:13
challengerinxi isn't wrking05:13
challengerdr_willis? interference? magnetic? electrical ? what kinda?05:13
MK`Which sys info challenger?05:14
challengerlike network info ?05:14
MK`ah, I do not know about that05:14
challengerMK` : :)05:15
challengerphew .. now i'm thinking of switching to mint or arch05:16
challenger(maybe its a bad idea) but don't know what to do know05:16
seednodeArch is an... interesting experience05:16
onboraduse UEFI only  start ubuntu 12.04 version ,Xorg couldn't start ,and report  [     6.275] (II) VESA(0): initializing int1005:17
seednodeSpeaking from two years of using it05:17
onborad[     6.276] (EE) VESA(0): V_BIOS address 0xd00 out of range05:17
onboradany one ideas?05:17
challengerseednode: really .. i didn't give it try ever05:17
challengerafraid of loosing data during installation05:17
seednodeIf you're annoyed with Ubuntu about having issues05:17
seednodeYou might want to avoid Arch05:17
challengerpeople say that its hard to configure it during installation05:17
seednodeIt's fun, and an interesting hobby05:17
seednodeBut it requires quite a bit of tweaking to work well05:18
seednodeEh, installation isn't bad.05:18
onborad(EE) VESA(0): V_BIOS address 0xd00 out of range05:18
seednodeAll command line, though05:18
seednodeSo if you're newish to Linux, I'd avoid it05:19
seednodeI don't know how much experience you have05:19
challengerbefore i can download arch i need to get out of this prob.. cann't download bcoz of slow and unstable connection05:19
challengerseednode: i'm not so bad at cmdline05:19
seednodeWell, honestly, ALL conf is command line05:20
rypervenchechallenger: How long have you been using Linux?05:20
challengeri have 2 year experience05:20
seednodeThere are no GUIs by default05:20
seednodeOnly those from the DE/WM you install05:20
challengeri hate eye candy stuffs like win 8  or unity05:20
rypervencheThen I'd say it's possible for you.05:20
seednodeI use Openbox with Arch05:20
xangua!ot | challenger seednode05:20
ubottuchallenger seednode: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:20
seednodePerfect for my uses05:20
seednodeOh, sorry.05:20
seednodeKeep forgetting this isn't off-topic05:20
seednodeI don't have labels up05:20
bentinatachallenger, me tha same05:21
challengerubottu : sorry boss05:21
challengerbentinata, :-)05:21
seednodechallenger, hop into offtopic05:21
bentinatachallenger, cause of that I use xfce405:21
seednodexangua, though honestly you could just tell me, instead of using the bot05:21
challengerexfce4?  i've never used KDE .. nor i want to05:21
challengerexfce . lightweight de05:22
challengergrt . people suggest me often xfce05:22
seednodeIt's kinda ugly05:22
rypervencheI use Xfce too.05:22
challengerbut  isn't graphics very poor?05:22
challengerin xfce05:22
rypervencheIt is what you make it. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19330159/Linux/screenshot1.png05:23
seednodechallenger, move to #ubuntu-offtopic, else we'll be yelled at again05:23
challengeri like gnome X.Y05:23
challengerseednode  :P05:23
seednodeNot gonna lie, rypervenche, I don't like that look05:23
seednodeBut to each their own05:23
challengerplease someone hand me out guidline link please :(05:23
seednodechallenger, you're only supposed to discuss the current Ubuntu release using Unity/GNOME3 here05:24
seednodeAnything else is for offtopic05:24
izxapt-cacher-ng server is not working. Could anyone help me pls..?? Am getting "W: Failed to fetch http://cacher-server:4242/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found"05:24
challengerseednode : as you say boss05:24
osmrduckswhre do i get a free version of ubuntu05:25
challengernow  to the main point.. i'm still in trouble05:25
xanguaizx: maverick has no longer support....since 201105:25
xanguaosmrducks: from ubuntu.com05:25
challengercouldn't find solution to my prob05:25
bentinataosmrducks, Ubuntu is FREE05:25
osmrducksand is free? the one i can run off disk?05:25
bentinataosmrducks, yes05:26
izxxangua: This cacher server runs fine till yesterday.. It was there since 200905:26
randomjayif you are talking about a physical cd, i think you might have to pay for shipping, right?05:26
osmrducksall plaaces ive tryed to get they want money for05:26
zgI had an issue installing the bootloader, what do I do? I chose /dev/sdb, but that didn't help05:26
randomjaydownloading an image that you can burn onto a cd yourself is free of charge.05:26
osmrducksi will go to it tho thanks.. im new to linux... heard it was awesome and wanted to try it05:26
bentinataosmrducks, I always download it at ubuntu.com, and burn the CD myself05:26
randomjaythis is probably what you are after: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop05:27
kunjiosmrducks: Use a USB drive, don't even need to waste a CD ^_^05:27
osmrducksand can i use it on a laptop?05:27
seednodeosmrducks, yes05:27
randomjaynot sure where youve been looking if they want to charge you money for a copy of ubuntu05:27
bentinataosmrducks, yes you can05:27
osmrducksthank u all05:27
bentinatathey charge for shipping, it worth it05:28
seednodeOn any x86/x64 computer, usually05:28
osmrducksi thought u could download it?05:28
seednodeYou can do both05:28
bentinataoh, I'm just discussing, download is free05:28
osmrduckswhere to download?  ubuntu.com?05:28
Malimbarwould this be a decent place to debug a problem with Steam?05:29
randomjaybentinata, i never tried ordering a dvd myself.. is there anything else included in the shipment but a disc? such as.. i dont know.. documentation? fun freebies?05:29
challengerarghhh !!!!!!05:29
zgMalimbar: perhaps #steamlug05:29
xangua!manual | random05:29
ubotturandom: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:29
Malimbarthanks zg05:29
challengerobottu: :D (:X)05:30
bentinatarandomjay, me too, but my friend buy it, and he get ~20 dvd05:30
pianomanhello, i tried installing ubuntu via dvd but when the menu to choose for installing or trying it, it took me to a black screen and not the ubuntu looking screen that it should have been. when i hit install it didn05:30
pianomant work05:30
osmrducksso the ubuntu desktop will work on laptop?05:30
randomjayosmrducks yes05:30
osmrducksk sorry for all the questions05:30
bentinataosmrducks, no worry05:31
challengerpianoman. may be you are installing ubuntu in txt mode05:31
randomjayno its ok. they just call it the desktop version because its for desktop/workstation use, and that includes your laptop. the other two options are Server and Cloud, which you probably wont have to worry about just yet ;q05:31
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:31
pianomanwell i burned it to the disc correctly and it automatically detected it and started. but the installation failed. what does the txt mode mean?05:32
challengerwhich one version are you trying to install? pianoman05:32
challengermaybe obottu is right pianoman05:33
dr_willistry the nomodeset option05:34
challengerpianoman,  you can post screenshot here if you have one05:35
pianomani'm not sure how to do it. the best i can describe it though is that it looks like  normal black boot screen. it has a short code and says it failed challenger05:36
=== dankest is now known as dankest|away
challengerpianoman . try to install it in vbox05:37
challengervirtualbox = vbox05:37
pianomanhow do i do that?05:38
challengercurrently what os are you using?05:38
pianomanim using windows 805:38
challengerthan download virtualbox from virtualbox.org05:38
challengerand install it . u can install ubuntu 12.10 through its image05:39
challengerit will be handy05:39
challengerif you are new to linux or afraid to use it05:39
challengerjust give a try to vbox05:39
challengerdon't need to make real partition or disk formatting05:40
dr_willisvbox is to handy to not use ;)05:40
dr_willisa little linux disrto in vbox can be a lot of fun and usefull05:40
challengerdr_willis: in case of data risk( data lose)05:41
challengerit will be handy if u just want to give a try05:41
Aditya^_hey guys05:41
Aditya^_i am running windows 8 and wana get dual boot05:41
Aditya^_i have the iso file05:41
Aditya^_how to install via usb05:41
pianomanwell i've already tried ubuntu. i want to install it but its still not working. why?05:42
dr_willisuse one of the many tools to 'burn' the iso to usb making a live usb. the pendrivelinux site has several to try  Aditya^_05:42
dr_willisAditya^_:  then boot the usb and use the installer.05:42
dr_willisive no idea how windows 8 will affect things however05:43
dr_williswhen in doubt.. make backups first05:43
pianomani have the same issue as aditya.05:43
pianomani'd be happy to make a usb if i knew itd work05:43
lekucould be EFI boot vs bios boot05:43
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:43
lekuor problem with secure boot?05:43
challenger aditya: use UNetbootin05:43
pianomanthe difference being?05:43
dr_willistheres dozens of tools/ways to make a bootable usb from the ISO.05:44
challengeru can make any usb bootable through it05:44
challengervery easy to use tool05:44
young001how to judge if a sentence is all consisted by english05:44
dr_willislookl at the pendricelinux site and see whats there challenger05:44
dr_willispendrivelinux.org or .com.. i forget05:44
challengerdr_willis, okay sir05:45
dr_willissome people have issues with some tools, or otehrs.. so its  ok to try several05:45
dr_willisi like the pendrivelinux tool thst lets me put several differnt isos on the same  large flash drive05:45
Aditya^_pendrive linux i should try?05:45
dr_willisAditya^_:  its a site with tools to put iso on usb/flash... if thatts what you need to do05:46
challengerdr_willis: then whats d prob with using unetbootin?05:46
dr_willischallenger:  ive had unetbootin NOT work.. thats why i reccomend s site that lists several tools05:47
challengerunetbootin allows to create bootable usb without burning to cd/dvd05:47
fmedinafixing up my X1 Carbon with Ubuntu 12.10... want to custom kernel to get rid of unwanted stuff, anyone have a working config for kernel 3.7 for X1 Carbon by any chance?  first attempt did not boot :-)05:47
dr_willisso do dozens of other tools05:47
challengerdr_willis: but it worked for me sir :)05:47
dr_willischallenger:  and ive had it not work dozens of times05:47
fmedinais there a place for working configs on custom kernels for different machines?05:48
Aditya^_downloaded one from there05:48
Aditya^_its running05:48
dr_willissome times theres version issues, or weird usb  quirks.05:48
dr_willisand often some tools you may find at the pendrivelinux site have neat other features.. like multi iso. or they can auto download the iso. or other cool features05:48
Aditya^_after it finishes i need to  reboot and boot from usb ?05:49
challengerdr_willis, grt05:49
dr_willisAditya^_:  thats the normal procedure yes05:49
dr_willisAditya^_:  you have backed up imprornt stuff?05:49
Aditya^_i am installing it on other partition05:50
dr_willisif theres a power failure or other issue during the instsaller resizeing your existing system.. thst can be very bad05:50
Aditya^_its empty05:50
dr_willisif otehr partion allready exists.. that makes it much easier. ;)05:50
challengernow time to leave .. .05:50
Aditya^_Creating the persistant file05:51
dr_willisjust for installing you really dont need one. ;) but it wont hurt05:52
g00053oh #ubuntu, how I heart you05:52
Aditya^_dr willis05:52
Aditya^_time to see if it works05:52
wtingHow do I list all the ppas added via add-apt-repository? It's not in /etc/apt/sources.list...05:54
dr_williswting:  sources.list.d05:55
dr_willis each ppa has its own config files05:55
wtingahh ok, thankd dr_willis05:55
dr_willismakes it easy to see whats there ;)05:55
dr_willisthe old way of altering sources.list is a bit of a no no these days05:56
lekuhow come when I start e17, I still see a bunch of unity processes running?06:06
lekuhow do I kill this crap06:07
wtingdr_willis: I don't know, I'm still stuck in my old ways. It's a lot easier to add/remove ppas. So far ppa-purge and apt-add-repository --remove have failed.06:07
dD0TI have disabled system wide proxy and yet get $http_proxy set. I can't figure out where this is done. Nothing in .bashrc, bash_aliases, /etc/environment. This is Ubuntu 12.10. Any ideas where this might come from? Thanks.06:07
osmrduckscan i run the ubuntu dl off my hd?06:09
dr_willisosmrducks:  you mean run the ISO file?06:09
dr_willisvbox can boot an ISO file06:10
osmrduckswhere to get the vbox>06:10
dr_willisat its homepage06:10
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:10
BlackDalekare there any soloutions for the "ubuntu 12.10 will not install past first step" problem?06:10
dr_willisim not sure how well unity works in  vbox06:10
dr_williswhat first step BlackDalek ?06:11
nibblerin which order are the initramfs-tools scripts executed? is init-premount always executed before local-top?06:13
BlackDalekdr_willis, the window which is titled "Preparing to install Ubuntu" and has "download updates" ticked and "install third-party software"... click continue and the spinning pointer appears and installer stalls at that point with no further action evident.06:13
dr_willisBlackDalek:  networking is enabled?06:14
BlackDalekdr_willis, it is connected wirelessly to the local network. This is the same issue this person has here  - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2081850 no solution was found there either and I couldn't find aother thread with the same problem.06:15
osmrducksdr which virtual box should i get?06:16
BlackDalekdr_willis, I too and trying to install the 32bit regular ubuntu to a 64bit PC.... same as original poster in that thread. Do you think trying the 64bit version of 12.10 would make a difference?06:16
osmrducksi dont want to install it.... i want to run it first and see if i like it... ive never tryed it before and see what its all about06:17
gnomefreakanyne know if there is a command that starts with the word "paste"?06:18
gnomefreakanyone even06:19
g00053running it from an hd or vb or usb will not net the same performance as installing tho ?06:19
magn3tsgnomefreak, yes.06:19
nibblergnomefreak: apt-file search bin/paste06:19
gnomefreakmagn3ts: thanks06:19
* nibbler still wonders why apt-file is not installed by default....06:20
osmrduckswhat version of vbox should i download to run linux and try it out?06:21
osmrducksVBOX for linux hosts?06:22
somsip!vbox | osmrducks06:22
ubottuosmrducks: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:22
dr_williswindows is your host06:22
dr_willisHost = the machine running vbox.. guest = the Os IN vbox06:23
dr_willisthe vbox manual is wirth reading also06:23
osmrducksok am there and reading... thanks again06:24
ozzloyrhythmbox sometimes stops playback on .flac files.  i tried deleting ~/.gstreamer-0.10/registry.x86_64.bin and that worked for a few songs, but it stops on flac songs still06:24
ozzloyhow do i make rhythmbox play flac songs always?06:24
petergkhey all06:25
dr_williscould be its stopping because of the encoding of the flac.. does it always stop on the same file?06:25
ozzloydr_willis, not sure.  next time it stops on a song i'll try deleting that file and trying it again06:26
ozzloy"deleting" actually i'm moving it06:26
dr_willisjust jot down what file its stopping on.. and try to play it by itself06:27
ozzloydefinitely more than one flac file06:27
ozzloyand they were all created in the last week or so06:28
ozzloymy whole cd collection was ripped06:28
dr_willisif every file from the cd that was ripped the same way.. has issues.. that points to some file format or bug in the app06:28
dr_willisunless its having issues reading the files from hd.06:28
ozzloyall the files were ripped in the same way06:29
ozzloysome play, some don't06:29
dr_willisdmesg may show if theres any IO errors06:29
ozzloythis time all i had to do was double click the file in the playlist and it started playing06:31
ozzloywtf wtf06:31
dr_willisso it played like 10 songs.. then stopped.. then you started it again06:32
dr_williswith the 11th06:32
ozzloysomething like that06:36
ozzloyi'm waiting for it to die again06:36
dr_willisit wont do it while you are watching.....06:36
BlackDalekdr_willis, do you think that there is anyway to install 12.10 on a PC which can't get past first step of installer or do you think there might be a way around it?06:36
ozzloymaybe i'll start rhythmbox from terminal and watch for debug output06:37
dr_willisBlackDalek:  Run the installer from a terminal. look for error messages.  you did try unchecking the boxs >06:37
grendal-primewhat in the hell is going on with getdeb.net?06:37
dr_willisgrendal-prime:  been down for like a month i think06:37
grendal-primeis it ever going to be back up?06:37
grendal-primejesus ill give them a server if they need it06:38
dr_willisno idea. ;) i never really used the site06:38
BlackDalekdr_willis, how do I run the installer from the terminal?06:38
dr_williscommand is 'ubiquity' i think BlackDalek06:38
mayankhow do i install my canon lbp2900 printer on ubuntu 12.1006:38
grendal-primemayank,  plug it in06:38
mayankits plugged in and on, but no drivers for lbp290006:39
grendal-primethat is a total guess by the way but that seems to work for me with every other printer ive worked with06:39
BlackDalekdr_willis, could you possibly be a bit less vague... i.e.  Do I boot into a live session from the installed CD, the open a terminal window and type ubiquity.. or do I boot up in the old OS (11.10) and use a terminal from that then insert the installer CD, or use a ctrl+alt+F1 terminal?06:41
dr_willischeck the cups.org site and the linuxprinting.org site to see if its supported at all.06:41
dr_williscanon is rather poor in their linux support06:41
dr_willison the live cd. open a terminal  and run 'gksudo ubiquity'06:41
dr_willisyou dont install from within a installed os06:41
mayankits showing other model drivers but not lbp290006:41
mayankhow do i download drivers for ubuntu 12.1006:42
BlackDalekdr_willis, ok... I will give it a go and see if I get any errors ;)06:42
dr_willismayank:  perhaps one of those may work if they are similer.  check the package manager for canon drivers if you cant select them from the printer config dialogs06:42
dr_willisor 'apt-cache search canon' and see whaats there06:42
mayankwhere to use apt-cache?, whats the whole command?06:44
Aditya^"bm cf06:45
* gnomefreak doesnt see canon on raGING06:45
FloodBot1Aditya^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
Aditya^de willis06:45
dr_willisapt-cache search canon'  would be the command.. ;)06:46
Aditya^the usb thing didnot work06:46
Aditya^i burned a DVD and installed06:46
Aditya^at the startup06:46
dr_williswe can read more then 4 words on a single line Aditya^06:46
Aditya^it doesnt ask me to b/w win8 and ubuntu06:46
BneytAnybody have a problem with the Realtek r8168 drivers here?06:47
dr_willisYou have a spare hard drive or partuon thats empty?06:47
gnomefreakdr_willis: i cant find canon in raring06:47
viking667sigh. Well, I seem to have fglrx working again, though not against xorg 1.1406:48
viking667I had to use a ppa and downgrade to xorg 1.1306:48
Bneythi, Anybody have a problem with the Realtek r8168 drivers here?06:48
onborad use UEFI only  start ubuntu 12.04 version ,Xorg couldn't start ,and report  [     6.275] (II) VESA(0): initializing int1006:48
onborad<onborad> [     6.276] (EE) VESA(0): V_BIOS address 0xd00 out of range06:48
onboradany one ideas06:48
harachahow do i activate a program on a mounted .iso from cli06:49
ozzloydr_willis, it stopped again!06:49
mayankok willis, its shows full page something....but now wat?06:49
dr_willisAditya^:  you could partion the hd how you want using the advanced features of the installer.  you normally need 2 partitions, one for '/'  of type ext4 and one for 'swap' of the type swap06:50
guest16haracha, find out the path where it is mounted, typically it's under /media/06:50
dr_willismayank:  install any canon drivers you may find listed.06:50
harachait displays a garbage filepath without slashes instead it has the % codes & it hints at ~06:50
harachaor /home/user/06:50
Bneythi, Anybody have any experience installing the Realtek r8168 drivers?06:51
dr_willismount command should show the mountpoints06:51
mayankits says already installed06:51
mayankbut still not printout wen i give the print command06:52
mayanki dont understand06:52
harachahow do i change permissions on a default app mounted .iso06:53
dr_willisharacha:   why are you needing to do that? change what permissions?06:54
Chad__Can anyone answer a quick question I have about rsnapshot (rsnapshot irc channel is dead).06:55
harachax a cutable06:55
harachaand i wanna install one of my favorite games :>06:55
dr_willisharacha:  use  wine  /path/to/the/whatever.exe06:56
sameerfx_Can someone help me with some partitioning in gparted? Here is the issue I'm running into: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=1675406:56
dr_willisthe idea of double clicking a .exe and it running.. is.. well problematic06:56
sameerfx_basically, I have 4 primary partitions, one of which is extended.06:56
=== amagee is now known as i
sameerfx_I can't create a new logical partition in that extended partition06:56
dr_willissince for some ODD reason they have decided the .exe needs to be executable for 'security' reasons06:56
BlackDalekdr_willis, tried running ubiquity from terminal of live session... not one single error or piece of info appeared in the terminal window. Installer still stalls at same point. Also tried with both boxes un-checked... :(    No solution exists?06:56
dr_williswhich is no security at all06:56
sameerfx_Here is a screenshot of the error: http://i.imgur.com/wxdZB.png06:57
=== i is now known as amagee
amageehey, i'm trying to increase my open file limit06:57
dr_willisBlackDalek:  checedked the forums?  and askubuntu.com? ive never heard of that problem happening in here befor06:57
sameerfx_amagee, have you tried ulimit?06:57
amageei've put "amagee hard nofile 50000" and "amagee soft nofile 50000" in /etc/security/limits.conf, but i still can't use "ulimit -n 50000" to increase it06:57
amageeit says "bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted"06:58
guest16sameerfx_: first extend the logical partition over the unallocated space, then select the "new" unallocated area that you'll see in the logical partition06:58
BlackDalekdr_willis, I've been trying google before I came here (still looking now as we speak) and that one post on the forums is all I've managed to come up with so far...06:58
guest16sameerfx_: the first step is, select the logical partition, then click the button above with the the arrow.06:59
sameerfx_amagee, did you try sudoing that? (run it as root?)06:59
guest16Sorry, first select the /extended/ partition.06:59
guest16replace logical with extended in my comments above.06:59
amageeyes, but it doesn't work (also, ulimit is user-specific so that doesn't really make sense in this case)06:59
sameerfx_guest16, trying that now07:00
guest16To select the extended partition, you click the border, not the area inside (which would select the logical partitions instead)07:00
guest16The cyan border.07:00
dr_willisBlackDalek:  tehres  may be some logs in /var/log   it could be its a bad cd/dvd burn also. You tried it on a differnt machine?07:00
BlackDalekdr_willis, it is the same DVD which installed to this very PC I am talking to you on now.07:01
sameerfx_guest16, will I need to reboot into a liveCD to do this?07:02
sameerfx_Under the Extended partition, 2 of the partitions are / and /home.07:02
dr_willisBlackDalek:  dirty work around...  do a full install to a 8gb usb flash drive... then  use dd to image that flash to the HD of the problem pc. ;) then gparted to resize the partitons07:02
sameerfx_So maybe since those partitions are mounted, I may not be able to expand the Extended area?07:02
dr_willisBlackDalek:  or swap the HDS  install.. put it back in the problem box07:02
sameerfx_I clicked on the cyan border, but resize is grayed out07:03
harachadr_willis i put the .iso on a virtual mount point which i haven't exposed to my brains as to where yet07:03
dr_willisyou dont resize in use/mounted filesystems07:03
guest16I don't know.07:03
sameerfx_I'll try to do that, thanks.07:03
bnathanhi, does anybody here have any experience installing the realtek r8168 drivers?07:03
dr_willisharacha:  huh?07:03
harachamy computer has the .exe mounted on a virtual drive which i don't yet understand how to pinpoint in CLI :I07:03
bnathanhi, does anybody here have any experience installing the realtek r8168 drivers?07:04
dr_willisharacha:  you are mounting an ISO file in vbox under linux?07:04
bnathanhi, does anybody here have any experience installing the realtek r8168 drivers?07:04
BlackDalekdr_willis, that HD swap idea almost sounded perfect! until I realised the problem machine's HD is sata and my only other 12.10 capable PCs are IDE :(07:05
harachano no i mounted it with the default app that comes with mister ubuntu current :307:05
dr_willisharacha:  see where the mount command says its at.07:05
bnathanhi, does anybody here have any experience installing the realtek r8168 drivers?07:05
dr_willisharacha:  or mount it by hand.07:05
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:05
dr_willisBlackDalek:  i got a usb hd adaptor that does all the hd sizes/ports. ;)  best $25 i spent07:06
exiffFondest of greetings to you all.07:06
exiffWhich channel or irc network do i go to to get help with the evolution mail client?07:06
bnathanhi, does anybody know which IRC I could get help with linux drivers?07:07
TakeItEZ!anyone | bnathan07:08
ubottubnathan: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:08
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BlackDalekdr_willis, and the full install to a flash drive workaround sounds bad.. in that it sounds like it will wipe all the data from the problem PC :( furthermore, I just found this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/204771/ubuntu-12-10-installation-hangs-at-preparing-to-install-ubuntu which seems to suggest that the way around the problem is to format the drive :(07:08
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:08
BlackDalekdr_willis, this PC was a clean install, so that goes with the theory of it needing a clean drive to avoid the problem (on PCs which experience the problem)07:11
dr_willissounds liek the installer cant figure out the partuon layout if  the fix suggests a reformat07:14
dr_willisyou may be able to partion it by hand/resize/leave part unallocated first.. then start the installer07:14
dr_willisif the HD layout is the issue. then i would expect the problem to happen on a differnt machine if you swaped hds also07:16
mayankcanon printer not working lbp2900, ubuntu 12.1007:17
ElectricPrismQ: how can I change the default location in the gnome open dialog from "recently used" to "home" ?07:17
mayankno response on print command07:18
onborad(EE) VESA(0): V_BIOS address 0xd00 out of range xorg couldn't start07:20
mayank_can anybody help?07:20
zgI need help partitioning free space on a windows machine07:20
mayank_my laser printer canon lbp2900 not working on ubuntu 12.1007:21
bnathanHi, I recently purchased a PC with a P8z77-M PRO ASUS Motherboard with a Realtek 8111b/8168b NIC. Upon installation of Ubuntu 12.10, I get a disabled network card using r8169 driver.I downloaded the latest r8168 drivers at http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false which is 8.035.00 and followed the instruction to run autorun.sh which compiled the driver and placed it in the appropri07:21
mayank_ my laser printer canon lbp2900 not working on ubuntu 12.1007:23
dr_willismayank_:  you could do a write up on askubuntu.com asking about it and how to get it working...07:24
dr_willisit might not be doable.07:24
bnathanHi, I recently purchased a PC with a P8z77-M PRO ASUS Motherboard with a Realtek 8111b/8168b NIC. Upon installation of Ubuntu 12.10, I get a disabled network card using r8169 driver.I downloaded the latest r8168 drivers at http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false which is 8.035.00 and followed the instruction to run autorun.sh which compiled the driver and placed it in the appropri07:24
dr_willisinclude what youve done, how you have configured it.. and any  cups logs that seem imporntant07:24
dr_willisbnathan:  shorten your question a bit.. its getting cut off.. and you have tried loading the modules via modprobe?07:26
bnathanthanks I'll try that solution right now07:26
chiquesHas anyone played with an Ubuntu Smartphoe?07:27
bazhangchiques, #ubuntu-phone07:28
dr_willischiques:  im not sure they even exist right now07:28
Geet_how to create a shortcut icon for a command line07:28
dr_willisother then in 'just look dont touch' prototypes. :)07:28
chiquesdr_willis, just curious, thanks07:28
dr_willisGeet_:  copy a existing .desktop launcher  somewhere  and edit it07:29
dr_willisIll belivec in the ubuntu phone when i can actually go and buy one at the store/internet. ;)07:29
dr_willisive had so many letdowns with Overyhyped  and vaporware hardware over the years07:29
dr_willisVaporhardware? ;)07:29
Geet_what is a .desktop launcher?07:30
Geet_dr_willis ^07:31
dr_willisevery gui app has a corseponding .desktop file07:31
dr_willislook at gedit.desktop for example07:31
bnathanhi dr willis, I did a modprobe -l and it showed that the module was there07:31
chiquesdr_willis, Nokia's Samba was OK, if they could port just half of the the Ubuntu apps it would be amazing but your right, it's like those amazing concept cars GM is always promising to make available.07:31
dr_willisbnathan:  if the module loads.. look at dmesg output to see if any errors happen07:31
dr_willischiques:  or that  similer idea phone  that came out a year or so ago.. atrix?07:32
ShadekittyCan anyone tell me if Ubuntu 12.10 is compatable with VMWare 3.14? I'm having some really odd issues with my GUI…   sometimes my desktop shows up, sometimes it doesn't…  I haven't played with linux since Slackware 3 and couldn't find anything regarding this issue in any of the docs I looked at...07:37
dr_willisunity may have issues if the 3d drivers are not working right07:38
Shadekittythx.. at least that gives me a direction to look… :)07:38
dr_willistry lubuntu  if you dont really want the fancy unity desktop07:38
dr_willisthe askubuntu.com site may also have some guides/info on 12.10 in vmware.07:39
dr_willisi only use vbox  these days07:39
bonoor qemu07:39
WanderingEnderVMWare what, btw?07:39
WanderingEnderESXi, VSphere, Player, Workstation?07:39
ShadekittyI'm just exploring it for now as a whole. Job offer coming up and they primarily use ubuntu… it's been a while since I've touched any *nix systems…07:39
ShadekittyVMWare workstation 3.1407:39
WanderingEnderUse VirtualBox. You're not running VMWare on big iron, so there's no reason to stick with it.07:40
ShadekittyI'll check it out…07:40
dr_willis*nix is too handy to not have around. ;)07:42
ShadekittyI got lazy with windows…07:42
ShadekittyI did tinker with RHE at a job a few years back, but nothing major. Like I said.. my last real experience was slackware 3 if that gives you a timeframe…07:43
Shadekittyprobably around the same time that I was last found in an IRC channel too.. LOL07:44
bnathanhi dr willis, I did the dmesg and I see "eth0 identified chip RTL8168f/R8111." "lshw -c" showed a network card of "r8168b/8111b"07:46
dr_willisthis is a wired or wireless  network card?07:47
bnathanwired network card07:47
dr_willisifconfig shows an eth0 device then?07:48
bnathanno. only the loopback07:48
dr_willistry modprobing the module again and look at the end of dmesg output perhaps? it may give a clue07:48
bnathanok. thanks07:49
zghi i'm having an issue booting my system07:50
zgI'm getting the error /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present07:50
zgwhen I type 'swapon -a' it says 'swapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: start failed: No such file or directory07:51
dr_willisyou are using an encrypted swap partition?07:52
petergkzg: it's a cryptswap problem....07:52
petergkor partition07:52
zgI enabled encrypt home directory07:53
kesh-mayi have a question about using wine, is it possible for me to run a game (sims 3) using all of the expansion packs that have been purchased as well07:53
dr_williskesh-may:  check the wine app database perhaps.07:53
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:53
petergkzg cryptsetup remove cryptswap107:53
zg"Device cryptswap1 is not active."07:54
kesh-mayi know that i can play the sims on wine but will it allow me to use the expansion packs as well they are all on seperate disk07:54
petergkzg: you can edit some stuff in the /etc/crypttab?07:54
RollinV2anyway to automatically load a set theme + icon set? I'd like to make my own login sessions based on themes (minimal for work, fancy for home, etc)07:54
bnathanhi dr willis, I did a "modprobe -v r8168" and the module is not doing anything presently. the last message on dmesg was the discrepancy of the identified network card type07:54
dr_willisso the module seems confused about the card sounds like07:55
bnathandr_willis: Is there anything I could do or I have to ask help from Realtek?07:56
dr_willisbnathan:  i doubt if they will care or help.  you could check the arch linux wiki if the ubuntu forums and askubuntu.com help fails. they may have some info about the card in their wiki pages07:57
bnathanok. thanks a lot07:57
dr_willisbnathan:  id also test a 13.04 live cd - see if the newer kernel in it works with the card.07:58
warmhi, I am connecting my laptop  via HDMI to a TV, and when i close the lid, the output stops. how to solve that?07:58
bnathanah ok.07:58
zgpetergk: yes07:58
zgcryptswap1 /dev/sda6 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha25607:58
zgthat's the only line in the file07:58
warmI set the option in the power management to Do Nothing, but it won't help.07:59
Shadekittycheck power management in your BIOS?08:00
ShadekittyI've got an older dell that I had to actually turn off stuff in bios rather than the OS to stop putting the laptop to sleep when the lid shut.08:01
harachahow do i modulate the brightness08:02
harachai think a game set the brightness way too high08:02
nunyaI'm trying to setup openvpn with wireless connection and I've followed the openvpn instructions to the letter but it keeps timing out and not working.08:03
warmShadekitty, thanks, i'll try it out08:03
Shadekittyhave you tried the blank screen setting rather than "do nothing"?08:03
Shadekittya quick google shows that others have had the same problem in previous versions of ubuntu and have had the issue resolved changing the option..08:03
ShadekittySeems to be a lot of Dell computers with the issue… happen to have a dell by chance?08:05
warmShadekitty, no , there is no such an opting on my computer.08:06
ShadekittyTheres a lot of bugs reported similar to your issue… sorry I couldn't help. Try googling your specifics… if no one replies here08:08
petergkzg: comment out that line i think08:08
warmShadekitty, that's ok, thank you, I searched, and led to an issue on ubuntu web, no common solution.08:09
zgi removed that line and it did nothing08:09
zgalso, I had an error with my installation08:09
bnathanHi, will there be any problems if I update my linux kernel to the latest using ubuntu 12.10?08:10
Shadekitty@warm - maybe search for a fix editing /etc/acpi/lid.sh08:11
zgbnathan: from what version?08:11
dr_willisthe latest kernel from kernel.org you mean? or what exactly08:12
Shadekittyor /etc/default/acpi-support08:12
Kartagisin cairo-dock, I've accidentally moved pidgin into firefox dock. how can I undo that?08:13
bnathan@dr_willis: yes, the latest kernel from kernel.org08:16
bnathan@dr_willis: I plan on using 3.7 or 3.808:16
skp1dr_willis: are you familiar with zsync?08:17
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ogistshould I get kubuntu or xubuntu for my old dell inspiron 1501?08:18
ogistubuntu seems to run slow on it08:18
dr_willisskp1:  never used it.08:18
bnathan@ogist: use xubuntu08:18
dr_willisogist:  lightest would be Lubuntu08:18
infinity__Just Curious I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 & using NFS, Which the system was working fine til lately, the NFS Server can't start due to portmap not starting to where I would have to ssh into server and start it manually, So I tried modifying /etc/init/portmap.conf and added start on runlevel [2345] or start-rpcbind. Has anyone ran into this problem before, Or is modifying that file the source of the probelm?08:20
dr_willisinfinity__:  ubuntu dosent really use runlevles the same as other disrots do or did.08:20
dr_willisthere may be some verbose options  to portmap to makeit log more error messages08:21
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WanderingEnderTIL: Launchpad supports export of ssh keys to ubuntu PCs.08:30
MoL0ToVhi to all! to mount at every reboot a smb share i can place a row in fstab to mount in /media/samba ? then i view also a dedicated icon next the fylesystem cdrom and usb key in automatic? or i must use another way to automount a samba share and make appears in /media (and in gnome panel menu)08:34
leonardpophello! i am trying to get my 3g modem to work in ubuntu 12.10 64bit (installed from ubuntu minimal iso, gnome shell added). i get the error  "connection failed" "activation of network connection failed". can someone help me please?08:35
WanderingEnderleonardpop, more information required before you can be helped.08:36
MoL0ToVexist a possible to configure ubuntu to automagically place in /media all the smb shares of the local net? as usb sticks and cdrom...08:36
JornStiandisplaylink packages in 12.10?08:37
dr_willisMoL0ToV:  theres some fuse tools  that can scan/show shares   but im not sure how well it works these days08:37
halo4my compyter is broke08:37
leonardpopWanderingEnder: i have a digi.mobil 3g usb stick modem, i configured it according to a tutorial, i don't know what other info should i give you, i am not linux literate08:37
kgsleonardpop: correct me if I'm wrong, but most modems need some software to configure the connection. What model is it?08:37
dr_willisi cant even rember its name. smbfuse or fusesmb08:37
JornStianhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/203717/constant-green-screen-with-usb-to-dvi-adapter tells me to install xserver-xorg-video-displaylink, however, that package isn't availiable08:37
halo4it wont start08:38
halo4it turns on, but i cant log in to it08:39
dr_willishalo4:  tell i the channel what it does do exactly08:39
bentinatahalo4, is it stuck in login screen?08:39
leonardpopkgs: it's a huawei modem i don't know how to tell what model is, i don't think it requires additional software, it is recognized by the system because i could start the wizard to configure it08:39
halo4when turn it on it goese some where else that not the log in screen08:40
dr_willisdescribe  where its going....08:40
halo4its a blach screen08:40
voxcroixhalo4: do you mean cant login to ubuntu?08:40
halo4with white ords08:40
halo4no its a black screen with white words08:41
dr_willisand the words are.........08:41
voxcroixhalo4: RAM problem?08:41
halo4whats ram problem08:41
halo4sorry for poor english08:41
leonardpopkgs: and a blue led is blinking on the modem08:42
meetgetting no sound. how do i check whether sound card is installed?08:42
halo4it says ubuntu login, but its not he normal log in screen08:42
ogistI have a dell inspiron 1501 next to me and it has ubuntu installed. It seems to be unable to connect to the internet08:43
ogistI have it wired in and it keeps saying "disconnected from wired"08:43
bentinatahalo4, screenshot?08:43
voxcroixhalo4: haha..08:43
halo4ill try but it seems like its not all the way started up\08:44
bentinatahalo4, can you go to console? press Alt+F208:44
voxcroixhalo4: the easy way is to reinstall ur ubuntu08:44
osmrduckscan i burn a cd with a dvd rw?.... i just downloaded ubuntu and tryed running it with vbox and was not successful... so i would like to burn it to a disc and all i have is a dvd rw and cd's08:44
halo4alr f3 dose nothing08:44
halo4it wont boot08:44
kgsleonardpop: Here, read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1695102 . The solution is to use this: http://www.sakis3g.org/ . Give it a try. Having never used one of these modems, I don't know how well it will work.08:44
voxcroixosmrducks: can08:44
ubottulunazeta: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:45
halo4i cant screenshot it wont paste i cant log on with out login screen08:45
osmrducksok cool... but if i was to burn it to a dvd and try to run it would it work?08:45
voxcroixosmrducks: can, but you need a complate download08:46
osmrducksyeah i dled the 764mb file from ubunto.com08:46
voxcroixhalo4: what version of distro you using?08:46
halo412 i beleve08:46
dr_willishalo4:    login:    is the  Console.08:47
dr_willishalo4:  so your system is booting and starting up.08:47
halo4im at the console08:47
osmrducksfor some reason i can not get it to run off of vbox ... says something about a pag08:47
dr_willislogin at the console using your username and password08:47
halo4but i been waiting and it is not starting08:47
chamunksis there a way that I can get sudo access to files on a ubuntu target using winscp?08:47
dr_willischamunks:  not any way that i know of.08:47
halo4what username08:48
halo4i dont know it08:48
dr_willischamunks:  you could ssh in, and  then change permissions or setup a share - if you give us details08:48
kgsleonardpop: There is another solution, although is not very practical, you can put the sim card into a phone that supports USB Tethering & use it to connect.08:48
chamunkscould I give a user root access then allow that in ssh?08:48
dr_willishalo4:  we dont know it either.. its the one you gave when you instgalled08:48
dr_willischamunks:  direct logging in as root is disabled08:48
chamunksdr_willis, what sort of details do you need?08:48
halo4ok i did it and its still black secreend08:49
chamunksI mainly just want to edit apache configs via ssh08:49
dr_willischamunks:  what are you trying to do that you need winscp to get in as root08:49
chamunksI need to set up virtual hosts08:49
hexstatikis it easy to install ubuntu on mac book pro(intel i7)?08:49
dr_willischamunks:  ssh in, use a console editor and the shell to set things up..08:49
TakeItEZchamunks: ssh in, sudo nano /etc7apache2/foo, done08:49
TakeItEZchamunks: why would you use winscp to edit config-files?08:49
chamunksI could nano i was just hoping to use notepad ++08:49
dr_willischamunks:  scp the files to the users account, then ssh in and move them where they need to go perhaps]08:49
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dr_willisusing windows text editors to edit linux config files - is not a good idea08:50
chamunksI was hoping for something a tad more elegant than moving files back n forth multiple times per save.08:50
somsipchamunks: if you're going to be doing any amount of admin work on a server, persevere with learning an editor that runs on the server08:50
osmrducksit says i am missing a pae kernel08:50
chamunksTakeItEZ, I should have highlighted08:50
dr_willisyou could use X forwarding feature of SSH to have the linux text editor show on the windows desktop also08:50
TakeItEZchamunks: make sure you keep the unix lineendings of the config-files when you edit those in non-unix-systems.08:50
chamunkssomsip, I know nano fine I just was hoping to use notepad++08:50
halo4just use vim08:50
somsipchamunks: like you said, that would be inelegant08:51
chamunksTakeItEZ, notepad++ usually takes care of configs pretty well its up there in funcionality with gedit08:51
chamunksI could just edit file permissions08:51
TakeItEZchamunks: as vim does, so go the ssh way :)08:51
halo4so i cant fix my pc can i?08:51
chamunksI was mainly wondering if there was a good way to get sudo access.08:51
osmrducksne other suggestions of linux other than ubuntu? and where to get them>08:51
osmrducksfor free dl?08:52
hexstatikdoes anyone know how to change the location for notifications in 12.10> I have a dual monitor setup and the notifications popup on the monitor to the right in the bottom corner so its inconveniet to look each time08:52
dr_willishalo4:  how do you not know your user name?08:52
chamunksi just like nano for it keeps me well spoonfed with showing me the shortcuts.08:52
halo4i did the username08:52
halo4and my password08:52
somsipchamunks: then open the file in sudo nano, and copy past from notepad++08:52
halo4and its still at a black screen08:52
dr_willishalo4:  so you logged in?08:52
defektosmrducks: distrowatch08:52
halo4no, the screen changed08:53
chamunkssomsip, heh I suppose that could work sortof08:53
dr_willischanged how....08:53
halo4its still not working08:53
halo4it has my pc name08:53
osmrducksdefekt: if it wont load with vbox... will it load from disc?08:53
halo4and username08:53
somsipchamunks: not much more elegant, and I have no idea if you SSH client will support nice copy-paste08:53
dr_willishalo4:  so the answer is YES>. you have logged in..08:53
halo4i dont understand08:53
chamunksI'll add my main user to the group that is in the permissions list for the apache configs i suppose would work.08:53
chamunksI just wanted full system write access.08:54
bentinatahalo4, did it show like "username@compname:"?08:54
somsip!root | chamunks08:54
ubottuchamunks: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:54
halo4thats what its doing08:54
halo4but i still cant log in08:54
bentinatayou just logged in08:54
somsipchamunks: ditto for giving too many rights for any user08:54
defektosmrducks: it's a website of linux distributions08:54
bentinatabut not starting the XServer08:54
halo4im not dumb i know when i loged i08:54
chamunkssomsip :P I know about sudo i've been with ubuntu for quite some time I just wish I could find a way to edit these files easier when im forced to use a windows environment.08:55
bentinatahalo4, try type startx08:55
somsipchamunks: pick any of the 3 or 4 solutions already given <shrugs>08:55
bentinatahalo4, "sudo startx", sorry08:55
chamunksmy girlfriend likes playing games with me so I have to stick with windows for the games we play :(08:55
dr_willisno need to use sudo with startx08:55
bentinatadr_willis, thanks08:55
chamunkssomsip, i'm satisfied with the response that essentially my solution wont work and that there are other options :)08:56
halo4this is command prompt?08:56
chamunksthanks for the attention to the matter all.08:56
somsipchamunks: colinux, cygnix, wubi, dual-boot, ubuntu only. That was my way08:56
osmrducksdefekt: right but i just dled ubuntu and tryed to run it with vbox and it said i needed a pae kernel?... will it say the same thing if i burnt it to a disc and tryed to run it?08:56
dr_willishalo4:  you are at the bash shell.. yes08:56
bentinatahalo4, that is shell08:56
halo4whats shell08:56
osmrducksor maybe i am not using vbox correctly08:56
halo4and whats bash08:56
chamunkssomsip, I have a ssd with ubuntustudio and a hdd with windows 7 and I swap the sata cables I hate dualbooting.08:56
halo4new to unix08:56
dr_willishalo4:  you want to go spend an hr or 2 reading up on using bash  if you want to learn the basics08:56
chamunkswindows breaks mbr's and I hate fixing grub08:56
bentinatahalo4, it's like, command prompt on windows, but running on background08:56
somsipchamunks: sounds inelegant. Anyway, it's all up to you08:57
MoL0ToV<dr_willis> MoL0ToV:  theres some fuse tools  that can scan/show shares   but im not sure how well it works these days08:57
chamunksits not pretty but its easier than dualbooting problems and she only visits occasionally.08:57
halo4so that means the interface is broken yes?08:57
MoL0ToVdr_willis, what do you mean?08:57
defektosmrducks: 2nd statement I'de say. What arch are you trying to install on vbox x86 or x6408:57
bentinatahalo4, that what I want to say -__-08:57
bentinatahalo4, you are logged in08:57
bentinatahalo4, but without the xserver08:58
halo4but its not the same08:58
osmrducksumm... not quite sure i guess =/08:58
chamunkssomsip, I just find whenever windows breaks I wind up leaving it forever if i do a dualboot if i do it this way im much less attatched to the filestructure so i just blow away wineblows and life goes on.08:58
defekt!gdm | halo408:58
osmrducksim using win7 64bit08:58
halo4how to fix problem08:58
dr_willishalo4:  you were asked to run 'startx' to see if it works08:58
bentinatahalo4, did the GUI show up?08:58
halo4negitory sir08:58
chamunkssomsip, thanks have a good one :)08:58
halo4it still says not valid08:59
bentinatahalo4, what it say?08:59
* wdp doesn't know why people assume halo4 would be logged in correctly.08:59
somsipchamunks: np08:59
dr_willishalo4:  be more verbose in what its saying.. we are not mind readers'08:59
ogisthalo4: what did you do08:59
ogistdid you install the wrong video drivers?08:59
halo4it say not vaid command08:59
defektosmrducks: download the ubuntu i386 iso file and use that to istall your vm08:59
halo4so this is command prompt like windows08:59
hexstatikdoes anyone know how to change the location for notifications in 12.10> I have a dual monitor setup and the notifications popup on the monitor to the right in the bottom corner so its inconveniet to look each time08:59
dr_willishalo4:  so what command did you type  exactly?09:00
halo4starx sudo09:00
ogisthextstatik: you are coming along fast :)09:00
ogisthalo4: try Xorg09:00
osmrducksok i dled the 32bit version... so i need to dl the 64bit version?09:00
halo4can i use login command09:00
TakeItEZsounds like halo4 was kicked into grub-shell09:00
dr_willishalo4:  how about - > running the 'whoami' command and see what it says...09:01
dr_willishe said he had a LOGIN: prompt earlier09:01
dr_willisof coruse he also said his pc was not starting....09:01
halo4it says my username and computername09:01
halo4but i cant log in09:01
dr_willisyou are logged in09:01
dr_williswe started that earlier09:02
bentinatayou are09:02
osmrducksit only asks me to dl the 32 bit or 64 bit version defekt09:02
halo4i am quite furstuated09:02
defektosmrducks: 32 bit (aka i386 X86)09:02
ogisthalo4: did you mess it up?09:02
ogisti messed mine up the other day09:02
ogisthad to reinstall it all09:02
halo4i broked my pc09:02
ogisti did that the other day09:03
ogisti installed the wrong video driver09:03
krzkrzi accidentally added this ppa:  http://ppa.launchpad.net/paullo612/unityshell-rotated/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources09:03
osmrducksok... that is the one i have dled09:03
dr_willishalo4:  so you used the command 'startx'    exactly as typed?  no sudo. all lower case...09:03
halo4it has a virus mabie09:03
krzkrzhow do i remove it?09:03
t0bishi there09:03
halo4yesh i did no lowercase09:03
bentinatahalo4, what message it returned?09:03
krzkrzsudo apt-get update returs 404 not found for that package source09:03
halo4not valid09:04
defektosmrducks: you might have to verify the file you have already downlaoded09:04
dr_willishalo4:  lets try comthing more complex..    try 'sudo service lightdm start'09:04
defekt!md5 | osmrducks09:04
ubottuosmrducks: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:04
halo4how do i do the service light start?09:04
B0101hi, when I type apt-get update on ubuntu 12.04, i keep getting this:  W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems how do I solve this?09:04
ogisti didn't afraid of linux and now it works like a charm09:04
dr_willishalo4:  lets try comthing more complex..    try 'sudo service lightdm start'  TYPE whstgs Between the  quotes09:04
ogistthere is a sweet game or two09:05
dr_willis'sudo service lightdm start'09:05
osmrducksok will try real quick09:05
ogisti wish you luck to get it fixed09:05
ogisti have a penguin running around on my dock09:05
defektogist: feed it09:05
halo4its not working still09:06
dr_willisagain... tell us what it does.. not 'its not working;09:06
bentinatadr_willis get mad, hehe09:06
halo4"sudo" is not valid command prompt09:07
ogistjust type su then09:07
dr_willishow about outpout of this command --> 'echo $PATH'09:07
halo4me type su09:07
ogistdo what he says, im just a noob09:07
krzkrzdr_willis, what irc clien are you using?09:07
defektecho $SHELL09:07
dr_williskrzkrz:  andchat, going via ZNC into my home raspberry pi.09:08
ogisti haven't linuxed as long as the rest09:08
halo4is not valid command09:08
ogistbut i do have a quad-core 3.4ghz with 8 gigabyte of ram09:08
ogist64-bit here09:08
ogisti coulda ran windows xp forever09:09
mystblade9Hi. I have here a USB stick that is acting rather strangely. I altered it with unetbootin, and would now like to undo it. XFCE automounts the drive, but it doesn't show up in /dev als /dev/sdc1, only as /dev/sdc. If I run fdisk on it, it says "this doesn't look like a partition table", and gparted doesn't even detect it. How do I restore my USB stick to pure fat32?09:09
halo4i think i have 16 gigabites of ram09:09
ogistthat is very good halo409:09
ogistwhy dont ya just reinstall ubuntu09:09
osmrducksdefekt: it says check sums r diff... so what do i do?09:10
halo416 gigabite prossessor is good09:10
bentinataIt's feel good when you repair, without reinstall09:10
defektmystblade9: your USB is blank with no partions you need to format it.09:10
dr_willishalo4:   you typed without quotes the command        echo $SHELL    and  echo $PATH and it said invalid command?09:10
dr_willisboth times09:10
halo4yes sir09:10
TakeItEZhalo4: type "help", what is the first line you get09:11
halo4yes it dose nothing i cant login to the thing09:11
defektosmrducks: redowload ubuntu, the version you have is currupted09:11
dr_willishalo4:  you ARE logged in09:11
mystblade9defekt: Yes, but how? There's no /dev/sdc1, and this is the output fdisk gives me: http://pastie.org/private/j9z3lhspvnvsbdhzjutjbq09:11
dr_willisbut what.. you keepo confuseing the issue09:11
krzkrzhow do i remove this repo: http://ppa.launchpad.net/paullo612/unityshell-rotated/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources09:11
bentinatadr_willis become more mad, hehe09:11
halo4im not at the same time09:11
halo4confused :/09:11
dr_williswe said earlier you are logged into the shell09:12
halo4what is the shell mean09:12
dr_willisnow either you are totally messing up every command. or you got a very very badly broken system09:12
ogistcat /etc/apt/sources.list09:12
ogistls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list09:12
halo4so i have a virus09:12
dr_willishalo4:  no onme has mentioned a virus09:13
dr_willisand last i looked.. there are no linux  viruses out in the wild.09:13
bentinataIs virus is really exist on Linux?09:13
ogistkrzkrz: try this first sudo cp -p /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup09:13
halo4i think it maebe a virus on my pc09:13
mrosmrducksdefekt: the check sums r diff... ne suggestions?09:13
eutheriacan you still get the alternative install cd for 12.10?09:13
ogistlinux is like a mac09:13
dr_willishalo4:  if you think so.. safest thing is to reinstall..09:13
defektmystblade9: sorry can't check pastbin atm. did you try 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc'09:14
TakeItEZeutheria: no, they stopped the alternate-cd, use mini.iso or desktop09:14
halo4i dont know anything about that kind of thing09:14
dr_willisi  am very confident you dont have a virus on a linux install09:14
defektmrosmrducks: redowload ubuntu, the version you have is currupted09:14
eutheriaTakeItEZ, can you still create an encrypted partition using ?mini?09:14
krzkrzogist, i dont see  http://ppa.launchpad.net/paullo612/unityshell-rotated/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources anywhere09:15
TakeItEZeutheria: i don't know09:15
ogistkrzkrz: do this ->   gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:15
ogistdelete the line of code that has it09:15
mrosmrducksok will try09:15
ogistand then type sudo apt-get update09:15
mystblade9defekt:  FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition begins after end-of-disk09:15
WanderingEnderAnyone know which is less taxing on system resources? lubuntu or xubuntu. Thinking of deploying either on a 1 core 2 GB Azure VM.09:17
ogistWanderingEnder, lubuntu is09:17
ogistbut you can probably rub ubuntu on it09:17
defektmystblade9: are you getting any dmesg errors when you plug the stick in?09:17
ogistand switch to fxce09:17
chamunksI have domainA.com domainB.com and domainC.com and they are all being routed through cloudflare at my ULAMP and I am reading mention of needing to edit the hosts file from this apache documentation http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/examples.html09:18
ogistyou can run ubuntu and switch out unity with XFCE runs much faster and it’s interface stays out of your way allowing you more screen real estate for activities like programming and browsing.09:18
chamunksHow would I accomplish this hosts file edit.09:18
chamunks./etc/hosts yes?09:18
TakeItEZchamunks: /etc/hosts, no leading .09:18
chamunksbut is there some kind of syntax that I need to use to point things in different direction09:18
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chamunksTakeItEZ, yes i just added the leading . so irc didnt catch it as a cmd09:19
dr_willischamunks:  full paths dont start with a ./ that woul d be a relative path ;)09:19
TakeItEZchamunks: use a space, its not misleading09:19
blue112Hello here.09:19
dr_willis          // i just put spaces here09:19
tsimpsonchamunks: you don't need to edit /etc/hosts for apache, only if you want to test locally without DNS09:19
eutheriaTakeItEZ, sorry i am being stupid, where do you get mini .iso from?09:19
TakeItEZ!mini | eutheria09:20
ubottueutheria: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:20
chamunkswell anyways the leading . aside :P09:20
blue112Since last reboot, gnome-shell won't launch anymore, it segfault just after login. What can I do to fix that ? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 x64.09:20
bentinataHello blue11209:20
eutheriathank you TakeItEZ :)09:20
mystblade9defekt: Nevermind, found a solution. Am now overwriting the drive with zeros.09:20
halo4can anyone help me with my shell09:20
bentinatahalo4, reinstall09:20
chamunkstsimpson, thanks that makes sense well I dont really see any specific benefits of testing locally really afaik09:20
Kartagisin cairo-dock, I've accidentally moved pidgin into firefox dock. how can I undo that?09:20
secretbutterhalo4 no its broken09:20
eutherianext question, so deja-dup created me a very broken backup09:21
eutheriai want something that isn't going to create me a broken backup09:21
dr_willishalo4:  does       cd /bin/                seem to work or does it give an error?09:21
halo4if i reinstal i might lose my data09:21
TakeItEZeutheria: rsnapshot is one tool09:21
dr_willishalo4:  you can use a live cd to access the data and back stuff up09:21
bentinatayou can backup using console09:21
hexstatikis it easy to install ubuntu on mac book pro(intel i7)?09:21
eutheriaTakeItEZ, command line?09:22
blue112Anyone ?09:22
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secretbutterhalo4 no you cant, its lost. forever09:22
hexstatikare there all the drivers available or any other issues?09:22
TakeItEZeutheria: sure09:22
bentinatadr_willis suggestion is the easiest way09:22
halo4all my musics09:22
dr_willishalo4:  does       cd /bin/                seem to work or does it give an error?09:22
chamunkstsimpson, what would a line for the hosts file look like for domainA.com anyways?09:22
eutheriai was really after something like deja-dup09:22
krzkrzogist, its not there repo: http://ppa.launchpad.net/paullo612/unityshell-rotated/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources09:22
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bentinataeutheria, u109:22
eutheriamaybe something that can do a network backup09:22
bentinataubuntu one09:23
TakeItEZchamunks: domaina.com09:23
chamunksok fair enough thanks TakeItEZ09:23
eutheriasadly i can't use ubuntu one,09:23
halo4it still says not valid command or oporateve file09:23
tsimpsonchamunks: you'd just add domainA.com to the end of the existing line starting with, eg: " localhost domainA.com domainB.com domainC.com"09:23
dr_willishalo4:  so the command 'cd' even fails?        just cd, no quotes or anything special09:24
bentinatahalo4, did you have camera?09:24
blue112Anyone knows how can I start a terminal to try debug my problem with gnome-shell crashed ?09:24
eutheriamaybe i can if i could put an encrypted blob09:24
chamunkstsimpson, its wierd because the hosts file generated has a separate line for localhost and the machine name09:24
halo4what is batch09:24
bentinatahalo4, take a picture of your monitor, and give it here09:24
chamunkstsimpson, ^09:24
secretbutterhalo4 you are screwed lol09:25
halo4i havent got a camera handy09:25
bentinatasecretbutter, it's not funny09:25
bentinatahalo4, "help"09:26
tsimpsonchamunks: you can give different domains different loopback IPs in the range, so they can seem to have unique IPs09:26
halo4i need help09:26
bentinatahalo4, try "help"09:26
halo4type it09:26
bentinatahalo4, yes09:26
dr_williscd is a bash  and sh built in command i thought.. if its failing hes got some deep issues09:26
chamunkstsimpson, I didnt notice there was a difference heh sorry well thats good and interesting then I can take the different IP's and then route those in the apache section of this task.09:27
halo4is not valid09:27
bentinatavery deep, dude09:27
chamunkstsimpson, if im having trouble with routing i suppose :S09:27
blue112Since last reboot, gnome-shell won't launch anymore, it segfault just after login. What can I do to fix that ? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 x64.09:27
defektno busybox o.O09:27
halo4help is not a valid command or oporatevable batch file09:27
bentinatahalo4, try restarting, it usually works :)09:27
halo4i did re start my pc09:28
tsimpson"not a valid command or batch file" seems very much like the error you get from cmd.exe on windows09:28
halo4i cant login, and by log in i mean use it after i log in09:28
dr_willishalo4:  so what does your prompt look like exactly?     yoruusername@yourcomputername:       ?09:28
halo4no not exactly09:28
halo4but kinda prompt09:29
vtghiihi, Gnome shell is cp hog with FGLRX installed, how to fix this problem, I have an ati card, enough ram and processor, it's only with fglrx that GS use 50%cpu09:29
dr_willishalo4:  so what does your prompt look like exactly?09:29
halo4hold on09:29
TakeItEZhalo4: could you please be even more vague?09:29
defekt!ati | vtghii09:29
ubottuvtghii: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:29
odyssey4mehi everyone - how does one arrange for an updated package, or a backport of an updated package from Quantal to Precise?09:30
vtghiity for answer, I'll check links and tell u if that solved my problem!09:30
halo4and a flashing underscore09:30
blue112Since last reboot, gnome-shell won't launch anymore, it segfault just after login. What can I do to fix that ? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 x64.09:30
tsimpsonodyssey4me: you file a bug on launchpad requesting the backport09:30
krzkrzi get http://pastie.org/5666815 every time i do sudo apt-get update09:30
dr_willishalo4:  does  'dir' give any output?09:30
halo4hey its valid one09:31
odyssey4methx tsimpson09:31
bentinatablue112, what did show to your screen?09:31
dr_willisand  the output  is?09:31
halo4its a lot of stuff09:31
halo4all my files09:31
vtghiiI have installed fglrx drivers via jockey succesfully, then gnome shell is cpu hog, like 50%, the more I use it the more it's cpu hog, don'kt know what to do with the link :(09:31
blue112bentinata, IRC shows (XChat), because I launch it at startup09:31
bentinatadr_willis, halo4 is kicked to grub-shell09:32
blue112bentinata, it has no window decoration. Nothing else shows.09:32
blue112Oh, yeah, apport shows two few reboot before, said gnome-shell segfaults.09:32
dr_willisbentinata:  he said he was at LOGIN: earlier.. and that dosent look like a grub prompt to me09:32
bentinatadr_willis, halo4 is forced to grub-shell09:33
dr_willisbentinata:  im thinking hes at the windows shell ;)09:33
blue112krzkrz, you got a ppa which is either not compatible with your distribution, or either dead. You should remove it.09:33
halo4it says contacts desktop documents downloas musics roms potos porn scriipts searches videos09:33
krzkrzblue112, how do i remove it09:33
blue112krzkrz, you can find its file at /etc/apt/source.list.d/09:33
blue112You just have to remove it.09:33
TakeItEZi smell a troll09:34
* dr_willis is about ready to clock out from work also.09:34
vtghiiwhat is the version of fglrx on ubuntu 12.04?09:34
halo4so my files are not gone09:34
krzkrzblue112, then just do an rm?09:34
halo4i just cant log in09:35
blue112krzkrz, yep, just rm the problematic file in that folder, and apt shouldn't make any noise anymore.09:35
bentinatablue112, can you open terminal?09:35
blue112bentinata, I don't think so. I can go to tty1, but I can't have a virtual terminal.09:35
blue112I can open firefox with clicking a link on this channel :p09:35
poqIs any software to change memory values for ubuntu such ArtMoney and CheatEngine under win?09:36
krzkrzthanks blue11209:36
halo4so i keep my files with re install09:36
halo4live dise09:36
MoL0ToVexist a possible to configure ubuntu to automagically place in /media all the smb shares of the local net? as usb sticks and cdrom...09:36
bentinatahalo4, live disc first, then reinstall09:36
blue112poq, you can access memory at /dev/memory. There's a high probability you crash everything if you don't know what you're doing, though.09:37
halo4how long should it take09:37
bentinatablue112, how can you open firefox with xchat? cool!09:37
keplercat /dev/urandom > /dev/memory  !!09:37
dr_willishalo4:  how do we know how many files you have...09:37
blue112bentinata, yeah but it won't handle focus anymore, so I have to close firefox to go back to xchat :/09:37
halo4its mostly music09:38
keplerblue112, you can try to alt+click and move windows around09:38
dr_willishalo4:  it takes as long as it takes... we dont know how many GB of files you have..09:38
halo4i have a 16 gb prossesor09:38
bentinatablue112, "gnome-shell replace"09:38
TakeItEZyou don't halo409:39
blue112kepler, it doesn't work. I can move window by handling then at the menu bar. But focus isn't working, I won't be able to speak here if firefox is open09:39
halo4it says so in the sticer09:39
* dr_willis has a 8core toaster oven09:39
blue112bentinata, it complains about not being able to open X11 display (even with export DISPLAY=:0)09:39
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dr_willishalo4:  then you need glasses and to read closer.09:39
fishcookerim on 12.04 where is the control panel?09:39
fishcookeri can't find .. im used to 10.0409:40
halo4how do you know what kind of prossesor i have?09:40
bentinatafishcooker, it's on the right-top09:41
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=== challenger is now known as radium
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vtghiihi, Gnome shell is cp hog with FGLRX installed, how to fix this problem, I have an ati card, enough ram and processor, it's only with fglrx that GS use 50%cpu09:42
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blue112vtghii, if anything graphic is using CPU, your graphic acceleration may be not working.09:42
vtghiiblue112, ty for answer, how to chech if graphic acceleration is workinG?09:43
radiumi'm getting sick of slow speed , please someone guide me if it is a gud idea to use google dns or open dns? i'm  using ubuntu 12.0409:43
blue112vtghii, I'm not sure, with an ATI card, I'm using an Nvidia.09:43
keplervtghii, try sudo amdcccle09:43
m3powhello !09:43
WanderingEnder!hi | m3pow09:43
m3powhello !09:44
keplerit should pop open the control panel for the ati card09:44
blue112radium, sure, you can use google dns by going into the NetworkManager, and replace the DNS line with,
dr_willisradium:  a great many people use both09:44
m3powis there any reason why disk access in Ubuntu 12.10 is that slow. I am running it on an HDX 1809:44
vtghiikepler, I did it, I have amd conotrol center open09:44
radiumdr_willis: both at same time? rite?09:44
m3powi've used 12.04 before and there things seemed to be OK. everything was fast09:44
ph1rmw4r3well im going to go to bed while i reinstall ubuntu09:44
ph1rmw4r3ill talk to you later dr willis09:44
dr_willisradium:  you could if you wanted  i guess09:44
blue112Since last reboot, gnome-shell won't launch anymore, it segfault just after login. What can I do to fix that ? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 x64.09:44
keplerif you pop on information, does it populate correctly?09:44
dr_willisi dont see much point in using opendns if you are using googles09:45
radiumBlue112: thanks, but i know that  , my main ques is that . is it really fast to use open dns?09:45
vedarthkI have installed Ubuntu 12.10 on Lenevo U410 which has Nvidia Graphics card, how do I install nvidia drivers ?09:45
m3powit is pretty annoying to have a slow experience in Ubuntu09:45
ogistI like this linux09:45
ph1rmw4r3goodnight dr_willis09:45
ogistit is like a macbook09:46
blue112radium, what is slow exactly ? Is your DNS resolution is slow ?09:46
radiumand one more ques.. how to scroll up .. bcoz there is no scroll bar.. i'm using xchat09:46
radiumblue112: yeah .. very slow09:46
ogistpage up09:46
blue112radium, then yes, it should speed things up.09:46
radiumlocal isp isn't really that fast as i thought09:46
ogistopen dns?09:46
radiumogist thanks :)09:46
blue112radium, you can try other dns resolution speed by using host command09:46
blue112host host_to_resolve dns_to_use09:47
radiumblue112: lemme try this .  btw  thanks :)09:47
blue112No problem.09:47
blue112Any clue about my gnome-shell bug ?09:48
blue112[or any channel I can ask for help ?]09:48
radiumblue112?  what kinda bug?09:48
blue112Since last reboot, gnome-shell won't launch anymore, it segfault just after login.09:48
radiumdid u check ur bash profile?09:49
blue112what about it ?09:49
MonkWitDaFunkblue112. does your bug make your system.freeze shirtly after booting?09:49
blue112MonkWitDaFunk, nop, it's not freezing, I'm currently using it. XChat autostarts after startup. It's just I have no window decorator and no gnome-shell top-bar.09:50
radiumfor any bad alias? or it maybe corrupted ..any bad configuration09:50
vedarthkhi, I have installed Ubuntu 12.10 on Lenevo U410 which has Nvidia Graphics card, how do I install nvidia drivers ?09:51
blue112radium, hm, I haven't changed anything in it since last reboot, unfortunately.09:51
blue112vedarthk, you can download them on the NVidia website, directly.09:51
dr_willisvedarthk:  package name is  nvidia-current in the repos09:51
blue112Or use the repository, yes.09:51
dr_willisvedarthk:  dont use the ones from the nvidia site if you can avoid it09:51
radiumblue112: no clue sir09:51
vedarthkdr_willis thank you09:52
vedarthkblue112 thank you09:52
MonkWitDaFunkwith vedarthk's issue, would doing a clean install get his/her drivers?09:53
blue112!nvidia | blue11209:53
ubottublue112, please see my private message09:53
svneohi, i'm getting WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/user/.cache/keyring-GT4vfX/pkcs11: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type  every time i "svn up"; how can i solve that?09:53
dr_willisdident even see them sttate an issue, just asked how to install the nvida drivers09:53
dr_willissvneo:  its just a warning.. are you saying the command is failing?09:54
svneodr_willis: no it's working fine09:55
svneodr_willis: but if possible i'd like to avoid the warning09:55
MonkWitDaFunksorry about my text ppl09:55
radiumcould someone please tell me where to find host file? in ubuntu 12.04?09:56
TakeItEZradium:  /etc/hosts09:56
NuSueyis there a way to be notified when the new ati drivers are out? no rss/newsletter?articles somewhere?09:56
radiumTakeItEZ : thank you :)09:56
chamunksIve got an error restarting apache http://puu.sh/1MmaW make_sock:could not bind to address which strikes me as an odd thing to say09:56
TakeItEZchamunks: sudo lsof -i :80                  anything listening/blocking the port?09:57
chamunksapparently i needed to remember to sudo but now im getting could not09:57
JornStianhttp://lino.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/quantal/universe/base/xserver-xorg-video-displaylink <--- Latest version:*DELETED*09:57
chamunksTakeItEZ, I fudged a silly and didnt sudo09:57
JornStianhow can I figure out why the package have been dropped?09:58
chamunksTakeItEZ, http://puu.sh/1MmbN this is the echo09:58
TomyLaptopcan "kdesudo -u otheruser /home/otheruser/one_of_his_programs" harm me?10:00
GrievreHey um... so the ubuntu article on creating bootable USB sticks doesn't tell you how to do it from non-ubuntu distributions10:02
Grievreonly ubuntu, windows and mac os10:02
extropyso I moved a boot disk from one computer to another, didn't work, moved it back to original, now it won't boot10:04
dr_willishmm,, seems displaylink monitors (and the company)  have a bit of a history with  poor linux support10:04
extropyany particular reason why ubuntu installation CDs don't have some sort of "repair boot manager" option?10:05
dr_willisGrievre:  the pendrivelinux site should have tools for several disrtos... or you can 'dd' the iso file to the  usb from most any linux disrto10:05
Grievredr_willis: Okay, does that work?10:05
extropyserious, what's with all this fancy schmancy "EUFI" crap? seems to be just getting in my way. What can't I just set a damn boot flag and be done with it?10:05
dr_willisextropy:  there is a boot-repair livce cd you can get.  its 32 and 64bit compatiable10:06
dr_willisGrievre:  dd? should work its the simpleist way10:06
extropydr_willis I shouldn't be needing to repair anything to begin with.10:06
TakeItEZGrievre: cat/dd works, if the iso is an hybrid-iso (as most actual linux-iso are)10:06
JornStiandr_willis: does that mean that canonical dropped the package because it was unstable?10:06
dr_willisextropy:  you asked a question. i answered... so whatever10:06
Grievreokay but are the ubuntu ISOs like that10:06
extropyI never did anything (intentionally) to invalidate my SSD's boot-worthiness10:06
dr_willisJornStian:  from what im reading at askubuntu.com theres a bit of a  history of poor support.10:07
extropydr_willis: why should I need an entire LiveCD just to set a damn boot flag? who the hell decided Ubuntu should be so freaking complicated?10:07
dr_willisJornStian:  and i was wanting to get one of those things10:07
dr_willisextropy:   this is a support channel. not a ranting channel.10:07
TakeItEZGrievre: they are10:08
Grievreextropy: What do you mean "why should I need an entire livecd just to set a boot flag", you need an OS to boot into before you can do anything10:08
dr_willisGrievre:  the ability to dd the iso  straight to flash  has only worked with the latest 2-3 releases of ubuntu i belive.10:08
extropyGrievre: Ubuntu's default livecd should be sufficient. I'm not suggesting, I'm insisting.10:08
JornStiandr_willis: well... for now you can hold that purchase.. it's not close to working :|10:09
bentinatasomeone notice me?10:09
dr_willisJornStian:  yep. was wanting one for my RaspberryPi10:09
Grievreextropy: oh you can't do it with the default livecd? I would have thought you should be able to10:09
extropyGrievre: seems like a no-brainer to me, just sayin'10:09
GrievreI'm unfamiliar with UEFI, what's the issue here?10:10
TakeItEZextropy: why shouldn't you be able to set a boot-flag on a partition with the standard-live-cd?10:10
dr_willisYou can install boot-repair with the live cd. (to ram)10:10
dr_willisyou can set flags with cfdisk or parted i imagine10:10
extropyTakeItEZ: that is a great, questions: something something ext410:10
qwiksilver711_anyone here familiar with getting 12.04 functional on an alienware m14x?10:10
TakeItEZextropy: "man parted"10:11
extropydr_willis: that would be the advice I'm looking for10:11
chamunksTakeItEZ, do you think I can define two ServerName's in sites-available/siteA like ServerName siteA.com then Servername www.siteA.com10:11
chamunkswould that work?10:11
TakeItEZchamunks: idk, i don't deal with apache10:11
MonkeyDust!anyone | qwiksilver711_10:11
ubottuqwiksilver711_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:11
chamunksTakeItEZ, fair enough10:12
Grievreextropy: what error are you getting when you try to boot?10:12
extropyTakeItEZ: parted has nothing to do with it ... otherwise I wouldn't be her. if is was just a matter of setting a boot flag I'd be done10:12
extropy"Reboot and Select propert Boot device"10:12
extropyEFI, ext4 and swap partitions all seem to be in good shape, no idea why it won't freaking boot10:13
TakeItEZextropy: 11:07 < extropy> dr_willis: why should I need an entire LiveCD just to set a damn boot flag?  so what do you really want to do? please give info and stop your pointless rants10:13
Grievredr_willis: should I dd onto the drive or onto a partition on the drive?10:13
dr_willisGrievre:  the drive  always the drive10:13
Grievreextropy: is your BIOS configured right?10:13
extropyTakaItEZ: I'm over simplifying there. I *should* just be able to set a boot flag, problem solved. The fact is I can't.10:13
dr_willisGrievre:  and DONT get the wrong drive. ;)(10:13
gsommerI've created a patch for a dep package (paps) - I wouln't mind giving it back to the community (either as .patch, or as dep package)... I just can't figure out who to contact - and how to do this? :/10:14
agselI disable some shortcuts from keyboard settings, but they still work10:15
extropyhow about someone just brief me on what Ubuntu is doing these days for their bootmanager. I can tell somethings new.10:15
guest16IIRC the UEFI system partition (the boot partition) must be a FAT10:15
guest16not ext...10:15
extropywhen did Ubuntu move to this UEFI thing? its somehow convinced itself that my JumpDrive is a bootable partition and nothing else10:16
MonkeyDustextropy  it didnt, it was forced to follow10:17
dr_williscomputers are moveing to using UEFI10:17
dr_willisif i have a flash drive set up correctly ive noticed the bios shows it as a uefi disk10:17
dr_willissome times it shows it as both a uefi disk and a non uefi disk10:17
dr_willisand i could boot it either way10:17
MonkeyDustextropy  UEFI replaces BIOS, it has nothing to do with Ubuntu10:18
extropydr_willis: mine seems to have taken over, asserting that it's USB Flash drive is my *only* boot partition.10:18
extropyguess I don't see how any of this stuff is necessary10:19
chamunksDo i need to run a2ensite every time I edit files in /etc/apache2/sites-available/?10:19
extropyExtensible Firmware: as in ... the world's slickest hardware backdoor?10:20
dr_willisits what exists.. so it really dosent matter10:21
qwiksilver711_does the iso download set up the dual boot loader on its own?10:21
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dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  what iso download?10:21
extropywhy do I get the feeling like I have to boot from my disk to get my computer to boot from my disk?10:21
qwiksilver711_just the 12.04 one10:21
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  a normal install should set up grub to dual boot a  system10:21
qwiksilver711_i was going to install it in the morning10:21
qwiksilver711_as long as its not going to trash things10:22
qwiksilver711_i tried with 10.4 and it was rough for me10:22
extropy"oh hey, we *can* boot from your SSD ... we'll just do that by default from now on, sorry for the inconvenience. Any idea how it got like this to begin with?"10:22
qwiksilver711_dr_willis thank you for the answer10:23
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  make backups10:23
dr_willisalways have backups10:23
qwiksilver711_dr_willis: of course, already have the drive imaged to my nas10:24
extropyincidentally I have no use for a "boot repair" livecd seeing as how I don't have a cdrom, or any flash drives available not that I'm even going to bother assuming thats an option ...10:24
dijitOk, I've googled extensively10:24
extropythis should really be a one-line thing I can do from Ubuntu's live cd "sudo fixmydisk" ...10:24
dijitso I'm hoping someone by chance sees this.10:25
TakeItEZextropy: try switching your computer to bios-boot and stop your pointless rants here10:25
dijitI have a server (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS)10:25
dijitwhich will not boot.10:25
dijitit drops to busy box with the line "could not find /dev/mapper/<servername>-root10:25
dijithowever, not only does the block device exist, it's mountable10:26
dr_willisdijit:  you ae using lvm? or raid?10:26
dijitraid1 (hardware)10:26
dijitand lvm.10:26
svneohi, i'm getting WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/user/.cache/keyring-GT4vfX/pkcs11: No such file or directory  every time i "svn up"; how can i solve this warning?10:26
extropyTakeItEZ: care to elaborate or should I just continue ranting instead?10:27
TakeItEZextropy: what part you don't understand?10:27
extropythe entire part10:28
extropystarting when you wrote something10:28
extropyset my computer to bios-boot ... is that supposed to mean something to me at all?10:28
qwiksilver711_extropy: I think TakeItEZ meant to suggest you set the boot option in the bios to the HDD10:28
qwiksilver711_or SDD10:28
qwiksilver711_SSD* sorry10:28
extropyqwiksilver711_ thanks, it's amazing what a little clarity can achieve.10:29
dijitdr_willis; I assumed it was taking too long to pvscan so I set rootdelay=6010:29
qwiksilver711_extropy no problem10:29
dijitwhich also does not work.10:29
dr_willisdijit:  i never use raid or lvm. so ive got no real suggestions10:29
dijitballs. cheers anyway.10:29
MonkeyDustdijit  try in #ubuntu-server10:30
ogistubuntu server10:30
GrievreI don't know why the word "webinar" makes me so irrationally angry10:31
qwiksilver711_are the new versions of ubuntu more friendly with laptops running nvidia optimus?10:32
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  its still a work in progress10:32
keplerqwiksilver711_, nothing linux is friendly with optimus (yet)10:32
extropyI see bios_grub in Gparted, is that what I want?10:32
qwiksilver711_dr_willis the thing that turned me off when i used 10.04 was that i couldnt force the nvidia off10:32
qwiksilver711_extropy no10:32
extropyno "bios-boot", should I be using something else?10:32
MonkeyDustqwiksilver711_  nvidia is to blame for that10:32
qwiksilver711_extropy its like the actual bios options10:33
qwiksilver711_extropy nothing to do with gparted, its the screeen that comes up withen you first boot, and you hit like f2 to get into it10:33
qwiksilver711_extrop should have an option there to change the boot priority list10:33
qwiksilver711_so, even if ubuntu forces both my graphics cards to run i'm still going to do it this time10:34
qwiksilver711_if i have a 13 button mouse is it possible to use something to map those buttons to something?10:34
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  should be possible10:34
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  ive seen some well done arch linux wiki pages for some specific mice10:35
qwiksilver711_dr_willis i poked around for that a bit tonight, but was unable to find anything for my mouse, its not a super common make10:35
extropycall me crazy but I think this EUFI thing is just a slippery slope to hardware backdoors and Chernobyl-virus like hardware bricking down the road /rant10:35
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  the gernal guides may show what commands/tools they use10:36
jpdsextropy: Have you been to Chernobyl?10:36
extropyno but I've had doesn't of systems wiped by WinCH10:36
qwiksilver711_dr_willis i read something about something called xorg?10:36
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  thats  the X server.10:36
arkontencan any one explain why Ubuntu Software Center's search can't find the samtools package when I search for 'samtools'? I can find it in aptitude and the various cmd line apt tools without issue10:36
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extropyUbuntu Software Center != debians own repos, I believe ...10:37
dr_willisarkonten:  theres some 'advanced/command line/other' filters at the bottom i recall10:37
MonkeyDustextropy  maybe you should read some background information about UEFI, what it is, why it's there etc10:37
dr_willisi never use software center10:37
JornStianextropy: I for one, welcome UEFI.. getting rid of legacy AT-support and whatnot will bring us forward loads10:37
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  dont confuse things with facts!10:37
extropyMonkeyDust maybe I'm already doing that and it doesn't seem all that necessary10:38
arkontendr_willis: I've seen that for other queries, but I get nothing for samtools.10:38
qwiksilver711_is it better to run 32 or 64 bit?10:39
MonkeyDustqwiksilver711_  64bit on 64bit hardware10:40
dr_willisi use 64bit os on allmy 64bit hardware10:40
TakeItEZqwiksilver711_: if your cpu supports 64bit, there is no reason to use 32bit10:40
qwiksilver711_i thought so, my cpu will support it10:40
extropyfor being so fancy, new and allegedly useful, it sure seems to be doing nothing for me besides get in my way10:41
dr_willistake it to #ubuntu-offtioic10:41
qwiksilver711_minecraft works with 12.04 right?10:41
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  ive heard it does10:41
extropyon EUFI: " It does not solve any of the BIOS's long-standing problems of requiring two different drivers—one for the firmware and one for the operating system—for most hardware."10:42
dr_willisqwiksilver711_:  i think it needs the oracle java10:42
dr_willisextropy:  enough allready.. we dont care10:42
TomyLaptopcan "kdesudo -u otheruser /home/otheruser/one_of_his_programs" harm me?10:42
extropydr_willis: clearly, you don't. which is why I'll stop ranting when I feel like it.10:42
qwiksilver711_dr_willis thats fine, if it will run on something i'll figure out how to make it work10:42
dr_willisTomyLaptop:  worse case it could affect your users home files yes.10:43
MonkeyDustextropy  no rants here, please10:43
TomyLaptopdr_willis, damn. can i prevent this?10:43
extropy EFI [is] an attempt to remove the ability of the user to truly control the computer.10:43
Tagerextropy: how so?10:44
Grievreextropy: It's primarily an attempt to replace the extremely outdated PC boot sequence with something more modern. Some people see it as what you describe, though10:44
MonkeyDustextropy  richard stallman uses his own custom BIOS, maybe you should contact him10:44
dr_willisTomyLaptop:    that would be the worse case. if you are worried about it. log out and back in as the user in question. ive never really tried any exploits. so im not sure how su could come 'back' to your home. bu10:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:44
extropyMonkeyDust: I'll contact Theo DeRaadt first10:44
TomyLaptopdr_willis, how about kdesudo su otheruser -c ...10:45
dr_willisTomyLaptop:  ive never heard of suing to a user being an issue. but   the user does have some rights to your X display and other stuff so its not totally isolated10:45
dr_willisTomyLaptop:  that may just add more confusion and loopholes..10:45
GrievreWhy is the default block size for dd so small10:45
Grievrelike laughably small, to the point where it bottlenecks the transfer10:45
dr_willisGrievre:  because the source code is so old. ;)10:45
TakeItEZGrievre: historical reasons i guess10:45
dr_willisGrievre:  ive heard some disrtos have dds block size bigger but never noticed10:46
Tagerdr_willis: via an alias?10:46
k3ltHey, i have a question10:46
MonkeyDustk3lt  shoot10:47
dr_willisi seem to recall a forim/discussion where  someones dd had a larger default block size. i dont rember who/what/where10:47
k3ltjust installed Ubuntu 12.04 and i wanna stay on it, how can I filter out the 12.10 Ubuntu update ?10:47
k3lton the ubuntu software update center10:47
dr_willisk3lt:  the lts version shouldent be asking to upgrade to non-lts unless youve checked the option in the software center/software sources setting10:48
k3ltok, thanks10:48
MonkeyDustdijit  have you asked in #ubuntu-server?10:48
dijitit's very dead.10:49
diverdudeHello, can i mount a remote ftp-directory somehow in nautilus? Maybe even safe it so that it automounts on boot up?10:50
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lotuspsychjeis there a quick mp4 to avi converter for ubuntu?10:51
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  avconv -i10:51
lotuspsychje!info avconv10:51
ubottuPackage avconv does not exist in quantal10:51
dr_willisdiverdude: fuseftp or ftpfuse tools can do it. as one way10:51
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  mind adding some options, to avoid quality loss10:52
dr_willisffmpeg is avconv I thought10:52
MonkeyDustyes, it's the new generation ffmpeg10:52
lotuspsychjeok tnx guys, installing libavtools10:53
extropyhuh, everyone seems to need support with linux issues that have nothing to do with ubuntu10:53
extropyI'm always in here with real-world problems that relate directly to ubuntu and I always get they snarky "take it to ubuntu-offtopic" crap ...10:54
dr_willisyour ranting is the issue for it.10:54
jribextropy: like what?  What you're saying now certainly isn't an ubuntu support question ;)10:54
Seranoextropy well since ubuntu is the most beginner friendly distro, that shouldn't be surprising10:54
extropyI'm starting to think you guys are just intimidated by anyone even remotely knowledgeable ... and would prefere to interact only with noobs who will *never* ask any hard-hitting questions.10:54
Seranoanyway it's nice to see the curiosity :)10:55
jribextropy: seriously, let's stick to support.10:55
extropydo try10:55
MonkeyDustextropy  it's n00bs, but better use the word 'beginner'10:55
diverdudedr_willis, I tried adding this to my /etc/fstab curlftpfs#uname:pwd@host /media/mountpoint fuse rw,allow_other,noauto,user 0 0     and do sudo mount -a. But it does not seem to mount anything. Is that totally wrong to do?10:58
nabdevhy, i want to install pdfgrep but i have message error in make install http://pastebin.com/qi31zhbY10:58
TakeItEZdiverdude: your user is member of the fuse-group? (id or groups tell you)10:59
diverdudeTakeItEZ, in my local machine?10:59
TakeItEZdiverdude: sure10:59
diverdudeTakeItEZ, how do i tell?10:59
Seranoid username11:00
TakeItEZdiverdude: "id" or "groups"11:00
agselif I disable some keyboard shortcuts, how do I apply those changes? I remembered that they apply automatically (as there is no button like save nor apply), but those shortcuts still work. unity @ lts 12.0411:00
diverdudeTakeItEZ, $ id bdi11:00
diverdudeuid=1000(bdi) gid=1000(bdi) groups=1000(bdi),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),107(lpadmin),124(sambashare)11:00
TakeItEZdiverdude: sudo usermod -aG fuse yuorusername          then relogin11:01
poqCannot run paros proxy under lubuntu 12.04 => error http://paste.kde.org/643646/ What could be a problem?11:01
dayanyone here running league of legends via wine on ubuntu? any trouble?11:02
Seranoday its works11:02
Seranothere is a bug in the shop though11:02
lotuspsychjeday: did you try playonlinux?11:02
qwiksilver711_does borderlands 2 run via wine?11:02
Seranoor at least there was. but besides that it works11:02
MonkeyDust!appdb | qwiksilver711_11:02
ubottuqwiksilver711_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:02
daySerano: the rune buy bug?11:02
qwiksilver711_MonkeyDust thank you, sorry for being a n00b11:03
Seranoi'm sorry can't recall exactly. It's been over 6 months I had it installed. I remember the problem was that you were not able to buy from the Riot store.11:03
Seranobut besides that, the game runned fine for me11:03
Seranonow with the new overhaul of their interface, i'm not sure if the problem still exists11:04
mrosmrducksis defekt still on here?11:04
extropythis is boring. I'm not going to accomplish anything here, what else is new?11:04
Seranoi love my rasp :)11:05
mrosmrduckscan someone help me... i dled the ubuntu 32bit and tryed running with vbox and had no luck... defekt suggested i re dl and still had no luck... i tryed the check sum app and it said they do not compare... ne suggestions?11:06
ichatcan anyone help me figure out how to troubleshoot and  fix  some  hardware  / chipset / bios-efi  issues with my sandy bridge    b830  notebook,  it wont halt anymore  just reboots when its halted...11:06
Seranomrosmrducks try installing it with apt-get11:06
extropyichat welcome to the club11:06
mrosmrducksbut i want to try to run it first before i install it11:06
Seranoit should download any dependencies11:06
ichatextropy:  - same problem?11:07
extropyoh yeah11:07
extropyEUFI is the devil11:07
jpdsextropy: Can you stop the random bashing?11:07
extropyjpds: not until the problem is fixed11:07
diverdudeTakeItEZ, that did not help11:07
Seranoextropy i'm not familiar with uefi system, since i love my 980x but is it such a pain?11:07
diverdudeTakeItEZ, it still dont mount11:08
jribextropy: then I'm going to have to remove you.  Please just stick to support here.11:08
Seranowas thinking of upgrading soon11:08
extropyjrib: i'm here for support. Ban dr_willis and MonkeyDust if you *actually* want to remove any trolls. Otherwise I have plenty of proxies I can use ...11:08
ichatextropy:  first it went fine,    BUT  my wifi module had problems  when it went hybernate...  so i added the    realtec driver to  some   file  so that it unloads   before hybernation...11:09
ichatafter that  change   (but im not sure if its the cause)   i notices my system wouldn  halt anymore11:09
arashmousaviI have connected to my server via ssh and create a process , but suddenly my internet connection disconnected. I know that process going on, but how can restore previous session to see the progress of it?11:09
ixio2anyone fancy telling me how I can use find to find the first 2500 files in a directory and move them to another ?11:09
jribixio2: first in what order?11:10
jpdsarashmousavi: Not unless you used something like screen or byobu.11:10
bekksarashmousavi: There is no session to be restored after the ssh session was broken.11:10
ixio2jrid I dont care really11:10
swHi, I have a user 'backups' trying to access a samba share \\ip\backups from a Windows machine but can't get authorized. It's using the correct password and is in write users for that share. root is too and that works.11:10
Seranoarashmousavi try using the screen program to have multiple session where you can disconnect from and reattach to11:10
diverdudeI tried adding this to my /etc/fstab curlftpfs#uname:pwd@host /media/mountpoint fuse rw,allow_other,noauto,user 0 0     and do sudo mount -a. But it does not seem to mount anything. Is that totally wrong to do?11:10
swAny help?11:10
ixio2I just want to move 2500 files at a time11:11
jribixio2: why only 2500?  Anyway, check out xargs.11:11
mrosmrducksmy ubuntu wont run... says i have no pae kernel... NE help?11:12
arashmousavino way?11:12
jribarashmousavi: well why don't you connect to the server again and see if the process is even running anymore?11:12
ixio2ok I can understand xargs.. but what about finding the first 2500 files11:13
ichatjpds:  any help maybe? -11:13
jribixio2: xargs lets you specify the number of arguments11:13
jpdsichat: find . -type f | head -n 250011:13
jribixio2: so you can do 2500 at a time as you said11:14
ichatjpds:  what does that do?11:14
arashmousavijrib: I know, but the process gives me some information(output) that is necessary.11:14
jpdsichat: Sorry, that was for ixio2.11:14
jribarashmousavi: so is the answer yes or no?  Is the process still running?11:14
ichatow ok11:14
ixio2find . -type f | head -n 2500 -exec mv '{}' /new/path \;  <-- like this ?11:15
bekksixio2: No.11:15
bekksixio2: find . -type f | head -n 2500 | xargs ...11:15
arashmousavijrib: yes11:15
mrosmrducksshould i try dling the 64bit ubuntu for my 64bit win7 instead of the 32bit? maybe that would solve the prob11:16
jribarashmousavi: what is the process and how did you start it?11:16
bekksmrosmrducks: That wont help you.11:16
ixio2find . -type f | head -n 2500 | xargs mv /new/path11:16
ixio2like that ?11:16
mrosmrducksne suggestions?11:16
jribixio2: can you say why you want to move 2500 at a time and not more?11:16
jrib!anyone | diverdude11:17
ubottudiverdude: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:17
ixio2jrib when they reach their desination they are procesed by another script which gets upset with too many files11:17
jrib!helpme | diverdude11:17
ubottudiverdude: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:17
bonoixio2: find . -type f | head -n 2500 | xargs -i mv "{}" /new/path11:17
ixio2thanks everyone!11:17
jribixio2: I see.  I would still say avoiding head and using xargs is going to be easier for you to work with.  Otherwise, you're going to be back here in two minutes asking how to get the second set of 2500 files11:18
ixio2I presumed by moving the files I could just run the same command again?11:18
jribixio2: good point :)11:19
superkuhThis is a long shot, but, has anyone else had a problem with ATI/AMD Radeon cards wherein you cannot play more than 4 videos at once, in any player with any rendering method? The 5th always only plays sound.11:19
ixio2superkuh all my ati related video.sound issues are always resolved by downloading the development release of the driver from the AMD website11:19
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superkuhUnfortunately my X server on Ubuntu 10.04 isn't compatible with the latest.11:20
superkuhI really wish I could.11:20
bonoixio2: problem: what if the filenames contain spaces .. normally one would use find .. -print0 | xargs -0 ..  but with head it wouldn't work11:20
superkuhOr, I wish I was wrong?11:20
superkuhAm I?11:20
k3ltSo im now trying to install FGLRX ati drivers for my gfx (hd7850)11:21
bonoixio2: dunno if xargs -0 --max-lines 2500 works for this11:21
k3ltinstalled it and im getting "unsupported hardware" in my right screen corner11:21
adamksuperkuh: Do you get any errors when you run the video player from a terminal window?11:21
k3ltwhat's that?11:21
ixio2bono the files will have lots of spaces11:22
ixio2its moved them though11:22
bonoixio2: the filenames too?11:22
superkuh... as is often the case I have discovered it was user error only after complaining on IRC. With the gl renderer (which all my video players used) I hit that limit. If I switch to other renders which have horiztonal tearing I can go beyond 4.11:23
ixio2filenames yeah11:23
diverdudejrib, as i said,  I tried adding this to my /etc/fstab curlftpfs#uname:pwd@host /media/mountpoint fuse rw,allow_other,noauto,user 0 0     and do sudo mount -a. But it does not seem to mount anything. Is that totally wrong to do?11:23
jribdiverdude: I don't know.  I would have answered you if you did.  Just wanted to let you know that saying "anyone?" is not productive. Most people that just joined will have no idea what your question is.11:23
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EaglemanHow do i flush the dns cache in ubuntu/bind, dig is still resolving the wrong stuff11:26
jribbono, ixio2: yes, if there are spaces in the names you should use -print0 with find and -0 with xargs.  You can still have head in between11:29
keplerEagleman, try "sudo killall -HUP dnsmasq"11:29
keplerEagleman, if not, this looks better:  sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean start11:30
diverdudein /etc/fstab i have this: curlftpfs#uname:pwd@ftp://host /media/ftpmountdir fuse rw,uid=1000,umask=0777,user,suid,allow_other,exec,auto,utf8 0 1. But when i do sudo mount -a i get: Error connecting to ftp: Access denied: 530. However if i put the exact same credentials into filezilla it connects with no problems. What am I missing?11:35
Kartagisanyone to help? I've been asking for days but no answer11:39
Kartagisin cairo-dock, I've accidentally moved pidgin into firefox dock. how can I undo that?11:39
JohnnieWhere is a folder for Operative Memory (DDR3 used)? I want to use hex editor. And I need to know where that memory places.11:40
Johnnie! memory11:41
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html11:41
bekksJohnnie: /proc/kmem -- be careful, that file is as big as your RAM.11:41
dr_willisKartagis:  why not just remove both and re-add them11:47
Kartagisdr_willis: I'm looking at cairo properties, pidgin is not there11:49
MonkeyDustKartagis  there's also #cairo and #cairo-dock (irc channels)11:50
KartagisMonkeyDust: I'm in #cairo-dock, no life11:50
dr_willisYou can use the cairo-dock settngs tool where it has a >bottom dock and  >left dock   and drag things between the 211:51
xsobex787dr. willis, do you know anything about php and html?11:52
dr_willisa little tree menu widgit. you can drag/drop from tree/branch to the next11:52
dr_willisxsobex787:  nope. i rarely need to mess with it11:52
Kartagisdr_willis: what package?11:52
Kartagisxsobex787: what is your issue?11:52
xsobex787if anybody in here has some experience, im having alittle difficulty there.  ty for any takers11:52
dr_willisKartagis:  im just looking at the cairo-dock settings dialog box.11:52
nodoorcan anybody tell me how to crack WIFI key, with aircrac11:53
skp1can someone tell me how to change my file associations so that when i click on a downloaded file (a .deb file) it opns with gdebi instead of software center?11:53
dr_willisnodoor:  not really a Ubuntu support question.11:53
xsobex787im trying to make a submit form for admins to recieve that form data via email im using a php script and an html file, i got the disign situation with the html, however the php script returns a white blank page, the server is currently not at its home location also.11:53
MonkeyDustskp1  right click on it, open with11:54
skp1MonkeyDust: what if i wanted t open it from chrome?11:54
dr_willisskp1:  gdebi has a gui front end you may need to install. 'gdebi' is a cli tool11:54
skp1dr_willis: oh, i didnt know that11:54
dr_willis!info gdebi11:54
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5ubuntu1.1 (quantal), package size 25 kB, installed size 196 kB11:54
antonio_for some reason some fonts are being rendered all messed up on firefox now...11:54
antonio_Here is an example11:54
antonio_ http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l269/con_movies/Screenshot-2_zps752cc34a.png11:54
dr_willistheres gdebi and gdebi-gtk i think11:55
MonkeyDustskp1  correction: right click, properties, open with => you can "set as default"11:55
Zhaboohi all, I want to run a _minimal_ version of KDE in a virtual machine (without all bells and whistles), any suggestions to which distro/package to look at? I am considering for example only installing debian and run apt-get install <some-kde-app> and then let it install its dependencies.11:55
skp1MonkeyDust: thank you11:55
ichatcan anyone help me  troubleshooting why my system reboots instead of halted,    im thinking of installing  the from the mainline ppa  but it seams that it would   disbable  me from updating the kernel later on and i would have to   do it manually for ever?11:55
challengeri'm trying to install XP in virtualbox. I've created VHD at fixed 30GB size . but now if i'm trying to boot xp.iso . it starts normally but after some time it says "setup did not find any hard disk "11:55
MonkeyDustZhaboo  you need plasma-desktop11:56
bekksZhaboo: How is that related to Ubuntu then?11:56
nodoorCan I move(have) aircrack in ubuntu ?11:56
antonio_so it looks like its only happening on firefox and not other browsers...11:56
bekkschallenger: a) use vdi instead of vhd and b) do not use a SATA controller, but an IDE controller for XP.11:56
Zhaboobekks: I wonder if there are any minimalist ubuntu versions with KDE that I could also consider.11:57
ichatchallenger:  -1 small itp for you to search on... driverpacks.net    use the  mass storage pack    ALLWAYS  check for virusses first...11:57
dr_willis!mini | Zhaboo11:57
ubottuZhaboo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:57
truexfan404Zhaboo: i believe i remember the ubuntu minimal iso having an option for the kubuntu desktop11:58
challengerbekks, ichat : thanks guys , :)11:58
KartagisI got it back11:58
dr_willisZhaboo:  check out that qtrazor project also.11:58
dr_willisKartagis:  and now you go 'why dident i try that earlier' ;)11:58
truexfan404Zhaboo: i have tried razorqt, its nice11:58
Kartagisdr_willis: some icons duplicated though11:59
challengerbekks,  i'm using IDE controller and VHD was working for me on windows 7 and for ever other distro12:00
marsfligthHi, on Precise the screen blank after 10 mins even if all settings (power and brightness) are set to still the monitor always on. How can I solve it? Thanks12:00
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challengerbcoz its a standard . i want to use that VHD on other virtual machine emulators too12:00
jnhghyHi, how/where can I set up a white list of sites to be accessible and all of the rest redirect to a specific ip address? using ubuntu 12.0412:00
bekkschallenger: which doesnt change the fact that vhd isnt the native format virtualbox is using, and does not offer you all of the features offered for vdi.12:00
ichatchallenger like is said  use driverpacks...  on your xp iso, it will add not hardware support including sata and  iscsi   ...12:01
bekksichat: Driver packs are not needed, SP3 is needed.12:01
ichatbekks:  - i didn  know that sp3 added new hardware support to :P12:02
ichatanyway to mutch off topic for #ubuntu :P12:02
Fudgehi hoping someone may be able to help me, I have been for some weeks trying to get a windows laptop to print to my ubuntu cups with a usb hp deskjet12:02
Fudgeat the stage now where a test page is sent but not printed, prints fine from ubuntu systems12:02
challengerbekks, could you elaborate whats the difference between VHD and VDI ( in terms of features),12:03
dr_willisFudge:  the windows box sees the printer and can add it then?12:03
wizrdstatic void Main(string[] args)12:03
wizrd{ Console.WriteLine("Hello World !")12:03
challengerwizrd :P12:03
wizrdmy bad12:03
Zhabootruexfan404: ok, thanks! will check :-)12:03
asdf321http://paste.ubuntu.com/1519636/ I've just installed ubuntu amd64 lts, I want to run boot repair to see if it will work after I install windows, I am trying to run it... I have two encrypted volumes one for the / and other for the swap, i have a not encrypted /boot. it tried creating a /bios but it didn't work i still get the same message12:03
truexfan404Fudge: do you have the printer shared via samba? thats the easiest way12:03
challengeryeah vdi is native format for virtualbox but i want to use that format on vmplayer too12:04
ichatfunch:  so isntall the proper windows driver and have it connected via the correct,  protocol and be sure that  cubs is actually sharing it... or beter yet have samba share the printer for you12:04
challengerthats why i choose VHD12:04
bekkschallenger: Resizing, compacting, etc.12:04
challengernot sure if vdi works on vmplayer too12:04
Zhabooubottu: thanks for the link12:04
ubottuZhaboo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:04
bekkschallenger: Then I'd use VMDK instead of VHD...12:04
Fudgehi dr_willis, I can find it on win7 yes, can access server:631 fine, can release the test page but it does not print12:04
Zhabooooops, heh12:05
jnhghyFudge: what printer?12:05
jnhghyHi, how/where can I set up a white list of sites to be accessible and all of the rest redirect to a specific ip address? using ubuntu 12.0412:05
bekksjnhghy: /etc/hosts is what you are looking for.12:06
challengernywys.. bekks  :)12:06
bekkschallenger: "nywys"?12:06
Fudgejnhghy  its an hp deskjet f228012:06
jnhghybekks: I was able to redirect websites to an Ip address but was unable to find a wildcard to replace all websites and not touch a the ones from the white list .... any ideea?12:06
nabblethi, can anyone recommend me a free dyndns-like server? i want to access a computer behind a firewall that is NATing some ports through.12:07
jnhghyFudge: how did you added the printer on win7? from control panel?12:07
bekksjnhghy: There are no wildcards in the /etc/hosts12:07
jnhghythen how can it help me?12:07
asdf321http://paste.ubuntu.com/1519636/ I've just installed ubuntu amd64 lts, I want to run boot repair to see if it will work after I install windows, I am trying to run it... I have two encrypted volumes one for the / and other for the swap, i have a not encrypted /boot. it tried creating a /bios but it didn't work i still get the same message12:08
wizrdnabblet: dyndns12:08
Fudgejnhghy  add printer wizard, the printer is detected,12:09
wizrdnabblet: dyn.com12:09
challengerone more ques. .should i choose fixed size or dynamic ? bekks12:09
Kartagisfor some reason, cairo-dock had two instancesü12:09
bekkschallenger: I'd use dynamic, most always.12:10
challengerbekks , would it be portable?12:10
Fudgedr_willis  /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp failed12:10
jnhghyFudge: try changing the driver12:10
jnhghyFudge in win712:10
Fudgejnhghy  I dont think its a driver issue12:10
MonkeyDustchallenger  you can export your virtual machines, to make them portable12:10
nabbletwizrd: afaik dyndns isn't free any more12:11
bekkschallenger: Which format do you talk about now? :)12:11
wizrdnabblet: it still is for one subdomain12:11
challenger hmmm for dynamic , vdi12:11
challengersorry :P12:11
dr_willisFudge:  last i shared a printer to a windows box. I also set up home shares in /etc/samba/smb.conf and gave the users a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'12:12
challengerMonkeyDust, .. exporting ..12:12
dr_willisFudge:  i was also sure to use teh cups web interface to be sure the printers and server where shared and allowed access from the network12:12
MonkeyDustchallenger  you can export them as .ova files12:12
nabbletwizrd: something like foo.dyn.com ?12:12
Fudgedr_willis samba was giving me trouble I dont know why12:12
Fudgemakes me feel like going to buy a real network printer lol12:12
dr_willisFudge:  cups web interface   http://localhost:63112:12
bekkschallenger: Are you sure you can use a vdi with vmplayer? :)12:13
challengerisn't it good idea to configure everything for making it portable before installing12:13
dr_willisFudge:  best $100 i spent was a brother network enabled laser printer12:13
challengerbekks : :X not so sure :P12:13
Fudgenabblet ` mooo.com is very easy to get going12:13
bekkschallenger: Mostly, it is a pretty bad idea, when not using a portable format....12:13
tuxinatorhi all12:13
MonkeyDustchallenger  yes, the configuration is stored in the xported .ova file12:13
tuxinatordoes ubuntu mysql-server-5.1-66 from 10.04 come with openssl support?12:13
challengerMonkeyDust,  will it work on vmlayer too ? means can i import that file to vmplayer? .ova?12:14
MonkeyDustchallenger  never used vmplayer, i'm no help there12:14
asdf321how do I create a mount point on gparted:?12:14
challengerbekks : now im totally confused  X:X )12:14
craigbass1976What is the best way to remote control an ubuntu box from a windows or mac that's out in the WAN?12:14
dr_williscraigbass1976:  ssh ;)12:15
challengerMonkeyDust,  :)12:15
nabbletFudge: thx, will look at it. sad thing is that mosts dns service don't exactly specify what you get for free and where and the conditions :/12:15
nabbletFudge: ofc it's totally understandable that they want paying custromers :D12:15
challengerpheww need to check vbox manuals RFM12:16
Fudgenabblet  ive set a few up on that site and its easy and no charge12:16
Fudgeasdf321  just pull the box down and select a mount point, like /12:16
asdf321i don't see it anywhere12:16
Fudgedr_willis  when I view jobs on cups http the user heading says withheld12:16
nabbletFudge: ok, thank you12:17
Fudgeasdf321  are you installing and have received an error that you ahve not specifieed a mount point?12:17
Fudgenabblet np mate12:17
dr_willisFudge:  the cups.org has docs and stuff.. but ive never seen that term used. ;) but ive not shared to a wqindows box in years12:17
asdf321Fudge, yes12:17
asdf321i am using crypto12:17
asdf321but i have a /boot not encrypted12:17
Fudgeasdf321 go back, select your partition and where you choose format etc there is a mount poiint box, thats where you select12:17
JohnnieI had downloaded Ubuntu.iso and It did not boot. There are files with .exe. What's wrong? ISO had been burned.12:18
FudgeI have not set it up that way, but its when you edit teh partition you specify mount points asdf321 good luck12:18
asdf321there is no mount point box12:18
bekksJohnnie: Did you burn it as image, or did you burn a data cd?12:18
typhlosionhi i want to go to linuxmint-help channel how to do that12:19
Johnniebekks: Like image12:19
bekksJohnnie: What happened exactly when trying to boot it?12:19
MonkeyDusttyphlosion  #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:19
craigbass1976dr_willis, ahaha.  You funny guy, you.  He'd like that about as much as me telling him to stop using windows and macs...12:20
Tex_Nickasdf321 : this is of course after the fact ... but the preferable method to setup a dual boot ( windows & ubuntu ) is to install windows first ... tis a little easier that way12:20
asdf321I couldn't12:20
asdf321because I installed it and the ubuntu installer didn't see anything but one partition only with 1TB12:20
wizrdnabblet: exactly like foo.dyn.com. You have to register for a pro trial and cancel that within 14 days. then you'll keep the subdomain.12:20
asdf321also the debian installer didn't see it either12:21
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asdf321Please write on a paper the following URL:12:22
asdf321that's the paste though12:22
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Johnniebekks: Menu for choosing installed systems12:22
craigbass1976dr_willis, I was thinking teamviewer, but not sure if you can just go leaving that unattended for long periods.12:22
wizrdnabblet: you could also check this one out: http://freedns.afraid.org/12:24
bekksJohnnie: Did you change the boot order to actually boot from your CD?12:24
typhlosioni didn't understand how to get that channel12:24
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typhlosionyou can do it manually by pressing f12 on boot12:25
hddgood day yall, how can i made a route stay after a shutdown/reboot, i put "up ip route add network/mask via ip_gw src my_ip" but does not work. im working with ubuntu 11.04 (i know is no longer support, im working on it)12:25
bekkstyphlosion: You have to join the server irc.spotchat.org and then join #linuxmint-help12:25
challengeryippe B)12:26
challengerit worked12:26
Slarthdd: this looks promisigin12:26
Slarthdd: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html12:26
Johnniebekks: Yes. Other images are istalled automatically.12:27
bekksJohnnie: Then I'd say something went wrong with burning the CD.12:27
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dr_williscraigbass1976:  you will eventually want to use ssh. :)   You can even ssh in from your phone12:27
hddSlart: didnt work either i try same site yesterday12:28
Slarthdd: oh... no errors? just didn't work?12:28
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killeri can't connect to ad hoc wifi created by my friend /....though i can join others12:29
MonkeyDustchallenger  for future reference: did you export to .ova and import that in vmplayer?12:30
hddSlart: if i call either one from a console, both works, but in a reboot, from the interfaces file... not12:30
Johnniebekks: Maybe it is so. Thank you.12:30
nabbletFudge: i am using afraid.org (mooo.com seems to be based on it) - works fine :)12:31
challenger  MonkeyDust , not yet, still installing12:32
killercan't connect to ad hoc network ubuntu12:35
challenger? can i ask about teamviewer?12:35
killercreated by win 712:35
challengerin ubuntu teamviewer isn't detecting my cam12:35
dr_willischallenger:  do other apps see the cam? such as 'cheese' ?12:36
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ichathere is a kind of strange question... - my system  intel  sandybridge celeron  would not  halt anymore   so to fix it i tried,  to update to  kernel-ppa/mainline   linux  3.7.1-amd64  witch somehow didnt work for my intel grafix... BUT after i  do   apt-get-purge linux-image-3.7  (so reverted back to my main kernel)  the shotwon issue seams away....  how can i troubleshoot,12:36
challengerdr_willis: yup guvcview, cheese12:36
challengerand how can i detect my cam inside vbox?12:37
challengerit works fine on cheese and other cam apps12:37
MonkeyDustchallenger  it's probably a USB device, check the vbox USB settings12:37
challengerMonkeyDust,  it is attached to my laptop . (lenovo)12:38
challengerinbuilt cam12:38
dr_willischallenger:   You are running teamviewer in vbox?12:38
ichatchallenger:  - no matter, its still a usb cam...12:39
MonkeyDustchallenger  my integrated webcam is identiefied as a USB device, too12:39
challengeri tried inside  vbox outside vbox  . cam doesnt work . specially for teamviewer12:39
freakynlHi, is there an installer for installing ubuntu server on usb and have it load to ram? (Mainly concerned syslog etc. will write so much flash blocks die on the stick)12:39
challengerand inside vbox cam doesn't work for any app12:39
bekks!usb | freakynl12:40
ubottufreakynl: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:40
dr_willisfreakynl:   You are worried about a 32gb usb flash drive burning out?12:40
challengerichat, MonkeyDust : thanks for the info12:40
ichatchallenger do a  sudo lsusb  find your webcam id... and than forward the device in your  vbux  usb  settings... it may require the  nonfree  extention...12:40
dr_willisfreakynl:    You can do a full install onto a usb flah drive.  ive ran that way for months on end. :) never managed to  break one.12:41
freakynl13:40 < dr_willis> freakynl:   You are worried about a 32gb usb flash drive burning out?12:41
challengerichat , Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04f2:b1c1 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd12:41
* Ajira soupir de déception12:41
freakynldr_willis: no I'm afraid a cheap-ass 2 or 4GB USB stick will wear out after a gazillion syslog writes :P12:41
ichatchallnger  so forward the device to your  vbox...12:42
MonkeyDust!fr| Ajira12:42
ubottuAjira: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:42
challenger yeah it is listed in usb list12:42
freakynlhmm not sure how I pasted that, didn't even touch the mouse haha12:42
Ajirasorry MonkeyDust wrong channel X)12:42
challengerand works  for cheese12:42
raven_ubuntu 12.10 + vsftpd: i am trying to setup a sftp server with virtual users they access all on the same folder  but i cannot connect by any reason need please12:42
freakynland it would be running for years (~4-5 or so) :)12:42
ichatchallger you mean it works for cheese install inside the virtual machine or cheese on the host12:43
challengerichat: how ? X) :P12:43
dr_willisHmm.. is vsftp a 'sftp' server?  i thoght ssh could do sftp wthout any other services12:43
ee12096Francisco silva12:43
challengercheese on the host12:43
freakynlraven_: don't you mean ftps? sftp is a whole other protocol than ftp and comes from ssh12:44
ichatchallernger so  read up on how to forward usb devices to clients  on virtualbox12:44
freakynlftps however is just regular FTP with a SSL layer, similar to http vs https12:44
raven_freakynl, i need any "secure ftp" service12:44
ichataka just coppy paste to google...12:44
dr_willisraven_:  ssh and sftp would be the way to go i imagine. a ftp server  is rarely needed these days i find.12:45
challengerichat : )   lemme try this one too, i'm facing this one prob from 6 months cudn't get any solution , even tried mint , fedora12:45
raven_dr_willis, yes sftp would be nice but how to setup - what do i need for that?12:45
dr_willisraven_:  install the ssh server.. and it should work i belive12:46
ichatdr_willis:  sft gets quite some overhead on large files... but than again  id use dav12:46
raven_dr_willis, i need to work with virtual users they all have access to the same subfolder and have no access to shell12:46
dr_willisI use ssh/sftp from my android pone.12:46
dr_willisraven_:  i imagine its doable. I never need to do that.12:47
raven_dr_willis, and i need any idea how12:47
dr_willisnot sure why that would need 'virtual users'12:47
dr_willissounds like normal 'groups' could do that.12:47
dr_willistheres all sorts of books and guides on ssh/sftp  most of which ive never needed to read. ;)12:48
freakynlraven_: http://howto.gumph.org/content/setup-virtual-users-and-directories-in-vsftpd/ (for debian, but ubuntu is debian based so shouldn't matter much)12:48
dr_willisNight all.. bed time for the Dr.12:49
raven_freakynl, i set up a vsftpd server already but i cannot connect to it12:49
freakynlraven_: please post output on pastebin or something: 'netstat -ntl; iptables -L -v -n'12:49
raven_freakynl, first i have to find any verbose messages..... my client only tells me about connection errors12:50
freakynlrun that on the vsftpd server ^12:51
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gener1cwhich ftpd is the most secure (empiricly)12:59
gener1ctalking just about the ones in the repos13:00
bekksgener1c: It all depends on the security measures taken by the admin.13:01
zolidznakebytetrial: :13:01
bytetrialhi, hows it going13:03
nlsthznthird times a charm perhaps - o/ all I need assistance setting up dual monitors, one running of discreet gfx (Radeon) and the other screen running of onboard Intel13:06
nlsthznthe screen on the radeon card working well, the intel card not.  It only works when I go to a tty and then the Radeon goes blank13:06
bytetrialhi, hows it going13:07
bytetrialhi, hows it going13:07
riderplushi. i have no sound in tv-maxe13:07
riderplusi'm on 13.0413:08
riderplusi have installed a bunch of codecs so far13:08
MonkeyDustriderplus  #ubuntu+113:08
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TomyLobodr_willis, did you reply something to "how about kdesudo su otheruser -c ..."? i had to leave on short notice and now it scrolled off the tiny tiny default log size of xchat13:20
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gener1cbekks: and the quality of the code13:21
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MedianSo I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my ASUS UX32A, but the installer/ubuntu refuses to start. It successfully loads all modules and such, but gets stuck at "Starting.." just before it was going to start Ubuntu. Any ideas?13:24
TomyLobocan "kdesudo su otheruser -c /home/otheruser/one_of_his_programs" harm me?13:25
TomyLobocan "kdesudo -- su otheruser -c /home/otheruser/one_of_his_programs" harm me?13:26
dchernivTomyLobo, yes13:27
jribTomyLobo: why don't you use sudo -u instead of using su like that?13:27
TomyLobojrib, that definitely gives the program access to my files13:30
jribTomyLobo: what do you mean?13:30
TomyLoboat least that's what dr_willis indicated earlier13:30
TomyLobobasically the program is some proprietary shit i dont trust and i set up a user for it13:31
jribTomyLobo: it runs the command as the user you specify13:31
TomyLoboso it has a nice box to act in while the rest of my system, including my home folder, is safe from it13:32
jribTomyLobo: the difference between doing « sudo -u user command » and « su -c command user » is that in the first case you use the fact you have sudo powers to run as the other user and in the second case you actually need to be able to login as user13:32
TomyLobojrib, su does not ask for a password if run as root :)13:33
jribTomyLobo: correct13:33
TomyLobohence the kdesudo before it13:33
jribTomyLobo: what program is this anyway?13:34
vtghiihi does zeitgeist send information to canonincal?13:35
OerHeksvtghii, no13:35
EaglemanIs it possible to show the dns cache and look who requested it by IP?13:36
jpdsEagleman: No.13:37
jpdsEagleman: Only way would be to log every request.13:37
TomyLobojrib, doesnt matter13:42
jribTomyLobo: ok... just trying to give you better advice...13:43
TomyLoboi dont trust it but a bunch of people do, so i'm stuck with having to install it13:43
* jrib guesses skype13:43
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iLogicalhttp://paste2.org/p/2730912 I am using encryption, I tried to use boot repair to see if it would reinstall grub correctly so that I could use it after windows. I couldn't install windows first because when I do even when leaving empty space in no partition the ubuntu installer only sees one 1 TB partition.13:44
iLogicalI t's not booting anymore13:44
iLogicalit gets into a loop of reseting13:44
Eaglemanjpds, i should be able to tcpdump on the dns server to see which dns requests are made in realtime right?13:44
Eaglemansomething like:  tcpdump -i eth0 host
jpdsEagleman: Yep.13:47
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Eaglemantcpdump -vvv -s 0 -l port 53    how do i filter for an specific ip address?13:47
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Third3yeStill having problems getting audio over HDMI to work... I've got Intel HDA integrated soundcard and NVIDIA 6800M GT graphics card13:49
Third3yeExtra info from alsa-info.sh are here, if it helps... http://pastebin.com/ddMeUQ3213:50
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llutzEagleman: src/dst
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challengerguys .13:56
challengeragain in trouble13:56
Third3yeWelcome to the club13:56
challengeri'm trying to install extension pack to vbox13:56
challengergetting following error13:56
jaesiichallenger: did you download the linux-headers?13:58
challenger? :(13:58
challengerlinux-headers? for what?13:58
jaesiithat error also says that extension pack is for version 4.1 and you have 4.213:59
jaesiisudo apt-get install linux-headers13:59
jaesiiyou need them for the extension pack13:59
challengerjaesii : thank you :) . lemme try this13:59
ajfdwell, why maverick repo does'nt exist?14:00
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jpdsajfd: Because Maverick is dead.14:00
challengerjaesii,  now i've list of headers14:00
zoiehi i'm getting "WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/user/.cache/keyring-GT4vfX/pkcs11: No such file or directory" everytime i use svn; how can i fix that?14:00
moteprimeHey there, Question: There are/was a Linux game, thats a clone of the old X-Com Ufo enemy unknown. I can't find or remember what it's called?14:00
challengerwhich one to select now?14:00
MonkeyDustajfd  because it's ieol14:00
ajfdjpds: no update, no everything! :/14:01
jpds!eol | ajfd14:01
ubottuajfd: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:01
jpdsajfd: Upgrade.14:01
jaesiichallenger what do you mean which to select14:01
MonkeyDustajfd  fastest way would be to fresh install, but backup first14:01
challengermeans .. cmdline is says that " you should explicitly select one to install"14:02
challengercmdline says*14:02
challenger( sorry english * )  :P14:02
ajfdI don't like unity:S14:03
MonkeyDustajfd  you're free to not use it14:03
ajfdnatty is old and repo still work :S14:03
auronandaceajfd: there are other desktop environments: kde, xfce, lxde14:03
jaesiichallenger im not the best with virtualbox but you can join the #vbox channel they might be of help14:03
challengeru can choose other de , like gnome from login screen ajfd14:03
MonkeyDustajfd  install something else, logout, select something, login14:04
jaesiii believe unity uses lightdm14:04
challengerjaesii,  thanks for giving me your precious time , :)14:04
ajfdlost 1,000 thousand users :S14:04
ajfdold PC14:04
auronandace!lxde | ajfd14:04
auronandace!lubuntu | ajfd14:05
ubottuajfd: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:05
jpdsajfd: GNOME2 Is dead.14:05
jpds!releases | ajfd14:05
ubottuajfd: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:05
{-Dark-}hi all14:05
ajfdwho is dying is ubuntu project!!!14:06
jpdsajfd: Not really.14:06
{-Dark-}somebody have experience to setup x11vnc server as service and have it always running in background?14:06
MonkeyDustajfd  http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg14:06
jpdsMonkeyDust: What? No E17?14:06
MonkeyDustjpds  i didnt create that page14:07
jpdsMonkeyDust: ;-)14:07
ajfdwho is dying is ubuntu project!!!14:07
jpdsajfd: Stop that, or I'll remove you.14:07
ajfdgo go go14:07
nearstaww. btrfs snapshot like a power tools, why i just know that!14:08
{-Dark-}guys someone can help with x11vnc?14:09
zandra haha wat is dix ???14:10
sekouremoving someone in just one second...14:10
sekoulike that14:11
t2mknUbuntu with Unity or Gnome shell, which is better :-?14:11
MonkeyDustt2mkn  depends on what you prefer14:11
sekoujil, please join #ubuntu-fr for french.14:12
{-Dark-}sigh :(14:12
k1l_t2mkn: best is to choose yourself14:12
jilI have a fresh ubuntu install 12.10  but I get a I/O error dev fd0 sector0 when I look on my ttys14:14
Tex_Nick!fr | jil14:14
ubottujil: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:14
jilI understand OK.. I can speak english allright?14:14
sekoucool jil, cool14:15
t2mkni like Unity style, and I m liking the Workspace thing on Gnome shell :) On shell when one is at Activities panel all things come in front. But in unity I cant see what I have on other workspaces. Is their any way I can have that in Unity?14:15
jilsekou  I'm cool14:15
zoiei'm getting "p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" everytime i use svn; is there a way to fix that?14:16
MonkeyDustt2mkn  it's like that by default in Unity, the indicator for apps on other workspaces is a little different14:16
sekouok what's the matter again?14:16
jilHow come when I install the latest ubuntu It display a floppy drive.  I don't have one, so how do I remove it ?14:16
jilBecause when I switch on tty display I have a repeated I/O error on dev fd0 sector014:17
jribTomyLobo: I almost forgot, you may want to consider creating an apparmor profile for it and using that14:17
t2mknhumm, any plans in Unity for that cool thing to bring in?14:17
jilI have commented the line loading the fd0 in fstab, but I still get the error.14:18
jhutchins_wkjil: You could probably blacklist the floppy module, although I don't know if that's an official solution.14:18
jilwhat do you mean "blacklist" the floppy module?14:19
digitalfizhey guys for some reason when windows are maximized in unity the window buttons are on the left like I like them but when not maximized they are on the right. How can I fix this?14:19
jhutchins_wkjil: create a file in /etc/modules.d that prevents the floppy kernel module from loading.14:19
iLogicalif anyone could help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12449987#post12449987 it would be great14:20
digitalfiznm I found it :D gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout 'close,maximize,minimize:'14:20
jilThat doesn't sound bad jhutchins_wk14:20
jilI will look into it. Thank you14:21
jhutchins_wkiLogical: Please provide a summary instead of just a pastebin.14:21
jhutchins_wkjil: I'd like to see what others think.14:21
jilhum, yes me too because I don't have a /etc/modules.d14:22
iLogicalwhat kind of summary?14:22
TomyLobojrib, i'll take a look at that, thanks14:22
jhutchins_wkjil: Well, you can create one, and you can blacklist within /etc/modules14:23
jilOk, but I was hoping to see a readme file on how to blacklist.14:23
jilI guess I have to use modprobe14:24
iLogicaljhutchins_wk, ?14:25
RiotGSwhat is ubuntu?14:26
k1l_!ubuntu | RiotGS14:27
ubottuRiotGS: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:27
MonkeyDustRiotGS  it's a system that makes you work with your computer14:27
RiotGSthanks guys for replying14:27
MonkeyDustmakes = lets, rather14:27
zoieRiotGS: http://goo.gl/cwKxG14:27
jhutchins_wkiLogical: The question is, why did his system start expecting a floppy?14:27
RiotGScyeah cheers14:27
jhutchins_wkjil: Let me dig a little...14:28
iLogicaljhutchins_wk, I don't know it was expecting one14:28
arcimboldohi all, how can I translate the image id in glance to the  ec2_id used by boto?14:28
jhutchins_wkjil: Ok, it's /etc/modprobe.d/*14:29
jiljhutchins_wk I'm digging too... I found three line pointing to the floppy in modprobe configuration14:29
jhutchins_wkjil: Probably comment those out, or add "blacklist floppy" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist14:30
jilbut I'm not getting the syntax yet14:30
jilfor example$ alias acpi*:PNP0700:*  floppy        any idea how to read this?14:37
jilwell after modprobe -c | grep floppy ; I get for example $ acpi*: PNP0700:* floppy ;  Any idea how to read this?  I want to find the alias of the floppy module to blacklist it.14:38
tux-world i have in Ubuntu 12.04 lts Hp touchpad keyboard problem. how to use keyboard or mouse usb for hp TP? i cant using hub usb.can any body for help me?14:39
jhutchins_wkjil: Just comment it out - insert "# " before that line.14:40
jilOk I think I have the floppy module name; modeprobe -l | grep floppy; ...floppy.ko14:40
jiljhutchins_wk, I would like to but it's not coming from a file.   and I looked for a line with floppy in the modprobe.d/  without success.  But now that I have the module name I think it will be ok.  thx14:41
jhutchins_wkjil: Known issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/+bug/105441414:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1054414 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "Tries to automount floppy drives" [Low,Fix released]14:43
SquarismI would like a "plugin" to terminal that depending on which ssh host i connect to, sets the terminal colors. Is there such?14:46
jilI though bug happened only to other.  :)14:46
MonkeyDustSquarism  a script maybe, better ask in #bash14:47
jhutchins_wkjil: That bugreport is a mess, diverting several times into a non-issue with VMWare, but comment 43 has three lines of code that fix the problem.14:47
jilman, your good. I was wondering why people were trying to save dmesg  in temp file14:48
jhutchins_wkjil: The bug status implies that it's fixed, but the person who reported the fix gave no details.14:49
iLogicalany thoughts on that? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12449987#post1244998714:52
pratzhello guys14:55
pratzI am using 12.04 and skype14:55
pratzskype microphone is not working of me14:56
pratzI have followed this http://askubuntu.com/questions/163729/microphone-is-not-working-in-skype14:56
pratzbut even that is not working for me14:56
pratzany ideas ?14:56
skp1pratz: have you chevked your mic volume in alsamixer?14:57
pratzskp1: I am checking it now14:59
jhutchins_wk jil Assuming you haven't done anything yet, could you try an update to see if that fixes it.14:59
pratzskp1: alsamixer front-mic is 100%15:00
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
pratzskp1: in the gstreamer properties I have set audio default input to ALSA,  is it correct ?15:01
pratzjhutchins_wk: was it for me ?15:02
SquarismMonkeyDust, thanx man.. ill try there15:03
pratzskp1: any ideas dude ?15:04
jhutchins_wkpratz: Can you tell if the mic is working in alsa?15:06
pratzjhutchins_wk: how do i test that ?15:06
pratzjhutchins_wk: sorry , have not used any recording program in ubuntu yet15:07
pratzjhutchins_wk: please suggest one15:07
jilSorry jhutchins_wk  I just came back.  Let me check if the issue is fixed15:07
balajeercHi... I am stuck with a rather curious situation here. I uninstalled xorg by mistake (yeah, long story, pl. dont ask.. I blame it on the lack of sleep over the past 52 hours). I chrooted into my installation from a livecd and installed xorg successfully. However, now, when I boot back into my installation, I get an error box saying that the graphics has not been configured and that it is starting in low graphics mode. Basically, the desktop manager do15:08
Third3yeSysinfo for 'TuxBox': Linux 3.5.0-21-generic running KDE Development Platform 4.9.3, CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUP8400@2.26GHz at 2267 MHz (4522 bogomips), HD: 11/290GB, RAM: 2888/3008MB, 206 proc's, 1.2h up15:08
jiljhutchins_wk,  It's crystal clear on this issue. Thank you for the guidance.15:09
Third3yeSorry -- didn't know it would ouput :P15:09
jilI don't have the I/O error anymore and it fixed the gost floppy icon too15:10
balajeercHi... I am stuck with a rather curious situation here. I uninstalled xorg by mistake (yeah, long story, pl. dont ask.. I blame it on the lack of sleep over the past 52 hours). I chrooted into my installation from a livecd and installed xorg successfully. However, now, when I boot back into my installation, I get an error box saying that the graphics has not been configured and that it is starting in low graphics mode. Basically, the desktop manager do15:11
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jhutchins_wkaptitude -f insatall?15:12
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pratzjhutchins_wk: I tried with ubuntu sound recorder, I can not hear my voice15:12
Seranohave you tried running alsamixer in the terminal15:13
Seranoand selecting the right device?15:13
balajeercHi... I am stuck with a rather curious situation here. I uninstalled xorg by mistake (yeah, long story, pl. dont ask.. I blame it on the lack of sleep over the past 52 hours). I chrooted into my installation from a livecd and installed xorg successfully. However, now, when I boot back into my installation, I get an error box saying that the graphics has not been configured and that it is starting in low graphics mode. Basically, the desktop manager do15:13
skp1balajeerc: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:14
balajeercskp1: thanks, trying now15:14
pratzmicrophone not working with ubuntu 12.0415:14
jhutchins_wkpratz: microphone not working in skype != microphone not working.15:16
MonkeyDustpratz  in a terminal, type alsamixer, see what you find there15:17
pratzI tested with ubuntu sound recorder, microphone is not working15:17
pratzMonkeyDust: have already check that15:17
jhutchins_wkpratz: Good.  Now you know.15:17
pratzjhutchins_wk: yap, thanks15:18
jhutchins_wkpratz: I have yet to get a working mic on my system.15:19
pratzjhutchins_wk:  :)15:19
jhutchins_wk99% bad mics.15:19
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
pratzjhutchins_wk: should i restart the machine ?15:19
jhutchins_wkpratz: What have you changed?15:20
pratzjhutchins_wk: in gstreamer-properties , I have changed audio default input to  ALSA15:20
jhutchins_wkpratz: Is this an internal or external mic?15:21
pratzjhutchins_wk: external mic15:21
pratzjhutchins_wk: front mic15:21
digitalfizhas anyone got a fix for pidgin not showing in 12.10 status bar and closing completely when you close the buddy list?15:30
theadmindigitalfiz: That's not a bug. You need to enable the tray icon in settings.15:30
digitalfiztheadmin: i did :)15:31
theadmindigitalfiz: Oh, uh, okay. Give me a sec, I'll find that crazy terminal command which enables the tray again :/15:31
marsfligth  Hi, on Precise the screen blank after 10 mins even if all settings (power and brightness) are set to still the monitor always on. How can I solve it? Thanks15:31
digitalfiztheadmin: ok thanks15:31
theadmindigitalfiz: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"15:31
theadmindigitalfiz: There you go15:31
jiwanhey can any one tell me why i am unable to update my ubuntu15:32
theadminjiwan: Which version?15:32
usr13jiwan: What error do you get?15:32
digitalfiztheadmin: thanks a bunch that fixed it15:32
jiwani had installed some ppa package,15:32
usr13jiwan: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade |pastebinit15:33
MonkeyDustjiwan  remove the PPA, then try again15:33
jiwanand when i try to update, ubuntu shows failed15:33
jiwanthat's i want15:33
theadminjiwan: D'oh. I suggest you remove all PPAs and packages from them before doing an upgrade15:33
jiwanhow to remove15:33
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:33
jiwanbut isn't it harmful to remove all package from my laptop15:33
sgt-haggerHey guys, flash videos like youtube are working for me, but videos are only showing a black screen and I can hear sound. This is a newly installed OS. I've enabled fglrx in 'aditional drivers' however15:33
sgt-haggerscratch that since restart they kind of work, but are horrendously choppy.15:34
usr13sgt-hagger: Slow network?  (Do a speed test to see that you have enough bandwidth.)15:35
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
sgt-haggerusr13: No it's my videos on hard drive15:36
usr13sgt-hagger: What player are you using?15:36
sgt-haggertried totem and VLV15:37
usr13sgt-hagger: Try mplayer15:37
usr13sgt-hagger: or mplayer215:38
MonkeyDustor smplayer15:38
KsMor gnome-mplayer15:38
KsMno more?15:38
MonkeyDustor minitube15:38
usr13mplayer is the swiss-army-knife of video players.15:39
sgt-haggerOkay thanks15:40
usr13sgt-hagger: But if you have problems even with mplayer, you can bet it's a video driver issue15:40
nearstnope, codec15:41
CoreyBRhow can i modify ubuntu themes?15:41
usr13CoreyBR: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:42
zeffehi all15:43
CoreyBRusr13, ty15:43
MonkeyDustCoreyBR  find gnome-tweak-tool in the software center15:44
thompchaHey, I've got an issue with tomcat taking more than 20 minutes to start. I've written up the problem in detail here: http://serverfault.com/q/466190/4560715:45
thompchaAny suggestions?15:45
zeffeYou're missing command pv (consider installing package pv), how can I install the package pv?15:45
theadminzeffe: sudo apt-get install pv15:46
MonkeyDustthompcha  ubuntu server?15:46
zeffeE: Unable to locate package pv15:46
jribzeffe: « sudo apt-get update » then try again15:47
theadmin!find /usr/bin/pv15:47
ubottuFile /usr/bin/pv found in csound-utils, mgetty-pvftools, paraview, paraview-python, pv, pvm, pvm-dev, pvrg-jpeg, python-vtk, radiance (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/usr/bin/pv&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any15:47
badfingerso, I'm reading a bit about an issue I have, and a lot of answers involve "go to system>administration>etc" and I can't find this tree.  Sounds like a windows "start menu" kind of thing, but I don't see it.  ubuntu 12.10.  Any help appreciated15:47
jribbadfinger: system settings, or run "gnome-control-center"15:47
zeffeE: Unable to locate package pv15:47
jribzeffe: what version of ubuntu?15:48
theadminbadfinger: Yeah, that's from the old, GNOME2 style interface. Many of those things may no longer even be available anymore. What are you trying to do, exactly?15:48
badfingerhmm.. I'm trying to set up wireless on my old inspiron 172015:48
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theadminbadfinger: Well, there's the Network Manager icon on top. If it's not connected, it will look like a greyed-out wifi icon thingy.15:49
theadminbadfinger: That's as much as I can say for the networking UI...15:49
zeffe Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:50
badfingeryeah, it's not there, I installed the broadcom drivers as per a forum I found about the issue, and it appears my wireless device is either turned off or not recognized15:50
fedorhi, everyone15:50
zeffe Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:50
theadminbadfinger: Hm, well, if it's turned off you may try to "sudo rfkill unblock all"15:50
jribzeffe: pastebin the output of « sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy pv » then15:50
badfingerIok thanks I'll try it15:50
zeffe Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from live flash USB15:51
theadminzeffe: Oh. You can't really install packages on a live system.15:51
theadminAt least not in my experience.15:51
jribshould be able to15:51
kaczerlist ubuntu15:51
fedorcould anyone tell me if there is an app or something that would turn on the win-like behavior of middle mouse.15:52
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jribfedor: what's the "win-like behavior of middle mouse"?15:52
lydawhat's the login/password for ubuntu cloud images?15:52
fedormiddle button i meant15:52
theadminfedor: "win like"? In my opinion, the Xorg style behaviour is a complete win :P15:52
jribfedor: what's the "win-like behavior of middle button"?15:52
usr13fedor: What is the "win-like behavior" ?    :)15:53
theadminfedor: The scrolling thing is app specific. Firefox can do that.15:53
lydafrom the docs i got the idea it was ubuntu/passw0rd, but that seems to be incorrect.15:53
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fedorwell, i mean when you press the middle button in ubuntu you paste something. What i want is to make to behave like a scroll button in windows15:53
theadminfedor: You can set middlemouse.paste to false in Firefox. But other apps... I dunno.15:54
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zeffeReading package lists... Done N: Unable to locate package pv15:54
badfingersigh, ubuntu still doesn't recognize my wireless hardware15:54
marsfligth  Hi, on Precise 12.04 the display blanks after 10 mins even if all settings (power and brightness) are set to still the monitor always on. How can I solve it? Thanks15:54
fedorI know about that. You can install scroll-extension in browsers.15:54
usr13fedor: It should scroll when you turn it.  But, do you never find the need to paste?15:54
theadminmarsfligth: You missed one. The screensaver is set to "Blank screen" by default. :P15:55
badfingerit's a known problem with older dell laptops15:55
fedorno. I have ctrl+V for that15:55
fedorI am not a big fan of mouse :)15:55
badfingerI know I made this work once15:55
badfingerwith broadcom drivers15:55
fedorso is it possible15:55
badfingerso what's the 12.10 equivalent of system>administrator15:56
usr13fedor: But in linux we have more options.  You can have one paste from Ctrl-v and a second one from the middle mouse button, so that you can carry two separate pastes to your document.15:56
theadminbadfinger: There really isn't any apart from the Settings application thing.15:56
jribbadfinger: system settings, or run "gnome-control-center"15:56
jribbadfinger: you probably want to go to software sources and use the "additional drivers" tab15:56
Questhow to make permanent global variables for all users . for instance I want to setup JAVA_HOME for my JDK15:56
theadminQuest: /etc/environment15:57
theadminQuest: They're not permanent, users can still override them by setting their own. But they are used as defaults unless users do set their own.15:57
fedorusr13: for my purposes it is useless15:58
Questtheadmin, ok. but they are permenent of reboots?15:58
naztyhow do i set a administrative password in the latest kubuntu15:58
badfingerhmm.. says it's using the broadcom driver but I definitely don't have a wireless option15:58
thoonaihey someone using vdr in streaming mode? mine is failing15:58
theadminQuest: Yeah, since it's a file :P15:58
badfingerthanks for everything so far btw15:58
theadminQuest: ...well unless your /etc is on a ramdisk for some mad reason15:59
Questtheadmin,  :)15:59
naztyhas anyone ran unetbootin?15:59
MonkeyDustnazty  yes ask away15:59
jrib!anyone | nazty15:59
ubottunazty: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:59
OerHeksbadfinger, after install, did you reboot to get the driver loaded ?  or modprobe ?16:00
usr13fedor: I don't understand how extra capabilities are useless.  And since I've not found the need to get rid of these extra capabilities, I don't know how.16:00
CoreyBRi'm having a hard time customizing my ubuntu T_T16:00
CoreyBRcan anyone help me?16:00
cebordoes anybody know, if i install win8 to my seccond hdd will this kill my mbr on my ubuntu which is on sda16:00
naztyim trying to run unetbootin but it is asking me for a admin password which i dont have set16:00
theadminnazty: Yeah. I don't think it's ever worked with Ubuntu for me. Ubuntu has it's own image writer tools for a while.16:00
MonkeyDustnazty  it's the password you use to login and for sudo16:00
theadminnazty: The admin password is your user's password.16:00
FlashDeluxehi! i got a question, if i want to login via lightdm, i cannot choose or type in an existing username, if i switch to kdm, everything works fine... Can somebody tell me why? Here is the log http://www.evenos.de16:00
naztytheadmin: to write to a flash drive?16:00
Slartnazty: you can set a password for the root account but sudo usually takes care of that better (and setting a root password isn't supoprted here)16:00
thoonaiCoreyBR: what did you try and why and which errors occur?16:00
fedorusr13, its unwonted for me to use middle button in pasting.16:00
naztyMonkeyDust: no its not i tried that already16:00
thoonaihey someone using vdr in streaming mode? mine is failing16:00
FlashDeluxedamn, sorry, here it is: http://paste.debian.net/223748/16:01
Questtheadmin,  why people use ~/.bashrc and /etc/profile?16:01
escottcebor, probably16:01
escott!grub | cebor16:01
ubottucebor: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:01
badfingerOerHeks: I've rebooted a bunch of times, and I ran the modprobe command once, and definitely didn't get a positive response, thought I'm not sure what it said exactly16:01
escott!details | CoreyBR16:01
MonkeyDustnazty  odd, should be16:01
ubottuCoreyBR: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:01
naztytheadmin: what should i use to write a iso to a flash drive?16:01
jribQuest: you may want to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables to learn what the different files do.  But theadmin gave you the right file for what you asked16:01
theadminQuest: Eh. bashrc is just a shell script that gets executed by bash on login. /etc/profile is same. You *could* set the variables in /etc/profile but...16:01
Diegosnathi guys, how can i solve this problem? http://pastebin.com/EKueZ6Jj16:01
theadminnazty: What OS are you currently on?16:01
naztythe lastest release16:02
Questtheadmin,  and  bash.bashrc16:02
CoreyBRi wanna change my ubuntu's loading splash screen, the help website says to install gnome-splashscreen-manager package but i cant find it in synaptic, any clues?16:02
MonkeyDustnazty  just tried, it is as I said16:02
theadminnazty: Ok. There's a "USB Image Writer" tool. But you can also use the terminal: sudo dd if=something.iso of=/dev/sdb16:02
Questtheadmin,  but..?16:02
jribCoreyBR: what website?16:02
theadminQuest: But what's the point of writing a whole shell script with "export" and stuff if you can set it in a file? :P16:03
CoreyBRjrib, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:03
thompchaMonkeyDust: yes, ubuntu server 12.1016:03
CoreyBRi cant change my cursor either16:03
MonkeyDustthompcha  they have their own channel   #ubuntu-server16:03
darrylnazty, also unetbootin works16:03
thompchaah! thanks!16:04
theadmindarryl: It works... sometimes.16:04
jribCoreyBR: so what version of ubuntu are you using?16:04
theadmindarryl: For me it doesn't. Might be hardware-specific or something but I never managed to get it to work.16:04
naztydarryl: its asking me for the admin password when i start it16:04
CoreyBRjrib, 12.1016:04
darryltheadmin, dunno worked for me16:04
jribCoreyBR: doesn't the link you gave me say "prior to 11.04"?  See ubottu for how to change your splash now...16:05
jilWhat's the support channel for wine? #wine is empty.16:05
jrib!plymouth | CoreyBR16:05
ubottuCoreyBR: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »16:05
jribjil: #winehq16:05
naztyahhh i can sudo unetbootin and it works16:05
CoreyBRjrib, sorry i'm still learning english16:05
jiljrib.  thankyou.  why is it not wine?16:05
escott!gksudo | nazty16:05
ubottunazty: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:05
jribjil: you have to ask them :)16:05
jilok thx :)16:06
EighteensHello, i noticed this in my kern.log this morning, 'Jan 11 07:54:05 ubuntu-desktop kernel: [   63.197998] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.'  How can i fix this, or should i ignore this16:06
jribzeffe: what's the output of « uname -m »?16:07
Questtheadmin,  ok16:07
badfingerthanks for the suggestions everyone, I'm gonna go back to the web and try to make this wireless work.  seems like a tough problem16:07
usr13badfinger: What chip is it?16:08
badfingerit's a broadcom.. I forget the model16:08
theadminEighteens: Don't fix it unless it's broken. And the kernel produces a LOT of messages, most of them can be ignored.16:08
badfingerIt's in an inspiron 172016:08
Eighteenstheadmin: thank you16:09
badfingerand i'm using 12.1016:09
jribzeffe: what's the output of « uname -m »?16:09
usr13badfinger: What's the WiFi chip?16:09
MonkeyDustzeffe  what kind of disk is "/dev/mmcblk0p1"?16:09
usr13badfinger: Can you plug into wired network?16:10
badfingerwhat's the command I use to find that?16:10
jribzeffe: you need to add the universe repository (see ubottu)16:10
badfingerI know I did it once16:10
jrib!repos | zeffe16:10
ubottuzeffe: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:10
usr13badfinger: lspci |grep ireless16:10
badfingerusr13: yes, wired works fine16:10
usr13badfinger: Plug into the wired network and work on it.16:11
thoonaiMonkeyDust: it sound like an sd card in and sd card reader16:11
badfingerlol thanks usr13, that's what I'm doing16:11
theadminMonkeyDust: For some reason, that device naming scheme reminds me of BSDs...16:11
Third3yeWhy... why... why won't HDMI  audio work and video does?!16:11
usr13badfinger: Give us some info and we can help.16:11
* MonkeyDust has never seen /dev/mmcblk0p116:12
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badfingersure, give me a moment and I'll find the exact broadcom chip16:12
badfingerthanks for your help btw16:12
Ben64MonkeyDust: android uses that for the internal memory and sd card16:13
thoonaiBen64: ubuntu too16:13
Ben64not ususally16:14
thoonaiBen64: it is in all my 12.10 versions16:14
llutzthoonai: that depends on the type of sd-card controller16:14
MiebsterI installed 12.04 from disk, when my computer reboots I get a prompt and nothing else just a "|" flashing.  What do I do?16:14
escottMiebster, what do you see after post?16:15
thoonaillutz: possible, I wouldnt deny it16:15
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | Miebster16:15
ubottuMiebster: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:15
blacklineAre there any convenient way to see which packages that I have installed from one specific repo?16:15
Ben64yep, most devices don't show up as mmc16:15
MusamWhat is your computer configuration16:15
Miebsterescott: I see the dell bios screen, and then after that straight to black with prompt16:16
thoonaisomeone using ubuntu and vdr?16:16
escottMiebster, do you happen to know if this is a bios or efi system?16:16
badfingerusr13: it's a broadcom BCM431116:16
usr13badfinger: Ubuntu 12.04?16:17
badfingerno, 12.1016:17
freakynlgotta run thx16:17
escottMiebster, if you boot the livecd, download and run this http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ it will provide some information that may help16:17
escott!paste | Miebster16:17
ubottuMiebster: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:17
Miebsterescott: best I could give you is the make/model, dell precision T165016:17
usr13badfinger: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207288716:18
badfingerthanks, hang on.. gonna try it16:18
thoonaisomeone using ubuntu and vdr?16:18
usr13!bcm43xx | badfinger16:18
ubottubadfinger: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:18
badfingeryou guys are great.. I'm gonna work on this using your links16:19
badfingerI can't thank you enough.. I'll keep you posted16:19
badfingerI'm a bit of a noob but I really want to move to linux16:20
usr13badfinger: Are you fully updated?16:20
Miebsterescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1520330/16:20
badfingerusr13: yes16:20
usr13badfinger: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:20
badfingeryeah did both of those16:20
CoreyBRmy ubuntu is now locking the screen anymore, how can i fix it?16:21
stoicCoreyBR,  use caffiene16:21
MonkeyDustMiebster  firstly: windows should sit on /dev/sda1   first install windows, then linux16:21
MiebsterMonkeyDust: I don't have windows16:22
escottMiebster, your bootloader got installed to sdb for some reason. don't know why16:22
blacklineActually found the answer to my own question. Thanks anyway :)16:22
usr13badfinger: see my PM16:22
escottMiebster, if you will run the following commands we can fix it up16:22
escottMiebster, sudo -i; mkdir /ubuntu; mount /dev/sda1 /ubuntu; mount --bind /dev /ubuntu/dev; chroot /ubuntu; grub-install /dev/sda;16:23
escottMiebster, run them one after the other stopping at each ";"16:23
escottMiebster, stop and ask about any errors16:23
optrazi want a package, webcalendar but apparently it stop at the lucid, any public repo offer this package?16:24
Miebsterescott: done, no errors16:25
escottMiebster, ok then you should be able to type "exit" twice and if you rerun the bootinfoscript it should say "grub2 is installed on the mbr of /dev/sda and points to the first partitition of the same disk"16:25
Miebsterescott: confirmed, reboot?16:27
escottMiebster, that should do it for you. make sure to remove that sdb usb device whatever it is16:27
Miebsterescott: its just a thumb drive, why remove it?16:27
escottMiebster, it confused the installer. probably because that partition is flagged with the bootable flag16:28
escottMiebster, in the future its best not to have random extraneous disks in the system when installing16:28
Miebsterescott: ah, thanks16:28
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jilPlease,  How can I make wine available to every user after a fresh ubuntu install and an apt-get install wine?16:31
jilevery user of the computer...16:32
theadminjil: What do you mean, "make available"? It registers itself with binfmt_support so double-clicking an exe file will run it in wine...16:33
theadminjil: Regardless of the user16:33
usr13jil: It's not Win7... :)16:34
jilI have several accounts some not part of the adm group and those don't have access to wine16:34
theadminjil: Huh. That's odd. I'm not sure what that group is...16:34
usr13jil: I do not think wine requires admin16:34
usr13jil: wine runs in user space16:35
escottjil, do you mean you want to share programs installed by one use with the others16:35
usr13escott: Ahhh yea, I think you got it.16:35
Miebsterubuntu 12.04, only sees 1 of my 2 monitors (And its calling it a laptop, its not) When I click the icon to "install drivers" (for 3rd party stuff) I get a system error, when I click "detect displays" it doesn't find the second monitor16:35
jilescott, that's it.  I'm forcing the hand of my dad to switch from windows to linux but he wants ms excel.. and Excel work on my account but not on his.  I can find it on his account16:36
usr13jil: What's wrong with soffice?16:36
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usr13jil: Tell him to use open office?16:36
escottjil, you would have to modify the default wine config to point to some shared folder like perhaps /home/wine16:37
RollinV2jil, why not virtualize either windows or linux and get the best of both worlds?16:37
theadminjil: Eh. Wine apps don't get shared across users, since they are installed per-user. You'd have to install them for every account (easily accomplishable by copying over the .wine folder, like this: sudo cp -r ~/.wine /home/*/16:37
ravenubuntu 12.10 + Memtest 4.20 - i have a known bug in memtest at test 7 from 129,0 mb is there any new version of  memtest in ubuntu and if yes how to install it?16:37
MiebsterHow do I disable the join/leave sin empathy?16:37
usr13But WHY use excel?16:37
theadminjil: That command may be wrong.16:37
MonkeyDustjil  use libreoffice16:37
usr13jil: Yes, as MonkeyDust points out, libreoffice will work fine for you.16:38
jilMonkeyDust,  usr13 Yes libreoffice is good for me.16:38
theadminjil: sudo cp -t ~/.wine /home/*/ # There.16:38
ravenhow to make a text-system from a graphical ubuntu system? i deinstalled xorg and xubuntu-desktop already but still graphics!16:38
usr13jil: It's good for your dad too.16:38
RollinV2libreoffice won't be able to handle the more complex excel functions. sad but true. fine for basic low level use.16:39
Third3yeI've got a problem with audio. The audio via speakers on my laptop works, but not the audio via HDMI. I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 which features PulseAudio 2.1, Alsa 1.0.25. My integrated audio card is HDA Intel and my gfx card is Nvidia 6800M GT on a HP Pavilion dv5 laptop.16:39
theadminraven: sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel remove xubuntu-desktop16:39
culpn8rwhats a good tiling WM to use with xfce16:39
MiebsterUbuntu won't detect my second display, I had it working but the upgrade to 12.04 from 10.04 made it not work anymore16:40
jiltheadmin you mean cp -r ... right16:40
badfingerusr13: thanks for your help, you're a good person for spending your time helping the noobs around here16:40
theadminjil: err. I mean cp -rt, actually.16:40
usr13jil: I have a 72 year old secretary at my VFW post that doesn't even know she has switched.  It's a very nice spreadsheet that has all the day-to-day transactions of the canteen on it and it works beautifully.  She doesn't even know the difference, never did.16:40
K1rkMy CUPS page log is empty and I don't know why... CUPS is set up to log to the file, and there's nothing in the file... but it can create the file, so the permissions are right.16:41
sogeking99Hey guys I am having a problem with both banshee and rhthymbox. My playlists are not in the correct track order, and clicking the track column won't so anything?16:41
jilok, but my dad will see the difference. his accountant16:41
usr13jil: How will he?16:41
usr13jil: Why would he care?16:42
z_Chansharkhey guys, im having trouble getting the ndiswrapper to work i keep getting this error  " fatal: module ndiswrapper not found"16:42
Sizurwhere's the location of files that govern desktop selection at the login screen?16:42
raventheadmin ill try this tnx16:42
jiltables functionality of Excel are not yet in libreoffice as far as I know.16:42
MonkeyDustusr13  he's right, libreoffice looks like old ms office16:42
usr13jil: If it works, he will be pleased.16:42
RollinV2libreoffice files may have slight compatablity differences with ms office files. i'd check by swaping edited files to make sure both sides are seeing similar output16:42
theadminjil: What do you mean? Calc works with spreadsheets perfectly well.16:42
ravenubuntu 12.10 + Memtest 4.20 - i have a known bug in memtest at test 7 from 129,0 mb is there any new version of  memtest in ubuntu and if yes how to install it?16:43
jilYou have a nice way to do summary table called pivote table in Excel. I know you can do it with libreoffice but it means learning a few commandes. that's how he will notice16:43
llutztheadmin: it'll fail if it spreadsheets use macros and will eventually corrupt files if im-/re-exported to xls16:43
theadminllutz: Macros... yeah. Those.16:44
sogeking99Is there a music player with the functionality of iTunes?16:44
jilI copied the directory, I'm going to check if all's ok.  thx16:44
RollinV2sogeking99: songbird or noise16:44
theadminsogeking99: If you mean syncing with iPhone, then Rhythmbox (preinstalled) can do that.16:44
Sizurwhere the .desktop files live that configure what desktop is launched at the default login screen?16:44
MiebsterPlease can someone help, I've asked 3 times, Ubuntu wont detect my second display, system error when I click on the "install 3rd party drivers"16:44
usr13jil: As theadmin points out, the spreadsheets from excel work fine, I've traded them back and forth a number of times, not seeing any problems.16:44
Third3yeMiebster: you should check the logs for the issue, or alternatively: install it via terminal instead16:45
RollinV2Miebster: reboot the system with the monitor connected16:45
Third3yeMiebster: which graphic card do you have?16:45
MiebsterRollinV2: the monitor was connected16:45
z_Chansharkhey does anyone know the ndiswrapper fix ( fatal: module ndiswrapper not found)16:46
RollinV2Miebster: darn.16:46
LucidGuyIs there any difference between ubuntu with the kubuntu-desktop package .. or gong straight to kubuntu?16:46
jilpsychologicaly, man is relectant to big changes.  so one step at the time is preferable.  I would also like to switch entirely to libreoffice but one step a the time is the best strategy I believe.16:46
sogeking99theadmin: I just mean having the ability to sort my playlists in track order. rhythmbox and banshee won't let me16:46
theadminsogeking99: Oh. Odd.16:46
sogeking99RollinV2: thanks I will try that now.16:46
MiebsterThird3ye: Where can I find that info?  Its not showing up under "details">"graphics"16:47
sogeking99theadmin:  For example my Scenes from a memory album is in a whacky order. track 4, 3, ,9 7 etc. and hitting the track column does not let you sort them16:47
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bekkssogeking99: Then use easytag to set correct tags and rename the file according to the tags.16:48
usr13jil: Just because someone thinks something won't work does not mean it doesnt.  I know that people only believe what they want to, and they are resistant to change but, just remember, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".16:48
usr13jil: If you can show him it works, he will be ok with it.16:49
Third3yeMiebster: open terminal and write "lspci |grep VGA"16:49
usr13jil: What do you have to loose?16:49
Third3yeMiebster: or it should say in the driver install window, really16:49
jilI have to loose the whole linux installation.16:50
RediHi, I want to upgrade my AMD GPU driver from "fglrx" to "fglrx-updates" can I just use Synaptic to do so, or do I need to do it from terminal with Unity & X.org shuted down?16:50
MiebsterThird3ye: What driver install window?  "System Settings>Additional Drivers" that one?  That button doesn't do anything when I click it.16:50
usr13jil: Why?16:50
MiebsterThird3ye: lspci | grep vga returns nothing16:50
z_Chansharkdoes anyone know how to install windows wifi drivers16:50
MonkeyDustMiebster  its VGA, not vga16:51
Third3yeMiebster: remember big letters -- VGA16:51
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
sogeking99ah songbird works well thanks16:51
MiebsterThird3ye: VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 0fff (rev a1)16:51
usr13jil: Well, here is the deal:  You either use Linux or you don't.  You know the advantages, so....16:51
jilwell copying the .wine folder in the other account is not sufficiant16:51
orudiewhat is a good bitorrent client for ubuntu ?16:51
usr13jil: No, you would have to install the app on the other user's account.16:51
Third3yeMiebster: try this in terminal then; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current16:52
theadminjil: Well, you also need the menu shortcuts from ~/.local/share/applications/wine*16:52
MonkeyDustorudie  deluge or transmission are popular16:52
orudieMonkeyDust: utorrent ?16:52
theadminorudie: utorrent isn't really good on Linux yet.16:52
betsyhello im struggling to activate nvidia drivers 304 above ubuntu 12.04 anyone assist please?16:52
usr13jil: Well, yea, as theadmin points out, it may be possible to copy more files to get it to work.16:53
ndasesyo !16:53
Rediorudie: Transmission is OK16:53
Miebsterhow can I get empathy to stop spamming "joined the room"16:53
Third3yebetsy: try running this in terminal and tell us what the error is: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current16:53
RediCan somebody help me? I want to upgrade my AMD GPU driver from "fglrx" to "fglrx-updates" can I just use Synaptic to do so, or do I need to do it from terminal with Unity & X.org turned off?16:54
Stoic_orduie: try qBittorent .16:54
Third3yeStupid driver install.. why doesn't it output errors?16:54
z_Chansharkdoes anyone know how to install windows wifi drivers16:54
Third3yeDesign flaw on part of Ubuntu: don't tell the user nothing.. they're stupid16:54
theadminRedi: You don't have to use the terminal. But note that this may break it.16:54
MonkeyDust!wifi | z_Chanshark start here16:54
ubottuz_Chanshark start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:54
theadminThird3ye: Because Ubuntu is meant to be simple. Advanced users use the CLI where they get all the output anyway.16:54
usr13Miebster: /ignore #ubutnu all -public -actions16:54
Reditheadmin: Thanks, I will risk it.16:55
Third3yetheadmin: It should leave you with an easy google-able error code, like WIndows or OS X -- which are Ubuntus direct competitors16:55
Miebsterusr13: Unknown Command16:55
theadminRedi: As in, the -updates version may fail to work leaving you with nothing but a CLI interface. If that happens, just "sudo apt-get remove fglrx-updates".16:55
usr13Miebster: /help ignore16:56
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usr13Miebster: What IRC client do you use?16:56
Miebsterusr13: empathy16:56
usr13Miebster: Maybe empathy does not recognize those commands.  Try the help files or docs.16:57
sogeking99RollinV2: This works great, one thing. Can I change the order of playlists? I like them to be in alphabetical order if possible. And I made them in the wrong order (used to auto sorting like itunes)16:57
theadminMiebster: The problem is empathy isn't really an IRC client... Use a real one, designed specifically for IRC, rather than one that is designed for IM.16:58
Miebstertheadmin: which one?16:58
usr13Miebster: /join #empathy16:58
theadminMiebster: Well, I suggest irssi on the commandline and Quassel in the graphical interface.16:58
usr13Miebster: irssi is good.16:59
MonkeyDustirssi <316:59
jilallright, Wine is working on other accounts.  copying the right files and changing ownership of those file was enought.16:59
z_ChansharkMonkeyDust:  my wifi adapter  listed but it says i need to use  ndiswapper to install the drivers but every time i try to get ndiswrapper to work i get this error " fatal: module ndiswrapper not found"16:59
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jilThat makes me like ubuntu more, but how many of us can understand.16:59
usr13jil: People only believe what they want to believe.17:00
MiebsterOkay so while letting the package manager update, it gave me a modal "configure grub dialog" But I just got grub working, so continue without changing anything?  (This is the dialog that hosed me up the first time)17:00
jribMiebster: check the differences?17:01
MonkeyDustz_Chanshark  try installing ndisgtk17:01
Miebsterjrib: what do you mean ?17:01
z_Chansharki have reinstalled it17:01
jilusr13 I'd say They believe what they like to beleive and one likes to believe that he made the right choices in the past.  we are a change relunctant specie and the ubuntu community should study behavioral psychology to make change more effective.17:01
jribMiebster: I'm assuming you are at a dialog about a package maintainer's config file differing from yours.  If that's true, you can ask for a diff to compare the two versions17:02
Miebsterjrib: http://imgur.com/Oi1oI17:02
jribMiebster: you're installing ubuntu for the first time?17:02
Miebsterjrib: no, I just installed it, rebooted a few times, this is the package manger doing updates17:03
singharkiratI am installing ubuntu 11.10 on lenovo think station s2017:03
jribMiebster: what's your bootloader now?17:03
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Miebsterjrib: grub217:03
usr13jil: I have two sisters.  One has a laptop and two desktops, all Linux and her and her husband litterally love linux.  They've been using it for 4 years now.  I have another sister, and her and her husband would not touch Linux with a 10' pole.  They know darn well it is useless and that is that.  People only believe what they want to believe, (is the bottom line).17:03
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singharkiratIt is working fine on some systems but on some system just hangs after boot loader...17:03
jribMiebster: I don't understand why that's coming up then.17:04
Miebsterjrib: thats why I am afraid to touch it17:04
Miebsterjrib: but I have to, its modal, this is crazy17:04
jribMiebster: don't check anything then.  Worst case scenario, you can't boot, and you have to use a live cd to reconfigure grub17:04
singharkiratI have to boot to recovery and them select resume normal boot.. And system starts but with a bad resoltion... And help?17:04
Miebsterjrib: yeah... but thats what happened 2 hours ago17:05
jribMiebster: then, check something :)17:05
z_ChansharkMonkeyDust:  i have re-installed it, and some guides i have tried install the source and a few other things and non of them seem to work17:05
MonkeyDustz_Chanshark  and you defenitally need ndis?17:06
jribMiebster: you probably want it on sda unless you have some sort of chainload setup17:06
singharkiratAny help??17:06
nyuszika7hhi, how can I allow connections to port 22 from LAN? this doesn't seem to work:17:06
jribnyuszika7h: there are no firewall rules by default17:06
jiltheadmin. I just check the pivot table and they seem to work now. Last time I tested was last year.  So that's good17:06
nyuszika7hnyuszika7h@ymlyna ~ % sudo ufw allow in ssh/tcp from
usr13nyuszika7h: install openssh-server17:06
nyuszika7hjrib: I enabled ufw.17:06
jribnyuszika7h: ok17:06
MonkeyDustnyuszika7h  try allow ssh17:07
nyuszika7husr13: seriously, do I look that stupid? I obviously installed it. (sorry)17:07
nyuszika7hMonkeyDust: you don't get my point, I don't want it to be accessible from the WAN17:07
nyuszika7heven though my router's firewall would block it anyway17:07
nyuszika7h(to WAN)17:07
z_ChansharkMonkeyDust:  because ndiswrapper is for installing windows wifi drivers17:07
jilescott thanks for the sharing the sharing tip17:08
MonkeyDustz_Chanshark  linux has wifi drivers, too, i for one don't use windows drivers17:08
rosenzweigAre the ATI legacy drivers (for Radeon HD 4000 and under chips) available in the Ubuntu repositories?17:08
usr13nyuszika7h: nmap -p22 192.168.1.x17:08
z_ChansharkMonkeyDust:  my wifi adapter only comes with windows drivers that why i need to use ndiswapper because it allowed me to use windows drivers on linux17:09
jribnyuszika7h: I'm not familiar with ufw syntax but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW#Allow_and_Deny_.28specific_rules.29 seems to use: sudo ufw allow from <ip address> to <protocol> port <port number> proto <protocol name>17:09
anders_Apache refuse to enable mod_rewrite.. rails and php17:09
nyuszika7hjrib: ok, I'll try that17:09
singharkiratAny help with lenovo think station s2017:09
usr13nyuszika7h: Why don't you see what nmap says about it?17:10
nyuszika7husr13: *sigh*17:10
MonkeyDustz_Chanshark  try installing the adapter without the windows drivers17:10
singharkiratTrying to install ubuntu 11.1017:10
nyuszika7husr13: how do you expect me to have nmap on my phone where I'm connecting from?17:10
usr13nyuszika7h: I don't.17:10
nyuszika7hit's not Android unfortunately, it's just a sh***y Symbian one17:10
Third3yeWhy, WHY... WHY won't anyone help me...? Is because no one can answer, that this is the question of the ages, which baffles all of Ubuntus smartest, most afluent gurus?17:11
nyuszika7hjrib: thanks for the link, `sudo ufw allow from' seems to be good enough17:11
gdc77Third3ye: can you repeat the question?17:11
z_ChansharkMonkeyDust:  i have tried to install it and it just does nothing17:12
Third3yeWhy HDMI video works but HDMI audio doesn't. I've tried upgrading ALSA, I've tried varying settings in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf...17:12
theadminThird3ye: Well, the thing is, not everyone here is a guru. This isn't any commercial support. Most come here to ask questions, like you. Those who answer are just volunteers who know how to solve this or that. You're just unlucky, nobody who's looking at the channel right now knows how to solve your problem.17:12
Third3yetheadmin: well nuts...17:13
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Third3yeor "well, nuts..." -- forgot the comma17:13
gdc77Third3ye: I'd try the forums, theadmin is right maybe you're just unlucky that nobody here knows the answer right now17:13
theadminThird3ye: You could also try http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com17:13
gdc77or they aren't looking17:13
z_ChansharkThird3ye:  have you scanned with make sure it detects it17:13
Third3yeI've already posted to askubuntu.com17:13
usr13nyuszika7h: NetAudit tcp port scanner for Android.17:14
gdc77Third3ye: do you dual boot?17:14
Third3yez_Chanshark: the module is loaded, the codec shows up in sound settings, and HDMI output is also there - but will not output sound17:14
usr13nyuszika7h: Seems to wrok fine.17:14
Third3yegdc77: no, I've just got Ubuntu17:14
z_Chansharkis the volume off? like turn up the sound some17:15
gdc77Third3ye: ah, i was going to say test it in Windows, but i guess that's out17:15
gdc77Third3ye: hardware support has pretty much always been the limiting issue with linux in general17:16
MonkeyDustThird3ye  sometimes, things work in a live session, but not in an installation -- try again in a live session17:16
gdc77Third3ye: do you have the proprietary drivers for your graphics card installed?17:16
Third3yegdc77: I know it works in Windows, I just recently installed17:16
TellmarchHello, I was wondering, is the java of ubuntu vulnerable to the latest security flaw that is in the news?17:16
Third3yegdc77: yes, nvidia-experimental-31017:16
gdc77Third3ye: experimental?17:17
yeehiUpdated firmware for a SSD is v important. Will Ubuntu Quantal do this automatically, after installation? Samsung 840 pro17:17
theadminTellmarch: Ubuntu uses OpenJDK rather than Oracle's JVM. But since they share a lot of the same codebase, it may be possible. However, I'm not quite sure which vulnerability you mean. A link would help.17:17
gdc77Third3ye: which card?17:17
Tellmarchtheadmin, http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/62561717:17
Third3yegdc77: it was recommended by the steam docu, but stable didn't work with hdmi audio neither17:17
Third3yegdc77: GeForce 6800M GT17:17
gdc77Third3ye: this might help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/218799/hdmi-audio-not-working-on-ubuntu-12-1017:18
gdc77Third3ye: sorry i didn't read it through lol, but the problem is the same17:18
theadminTellmarch: Hm. I am not sure. May be fixed by now...17:19
TellmarchI read in the news that the only "fix" is to disable the java plugins...17:19
MiebsterSo installing the nvidia-current didn't do anything, still only 1 display, no other options17:20
Third3yegdc77: I uninstalled unity in favour of kde, and the multimedia settings doesn't allow me to switch profiles17:20
ixio2what software/tools should I be researching to achieve a terminal services type environment for Ubuntu? a customer has an office of 5 ubuntu desktops and they want to switch to cloud hosted + thin clients in the office.17:20
Lexantwhois Electron17:21
gdc77Third3ye: hmmm, idk anything about kde17:21
nyuszika7husr13 I said it's NOT Android17:21
PrOReBeLLhello everyone17:21
nyuszika7hanyway, never mind17:21
nyuszika7hI was able to ssh in17:22
Third3yegdc77: Know how to change the profile in terminal?17:22
MiebsterThird3ye: thoughts about my 2nd display? Still no where does the system even tell me the name of the card17:22
jilOk thx again17:22
usr13ixio2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto17:22
ixio2lol thanks usr13 how obvious :P17:22
usr13nyuszika7h: I'm sorry.17:22
Third3yeMiebster: alternatively you can google for the output of lspci |grep VGA or install hwinfo and run hwinfo --gfx17:22
gdc77Third3ye: there's a command to set the sound profile apparently17:23
gdc77Third3ye, maybe it won't work for you though, it got downvoted here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/237230/tv-screen-disconnect-when-playing-sound-over-hdmi17:23
usr13ixio2: NP17:24
Third3yegdc77: no, that just changes to the HDMI codec -- which the media settings in KDE is capable of doing17:24
MiebsterThird3ye: Found nvidia setting option in SysInfo (which doens't come with ubuntu) and not in system settings (still shows old setting page)17:25
gdc77Third3ye, see what Miebster wrote17:26
ChronicleXhlw guys i don't know if it is right question to ask but i'm very concerned about it. How can i hide my   on xchat?17:27
Third3yeMiebster: I found hwinfo was a bit more specific. Try using that (it's a terminal app)17:28
ChronicleXhide my IP*17:28
llutzChronicleX: ask in #freenode for a cloak, read FAQ before17:28
diverdudein /etc/fstab i have this: curlftpfs#uname:pwd@ftp://host /media/ftpmountdir fuse rw,uid=1000,umask=0777,user,suid,allow_other,exec,auto,utf8 0 1. But when i do sudo mount -a i get: Error connecting to ftp: Access denied: 530. However if i put the exact same credentials into filezilla it connects with no problems. What am I missing?17:28
MiebsterThird3ye: For reference, this is what I'm seeing http://i.imgur.com/gmquo.jpg17:28
Third3yeWe've got a situation of "the blind leading the blind"17:28
Third3yeMiebster: Uhhh... that seems awfully strange17:29
ChronicleX1lutz? cloak?17:29
Third3yeThe nvidia drivers should be able to recognise the gfx core you're using.17:29
orudiefor some reason when I right click the window and select "move window to workspace on right" , ubuntu just closes the window instead of moving it17:29
LebbyI want to share my internet connection on wifi with another device using the same interface ... how i can do it?17:29
MiebsterThird3ye: Oh it will get even weirder. I have to set it up the way I want, but if I click apply it will say "error dont do that!" and then I hit "save xconf anyways" and then close the app and lot let it realized it saved something it thinks is wrong, and then reboot and it will work17:29
Lebbysame wireless interface ,,,17:30
Tellmarchorudie, are you sure it's not just you not seeing it?17:30
llutzChronicleX: most important thing is: ask in #freenode, and yes, it's called a cloak.  http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks17:30
llutzdiverdude: is root in the fuse-group?17:31
ChronicleX1lutz : :) thanks17:31
diverdudellutz, ahh is that it?17:31
llutzdiverdude: does mount /media/ftpmountdir          as user do?17:31
llutzdiverdude: each user wanting to use fuse-fs needs to be member of fuse-group17:32
usr13orudie: You can't17:32
usr13Lebby: You can't17:33
usr13orudie: Sorry, wrong nick.17:33
diverdudellutz, how do i add root to fuse-group?17:33
llutzdiverdude: you don't, its not a good idea to let root use fuse-fs17:34
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Lebbyusr13:  i'm doing now by windows ... so don't say ... you can't ...17:34
Lebbyusr13:  maybe i can't in ubuntu?17:34
Miebsterinstead of rebooting is there a way to just restart X11?17:34
WirelessHello I am having trouble with my cisco cardbus can anyone help me please?17:35
bekksWireless: Please start describing your actual issue.17:35
usr13Lebby: Exactly what are you doing?  You say that you have a wireless connection that you share via the same wireless device?  Is that correct?17:36
Wirelessbekks: I have an aironet air-cb21ag-a-k9 cardbus that i am trying to get internet on and it is showing up under wired connection instead of wireless connection17:36
vith_oh my. the TTS voice on ubuntu sounds almost like a dalek.17:37
vith_if only the pitch would shift upwards throughout the sentence17:37
usr13Lebby: You have a wireless device that is connecting to a WiFi network and also acting as an AP on an additional WiFi network?  Is that what you are saying.17:37
usr13Lebby: ?17:38
Lebbyusr13: y, you got it17:38
Lebbyusr13: only with one wifi interface17:38
usr13Lebby: Tell us the make and model of the WiFi device.17:38
usr13Lebby: Or if it is a laptop, them make and model.17:39
warrriorhello to everybody I have a problem with hitting the centre of the screen. I have installed the nvidia drivers and set up centre through monitor, but I am not able completely to see the windows and desktop17:39
Lebbyusr13: it's not a special device ... is a notebook wifi17:39
Lebbyusr13: and it's not a special features of this network device ...17:39
usr13Lebby: It's not a special device, it is two of them, (and one has AP mode).17:39
Wirelessbekks: Its on a panasonic cf-72 laptop with xubuntu 12.10 running OS17:40
Lebbyusr13: you're wrong ...17:40
Lebbyusr13: do u know virtual wifi in windows?17:40
usr13Lebby: Then tell us what it is.17:40
z_Chansharkdoes anyone know how to  fix the  fatal: module ndiswrapper not found error when trying to install wifi  drivers17:41
warrriorhello to everybody I have a problem with hitting the centre of the screen. I have installed the nvidia drivers and set up centre through monitor, but I am not able completely to see the windows and desktop17:41
Lebbyusr13: ok ... i'll say you: atheros ar5b9317:41
diverdudellutz, but if i do mount -a and omit the -a switch it says only root can do that17:41
bekksWireless: It is showing uner wired because technically - from the point of view of your laptop, it is wired. And on the other end of the device is some wireless connector..17:42
Wirelesswarrior: I had the same problem trying to install ubuntu but instead installed Xubuntu 12.10 its a lighter OS than the original17:42
Lebbyusr131: ok link on virtual wifi: http://www.istartedsomething.com/20090516/windows-7-native-virtual-wifi-technology-microsoft-research/ .... so u can understand it!17:42
Lebbyusr13: now ... do u know a similar tech in ubuntu/linux?17:43
llutzdiverdude: does "mount /media/ftpmountdir"          as user work?17:43
Wirelessbekks: I follow what you re saying about the laptop thinking its wired. I have tried other wireless cardbuses and they work under wireless on the laptop. Is there a way to make the OS think its a wireless card?17:44
diverdudellutz, $ mount /media/ftpfeinsmk/17:44
diverdudeError connecting to ftp: Access denied: 53017:44
Lebbyusr13: i tried with hostapd that is software ap, aka SoftAp ... but i don't know how to connect in same time ... i can do or ap , or client ... not both17:44
bekksWireless: I have no clue about that, I dont have cardbus hw anymore.17:44
aFeijothis is REALLY funny that ubuntu 12.10 now bring a pretty button at the luncher for a FLOPPY??? Really?? ROFL17:44
aFeijonote: my notebook does not have a floppy, ovbiously!!!17:45
Wirelessbekks: thank you for trying17:45
z_Chansharkhey i still use floppy disk17:45
ixio2usr13 that doc u linked doesnt help me but thanks anyway.. I am more interested in a kind of remote desktop environment.. something like terminal services, but for Ubuntu17:45
llutzdiverdude: ls -ld /media/ftpfeinsmk/17:45
VirungaHi, i'd like to give to a user the possibility executing commands as root, so i though to create the sudo group (uncommenting the line in the sudoers file) and add the user to the group. Is it ok like this?17:45
diverdudellutz,  $ ls -ld /media/ftpfeinsmk/17:45
diverdudedrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 11 00:53 /media/ftpfeinsmk/17:45
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llutzdiverdude: man fuse17:46
llutzdiverdude: your user needs write-access to the mountpoint, adjust permissions17:46
ixio2Virunga I think you can: sudo adduser <username> sudo17:46
Virungaixio2: but the user already exists, is good anyway?17:47
ixio2its fine yeagh17:47
iLogicalcan I fill my harddrive with random junk after installing if I used full system encryption?17:47
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Virungaixio2: But i have to create the sudo group first, right?17:47
ixio2Virunga no it already exists17:47
ixio2just do the command17:47
iLogicalso that people won't be able to differentiate junk from encrypted data?17:47
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aFeijoz_Chanshark, I'm very sorry that you need floppy hehehe17:48
jamesrwardI just did something rather stupid and can't seem to undo it.  Running ubuntu 12.10 and everything was running fine.  Today when I booted up my wireless failed to connect.  I figured I would disable and re-enable wireless to get it to connect.  I unchecked enable wireless from the wireless menu in the top bar and now there is no option to enable it.  I rebooted to see if that would help and now the wireless menu is gone from 17:48
ixio2they would decrypt the disk in its entirety so I dont see how that accompliushes anything.. also the more encryted data they have the quicker they can reverse engineer it.. or so I beleive17:48
jamesrwardtop bar.  Where do I go to turn it back on?17:48
aFeijohow can I remove that floppy from my files browser?17:48
diverdudellutz, now i have this ls -ld /media/ftpfeinsmk/17:49
diverdudedrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jan 11 00:53 /media/ftpfeinsmk/17:49
Virungaixio2: thanks17:49
diverdudellutz, and still same error occurs17:49
deadpersonis there exist any program work like EZproxy?  but free ...17:50
llutzdiverdude: thats odd. does "curlftps ftp://whatever /media/ftpeinsmk" work?17:50
ChronicleXcouldn't get this cloak concept :(17:51
diverdudellutz, no, that gives same error17:52
jamesrwardI ran sudo rfkill unblock all and that brought the wireless icon back but the enable wireless option is now greyed out.  This was working fine until i unchecked enable wireless.17:52
panoramhi, is this proper channel if I need some help?17:53
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k1l_!help | panoram17:55
ubottupanoram: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:55
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nunyaI used to have System>Services or Settings>Services in my xfce-applications.menu but now it is gone. I have googled the bejeezes but can't find anything related17:55
diverdudellutz, any idea why?17:55
llutzdiverdude: not really, no17:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:56
Lebbyanyone know how to configure a wifi interface as Ap and as STA simultaneously?17:56
Lebbyusr13: no clue?17:56
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:56
llutzdiverdude: maybe  "curlftps -v ftp://whatever /media/ftpeinsmk" gives more verbose output and an idea where to look at17:56
diverdudellutz, yeah...just did that17:57
llutzdiverdude: you also could try to check the ftp-log on remote host (if you have access to it)17:57
diverdudellutz, i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1520530/17:57
llutzdiverdude: "USER anonymous"17:58
llutzdiverdude: "curlftps -v ftp://user:pass@whatever /media/ftpeinsmk"17:58
panoramhaving a vps at ovh, as a staging area for some small web app; it runs ubuntu server 10.10, i'm unable to install anything because no packages can be verified18:00
diverdudellutz, it just gives me: FTP 0xdd2e78 state change from USER to PASS< 530 Invalid userid/password * Access denied: 53018:02
diverdudellutz, but i know its correct user//pass ...i checked several times and i can log in using filezilla18:02
llutzdiverdude: "Invalid userid/password " <- any special chars in password/username?18:02
CarlFKsearching for what provides   kcomponentdata.h -   http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=contents&keywords=kcomponentdata.h   shows http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/kdelibs5-dev   which errors with "  two or more packages specified (kdelibs5-dev karmic) "18:03
CarlFKWhere do I report this?18:03
CarlFKoh nm, i see it in the fine print18:03
diverdudellutz, no. Only standard ascii chars (both small and big case)18:03
diverdudellutz, and numbers18:04
llutzdiverdude: i'm out of ideas then, sorry. hint: use sshfs :)18:04
diverdudellutz, ssh is not supported on that server :(18:04
dryhayhi. is there any ubuntu forums channel or twitter live feed with new forum threads and answers?18:06
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WirelessHello everyone, Does anyone know about how to get xubuntu 12.10 to see my eth0 as a wirless connection instead of a wired one?18:08
WirelessThe wireless device is a AIR-CB21AG-A-K9 cisco aironet wireless cardbus, please anyone help.18:09
feeshonSeems like it hung up correctly http://pastiebin.com/?page=p&id=50f055c532cb418:11
feeshonsorry can anyone assist with this error http://pastiebin.com/?page=p&id=50f055c532cb418:11
mat619Hi there! Need some help configuring remote SSH access... I've installed sshd (via tasksel during installation), configured it, and it works locally. my router is forwarding TCP traffic on a port different from 22 to the box's port 22, but I don't get a response18:13
demonioI installed ubuntu 12.10 but my graphich card gets mistake18:13
demonioCan anyone help me ?18:13
feeshondemonio: What graphics card are you using?18:13
rosenzweigOkay, I have a small issue.18:14
feeshondemonio: What driver are you using?18:14
SwedeMikemat619: you should verify using wireshark on the local box that you're actually getting the packet destined for port 22.18:14
rosenzweigI had to install the legacy ati drivers through the package on the AMD website.18:14
rosenzweigFor what ever reason they didn't work and now I'm on fallback drivers.18:14
mat619SwedeMike: I thought about using wireshark for analysis but installing it on that system would be overkill - it's a thinclient running of a CF card18:14
rosenzweigI tried uninstalling the ati drivers via the uninstall script and when I did that I couldn't boot to the desktop (it would hang on the background picture after log in).18:15
mat619SwedeMike: and I don't have a system at hand right now that could serve as packet sniffer18:15
rosenzweigHow do I completely uninstall the ATI driver package?18:15
demoniofeeshon wait i'll ceck18:15
jab416171I think my local DNS server injects lines into my /etc/resolv.conf when I connect to the network, but I want to append to what it injects. So I'm editing /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/. The only issue is that you can't have multiple "search" directives in the file, it ignores all but the last one.18:15
feeshonsorry can anyone assist with this error http://pastiebin.com/?page=p&id=50f055c532cb418:15
Lebbyfeeshon:  you have a problem on hostname configuration18:16
mat619by the way, forgot to mention, at least ssh doesn't say the connection was refused. I just get an empty prompt, no password prompt, nothing, until I hit ^C18:16
Lebbyfeeshon:  i'm not sure ... but it could ... you must check you hostname18:17
mat619for fun i also tried bbssh from my blackberry, that just times out and states "Notice: NULL". very informative18:17
SwedeMikemat619: try tcpdump instead then. "tcpdump -i eth0 port 22"18:17
Lebbyfeeshon:  then i suggest to remove samba ... autoremove ... update ... upgrade and then reinstall samba18:18
mat619SwedeMike: good point, completely forgot about the obvious18:19
jab416171any advice?18:19
feeshonOK thank you Lebby I working on that now18:19
dhanasekaranHi Guys How to send HTML email using command line18:20
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demoniofeeshon nvidia corporation mcp6118:20
Lebbyfeeshon:  if u have problem try to ask ... i'll try to help u!18:20
mat619SwedeMike: well looks like there's no traffic arriving at all. great.18:20
mat619SwedeMike: must be my fritzbox's fault then18:21
feeshonThank you Lebby18:21
RFlemingI've installed Ubuntu 12.10 and all the packages I like, want, need, syncronised my music from Google and all my other files with my other cloud storage.  Now I realise I made a huge mistake by encrypting my home directory only and wish to decrypt it.  How do I go about doing that?18:22
feeshondemonio: did you install the additional nvidia driver/18:23
RFlemingI really don't want to reinstall18:23
demoniofeeshon no how can i do it ? Now i'm in terminal emergency18:24
mat619SwedeMike: hm, does ubuntu deny SSH from outside hosts by default?18:24
feeshonyou need to use the additional drivers utility18:24
demonioCan i do it by terminal ?18:25
feeshonLebby: I get the same error when I install samba418:27
feeshondemonio: There is always google :) I don't know how to do install additional drivers from terminal18:27
feeshonI did a remove18:27
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MonkeyDustfeeshon  sudo apt-get purge samba4;sudo apt-get autoremove;sudo apt-get install samba418:28
demoniofreeshon Ok thanks :)18:28
feeshonMonkeyDust: Ok trying that now18:29
feeshonthank you18:30
feeshonMonkeyDust: same shit bro18:30
feeshonERROR: Invalid smb.conf18:30
feeshon/var/lib/dpkg/info/samba4.postinst: 14: /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba4.postinst: /usr/share/samba/setoption.pl: Permission denied18:30
feeshondpkg: error processing samba4 (--configure):18:31
OerHeksdemonio, from terminal use jockey-text > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/#Without_X_.2BAC8_from_the_console18:31
MonkeyDustfeeshon  sudo apt-get purge samba4;sudo apt-get autoremove;sudo apt-get install samba4 --reinstall    <- bit weird, but worked for me (other package)18:31
delachow to list devices connected to ad-hoc network?18:31
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syriusHaving an issue and not sure if anyone else has experienced this lately. A few days ago I noticed grub2 updated itself. For the first time since I've owned this laptop, I'm having intermittent boot issues.18:32
syriusIt makes it to grub each time, but getting different errors from there that prevent it from booting into ubuntu18:32
syriusError: file not found.... Error: device not found... Need to load kernel first, etc.. Among others..18:32
escottsyrius, could it be that there is a new kernel?18:33
syriusIs that indicative of anything from any initial impressions?18:33
FloodBot1syrius: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
escottsyrius, in either case its a timing issue. you can add some rootdelay args to the kernel or add some delays to grub18:33
syriusescott: Very interesting. I'll look into that. I was about to do a memcheck.. I thoguht maybe something was amiss with the HDD, but the SMART check utility is checking out fine (not sure how reliable that is)18:34
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feeshonMonkeyDust: still the same thing18:34
fxworkerHi Ubuntu-Experts18:34
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syriusescott: I ALSO had a problem yesterday (only once thoug) where it didn't make it to grub, but every other time after that it has18:34
feeshonthis is a brand new install of ubuntu 12.04 LTS18:34
lacrymologyI usually use my laptop with an HDMI cable connected to a monitor18:34
feeshonJust installed some dependencies18:34
fxworkerI´m struggling with a problem since many weeks and I hope to get help here.18:34
lacrymologynow I've unplugged it I think for the first time since last install18:34
lacrymologyand I can't change resolution, I'm stuck at 640x48018:35
MonkeyDustfeeshon  try sudo apt-get update, first18:35
bryanrohrerGood afternoon18:35
tgs3why the ubuntu home folder encryption can stop working... troubleshoot ?18:35
fxworkerI´ve a ubuntu-10.0.4-server and need to open ports for another ubuntu-server, but I can´t get it done.18:35
MonkeyDustfxworker  #ubuntu-server18:35
syriusescott: you mentioned adding a root delay to the kernel, or a delay to grub itself. Is any one of those preferrable to the other?18:35
fxworkerNow I don´t now if iptables is working or not, or is ufw active.18:35
feeshonfxworker: What ports and what does you iptables look like?18:35
fxworkerI´ve installed webmin on it. I tried to define rules for iptabels over webmin.18:36
MonkeyDustfxworker  webmin is no longer adviced18:36
bryanrohrerI am trying to get Unbuntu updated on one server and do a duel boot on another.18:36
escottsyrius, i would suspect its the kernel and add a rootdelay arg to your /etc/default/grub18:36
fxworkerWhen I enter this command: nmap -P0 -sU myIP, then I get this list:18:37
fxworkerNot shown: 997 closed ports18:37
fxworkerPORT      STATE         SERVICE18:37
fxworker53/udp    open|filtered domain18:37
fxworker5353/udp  open|filtered zeroconf18:37
fxworker10000/udp open|filtered unknown18:37
FloodBot1fxworker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
bryanrohrerNeither are working18:37
syriusescott: I will give that a try. Thank you for the suggestion.18:37
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory18:37
Rienzillahey there18:37
fxworkerThe problem is, when I apply the changes for iptables in webmin, then I don´t see any effect.18:38
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bryanrohrerHey Rienzilla18:38
fxworker@MonkeyDust: What else can I use instead of webmin?18:38
RienzillaI am working on an ubuntu system, but the tools are french.... is there an easy way to make them talk english to me? :)18:39
z_Chansharkis anyone having the same problem as me, having the ndiswapper not work and giving you the error  fatal: module ndiswrapper not found18:39
Rienzillalol, souhaitez-vous continuer [O/n] :)18:39
fxworker@feeshon: fxworker: What ports and what does you iptables look like? => What do you mean by this?18:40
MonkeyDustfxworker  try !zentyal18:40
fxworkerAha, ok, lets have a look18:40
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/18:40
escottRienzilla, ^^18:40
feeshonMonkeyDust: Still no go even with update18:41
feeshonI get a ton of errors18:41
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feeshonLebby: any ideas?18:42
Lebbyfeeshon: y18:42
fxworkerWell, if I use the commandline, how to activate the iptables-rules? And how can I check, wheather iptables is active?18:42
Rienzillaescott: ty18:42
Lebbyfeeshon:  yes18:42
escottfxworker, sudo iptables -L18:42
Lebbyfeeshon:  sudo apt-get remove samba-* samba4 samba4-* --purge18:42
MonkeyDustfeeshon  what's the output of lsb_release -sd ?18:42
syriusescott: Are you talking about the delay in GRUB that dictates how long it waits before automatically selecting the first kernel?18:43
fxworkerI have this for Input and output:18:43
fxworkerACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpt:1000018:43
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fxworkerAnd port 10000 is what I need.18:43
escottsyrius, no "rootdelay" which is an argument that the kernel uses to delay searching for the root device18:43
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syriusescott: ok that makes more sense. I don't see that in the /etc/default/grub file18:43
fxworkerBut when I try this command from another server, it has no access: sudo nmap -P0 -sU server1_IP18:44
escottsyrius, rootdelay=seconds18:44
Lebbyfeeshon:  when u done ... call me18:44
syriusescott: alright. 5 should be adequate?18:44
escottsyrius, add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT18:44
escottsyrius, then update-grub18:44
Lebbyfeeshon:  after u removed we wil search manually all conf file and we will remove18:44
syriusescott: I see the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Thank you :)18:44
escottsyrius, it could be you need a delay somewhere else in the boot, but thats the most commonly used one for the kernel18:44
fxworkerWhen I try this command from another server, it has no access: sudo nmap -P0 -sU server1_IP18:45
syriusescoot: it's so odd, because I've been using this day in and day out for months now, and yesterday is the first time it started doing it18:45
syriusmaybe i should roll back a kernel and see if it keeps happening18:45
escottsyrius, thats a good way to verify if it is the kernel18:45
escottsyrius, but it is not in and of itself strange that the kernel change could cause a timing issue18:46
syriusescott: that's good to know.. so i might have stepped on myself, as yesterday i *removed* all the old kernels except the current18:47
Lebbyi have a pc connected to an ap by wifi. I want to connect a device on pc by wifi. The pc has 1 wifi interface. It is possible in windows. Is it possibile in linux? How? I tried hostapd ... and it works if i must create an ap ... but i can't connect ... i tried to create an iw alias .... but hostapd crash ...18:47
Lebbyfeeshon: are u here?18:47
MonkeyDustLebby  internet sharing?18:47
LebbyMonkeyDust: y18:47
MonkeyDust!ics | Lebby18:48
ubottuLebby: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:48
escottsyrius, you can still install the old ones, you probably have the debs in /var/cache/apt18:48
syriusah okay i'll look there18:48
LebbyMonkeyDust:  it doesn't explain how to share using same device that is an ap18:48
syriushrmm i'm only seeing 3.2.0-35 there, which is what i'm running atm18:48
syriusis there an easy way to spell 3.2.0-34 using apt-get?18:48
syriuserr s/spell/specify18:49
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syriusLooks like I'll have to find the .34 deb somewhere18:50
dhanasekaranHi Guys How to send HTML email using command line18:53
bekksgeniusz: Watch your language please ;)18:53
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phunyguyYeah, in KDE settings I have "Use Manually Specified Proxy" checked, and for SOCKS I have "localhost:1080" set.  I do have a valid SSH tunnel with port 1080 forwarded to a remote server.  This worked under regular Ubuntu, but not in Kubuntu. Apps seem to ignore the fact that there is a proxy needing to be used.18:56
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nUmBeRDo you can help me?18:57
bekksWe dont know.18:58
DJones!ask | nUmBeR18:58
ubottunUmBeR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:58
z_ChansharknUmBeR: what do you need help with18:58
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nUmBeRI´m looking for a channel because I´m looking for a freeshell19:00
nUmBeRDo you can tell me where?19:00
sh3llc0d3rhellllllllllllllllllllllllo there19:00
bekksnUmBeR: Whats a freeshell?19:01
nUmBeRsh3llc0d3r hi19:01
DJonesnUmBeR: This is Ubuntu support, we don't deal with free shells19:01
z_ChansharknUmBeR:  im not really sure what your asking19:01
syriusescott: http://i.imgur.com/0A2Lo.png --- do you think this could be the problem? this is the HDD grub is on, and smart check, while it says healthy, also denotes that there were 'read errors'19:02
nUmBeRI know for sure here in this server there is a channel about that, but I don´t know What´s is..19:03
escottsyrius,i  usually dont look at that value. things like remapped sector counts are more useful19:03
llutz!alis | nUmBeR19:03
ubottunUmBeR: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:03
syriusescott: alright, just checking. thank you19:03
z_Chansharkdoes anyone have a fix for bug #986064 "FATEL: Module ndiswrapper not found"19:03
nUmBeRmmm ok thanks19:03
ubottubug 986064 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found, configuration already contains alias directive 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98606419:03
disharmonicis there a way to make Steam and Wine/Steam look or be named different in Dash?19:03
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phunyguydisharmonic, the launchers are found in /usr/share/applications19:04
MrSteinHi! Is install to USB key supported by the default installer? Google only find ancient stuff regarding this.19:04
phunyguyyou can change the name there19:04
bekks!usb | MrStein19:04
ubottuMrStein: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:04
disharmonicphunyguy, cheers19:04
MrSteinbekks: "to", not "from"19:05
phunyguyif you get something wrong, there are a few guides out there, and if Unity doesn't like what you changed, it will hide the icon on you.  :)19:05
bekksMrStein: Then read the second part of what ubottu told you please.19:06
nabbletwhen i use "ls -al" in what format is the file size displayed to me? byte?19:06
d4vidbWell I successfully ran Ubuntu 12.04 installed on 16GB USB stick19:06
bekksnabblet: Yes.19:06
nabbletbekks: if i want to convert it to GB, should i use base 10 or base 2?19:07
MonkWitDaFunkhow much free space do you have now d4vidb19:08
bekksnabblet: Just use ls -lha19:08
MrSteinbekks: I just did... sorry , sometimes my finger overtake my thoughts19:08
nabbletbekks: afaig for transmssion rates 1kB=2^10B19:08
nabbletbekks: this is what i do... i was jsut wondering19:08
ixio2bwhat tools/software can be used to acheive a terminal services like configuration with Ubuntu? I need a cloud hosted Ubuntu server that windows, ubuntu and thin clients can connect to and have a standard set of applications etc19:08
nabbletbekks: since i wanted to estimant some transmission times19:08
z_Chansharklol nabblet  i pluged in my external hardrive and it told me i had 15,002,500,000 bytes19:09
bishopshello, i have a problem with trying to connect a logitech k810 keyboard through bluetooth to ubuntu 12.1019:09
nabbletixio2b: if you need only the applications use ssh -X19:09
MonkWitDaFunklinux terminal server project19:09
ixio2bnabblet can you elaborate please?19:10
bishopsbluetooth seems to crash or to give error message19:10
ixio2bthis needs to be reasonably straight forward for users to access from different types of devices19:10
Mathiasi got some problems connecting to a pptp-vpn server (actually, multiple servers)19:10
ixio2blike terminal services would be..19:10
MonkeyDustixio2b  is ownCloud what you're looking for?19:11
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z_Chansharkhey does anyone know how to fix the wifi problem FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found19:11
ixio2bowncloud can give me a virtual desktop?19:11
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ixio2bz_Chanshark: /sbin/modprobe nidswrapper19:12
MonkWitDaFunkixio2, you can use grub to boot an is dedicated to a specific task19:12
MonkWitDaFunkan OS19:12
z_Chansharkixio2b:  yea that, i have tried like every guide of fixing it19:12
ixio2bMonkWitDaFunk: do you know what terminal services is ?19:13
MonkeyDustixio2b  is this useful? http://owncloud.org/features/19:13
MonkWitDaFunki think its booting an is over a network right? ive used systems that network boot19:14
MonkWitDaFunkan os*19:14
ixio2bno I dont wantt boot over a network19:14
ixio2bforget I even mentioned thin client for now19:14
MonkWitDaFunkok. sorry19:14
ixio2bI want to have a cloudserver that people from anywhere in the world can login to and have a desktop19:15
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z_Chansharki want my wifi to work :D19:15
MonkeyDustixio2b  sounds 'très' Citrix to me19:16
ixio2bMonkeyDust yes, I am looking for a citrix/nomachine/terminal services alternative19:16
ixio2bfor 5 users19:16
Mathiasixio2b: vnc over ssh into a vm? :P19:17
MonkeyDustixio2b  something like this? http://www.xen.org/products/cloudxen.html19:17
ixio2bVDI would work, but I would have to have 5 of them.. whereas with citrix/TS/nomachine I only need one of them19:18
Overjoyi`am portuguese of brazil19:18
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:18
modifierwhich chips are better RaLink or Broadcom ? i have 2 cards one RALINK RT3090BC4 and Broadcom BCM94313HMGB.....which card to use ?19:18
Mathiasmodifier: it depends19:19
modifierMathias: means ?19:19
Miebster_When you have an alternate name like Miebster|atwork do you register that name as well?19:21
MonkeyDustMiebster_  ask in #freenode19:22
irule ip route | grep default19:22
irulehi, just installed lts erver with ncrypted LVM, it asks for encryted passphrase, how may I skip te passpfrase requirement? this will be a server, not a desktop19:22
modifierMathias: how to find which card is better ? i have given both cards model name and number RALINK RT3090BC4 and Broadcom BCM94313HMGB19:23
bekksirule: It is pointless to skip that when using encryption.19:23
iruleis it impossible?19:23
wNirule: yes19:23
wNirule: man cryptsetup19:23
nibblerin cryptsetup / luks - is there any way to decrypt two volumes at once, with one passphrase?19:23
z_Chansharkanyone happen to know how to fix ndiswarpper, so i can get wifi working again19:24
nibblerirule: what is encryption good for, if there is no key to decrypt?19:24
nibblerirule: you can have a remote-decryptable server, during boot you'd have to ssh to it to enter the password19:24
modifierbekks: how to find which card is better ? i have given both cards model name and number RALINK RT3090BC4 and Broadcom BCM94313HMGB19:24
z_Chansharktest them modifier19:25
iruleI use a n ssh key for password free login and more security, a server that needs me to be tere is pointless becuase I travel a lot19:25
MonkeyDustmodifier  try both, then decide which you prefer more19:25
modifierz_Chanshark: MonkeyDust how ??19:25
kieppiehappy new year all19:25
z_Chansharkplug them in?19:25
adam_8606 Hi, how can I paste C code into libreoffice writer with syntax highlighting? I asked in #libreoffice but no response. Thanks19:26
z_Chansharkor you can do research of the web modifier19:26
sosbyWould anyone know how (or point me in the direction) as to how to set up a bridge to allow a LXC container to send/recieve from/to an outside ip19:26
* washuu_de is back (gone 00:02:30)19:26
ZiberI'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu. I want to safely extend my Ubuntu partition from 50G to 100G. What's the safest way to do this?19:26
Slartadam_8606: not sure if you can.. there might be other programs that can create html files or similar though19:26
kieppieI've just set up a new OS (12.04) from the mini.iso - all looks good, but I don't have any video-out (VGA or DVI). I'm able to log in via SSH, but bupkis on the TTY's19:26
Slartadam_8606: or it has to be copy/paste to libreoffice?19:27
bishopshello, i have a problem with trying to connect a logitech k810 keyboard through bluetooth to ubuntu 12.10. bluetooth seems to crash or to give error message. Anyone can help?19:27
z_ChansharkZiber:  just expand it19:27
modifierz_Chanshark: MonkeyDust any application or software which tests card while plugged in and outputs some result ?19:27
adam_8606slart: copy/paste19:27
kieppieheadless setup - no WM/DM19:27
z_Chansharkmodifier:  i know there is a website that test the speed19:27
bekksmodifier: Personally, I'll never buy something again thats driven by a RealTek chipset :)19:27
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z_Chansharkjust google it or somthing modifier19:27
Ziberz_Chanshark: Expand what? I'd have to downsize the win7 parition first...19:27
Slartadam_8606: not sure what this is but it sounds promising... http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2012/03/syntax-highlighter-extension-for.html19:28
usr13Ziber: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:28
z_Chansharkuum delete some stuff on win 7 so you get "free space" then partion it19:28
adam_8606slart: thanks19:29
Slartadam_8606: you're welcome19:29
z_ChansharkZiber:  i just use a external hard drive with 15tb of space19:29
modifierbekks: hmm....can u suggest inbetween both cards....RALINK RT3090BC4 and Broadcom BCM94313HMGB......i had a year of struggle with broadcom though, now with 12.10 its driver is lil bit ok19:29
modifierz_Chanshark: ok19:29
Guest8729Can someone help with this error please: http://paste.debian.net/223807/19:29
z_Chansharki still cant figure out the wifi problem >.<19:29
MonkeyDustGuest8729  wrong channel, ask in #debian19:30
disharmonic15TB? you must have a time machine :P19:30
z_Chansharkdisharmonic:  meh my server room holds 601 tb19:30
Guest8729MonkeyDust: They don't know. I need help.19:31
Guest8729It's the same system.19:31
Kylarje cherche un développeur19:31
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wNmy exeternal usb has 7tb with space for growth19:31
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disharmonicz_Chanshark, but it doesn't have a single HDD with 15TB of capacity ;)19:31
MonkeyDustGuest8729  if ubuntu were the same as debian, there would be no need for a different name, you're in the wrong channel19:31
Slartadam_8606: this one might work as well.. copy/paste to the web-page, select hightlight style, copy paste again to OOO19:31
Guest8729MonkeyDust: Debian-based.19:32
angsI installed wubi a month ago. Recently when ubuntu 12.10 is started, I don't have any network interface working. During the start up I get "booting system without full network configuration" warning. how can I solve the problem?19:32
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adam_8606slart: will try that now thanks19:32
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MonkeyDustGuest8729  ask in #debian and wait a little longer for an answer, you won't get it here19:33
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Guest8729I have waited an hour.19:33
MonkeyDustGuest8729  know when to stop19:33
k1l_!debian | Guest872919:33
ubottuGuest8729: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:33
Guest8729Thanks for the help.19:33
z_ChansharkGuest8729 i have waited for 6 hours so far so calm19:34
riderplushi. the mounted drive appears in the nautilus window as "38 Gb Volume" when I am normal user. if i start nautilus with gksu nautilus, the name of the mounted drive is displayed correctly19:34
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petergkdebian developers can help in debian related issues19:34
k1l_Altair: no need for caps. do you mean the #ubuntu-ops ?19:35
SlartAltair: in #ubuntu-ops, go show them how good you are with the caps =)19:35
riderplusany clue?19:35
petergkif an ubuntu user is not enough patient it's not representing the community19:35
z_Chansharkriderplus:  whats wrong?19:35
Altairpersonne parle français19:35
Slart!fr | Altair19:35
ubottuAltair: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:35
riderplusz_Chanshark: the mounted device is shown as "38Gb"19:36
Altairbien fait pour toi MonkeyDust19:36
riderplusit's mounted under "/media/Free"19:36
Miebster|atworkIs it suppose to be hard to drag my mouse from 1 screen to the other? It gets stuck on the edge between them and requires about 2 inches of push before it moves.19:36
k1l_Altair: please keep this channel clear for support.19:36
z_Chansharkwhat should it be riderplus19:36
riderplusif i start nautilus as normal user, the name of the device is "38Gb"19:36
Altairok i try to speak in english19:36
SlartMiebster|atwork: isn't that a feature? something like edge snapping?19:36
riderplusif i start gksu nautilus, the device's name looks like "Free"19:36
riderplusz_Chanshark: any clue why is that so?19:37
SlartMiebster|atwork: there are so many settings in compiz, you might want to check  (using compizconfig-settingsmanager)19:37
z_Chansharkno idea but i think if you change the name it will fix it19:37
riderplusz_Chanshark: how can I do that?19:37
dhanasekaranHi Guys How to send HTML email using command line19:37
riderplusrename doesn't work19:37
z_Chansharkare you duel booting19:38
nyuszika7hhi, I've used some workspace switcher some years ago that displayed a cube and rotated that. anyone know a similar one?19:38
nyuszika7hI don't remember its name.19:38
Slartdhanasekaran: there are many command line email-clients.. although I'm not sure which one support html-mail if you mean anything other than typing the html-source yourself19:38
petergknyuszika7h: early compiz19:38
riderplusz_Chanshark: any clue?19:38
Miebster|atworkSlart: is it normal to have the launchbar on both monitors?19:38
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubottu compiz » and « /msg ubottu effects »19:38
z_Chansharkwell riderplus  im not sure what to tell you then19:38
petergkdhanasekaran inline paste of the html code?19:38
SlartMiebster|atwork: I don't really know, I haven't tried using more than one monitor myself19:39
petergknyuszika7h: gnome had it with compiz options as I rememeber19:39
ztevrcawhy jdwonloader not in repo?19:39
modifierbekks: flashplugin-installer is better or adobe-flashplugin for flash install ?19:39
dhanasekaranpetergk: yes19:39
petergkdhanasekaran: you need an example I think... try to check a mail in emacs ot mutt...19:40
ztevrcawhy jdownloader is not in reposoriterotrzy?19:41
xanguamodifier: well adobe-flashplugin from partner repo comes with a desktop app to manage flash settings19:41
z_Chansharkcan someone help me,  i cant get ndiswrapper to work i keep getting this error when trying to install my wifi drivers FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found19:42
xanguaztevrca: if you go to jdownloader site you'll see instructions to add their ppa repository19:42
ztevrcahi ty for answer but why not in official reposorirory, it's an awesome apps19:42
modifierxangua: actually i downloaded adobe-flashplugin from adobe.com and it opened via software center for install and it removed flashplugin-installer19:42
marwydoes ubuntu's live cd automatically mount partitions?19:43
petergkmarwy: not19:43
Name141why isn't the 4670 drivers picked up on 12.10 like the LTS?19:43
z_ChansharkName141:  what are you using to install them ndiswrapper?19:43
marwybut is there an easy way to do that?19:43
Name141z_Chanshark: "additional drivers"19:44
Name141or hardware drivers, or whatever19:44
z_Chansharkoh, nvm i thought you were having the same problem as me19:44
petergkmarwy: nautilus as I know helps ya19:44
modifierxangua: ??19:44
z_Chansharkim on day 3 of trying to get my wifi to work lol19:44
MonkeyDustmarwy  load the live CD, then click on the partition's icon in nautilus19:44
marwywell it's for my cusin so any kind of terminal is not okay, thx guys19:45
Miebster|atworkHow do I remove the 2nd launcher from my 2nd monitor?19:45
modifierbekks: i downloaded adobe-flashplugin from adobe.com and it opened via software center for install and it removed flashplugin-installer....is it ok or better and will it receive updates ?19:48
adam_8606slart: the extension coooder works perfect for highlighting --- Thanks19:48
ElectricPrismhow do I access my samba share from windows ?19:49
compdocopen the network and browse19:49
ElectricPrismmy computer isn't listed, do I need to install a windows dns app?19:50
compdocor, click start> type in \\server_ip\share19:50
tgs3kirkland: when someone sees double folders and file in own home, while mounted encfs, then something is wrong right? this happens in what situation?19:50
chai_hi, i'm running ubuntu on an external usb on a laptop. if i close the lid and open it later, i get a console screen with disk access errors (of the usb disk). is there any way to effectively sleep/suspend ubuntu when installed on a usb drive?19:51
compdocdns is nice beause names are easier to rememebr19:51
ixio2bhttp://www.ltsp.org/  <-- does anyone know whether this would allow a connection windows to a desktop environment?19:51
ixio2bfrom windows to a ubuntu desktop environment *19:51
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jhutchins_wkixio2: That's not what it's for.19:53
Steven4242is this ubuntu help?19:53
TheLordOfTimeSteven4242, yes, ask your question.19:53
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
MiebsterOkay I really need a way to turn off the Unity launch bar on my second monitor.  Id like to just get rid of it or use something other than unity if it cant get rid of it.19:54
Steven4242I am a complete linux newbie so please bare with me. I was upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 and during the installation it asked me if it should kill something called KDM.. I clicked yes and then it booted me into terminal I believe and then the computer did nothing so I reset it and now when I boot into ubuntu it goes haywire.. I assume I have to reinstall but I dont know how19:55
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Steven4242I am currently typing from my laptop so I can access my main computer at the same time19:55
FeedhurleyHello, I tried to format one of my disks and gparted said it was successful and at first it looks like it did, but I can not do anything with the partitions, neither create or copy any files/folders in it :/ what should I do?19:55
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jhutchins_wkixio2: ltsp allows a central copy of Linux to run on light-weight "terminal" display, with the actual execution on the central server.19:55
compdocSteven4242, do you have files you need to rescue?19:55
Steven4242sorry to sound like an idiot but I don't know?19:56
z_Chansharkcan someone help me,  i cant get ndiswrapper to work i keep getting this error when trying to install my wifi drivers FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found19:56
jhutchins_wkixio2: If you want to access a Linux desktop from Windows you need an RDP or VNC server on the linux box.19:56
Rienzillapff I really can't find my way around the new grub.d setup19:56
robotfuelMiebster: you can turn off the unity launch bar on your second monitor by going to system-settings and then display19:56
compdocSteven4242, I mean docs and music files, etc? doesnt sound like it19:57
LaibschHow can I completely deinstall the universal access features?  I know technically how to do that but I am not sure in what package they are hiding.  I'm talking about the sticky keys in particular. I run precise unity.19:57
Miebsterrobotfuel: No I cant, that dialog doens't even have my second monitor listed (even though its on and working)19:57
Steven4242compdoc, oh all of that is on my windows partition however linux is on its own and so I guess it's ok19:57
compdocSteven4242, personally, I think 12.04 is better, but you'll need to boot the install cd and either repair it, or install fresh19:58
Miebsterrobotfuel: I think I figured it out, the nividia settings made my display look like 1 big one19:58
MonkeyDustixio2  could jolicloud be what you want/need ?19:59
Steven4242compdoc ah ok well I have downloaded the iso from ubuntu so I will burn it to a cd and try it out19:59
Steven4242thank you very much for your help!19:59
jhutchins_wkSteven4242: kdm is the display/desktop/login manager.  It's what prompts you for username and password when you start up.19:59
jhutchins_wkSteven4242: It sounds like something got stuck with the GUI.20:00
Steven4242jhutchins_wk, oh.. well I think I just messed up the whole process of going from 12.04 to 12.10. I shouldn't have restarted my computer although I was just stuck on a dos looking screen with nothing happening and my HDD led on my computer was blinking anymore so I guess something went wrong20:01
riderplushow can I display desktop icons in Unity?20:01
Steven4242I have downloaded the 12.10 ISO and will burn it and install it.. I was hoping for some magical terminal command but.. yeah I guess I will just have to reinstall and reconfigure it all again. no biggie though I guess20:01
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
riderplusi have checked show desktop icons in dconf20:03
riderpluswhy doesn't it work?20:03
Altair!fr AlanBell20:05
jhutchins_wkSteven4242: You should be able to do aptitude (or apt-get) -f install and it should pick up wherever it got lost.20:05
jhutchins_wkriderplus: Maybe you don't have any?20:06
z_Chansharkcan someone help me,  i cant get ndiswrapper to work i keep getting this error when trying to install my wifi drivers FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found20:07
jhutchins_wkz_Chanshark: Perhaps you should consider installing ndiswrapper.20:08
invariantI have unallocated space following an lvm2 partition. How can I resize that lvm2 partition?20:09
z_Chansharkit is installed20:09
Steven4242is there a ubuntu iso that burns to a regular cd?20:09
Steven4242it seems so close to it20:09
z_Chansharkyes their is20:10
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Steven4242z_Chanshark: where is it located?20:10
kieppie1is it possible to push my headless/CLI TTY's to all display outputs?20:10
z_ChansharkSteven4242:  on the website20:11
Steven4242well I downloaded the iso but its 760~ mb20:11
z_Chansharkyou just download ubuntu.ios and then you burn it to a disk20:11
z_Chansharkthen get a disk that can fit it20:11
Steven4242I don't have one sadly :( only a 700 mb regular CD20:12
pprtzqhow can i use a newer kernel than the one apt has?20:12
pprtzqbecause im on 3.5 and i need 3.720:12
Steven4242wait can I just copy the contents of the iso to a usb stick and install it from recovery mode terminal?20:12
Steven4242is that possible?20:12
pprtzqi see there are newer kernels available for ubunt: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/20:12
AlanBello/ Altair whats up?20:13
sherlockhinstalling arch20:13
Altairnothing AlanBell20:13
sherlockhoops wrong channel20:13
z_Chansharkjhutchins_wk:  so yea i have it installed but its still not workin20:13
WulfHow can I change default settings of 12.04 login screen? I want everyone to use the "ubuntu 2d" session20:13
xanguaWulf clic on the icon next to the username and you can set the default session there20:14
xanguain the login screen*20:14
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Wulfxangua: and does that apply to every user? Can I remove the setting so the users cannot change it?20:15
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eutheriawhen installing form the mini.iso it is asking for user details first, it used to be that you configured your partitions first, is it going to let me configure my partitions or blow away everything?20:15
un2himeutheria, you can always install inside of virtualbox first, to see what happens...i do that all the time20:16
eutheriaun2him, i can't as i have nothing left20:16
eutheriathis machine has almost no disk space20:16
eutheriathe machine i am trying to recover would be my normal place for installing vm's20:17
jhutchins_wkSteven4242: Download the netinstall image.20:18
WeThePeoplewhere do the print to file pdfs go to in precise?20:18
Steven4242jhutchins_wk: thank you!20:18
WeThePeoplein chrome20:18
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:18
jhutchins_wkz_Chanshark: Did you check there?20:18
z_Chansharkjhutchins_wk:  yes20:19
z_Chansharkjhutchins_wk:  i have go to the first 49 links about it on google20:19
CoreyBRis there screensavers in ubuntu?20:19
jhutchins_wkz_Chanshark: Go through the steps on the ubuntu site again.20:19
z_Chansharkjhutchins_wk:  the reason it because its a bug #98606420:20
ubottubug 986064 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found, configuration already contains alias directive 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98606420:20
KI4ROAnyone had success getting a Windows PC to print to an Ubuntu printer?20:21
riderplushow can i add a desktop shortcut for a disk driver in unity?20:22
riderplusi mean...there's drag and drop for apps,20:22
riderplusbut how to do it for disk drives?20:22
orudiewhat is the name of the utility that makes all the menues appear at the very top ?20:23
stuengnot metro.. whats the ubuntu desktop thing called? the one everytone hates?20:23
orudieI want it disabled if its possible20:23
KsMstueng: unity/gnome320:24
Willdude123How can I find the path of OpenJDK?20:24
syriuswhich javac ?20:24
sosbyWould anyone know how (or point me in the direction) as to how to set up a bridge to allow a LXC container to send/recieve from/to an outside ip20:24
MonkeyDustWilldude123  with which20:24
stuengKsM no.. the thing that makes the "start" type button20:24
Hwkillerorudie: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html20:24
stuenglooks all pretty20:24
riderplusdoes anyone know how to do it?20:24
blamiWilldude123: it will be in /usr/lib/jvm afaik20:24
stueng?? unity20:24
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity20:25
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:25
WHAT_UPsay i have an old version of ubuntu installed on a computer, and i want to just install a new version of ubuntu over it (no need for the current data). is it possible to somehow net install ubuntu without resorting to using a disc?20:25
stuengWHAT_UP apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade20:25
riderplusso nobody knows...20:25
WHAT_UPstueng: no20:25
pianomanhi i tried installing ubuntu via disk and when i hit the button to continue to install inside windows 8, it told me to eject the disc and press enter. it then restarted into windows 8 without installing it. what happened?20:25
toordogis anyone played with FreeIPA ipa-client on ubuntu?20:25
Slartstueng, WHAT_UP. dist-upgrade won't upgrade the ubuntu version20:26
Cakejokedoes anyone know of anything that could prevent ubuntu from connecting to https sites?20:26
WHAT_UPCakejoke: bad root certificate?20:26
SlartWHAT_UP: how old is the "old version"?20:26
WHAT_UPSlart: i think it's intrepid?20:27
z_Chansharki have ubuntu 3 :D20:27
riderplusWHAT_UP: do you know?20:27
WHAT_UPit's the first one which had unity20:27
Willdude123Installed OpenJDK, don't think it's there.20:27
MonkeyDustWHAT_UP  type lsb_release -sd20:27
Toph2Cakejoke,,, i had that once,, it was my router20:28
SlartWHAT_UP: if you want to do a "regular" upgrade you will have to mess with the repositories since intrepid is past it's end of life.. not sure if there are some clever way of doing a net install using the existing install.. installing from an usb stick isn't an option?20:28
Cakejokeit doesn't happen on windows or anything else in the network though20:28
WHAT_UPMonkeyDust: it's natty20:28
Steven4242jhutchins_wk: awesome that idea worked and I am currently reinstalling. Thank you so much for your help! I really really appreciate it!20:28
Toph2Cakejoke,,, just certain urls?20:28
Cakejokeseems to be all https i've tried20:29
eutheriais there a rescue cd?20:29
eutheriai am sure there used to be one20:29
Toph2Cakejoke,,, have you a firewall on the Ubuntu machine?20:29
pianomanhi i tried installing ubuntu via disk and when i hit the button to continue to install inside windows 8, it told me to eject the disc and press enter. it then restarted into windows 8 without installing it. what happened?20:29
Cakejokei didn't install any20:29
Cakejokei'm on win atm, gimme a sec to reboot20:30
Toph2Cakejoke,,, and you can ping your router?20:30
orudieecho "export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0" > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81ubuntumenuproxy20:30
z_Chansharkpianoman:  can you explaine the steps you took before you pressed enter20:30
sam555hello all!20:30
Willdude123Anyone know how I can find the OpenJDK path?20:30
orudiethis did not disable menues in unity20:30
orudieany help plz20:30
sam555i need to replace my interface file because it is not working20:30
sam555how do I do this without lubuntu booting and crashing when it tries to make it work20:31
daftykinssam555: network interfaces?20:31
sam555is there a way to skip the network authentication part so I canget in20:31
sam555daftykins: yes20:31
pianomani installed windows 8. i put the iso for ubuntu onto a disk and rebooted. i selected the drive i wanted and i went into ubuntu setup. i hit install ubuntu, connected to a network, and hit install inside windows 8. and then it gave me that message.20:31
orudiein Ubuntu 12.04 I want all menues for all applications to appear in the application itself, but not in the unity at the top. Is there a way to fix it ?20:31
EaglemanTrying to start with a fresh install of postfix, however dkpg  dpkg-reconfigure postfix  wont remove my old config files, any idea what i am doing wrong?20:31
daftykinssam555: all you really need is "auto lo" then "auto eth0 inet dhcp"20:31
sam555daftykins: right now I'm using an lubuntu usb live disk to try to remove it, but I don't have access to root on the hdd20:31
sam555daftykins: but how do I change it before i reboot again20:32
WHAT_UPwhy doesn't the minimal install cd just ping canonical's website to find out what the latest version is, rather than being hardcoded to download a certain one?20:32
daftykinssam555: er just sudo -s on the liveusb to modify20:32
bfrii just installed maple 16 but can't find the progam launcher where can i find it?20:32
z_Chansharkpianoman:  did it like load it20:32
z_Chansharklike did it take time20:32
sam555daftykins: kk20:32
pianomanno it took no time at all. 5 seconds after i hit continue it told me to eject the disk and hit enter. which i did.20:33
z_Chansharklike did it take less then 5 seconds20:33
WHAT_UPbfri: does just running maple work in the terminal? if so, try "which maple". otherwise, look for something like .maple in your home directory probably20:34
sam555daftykins: how do i get to /etc/network from the live disk to the hdd?20:34
EaglemanTrying to start with a fresh install of postfix, however dkpg  dpkg-reconfigure postfix  wont remove my old config files, any idea what i am doing wrong?20:34
daftykinssam555: you'll need to mount the partition first. do you know which one will be root? (/) did you manually or auto partition?20:34
orudieis there a way to make the menu items for apps appear in the app window, but not all the way at the top ?20:34
sam555daftykins: when I go to media/lubuntu/<numbers for hdd>/ it does not have access to the root drive20:34
SlartEagleman: there isn't a switch to restart with clean config files?20:34
bfriwhat_up how do i run it from the terminal?20:35
daftykinssam555: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' ?20:35
pianomanz_Chanshark yes pretty much. according to the instructions i should have been able to go through more options20:35
sam555daftykins: so I need to mount the /root partition specifically? because i can get into my home directory on the hdd20:35
WHAT_UPbfri: try opening up the terminal and just typing in "maple"20:35
Eaglemana switch like Slart ?20:35
sam555daftykins: from the live disk20:35
WHAT_UPbfri: does it work?20:35
z_Chansharkpianoman:  few things first check if the disk is installed20:35
z_Chansharkpianoman:  not installed *scratched20:35
bfriwhat_up no20:35
SlartEagleman: I don't know.. I'm browsing the man pages at the moment.. didn't really see anything20:36
pianomanz_Chanshark no its not its a brand new disk20:36
Cakejokekay, don't mind me, a reboot did the trick :P20:36
daftykinssam555: root is just /, /root is the root user's /home equivalent :) just to be confusing :>20:36
bfriwhat_up now im not sure if the install worked20:36
WHAT_UPbfri: okay. then in the terminal, try doing something like "ls -al | grep maple"20:36
Eaglemani've been there to Slart, i expected the command to reload everything, so i can begin from scratch20:36
WHAT_UPbfri: does it give any output?20:36
z_Chansharkpianoman:  second when you burned it to a disk is it a .ios file and did you burn it and not use it like a flash drive20:36
SlartEagleman: yes, that's what I would expect as well20:36
=== GabMus is now known as GabMus_
SlartEagleman: have you read this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/66533/how-can-i-restore-configuration-files20:37
GabMus_I have a problem with gnome shell, could someone here help me?20:37
bfriwhat_up i just pasted ur command and got nothing20:37
WHAT_UPbfri: hmm. then either maple did not install or was installed to a different directory20:38
humberos NickServ identify dora0520:38
bfriwhat_up ok ill try to install again20:38
pianomanz_Chanshark no i read on the ubuntu support site that burning it as an iso was incorrect.20:38
z_ChansharkI have a problem with wifi can someone help me i cant get it to work because i need to use a ndiswrapper and there is the bug (#986064) is there a way around it20:38
z_Chansharkpianoman:  you don't use it like a flashdrive20:39
z_Chansharki burned it and it worked20:39
pianomanwhat did you do after you burned it?20:39
z_Chansharkploped it in my diskdrive and restarted20:40
pianomandid you have to select a drive?20:40
z_Chansharkpianoman: i partishened a  space for it (15 tb)20:40
z_Chansharkwait pianoman  are you trying to duel boo20:41
daftykinspianoman: is your BIOS boot order correct?20:41
pianomanyes i'm trying to dual boot. and daftykins i'm not sure how to check that.20:41
z_Chansharkpartision your hhd20:41
daftykinspianoman: is it a laptop/desktop ?20:41
EaglemanSlart i guess that worked :)20:41
z_Chansharkgive it like 10 gb20:41
pianomanpartition the c drive?20:42
z_Chansharkim quad-booting :D20:42
daftykinspianoman: most manufacturers, you hit F2 or delete whilst the brand logo / POST screen shows, then you look for boot options. sometimes there's a key like F8 or F10 to give you a boot device list instead of entering BIOS first20:42
SlartEagleman: great =)20:42
daftykinspianoman: is Windows or whatever your other OS is, already present? if so, is it already installed to the full size of the drive, or have you installed it to a small partition?20:43
z_Chansharkits f11 for boot menu20:43
pianomanok. i've got a huge c drive so that wouldn't be a problem. daftykins yeah i can get into there. once i'm there what do i do? and its present, and no its not to the full size. there is no other partition.20:43
z_Chansharkpianoman:  how much space do you have fre20:44
pianomanand i hit f12 for mine. but yeah.20:44
pianomanlike 400 gb20:44
EaglemanANy good guides around for setting up an internet mail system with relay_agent ?20:44
daftykinspianoman: F12 give you a boot menu? with CD/DVD on the list?20:44
pianomandaftykins yes20:44
sam555daftykins: got it working!20:44
orudiehi. I just installed putty in ubuntu 12.04 . How can I start multiple putty sessions ?20:44
daftykinssam555: cool :)20:44
orudiesimilar to how it is in windows20:44
daftykinsorudie: why would you use putty in Linux when SSH functionality is native and can be used from any terminal?20:45
orudiein putty application, I noticed that I can't right click - duplicate session20:45
z_ChansharkI have a problem with wifi can someone help me i cant get it to work because i need to use a ndiswrapper and there is the bug (#986064) is there a way around it20:45
orudiedaftykins: I am new to ubuntu desktop. I need to be able to save sessions20:45
limpchi I'm having trouble with ubuntu 12.10 - I upgraded my motherboard, and i see an error during boot up but can't catch what it is with - however, my usb keyboard/mouse die during ubuntu boot up.  (works in bios, but numlock light goes out as soon as ubuntu initializes)20:46
daftykinsorudie: for what purpose?20:46
daftykinslimpc: does a liveCD work?20:46
z_Chansharklimpc:  are they wireless20:46
orudiedaftykins: need to be able to save SSH sesssions. We have many servers here20:46
limpcdaftykins, it would probably work but I don't have a livecd20:46
pianomandaftykins whenever i get to the boot menu i can get ubuntu to get started but it doesn't finish correctly. is that partition needed for it to install correctly?20:46
z_Chansharklimpc:  is your mouse and keyboard wireless20:47
limpcz_Chanshark, no20:47
limpcthey're usb as i said20:47
z_Chansharki have a wireless usb mouse and keyboard20:47
z_Chansharkjust saying20:47
MadN3ssis anyone else INLOVE with the new one direction CD?20:47
daftykinslimpc: is it beyond the realms of possibility to make one, to help diagnose your problem?20:47
MadN3ssThe boys are all grown up, and ohso sexy20:47
limpcI'm not using a dongle, its just direct usb.20:47
daftykins!offtopic | MadN3ss20:48
DJonesMadN3ss: Wrong channel for that20:48
ubottuMadN3ss: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:48
limpcdaftykins, no, i can make one, just wondering if theres a way to fix it without?20:48
limpcdoes ubuntu not detect new mb chipsets?20:48
daftykinslimpc: well my first idea was to read logs from the boot process from a live system, sooo20:48
MadN3ssOne directions supports Ubuntu. I'm not offtopic at all20:48
MadN3ssone direction and ubuntu go hand in hand20:48
MadN3ssread a book20:48
z_ChansharkMadN3ss:  what do you mean?20:49
MonkeyDustMadN3ss  not here, please20:49
pianomandaftykins whenever i get to the boot menu i can get ubuntu to get started but it doesn't finish correctly. is that partition needed for it to install correctly?20:49
z_Chansharkim confused what just happened20:49
MadN3ssYou guys are so hell bent over this being strictly ubuntu20:49
daftykinspianoman: is the screen blanking and failing to let you get to the ubuntu desktop?20:49
MadN3ssbut even if it's related it not allowed?20:50
z_Chansharkpianoman:  yes if you want to duel boot20:50
MadN3ssyour topics are so misleading20:50
MadN3ssget over you and your geeky computer shit20:50
WHAT_UPi'm trying to netinstall using a dvd, but it's been stuck on "Retrieving block-modules-3.2.0-23-generic-pae-di" for a few minutes. I see online that this is a ~300k package, whereas my download speed is generally around 10 MB/s. What gives?20:50
MonkeyDustMadN3ss  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:50
daftykinsMadN3ss: there's an offtopic channel. get over it and go away.20:50
limpcdaftykins, like to determine what the problem is caused by? I'm 90% sure it's due to a different usb chipset.  but seeing as I can't even get to a command prompt I'm guessing I have to have a livecd anyway :/20:50
DJonesMadN3ss: If you've got an Ubuntu support question, please ask it, general chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic20:50
* MadN3ss hands daftykins a bridge20:50
z_ChansharkMadN3ss:  last time i checked your comment was not a question :D20:50
MadN3ssDO IT20:51
MiebsterHow can I mount a CIFS windows share without typing in a plaintext password into something?20:51
pianomanwill it automatically detect it? and is 10 gb the most i'll need? or more?20:51
daftykinslimpc: USB is a standard. the Linux kernel isn't gonna trip up over a motherboard swap unless there's a bug. if the install isn't fully up to date and there's a bug that's fixed, you could then update in a chroot from a liveCD / liveUSB flash drive20:52
z_Chansharkwhen first setting mine up i did 10 gb20:52
limpcdaftykins, ah. yea thats what i was trying to get to a command line to do.  thanks, ill make a livecd20:52
daftykinsMiebster: the general approach is to put that plaintext password into /root/.smbpass and chmod it so another user couldn't read it anyway. no alternative unless you make the share guest readable20:52
z_Chansharkwhen i installed it i did other install and did it manually20:52
Steven4242so I have linux installed.. but no ubuntu it is just terminal :/20:53
daftykinslimpc: np!20:53
pianomanand this is all on windows 8 right/20:53
Steven4242well I have ubuntu but yeah20:53
Steven4242no desktop20:53
jgodboutHow can I disable resume/hibernate on GRUB?20:53
z_Chansharkyes but you have to make sure you choose free space other wise you will delete windows 820:53
jgodboutIs there a command like noresume for GRUB2?20:53
z_Chansharkpianoman:  i suggest watch a tutorial on youtube if its your first time duel booting20:53
limpcSteven4242, did you install the server version of ubuntu?20:53
daftykinspianoman: ah if your windows 8 install is an EFI one, you may run into addition difficulty. you can check this if you boot into windows and run diskmgmt.msc20:54
Miebsterdaftykins: still insecure though right? anyone with access to the drive could get my password? or any admin on the machine?20:54
Steven4242limpc: well I selected Ubuntu Desktop in the installation screen20:54
pianomancan you direct me to an effecient video z_Chanshark?20:54
daftykinsMiebster: they'd have to have root/sudo access20:54
z_Chansharkyea sure pianoman20:54
pianomandaftykins is that through command prompt?20:54
usbucan any one tell me how to change the read only permission of flash drives ?20:55
pianomani'm kind of new to all this20:55
daftykinspianoman: nah it's a GUI app, diskmgmt.msc is the shortcut to type into the 'run' dialogue box20:55
Steven4242limpc: I did install using the minimal iso thingy so I could burn it to a CD though20:55
pianomangotcha. i'll try it20:55
z_Chansharkpianoman:  what version of ubuntu are you using?20:55
ubuntu-testerusbu: was it mounted read-only?20:55
Miebsterdaftykins: a live cd can read all of the files on the hard drive though?20:55
z_Chanshark12.04 precise pangolin?20:55
Steven4242when I press CTRL ALT F7 it shows just a yellow underscore that flashes20:55
pianomanwill that make a big difference?20:56
usbuubuntu-tester : I am using 12.04, it is not mounted20:56
z_Chansharknot really20:56
pianomandaftykins ok i ran it. what am i looking for?20:56
ubuntu-testerusbu: I mean flash drive20:57
z_Chansharkpianoman:  just youtube and it look though the comments to see if its alot of good reviews20:57
daftykinspianoman: can you screenshot it and upload to an image hosting site like imgur.com ?20:57
jgodboutIs there a way to disable resume from hibernation from GRUB or otherwise? I cant boot after a failed hibernation..20:57
winbfucking chess.com fuck20:57
daftykinsMiebster: yep. depends how paranoid you are for someone booting up your system without your permission and finding it.20:57
Tm_Twinb: please watch your language20:57
usbuubuntu-tester:yeah.. its actually a memmory card, ihave been copying some files to it. i cancelled the process while copying. now I am unable to mount it.20:58
winbTm_T: wrong channel20:58
usbuubuntu-tester : it says that you cant change the permission for read only file system20:58
Steven4242so do I need to install something if it just boots to the black screen?20:58
Miebsterdaftykins: well this is a company and every user will mount the drive this way, so it has to be secure or users could just hop on someones computer and get passwords20:58
Steven4242in terminal that is20:59
z_Chansharkpianoman:  pm me so i can give you the link20:59
ubuntu-testerusbu: so it was remounted read-only due to errors20:59
usbuubuntu-tester  : yeah.20:59
ubuntu-testerusbu: try unplug, plug, fsck21:00
pianomanhttp://imgur.com/SBcgA daftykins21:00
agselif I disable some keyboard shortcuts under keyboard settings, how do I apply those changes? after disabling, I still can use those21:00
daftykinsMiebster: if it's at a company, you SHOULD have the systems locked down to not be able to boot from any external devices? ;)21:00
daftykinspianoman: yeah sorry, seen it - it's not obvious. i'm trying to look up ways to confirm whether a given windows 8 installation is an EFI one or not21:00
usbuubuntu-tester : fsck /dev/sdb1   ?21:01
Miebsterdaftkins: as in cant boot from dvd? heck no that would be really annoying when you have to fix a broken computer21:01
daftykinsMiebster: how often do you foresee that happening? :) BIOS' should be password protected to stop users from being users.21:01
orudiehow can I save ssh sessions in ubuntu 12.04 ? The terminal doesn't seem to have this ability21:01
ubuntu-testerusbu: yes21:02
orudieor should I install a different client ?21:02
Miebsterdaftykins: I think your company and my company are very different, the users have all the power here21:02
daftykinsMiebster: so they all roll around booting alternative distributions to read each other's passwords?21:02
usbuubuntu-tester :fsck /dev/sdb1 fsck from util-linux 2.20.1 e2fsck 1.42 (29-Nov-2011) fsck.ext2: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sdb1 You must have r/w access to the filesystem or be root21:02
z_Chansharkcan someone direct me how to get around bug #986064 "Module ndiswrapper not found" (and yes i have it installed)21:02
ubottubug 986064 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found, configuration already contains alias directive 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98606421:02
Steven4242oh and btw the answer to my question of booting into the black terminal screen is "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"21:03
Miebsterdaftykins: No, but you are trying to argue that its okay to store passwords in plaintext files21:03
ubuntu-testerusbu: sorry i forgot sudo21:03
daftykinsMiebster: no, i'm providing you with courses of action that make it at least feasible. i don't like it anymore than you do. :) if you'd like for me to stop replying i can do that too?21:03
Miebsterdaftykins: if we dont like it, lets find a better way then21:04
usbuubuntu-tester : root@dil:/dev# fsck /dev/sdb1 fsck from util-linux 2.20.1 e2fsck 1.42 (29-Nov-2011) fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb1  The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock i21:04
orudiehow can I save ssh sessions in ubuntu 12.04 ? The terminal doesn't seem to have this ability21:05
pianomandaftykins what kind of partition does it need to be.21:05
daftykinspianoman: what options come up if you right click on the part where it says 'Disk 0' ?21:05
usbuubuntu-tester  :  and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:     e2fsck -b 8193 <device>21:05
daftykinsMiebster: i know of none that include authentication21:05
ubuntu-testerusbu: do you know filesystem on usb drive?21:05
pianoman.the only available options it gives me is convert to dynamic disc, properties, or help21:06
daftykinsMiebster: actually, the old 'connect to server' style would store passwords in the keyring i believe. you don't get filesystem level access to those types of shares though =/21:06
Snicers-WorkOk, I have an issue, I am trying to apt-get update ubuntu 10.10 but it is at EOL and I get 404 not found errors.21:06
daftykinspianoman: can you check properties? i'm curious to find references to either 'MBR' or 'GPT'21:06
daftykinspianoman: ah, right click -> properties, 'volumes' tab, 'Partition tyle'21:07
pianomandaftykins it says the partition style is mbr21:07
usbuubuntu-tester  : earlier it was FAT. but i tried to format it using different filesystems ext4,ext2 and fat32, none of them worked. At present I don't know in format the usb is.. :)21:07
pianomanwhat should i do now21:08
ubuntu-testerusbu: do you care about the remaining data on it?21:08
daftykinspianoman: you've not got any space for an Ubuntu install right now though. you'd need to maybe delete that 19.53GB 'OEM' partition - if you don't mind losing the laptop's restore functionality21:08
orudiehow can I save ssh sessions in ubuntu 12.04 ? The terminal doesn't seem to have this ability21:09
RikstationCan anyone reccomend a channel for an android-ubuntu related discussion, cant search21:09
usbuubuntu-tester : nope. I already have a backup. I just want to make it working :)21:09
C-T-Ni will get a ssd soon, i noticed that i must set up ubuntu for it. is it difficult?21:09
OerHeksSnicers-Work, time to upgrade that 2,5 year old version, or you can use old-versions update, but that is unsafe, you won't get the latest security updates21:09
ubuntu-testerusbu: if not, i suggest you reformat it with your camera21:09
OerHeksSnicers-Work, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:09
daftykinsC-T-N: enabling TRIM should be pretty simple21:09
C-T-Nit is just TRIM or does I need to set up something else?21:10
C-T-N*is it21:10
daftykinsC-T-N: nothing i know of off hand21:10
usbuubuntu-tester : You mean from the device ? It was in my android phone. Now it say no sd card detected :(21:10
pianomanwhat does that oem partition do? and i tried to make one and the program said that i needed to change one partition from logical to something else21:10
daftykinspianoman: likely it lets you hit another function key on boot to restore the preinstalled Windows drive to factory fresh if something breaks21:11
ubuntu-testerusbu: so you tried to format it to FAT and it didn't work?21:12
pianomanok. so what does the other partition for ubuntu need to be?21:12
usbuubuntu-tester : Yeah. From both windows and Ubuntu.21:12
C-T-Ncan someone tell me a great iso burner on ubuntu? I don't need much settings..only burn :P21:12
daftykinspianoman: you just need to make space on the drive to install it, once you boot the CD/DVD21:12
ubuntu-testerusbu: maybe it is damaged21:13
ubuntu-testerC-T-N: brasero will do21:13
culpn8rim having issues with my fans running hot on my dell laptop with an ATI card -- any advice or fix?21:13
usbuubuntu-tester : Is there any other way to fix it ?21:13
Snicers-WorkCan ubuntu 10.10 no longer update using apt-get?21:14
daftykinsSnicers-Work: no reason it shouldn't21:14
daftykinsculpn8r: do you mean the fans are running permanently loud?21:14
culpn8rdatykins: yes -- even when no programs are running21:14
ZiberWhere can I find a good vncviewer client. The only way I can run it right now is from terminal...21:14
Snicers-Workdaftykins I am getting Err http://security.ubuntu.com maverick-security/main Sources   404  Not Found [IP: 80]21:14
RikstationAnyone know if you can access sd card from partiton image on an android debice21:14
ubuntu-testerusbu: perhaps, partially, if you have a lot of time and will21:15
daftykinsculpn8r: are you using the proprietary driver?21:15
pianomani never have an option to do that21:15
C-T-Nubuntu-tester,  ok21:15
culpn8rdaftykins: the proprietary driver crashed unity and would not load so im using the open-source one21:15
daftykinspianoman: do you not get as far as the Ubuntu installer?21:15
jgodboutMy laptop is failing to boot after trying to hibernate, with the error ¨resume: could not stat resume device file /dev/dm-0¨  (12.04).21:15
z_Chansharkcan someone direct me how to get around bug #986064 "Module ndiswrapper not found" (and yes i have it installed)(i have been trying for 3 days now to get this to wook)21:15
ubottubug 986064 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found, configuration already contains alias directive 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98606421:15
jgodboutIs it possible to force it to not try to resume?21:15
OerHeksSnicers-Work, read back please, i gave you a solution21:16
usbuubuntu-tester :can you suggest me any websites or links that I can follow to do that ? :)21:16
daftykinsjgodbout: you just need to delete the file afaik. tried googling 'delete resume file' ?21:16
jgodboutdaftykins: thanks, ill try that21:16
pianomanno once i hit an option to install alongside windows 8 it goes to a eject disk and hit enter screen21:16
ubuntu-testerusbu: you can determine damaged area somehow, and partition the card so filesystem won't intersect with that area21:17
daftykinspianoman: when you first boot from the CD/DVD, do you get a menu? try choosing the 'check disc for defects' option if so21:17
pianomani don't get any of that stuff21:17
daftykinspianoman: usually it's hidden behind a logo that you have to press a key at for it to show you this menu21:18
ubuntu-testerusbu: pm if you want21:18
pianomanalright i'll try that21:18
usbuubuntu-tester : Yeah , whean I ran fsck it gave an error message : e2fsck 1.42 (29-Nov-2011) e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb1  The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate sup21:18
remonteesalso you're fuck21:18
IdleOne!language | remontees21:19
ubotturemontees: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:19
usbu ubuntu-tester : doesn't that sound like bad sector is 8193 ?21:19
remonteesubottu, hello !21:19
EaglemanFixing this error:  newaliases: fatal: config variable inet_interfaces: host not found: smtp.FQDN.TLD  with adding smtp.FQDN.TLD in the hosts file is a good idea?21:19
remonteesIdleOne, hello !21:19
Snicers-WorkOerHeks, that is not for 10.10, but shouldn't I still be able to apt-get update and upgrade?21:19
orudiehow can I save ssh sessions in ubuntu 12.04 ? The terminal doesn't seem to have this ability21:20
OerHeksSnicers-Work, yes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:20
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
=== vincent is now known as vsds
daftykinsok bot evidently doesn't flag bugs here21:20
OerHeksSnicers-Work, see the part with "old-releases"21:20
DJonesdaftykins: try bug 98606421:21
ubottubug 986064 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found, configuration already contains alias directive 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98606421:21
daftykinsDJones: ty21:21
HackinBlackSo when are the ubuntu phones suppose to come out ?21:22
daftykinsz_Chanshark: you followed the guide that's in the replies?21:23
IdleOne!phones | HackinBlack21:23
DJones!phone | HackinBlack21:23
ubottuHackinBlack: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone21:23
HackinBlackUbuntu phones channel is deaf21:26
z_Chansharkdaftykins:  i have and it did not work21:27
daftykinsz_Chanshark: what stage is it failing at?21:28
daftykinsHackinBlack: i read somewhere 2014 maybe21:28
z_Chansharkwell im trying to do this on linux mint but the package manager i installed and and it did not work21:29
daftykinsz_Chanshark: is it a mint based on 12.04 then?21:29
culpn8rdaftykins: should i be using the proprietary driver?21:30
z_Chansharkalso my wireless adapter is different this the guides21:30
daftykinsculpn8r: yeah, for proper functionality. though it could break stuff... is it a quite new model card or ancient?21:30
culpn8rlike 4 years old21:30
daftykinsz_Chanshark: lol bit too many variables to really say it applies then. especially as you're after mint support in an ubuntu chan. what did the mint channel say?21:31
z_Chansharkwell i joined about 10 hours ago and they have yet to say a thing21:31
unreal82Anyone know about rooting the zte x500?21:31
MarlincIs is in anyway possible to get the webapp integration in the 'normal' Google Chrome provided by Google itself21:31
Dmolelooking for a cli irc client that has a download manger  (like irssi+fleech but working)... anyone?21:31
daftykinsunreal82: that's totally not ubuntu support.21:31
unreal82I know, but it's a linux os base.21:32
daftykinsunreal82: sorry. not gonna happen.21:32
usr13daftykins: Try ##linux21:32
daftykinsusr13: tab complete fail.21:32
usr13unreal82: Try ##linux21:32
daftykinsz_Chanshark: hrmm. too late to return the dongle/card? :D21:33
TweakIs there a way to use the following boot options after install at GRUB like used on the liveCD?21:33
Tweak-irqpoll noapic nolapic acpi=off21:33
z_Chansharki use it on win 7 :P21:33
z_Chansharki have had it for about a year now21:33
MiebsterWhen I run this command how is the password stored "mount -t smbfs -o username=<username>,password=<password> //<win-box>/<share> /mnt/<name-of-mountpoint>"21:34
daftykinsz_Chanshark: gutted. i guess update to a 12.10 base mint, trying a livecd to see if anythings different, or having another stab at it from scratch.21:34
z_Chansharkdaftykins:  i have been trying for 3 days i have tried this guide like 7 time slol21:35
daftykinsz_Chanshark: welcome to Linux.21:35
unreal82That can wait, I was more concerned with the learning aspect. It seems to be legal now, so I thought it'd be interesting to do. Thanks all.21:35
daftykinsz_Chanshark: however my upgrade-your-distro (and thus Linux kernel) suggestion still stands21:36
usr13z_Chanshark: Linux users are careful to buy devices that are Linux Friendly.21:36
z_Chansharki got the adapter a year ago21:36
z_Chansharki was using it on win 721:36
daftykinsusr13: that's why this support channel is totally quiet... oh wait. ;)21:36
adarcwhy dont you guys dont use just mac or win to avoid all the nerdy Problems....21:38
daftykinsz_Chanshark: did your guide involve compiling ndiswrapper from source?21:38
chamunksthe ubuntu release of mysql whats the config file that handles access restrictions like I want to only allow localhost and another lan ip to access the mysql server21:38
usr13z_Chanshark: I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be in this conversation.  I don't know what device you are talking about,  I just assume it is not Linux compatable.  Am I correct?21:38
daftykinsadarc: you never learn by giving up at the slightest problem.21:38
MarlincIs it in anyway possible to get the webapp integration in the 'normal' Google Chrome provided by Google itself21:39
z_Chansharkits a N600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter WNDA3100v221:39
usr13z_Chanshark: As I scroll up, I see that you are using Linux Mint...?21:39
z_Chansharkyes but most ubuntu things work with mint21:39
TheLordOfTimez_Chanshark, Mint's not a supported deroivative in this channel21:39
TheLordOfTime!mint | z_Chanshark21:39
ubottuz_Chanshark: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:39
daftykinsTheLordOfTime: yes the excellent assistance of 'go away' has already been provided.21:40
z_Chansharkwell i gess im switching to ubuntu21:40
chris___Is there a way to enable the ability to scroll up and down using on my laptop's touch pad?  Currently it's not possible.21:40
=== Michael is now known as Guest53031
TheLordOfTimedaftykins, wouldn't know that, i only just attached to my ZNC and its not sending scrollbacks :/21:41
daftykinsTheLordOfTime: ;) roger.21:41
shell_Where can I go to learn about general ubuntu linux administration? For example: Extracting/installing packages, navigating filesystems, ssh, bash shell scripting, vpn etc.21:42
escott!manual | shell_21:42
ubottushell_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:42
usr13z_Chanshark: Just did a google search and all I see is "n600 wireless dual band usb adapter not working"21:43
z_Chansharkyes i know21:43
daftykinsusr13: he's following a guide in order to load the Windows driver via ndiswrapper.21:43
z_Chansharkim going to just feed a 400 foot eithernet cabble though my wall21:43
DJones!ar | yamil21:44
ubottuyamil: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe21:44
z_Chansharkalso the only problem im having which Ubuntu and mint users are having (because mint is based of ubuntu) is that everyone seems to get ndiswrapper error "Module ndiswrapper not found"21:44
orudiehow can I save ssh sessions in ubuntu 12.04 ? The terminal doesn't seem to have this ability21:45
TheLordOfTimeorudie, "save" ssh sessions?21:45
k1l_z_Chanshark: when you use mint ask the mint support. they handle the driver situation differently21:45
escott!info screen | orudie21:45
ubottuorudie: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu9 (quantal), package size 584 kB, installed size 885 kB21:45
orudiescreen is different21:48
alamihello, i have ubuntu 12.10 x86_64 and it seem that virtualbox 4.1.18 is not compatible, how can i update it?21:48
orudieits not what I am asking21:48
daftykins!virtualbox | alami21:49
ubottualami: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:49
orudieI have a whole bunch of ssh servers that I normally connect to, and in putty or securescrt you can have a config where all the connections are pre-configured with ip addresses, user names, etc...21:49
orudieI need to be able to do the same thing with ubuntu , just how I can do it in windows21:49
TheLordOfTimeorudie, you can install putty on your linux and use that if you want21:49
TheLordOfTimeorudie, otherwise you'll have to create individualized aliases for eafch SSH command (such as ssh-to-work or ssh-to-home, etc.)21:50
TheLordOfTime!info putty | orudie, putty exists in the ubuntu repos:21:50
ubottuorudie, putty exists in the ubuntu repos:: putty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.62-9 (quantal), package size 324 kB, installed size 799 kB21:50
orudieTheLordOfTime: I did install putty. I can't even run two putty windows at the same time. There is no option in linux version of putty to "duplicate session" when you right click the top bar.21:50
TheLordOfTimeprobably not as up to date as your windows version but...21:50
orudieubottu: ^^21:50
TheLordOfTimeorudie, don't ping ubottu, she's a bot.21:51
TheLordOfTimeorudie, as i said, that may be in a newer version than is on linux21:51
orudiei installed putty from the package manager21:51
orudiethe problem that I have with putty on ubuntu 12.04 is that I can't run more than one putty session at the same time.21:52
orudieand putty doesn't work the same way it works in windows for copy+pasting21:53
daftykinswelcome to OS != Windows.21:54
unreal82need recommendation for xubuntu 12.04 proprietary driver. GPU is Geforce 620. I have options in jockey of the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates), or experimental versions 304 and 310.21:54
daftykinsunreal82: whichever you have the nerve to try. more recent if you're gaming would be best21:55
jgodboutMy laptop is failing to boot after trying to hibernate, with the error ¨resume: could not stat resume device file /dev/dm-0¨  (12.04). I have tried booting in recovery mode and reformatting my swap space.21:55
unreal82daftykins: thanks, I don't game. I want better resolution.21:56
jgodboutAny ideas?21:56
EaglemanI am unable to reach mail.FQDN.tld ( using a mail client ) from inside my network ( the fqdn is also in my network ), however outside my network this works fine. nslookup on both hosts shows the same ip address. I can also ping and do tracert, everything works fine except on my mail client. Any idea what could be the issue ?21:56
guntbertalami: support for virtualbox is to be found in #vbox21:57
daftykinsjgodbout: if you hold down left shift at boot to get the GRUB menu stuffs, do you see anything relevant?21:57
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IOmegaZubuntu installer An Error occured list index out of range for more information,please see the log file21:58
IOmegaZi keep getting21:58
orudieI mean what do you guys do when you have to connect to many differet servers via ssh all the time?21:58
escottorudie, ~/.ssh/config21:58
bekksorudie: I just use ssh hostname :)21:59
daftykinsorudie: edit my /etc/hosts file to add IPs to friendly hostnames (if i can't ssh via hostname) then just type ssh user@host in terminals21:59
IOmegaZi got a probllem21:59
daftykinsIOmegaZ: please don't repeat it too often as it'll anger me and kill small kittens in the process22:00
orudieyeah but i don't want to even type ssh user@host that's too much work22:00
daftykinsIOmegaZ: your best first step is to work out how to access the install log and post it online for someone to read22:00
orudiesecurecrt is a paid ssh client which has very nice ssh sessions management22:01
jgodboutdaftykins: Nothing interesting. Left shift just shows the grub menu right?22:01
machicolarunning Ubuntu 12.10, what is the preferred way to have a startup script, which launches some programs and performs some file operations, initialize after GDM is loaded regardless of the session I've chosen at the login screen22:01
daftykinsorudie: then it sounds like you need to either get googling for an alternative, consider creating aliases, or give up.22:01
orudieyou can store hundreds of ssh connections there22:01
jhutchinsorudie: Create a config file.22:01
jhutchinsorudie: You can install putty.22:01
daftykinsjgodbout: yeah, i wondered if maybe the boot options on the default had some extra fields that tell it to look for the resume image that you could delete to make it ignore that22:01
ubuntu-testerorudie: so you came here to advertise securecrt?22:02
bekksorudie: You can do the same using putty, e.g.22:02
machicolaI would like it to run on top of all of the normal boot processes, it seems like using .xsession is requiring me to initialize other basic processes22:02
escottorudie, just modify your ssh config file. really not that hard. ~/.ssh/config22:02
orudiecan't run two putty sessions at the same time in ubuntu is my biggest problem with putty for ubuntu22:02
jhutchinsorudie: With the conf file you still have to do ssh foo, but you can also configure icons as ssh links.22:02
escottorudie, http://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config22:02
jhutchinsorudie: ?22:02
jribmachicola: what sort of things do you want to run?22:02
jhutchinsorudie: Why not?22:02
Miebsterhow do the mount commands and adding things to fstab differ?22:03
jgodboutdaftykins: I tried adding no_console_suspend to the boot options, but that didnt seem to do anything either22:03
IOmegaZhow can i post my log file?22:03
orudiebecause it doesn't start22:03
orudieonly one starts22:03
IOmegaZhow can i post my log file?22:03
daftykinsMiebster: fstab is permanent, mount is single user one time mount22:03
jribMiebster: one is a command and the other is a file with settings in it?22:03
orudiecan't right click - duplicate session22:03
machicolajrib: just some applications, start up the terminal, move some files around and do a little clean up22:03
bekks!paste | IOmegaZ22:03
ubottuIOmegaZ: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:03
orudielike you can in putty for windows22:03
escottMiebster, fstab allows unpriv users to mount entries in the fstab otherwise unpriv users cannot mount22:03
jhutchinsMiebster: THe syntax is different; items in fstab can be made to mount automatically at boot.22:03
Miebsterhow can I make mounts permanent, without putting them in fstab, since you have to put your password in the command22:03
daftykinsjgodbout: that sounds more like 'don't suspent in future'. can you boot to CLI access?22:03
jhutchinsorudie: So just launch another one.22:04
Bjarteokay, um, I actually got a simple beginner-level C question. What's the difference between alignof and sizeof? I feel like they're the same but for structs they're not. for unions, they are.22:04
jgodboutdaftykins: Nope, it stops with the error message before then.22:04
escottMiebster, you mean a password for something like samba?22:04
daftykinsMiebster: you can't. did you look into the GUI 'connect to server' i mentioned?22:04
jribmachicola: if you can use the Startup Applications gui, I would suggest that.  It creates .desktop files in ~/.config/autostart.  You can also use ~/.xprofile or ~/.xsessionrc instead.22:04
Miebsterescott: yeah22:04
daftykinsjgodbout: ah :(22:04
MonkeyDustMiebster  fstab is the way to make mounts permanent22:04
jhutchinsIOmegaZ: You can READ the log file and see why it's stopping.22:04
Miebsterdaftykins: no i missed that22:04
escottMiebster, you could see if you can specify the password not in fstab but by reference to a file in /etc and then restrict permissions on that file22:05
guntbertBjarte: this channel is for ubuntu support - you might get answers in ##c22:05
alamiwhy i get this error after run apt-get update http://pastebin.com/dW2DcvS322:05
daftykinsjgodbout: in google results people refer to removing the package 'uswusp' - you could do that in your current install by chroot'ing from a livecd22:05
jgodboutdaftykins: Sweet, i22:05
Bjarteguntbert: I asked there. Nobody answered xD. Plus I usually come here since I do use #ubuntu so I gave this channel a try.22:05
z_Chansharkyea daftykins  i went to both irc's and litterer they are both dead silent22:05
jgodboutdaftykins: ill try that. also, this seems to be the exact problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199793322:05
bekksalami: Because you added duplicates of sources?22:05
MiebsterCan't I just run the mount command when the user logs in?22:05
bekksMiebster: Only using pam_mount22:06
daftykinsMiebster: you're still gonna need to pass a password.22:06
MonkeyDustalami  a mix of i386 and amd64 sources may be conflicting22:06
MiebsterI'm just blown away there isn't a way to do this, this seems like a very common thing22:06
daftykinsjgodbout: do you also have another Linux install present, so there's another swap partition somewhere else?22:07
alamibekks: i havn't add any one i thing ubuntu software Center is dowing that22:07
bekksMiebster: In the last 10 years, I've only seen 3 people using it.22:07
coldguatemalanhi all, so i got a sever with one ip set yet i just discovered that it responds to another ip i had no idea about. i'm baffled has anyone experienced such a thing?22:07
jgodboutdaftykins: I made the swap partition that iḿ using now from a previous install, then i installed 12.04 over that previous install partition, keeping the old swap partition.22:07
bekkscoldguatemalan: Just take a look at ifconfig -a22:07
daftykinscoldguatemalan: yes, if IP forwarding is enabled, a host can reply from a second IP if it has another network interface.22:07
alamibekks: how can i delate it?22:07
jgodboutdaftykins: i have already tried formatting that swap partition again, though.22:07
MiebsterOkay, what do people normaly do when they need to connect to a smba share, and they want it to be connected when they log in?22:07
syncsyscannot set JAVA_HOME in /etc/enviroment  with JAVA_HOME="/home/syncsys/bin/jdk1.7.0_10/"    echo give me that but its not a correct java home or i need something else?22:08
machicolajrib, I was trying to do it via the command line only or without actually using the startup apps gui...I've tried it with .xsession and some weird thing is happening, it seems like basic processes aren't coming up which is making me wonder whether with .xsession GDM and some other things need to be started manually22:08
bekksalami: By editing the sources.22:08
jgodboutdaftykins: im booting off a live CD now, and ill try to remove that package22:08
coldguatemalanbekks i have two interfaces bonded with only one ip22:08
jribmachicola: so try the two files I suggested?  You can use them and log-in with gdm22:08
daftykinsjgodbout: it might be that your install's /etc/fstab is referring to the swap drive wrong, seems to be thoughts i get from google results too22:08
limpcdaftykins, i got my livedcd (usb), but ubuntu doesn't load when i boot to it22:08
limpcusb does not work on it either22:08
machicolaok, thanks jrib22:08
machicolajrib: so all of these files are configured to work differently?22:09
daftykinslimpc: if you're sure those boot devices work, could be your hardware has an issue with the version of the kernel on the liveCD/USB22:09
Niyakuncan the newest ubuntu run under windows 8 using wubi?22:09
jribmachicola: what do you mean?22:09
bekksMiebster: They use LDAP and pam_mount22:09
daftykinsNiyakun: i would highly recommend never even thinking of using WUBI22:09
limpcits ubuntu 12.10, and isn't the kernel supposed to be generic?22:09
machicolai mean, the way .xsession is running the script/code will be different from the way .xsessionrc or .xprofile will?22:09
daftykinslimpc: sure but kernels have bugs sometimes. try googling with your motherboard model / chipset22:10
jribmachicola: yes.22:10
machicolaok, thanks22:10
jhutchinsStrange. something is blocking ad-block22:10
daftykinslimpc: the other option is trying to get logs from your boot, try an older ubuntu perhaps? to see if that boots22:10
Miebsterbekks: Im reading pam_mounts about and it sounds like it was made for odd cases, how is a generic somba mount require this 3rd party tool?22:10
jgodboutdaftykins: ill look at my fstab and see if anything looks funny22:10
jribmachicola: you usually use .xsession as your actual session.  .xprofile and .xsessionrc just get executed sometime after you login with whatever session you are using22:10
limpci can't even get to shell22:10
limpcusb keyboard dies when ubuntu initializes22:10
bekksMiebster: It isnt a 3rd party tool :)22:11
limpcill see if i can find an old ps2 keyboard :/22:11
daftykinsjgodbout: ja if it doesn't use UUIDs, perhaps the disk 'letters' have changed22:11
daftykinsPS/2 for the win.22:11
machicolajrib, ahh very helpful, ok thanks22:11
Niyakundaftykins: it is a laptop and i cannot afford to partition the current ntfs partition22:11
Niyakunwhich has data*22:11
daftykinsNiyakun: how come?22:12
Miebsterbekks: how is it not 3rd party?22:12
ubuntu-testerMiebster: why not to put it to fstab?22:13
Miebsterubuntu-tester: that would put password in plain text22:13
escottMiebster, pam is the core authentication/permission tool in linux22:13
Miebsterescott: I'm lost this conversation is going in circles, everyone says this is easy but no one has given a solution22:13
ubuntu-testerMiebster: and where do you expect to store it?22:13
=== Prodego is now known as Prodeseer
MiebsterI have a central server with shared samba drives.  How can I get users to mount to the drive, without putting their password in plain text, and having the mount persist through restart?22:14
=== syncsys is now known as Quest
escottMiebster, is it possible to specify the password in a file. something like mount -t cifs -permission-file /some/path/to/file/with/username_and_password22:14
daftykinsescott: he knows but doesn't want to do that22:15
bekksMiebster: Because the package is named libpam-mount and is provided by the stock ubuntu repos?22:15
daftykinsbekks: what is the method you're suggesting Miebster try? i'm curious.22:15
jribMiebster: just out of curiousity, what is the reason to not want the password in plaintext?22:15
Questcannot set JAVA_HOME in /etc/enviroment  with JAVA_HOME="/home/syncsys/bin/jdk1.7.0_10/"    echo give me that but its not a correct java home or i need something else?22:15
bekksdaftykins: Using LDAP and pam_mount22:15
Miebsterjrib: because then anyone with access to the machine (Every employee) can find anyones password22:16
daftykinsbekks: does that assume there's an LDAP backend?22:16
ubuntu-testerMiebster: I see, but you have to put it somewhere. Windows also put it somewhere, obfuscated though22:16
bekksdaftykins: Of course.22:16
Miebsterubuntu-tester: puts it somewhere, not in plain text though22:16
jribMiebster: why?22:16
escottMiebster, if you can put the password in a file and lockdown the file thats not a problem22:16
jribMiebster: you can just use regular permissions to solve that problem, no?22:16
daftykinsMiebster: what is the host that you're authenticating these users to running, windows AD?22:16
Miebsterjrib: live cd?22:16
jribMiebster: that's a different concern.22:17
Miebsterdaftykins: just windows server? not sure what are you asking?22:17
jribMiebster: but ok, carry on :)22:17
Miebsterjrib: pretty normal concern to not put passwords in plaintext22:17
daftykinsMiebster: i'm asking if it's a Windows domain or just file server role22:17
ubuntu-testerMiebster: do you want to hide it from *that* user, who uses it?22:17
daftykinsjrib: i tried to say the standard course of action is to hide the smbpass file from the users but apparently Miebster's users all boot alternative OS's and read each others passwords for fun22:18
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Miebsterubuntu-tester: the user is the one that types it in, I want to hide it from everyone else, and in general, a password should never be on screen22:18
Questow to eliminate the need to restart again and again after /etc/enviroment updations22:18
blamiQuest: just logout and login22:18
Questblami,  any other way?22:19
blamiQuest: /etc/environment gets sourced every time you run login shell22:19
Questblami,  hm is there any other way?22:19
blamiQuest: not for whole graphical session22:19
escottQuest, you cannot (easily) change the environment of a running process22:19
Miebsterdaftykins: I'm blown away that I'm being treated odd for this, linux has always been about superior security, and now we store password in plain text22:19
Questescott,  i did that once. i just lost the tutorial22:19
jribMiebster: you could also just encrypt the drive ubuntu is on.  Which you probably should be doing if you're concerned about people fetching data from the drive using a live cd22:19
blamiQuest: because only running process can change it's own environment22:20
jribMiebster: I think you're asking a fair question.  I just wanted to make sure I understood your needs22:20
Miebsterjrib: there is no data on the machines we care about, everything is on a server, so I could care 2 cents if you hacked into the machine, until you can auth with the server you dont have anythign22:20
blamiQuest: if you need your changes being sourced only in single terminal window you can do . /etc/environment22:20
jgodboutdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/MTZjycRS  - my fstab file. gparted lists /dev/sda5 as a 4GB linux-swap22:20
=== syncsys is now known as Quest
daftykinsMiebster: Linux users don't tend to be mounting from a windows box sadly.22:21
jribMiebster: was pam_mount not suitable?  I'm not familiar with it myself22:21
Miebsterjrib: not sure how to use it22:21
daftykinsjgodbout: oh it's encrypted? 0o22:21
blamiMiebster: that's why /etc/shadow is there22:21
jgodboutdaftykins: Oh, I didnt know. that would explain why hibernation failed huh22:21
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daftykinsjgodbout: i'm only really assuming. can you pastebin 'sudo fdisk -l' too?22:22
Miebsterblami: can I use that do accomplish this?22:22
riderplusi have no sound in 13.04...i saw that bug, but couldn't fix it22:22
daftykinsjgodbout: since the fstab there uses /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 as the mount location22:22
riderplushow can i restore the sound?22:22
escottjgodbout, daftykins if you selected encrypted home at install you get encrypted swap which probably breaks hibernation22:22
daftykinsriderplus: distros that haven't been released yet are talked about in #ubuntu+122:23
Slartriderplus: isn't there a channel dedicated to 13.04, #ubuntu+1 perhaps?22:23
blamiMiebster: sorry I havent read backlog ... just your complaint about fulltext password22:23
jgodboutescott: Yeah,i encrypted myhome dir.22:23
jribMiebster: one alternative is to just give the users an encrypted directory and put the credentials file in there, no?22:23
daftykinsSlart: ^522:23
daftykinsescott: ah-ha. thanks22:23
ubuntu-testerMiebster: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/157128/proper-fstab-entry-to-mount-a-samba-share-on-boot22:23
Slartdaftykins: I have to oil my keyboard if I'm going to keep up with you guys =)22:23
escottjgodbout, you are going to have to pick one of the other. suspend is fine, but hibernate is not going to support encryption22:23
z_Chansharkdaftykins: i think i figured it out for mint users / ubuntu users :D22:24
blamiescott: why?22:24
daftykinsz_Chanshark: :O22:24
daftykinsz_Chanshark: do tell22:24
ubuntu-testerMiebster: answer from russnash22:24
escottblami, no secure location for the key when the cpu halts22:24
Miebsterubuntu-tester: it wont load22:24
=== jhutchins_wk is now known as jhutchins
blamiescott: I have lvm on luks and hibernates just fine22:24
ubuntu-testerMiebster: ?22:24
jgodboutescott: I dont need to hibernate. I just cant boot after i tried to hibernate.22:24
blamiescott: yes, that's correct. I have passphrase stored in laptop's tpm store22:24
escottblami, thats full disk. and you presumably give the key to the bootloader22:24
Miebsterubuntu-tester: that hyperlink doens't load22:24
jgodboutescott: I dont need to be able to hibernate in the future, i usually just suspend to ram22:25
blamiescott: no I just unlock tpm store using smartcard token22:25
ubuntu-testerMiebster: hmm, works for me...22:25
z_Chansharkok so apparently broadcom package drivers work with the netgear thingy adapter only v2 tho so all i need to do is go into the package manager and download the broadcom package22:25
escottblami, effectively the same22:25
blamiescott: then my random passphrase is passed to cryptsetup22:25
blamiescott: yes22:25
daftykinsjgodbout: if i were you i'd try the sadistic approach of removing the swap mount and seeing if boot cries about something else / doesn't error :D22:26
escottjgodbout, i would see if there is a way you can direct the system to boot without using the hibernate image22:26
blamijgodbout: suspending to ram isn't very wise with encrypted harddrive22:26
Miebsterubuntu-tester: that uses a plain text password22:26
jgodboutdaftykins: escott: http://pastebin.com/CsjRbD91  sudo fdisk -l22:26
ubuntu-testerMiebster: i've copied the main part: http://pastebin.com/tVX7U84s22:27
daftykinsjgodbout: did you select an enctypted /home as escott mentioned?22:27
mdelhey all - how can I re-evaluate the rules in /etc/security/access.conf?22:27
jgodboutescott: i tried finding grub options to boot without resuming. daftykins also suggested removing uswsusp from a live cd22:27
escottdaftykins, he indicated he had22:27
jgodboutdaftykins: yes i encrypted my /home22:27
ubuntu-testerMiebster: password is hidden from anyone but root22:27
escottjgodbout, when you say it doesnt boot what exactly happens on boot22:27
jgodboutdaftykins: when i tried hibernating, i didn realise that it didnt work if you encrypted it. ill know for the future22:28
z_Chansharkdaftykins:  but apparently linux drivers will never be built for it because they are working on ones that are more advanced22:28
escottjgodbout, i dont think it should even be able to see the hibernation image and should just boot fresh22:28
jgodboutescott: it shows the ubuntu loading screen (with the 5 dots), and stays there. if i boot in recovery mode, it has the error shown here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199793322:29
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Miebsterubuntu-tester: its still stored in plaintext, livecd = password stolen22:29
daftykinsjgodbout: probably buried in their release notes :S22:29
daftykinsescott: ah my bad, i'm channel hopping too much22:29
bekksMiebster: It isnt.22:29
bekksMiebster: Encrypt your box -> livecd useless.22:29
Miebsterbekks: the boxes are not encrypted22:30
jgodboutescott: i dont get a command line or anything when i ctrlalt+f122:30
escottjgodbout, i wonder if the hibernation write did something nasty to the cryptswap device22:30
bekksMiebster: Then encrypt them when fearing someone can use a livecd.22:30
MiebsterThe main point here is I can do this with NFS, but not SAMBA?22:30
bekksMiebster: Only using pam_mount and an LDAP backend.22:31
jribMiebster: how do you do it with nfs?22:31
Miebsterbekks: your suggestion is useless, you are telling me to reinstall the OS on everymachine because of a limitation in samba mounts22:31
bekksMiebster: It is no limitation of samba mounts when YOU are fearing someone can use a livecd to steal your data.22:31
Miebsterjrib: for NFS I just put it in the fstab, no password, no username, and it works since it auths automatically22:31
Miebsterbekks: wrong, it is a limitation with SAMBA mounts in linux, this works in windows (no passwords entered) and works with NFS in linux (no passwords entered)22:31
bekksMiebster: Since WHEN does NFS auths itself automagically against what?22:31
jgodboutescott: shall i try creating a new swap partition and using that?22:31
z_Chansharkwell im off, bye22:32
ubuntu-testerMiebster: same on win, i should note. then go the way shown by bekks (LDAP etc,)22:32
escottjgodbout, i would try to boot a livecd and create the cryptswap device and then mkswap that device (if you can) alternately zero out the underlying swap device partition and try to recreate the swap device when booting22:32
bekksNFS3 implements NO security auth at all, and NFS4 requires a kerberos backend.22:32
Miebsterbekks: for NFS I put this in my fstab server.local:/home/nfs/foo /opt/foo nfs user,exec,nolock 0 022:32
escottjgodbout, this should explain how to do it http://hydra.geht.net/tino/howto/linux/cryptswap/22:32
bekksThats NFS3 without any authentication.,22:33
=== puff` is now known as puff
bekksEveryone could access that share.22:33
jgodboutescott: ok thanks, iĺl try thatand report back22:33
Miebsterbekks: if the user doens't have auth they get denied22:33
bekksMiebster: Using NFS3, there is no auth at all.22:33
bekksMiebster: Do you have a kerberos server for authentication? If no, you are using NFS3 and NO auth at all.22:34
bekksMiebster: So I take this as you should redesign your entire non-existing security concept.22:37
Miebsterbekks: you have this asusmption that I have anything to do with the backend, I'm not sure how it works, I know that in windows it uses your credentials you used when you logged in to the domain22:38
ubuntu-testerMiebster: put it simple: if password is stored somewhere locally, it can be stolen. you have only two other options: a) enter it every time; and b) store it in some TRUSTED place (that means strong auth etc.)22:38
ubuntu-testerMiebster: yes, domain is that same trusted third party22:39
Miebsterubuntu-tester: on windows the password isn't stored, you auth to the domain and then when you access the drives the server checks if you are authed to the domain22:39
bekksMiebster: Which is a local authentication and it requires to have the SAME credentials on ALL computers. Using an Active Directory, you have a CENTRAL administration, which eases up administration heavily in terms of security.22:39
bekksAnd the password IS stored, in Windows.22:39
nineteensixtyis there a 12.10 for i7 the download only seems to to amd6422:40
bekksNTSAM.DAT or something like that contains all local accounts and can be easily hacked.22:40
jgodboutescott: That page is a bit too complicated for me to follow. Is there a simpler way to do that? Can we just delete the swap file to get rid of the hibernation data?22:40
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escottjgodbout, thats basically what im suggesting. but if you have encrypted home so you should have encrypted swap22:40
xangua!amd64 | nineteensixty22:41
ubottunineteensixty: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.22:41
escottnineteensixty, amd64 is the name for the 64bit arch made by intel b/c amd came up with it first22:42
OerHeksintel made ia64, wich wasn't succesfull, because it was not compatible with 32 bit instructions22:43
nineteensixtyI'm getting: This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU but only detected an i686 CPU22:44
escottthen either it is not an i7 or you are running in a virtual environment22:44
bekksnineteensixty: Thats pretty clear. You need a 32bit kernel or a 64bit CPU.22:44
nineteensixtyyou'd think so wouldn't you!22:45
blkadderAnd if you are running in a virtual make sure you have support enabled in BIOS.22:45
bekksnineteensixty: Ensure you created a 64bit VM, not a 32bit one.22:45
nineteensixtyAh that may be why22:46
nineteensixtyWhich I probably can't do with the free Microsoft Virtual PC22:47
bekksWhich you can do.22:47
blkadderDunno but Virtualbox works fine.22:47
demonio1hi all, can anyone tell me where are source files write in c about program as "rm" "mv" ls etc22:47
blkadderI am using it now.22:47
bekksdemonio1: You have to install the source packages.22:47
escott!info coreutils-dev22:47
ubottuPackage coreutils-dev does not exist in quantal22:47
wolftuneAnybody know if there exists a KDE plasma panel widget to do something like the Unity thing where the active window's title bar and buttons are shown in the panel?22:48
escottdemonio1, it would be coreutils package, source can be got from gnu.org22:48
jribdemonio1: or just « apt-get source coreutils »22:48
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Steven4242Hello I have managed to boot into 12.10 however now I have no internet access via wifi.. can anyone help me? (I have tried googling solutions but I cant get anything to work)22:49
demonio1sorry maybe i did wrong i want se files system write in c22:50
jgodboutdaftykins: escott: ok i just deleted my swap partition, and now running boot-repair22:50
Steven4242my wireless network just says "device not ready"22:50
jribdemonio1: you want to see the C source code, yes?22:50
demonio1jrib yes22:50
jribdemonio1: so did you run « apt-get source coreutils » ?  It will place a directory in your current directory22:51
blkadderSteven4242: Are you certain you are running a supported device?22:51
demonio1jrib and then ?22:51
jribdemonio1: and then you read it22:51
Steven4242blkadder:  how do I find that out? when I was running 12.04 I was connected and had no problems.. just 12.10 is causing problems22:52
Quest please see this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14287501/java-home-in-etc-enviroment-in-ubuntu    any help?22:52
demonio1jrib ok i'll try thanks :)22:53
blkadderIf it was running previously then it is likely to be supported. What type of device is it?22:53
jribQuest: why don't you install java through the repositories?22:53
Steven4242how do you enable a network device?22:53
Questjrib,  i will still need to setup home22:54
Questjava home *22:54
escottQuest, its inappropriate for /etc/env to reference the home dir of a user22:54
Steven4242in my network settings it just says Wireless then underneath it Unavailable22:54
Questescott, despite it says $ echo $JAVA_HOME22:54
jribQuest: if you need to setup JAVA_HOME you can do that22:55
Questjrib, how22:55
jribQuest: the way you're doing it now22:55
jribQuest: well some of it anyway.22:55
escottQuest, i didnt say it wouldnt work. i said it was inappropriate22:55
blkadderifup but the drivers need to be loaded for it to work.22:55
Questjrib,  if you read the link i gave. it says. $ java -version22:55
QuestThe program 'java' can be found in the following packages:22:55
Quest * default-jre22:55
jribQuest: I read it22:55
Questthen why it says like that22:55
Questescott,  ok.22:56
blkadderWhat specific wifi device are you running?22:56
jribQuest: I recommend you install java through the repositories.  Then return here if you still have issues.22:56
Questescott,  so whats wrong . why its not working22:56
jrib!java | Quest22:56
ubottuQuest: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:56
ChrisWereI've come accross yet another bug in ubuntu, surprise surprise, we logitech c15 webcam doesn't work with guvcview. Anyone know how to fix this?22:56
Questjrib,  escott  i have done it before. repos also need to setup java home. its the same.22:56
escottQuest, if you installed java to a users home folder you should specify that in their ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc22:56
Steven4242Is there a command I can type in terminal to tell me what wifi card I have?22:56
jribQuest: well you haven't installed it through the repositories this time, it looks like.22:57
ubuntu-testerSteven4242: try lspci |grep -i wireless22:57
blkadderTry lspci22:57
Questjrib,  trust me. its the same22:58
Steven424203:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)22:58
jribQuest: it's not :/22:58
blkadderSteven4242: Now go google that card + Ubuntu. :-)23:00
blkadderLooks like support is a bit flaky for it.23:00
jribQuest: for one, if you use a nice package from the repositories, you won't have to deal with java not being in your path.  I don't use java and I don't know if you still need to set JAVA_HOME.  But you can do that if you want (use /etc/environment like you are now)23:00
disharmonicNew card? i thought atheros is more or less a safe bet23:01
stuenghi, where do I change the default session to unity-2d ?23:02
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blkadderSteven4242: Perhaps this one will help: http://www.ossdoc.com/2012/10/how-to-fxx-atheros-ar9285ar9287.html23:02
disharmonicstueng, on the login screen23:02
disharmonicstueng, it alway remembers yor last choice23:02
stuengI want to make anyone that ever uses the machine only have the ability to use unity-2d23:04
stuengno choice23:04
Steven4242YAY wireless works!!23:05
jgodboutdaftykins: I think that im ready to try deleting uswsusp, can you please help me with that?23:05
stuengive removed the sessions from /usr/share/xsessions to see what happens23:05
blkadderFeel free to send me money. :-)23:05
jgodboutdaftykins: fiddling around with and deleting my swap didnt do much23:05
Steven4242thank you so much! :D23:05
blkadderYou are welcome.23:05
uponatreeHi there, any radius-expert out there?23:05
jgodboutdaftykins: or maybe i should just reinstall ubuntu.23:05
ogistroot has joined23:07
ogisttheroot joined as i typed that23:07
k1l_!ot | ogist23:08
ubottuogist: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:08
ogist!ot | k1l_23:08
ubottuk1l_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:08
uponatreeI want to set up device authentification on a lan with a radius server on ubuntu, but i can't find any howtos. do you have some hints how to do that?23:09
escottstueng, you might try uninstalling compiz23:11
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daftykinsjgodbout: sorry went to cook. where are you at?23:11
Guest94829using linux os first time and it rock23:11
wildphp-bot Chat Logging has been [Enabled]23:12
blkadderuponatree: I dunno a google search seems to reveal some info23:12
wildphp-bot Chat Logging has been [Enabled]23:13
lhavelund!bot | wildc4rd23:13
ubottuwildc4rd: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:13
lhavelundplease don't use other bots, wildc4rd23:13
uponatreeblkadder: i found these too. but i want device authentification based on certificates23:14
lhavelundwildc4rd: apologies. he left quickly. and my tabcomplete is derp.23:14
unreal82Anyone here familiar with encrypted lvm?23:14
blkadderYou mean like this? http://deployingradius.com/documents/configuration/certificates.html23:15
escottunreal82, yes i've heard of it23:15
marnixI have got a pysdm problem23:16
daftykins!ask | marnix23:16
ubottumarnix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:16
stuengthis might be a dumb question.. but how do I know if I am running unity2d or 3d?23:16
marnixmy PC  will not boot anymore after using pysdm - HELP23:17
unreal82escott: I want to dual boot windows xp and xubuntu. I have attempted to install xubuntu using the alternate download, to no avail. I can only use the desktop image. I was wondering if there's some conflict with dual booting and encrypted lvm. I am using two separate hard drives, one for each os.23:17
uponatreeblkadder: guess your link is how to create a new server certificat, but i want to authentificate devices with their own certificates23:17
jgodboutdaftykins: im just going to back up my files from my encrypted home and reinstall. thanks for the help!23:17
uponatreeblkadder: like in windows network policy server23:17
daftykinsjgodbout: sounds good! my pleasure, sorry we couldn't get there.23:17
escottunreal82, the only issue i can think of is if /boot is inside the lvm then you would need to provide the password to see the menu item to boot windows23:18
diverdudeIs there an edsitor that can access a file via ftp, and edit it and save it directly to the ftp location again?23:18
unreal82no, it's outside. I wouldn't encrypt the /boot.23:18
escottdiverdude, there is probably a fuse ftp filesystem module you can use and then use any editor you want23:19
blkadderuponatree: You need to create the cert then install them on the client systems in order to auth.23:19
jgodboutdaftykins: :)23:19
unreal82escott: the install fails consistently at "select and install software", not sure if that means anything.23:20
diverdudeescott, i tried mounting via curlftpfs...but its extremely slow23:20
stuengthis might be a dumb question.. but how do I know if I am running unity2d or 3d?23:20
ubuntu-testerdiverdude: mc for ex.23:20
diverdudeubuntu-tester, ???23:20
uponatreeblkadder: do i create the client certs like the server cert? where can i tell radius to except certs instead of user/password?23:20
unreal82stueng: when you log in, you select 2d or 3d at the splash screen.23:20
ubuntu-testerMidnight Commander23:21
stuengunreal82 once I am IN the session how would I know which session I am in23:21
daftykinsstueng: there's all kinda fancy 3D effects going on23:21
stuengim in a remote VNC session is its difficult to tell23:22
stuengive removed all the sessions from /user/share/xsessions and also changed lightdm.conf to load the 2d session but Im not convinced I am in a 2d session23:22
unreal82stueng: daftkins is right http://askubuntu.com/questions/62001/am-i-using-unity-or-unity-2d23:22
stuengthe menus dissapear when I click on them and stuff23:22
stuengthe trash icon does not seem transparent23:23
blkadderuponatree: Take a look at the docs in freeradius.org. I haven't touched radius since the days of dial-up.23:23
uponatreeblkadder: i'll have a look, thanks!23:24
ubuntu-testerstueng: see the last answer there23:25
blkadderuponatree: You are welcome. Here's another link that might be helpful regarding the certs/install http://www.dartmouth.edu/~pkilab/pages/EAP-TLSwFreeRadius.html23:25
blkadderAssuming you understand how TLS works, etc.23:26
stuengah yes thanks ubuntu-tester last answer is great23:26
marnixmy PC  will not boot anymore after using pysdm - HELP23:29
Feedhurleyis there someone who is good at fstab?23:30
Feedhurleyi got partition problems23:30
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: ask away23:32
marnixfor pysdm?23:32
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:35
ZombiePoxWitam :)23:35
dr_willispsydm MIGHT make a backup of the fstab file it changes.. check in /etc/ and hope for the best. ;)23:35
stuengif I wanted to startx with session unity-2d what would the command be ?23:35
dr_willisstueng:  you are on 12.04 correct?23:35
Feedhurleyubuntu-tester okey, i have done this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2103960 but I do not really understand his answer23:35
stuengdr_willis yeah23:36
dr_willisstueng:  i belive if you select uinity 2d at the login screen it changes your .dmrc and after that startx will default to unity2d23:36
dr_willisstueng:  you can check the unity-2d.desktop filein the x sessions directory to see what command it runs also23:36
stuengok thats great but unfortuenly I need to know how to do it from the command line23:37
Feedhurleyubuntu-tester i have read the first link ubottu gave me but do not know really what i should do with folders like /media/windows23:37
marnixwill look thx23:37
stuengok thnks will look at that23:37
stuengExec=gnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d23:37
stueng^ thanks23:37
stuengwoh lol that didnt work.. back to gnokme fallback23:38
dr_willisstueng:  theres no longer a unity2d in 12.10 :) just in case you ever try this in 12.1023:39
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap23:40
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: which partitions do you have problems with?23:40
stuengim busy setting up freenx.. messing with different sessions23:40
ubuntu-tester*partition, of the two23:40
dr_willisstueng:  whats the exact lines you put in your .xinitrc? actially its .Xsession i think these days23:40
Feedhurleyubuntu-tester did you see the link? (a photo there of my new formated disk, holding ext4 and ntfs).23:40
zykotick9dr_willis: .xinitrc only works with "startx"... so for DMed systems, not too helpful ;)23:41
stuengnot sure, that doesnt really affect what im doing as freenx runs the command23:41
dr_willisstueng:  with remote desktops - i find the lightest is bestest.. :) somthing like openbox  with perhaps a simple file manager.23:41
dr_willisIve seen lightdm have options to run the users .xinitrc session23:41
stuengit needs to be somewhat pretty23:41
stuengits for users23:41
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: yes, which of the two you can't use?23:41
Feedhurleyubuntu-tester i have problem with both. The ntfs partition cant be opened and the ext4 cant create or paste any files or folders into23:41
dr_willisactually i thoght freenx was supposed to run lightdm.. i never was able to get freenx working right23:42
stuengit runs gnome-fallback fine23:42
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: are they mentioned in fstab?23:42
Feedhurley"sudo blkid" gives me the UUID, if that was what you ment?23:42
Feedhurleyfor both23:43
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: yes, and pastebin your fstab23:43
marnixI have found 3 files fstab / fstab.BAK and fstab.d    How to restore the original file?23:44
dr_willismarnix:  i would double check the .BAK file's date and contents. then compare it to your current fstab. and if it looks ok.. copy it over23:44
Feedhurleyubuntu-tester http://paste.ubuntu.com/1521394/23:44
dr_willisive never noticed a fstab.d befor.23:44
Dualityi got a firewire --> usb cable and was wondering if i can use usb port for firewire ?23:45
jcao219Does anybody know if it's possible to run testdisk and photorec both at the same time in parallel?23:45
jcao219meaning, possible and safe?23:45
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marnixthx dr_willis, a newbie here, could you give me a link where I can find how to do that?23:46
dr_willismarnix:  bash basics guides. use the cp command to copy files23:46
dr_willisive never seen a usb to firewire adaptor.23:47
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:47
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: remove /dev/sdb* lines from fstab, umount, reformat with gparted, add lines to fstab with parameters as suggested by oldfred.23:47
ubuntu-testerFeedhurley: for ntfs you can also install ntfs-config and control mounting from GUI23:48
ubuntu-testerjcao219: what media are you recovering? it may be not safe23:49
jcao219ubuntu-tester: external hard drive connected to the motherboard23:50
psychopathichi guys23:52
ubuntu-testerjcao219: if hdd is really falling, every extra read/write opreations can sometimes add damage. it is recommended to take image of the whole disk with ddrescue (it does it clever way, while dd dumb way) and make any recovery on the image. in this case parallel ops are safe. this way requires a lot of space though.23:54
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:55
jcao219ubuntu-tester: thanks for the info23:56
machicolawill 'gnome-session' or whichever windows session I have set up have the same PID every time I boot up?23:58
machicolai'm trying to tell a script to wait for the windows session to finish loading before running any applications23:59
syncsysmy java home path is not working. $ cat /etc/environment23:59
syncsyssyncsys@sync-pc:~$ java -version23:59
syncsysThe program 'java' can be found in the following packages:23:59
FloodBot1syncsys: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59

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