
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== freedomrun is now known as Guest97005
soeegood miorning09:55
BluesKajHey all11:08
shadeslayerloads of fun installing Ubuntu on a Win8 machine today16:25
ronnoc_shadeslayer: any UEFI issues?16:28
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
shadeslayersecure boot was to blame 99% of them16:31
shadeslayerbecause as it turns out even if you load signed grub , you can't run commands from the grub prompt16:31
shadeslayerso things like ls won't work16:31
shadeslayeras well as drivemap16:32
shadeslayerbecuase SB treats them as insecure binaries I guess16:32
shadeslayerthen the chainloader command won't work because it can't find the windows 8 efi bootloader16:32
shadeslayerdebugging from grub was made extremely hard due to Secure Boot16:33
shadeslayerso I had to disable it16:33
shadeslayerif you just use K/Ubuntu, you can use Secure Boot16:33
shadeslayera huge win if you ask me16:33
shadeslayeroh and the BIOS is funky, you have disable fast bios loading to change boot order16:34
BarkingFishevening guys :)  Long time no see.  Can someone please tell me what the security update to VLC is please?  I'm not getting any change data in apper, and I'm streaming using VLC right now.22:42
TheLordOfTimewouldn't it be in the changelogs?22:47
TheLordOfTime(sorry, but... it's a valid point)22:47
BarkingFishIt would be, I'm sure - if I could remember how to get at them.  I have a memory like a colander and all the recall skills of a goldfish.22:50
BarkingFishnvm, found it - apparently it's something to do with a buffer overflow, which can allow arbitrary code to be executed, so I'm guessing it's probably something I shouldn't be ignoring right now :)22:53
* BarkingFish closes his vlc stream and updates :)22:53
TheLordOfTimeBarkingFish, :P22:55
alleeafiestas: FYI the last libkscreen commit breaks compilation on quantal: http://paste.kde.org/645422/23:07

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