
SunMoonStar1Hi I have been using Lubuntu for 3-4 days but last night the lxpanel started acting up. The icons normally in the bottom right like the shutdown, time, and battery level icons dissapeared. I played with the applets and was able to get them to appear by unchecking 'stretch' on the spacer applet. However, those icons are now pressed up against the rest of the tray icons rather than being pressed into the bottom right. I can't get it fixed.03:33
SunMoonStar1in fact.. it seems that if i check stretch on any applet at all, any applet after that checked applet dissapears03:34
SunMoonStar1anyone here?03:36
SunMoonStar1I got kicked off. Did anyone answer my question about the lxpanel weirdness?04:03
trammSunMoonStar1, no04:06
SunMoonStar1tramm: thanks04:08
SunMoonStar1I tried googling and can't find my problem04:08
trammSunMoonStar1, have you tried to delete the settings of lxpanel and start from scratch?04:12
SunMoonStar1tramm: not delete, no, i tried to replace the config file with the default config file04:13
SunMoonStar1ill try to delete tho now04:13
trammSunMoonStar1, bad advice?04:21
SunMoonStar1so I I removed ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/config and ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel and restarted and the problem remains04:23
trammgood luck experimenting04:27
SunMoonStar1tramm: thanks for the suggestion anyways04:28
SunMoonStar1any good way of getting a global menu with lxde?04:40
ioriahi. holstein ... are you here ?09:03
ioriaUnite193 ?09:03
ioriaUnit193 ?09:04
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BWMerlinNvidia has updated their official driver release, how long does it take for that then to appear in the ubuntu repositories?10:46
BWMerlinWhen I open system information and benchmark nothing much happens15:27
BWMerlinI get two grey windows with no information15:27
molgrumhi, can i install lubuntu without a gui?21:55
holsteinmolgrum: if i wanted lubuntu without a gui, i would install ubuntuserver, or ubuntu minimal21:57
molgrumno i mean the installation should be no gui21:58
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu... but with LXDE (and other defaults).. to get lubuntu without the GUI would be just ubuntu with no gui21:58
holsteinubuntusever is a good place to start. or the minimal iso21:58
molgrumok i'll try minimal22:00
holsteinunless you mean you want to install with the alternate iso22:00
holsteinthe text based installer22:00
molgrumyes exactly22:00
holsteinthe alternate iso is listed there22:00
holsteinhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.10/release/ if you prefer 12.1022:00
molgrumthank you22:02
zleaphi can someone help me with vnc please ?22:08
Silverlionzleap: what's the matter?22:09
zleapjust installed tightvncserver on my netbook22:11
zleapset a password22:11
zleapon the client side what do I enter as the user name,  i am guessing the password of a user on the remote system22:11
zleapvncserver didn't ask me to specify  user name22:11
Silverlionhang on22:12
Silverlionzleap: sorry ... no answer :(22:17
Silverliontry over at #ubuntu-beginners-team22:17
zleapok thanks22:17

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