
vysakh0I was just thinking of deploying my app(rails) in amazon aws and I saw about maas today, sounds cool. I have too many doubts, can i shoot it now?04:57
sartaswhere i can download maas ephemeral images?19:04
sartashttps://maas.ubuntu.com/images - pade not found19:04
AskUbuntucan't download maas ephemeral images | http://askubuntu.com/q/24047119:36
alperkanathey there.. i ran maas-import-isos command but when it tries to fetch https://maas.ubuntu.com/images/query/precise/ephemeral/released-dl.current.txt it fails and the text on /MAAS never goes away21:25
alperkanatany ideas?21:25
alperkanatthis fails: https://maas.ubuntu.com/images/21:26

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