
darkxstricotz, you can revert this http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/commit/src/shell-global.c?id=6f605598de1eb4361ef912e85edb27a8b7b96b21 under js18807:01
ricotzdarkxst, i see, "should" or "can"?07:44
darkxst"should" since the gc deadlocks seem to be fixed now in js18807:45
ricotzyeah, i mean, does something break if i don't07:46
darkxstnothing will break if don't07:46
darkxstbut memory usage drops significantly07:46
darkxstif you do07:47
darkxstricotz, you tried the gc fix?10:05
ricotzdarkxst, yes10:06
ricotzi uploaded updated gjs packages too10:06
ricotz(to the former location)10:07
darkxstmight be worth putting them into staging? solid as a rock here10:08
ricotzthe patches for 187 are quite small and easy, so this transition it reasonable10:09
darkxstricotz, yeh most of the fixes for 187 were also safe on 18510:10
ricotzi need to think about going for 188 with this patch stack without knowing a js188 tarball will come10:10
darkxstJasper thinks he has convinced them to make a tarball10:11
darkxstbut there has not been any progess10:11
darkxstand apparently politics gets in the way of using an official ff release rather than a standalone one10:12
ricotzyes the 187 version of gjs in testing contains only two small patches, and that i am comfortable with letting it loose on the public ;)10:12
ricotzi would like to see some progress on the js188 release first10:13
ricotzi will think about it10:13
darkxstI personally still don't get why we need a release! politics aside, if we take mozilla out of the release loop, then can update whenever10:14
darkxstSurely all distro's can handle taking a mozilla release, and adding 2-3 patches10:15

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