
lifelessajmitch: vm's ++06:43
lifelessajmitch: openstack it up :)06:43
lifelessG: you're almost at the density you want to go for a chassis system06:43
lifelesshads: the NUC - how readily available are they? And can it do sky ? :)06:44
Glifeless: doubt I could justify that to the boss :)07:19
Glifeless: plus, I'm not sure I'd want the powerbill07:20
lifelessG: :>07:20
Glifeless: they seem fairly available, I picked one up at PB today, and everyone seems to be stocking them now07:21
lifelessG: nucs?07:22
Glifeless: yeah07:22
lifelessI thought you meant http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF05a/3709945-3709945-4006962-4006961-4006963-4012659.html?dnr=1 for a second07:22
hadslifeless: Yeah what G said, the NUC is available from Ingram, the distributor that most online shops use, so you should be able to find it all over.18:37
hadsI have them listed for $550, others have them listed for ~$50018:39

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