
bazhang<ogist> i dont think the creators of linux and ubuntu understand much about what a shortcut on a desktop is04:15
bazhanglinux !=Ubuntu04:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ogist)04:27
bazhangfirst the ill defined support needs, then the flooding, now the name-calling.   I sense a pattern...04:28
bazhangnice find IdleOne perhaps we should add that to the !steam factoid04:34
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve <----- ie that04:34
IdleOnego ahead :)04:34
IdleOneit is in the topic of #ubuntu-steam04:35
bazhangok nice04:37
bazhang<phong_> i'm not good at reading it man06:14
bazhang<phong_> can't you just tell me what to do?06:14
SlartHello, getting pms from YoltA .. something about evolution bla bla bla10:18
Slartthat's all.. bye10:18
bazhanggot him, and the spam in PM10:39
bazhangie YoltA10:40
k1ldidnt get the spam so far. did they mention it to the staff, already?10:40
bazhangnot a staff level issue afaict, unless he goes network wide, and even then its iffy10:43
bazhang* [anomalous] (~anomalous@bas12-kitchener06-2925333285.dsl.bell.ca): Anomalous11:49
bazhangseems familiar11:49
bazhangie in spreading nonsense11:50
bazhang* anomalous is going to petition devs to rename distro 'ubrokentu' or 'ublundertu' or 'umadamistake'11:51
bazhang<troll detected>11:52
bazhangwants to know about using wine in wubi on raring, oh yeah11:52
bazhanghe's an arch troll11:57
bazhangnote the "ubuntu wants to handhold" statement11:57
bazhang<ChronicleX> Squarism:  you can run ubuntu on windows as a native application12:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Tabis said: ubottu: thanks, but grub is actually working fine. maybe - but not certain about it - there's an error in menu.lst18:59
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (invariant will not listen and keeps on ranting)21:41
Priceyin /msg21:45
k1l_i see no chance for calming down, for now21:46
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
Priceyk1l: I can't imagine the kick helped matters.21:48
k1lPricey: i dont see the point in talking to him and disrupt the support channel just because he doesnt like the answers that were given to him but were right21:51
Priceyk1l: If you're of that opinion then I would've thought going straight to a quiet or ban would've been better. Just kicking him so he can be annoyed, rejoin and be angrier doesn't strike me as helpful.21:52
k1li count a kick as a warning. its more than just asking to stop and less than doing a ban21:53
Priceyk1l: Does it ever work?21:59
k1lPricey: it works sometimes. but if the user is in rage mode some even go insane after a mute (when they realise that they are muted) and flood or spam with different accounts and ips. so i dont think there is perfect solution to this :/22:01
invarianttsimpson, why do you let people ban me when I point out that Ubuntu developers are incompetent when they ship an OS that cannot burn optical media via the commandline (via wodim)?22:07
invariantWhy do you promote responses by socalled staff which have no technical skills whatsoever that don't even read the discussion before opening their ignorant mouths?22:08
IdleOneinvariant: #ubuntu is not the proper place to point that out, there is #ubuntu-discuss where users can discuss the pros and cons of Ubuntu and other Ubuntu related topics.22:08
IdleOneinvariant: of course that discussion needs to be respectful22:08
invariantIdleOne, I find it hardly respectful to ban someone who tries to help.22:09
IdleOneinvariant: what you were doing was ranting, not helping.22:09
invariantIdleOne, I am reporting an issue which should have been release critical.22:09
IdleOnelike i said #ubuntu is not the proper channel for that, you can report issues by filling a bug on launchpad.net22:10
invariantIdleOne, the issue has already been reported.22:10
invariantIdleOne, like I said a LONG time ago.22:10
invariantIdleOne, like I said: why do people that don't even read what I say judge anything about me?22:11
IdleOneok, so you mark yourself as affected and add a comment that could be helpful to the devs.22:11
invariantThat's not exactly advertising your skills.22:11
invariantIdleOne, anything which can be said about the issue has already been said.22:11
IdleOneinvariant: You are not reading what I am saying. #ubuntu, the channel you were reporting the issue in, is not the place for it to be reported.22:11
invariantIdleOne, except why Ubuntu shipped broken software in the first place.22:12
invariantIdleOne, I just want to know why that is.22:12
invariantIs it incompetence or do you just don't want things to work?22:12
IdleOneAsk the devs on the bug22:12
invariantI don't believe the devs are never around.22:12
IdleOneinvariant: if you think you can help make it better patches welcomes22:12
invariantIdleOne, I cannot help an organization that doesn't have the same goals as I do.22:13
invariantIdleOne, as such, I first need an answer.22:13
invariantI want software to work -- out of the box. I don't want an OS developed by people who shouldn't be allowed near to a computer.22:14
IdleOneI can't give an answer if I don't know it. I can tell you that #ubuntu is for support and not reporting issues, if you need specific help with something we can do that, if all you want to do is discuss an issue, we can't do that in #ubuntu.22:14
invariantI only need support when things do not work and for the rest there is RTFM.22:14
IdleOneinvariant: What exactly qualifies you to judge who is competent enough to do anything?22:14
invariantIdleOne, I am awesome.22:15
invariantIdleOne, but please stick to the fact.22:15
IdleOneI see, well the ban will stay in place. launchpad for bug reports. start a blog for your rants. have a nice rest of your day.22:15
invariantThe fact is that Ubuntu ships a broken version of wodim.22:16
invariantAnother fact is that you apply censorship better than the Chinese.22:16
invariantI don't really get how that has anything to do with 'for human beings'.22:16
IdleOnehelp fix it. I don't care to see it ranted on without end in #ubuntu and it so happens that is one of the channel rules.22:16
invariantMore like 'run by a fascist corporation'.22:16
invariantCan't you imagine how someone might come to that conclusion?22:17
invariantYou are like a low-intelligence machine that's replying.22:17
IdleOnesure I can. They would be wrong, but I can still see how one would come to that conclusion.22:17
invariantNo information is contained in your responses.22:17

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