
infinitycjwatson: I really want to accept this livecd-rootfs, but I'm scared.03:10
infinitycjwatson: Did you do before and after test builds and compare package lists and (more importantly, IMO), apt-auto-install states?03:10
cjwatsoninfinity: I compared package lists and they looked broadly reasonable.  I put a requirement to check before-and-after auto-install states in the bug's test case.11:30
cjwatsoninfinity: As I said in the bug report, if I had a less invasive idea which would actually work then I'd use it :-/11:35
dokocjwatson, infinity: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20121221/+build/409608915:44
dokoINFO Upload was rejected:15:45
dokoINFO Component "non-free" is not allowed in raring15:45
dokocjwatson, infinity: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/128286296/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.armhf-cross-toolchain-base_1.97_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:30
dokothe package builds fine on amd6418:31
dokoshouldn't incompatible libraries just be skipped instead? I assume on amd64 it is done because the host ist 64bit, and the target is 32bit18:32
infinitydoko: Have you noticed all the hung builds that have been killed in the gcc-4.8 rebuild test?19:06
infinitydoko: Sometimes cc1plus hanging, sometimes perl hanging, but they were all in the gcc-4.8 rebuild, none in the normal one.  Maybe a bug in libgcc1 or something?19:06
dokoinfinity, example?19:07
infinitydoko: (There's an example hung on komainu right now, if you want to try to get some debugging info from webops or something, though that might be tough on a weekend)19:10
infinitydoko: One on lamiak too.  Same package, so that might actually be reproducible.19:10
infinitydoko: Oh, wait.  pdl might be hanging for other reasons, it might not be an example of what I was talking about. :/19:10
infinitydoko: Well, like I said, those two ongoing pdl builds.  But they might be something else, I can't remember if they also failed in the normal test rebuild.19:12
infinityHrm, no, they didn't.19:12
infinitySo, yeah.  Those.19:12
infinitydoko: There were a fair few of them, though.  Pretty much any x86 build log in the rebuild with "Session terminated, terminating shell... ...terminated." in it, and then evidence of someone forcibly killing a hung process is probably the same issue, whatever the issue is.19:17
dokoinfinity, any idea about the ldd issue?19:17
infinitydoko: (It's not x86-specific, mind you, we saw it on ARM too, but timeouts can happen there for other reasons too)19:18
infinitydoko: I'm looking at the cross/shlibs thing right now, it piqued my curiosity.19:18
infinitydoko: I'm also looking at a glibc testsuite regression that only happens on Ubuntu, not Debian.  Haven't bisected the cause yet, but it worries me a bit. :/19:18
infinitydoko: Yeah, the pdl testsuite looks like a good reproducer for the hang.  At least, I can't reproduce it on plain raring, and it's currently hung on two buildds with gcc-4.819:29

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