
pleia2anyway, I hope it'll be easier for you since you have an in, already being part of the district and all :)00:00
roastedlast year my boss retired a few systems. after a board meeting/approval they were given to me. Ubuntu + XFCE later they found a new purpose in life and soon enough new homes00:03
roastedmy spin on it is taking THAT idea + personal teacher-owned systems and spinning it on a higher frequency00:03
roastedI think it would be far, far easier, since I have no board to answer to with personal gear :D00:03
roastedI have an old (pentium 3?) system downstairs that I'm oging to puta headless OS on... I'll use that to dd a pre-built Ubuntu + LXDE image onto each drive via my USB adapter00:04
roastedonly thing is, I'm going to build the image ona 10GB partition. I just need to figure out how to blow that partition up to expand across the entire HDD, whether it's 60GB or 1TB. Should be easy enough but that's the last bit of the configuration process I need to do00:05
pleia2the projects jedijf worked on did a lot of imaging00:09
* waltman 's ears perked up, but then I realized you were talking about *that* kind of imaging :(00:09
roastedI've done a truckload of imaging... I set up a FOG box at another district I used to work at toimage all of their Windows ysstems.00:10
roastedDid about 4-5,000 in my time there.00:10
waltmanIt's been a long week.00:10
roastedI hear ya waltman00:10
roastedI'm on the deck with a cigar listening to a little pink floyd.00:10
roastedall I need is a cold one.. but dangit that means getting up...00:10
waltmanphl.pm Monday night. Sat in on $boss's class Wednesday night. AI Winter Thursday night.00:10
roastedannnnd there's that solo... audio perfection.00:11
waltmanI don't partake, but doesn't brandy go better with cigars than beer?00:11
roastedcould very well be. I don't recall ever having brandy...00:11
roastedI do have a magnitude of leftover liquor from my wedding two months ago :X00:12
waltmanYou really want something you can sip slowly while contemplating existence.00:12
roasteddangit you just might entice me to get up00:12
pleia2roasted: congrats :)00:12
roastedSTOP IT00:12
roastedpleia2: want to know a fun fact about that wedding?00:12
waltmanI suppose any sort of whiskey or bourbon would work00:13
roastedI rented a DJ system for 100 bucks and DJed it myself using my Ubuntu rig with Clementine and some pre-defined playlists.00:13
pleia2(I'm in the middle of we-should-just-elope wedding planning myself)00:13
pleia2hehe, neat00:13
roastedI had my brothers (who played acoustic guitar and harmonica during the ceremony) kick it off during the introduction. After that, it just... ran...00:13
roastedI switched it from dinner to dance playlists, besides that, it was perfection.00:13
roastedWhen's the date pleia2 ?00:14
waltmanpleia2: I think what roasted is saying is that you should hire roasted to dj your wedding. :)00:14
pleia2april 28th00:14
roastedhahahhaa, it could be arranged!00:14
waltmanor at least roasted's rig00:15
roastedIt took a magnitude of work, because I put a truckload of thought into all of the music and setting up the playlist.00:15
roastedBut it surprised me just how perfect it turned out.00:15
roastedI think the only goof was when my wife yelled TIME FOR DANCE MUSIC and I put on comfortably numb. :X00:15
roastedI had to rectify that a few seconds into the song but, hey, it happens. :D00:15
pleia2MC abilities are actually important for ours, I have no idea what's going on :) someone needs to tell me when it's time to do the horah and eat cake00:15
roastedI hear ya. That was our concern as well.00:16
pleia2(enlisted cousins to actually teach us how to do the horah, must...not...panic...)00:16
roastedWe had a microphone with ours.00:16
roastedI rented the DJ system for 4 days, so I set it up in my basement two nights prior.00:16
roastedgot to test it out, leran the mixers, etc.00:16
waltmanpleia2: You need a Jewish aunt. Maybe you can rent one.00:16
roastedThat made it easy.00:16
ChinnoDogIt appears that the latest BIOS update to my motherboard has made the RAID bios incompatible with two of my drives00:17
pleia2waltman: maybe!00:17
roastedPlus I kind of liked being up front on the mic. I didn't like the idea going into it but once I was up there I took the "This is our dya, our show, and we'll run it as we see fit."00:17
roastedso it worked00:17
waltmanpleia2: from my vast experience in going to jewish friends' weddings, the way you dance the hora is you follow what everyone else is doing00:17
roasteddangit waltman. I think I need to get myself something on the rocks.00:17
pleia2waltman: yeah, the main trouble s that non-jews vastly outnumber the jews attending, so we had to rope mjoseph's cousins into leading and hope everyone does ok :)00:18
pleia2going to run the wedding party through the basics on rehersal day00:18
waltmanroasted: I've got some Wild Turkey 101 :)00:19
pleia2neither of us has ever been to a jewish wedding, I told the rabbi I saw fiddler on the roof though :D00:19
waltmanmj's never been to one?!00:20
waltmanhe never had any relatives get married?00:20
pleia2he's the oldest kid in his generation, no one married before him00:20
waltmanno family friends?00:20
pleia2apparently not00:20
waltmanno college friends?00:21
roastedpleia2: another thing, we also had a six month engagement and had JUST bought a house, so initiatlly we DJed it ourselves due to costs.00:21
roastedwe had her cousin do the pictures, who isn't a photographer, but she's just THAT creative and had a good eye, so she got some sweet pictures.00:22
waltmanpleia2: Just remember -- there's always Vegas.00:22
roastedThere was also a 2nd camera there that people were passing around, so we got quite a few shots (like 2,200)00:22
pleia2roasted: yeah, we accidentally had a long engagement (almost 2 years, we've both just been so busy with our careers)00:22
roastedwaltman: very nice. regular wild turkey tho?00:22
roastednot even WT honey?00:22
roastedwild turkey has a honey version that I'm a fan of00:23
roastedregular wild turkey enduces my gag reflex with just the smell of it, let alone the taste00:23
waltmanI've got that and a tiny bit of Laphroaig. Take your pick.00:23
roastedI have no idea what that is :D00:23
jedijfroasted: fsarchiver is what you want - it will expand - awesome tool00:24
waltmanIt's a particularly nice, peat Islay scotch.00:24
roastedpleia2: it also took a good deal of time setting up a 2nd tower as well. I had a backup just in case the music went south.00:24
roastedpleia2: plus my main rig has /home on a raid mirror, so it gave me some greater peace of mind00:24
roastedjedijf: thanks! I'll look into it.00:24
roastedCLI utility tho?00:24
waltmanpleia2: where are you going for your honeymoon?00:24
pleia2waltman: depends on the time of day00:25
waltmanWell, when you already live in paradise... :)00:25
pleia2initial plan was europe trains, but then we decided that's too much work for a honeymoon, then were thinking mediterranean cruise, but those are in port every day so it's lots of days of running around cities too00:26
roastedwe want to Antigua. Gas is 17 bucks a gallon there!00:26
jedijfroasted: http://www.fsarchiver.org/QuickStart00:26
pleia2then thought about panama canal cruise! which would have been awesome, but we can't really make it work job-wise00:26
roastedjedijf: I assume when I restore this, it's fully bootable, etc?00:26
pleia2so now we're thinking some caribbean cruise, plus maybe some time in a land resort00:26
waltmanParis is supposedly nice in April.00:27
pleia2except it's full of french people00:27
waltmanand tourists00:27
pleia2the initial thought was Lisbon, Madrid, Paris and whatever else00:27
waltmanVenice is amazing00:28
roastedI have to assume... most of you are in PA?00:28
waltmanAnd unlike Paris, isn't full of Italians.00:28
* waltman <- Philly00:29
pleia2yeah, wanting to visit Italy is how we migrated to discussing mediterranean cruises, fewer risk of strikes ruining our trip than on land00:29
pleia2(Italy and Greece are kind of a mess right now)00:29
pleia2roasted: I lived in the Philly area for a while and am getting married there, but I'm in San Francisco these days00:29
pleia2meh, London00:30
waltmanpleia2: How about Montreal and Quebec City? It's like France, only with Canadians!00:30
pleia2they still don't like us yanks so much00:30
roastedpleia2: with your other half as wel?00:30
waltmanbut pubs! real ale!00:30
pleia2roasted: yeah, he grew up in the Philly area and moved out here to work at Google, I tagged along00:30
roastedpfft, sign me up00:31
pleia2waltman: they love Americans in Dublin, never felt so welcome :)00:31
jedijfroasted: read the guides - it just works00:31
pleia2<3 Dublin00:31
waltmanI've never felt unwelcome as an American anywhere.00:31
roastedjedijf: going over it now :D00:31
roastedlooks good00:31
pleia2London made me feel unwelcome00:31
jedijfroasted: also, if not, you get to learn all about grub00:31
pleia2was buying a train ticket once and the guy was all "an American! Don't worry, I don't hate the yanks"00:31
pleia2uh, gee, thanks?00:31
jedijfi always dd the mbr and part tables00:32
waltmanHow about Germany and/or Scandinavia? They're clean, organized, and even if they hate you they're too polite to say anything about it.00:32
pleia2waltman: yeah, I'd love to go sometime, just some time when I'm not wanting relaxing trip :)00:32
pleia2I could use a beach00:32
roastedjedijf: but don't you think dd'ing a 10GB image over, then expanding the partition seems a little cleaner?00:33
pleia2was just in Copenhagen in November, they have a mermaid but no beaches00:33
waltmanjust pick a Caribbean beach resort.00:33
pleia2we're planning on doing 2 weeks, and I think 2 weeks in a resort would cause me to go out of my mind bored00:33
pleia2so thinking cruise and resort00:33
waltmanspend a week or two drinking umbrella drinks00:34
pleia2I'd be figuring out ways to get online and work, because of the workaholic thing00:34
pleia2put me on a boat where internet costs $2.99/minute, that'll stop me :)00:34
waltmanI know -- Australia!00:35
waltmanbeaches. friendly people. good food. interesting wildlife.00:35
* TheLordOfTime puts pleia2 in a room where there's no internet except dialup internet that costs $7.99/minute to use.00:35
waltmanWait, I know the perfect place.00:35
pleia2TheLordOfTime: does it have a beach?00:35
waltmanBermuda! PINK BEACHES!00:35
pleia2waltman: the thought crossed my mind :)00:36
TheLordOfTimepleia2, no, but if you can figure out how to escape the room, there's a desert.  and 30 miles to the east there's a beach.00:36
waltmanYou can cruise from Philly to Bermuda, hang out for a few days, then cruise or fly back.00:36
pleia2waltman: yeah, that's one of the possibilities we're looking at (I think mostly they leave from jersey)00:36
waltmanlast I heard they left from the old Philly navy yard00:37
pleia2I think we were only looking at the giant boats00:37
pleia2not sure those can get up the river00:37
waltmanthey bring oil tankers up the river00:37
waltmanthey used to bring battleships00:38
pleia2I don't know :)00:38
waltmanthe virgin islands are lovely00:39
waltmanlots of options!00:39
waltmanaww, no more cruises from philly00:41
waltmanyou'd have to leave from baltimore or bayonne00:41
pleia2also thinking of flying to do fl and just leaving for ft lauderdale00:42
pleia2because crusing down the east coast is boring and cold :)00:43
rmg51pleia2: ^00:43
pleia2cruises are for old people00:44
pleia2mjoseph said we can't do an antarctica cruise :(00:45
rmg51I get all my Moms email00:45
rmg51why not?00:45
pleia2they aren't warm or relaxing either, they tend to call them "expedition tours" ;)00:46
pleia2plus the boats are too small00:46
waltmanmaybe you could split the difference and go to Rio00:46
waltmanbeaches? check. friendly? check.00:46
waltmanumbrella drinks? probably.00:47
pleia2the panama canal cruise we were looking at stopped in columbia, I was muy excited about a south american stop00:47
waltmancosta rico's supposed to be awesome00:47
pleia2yeah, mjoseph went to a resort there once and loved it00:48
MutantTurkeywaltman: yes thank you00:48
pleia2but I vetoed that resource because he went with an ex ;)00:48
MutantTurkeyyou nicely avoided bringing up my resumne00:48
MutantTurkeybtw I got the JOB!!! woohooohooo00:48
waltmanI almost did!00:48
pleia2MutantTurkey: congrats00:48
waltmanawesome! congrats!00:48
MutantTurkeyplus my current job is still continuing00:48
MutantTurkeyit's all over my head right now, but I suppose I'll catch up as it goes along00:49
MutantTurkeylots of talk about algorithms, machine learning, genome sequencing and such00:49
MutantTurkeyrather scary stuff for me00:49
waltmanMutantTurkey: re that conversation with Breen, it's funny how being a postdoc, doing very similar stuff to a grad student, is so much more respectable to profs.00:50
MutantTurkeybecause before you're their bitches00:50
waltmanI'm in the club now.00:50
MutantTurkeybut I bet, when you become an associate professor, you join another 'club" then get tenure? you're in the _club_ _club_00:50
roasteda pickup truck hit a school bus causing it to land on its roof... 30 kids inside... and the worst injury is a "cut to the head?" Talk about a miracle00:50
waltmanok, time for dinner. later.00:51
roastedAdams County00:51
MutantTurkeyroasted: was that in philly today? I saw a bus being towed by spring garden looked like it caught fire00:51
MutantTurkeySo I was looking around at houses for rent today, and I am so excited to move into the city...00:54
MutantTurkeycommute to drexel and temple in under ten minutes? I am psyched00:54
roastedI had a 30 mile commute to school daily. It sucked hard.00:54
MutantTurkeyyeah mine is 10 miles, but takes about an hour on the train00:54
MutantTurkeynot to mention getting to the station, depending on the trains, waiting for the trains, buying tickets00:55
MutantTurkeyplus this new job is a sizable pay increase, so I can finally afford it.00:55
roastedmo money!00:55
MutantTurkeywaltman: and I think its longer term, breen kept giving me the run around as I was a temp the whole time00:55
MutantTurkeynot his fault, but I was always doing odd jobs.00:55
roastedman, it was so worth this home server upgrade01:04
roastedwent from an atom nettop with external HDDs to a mATX box with a low wattage i301:04
roastedthe proc runs at almost half the temperature and has significantly more horsepower while (overall) only utilizing THREE more watts of power01:05
roastednettop, 18w, external HDD 1 7.5w, external HDD 2 7.5w01:05
roastedboth of those HDDs are internal to the i3 box... 36W usage vs 33W of the nettop/externals.01:05
MutantTurkeyI have a low power atom01:07
MutantTurkeyI really like it01:07
MutantTurkeyis the i3 really better?01:07
MutantTurkeyhow are you checking watt usage?01:08
roastedthe only reason I upgraded anything was because I was sick of having two external hdd's01:08
roastedbut I loved the atom for its super low power usage01:08
roastedI'm adding more and more to my server, so having a little extra power was a bonus01:09
roastedbut I wanted it to be as efficient as remotely possible01:09
roastedseeing it only uses 3w more comes out to like 5 bucks a year cost difference01:09
roastedI wouldn't have upgraded it if I had an atom inside a tower, ya know01:09
roastedbut this is a two bird/one stone thing, here's why01:09
roastedMy first child is on the way. I've been looking for a way to have an indoor camera in the baby room to utilize as a baby monitor.01:10
pleia2woo, congrats again :)01:10
roastedThat way if we hear noises, we can have a visual to see if they actually need tended to or if we're just hearing things01:10
roastedthe nettop is wireless01:10
roastedso I'm going to double-side-tape that sucker to the back of an LCD and stream the mjpg URL from my indoor wireless camera.01:10
roastedThat way we have a 17 inch display right there in the bedroom to see what's up01:10
roastedAND, it's low wattage.01:10
roastedI would have probably tolerated having external hdds everywhere with the nettop but since I could have the perfect re-purposed plan for it, it made sense to dish the money01:11
roastedbut yes, I'm very happy with my new rig, however that doesn't make me love my nettop any less.01:11
roastedi3 3220T, ASRock B75 mobo, no GPU (integrated), 300w 80+ PSU, 3x500GB HDD01:12
roasted36w idle01:12
roastedtemp is currently 23c core 0, 31c core 101:12
roastedmy atom ran at about 40/4401:12
ChinnoDogI hope I get to sleep tonight06:32
cmj141me too07:32
cmj1416am seems about right for me07:32
=== KyleYankan is now known as KyleYanka
ChinnoDogI am still awake09:02
cmj141me too09:36
cmj141just reading09:36
cmj141soo much info soo little time09:36
ChinnoDogI wish I were counting sheep right now10:42
ChinnoDogBig fat sheep with black numbers spray painted on their sides10:43
ChinnoDogtime for bed11:33
rmg51out the door again15:18
=== KyleYanka is now known as KyleYankan
=== erstazi_ is now known as erstazi

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