=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [15:14] hello, there's this tool i usually see on omgubuntu, they create wireframes for mockups and stuff, what's the tool used for that ? [15:29] coalwater: pencil, balsamiq, lucidcharts, dia... [15:29] inkscape =) [15:30] xnox: ill check those, ty [19:15] Hi all! [19:15] Hi PaoloRotolo! [19:19] MrChrisDruif everywhere :P [19:19] Nah, not everywhere. [19:21] MrChrisDruif: at least every where i go to, even my gtalk lol [19:21] not complaining though [19:21] =)