
qwebirc74149What is the recommened boot drive size?04:43
Bonjdo you mean a dedicated partition mounted as /boot ?04:53
Bonjthat seems to have fallen out of favour.04:56
BonjDo you mean the root partition? You could get away with a rather small one.I currently have my recordings on my root partition and it has 321G used... of which 318G is recordings.04:58
qwebirc74149I just used 30g, I figured that would be enogh for the OS06:02
qwebirc74149I will be using another raid for the recordings06:03
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qwebirc9660can any explain how to setup mythbuntu from a terminal?10:41
qwebirc9660for example, what is the PPA to use, etc ...10:41
qwebirc9660my system is ubuntu 12.0410:41
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sabhainanyone have periodic drop outs of schedules direct data for one random channel?21:58
sabhainstrange .. 12 days later, it's populated with information again.  Forcing a full update doesn't fill the next 10 days.22:12
Shadow__Xsabhain: what are you using for listing data23:29

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