=== eu is now known as Guest73446 === Guest73446 is now known as adorilson [00:58] When I click on Account Settings on empathy to add an account it shows this window in the middle, how can I add an account? I even registered on ubuntu one, but I don't see where to do it there http://i.imgur.com/0q1vC.png [00:59] I mean [00:59] to add a facebook account === eu is now known as Guest81526 [09:08] morning all! [10:54] i know what iLogical's problem is [10:54] he's not running Unity or Gnome, this gnome-control-center hides most of the icons [11:03] good morning! [11:54] what is this keyring default unlock pass? [11:55] I tried every password i can think of [11:55] iLogical, is that when you are launching the seahorse app? [11:55] iLogical, AFAIK is your user password [11:56] I don't know [11:56] it prompts me when logging to ubuntu one [11:56] and I can't log in [11:57] iLogical, look for "keys" in the dash and launch that app [11:57] iLogical, try to unlock it there with your user password [12:13] is there a way in addition to syncing files between my "Ubunto One" folders in my home to be synced always with the same directory when I insert it in one of the pcs ? [12:13] in my homes [12:14] between a notebook and a desktop [12:14] I want it to sync with an external hard drive when I insert it [12:14] is it possible? [12:34] iLogical, no, external hd and folders outside your home dir (mac/linux=> ~ windows =>C:\Users\youruser) is not supported [12:35] iLogical, mainly because it will break if you mount it with diff users [12:35] ok [12:35] iLogical, you can use a udf, witch is syncing a folder that is not Ubuntu One, for example ~/Music [12:36] iLogical, and it will only sync if you really want to in all the devices, so if the netbook hds is not big enough you just dont sync ~/music [12:44] is it a good idea to sync the .xchat2/ of this irc client? [12:53] iLogical, you might get conflicts if you have xchat opened in two machines... [12:53] iLogical, but you certainly can [13:20] can I prioritize what is being synced? mandel [13:20] i want my music folder to be synced first [13:20] iLogical, no, that is a feature that we do not have (Although I'd love to have it) === eu is now known as Guest53718 === slank_away is now known as slank [14:56] Is there a way to delete my tomboy notes from ubuntu one servers? (oen is corrupt, and preventing syncing fromall devices now) [14:57] rye, ^ [15:13] hallyn: have you tried running the note fix script? [15:13] sorry for delayed response [15:13] http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/tomboy-sync-validator.py [15:17] rye: errors were found in 2 documents [15:18] 3a2ce419-7457-4282-bedf-8239b5cb1f79: xml_text [15:18] and another note has [15:18] 385619a9-b67f-4b75-b6db-67ac07463a1e: datetime_format [15:19] I'm assuming they happened when I tried changing notes from (effing) android [15:19] hallyn: you can run tomboy-sync-validator.py --fix to have it fixed [15:27] rye: awesome, thanks! (running now) [15:28] failed with: {"error":"unauthorized","reason":"Authentication required."} [15:28] hi.. I would like to fix bugs, but most of them are assigned to Ubuntu One Client Engineering Team. Does this mean I can't fix the but in anyway? [15:29] rye: I'll have to look at it later. thanks again. [15:30] hallyn: interesting, OAuth tokens not working? Could you please run http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/ubuntuone-tomboy-update-auth.py ? [15:30] * rye has too many scripts === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [15:39] rye: now it succeeds. but it finds two errors every time [15:40] (bbl) [15:42] hallyn: even after calling it with --fix ? [15:42] alo21: hi. no, it means someone (or the team itself) has assigned that bug to the team, but we are always happy to accept contributions to our open source clients [15:43] alo21: You can bzr branch the project, fix it, bzr commit, and bzr push lp:~your_username/project_name_on_lp/branch_name [15:43] karni, ah.. OK. Thanks [15:43] alo21: With that, we can review the code and decide whether to merge it to trunk. [15:45] alo21: u1 does require contributor agreements, so you'll need to fill the form and submit it, if you haven't already [15:56] dobey: To any of our clients? === Guest53718 is now known as adorilson [16:00] karni: yes afaik [16:00] dobey: I see === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [16:36] rye: right, i did --fix twice in a row. both times it said it fixed it. === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [16:41] hallyn: may I ask you to send the output to ubuntuone-support@canonical.com ? [16:42] rye: i'll do that this afternoon, thanks [16:58] mandel, I renamed some folders inside my desktop and it's no syncing at all [16:58] with the notebook, i tried reconnect [16:58] didn't work [16:58] iLogical, uhm.. did you sync ~/Desktop? [16:59] no [16:59] I put everything inside the /home/Ubuntu One [16:59] so that I can keep more control over what i want to share [17:00] iLogical, oh, then you might have to wait, or look at the desktop and check what is going on.. [17:00] iLogical, take into account that the files have to be uploaded.. [17:01] won't they just be renamed? [17:01] I didn't add anything new, or deleted, i just renamed some folders [17:02] iLogical, hm.. weird.. that should be super fast [17:02] rye, can you help iLogical while I'm away, the dog needs the afternoon walk or else the carpet will need the afternoon cleaning [17:04] no need guys [17:04] I renamed the files manually === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox === eu is now known as Guest25691 === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [20:11] Hello, guys. So several weeks ago, I thought I had lost my computer, so i went into the ubuntu-one website to deactivate the device (so whoever found my laptop couldn't delete my stored files). [20:12] Now I have found my computer but I can't arrive to get ubuntu-one to connect again. [20:12] Anyone kind enough to help me out? [20:15] Josse: do you receive an error when trying to sign in? [20:16] Yes, chaselivingston. [20:16] Josse: what is the error? [20:16] File sync error: Auth_failed [20:16] This is displayed in the ubuntu one config app. [20:17] Josse: can you swtich to the "devices" tab? [20:17] chaselivingston: Hrm. Didn't hally-n have a smiliar issue today? [20:17] "sorry an error has ocured, ubuntu one needs to close. [20:17] karni: maybe so, i didn't really get in on that conversation [20:18] And the details it gives me "unauthorised error" uhost requires auth, invalid access token. [20:19] But then It doesn't close... it enters to the devices tab and shows only Local Device. [20:19] Josse: can you click "remove" on the devices tab? [20:20] Josse: is this on Ubuntu, Windows, or OS X, on your laptop? [20:20] I can. but I get the same error that ubuntu-one has to close [20:20] and then It doesn nothing. [20:20] this is on Lubuntu, dobey [20:21] But when I click remove, the details of the error are "Attribute error, Qgroup object has no attribute 'startswith'" [20:21] that's weird [20:21] and likely a bug [20:23] :/ [20:23] Josse: if you open the "Passwords and Keys" app (seahorse) and remove the "Ubuntu One" entry, and open ubuntuone-control-panel-qt again, does it work? [20:24] dobey, I don't have such app. [20:24] Should I install it? [20:24] do you have gnome-keyring installed? [20:24] This yes,,. [20:25] i guess probably so. yes you should install seahorse so you can manage the entries in your keyring [20:25] alright: Installing... [20:28] dobey, I did it, and now I get the sign in screen.... [20:29] Is it possible to get sync errors because i've updated some files with other computers? [20:30] if there are conflicts it should write another file as filename.conflict on the machine, and you can choose which one is the correct version to use [20:30] perfect! So I'll do it. I'll let you know how it works out. [20:31] Should I somehow file a bug? [20:33] about the auth error issue? [20:33] Yeah. [20:33] After signing it, it's been "Getting informationg, please wait" for a pretty long while. [20:34] just press the "Next" button [20:37] Heh, it's working like a charm!!!!! [20:37] Perfet! [20:38] Now that I'm here, I'd like to thank all the people working on ubuntu-one. I think it's one of the coolest features of ubuntu. Thanks! [20:40] thank you === rhill is now known as toto === toto is now known as Guest84881 === Guest84881 is now known as titoto [23:34] I am trying to develop an app for U1, I have a peculiar problem: files which size is beyond around 17Kb fail to upload, (status code 500) [23:34] Any hint as to why? [23:41] well i assume 500 is http 500 aka "generic server error" [23:42] so i would look carefully at the traffic between app and server and try to identify exactly where it fails [23:42] But i checked and it affects consistently files which are larger than somewhere around 17KB, so I am wondering if there is a different method than using a PUT to upload larger files [23:42] try to find exactly how many bytes it fails on? [23:42] all the files under ~17KB succeeded, all the ones above failed [23:43] make a file exactly 17kb and try to upload it? [23:43] ok, one sec [23:43] then try 18kb [23:43] then 17.5kb etc [23:45] which API are you using to store the files? [23:45] "cloud"? [23:45] https://files.one.ubuntu.com/content [23:46] yes, cloud [23:47] I think the problem might have to do with the way Go works internally... I can picture a buffer of 16384 being internally used for file io.. [23:48] hmm [23:48] never used go [23:48] i wouldn't expect file buffer to be visible that way though [23:48] I will investigate further, I just wondered if there was something useful I wasn't aware regarding uploading, and since it appears not, most likely I dont understand what is going on inside Go [23:49] are you setting Content-Length properly on the headers? [23:49] yes [23:49] i would use wireshark to watch what is actually getting sent on the wire [23:49] some http libraries like to mess with the headders on requests [23:50] ok, I will take your advice and install wireshark [23:50] thanks