[06:14] morning [07:59] Hey zequence, how's Monday treating ya thus far? [12:56] astraljava: Hi :). Been busy all morning, so I guess I haven't had the time to think about it yet [12:57] I like Mondays. Even though, I would have preferred to have it postponed as I was busy with something else yesterday [13:13] Yeah. I'm kinda in the middle of something as well, so I'm thinking I'll leave early and finish what I started. Kinda have to, cause some of it has deadlines tomorrow anyway. [14:35] good morning everyone [14:45] good morning [14:47] micahg, when you read this, both -settings and -icon-theme need uploading/releasing [14:48] micahg, icon-theme had a spelling error in it [14:56] len-1304: i feel bad for not doing the -release team report and want to submit a late one, is there anything memorable you can mention to me to add? [14:56] i know zequence has been working on the kernel, you have done worked on the icons [14:57] is there anything in particular you would mention for the -settings changes and other theming aspects? [15:02] still in progress pending testing. [15:03] The install Icon is correct if our icon theme is chosen. but is not by default yet. [15:03] When the new settings is released it will be. [15:05] We have added zita-ajbridge, a high quality replacement for alsa-in [15:06] When we added kdenlive we got k3b as well [15:06] I'm not a video guy and so I have not tested kdenlive [15:07] Gotta run bye now [15:07] len-1304: ok, will do [17:03] len-1304: kdenlive really is a good video editor [19:19] hi ttoine [19:40] hi scott-work [19:41] scott-work, I build a ubuntu studio workstation this week for a small studio in my area [19:42] because of the problem of Mixbus / cairo / nvidia driver, we are building a full amd workstation [19:42] intel is too expensive for the same power... [19:43] I hope it will be possible to make a kind of white paper case [20:32] ttoine: ATI graphic card? [20:33] The free drivers for ATI are fully functional, but have a tendency to cause overheating [20:33] The proprietary drivers only work for 12.04 [20:33] Intel graphics are the best choice for studio setups IMO [20:34] zequence, i agree with you [20:34] but for the same performance, it is 150 € more... [20:35] zequence, and I am seriously considering using a 12.04 lts, because harrison mixbus and linux dsp are working on this one too [20:35] AMD has had problems with performance with their processors. Even with many cores and a high frequency, depending on the job, they don't do well compared to Intel [20:36] zequence, well, it depends. For high level computing, AMD is prefered than Intel [20:36] and a lot of gamers and overclocking specialists use amd [20:37] a good point for AMD is that they package their CPU with more quit fans [20:37] A new fan is cheap though [20:37] The power supply is a different story :) [20:37] yes [20:38] a good oversized antec ;-) [20:38] ttoine: i would be very interested in reading such a white paper [20:41] Just got my own subdomain for the Linux course I'm holding. Not much up yet, but hoping it'll lead to some work :). http://linux.itlyftet.se/ [20:41] Already, I've made a few people use Ubuntu over Windows at the place where I'm holding the course [20:42] zequence, wich wootheme is it ? [20:42] nevermind, i can find it myself [20:42] ttoine: Inspire [20:44] zequence: congratulations. that must make you feel good [20:44] scott-work: It doesn't feel like work, you know [20:45] zequence, I understand you... it is always a great feeling to teach a passion