
alleeyofel: feel free to update libkscreen and add kscreen (both in bzr).  kscreen is now at least lintian clean.  Next I've to learn reviewboard to get license/copyright fixes upstream01:11
allee^^ in experimental ppa01:11
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1088150] KDE 4.9.4 refreshes screen brightness rapidly @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1088150 (by blubman)03:26
ScottK4.9.4 released to -updates04:59
soeegood morning08:03
oywhich package is needed for kde.mk ?09:40
oylooks like pkg-kde-tools09:44
RiddellScottK: yay thanks09:58
Riddellallee: you don't need reviewboard for that, just ask me or someone else with commit access09:58
alleeRiddell: I should still have commit access.  But I prefer to get an okay.11:11
Riddellallee: it's just adding a licence file that should have been added in the first place11:11
alleeRiddell: I've sent a lic/copyright fix e-mail to afiestas but it looks like it got lost11:12
Riddellreally waiting for an ok is just unnecessary beurocracy11:12
alleeRiddell: okay.  so I commit tonight11:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
Riddellreview needed! simon in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages11:49
Riddellfabo: Timo Jyrinki is working on qt 5 packages too?12:39
faboRiddell: yes12:40
Riddellreview needed! oyranos in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages13:04
QuintasanRiddell: Think I can handle it this weekend15:21
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1099878] startkde ignores global Country setting @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1099878 (by Christian Affolter)16:06
* Riddell jumps on calligra RC17:16
alleeafiestas: have you 2-3 sentences (or more) that describe what libkscreen does (for the deb pkg description)19:36
alleedescribing kscreen is much easier because it has user visible stuff19:36
Riddellallee: usual practice is to copy & paste what kscreen does and add a paragraph just saying "this library provides common functions"19:38
alleeRiddell: I know, but in this I can ask the expert ;-)  (personally I don't like the usual practise but I can understand why it's usually done) 19:40
jessieallee: Oh my! You are packaging kscreen?19:41
alleejessie: yes, it's in bzr already19:41
jessieWTF is bzr?19:42
ubottubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/ for a quickstart guide.19:42
alleejessie: kubuntu/experimental has even a libkscreen pkgs.  Yofel had no time yet to upload kscreen19:43
yofelah yeah, I'll do it now19:43
alleehi yofel :-)19:43
jessieI've never heard of bzr before.19:43
alleejessie: :-)   kubuntu manages their pkging via bzr repositories.  This 'bzr' is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging19:44
jessieI had no idea. Interesting. Advantages of bzr over git?19:46
alleejessie: ease of use!19:46
jessieInteresting. I may have to look into bzr now.19:47
ejat trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/kded/ktouchpadenabler.desktop', which is also in package kde-workspace-bin 4:4.9.97-0ubuntu320:25
Riddellejat: hmm20:25
ejatopss .. 20:26
ejatany log or anything that i may help triage that 20:28
Riddellnah it'll be easy enough to look at the packaging and fix20:29
Riddellit's a change I made earlier today20:29
ejatowh okie20:29
ejattx .. btw .. did you know someone working on Xorg driver? 20:30
Riddell#ubuntu-x ?20:31
ejatowh tx 20:31
yofelallee: kscreen up20:33
ejatRiddell: should i file a bug for the above error?20:35
Riddellnah I'll got onto it20:35
jessieyofel: <320:36
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
shadeslayerRiddell: re poke armhf builds on kubuntu PPA22:38
shadeslayeryay/nay ?22:38
shadeslayerkubuntu active PPA22:38
Riddellmm what's the question?22:42
Riddelldo we have the option?22:43
yofelshadeslayer: well, for that it makes sense IMHO22:59
shadeslayerRiddell: uh yes https://dev.launchpad.net/CommunityARMBuilds23:00
shadeslayeryofel: oh and btw, I was also thinking of doing daily builds for PA23:01
Riddellshadeslayer: sure, go for it23:01
yofelshadeslayer: I abandoned the p-m builds we had in neon, so feel free to23:01
shadeslayeryeah, I was thinking more along the lines of daily builds that one could install on the N723:02
yofeldidn't we only get 10 builds per week?23:02
shadeslayersure, we could ask the admins to limit our daily builds23:03
shadeslayerand we could call them weekly builds or sth23:03
yofelhm, that would work I guess23:03
* Riddell still reads PA as Pulseaudio23:03
* yofel uses PA for both, so please watch the context :P23:04
ScottKPalo Alto, CA23:07
shadeslayerPenny Arcade23:09
yofelPeter Altmaier (german minister for the environment)23:10
shadeslayeryofel: btw kde4libs doesn't worry me, what worries me is kde-workspace which will take 8 hours :p23:13
shadeslayeron armhf23:13
yofeltrue :S23:14
shadeslayerso ... we'll have to refrain from uploading -workspace and kdelisb23:18
shadeslayerRiddell: yofel https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21927823:19
shadeslayeranyone else who's interested ^23:19
shadeslayeranyway, night23:28

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