
Unit193I'd guess that's more of a gpg key error, but not sure as I don't use LSC/USC. :P00:07
xnoxwxl: universe is signed by the main archive key.00:10
xnoxDavid23400: maybe you are trying to install update from some other place you don't know about.00:10
xnoxfrom command line run $ apt-cache policy vlc00:10
xnoxand read the whole output to see what's the highest version is tried to be installed and from where.00:10
xnoxthen check if you have the key from that repository and it matches your expectations.00:11
David23400http://pastebin.com/qAe0jSUM here is the output00:13
David23400xnox: What i have to check exactly?00:16
David23400sorry i'm new on linux00:16
xnoxDavid23400: please run apt-get update, the package version listed there are old see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc00:17
xnoxcurrent vlc package version in precise is 2.0.5-0ubuntu0.12.04.100:17
David23400how can i become root ?00:17
xnoxplease use official mirror like de.archive.ubuntu.com00:18
xnoxDavid23400: if you are not administrator, please notify your administrator about out of date security updates.00:18
David23400just on the terminal i mean00:19
Unit193David23400: You would use "sudo action" for CLI apps, and "gksudo action" for GUI.  So, sudo apt-get update.00:19
David23400i think all the files is said to be  404 not found00:21
David23400how can i change the official mirror00:21
Unit193Synaptic or software sources may have it, I personally modify the sources.list file.00:25
David23400xnox: how can i use official mirror like de.archive.ubuntu. com00:25
xnoxDavid23400: edit /etc/apt/sources.list00:26
David23400xnox:  opened the file, what i edit? what i add?00:28
xnoxDavid23400: google for it. there are plenty of guides on askubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com00:29
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:29
roastedhow's it going Unit19300:44
roastedI installed LXDE on Ubuntu 12.04. I'm having some difficulty automatically logging in. Can anybody think of why?01:50
roastedI edited /etc/lxdm/default.conf, but it made zero difference01:50
roastedI wonder if Ubuntu is interfering somehow since it's not a true vanilla Lubuntu01:50
Unit193roasted: Ubuntu doesn't use LXDM, and nither does Lubuntu.01:51
roastedoh, I guess the info I was reading was outdated then01:52
roastedMy idea worked tho01:52
roastedI logged into Unity, went to system settings - user accounts, set to auto login, logged out, logged in to Lubuntu (since it'll auto log in to my last session automatically) then rebooted01:53
roastedwent into lxde without issue01:53
roastedUnit193: was that the correct way? Or was there another way I was missing?01:53
hpuser44551Does Lubuntu support the fingerprint scanner on a Lenovo Thinkpad x61s notebook?01:59
Unit193roasted: I edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf01:59
roastedUnit193: what do you edit? I'm seeing two lines here and that's it02:00
Unit193roasted: /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz has many, many examples.02:01
roastedk, thanks anyway02:01
hpuser44551How can I read the hardware info (brand/manufacturer etc) for the fingerprint scanner.  Can't see it with lspci or dmidecode.02:03
Unit193hpuser44551: May be able to see it in lshw.02:03
hpuser44551can't see it. Not sure what it's listed as exactly.  I notice ubuntu has libpam-thinkfinger, but requires some configuration.02:09
Unit193libpam-fprintd - PAM module for fingerprint authentication trough fprintd02:11
hpuser44551thanks will write them down for future reference.02:13
roastedI edited lightdm.conf02:14
roastedstill didn't work02:14
roastedpretty awesome02:14
Unit193roasted: Is that the login manager you are using, did you change it?02:14
roastedI'm using lxde on ubuntu 12.0402:14
roastedswitched it to lightdm-gtk-greeter02:15
roastedrebooting now02:15
roastedoh hey there unity02:16
roasted(still didn't work)02:16
roastedthink I might just switch back02:16
Unit193Well, that's what works in Lubuntu.02:17
roastednot working here02:17
roastedubuntu + lxde02:17
roastedthe only way it owrks is if I log in to unity, set to auto login via gui, log out, log in lubuntu, reboot02:17
roastedthen it's fine02:17
roastedperhaps I should just get a full lubuntu install on here and be done with it02:18
roastedonly reason I put ubuntu on first then lxde is the fact that lubuntu comes with so little software02:18
roastedI know I can reinstall all that stuff but it just felt easier to ubuntu it + lxde02:18
roasteddownloading the lubuntu torrent now, I'll give it a shot later02:19
Unit193roasted: Try tasksel lubuntu-desktop02:21
Guest98604Hi. Sound drops when loading Qjack (Lubuntu) and system needs reboot to get sound back...Any ideas??02:45
Guest98604Sound ok in Ubuntu Studio??02:47
Guest98604will programs like Qjack even work in Lubuntu?02:47
Guest98604Where are the 68?02:51
holsteinGuest98604: do you need JACK?03:29
holsteinpersonally, i disable the pulse to jack dbus03:30
JDudeHi I just installed Lubuntu, and none of my "special keys" are working. These are keys with visual cues like a computer or a calculator, and they are enabled by fn+some other key. I was looking through /home/username/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc and I saw keybindings like 'XF86Calculator' and I was wondering if anyone here has ever had to change these key bindings to get them to work?03:42
holsteinGuest98604: let me know how JACK works with lubuntu, did it pull in pulseaudio?03:42
holsteinJDude: i usually deal with that as a hit in function for performance03:43
holsteinJDude: sometimes, you can find packages for your specific hardare03:43
holsteinJDude: sometimes, you can just specify them in the config file03:43
holsteinJDude: i say, if its a deal breaker for you, consider something like xubuntu03:44
JDudeholstein: it's not a deal breaker, but i'd love to get them set. this tiny laptop's trackpad is so damn small for my fingers haha03:45
JDudeSo I'm just probing for a response. If anyone else (whoever is active) has been able to edit these key bindings, I would love to know what you did.03:46
holsteinJDude: i set them manually03:46
holsteinit'll look a bit like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147693703:47
JDudeholstein: how did you name the 'special keys'?03:47
holsteinJDude: it really depends on the hardware AFAIK03:47
JDudeholstein: ah, thanks for those links! perfect. much appreciated.03:48
JDudeholstein: now I just gotta google my laptop's keycodes.03:48
holsteinJDude: i would do some tests on one, before you craft a giant text file03:49
JDudehostein: ok, thanks for help03:50
JDudeholstein: also, have you noticed that it is possible to move desktops03:51
JDudeholstein: to the left or right by scrolling03:51
JDudebut i can only get that to work sometimes03:51
holsteinJDude: thats one of the first things to go03:54
holsteinthe way im setup, i hold alt, and i can scroll through desktops03:58
dydis there any way to have a transparent terminal in lubuntu?14:58
dydwith real transparency, not just to see the desktop  background14:58
ioriaholstein: i don't know if you remember my problem with clementine but i think to have found the solution .18:41
holsteinioria: i had time to go back and install it later and it just worked fr me18:44
holsteini dont remember your issue though18:45
ioriaholstein: my problem was related to pulseaudio and my old sound card. i had to remove pulseaudio and add the alsa Gstreamer plugin18:45
holsteinlubuntu doesnt ship with pulse18:46
ioriaholstein: i had pulseaudio in my system ... maybe i messed up when i installed also gnome ?18:47
holsteinioria: not sure.. but pulse is not in lubuntu, but it was likely not the issue anyway, since i have pulse, and clementine worked fine18:54
ioriaholstein: so, maybe my old hardware then ?18:56
ioriaholstein: because now it works18:58
holsteinioria: i was thinking the codec19:06
holsteinor, whatever gstreamer plugin19:06
ioriaholstein: i installed only lubuntu-extras and w32codecs19:07
holsteinioria: that would do it19:08
holsteinioria: i already have those installed too.. and pulse19:08
ioriaholstein: could be related to my hardware, then ?19:09
holsteinioria: sure. but its not likely.. its likey you needed a codec19:10
holsteinioria: you can test.. lubuntu live CD.. install clementine, play file... ubuntu live CD (or xubuntu) install clementine, play file19:10
ioriaholstein: but gnome-mplayer and audacoius workede well19:10
holsteinioria: cool.. then something about those particular gstreamer packages are *just* for clementine19:11
holsteinioria: or, you were using a different version of the file to test19:11
ioriaholstein: i agree19:11
holsteinioria: could be lots of things, and i have *no* idea...19:11
holsteinim not in front of it.. but i test with known good audio files19:11
holsteinioria: i literally apt-get installed it and it worked19:12
ioriaholstein: btw, thanks fot the help19:12
holsteinthats what we are here for19:12
Akhilleusciao qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi????21:47
Akhilleusè sparito il pusante impostazioni da update manager21:47
Akhilleusqualche italiano?21:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:48

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