
WaltherI'm seeing serious battery life regressions in 13.04, any help?06:52
WaltherBumblebee is installed and discrete video card is off06:52
Waltherbut still I get around 2h from full battery instead of the ~5-6 i used to get06:52
WaltherTunables in powertop are set06:53
gnomefreakanyone know how to diable the paswor for keyring upon gnome loading07:32
gnomefreakno one?08:16
bazhanggnomefreak, I've always just left it blank; did you mean how to blank it once its set? system settings users and groups I thought, though let me check08:30
gnomefreaki dont want the propmt at all, i did it like a year ago and cant recall how to do it08:32
bazhanggnomefreak, ^08:37
gnomefreakbazhang: here is where i got stuck: Next, on Password and Keys window, right-click on a password item that you will unlock. If you have more than one password item, just right-click on each of them. When the pop-up menu shown, click "Change Password".  not sure what one to change08:47
bazhanggnomefreak, let me try on mine, just  a minute08:47
bazhangI've got two as well. desktop couch authentication they are named, and evolution so three08:51
gnomefreakbazhang: i dont have either of those08:51
bazhangwell I never need to enter mine, so it must the same as my sudo password08:52
gnomefreakbazhang: here is a screen shot. after the last entry in it is just browser passwordds. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/6508/screenshotfrom201301150.png08:57
bazhangyeah, no clue then sorry gnomefreak08:57
gnomefreakbazhang: np thanks for you r help anyway08:58
gnomefreaks/you r/your08:58
* gnomefreak wonders if some of the things changed 09:00
gnomefreak35 not upgraded :(09:06
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ryehi, totem / gnome-shell / any pulseaudio app is hanging due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/glibc/+bug/1085342 which is fixed upstream but broken in debian and consequently in ubuntu. Anybody here I can poke about that?12:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 1085342 in totem (Ubuntu) "Totem window constantly becomes unresponsive with gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:10
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WaltherI'm seeing serious battery life regressions in 13.04, any help? Bumblebee is installed and discrete video card is off but still I get around 2h from full battery instead of the ~5-6 i used to. Tunables in powertop are set.12:25
ryeWalther: what kernel and what is the video card that is currently enabled?12:27
WaltherLinux affogato 3.8.0-0-generic #3-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 11 17:26:08 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux12:27
ryeWalther: for how long have you been running 3.8.0 kernel?12:28
Waltherintel i7 ivy bridge CPU -> HD4000 graphics, and optionally, with bumblebee, Nvidia 620M12:28
Waltherrye: Idk, when was it pushed to 13.0412:28
Waltheri just apt-get upgrade :)12:28
ryeWalther: because in 3.7 one there was a massive regression both in cpufreq (speed was always at 100%) and i915 kernel module which always was running at full speed.12:29
ryeWalther: 3.8.0 was pushed on Jan 11-Jan 1212:29
Waltherthat then, probably12:30
WaltherI use this on my main laptop all the time, update&&upgrade multiple times a day12:30
ryeWalther: let me look up the file which shows what freq the GPU is on to see whether it is fixed for you12:31
ryeWalther: ok, first CPU - "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq"12:31
ryeok, cpufreq works12:32
Waltherworks, two terminals with "yes" running -> increases to 240100012:33
ryeWalther: sudo  cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_cur_delayinfo | grep CAGF12:34
ryeWalther: ok, then these two are ok, when did you last measure the battery usage?12:35
Waltherwith two terminals with yes, drops to 350MHz12:35
WaltherNot actually sure. Haven't had lectures during last month so I've pretty much been plugged in12:36
Waltherbut i've had nice 5-6h battery life at least with 12.10 and initial setup of 13.04 if i recall correctly12:37
Waltherand I've always got >4h12:37
Walthernow if I unplug, it shows about 2h1512:37
Walther(and it's not just the battery indicator, it actually doesn't last longer)12:38
ryeWalther: well, ok, if you can test it now with 3.8.0 then that should be much better, with 3.7 on intel machines the CPU and GPU was always at 100% speed causing severe battery usage12:38
WaltherI am on 3.812:38
WaltherI'm always at the latest pushed update :P12:38
WaltherBut yeah, no problems surviving through this, i'm also willing to help debugging this12:39
ryeWalther: what's the laptop model?12:40
WaltherZenbook UX32VD12:40
Waltherbut upgraded to have a 256GB SSD12:40
Waltherivy i7, 13" fullHD LED IPS, 256GB SSD, Nvidia 620M, 4GB DR3 160MHz (will upgrade to 10GB asap)12:41
ryeWalther: uh-huh, unfortunately I am not a kernel developer so operating only upon the data available in public sources and my experience... nVidia module is not loaded, right?12:47
Waltherrye: probably not correctly12:48
Walthereven though optirun --status reports12:48
Walthersudo  cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_cur_delayinfo | grep CAGF12:48
WaltherBumblebee status:  Ready (3.0.1). X inactive. Discrete video card is on.12:48
Waltherand yeah, that probably explains the battery thing12:49
BluesKajHi all14:17
BluesKajrunning on the 13.04 live dvd trying to figure a way to get ubiquity to install the OS , it just hangs at the disk examination stage and goes nowhere. Too bad there's no text mode installer :(14:29
ryeBluesKaj: are you able to get to the console? Any errors there?14:30
BluesKajrye, i didn't try14:30
BluesKajodd part is nouveau driver is working fine here , can't figure out  what the problem is since on the previous kernel X wouldn't even start14:33
BluesKajrye, I did dmesg , but I don't see anything to do with disksetup etc14:50
BluesKajthis is what /var/log syslog prints out at what seems to be my last attempt to install the OS , http://pastebin.com/CuHXREZT15:05
alo21hi everybody....18:01
alo21I cannot install ubuntu rating on my usb-key with usb-creator-gtk, because I got: checksum not valid. Why?18:02
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Waltheralo21: are you sure your download didn't go awry?19:08
Waltheralo21: try re-downloading the image :)19:08
jtaylorusing zsync will safe you some time if you have a slow connection19:08
WaltherAnyone want to help me find out why installing nvidia kernel modules fails?19:24
WaltherProcessing triggers for initramfs-tools ...19:24
Waltherupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-0-generic19:24
Walthermodprobe: ../tools/modprobe.c:550: print_action: Assertion `kmod_module_get_initstate(m) == KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN' failed.19:24
WaltherAborted (core dumped)19:24
Waltherwhen issuing "apt-get install bumblebee bumbelbee-nvidia nvidia-current"19:24
WaltherUh, anyone?19:54
yofelWalther: that modprobe error isn't fatal, but nvidia-current (304) doesn't build with 3.820:06
yofeluse nvidia-310 instead20:06
alo21Walther, did... but still the same issue20:12
BluesKajwell, I managed to get Kubuntu 13.04 installed by installing 12.10 first then doing a net upgrade and not installing the nvidia "additional driver ". Ss it stands the nouveau is struggling with OpenGL and Native on Qt21:15
BluesKaja few crashes , that do recover , especially when launching and making changes in system settings21:16
johnjohn101having a problem with 64 bit 13.04 and firefox 19 and flash crashing all the time.21:29
BluesKajjohnjohn101, did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras?21:36
johnjohn101i'm running regular ubunut21:37
johnjohn101it looks like it's the latest version21:37
BluesKajthen ubuntu-restricted-extras21:37
johnjohn101what does that provide?e?21:37
BluesKajflash and codecs21:38
johnjohn101i used software center21:38
yofelflashplugin-installer will be enough, but that's what's usually installed21:38
BluesKajhmm , no factoid21:38
yofelI haven't gotten any flash crashes here lately, but I don't really use it much21:39
yofeljohnjohn101: any particuar public page that crashes it?21:39
johnjohn101loading the extras21:40
johnjohn101really almost anything on youtube21:42
BluesKajseems to work ok here ..21:42
yofelcan't get it to crash here either so far..21:44
johnjohn101crashes everytime here21:45
johnjohn101even on chrome now21:46
johnjohn101even sending the error report fails21:48
johnjohn101anything i can collect and send or just wait to see if it gets resolved with a new patch or something21:51
WaltherInstalled the 310 driver, now I can't get to desktop21:55
Waltheron login, flashes a couple times and back at login21:55
Walthercan get to the tty's though :P21:55
Waltheraaaand it still reports X inactive, card on21:56
WaltherHelp, anyone?21:58
johnjohn101Walther:  be patient.  they are here and there.22:11
WaltherSure are :)22:13
WaltherI just happen to have a full day of lectures + work tomorrow (...uh, in 8 hours), kinda want to get my laptop in working shape :P22:14
WaltherOf course I can just fallback and use vi22:14
johnjohn101you're using 13.04 now?22:15
Waltherwouldn't be asking in this channel otherwise22:15
johnjohn101never use alpha for something you need to work22:15
johnjohn101just my two cents22:15
JonEdneyI'm weary to run Beta on a production machine.22:16
yofelWalther: a pastebin of your /var/log/Xorg.0.log would be helpful22:16
yofeluse pastebinit if you don't have X22:17
BluesKajI've been sruggling with 13.04 Kubuntu on an AMD64 bit pc with nvidia 8400gs card , finally got it to work , altho still a bit crashy using OpenGL , so xrender will have to do for the time being22:18
johnjohn101maybe i'll reload in late feb.22:19
Waltherhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1535816 should be22:20
yofel3.8 still doesn't like my desktop's optical drives. I'm not really sure what's wrong though22:21
Walther3.8 seems to have plenty of issues22:21
Waltherit's only a good thing, tells us that something is being worked on :P22:21
BluesKaj3.7 was worse here22:21
yofel(II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets22:22
yofelWalther: twin card setup?22:22
yofelWalther: as X is loading the intel driver22:22
BluesKajubiquity is still broken on 3.8 tho , I had to install 12.10 then do a net upgrade from there22:22
Waltheryofel: ...eh, like i've been telling a couple times, i7 w/ HD4000 (ivy bridge) and Nvidia 620m22:22
Walthernvidia-310 + bumblebee + bumblebee-nvidia installed22:23
yofelah sorry, I didn't scroll back *that* far22:23
Walthernvidia-current et al didn't break my X but it still had the GPU on all the time -> battery loss22:23
Walthersomeone sugested nvidia-310, got broken X22:23
Walther(and still GPU on all the time)22:24
yofelI did as I only saw your nvidia installation issue22:24
yofelas nvidia-current isn't installable22:24
* yofel doesn't know anything about optimus :/22:24
BluesKajyofel, the the nvidia additional drivers/jockey fails to install any in the list here , so the nouveau is it ,but I'll settler for it to stop breakage22:29
yofelnvidia-310 works, nouveau has come a long way, but until it actually supports my displayport I need nvidia22:30
BluesKaj'yeah , well that22:30
BluesKajthe cost of leading edge hardware22:31
Waltherand nouveau doesn't play along with optimus / bumblebee22:31
BluesKajis 310 the experimental driver ?22:32
Waltherit's hit stable already22:32
yofel!info nvidia-31022:32
Waltherbut it's not the default one yet22:32
ubottunvidia-310 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-310): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 310.19-0ubuntu2 (raring), package size 36503 kB, installed size 104046 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)22:32
BluesKajhmmm...wonder if it22:33
yofel310.14 is the experimental one I think22:33
BluesKajll run my 840022:33
BluesKajekcheapo card , but mosy nvidia drivers will run it22:34
Waltheryofel: yeah but the 310.19 is newer, and stable22:34
BluesKajWalther, did you get the 310.19 from nvidia;s site22:37
yofelBluesKaj: it's in the archive22:37
yofelcalled nvidia-310 for now22:37
WaltherBluesKaj: nope, repos22:39
WaltherI try to aviod manual installs as much as possible22:39
Waltherpackae management <322:39
Waltherpeace for mind etc, not having to worry about security threats and exploits, patching everything on my own22:40
Waltherjust update && upgrade22:40
BluesKajfound the 310.19 , taking a gamble on it22:42
BluesKajit wasn't marked as an upgrade in synaptic22:43
yofeltechnically it isn't one22:44
Waltherit's a separate package22:44
Walthernvidia-current vs nvidia-31022:44
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Waltherotoh i wonder why it hasn't been applied as such yet22:44
Walther310.19 is stable release by nvidia22:44
BluesKajshould be interesting to see what happens next22:45
WaltherBluesKaj: tell me if you get a working X :P22:45
Waltheralso iirc you didn't have optimus?22:45
BluesKajI'll be back either on 13.04 or 12.1022:47
BluesKajglxinfo | grep OpenGL indicates 310.19 is in service :)22:51
BluesKajno optimus here , this is an older desktop22:52
BluesKajWalther, yofel , thanks for thre tip22:52
WaltherBut yeah, any help on my issue? :P22:52
BluesKajsorry , was too busy trying to fix mine ...and optimus is a tough nut22:56
BluesKajstill crashy here tho ..similar to nouveau22:56
WaltherI've never had "crashy" problems22:57
Waltherit either works or doesn't22:57
Waltherbut no random kpanics or anything22:58
Waltheror crashing under stress etc22:58
* yofel gets system lockups on his notebook sometimes - not under stress, only when doing "nothing"22:59
BluesKajsystem settings seems to crash a lot , it recovers immmediately , but leaves the notifier behind23:00
yofelany indication what crashes there from the backtrace?23:00
BluesKajyofel, backtrace , http://pastebin.com/58M2G8F723:05
BluesKajwife wants to watch the local news ...BBL23:06
yofel#5 is kinda useless..23:06
yofelit's something QML though23:06
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