
JoseeAntonioRballoons: going back to SergioMeneses' question, have you got slides to use for the classroom session tomorrow? (I'll be a helper, just in case)00:59
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, no I didn't prepare any01:00
balloonssince this is my first classroom, I guess I should look a bit more into what the normal format is01:00
balloonsmy plan was to talk, stream a little bit, then do q & a01:01
JoseeAntonioRoh, yep, that's fine01:01
JoseeAntonioRit's just that some instructors do slides for the people01:01
JoseeAntonioRand what do you mean by stream?01:01
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, well, I was considering giving demos01:11
balloonsmy sessions is more q and a than anything01:11
balloonsand perhaps follow along01:11
JoseeAntonioRballoons: hmm, and that was supposed to be on air?01:11
balloonsI was avoiding doing an on-air01:12
balloonsI think it would detract01:12
balloonsbut I could be wrong01:12
JoseeAntonioRyes, as people are not aware of that01:12
JoseeAntonioRand moving from one side to another can get them confused01:12
balloonsyes, I know.. I didn't ask01:12
balloonsI didn't want to flip flop01:12
balloonsanyways, so yea, plan is basically go through some things01:13
balloonsthen do q &01:13
balloonsphi's sessions starts the instructional stuff01:13
SergioMenesesballoons, JoseeAntonioR Im back!01:49
SergioMenesesmaybe next time balloons can do some slides :D it is really helpful01:50
jono_someone mind redditing http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/01/15/ubuntu-phone-sdk-experiments/ ?02:18
JoseeAntonioRdoing it02:22
JoseeAntonioRupvotes here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/16lbnn/ubuntu_phone_sdk_experiments_jono_bacon/02:23
jono_thanks JoseeAntonioR02:24
* popey upboats02:31
snap-ljono_: Three hours of Open Metalcast are on http://metalinjection.fm05:11
jono_snap-l, nice!05:48
s-foxmorning jono_15:28
jono_hey s-fox15:28
jono_sorry I missed your prv msg15:28
jono_I have to run out now though15:28
jono_lets chat later this week15:28
s-foxno worries - have a good day15:28
JoseeAntonioRballoons: ping15:39
JoseeAntonioRballoons: just wanted to make sure, are the classroom sessions 1h sessions or just 30min sessions?15:43
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I put them on the calendar for 1hr in case they go over15:45
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: got it, thanks!15:46
SergioMenesespleia2, thanks!15:46
* pleia2 out for some before-work touristing15:47
pleia2thanks JoseeAntonioR!15:47
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: enjoy your day :)15:47
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, shjould be in 3 hours16:08
balloonsohh.. lol, 30 mins for me16:08
JoseeAntonioRballoons: :P, got it16:13
jonomhall119,  can you reach out to the guy creating the reddit reader for the phone for me17:51
jonoI want to see if we can get him some design support17:51
jonosounds like a great app :-)17:51
dakerjono: he is on #ubuntu-phone (GuidoPallemans)17:52
mhall119jono: sure, isn't that one of our targets?17:52
jonomhall119, indeed17:52
jonodaker, cool!17:52
jonoI have to run out to meetings so I just wanted to hop online quick to ping about it17:53
mhall119jono: ok17:53
jonothanks mhall11917:53
jonothis could be a great posterchild for further apps17:53
jonoI will add this to my list of things I want from Ivo ;-)17:53
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh_AFK
JoseeAntonioRballoons: ready in ~20mins?18:42
balloonsready in 1018:49
JoseeAntonioRballoons: starting in 5, please join #ubuntu-classroom-backstage18:55
jcastromhall119: man dude, check this out http://www.iloveubuntu.net/twitter-app-tori-and-reddit-reader-demonstrate-how-interesting-apps-can-be-created-recently-released20:50
mhall119one of these days I'm going to draw a comic about the mythical "man dude"20:51
doctormonmhall119: Can you draw?21:12
czajkowskiI just think of the turtles every time I hear it21:13
czajkowskininja turtles21:14
pleia2wicked :)21:14
czajkowskithat too21:14
mhall119doctormon: I used to21:21
mhall119yeah, wicken sounds like something totally different21:21
doctormonpleia2: lol21:22
doctormonmhall119: Do you have a gallery?21:22
mhall119doctormon: nope21:22
mhall119I used to do a bunch in high school, but then switch my focus to comp-sci and mostly stopped21:23
mhall119never did anything on computer either21:23
doctormonmhall119: As I was explaining to a new recruit for team programmer last night; design is more important than technicals these days.21:23
mhall119yeah, I saw a blog saying essentially that just recently21:24
doctormon(and I don't mean just UI design, but code and api design)21:24
doctormonpleia2: How goes the edu-reboot?21:25
czajkowski*yawns* evening folks21:50
czajkowskiit's only Tuesday and I am in fact exhausted21:50
pleia2doctormon: I think jasna is working on getting the demo into canvas22:15
pleia2hopefully we'll have something to show for the work soon :)22:15
doctormonpleia2: Awesome, it's not about making the content right, just the course structures.22:22
dakerhi mhall119 do you have a min ?22:42
mhall119daker: sure22:58
dakermhall119: thanks cjohnston is here, you will get a mail in a minute22:58
mhall119oh no, cjohnston too?22:59
cjohnstonim not here22:59
czajkowskidoctormon: seen the -loco conctacts list they were looking for images for locoteams and approved locos no design folks suggested anything, thought that would have been a nice opportunity from the design community to get involved22:59
dakermhall119: i released 0.3.11 with 47 bugs fixed23:04
dakerwith django 1.323:04
mhall119that's a lot of bug fixes23:04
daker:) i know23:05
mhall119not in production yet though?23:05
dakermhall119: i just sent an email to IS, i CCed you23:19
SergioMenesesok good night guys! i see you later23:20
doctormonczajkowski: thanks for the heads up23:21
mhall119daker: awesome work23:28
dakermhall119: thanks23:29
dakerthanks to cjohnston too :)23:29
bkerensacprofitt: "BTW.. Are you the Cnet guy ??" in other channel23:30

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