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xnox@pilot out01:11
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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Bluefoxicyhttperf --hog --num-conn 25000 --rate 10000 --timeout 502:01
Bluefoxicy^^^^ this hangs.02:01
Bluefoxicyhttperf --hog --num-conn 15000 --rate 10000 --timeout 502:01
Bluefoxicy^^^ this does not.02:01
Bluefoxicyecho 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse ; echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle02:02
Bluefoxicy^^^ Now neither hangs.02:02
BluefoxicyUbuntu 12.1002:02
pittigood morning04:59
pittistgraber, infinity: can you please remove the pygobject block? all relevant autopkgtests succeeded, except software-center which failed before (and I tested that manually)05:33
infinitypitti: Sure.05:40
pittiinfinity: thanks05:50
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pittihey mvo, guten Morgen07:50
tuxinatorhi all08:21
tuxinatori cant figure out if mysql on ubuntu is compiled with openssl support or not08:21
tuxinatorit looks like have_openssl is only a pointer to have_ssl in mysql?08:22
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coalwaterhow do i install package 'quickly' on debian09:09
coalwatercan't find the ppa09:09
xnox@pilot in09:17
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox
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cjwatsonbdrung: Thanks (libibmad)10:06
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evmpt: why is silent error types just restricted to errors that occur during logout/shutdown? Shouldn't all internal errors be hidden behind the "report previous internal errors" checkbox too? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker#error)10:56
mptev, it isn't, that's just the kind we'd been definitive about so far. That's why it's a bulleted list. :-)11:18
evah, right11:18
evso can I add non-desktop applications to that list?11:19
mptWhich ones?11:19
mptIf pulseaudio crashes, for example, that's an internal error that's going to be obvious to the user.11:19
mptOr network-manager.11:19
mpt(Assuming that they were using sound or networking at the time.)11:20
evhm, yeah11:20
evif we were getting so precise as to separate out those cases, would it not also make sense to give them special wording?11:21
evso, "sorry but your ability to hear sound may be hindered" rather than "an internal application crashed"11:21
evsomething to that effect11:21
evI guess I'm just worried that sometimes they'll see "an internal error occurred" and sometimes they wont, and it wont be clear why that's the case11:22
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mptev, maybe. It depends how many we whitelist or blacklist, or whether there's a non-whitelist/-blacklist way of distinguishing them.11:26
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mptev, perhaps we could go through the leaderboard and sort the non-application packages into those two categories11:30
mptas a way of deciding whitelist vs. blacklist11:31
evwhenever you'd like11:32
evmpt: sure11:40
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blamihi, do I understand correctly that the output of complete multilib transition is that under /lib will be platform directory containing all libraries and current state is mixture of past and future, or am I missing whole thing?13:10
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didrockshey cjwatson, infinity: jibel told me that libbamf3-1 was in universe? I don't really understand what happened: I promoted it to main (from proposed) Friday, just after the copy happened for the daily release.13:26
didrockscjwatson: infinity: I think that's why britney migrated it (once we rebuilt the rdepends because of the soname change) to the main pocket13:27
didrocksbut then, in main, it was back in universe?13:27
didrockss/in main/ in the release pocket/13:27
xnoxdidrocks: there is a bug where packages fall back into universe, after they are copied from -proposed to -release pocket.13:29
xnox=/ so most things need to be promoted twice.13:30
didrocksxnox: ah, so not related to the daily release at all. For future, it's the case everytime? So we need to repromote after the copy?13:30
didrocksok, got it, good to know :)13:30
didrocksthanks xnox13:30
xnoxdidrocks: yes. daily release was all good.13:31
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roaksoaxhowdy! I was wondering if anyone know if it is possible to determine is package A is to be installed (or has been installed) in package B postinst script?14:42
pittiroaksoax: you cannot install packages from postinst scripts, as apt/dpkg are not recursive14:42
pitti(the first will lock the dpkg db)14:42
roaksoaxpitti: yeah I don't want to install a package I just want to determine whether another package has been installed or is to be installed (and if that's even possible)14:43
pittiroaksoax: oh sorry, you mean if it already is installed? dpkg -s pkgname >/dev/null 2>&114:43
pitti"about to be installed" would be looking into the future14:43
pittiyou can check whether it's unpacked, but not configured yet by looking at the "Status:" line14:44
roaksoaxpitti: right let's say I do: sudo apt-get install meta-package which installs package A and B. Package B gets installed first but I want to know whether A is to be installed or not14:44
pittibut apt doesn't unpack everything before it starts configuring, it does that stuff in batches14:44
pittiroaksoax: not sure what you want to do, but that's usually the kind of stuff triggers are for14:44
pittiso that an already installed package can do stuff when another package gets installed later on14:45
roaksoaxpitti: alright cool! I;ll look into triggers. Thanks for the info :)14:45
pittiroaksoax: "man deb-triggers" FYI14:45
roaksoaxthanks :)14:45
tumbleweedchecking whether it's unpacked (instead of using triggers) just sounds like a recipe for non-deterministic behavior14:48
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argestyhicks: hey. I can't seem to find bug 1052038 on the pending SRU queue. I think last time we spoke this was ready to go right?15:10
ubottubug 1052038 in eCryptfs "ecryptfs_fnek_sig missing when login at the same time on cron session close" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105203815:10
sconklin@pilot in15:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox, sconklin
cjwatsonblami: Basically yes15:25
cjwatsonblami: (Though you mean multiarch, not multilib - multilib is something different)15:26
hrwsconklin: bug 1085392 maybe?15:46
ubottubug 1085392 in Cross distro support for Samsung Chromebook (ARM based) "Merge Chromebook UCM profiles into ALSA packages" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108539215:46
argeszul: hello! I'm looking at the cinder FTBFS failure. Looks like a patch that skips the failed tests wasn't enabled. Does it make sense to enable this patch 'skip_failed_tests' and fix the ftbfs?15:46
sconklinhrw: Sorry to say, I'm a kernel guy, and only tend to look at kernel bugs15:49
hrwsconklin: ok, was worth trying ;D15:50
zularges: yes penable it15:55
argeszul: okey dokey15:56
GuidoPallemansI'm making a Reddit reader for the phone! Anyone care to join? https://github.com/brambram/UbuntuPhoneRedditApp15:59
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xnoxhrw: now you can bug members of ~ubuntu-sru team to accept alsa packages from bug #1085392 E.g. infinity =)16:46
ubottubug 1085392 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu Quantal) "Merge Chromebook UCM profiles into ALSA packages" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108539216:46
tyhicksarges: Yes, it has been ready to go for quite a while now. It just isn't getting any attention from ~ubuntu-sru, IIUC.16:50
argestyhicks: well I don't see it on the list: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html , so wasn't sure why that was16:51
tyhicksarges: Lets bug a member of the ~ubuntu-sru team to find out16:52
tyhicksinfinity: Since you were pinged above for another SRU, can you take a look at bug 1052038 ? It has been sitting for a while now.16:53
ubottubug 1052038 in eCryptfs "ecryptfs_fnek_sig missing when login at the same time on cron session close" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105203816:53
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dkesselhello guys. i have a question: under which circumstances does the bluetooth indicator icon get added to the indicator bar?19:52
dkesseli am asking because i seem to have a false positive...19:52
roadmrcyphermox probably knows :)19:55
cyphermoxdkessel: if there is a bluetooth type device20:02
cyphermoxdkessel: it kind of surprises me; maybe you have a device somewhere that says it does bluetooth even if it doesn't20:02
cyphermoxor if you're using some of those logitech dongles for mice and keyboards20:02
dkesselcyphermox, i have a dell netbook. they sell the bluetooth module as an addon. but i don't have it. but i guess that explains it somehow...20:03
sarnolddoes it work anyway? :)20:03
cyphermoxno, you should actually have a bluetooth device for the indicator to show up ;)20:03
dkesseltbh i tried to use it :)20:04
dkesselbut as i don't have the module.... nothing20:04
cyphermoxdkessel: what does hciconfig return?20:04
dkesselcyphermox, nothing20:04
dkesseldo i need some parameters?20:05
cyphermoxgoing to have to look at the code20:05
cyphermoxif there is a device it should be listed there20:05
sarnoldI have to click the indicator and "turn on bluetooth" to get output from hciconfig on my machine..20:06
infinitySomething's smart enough to know I have bluetooth, despite it being currently disabled/disconnected/whatever.20:06
infinityIn fact, I can't even enable it from the indicator, cause it's hard-disabled by the machine.20:07
dkesseleven if i do that, there's no output from hciconfig20:07
roadmrinfinity: maybe something's dumb enough to assume you do; the smarts to know the device has to be enabled are yours :P20:07
infinity(But I still have the greyed-out indicator, until I undo my hardware rfkill)20:07
slangasekdkessel: what does 'rfkill list bluetooth' show?20:07
roadmrdkessel: udevadm info --export-db  |grep -i blue, does that say anything? (this is how checkbox looks for bluetooth so I'm guessing no, but may be interesting)20:07
dkesselslangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/153530220:09
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stgraberdkessel: can you paste the output of "dmesg"?20:10
dkesselroadmr, http://paste.ubuntu.com/153531120:11
roadmrdkessel: thanks! so it looks like rfkill may be used to decide whether to display the indicator?20:12
dkesselstgraber, dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/153531420:13
slangasekroadmr: well, I think the indicator is displayed based on the presence of the underlying features that rfkill is also exposing20:14
stgraberthanks. So yeah, it looks like the applet is showing up when either you have a bluetooth device or the rfkill driver reports that you have one that can be turned on20:14
roadmrslangasek: well put, thanks :)20:14
stgrabernot sure exactly how rfkill works, but I suspect it's getting the information from the firmware somehow (ACPI?) and that something's wrong somewhere in there20:15
slangasekdkessel: what's the output of 'ls -ld /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill3/device'?20:15
dkesselthat takes a bit longer to type :) sec20:16
dkessellrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 15 21:16 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill3/device -> ../../../compal-laptop20:17
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slangasekso either the hardware claims to have a bluetooth interface, or the compal-laptop module has a bug20:18
stgraberdkessel: sorry, those are long paths. "cat /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill3/device/device/vendor" and "/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill3/device/device/device"20:19
dkesseli just found a new use case for ubuntu one... :)20:20
stgraberthe first one should give you the hardware vendor id, the second one should give you the hardware product id20:20
* dkessel pastes command lines20:20
stgraberoh, and I forgot cat in front of the second one, but you probably notice that ;)20:20
dkesselstgraber, file not found on first "vendor"20:21
dkesselstgraber, ...and another file not found on "device"20:22
dkesselshall i paste the contents of /sys/class/rfkill?20:23
stgraberok, so based on what I'm seeing here, that'd mean that the driver isn't tied to a physical device (as /device/device should have pointed to the PCI or USB device)20:23
stgraberlooks like a kernel bug to me... the compal-laptop driver always reports two rfkill entries even if the hardware isn't there20:25
stgraberI just tried it on my laptop with "modprobe compal-laptop force" (the force keyword is to bypass the DMI check) and I got two extra rfkill entries20:26
dkesseli would probably need help on how to properly file that bug20:27
stgraberdkessel: do "ubuntu-bug linux" on your machine, once you have the bug filed on Launchpad give me the bug number and I'll see if there's something that should be added20:28
dkesselstgraber, will do20:29
dkesselhmm... "it appears you are currently running a mainline kernel".... meh - apport won't let me report... i'm running raring20:31
stgraberdkessel: fun... then go directly to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug20:31
stgraberdkessel: and once the bug is filed, do "apport-collect <bug number>", that one should work without complaining too much20:32
dkessellaunchpadlib would be part of ubuntu-dev-tools, i guess....20:35
hrwxnox: thanks man!20:39
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dkesselstgraber: bug 1100004 . apport really didn't put much info in it...20:45
ubottubug 1100004 in linux (Ubuntu) "compal-laptop reports bluetooth device, even if there is none" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110000420:45
stgraberdkessel: posted a comment asking for a bunch more things that should help the kernel team get a fix matching your hardware20:52
dkesselstgraber: that sure spammed some people's mail folders :) well - thanks for the help!21:07
stgraberdkessel: oh, they're used to it ;)21:08
dkessel:D well I gotta go, see you :)21:09
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romaxawhich channel is hosted for ubuntu-phone people?22:09
sarnoldromaxa: I think #ubuntu-phone22:09
GuidoPallemanswhere can I file QtQuick Ubuntu.components bugs?22:17
sconklin@pilot out23:17
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox
xnox@pilot out23:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
* xnox is back from volleyball ;-)23:30
xnoxhrw: no problem. I accept payments in cider, monkey nuts and bird seeds =)23:30
tkamppeter_Does someone know how one makes the Pandaboard boot from a USB stick?23:55

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