
everaldogood night (or day)01:42
darkxsteveraldo, day here ;)01:45
everaldodarkxst, hey... are you already using raring?01:45
darkxstwell some of it01:46
everaldowell, it look more stable than quantal here01:46
everaldoit looks01:46
everaldodarkxst, are you happy with nautilus?01:47
darkxsttbh I don't really use it alot so yes!01:47
everaldoman, I got crazy...so  patched it01:47
everaldowell, just 5 patches01:48
everaldodarkxst, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1533063/01:48
darkxstoh, I have 3.7.301:49
everaldodarkxst, from where? sources?01:50
darkxstgnome3-staging ppa01:50
everaldois the one that will be used for gnome-remix?01:51
darkxstwell its the test ppa for gnome3 ppa , don't know if that will be included in the iso however01:55
everaldodarkxst, do you think that is a good idea try to submit my patches to raring?01:56
darkxstsure you can try01:57
everaldoalso, will try to patch 3.7.301:58
darkxstalthough I think they want to reduce the delta, not increase it!01:58
everaldoyes, I know... but it is a little hard to use the current Nautilus version02:00
darkxstatleast search is fixed02:01
everaldoyes, I saw02:01
everaldobut the missing expand list views (treeview) is something that really make me crazy02:02
everaldoit is ok remove it from sidebar but... for list view02:02
everaldolots of more clicks to use nautilus02:02
darkxstguess I am old school, I tend to type the path02:03
* everaldo thinking about GNOME3 Staging02:08
jbichawe likely won't get gnome-shell 3.8 in the regular gnome3 PPA this cycle, since it needs gnome-control-center/gnome-settings-daemon 3.8 and that won't be ready03:41
darkxstoh i see03:46
jbichadarkxst: when are you going to apply for Ubuntu membership?03:59
darkxstah, soon04:01
darkxstthe guys on the developer advisory team, said I should wait for a bit more04:01
darkxstand/or they would contact me again, when they think I am ready or something04:01
darkxstbut also I have mainly been working upstream again given the current segmentation in ubuntu04:02
jbichaare you interested in packaging gnome 3.7.4 for the staging ppa?04:06
darkxstpotentially could help out later in the week, bit busy today04:10
jbichathat's fine, there isn't a rush04:12
darkxstok, I can do some packages04:20
MikelWant to solve the problem of launch menu. Icons are not separated09:26
ricotzjbicha, hi, be aware that the tarballed configure.ac of g-s lies about the gjs dep17:47
jbicharicotz: lies?17:51
ricotzit really needs gjs 1.35.417:52
jbichait's running here fine with gjs 1.35.317:52
jbichagjs 1.35.4 on the other hand isn't because I guess it needs a newer gobject-introspection17:53
ricotzjbicha, hmm, should get some js failures17:53
ricotzdue missing cairo dispose methodes17:53
ricotzyeah, gjs probably needs the newer g-i too17:54
jbichaI wonder if I can get robert_ancell to package accountsservice 0.6.30 since g-c-c 3.7.4 needs it17:59
ricotzjbicha, libpeas would be nice too, since 1.6.2 isnt even in quantal/raring18:04
ricotzand 1.7.0 is needed18:05
ricotz<ricotz> jbicha, libpeas would be nice too, since 1.6.2 isnt even in quantal/raring18:07
ricotz<ricotz> and 1.7.0 is needed18:07
jbicha_yeah, we should get 1.6 at least (but it's not in the desktop set so I can't do it)18:13
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
ricotzjbicha, another thing, mutter might need an unreleased clutter too to work correctly18:45
ricotzjbicha, since you are the only one uploading to the gnome3 ppas from the ubuntu-desktop team, do you care for having admin rights for the group?18:46
jbichahmm, the new g-i still isn't enough to get the new gjs to work18:55
jbichaI'm already an admin since I'm on the desktop team, thanks though :)18:57
ricotzjbicha, you are sure gjs isnt working?19:06
ricotzit builds and tests (make check) is successful for you?19:12
jbichait builds fine, but gdm only shows the wallpaper unless I downgrade gjs19:17
jbichaI've updated mutter, gnome-shell, gsettings-desktop-schemas and gnome-settings-daemon19:18
ricotzjbicha, you should have a look at the session log then19:40
ricotz(runs fine here)19:40
ricotz(although i use mozjs 1.8.7)19:42
jbichadarkxst: you could try asking the Fedora maintainer what he thinks about the new mozjs proposal https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/js/23:23
darkxstok will try23:27
darkxstjbicha, anyway mozilla want to land this before releasing https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81226523:57
ubot5Mozilla bug 812265 in Build Config "js/src needs versioning added to build system to support spidermonkey releases" [Normal,New]23:57
darkxstwhich looks like it will change version number to use firefox version23:58

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