[06:40] I'm going to install Ubuntu on my new laptop. So, I wanna now if the Ubuntu Installer automagically aligns the ssd partitions. [09:31] hi~ [09:31] proposed merges for lp:944614 [09:31] https://code.launchpad.net/~wenchien/ubiquity/ubiquity.lp944614/+merge/143250 [09:31] https://code.launchpad.net/~wenchien/ubiquity/precise-proposed.lp944614/+merge/143251 [09:32] wenchien: We get mailed notifications for those. [09:32] infinity: ok, thanks! [09:40] wenchien: i looked at it, it's ok. But I am worried how/why are we loosing dbfilter when switching between steps & i'd like stgraber to review those as he did the first fix attempt to fix the experienced problem. [09:46] xnox: thanks, i'll wait for stgraber's comment :) [09:49] infinity: build all the udebs and shove them in build/localudebs/ [09:49] cjwatson: Yeah, I remembered that shortly after I asked. [09:50] cjwatson: Of course, what I neglected to do was include my scsi.udeb in the mini.iso. :P [09:50] cjwatson: So I now have a machine that booted (progress!), but I miiiight not have any disks until I can either get remote hands for a new CD, or get IS to fix my networking. [09:50] cjwatson: But, whatever. It's mostly there. I'm happy. [09:53] wenchien: I don't think this fix is correct, for much the same reason xnox outlined. It needs more analysis of *why* that's None. [09:53] infinity: is this for the new powerpc box? [09:54] cjwatson: *nod* [09:56] Sweet mother of... I didn't look at cpuinfo until now. [09:56] Did IBM do something hyperthreading-like on POWER when I wasn't paying attention? [09:56] My 6 cores report as 24 CPUs. [09:57] "PowerPC Server processors have supported Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT) ... update; POWER7 processor cores support SMT4" [09:57] So, yes. I guess. [09:58] StevenK: SMT4 seems to have the right integer to back this up. :P [09:58] infinity: Right, that I was my thought as well. [09:58] s/I // [09:58] Not gonna complain, if it performs. As soon as this is up, I'm throwing linux-ppc at it to see how it does. [09:58] We have a DAS for it? [09:59] Hrm? [09:59] Or is this by hand? [09:59] It's powerpc... [09:59] cjwatson: humm, ok, i'll do that [09:59] I'll just copy linux-ppc from raring to my PPA and force it on this machine. Anything's better than the 13.5h the last build took on adare, but I want to see how MUCH better. [14:26] cjwatson, xnox: ok, so the real fix we need here is a check for whether the page is currently active. The proposed fix does that but I'm sure we can check on somehting a bit better than dbfilter. [14:27] basically the problem here is that you can trigger on_keyboard_variant_selected and then skip the page before the 600ms timeout hits [14:27] and when the timeout hits, it'll try poking at things that no longer exist and will cause ubiqutiy to fail quite badly [15:24] stgraber: got it [19:58] ev, how do you feel about putting libtimezonemap on GNOME git? [23:48] Jasper: I need to make one commit to add original svg sources for the map. I am ok with gnome git. If GNOME will use it than it will be great. [23:50] xnox, that's fine. Our current design: https://raw.github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-mockups/master/system-settings/date-and-time/date-and-time-hi-res.png [23:52] Jasper: looks nice =) mpt had some proposed design tweaks to date-and-time as well, last time were brainstorming on the installer. [23:52] Jasper: do wait for ev's reply. I'm just a minion here =) [23:53] OK.