
=== WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR
=== RBecker_ is now known as RBecker
=== RBecker_ is now known as RBecker
=== RBecker is now known as Guest98903
bcurtiswxis there a place that LoCo's can store online documents they have like flyers19:09
SergioMenesesbcurtiswx, sure! take a look http://spreadubuntu.org/19:10
SergioMenesesit is a public store19:10
bcurtiswxSergioMeneses, it can be specific to our LoCo it doesn't have to be global ?19:13
SergioMenesesbcurtiswx, do you need something local?19:15
bcurtiswxWere creating a flyer for an installfest19:15
czajkowskibcurtiswx: best to share19:17
czajkowskithen others can help you19:17
czajkowskiyou can help others19:17
czajkowskithere is no private way19:18
czajkowskiunless you are using Ubuntu one ?19:18
SergioMenesesIm thinking the same19:18
SergioMenesesusing a ubuntu one account19:18
bcurtiswxczajkowski, oh no, we totally want to share, we wanted to know if there was a place , thats all :)19:18
SergioMenesesor dropbox or something like that19:18
czajkowskispread ubuntu is the best place then 19:19
bcurtiswxseems like spreadubuntu is what we're looking for :) thanks19:19
SergioMenesesbcurtiswx, dont worry :D19:21
cprofitthello all19:54
SergioMenesescprofitt, hi19:54
=== Guest98903 is now known as RBecker

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