
akgranerwoot - rolled back to 3.5.0-18 and it seems to work - I'll try and publish this again now - no more updates til I get this done01:11
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: sorry, can I help? (my ZNC died earlier)01:11
akgranersure the wiki is ready to go  - I've removed the "work in progress" can you run the scripts and send me a link to the output01:11
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, ^^^01:11
JoseeAntonioRyes, for sure, just give me one second01:11
akgranerthank you01:11
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: joseeantonior.com/299 should have everything, I'm still working on ubuntu-news.email as the script is broken01:14
JoseeAntonioRI'll be back in a bit, znc is taking too much memory01:15
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, thank you!01:19
JoseeAntonioRbtw, forums and ubuntu-news.email have no line breaks :(01:19
akgranerI've got one of the kernel team guys helping me right this second so...01:20
Unit193As long as my script is working, only OMGUbuntu is down.01:20
akgranerok if you them to me  - I can fix them01:20
JoseeAntonioRit's up01:20
JoseeAntonioRthe outputs are in joseeantonior.com/299 (with no line breaks)01:20
akgranerThank you  - I'm there01:21
akgranerI <3 this team.  You all are awesome!01:23
Unit193Except me. ;)01:23
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: thanks to you for re-building it01:24
* akgraner blushes that honor needs to go to pleia2 01:25
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, there is a sprint this week so I am trying to get some of the folks there to record some stuff for us01:27
akgranerwill know more tomorrow or wednesday01:27
JoseeAntonioRohhh, right, the recordings!01:27
JoseeAntonioRok, it's fine, just let me know01:28
akgranerwill do01:30
akgranerok new kernel installed - back to publishing :-)01:32
Unit193According to my script, all links are good except for the OMGUbuntu one.  (Not sure if it was clear my last statement)01:35
akgraneryep :-)  I knew what you meant01:35
akgranerthank you01:36
Unit193Alright, great.  I've been known to be unclear. :P01:36
akgraneryou're fine and Thank you for your help01:39
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, just so you know - when that happens and there line breaks get messed up - you can use the raw text from the wiki and just clean it up a little - quicker than trying to insert the breaks01:53
JoseeAntonioRoh, great then01:53
JoseeAntonioRso I'd just need to change the links part, basically01:54
akgranerno the links stay the same01:57
akgraneryou pull out any ##01:57
akgranerchange the last line01:57
akgranerand pull out everything above the welcome01:57
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue29901:57
akgranercan someone see if this is in their inbox from -news  incase it's hung in moderation01:57
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: here it is01:58
akgranerok cool01:59
akgranerworking on Fridge post and forums now01:59
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: fridge goes with script01:59
akgraner:-) ok let me look then01:59
akgranerpleia2, everything is published03:04
akgranerI'll update the wiki in a few - I haven't social media'd anything yet though03:05
pleia2akgraner: thnks! :)05:24
pleia2akgraner: Jasna handles social media now via the ubuntu_news twitter account (and facebook, and g+)05:24
pleia2of course you're welcome to do it personally :)05:25
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