
elkyanyone else think that the !anyone response could be edited with prompts like "what are you trying to achieve?"08:06
elky"your real question" is a bit silly. it's still a real question08:07
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:08
bazhangelky, yes, good point. the factoid could use some freshening up08:31
gnomefreaki agree08:34
elky"You'll get much better answers if you state your problem or goal from the start, instead of asking who uses certain things. What are you trying to achieve, and what is the problem or error stopping you?"08:39
bazhangquite good, one slight modification might be "by stating" instead of "if you state"08:42
elkyactually s/stating/saying/ for people who don't grasp "state"08:47
elkySo, it'd be: You'll get much better answers by saying your problem or goal from the start, instead of asking who uses certain things. What are you trying to achieve, and what is the problem or error stopping you?08:48
elkyI'll leave it there for more eyes to look it over08:48
Tm_Tlooks good to me08:49
* gnomefreak too08:51
=== solarcloud is now known as beatsonline
PriceyHmm just got a bit of spam that I suspect is from #ubuntu15:43
k1lthat sounds like we would spam for ubuntu :)15:44
PriceyAha and it isn't just me... I see a report in #ubuntu. I'll look into it.15:45
Psi-JackIs there a !op trigger or something in use in #ubuntu? I was trying to report YoltA whom seems to be, highly likely, whom seems to be PM spamming, most likely en-mass.15:52
PiciPsi-Jack: just got one myself too15:54
Psi-JackCool. :)15:54
Psi-JackI figured it was en-mass, based on the content. Probably timed to be slow enough, too.15:55
PiciPsi-Jack: The ¡op factoid does work, but it works like any other factoid, so you'd need to use | with it.  Most ops here have the word itself on highlight though15:55
Psi-JackHeh, yeah. Cool. I couldn't remember, because your factoid bot is... Strange.. With the whole | seperator. :)15:56
Psi-JackAnyway, thanks. Wanted to help make sure the problem was made aware. :)15:57
k1lich got the nick Yolta in my bash history for grepping my logs i think there were some issues before that16:01
PiciPricey: If you're talking about Yolta, I ended up banning them.16:04
Priceyk1l: Doesn't surprise me, I'm sure I recognise it from yonks ago.16:16
PriceyPici: ack.16:16
cprofittI am lost with the Yolta and yonks stuff... grepping I got though :-)17:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from tion)20:57
beatsonlineHi there.. can someone 'un-ban  me ' from #lubuntu channel, as I'm over my problems now.23:25
beatsonlinecprofitt: BTW.. Are you the Cnet guy ??23:27
ikoniahi beatsonline23:29
ikoniawhats the issue with the lubuntu channel ?23:30
beatsonlineDunno, I'm just banned from over a month ago ...23:30
ikoniawhy ?23:31
beatsonlineI told a guy where to go ... sorry for that.23:31
ikoniathat's fair enough, you know it was wrong your sorry23:31
ikonialet me see if I can see one of the lubuntu ops active23:32
Unit193beatsonline: Why did you deem it necessary to tell the person trying to help you to "Fuck off" and quit?23:34
Unit193beatsonline: Are you still on?23:40
ikoniaPerfie: could you please hold on23:40
PerfieYou know, being an op for ubuntu would look great on my resume.23:40
Perfieikonia, hold onto wut23:41
ikoniaPerfie: someone else is in a discussion at the moment.23:41
beatsonlineUnit193, I was trying something new and I got fustrated with the world at large, as computers sometimes do that to people, but TBH it was wrong and nothing personal. I'm sorry and apologise.23:47
beatsonlinebut I basically got tired of the Unit nick thing and thought I was talking to a machine .. which isn't too far stretched as Unit 193 is pretty impersonal when you are stressed, but I was wrong.23:50
ikoniabeatsonline: there isn't a lubuntu op around at the moment as Unit193 had to leave,23:51
ikoniabeatsonline: however if you leave it with me I'll attempt to get it sorted23:51
ikoniaI'm assuming it won't happen again23:51
ikoniayou seem to grasp fine that it was wrong, and why23:51
beatsonlinePlease allow me to be frank, I'm a moderator on several social networks for lubuntu OS ..and frankly it is embarrassing not being able to ask the #channel, once in a while.23:52
univyrseI was removed from ubuntu by some prick while I was talking about the recently unveiled ubuntu phone23:52
ikoniabeatsonline: I understand, as there is no-one around, I can only say I'll try to get it sorted ASAP23:53
ikoniabeatsonline: can you give it a few hours please ?23:53
ikoniaunivyrse: I'll get to you in a moment, I've muted you to give you chance to calm down and think about how you speak to people when we talk23:53
beatsonlinei hav to go to bed,but there is no rush, honestly.23:53
ikoniabeatsonline: no problem, thank you23:54
beatsonlinehow did you know who i was even thou. I have changed my nick BTW ??23:54
ikoniathe lubuntu ops have a tracking system23:55
ikoniabeatsonline: drop back tomorrow and hopefully I'll have got it sorted23:55
ikonia(by then)23:55
ikoniaacceptable ?23:55
ikoniagreat, I'll leave a note for the other ops if I can't find one before the morning23:56
ikoniabut I will address it23:56
ikoniabeatsonline: if you /part so we can deal with others, that would be appreciated23:57
ikoniaPerfie: what's the problem ?23:57
ikoniaunivyrse: you're after Perfie23:57
Perfiedoes that really work?23:58
Perfiethe whole wait in line thing23:58
ikoniaas best possible,23:58
ikonianow what's up23:58
PerfieI'm just idling23:59
ikoniaPerfie: please don't, you know that's not something the channel appreciates23:59

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