
RomperStompHi i was wondering if theres a way to build or install ubuntu on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" (in the same style as Nexus 7 "Native")03:29
ChaozHenchmannone that I know of04:00
RomperStompjoin #ubuntu04:28
Theodoreis ubuntu for android phone a os for cells07:37
Theodoreor a operating system img for cells?07:37
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salmaanWill it be possible to run GTK+ applications on Ubuntu Phone? or, we can to re-create the GUI using QML?10:19
TakI imagine that it's at the very least possible to make a similar gui using qml10:21
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GuidoPallemansI'm making a Reddit reader app for the phone! Anyone care to join me? (QML) https://github.com/brambram/UbuntuPhoneRedditApp16:03
J2thas anyone tried to install ubuntu os on a htc one s?17:07
J2tor do i het to be a guinea poig?17:08
J2tdkessel, do you know of anyone that has tried to install ubuntu os on a htc one s yet?17:11
Takthere's no release for ubuntu phone yet17:11
dkesselJ2t, no, see Tak's response17:12
J2twill it be compatible with a one s?17:13
J2ti already know it will work with the towers of the carrier i have...17:13
popeywe've not committed to any models yet17:13
popeythe demos have been given on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus though17:14
J2tgreat.... i have already seen it on a nexus...17:15
dangersaladhas anyone had trouble getting XmlListModel to pull data? It seems to not do anything when I load the application17:36
jonoGuidoPallemans, hey17:54
jonothanks for working on the reddit app!17:54
GuidoPallemanshey no problem17:54
jonoGuidoPallemans, I am going to talk to the design team to see if we can get some support from them for the app17:55
GuidoPallemanswaaw thanks!17:55
jonoalso mhall119 is here to provide any help you might need working with Canonical17:55
GuidoPallemansoh thanks17:55
jonojust post plenty of screenshots on reddit as it developers :-)17:56
GuidoPallemanscan you ask the design team to get some kind of reddit integration into the phone? like the facebook integration17:56
GuidoPallemansI wouldn't know what they can do for the app, really17:56
GuidoPallemansthe design is finished, I just need to man up and make the app :D17:57
jonoGuidoPallemans, I will see the team tomorrow, so I can discuss it then and get back to you :-)17:58
GuidoPallemansI'm also in #qt-qml17:58
mhall119hey GuidoPallemans17:59
mhall119GuidoPallemans: the Facebook integration is done through Webapps scripts, I believe18:01
mhall119which we could do for reddit too, but it would use the browser to view the site, not a custom interface18:01
GuidoPallemansoh ok18:02
GuidoPallemansI've asked this before, but is there an ubuntu-phone-dev? I feel like this channel is too big to ask questions about it18:03
GuidoPallemansalthough there is #qt-qml18:03
mhall119GuidoPallemans: no, I think this channel is pretty much all about phone app dev though18:04
dangersaladcan anyone help me figure out why an XmlListModel would not be loading anything?18:04
mhall119dangersalad: unable to load the XML?18:05
dangersaladI have it pointing to my servers api, but it looks like the server is never even getting the call18:06
dangersaladis there a way to see if it is even requesting the data?18:06
mhall119wireshark will let you watch allnetwork traffic on your machine18:07
mhall119I'm pleased to announce that we now have Precise and Raring packages of the QML Toolkit: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/staging18:08
dangersaladwell thats good18:08
dangersaladI changed the sources.list file to get the quantal packages on precise18:08
dangersaladshould I change them?18:08
mhall119yes, this is a differnet PPA too, which everybody should switch to using18:09
dangersaladmhall119: thanks18:09
dangersaladmhall119: could that be part of my problem with the XmlListModel not making it's call out?18:09
mhall119dangersalad: probably not, this is likely the same code just re-packaged for the other releasede18:10
dangersaladmhall119: I do not use nework manager (I use wicd) so wireshark is a no go18:11
dakerdangersalad: try tcpflow or tcpdump18:12
dangersaladdaker: just installed iftop, looking at that18:12
dakerdangersalad: sudo tcpflow -i lo port 8018:13
dangersaladdaker: that is giving me nothing....18:15
dangersaladcan I not use https for this?18:16
mhall119dangersalad: wireshark shouldn't care what you use for that18:16
mhall119oh, https, you won't be able to ready the traffic18:17
dangersaladmhall119: when I tried to set up a new connection, it logged something about loading network manager18:18
dangersaladmhall119: ok, so is there nothing in place for https?18:18
dangersaladmhall119: I don't understand what you mean by "ready the traffic"18:18
dakerdangersalad: read* the traffic because it's encrypted18:19
dakerdangersalad: try this sudo tcpflow -p -c -i eth0 port 8018:20
dangersaladdaker: I am getting something there (with wlan0 for me) but nothing is showing up besides the ip checker for conky....18:24
mhall119dangersalad: wireshark reads raw network traffic, but https packets are encrypted, so while it will see the packets, it won't be able to see what's inside them18:24
mhall119dangersalad: it's possible that something in your QML isn't invoking the XmlListModel properly18:25
dangersaladoccams razor would suggest so, I have double checked my syntax and all, but I will triple check I guess18:25
mhall119dangersalad: are you following the currency converter tutorial, or writing something new?18:25
dangersaladmhall119: I am following the currency converter tut, just tweaking to use my xml api instead of the currency one18:28
dangersa1admhall119: sorry, I had to restart irc, did you have anything to say while I was gone?18:43
mhall119dangersa1ad: no, sorry18:44
mhall119dangersa1ad: did the XmlListModel work for you when you did the currency converter?18:44
dangersa1adI did not do the currency converter verbatum18:44
dangersa1adI suppose I will try that to see if I went wrong somewhere18:45
dangersa1admhall119: yeah, it works fine. I will see if I can find where I messed up18:46
mhall119dangersa1ad: ok18:47
mhall119dangersa1ad: feel free to post on askubuntu.com or the app developer forum18:47
dangersa1admhall119: would it have to do with the url I am using for a source? it does not point to a filename, but has a query string18:49
dangersa1admhall119: everything else is set up like the example18:49
mhall119dangersa1ad: the query string might be an issue, I'm not sure18:50
mhall119bobweaver: ^^ do you know if the XmlListModel can take a query string?18:51
dangersa1admhall119: I tried pulling in an xml file from a url with .xml for the extension and it worked fine, so I guess I need to adjust my API19:35
epicfailHow do i get ubuntu phone on my samsung s319:53
epicfailIs it released19:53
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netcurlino, it is'nt released ye19:53
dkesselepicfail, see channel topic please19:53
swepicfail: read the channel topic19:53
epicfailSomeone knows when it does19:54
swepicfail: read the channel topic19:55
mhall119dangersa1ad: is your server setting the correct mimetype?19:55
dangersa1admhall119: should it be text/xml?19:55
mhall119no, I think application/xml is correct19:56
dangersa1adthing is, I have a logger running in the server app, spits out lotsa info when I run a call against it. When I start up the app with the query string, it does not log anything.19:57
mhall119so the server isn't getting the connection...19:57
dangersa1admhall119: right19:58
dangersa1admhall119: but when I have a direct link to an xml file for the source, it pulls it down just fine19:59
dangersa1admhall119: so it does take a query string, but does not get data over httos for some reason20:25
mhall119dangersalad: ah, does your server accept https connections?20:28
dangersaladmhall119: yes it does https://evillair.dangersalad.com/project.xml?auth_token=7eca1cd7fa448d92a1b0937c8a0ca16c works fine in a browser or curl20:28
dangersaladmhall119: though i do have a self signed cert, so maybe I need to disable verification20:29
mhall119or add it to whatever QML apps use for trusted keys20:39
dangersaladmhall119: yeah, I just check my apache logs, and the cert is set up for my mail server's subdomain, and the api does not match it20:40
romaxawhich browser is used as default browser on ubuntu phone? som Qt Webkit1/2 based browser, chrome or something different?22:11
GuidoPallemansI think WebKit22:18
GuidoPallemansthat'll be the easiest to make at least22:18
romaxahmm interesting. does it have QML ui? is it available in on some VCS?22:20
* romaxa working currently on Mozilla Embedding API's and ability to make easy Native UI on top of Gecko Engine22:20
popeyromaxa: i dont think that's been finalised.22:22
romaxawonder how easy it would be to put That browser UI on top of Mozilla Engine (Which has MultiThread/Process rendering and some other sweet features)22:22
romaxapopey: is it based on Webkit1/Qt4 or Webkit2/Qt5 ?22:22
popeyit's qt522:23
popeysee http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/22:23
romaxapopey: yep I saw that, but not sure what is default browser based on... WebKit2 or 1... is there are repository for devs?22:25
popey22:22:11 < popey> romaxa: i dont think that's been finalised.22:25
romaxayep, so that is closed source until finilazed?22:25
romaxaI have made async embedding api which allow to build QML browser as simple as this one https://github.com/romaxa/mozilla-central/blob/embedlite/embedding/embedlite/tests/qt/qml/qml/MainPage.qml22:27
popeywell, we will release an image and the source code soon.22:27
Waltheroh, the all-famous and geek-a-licious "released soon" :322:27
popeyits still being heavily worked on, when it's ready we'll release the code22:28
Walthertextbook tip one, how to keep a geek/nerd waiting anxiously and excited :P22:28
romaxapopey: soon it is days, weeks, months, years, decades ? :)22:28
romaxayes - is it typo? or you meant years?22:32
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bobweaverHello GuidoPallemans23:50
bobweaverhey gabriel_23:50
bobweaverwelocme to the Ubuntu Phone channel23:50
gabriel_Thank You23:50
bobweaverlets see if mhall119  is around to help you with quickly23:51
bobweaverping mhall119  ^^23:51
* mhall119 is cooking dinner23:51
mhall119is this the quickly share bug from G+?23:51
bobweavernot sure gabriel_  why don't you tell the channel what you told me on G+23:52
gabriel_Like, I had uploaded my app for my ppa23:52
gabriel_But accidentially I removed it23:53
gabriel_So, arrived update about the quickly ppa23:53
gabriel_So, I installed it23:53
gabriel_but after, I can't type quickly share anymore23:53
gabriel_Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/share/quickly/templates/ubuntu-application/share.py", line 144, in <module>     license.licensing()   File "/usr/share/quickly/templates/ubuntu-application/license.py", line 273, in licensing     copy_license_to_files(license_content)   File "/usr/share/quickly/templates/ubuntu-application/license.py", line 107, in copy_license_to_files     '%s\n%s' % (BEGIN_LICENCE_TAG, license_23:54
gabriel_That's the problem23:54
gabriel_I think that is a bug23:54
gabriel_I already report it23:54
gabriel_Now I wanna find a new way to update my app for my PPA23:55
bobweavergabriel_,  I do not know how to use quickly only how to package23:56
bobweavergabriel_,  where is branch ?23:57
gabriel_I don't know23:57
bobweaveryeah like a bzr branch23:59
bobweaveror git or anything like that23:59

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