
rick_h_I hate windows...ugh00:08
snap-lrick_h_: a-yep00:36
brousch1rick_h_: Who has foisted this insult upon you?01:04
rick_h_meh, stupid medical software stuff01:04
rick_h_getting my wife a new laptop and rather than dual boot I'd prefer to just do ubuntu witha windows VM01:04
rick_h_but to do that, I have to buy a full real non-oem license to put in the VM01:05
rick_h_so not only do I buy a window license I don't need with the new machine, but another more expensive one that costs the same as the SSD for my wife to have a happier computing experience01:05
brousch1Hm, how do I tell a python program to use Python3?01:12
rick_h_/use/bin/env python3 ?01:12
brousch1I'll just shove a copy of this damn module into my project. It's abandoned anyways01:21
brousch1I'm going crazy01:43
brousch1It's like the python files in a module don't see the other files in the module01:43
brousch1From a.py I can't do import b even though they are in the same module and there's an __init__.py01:44
brousch1Wait a minute. I think they fucked with relative imports in python302:00
brousch1Look at this crap http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/#guido-s-decision02:01
brousch1I dropped the module that wasn't even close to Python3 ready and implemented what I needed from it via command line tools04:03
snap-lGood morning13:45
rick_h_is it friday yet?13:45
snap-lReply hazy. Ask again later.13:46
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
snap-lSo, good day so far?17:00
jcastrogood day for rick17:00
jcastrodelicious merge proposals!17:01
rick_h_psh :P17:01
rick_h_landing day17:01
snap-lrick_h_: Oh, you've started using psh?17:01
rick_h_2 down one to go17:01
snap-lLaunch days are the worst17:01
rick_h_not launch, land17:01
snap-llanding = ?17:01
rick_h_fortunately all our stuff is still pre-staging/staging17:01
snap-lAh, ok17:02
snap-llanding changes vs launching changes17:02
rick_h_landing == in trunk17:02
rick_h_launching means no server behind port 8017:02
rick_h_err means behind server behind port 80 and such17:02
snap-lpublicly accessible17:03
rick_h_there you go17:03
rick_h_something like that17:03
rick_h_grr, google stuff having issues today17:35
rick_h_gmail.com failed to load, now rietveld 500 issues, slow as crap too17:35
rick_h_jcastro: just a few fields not required eh? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/charmworld/qa_form_cleaning/+merge/143365 lol17:41
jrwrenshite day17:46
rick_h_The Website Ahead Contains Malware!18:15
rick_h_Google Chrome has blocked access to techcrunch.com for now.18:15
snap-lGood riddance.18:15
* snap-l can get to Tech Crunch18:16
rick_h_in chrome?18:16
snap-lAre you in beta?18:16
rick_h_dev yea18:16
jrwrenwhy would you want to go to that web page?18:21
rick_h_was following a link to see wtf the FB announcement was18:21
snap-lGraph Search18:24
snap-lnow can we please stop caring what valley hipsters think is near?18:25
snap-lneat, even. ;)18:27
jcastrorick_h_: heh yeah18:35
jcastroI should have been more specific with you in the first place18:35
rick_h_all good, got it worked out18:36
brouschI finally got that Python3 project released in stable condition. My first release in over a year19:38
jrwrenso its final. python3 is the default and best.19:41
brouschI might have another one to jump on now19:43
greg-gman, confluence (by Atlassian) is horrible19:48
snap-lWhich one is that?19:48
greg-gwhy do they give free licenses to floss projects? it just hurts floss projects19:48
greg-gcan you see https://wiki.benetech.org/dashboard.action19:48
greg-gyeah, that's public, the one that looks like that19:48
snap-lYeah. Looks like most Atlassian fare19:49
jrwrena lot of 15yo projects are ugly like that.19:49
greg-git's not just the ugly part19:49
snap-lAt lot of Java applications are ugly like that19:49
greg-git's, I clicked on the "view history" link on a wiki page, looked at who edited, great, the saw the link "go back to page information" which totally sounded wrong, but it must know where I came from, so ok, NOPE, there's this weird ass summary of a wiki page that isn't the page19:50
snap-lgreg-g: Atlassian seems like a company that wants to do good things, but has a butt that's full of lead (named Java and their legacy codebase)19:50
greg-gheh, fair19:50
greg-gI know nothing of them, just only been a user of confluence a couple times19:50
snap-lThey have some interesting interoperability19:51
snap-lWe had their ticket tracking software for one project that linked together with Fisheye (which was a repo-checker)19:51
snap-lThat it worked as well as it did was shocking19:51
greg-gyeah, that's the other time I've used their stuff, was at UMich where the Med School dept I worked in used it for issue tracking19:52
snap-lWere I to do everything in house, and had money to burn, I'd probably take it seriously.19:52
greg-gSakai also uses it19:52
snap-lBarring that, I'd probably either pay someone else to host it, or use OSS19:53
snap-lseemed about the same effort either way.19:53
jrwrenjira is a baby step up from bugzilla19:53
snap-lIt wasn't horrible to use, just felt like every other issue / project tracking system: clunky, ill fitting, and baroque.19:54

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