
mlankhorstRAOF: fwiw, bug 108634508:27
ubottubug 1086345 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Quantal-LTS-stack: Showing low-resolution screen on shutdown/reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108634508:27
mlankhorstexactly as I feared...08:27
mlankhorstThis won't work unless libdrm gets haswell support. Since the whole reason for doing a libdrm rename was for plymouth to use the old version, can we please drop the libdrm rename and go back to uploading a new libdrm unrenamed?08:31
mlankhorstRAOF: ^08:58
RAOFmlankhorst: I'll send a mail to ubuntu-release. We might be able to come up with a better plan, but I'll lay out the problem. Specifically - plymouth needs the new libdrm haswell support to work on haswell.09:36
mlankhorstah k09:47
mlankhorstfwiw, I always kept that option open, it's not going to be hard to flip the switch on all the lts packages if we decide not to rename libdrm any longer09:48
tjaaltonยค&/" useless totem firefox plugin.. needs to download the video file completely before playing, and playing again of course means downloading the file again..09:58
mlankhorstyay on rebase tons of patches I needed are no longer needed :)10:49
mlankhorstargh, then I hit a lockdep inversion with efifb, but if I disable efifb macbook blows up.. great11:05
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mlankhorstok found fix, found another problem exposed by fix.. sigh12:03
sorenHave any of you guys tried running X in an LXC container?13:09
mlankhorstnot crazy :)13:10
sorenPerhaps a more relevant question is: What is the expected success rate of the Raring X stack on a Precise kernel?13:11
sorenOr Quantal for that matter.13:12
tjaaltonthere's the backport stack in 12.04.213:12
tjaaltonand it should work with the older kernel too13:12
sorentjaalton: What I'm really trying to do is see the various desktop environments availalble in Raring, without messing up my Precise laptop.13:13
sorentjaalton: So a Rarin X stck on Precise doesn't really help me much.13:13
* soren tries something13:17
mlankhorstthen this is obviously the wrong channel13:23
sorenIt seems to work!13:23
sorenI was just missing some device nodes in the container, apparently.13:23
sorenKeyboard and mouse doesn't work, but meh.13:24
tjaaltonso running raring on a container, using the host xserver?13:24
sorenNo no.13:24
tjaaltonoh both13:24
sorenPrecise host, raring lxc.13:24
sorenRunning X inside the lxc.13:24
sorenSo the only "precise" part involved is the kernel.13:25
tjaaltonyou need /dev/input/* on the container13:25
sorenEverything else is raring.13:25
sorenI have that.13:25
sorenNot sure why that isn't enough, but I can go digging now.13:25
tjaaltonfor what? :)13:26
sorenUm... For not breaking it? :)13:27
mlankhorsthmz for some reason DRI_PRIME=1 fps shot up.. not complaining :D14:28
MezHas anyone managed to get a 12.10 box up and running with 3 screens using an nvidia card?14:40
Mezunity just falls over if the compositing is disabled.  and if it's enabled - it doesn't work correctly... (invisible windows!)14:42
mlankhorstI thought nvidia only supported 2 screens at a time?14:43
mlankhorston 1 card14:44
Mezmlankhorst: on one GPU. 14:44
Mezmlankhorst: I'm using an nvidia quadro14:44
mlankhorstMez: nvidia drivers? 15:52
Mezmlankhorst: yup16:42
ejatbug 109965520:31
ubottubug 1099655 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "cant login to unity or kde in raring after lightdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109965520:31
ejatanyone or someone can verify that ? 20:31
mlankhorstRAOF: I guess the xorg bug close means the entire lts stack got promoted to -updates? :)23:17

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