
barrydkGood morning Chaps. Hope everyone had a peacefull night's rest.05:44
superflyhiya barrydk05:52
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:54
superflyhi Kilos, late this morning?05:54
Kilosyeah i been on kde but still battling with nm05:54
Kilosonly sakis3g works there grrr05:55
Kilostried to figure the modprobe command but whew05:55
Kiloshi mazal 06:00
mazalMore oom06:00
superflymôre mazal06:01
superflyand with that, he disappears06:07
Kilosmazal, wb06:12
mazalSomething wrong with my isp today :(06:13
Kilosmazal, you missed greeting superfly 06:16
mazalMorning superfly , I didn't see06:17
superflymôre mazal06:17
mazalAnybody here at web africa ?06:19
mazalAny comments about them ?06:19
mazalI'm having many issues with axxess lately , thinking of moving to someone else06:21
superflymazal: have you actually phoned axxess and chatted with them about the issues?06:31
mazalI know the answer06:31
superflymazal: I've found their call centre to be quite on the ball06:31
mazal"we have network issues and working on it"06:31
mazalThey have a lot of downtime recently and their speeds isn't what it used to be06:32
Kilosmazal, find out who their CEO is and fone him06:40
inetprogod mornings06:40
Kilosbetter to make waves from the top down if you get no help at the bottom06:40
Kiloshiya inetpro 06:40
Kilosgood as well i spose hey06:40
magespawnmorning all06:43
Kiloshiya magespawn 06:44
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:45
maiatodayhi Kilos06:45
Kiloshi jrgns 06:59
jrgnsmorning Kilos, all07:00
Kiloshi henkj theblazehen 07:27
henkjhi Kilos 07:27
theblazehenhi kilos07:29
Kiloshiya drussel  hows the cold place?07:46
Kiloshi Squirm 07:58
magespawnKilos did my first solder fix08:25
Kilosdid it go well magespawn 08:26
Kilosor you forgotten what i told you08:27
Kilosthe secret is all in the correct temp of what you are soldering08:28
magespawni copy/pasted that into a test file so i while never forget08:28
Kiloswhen temp right solder will flow 08:28
magespawnyes it went well08:28
Kilosshould leave a smooth shiny surface without points08:29
Kilosgood man08:31
magespawnam very pleased, as i used to mess it up before08:31
Kilosyou either learn fast or listen well08:32
magespawnlisten well08:32
magespawnprobably get cocky now and mess the next one up08:33
Kilosdust play with joining bits of wire or even with a single pice till you master the temp bit and when to add solder08:34
Kilosand alsways put some solder on iron tip just before the job so its lekker shiny08:35
barrydkkap hom vas met 'n warm spyker08:36
Kilosyo Vince-0 08:41
inetproKilos: gaan ons reen kry vandag?10:00
Kilosai inetpro ek hoop regtig so10:01
barrydkinetpro, lyk my kilos is weg maar het nou net so 50 mm gereen hier by ons10:01
Kilosdit lyk lekker met die wind10:02
Kilosdis baie10:02
barrydkja die druppels het so 50 mm uitmekaar geval10:02
Kilosweerman het gese 30% kans hier vandag10:02
Kilostot die onkruid is verlep10:03
barrydkNee net so los sagte buitjie maar lekker10:03
Kiloskan miskien hael storms kry10:05
Kiloswind is noord oos lyk my10:05
inetprolol @ barrydk10:09
inetproKilos: wat beteken dit as die wind noord oos is?10:10
Kilosdis gewoonlik waar die hael vandaan kom10:10
Kilosvan die suid is dit net reen10:10
Kilosnou het dit meer oos gedraai inetpro 10:12
Kilostot hael is beter as niks10:13
mazalnee nee nee10:13
Kiloshael is vol stukstof10:13
mazalAs jou plek en goete gelyk het soos ons sin November dan soek jy nie weer hael nie :P10:13
barrydkJanee my arme bakkie is nou nog vol knoppe10:14
inetproons het die water nodig man10:15
inetproselfs ek verlep al hier10:16
barrydkek stem reen is altyd welkom10:17
Kiloslol @ verlepte pro10:18
barrydkinetpro, drink gou iets man10:18
inetprodankie barrydk10:19
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:19
* Maaz flips the salt-timer10:19
inetproMaaz: coffee please10:19
Maazinetpro: Sure10:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!10:23
KilosMaaz, thanks man10:23
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)10:23
inetproMaaz: dankie10:23
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend10:23
Kilos2 taled bot10:24
* inetpro voel nou sommer stukke beter10:24
Symmetriaheh for anyone interested10:24
Symmetriathis dude might be coming to .za10:24
Symmetriaand if he does come out, he's well worth going to watch10:24
Symmetriabecause he's fuckin awesome10:25
Kilosai Symmetria we bitch at the kids for bad language here then you come do it10:30
Kiloswords like very word too10:30
Kilosor extremely10:30
Kilosmaybe im wrong10:32
mazalWhat is the meaning of the /'s here11:29
mazalI see you guys use it a lot11:29
Squirmmazal: it's used in vim to replace words11:35
Squirmbasically if the guys make a typo, s/(word with typo)/(the word it should be)11:35
mazalAh ok , ta Squirm 11:39
Squirmmazal: it's nothing really, just a geeky representation of a typo correction :P11:40
Kilosi dunno but it means you replace the mistake with the right word11:44
Kilosor spelling11:44
Kilosaw ty Squirm 11:44
Kilossholda read all first11:45
inetproKilos: there's another slash missing11:51
inetproshould be s/sholda/shoulda/11:51
inetprocomes from sed11:51
inetproman sed11:51
Kilosno man man dont like me11:52
Kiloslooked at man modprobe for an hour11:52
Kilosbut ty for the info11:52
Squirmman is quite handy11:52
SquirmI've used s// in vim11:52
inetprothat ^^ is only one of many other places with examples11:53
inetproperl has the same thing11:54
Squirm:s/foo/bar/g Change each 'foo' to 'bar' in the current line.11:55
Squirmok, similat11:55
inetproit's easier to type it like that than saying, damn I made a mistake and "this" should have been "that"11:55
Squirmin vim11:55
Squirminetpro: I used to use *11:55
inetprohorses for sourses11:55
Kilosmazal, you watching11:56
Kilossed says maak so11:56
mazaleven is still the easiest11:56
mazalJust the correct word and even11:57
mazalSjoe that sed seems powerful 11:59
mazalWas looking at that link now11:59
magespawnvery useful12:16
SquirmI need to learn sed and awk12:22
magespawnawk awk awk said the bird12:34
Squirmawk awk awk sed the bird12:40
Squirm@ magespawn 12:40
Kiloswat ai jy al weer inetpro ?13:08
Kilosthat was clever13:08
KilosSquirm, not as look as dumb he be13:08
inetproKilos: guys making fun of my awk and sed13:08
Kiloshes gonna learn it man13:09
magespawnand so will i13:12
Kilosgood boys13:12
magespawnhey i have just been given a AMD 2GHz with 500mb of ram, i am taking nominations for the choice of os13:12
Kiloswhat else13:13
magespawn40 gig hard drive thats about that13:13
Kiloslight os13:14
Kilosram min for ubuntu13:14
magespawnindeed but which?13:14
superflymagespawn: to run as desktop or server?13:14
magespawndo not mind no idea what to use it for probable end up as a server13:15
magespawni have more hard drive to add to it but all small 40 gig or so13:16
Kilosyou can put a few in13:17
Kilosmagespawn, you wanna play some13:18
Kilostry tinycorelinux13:20
Kilos66m download and then it has a server already there13:20
magespawnthink i have the iso somewhere13:20
Kilosand you can add xchat pidgin and anything else you like13:21
* magespawn goes to look or download the new one13:21
Kilosi like it but it didnt do 3g13:21
Kilosuntil you had got the 3g nm and modem manager as well13:21
Kilosmagespawn, you want to download the coreplus iso hey13:23
Kilosthats installable to hdd13:23
magespawnahh then I will have to get the new one13:24
Kilosthe 12m one isnt installable13:25
Kilosif you dont see it there look at13:25
Kilosthats actually what got me started with connecting 2 pcs to share 3g13:28
Kilosnow ive forgotten about tiny13:29
magespawnbusy getting it ty Kilos13:31
Kilosits kinda different magespawn but nice once you figure it out13:41
Kilosthere are user guides or something as well13:42
Kilosand they on irc13:42
magespawncool going to try it now13:43
Kilosi still have it here somewhere on a 1g drive13:43
magespawngotta go see you all later14:24
Squirm<Kilos> Squirm, not as look as dumb he be14:41
* Squirm looks at Kilos 14:41
Squirmyou though I looked dumb?14:41
Kilosno man twit its just a saying14:42
superflywith a Kilos twist to it, of course 14:43
Kiloshaha we used to speak like that i dunno when14:43
Kiloshow be you be14:43
Kilosi be kiff be14:43
Kilosmaybe ian will know14:44
Kilosand hence not as look as dumb one bee's14:44
Kilosinetpro, go home15:37
Kiloshi zeref 15:37
* Squirm thinks back to our conversation of education this afternoon15:44
Squirmabout educated people using proper language15:48
zerefhi Kilos 15:58
Kilosyo Cantide 15:59
Cantidehello :)15:59
Kilosi must really start learning the smiley thing16:01
Kilostoo much hard work looking for them16:09
Cantidei just type them 'ㅂ'16:14
Kilostoods maia16:19
inetproKilos: hoekom? 16:21
Kiloswant dis tyd16:23
Kilossoek jy weer my epos addy16:23
inetproKilos: ai! 16:24
Kiloshoe lekker lag ek nou16:25
Kiloshi Vince-0 theblazehen :)16:34
inetproKilos: ek het gehoop jy sê die reen is op pad16:39
Kilosdit het hier gedrip net nou inetpro .5 mm16:40
Kilosnet bietjie afgekoel16:40
inetprogedrip of gedrup?16:40
Kiloshi Mezenir 16:40
Kilosdrup drup drup16:41
Mezenirhi kilos and others16:45
Kiloshi digigram 16:45
Squirmthis bloody parrot16:45
Squirmmy new neighbour has a parrot16:45
Kiloslol you got one too Squirm 16:45
Squirmit doesn't stop talking16:45
Squirmin this high pitched voice16:45
Kiloswe got an african grey that never shuts up till its cage is covered at night16:46
Mezeniri had a flatmate with a parrot16:46
Mezenirkept imitating the door bell16:46
SquirmI was house sitting one weekend. I was sitting there at about 10pm watching TV and all I here is this "sowubona"16:46
Squirmwell I got a bit of a fright16:47
Squirmpeeked out the window, opened the door- nothing16:47
Kilosthis one does fone ring tones and adida noises and calls the one dog and more16:47
Squirmrealised it was the african grey16:47
Kiloshahaha they talk well hey16:47
Kilosbark like digs and all kinds off things16:48
SquirmI've never heard a dig bark16:48
SquirmI've never heard of a dig either16:48
Kiloswhistles that bridge over the river kwaai tune16:48
Kiloslol dog man16:48
inetproKilos: nee16:49
inetprothat replaces all instances 16:50
inetproin other words globally16:50
Kilosinetpro> should be s/sholda/shoulda/16:50
Kiloswhere the extra g comes from now16:50
Kilosoh my16:51
Squirmg = global16:51
Squirmso it would replace all the mispelt words16:51
* Squirm tries Dota 2 on wine16:52
Kiloswhat old dos games are worth playing? i see they got DOSBox Is Project of the Month at sourceforge16:55
Squirmdon't think I've played any dos games16:55
Kilosgames only came alive after windows didnt they16:55
Squirmooh, Steam started16:56
Mezeniri played my fair share of dos games16:58
Mezenircrusader no regret16:58
inetproaptitude install bsdgames16:58
Mezenirwarcraft 116:58
Mezenirprince of persia16:59
Mezenirthe memories16:59
Kilosi gotta go eat16:59
Kiloscurry made by yours truly16:59
inetprobsdgames includes: adventure, arithmetic, atc, backgammon, battlestar, bcd, boggle, caesar, canfield, countmail, cribbage, dab, go-fish, gomoku, hack, hangman, hunt, mille, monop, morse, number, pig, phantasia, pom, ppt, primes, quiz, random, rain, robots, rot13, sail, snake, tetris, trek, wargames, worm, worms, wump, wtf16:59
inetproall on the cli17:00
inetprogoogle's search has really gone backwards for me17:07
inetprorather than getting technical documentation I get books and useless other results these days17:08
Mezeniri know google has a /linux page17:17
Mezenirprobably something similar for technical searches17:18
Mezenirto refine it17:18
Mezenirmight help17:18
Mezeniri just googled it17:19
Mezenirand it no longer exists :P17:19
Mezenirmy bad17:19
Mezenir"These services were established many years ago to offer search across a limited index of the Web, which in the past was a better way to find this information. For example, google.com/linux was designed to help people find information from message boards and blogs about the Linux operating system," Google explained.17:20
Mezenir"Today, search quality has advanced tremendously, and based on our analysis we've found that in most cases you're better off looking for this kind of specialized information using the regular Google search box, for example by typing [linux fedora upgrade]," the company said.17:20
* inetpro found his problem17:45
inetprowas the default firefox search engine17:46
inetprowas pointing to south african searches 17:46
Kilosi get that when i try go google.com. opera keeps wanting to show google.co.za17:47
Kilosstupid thing17:47
inetproKilos: actually easy to fix when you know about it17:59
Kiloshow did you "know" about it?18:00
inetproI'm not sure whether it was changed with a firefox upgrade but I thought I had fixed it before18:00
Kilosoh maybe opera too with last upgrade18:01
inetproeasy to spot in firefox when you look at the search box18:01
Kilosoh my18:01
inetproclick on the dropdown and choose your search engine of choice18:01
inetprosouth african search is almost never what I want there18:02
SquirmDeloitte predicts that over 90% of user-generated passwords, even those considered strong by IT departments, will be vulnerable to hacking.18:02
Squirmfor one, it's cracking18:03
inetproSquirm: they want to make money again?18:03
inetproSquirm: and I agree18:03
inetprowith you about the cracking, that is18:03
inetpro90% is a very high figure18:04
Squirmit is18:04
Kilosall windows peeps call peeps hackers18:04
Kilosthey dunno what crackers are18:04
Squirmhackers and crackers are different18:04
Kilosthink its something you feed the parrot18:04
Kiloscrackers are bad guys right?18:05
Squirmevery second person with some IT knowledge could probably find a program that would crack passwords18:05
SquirmKilos: crackers force themselves into system, say by means of something like brute force 18:05
Squirma hacker finds loopholes in certain programs and uses them to his advantage18:06
inetproSquirm: oh and 90% of facebook account passwords are probably the same as the corporate aacount password18:06
Squirmso I'd say technically speaking a hacker isn't necessarily bad18:06
Squirminetpro: crack into Facebook and coila18:06
Kiloshackers are also guys that fix sortwåre programs right?18:07
Squirminetpro: 90% of people would use the same password for everything18:07
Squirmactually, I'd raise that to 99.9%18:07
inetproor twitter or linked in or linked out, etc18:07
SquirmKilos: a hacker will find the vulnerability of software18:07
Kilosso the bad guys are hackers or crackers?18:08
* inetpro is a hacker 18:08
inetproKilos: the crackers are typically the bad guys18:08
Kilosthats what i thought inetpro 18:09
inetprobut there are even more than just that18:09
Squirmbut then you also get the penetration testers, I guess the wrong word that people use, "ethical hacker"18:09
Cantidewhite-hat hackers?18:09
Squirmor that18:10
inetpro White hat,  Black hat,  Grey hat,  Elite hacker,  Script kiddie, Neophyte, Blue hat, Hacktivist, etc18:11
Kilosinetpro, doesn wear a hat18:11
CantideGandalf is a grey hat hacker?18:12
* Cantide hides18:12
Cantideand Saruman a white hat? seems like Tolkien got it wrong..18:12
SquirmI guess he find vulnerabilities in the fabric of the earth18:13
Kilosi enjoyed tham movies18:13
SquirmI was forced into watching them about 2 months back18:14
Squirmended up that they weren't that bad18:14
Squirm13min till new himym :)18:15
Kilosinetpro, looks like my prob was ram needing reseating18:18
Kilosno reboots today18:18
Kilosremind me to thank the monkey please18:18
inetproKilos: ask maaz to tell him18:19
Kilosoh ya ty18:19
inetprothat is good news18:19
KilosMaaz, tell kbmonkey on freenode TY lad. reseating ram seems to have sorted the rebooting18:20
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell kbmonkey on freenode18:20
inetproglad that it was as easy as that18:20
inetprosounds like my mouse that didn't want to middle-click18:20
superflyin old computer lore, a hacker was a really good programmer18:20
superflyugh, cat hair EVERYWHERE now18:20
inetprojust removed battery and put it back and voila, all working again18:20
Squirmlol superfly, you said that word programming, then the word 'cat' then I read hair EVERYWHERE and I was so confused18:21
Kilosyou lucky inetpro 18:21
inetprosuperfly: I would say that's a very narrow description of a hacker18:21
Squirmtook me a second to realise it wasn't a command :/18:21
inetpronlsthzn: wb18:23
nlsthznhiya inetpro 18:23
Kiloshi nlsthzn 18:23
nlsthznhello uncle Kilos 18:23
superflyclipnosis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9TmmF79Rw018:26
superflyhi nlsthzn18:26
nlsthznhey superfly :)18:27
nlsthznanyone know where I cam get two of those clamps?18:28
Squirmnlsthzn: lol18:31
Squirmthose are just big paper clips18:31
Squirmthey actually pinch really hard18:31
superflynlsthzn: I used my hands, but it didn't help that much, I still got scratched :-/18:32
nlsthznthat is why I am too afraid to try that way :p18:34
nlsthznour one cat has chased me through the house enough times for me to be weary18:34
Kiloshavent you got a cricket or baseball bat?18:39
Kilosme withdraws that comment18:40
nlsthznnever bring a cricket bat to a gun fight18:44
* inetpro falling asleep 18:51
Kilosgood idea inetpro 18:51
inetprogood night everyone18:51
Kilossleep tight all18:51
Kilossee ya morrow18:51
Cantidegood night18:54
* Cantide , too18:54
smileoom kilos is nie hier nie :(19:00
smileinetpro: ook sneeuw daar? :p19:00
nlsthzncheers all... time for bed19:03
smilenlsthzn: good night19:06
smilebyee :)19:32

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