
David23400Hi , when i want to update or install VLC from software center i get a message just after typing my password which is : "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources"    any idea? (i'm on lubuntu)00:02
escottDavid23400, sounds like you are using a PPA that you havent imported the key for00:02
David23400what's PPA escott00:03
escott!ppa | David2340000:03
ubottuDavid23400: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge00:03
SierraARBack sorry. Who wanted me to check the smart data?00:03
escottDavid23400, if its not a ppa then it may just be an unsigned package in universe00:04
lauratikahi everyone does any one knows a program to add effects on a video stream lioke changing the background for cheese or other video application?00:04
daftykinsSierraAR: somebody, i understand the situation though. fire up the disk utility00:04
SierraARDisk utility is up, I'm in the smart data screen now00:05
daftykinsSierraAR: any errors?00:05
daftykinsor warnings00:05
SierraARTwo lines are marked as 'Failing'00:05
Kion1When I try to install Google earth from their page, the software manager says a warning that this package does not comply with the quality ... any ideas?00:05
daftykinsSierraAR: uh-oh, not a reallocated sectors one, by any chance?00:05
_JuJuBeeI am using an HP8600 OfficeJetPro all in one and my scanner just started not working.  xsane does not see the device.  I can still print to it fine.  I am connected via USB (for scanning) and Ethernet (for printing)  CUPS Sees my printer/fax as well.00:05
SierraAROne is 'Reallocated Sector Count' Normalized: 133; Worst: 133; Threshold: 140; Value: 561 Sectors00:05
daftykinsSierraAR: yeah that drive is toast.00:06
escottSierraAR, no great surprises. the disk is toast00:06
* daftykins high fives escott for the same word use too XD00:06
SierraARDoes this normally happen within a few months of installing a Western Digital Blue series HDD or did someone have to have fubar'd this00:06
daftykinsSierraAR: if it's a drive that came with a system, it'll be warranty pursuing time with the system manufacturer00:06
SierraARIt's not the drive that came with the system00:06
SierraARThat one died months ago00:07
bobolopolisSierraAR: if the drive is under warranty, i've never had problems with getting RMA's from WD00:07
escottDavid23400, each package is (supposed to be) cryptographically signed to make sure that when you install it that you aren't installing malware00:07
daftykinsSierraAR: some drives can die quite quick. just setup a return on wdc.com , you'll have to register with their 'force' service00:07
SierraARAnd no, it's not the laptop I use :P00:07
escottSierraAR, you said it was a brand new drive right. so RMA it00:07
daftykinsSierraAR: stop me if you've done RMAs before00:07
SierraARWithin the past few months, I forget when exactly we bought it. Got it new off Amazon00:07
SierraARdaftykins, I've never done one before00:08
escottSierraAR, you clearly have never worked for UPS. if you had you would know that those small hard-drive boxes make the perfect backyard footballs00:08
daftykinsSierraAR: ah ok. well you can do an advanced replacement, where they ship you a new drive first and they hold the $ against your credit card until you send in the dead one.00:08
SierraARescott, Oh god, I've heard the horror stories. I'd hoped they were just stories00:09
daftykinsSierraAR: start here: http://support.wdc.com/warranty/index_end.asp?lang=en00:09
daftykinsSierraAR: you could try and go back to where you bought it from, but i'd recommend just going straight to WD00:10
escottSierraAR, some are some aren't. but the failure rate is very high at the beginning then tails off and then increases again at the end. just because it passes QC doesn't mean its good. it just means its cheaper to ship X many bad units and replace them than to test all units more completely00:10
_Rocky_`Networking problem. Router is able to ping machines. Machines are not able to ping each other. Machines are laptops connected by wireless. Any ideas would be great. Thank you in advance.00:10
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_Rocky_`I have been banging my head over this. Had nowhere else to go :(00:11
escott_Rocky_`, are you using anything like radius?00:11
SierraARdaftykins, Bought it from amazon.com00:11
daftykins_Rocky_`: some wireless access points / routers have an option to isolate all wireless clients. has it ever worked?00:11
SierraARFilling out the registration forms00:11
daftykinsSierraAR: on amazon?00:11
_Rocky_`No. nothing special. Just a normal ubuntu 12.04 install on one lap and debian squeeze on another.00:11
escott_Rocky_`, not the laptops the router. is RADIUS enterprise WPA or isolation enabled?00:12
SierraARdaftykins, Forms on the wdc site you linked00:13
_Rocky_`daftykins: , escott : Thank you. I looked for AP Isolation on the router. There is no option. Its a basic home network model. There is no RADIUS on the router.00:13
daftykinsok cool00:13
SierraARTo create an RMA00:13
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escott_Rocky_`, and what error messages do you get? (you are pinging by ip address correct?)00:13
daftykinslauratika: sorry no thoughts about webcam cheese came to mind :P00:15
_Rocky_`escott: The IP is correct. But get something like <local ip>: Destination host unreachable on both machines00:15
julian-delphiki_Rocky_`: can you show us the actual output?00:15
_Rocky_`escott: Also, arp -n shows route to router but the route to the other machine is incomplete.00:15
julian-delphiki_Rocky_`: and both machines have an appropriate route to the router and aren't getting their via magic? lol00:16
usr13_Rocky_`: nmap00:16
escott_Rocky_`, why would arp show a route to the other ip. is it not on the same subnet?00:16
SierraARThanks for the help btw, escott  and daftykins and whoever else said to look at the SMART status00:16
daftykinsSierraAR: np :) good luck with it00:16
lauratikadaftykins: or any fx for video?00:16
_Rocky_`julian-delphiki: the error "From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable"00:18
_Rocky_`escott: The are on the same subnet.00:18
SierraARHunting down the invoices for the dates of purchase now xD00:18
daftykinsSierraAR: i had to do that :( used to be so much simpler, now all this drive registration hassle :S00:18
julian-delphiki_Rocky_`: what is the model of the router00:18
_Rocky_`usr13: Thank you. will try nmap.00:18
daftykinslauratika: 'webcamstudio' ?00:18
_Rocky_`julian-delphiki: Cisco Linksys WAG54G200:19
lauratikabut streaming video i mean00:20
daftykinslauratika: what kind?00:20
julian-delphiki_Rocky_`: http://homecommunity.cisco.com/t5/Cable-and-DSL/WAG320N-LAN-cleints-cannot-ping-WLAN-clients/m-p/398407?comm_cc=HSus&comm_lang=en#M1793100:20
lauratikacheese, guvcview etc00:21
SierraARIn the meantime, anybody know of a good tutorial for setting up a functional dual-boot between ubuntu 12.04 and windows 7 64 bit? I cant find the tutorial I used last time00:21
daftykins_Rocky_`: guide says toggle AP isolation on then off again, or vice versa, as we recommended :>00:22
escottSierraAR, there is nothing different about win7 boot from say winXP00:22
Kion1SierraAR: Usually just insert a iso cd or usb and it will take you by the hand00:22
julian-delphikidaftykins: bingo :>00:22
daftykinsjulian-delphiki: i figure he missed it the last time, you know how those router web admins can be!00:22
SierraARescott, Kion1, I do recall having to do some specific setup stuff for the boot manager to recognize both OS's00:22
julian-delphikidaftykins: for sure, overly complicated, <3 ddwrt.00:23
_Rocky_`daftykins: Thank you. But, I dont have an option for AP isolation at all.00:23
SierraARThanks blkadder00:23
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daftykins_Rocky_`: there really should be, given it's a common Linksys model. :S00:23
_Rocky_`Or linksys has secretly hidden it from me. Its a conspiracy I tell ya.00:24
julian-delphiki_Rocky_`: Wireless -> Advanced Wireless Settings00:24
ScuniziIf you're in the know with OpenShot and I can ask a question or two of you please join me in #OpenShot_Question00:24
julian-delphikiScunizi: thats not how this works, ask your question here00:24
phunyguyso I am back at this bug, I am trying to automount a user sshfs share, which is a specific folder on a remote SSH server, but no matter what I do, it mounts to sftp://remoteserver/home/username00:24
daftykins_Rocky_`: does the webadmin look like: http://vanilla.co.za/images/dslhelp/linksys/new/wireless_disabled.gif ?00:24
_Rocky_`julian-delphiki: Thats where I am looking. I have searched on the internet. Screenshots show AP Isolation. My router doesnt show that option.00:25
daftykins_Rocky_`: that's freaky. do you have the latest firmware on?00:25
julian-delphiki_Rocky_`: you may want to look at upgrading the firmware then00:25
* daftykins high-fives julian-delphiki 00:25
daftykinsjulian-delphiki: i'll stop treading on your toes now :>00:25
escottphunyguy, sftp://blah blah is a url not a mountpoint00:25
_Rocky_`daftykins: Most of the UI is same. Its all blue though where its violet in the screenshot.00:26
phunyguyescott that is the end I am talking about00:26
Scunizijulian-delphiki: trying my best to keep the ubuntu channel for ubuntu.. but here goes.. Once you've cut a clip several times how do you save the individual cut segments?00:26
phunyguyit ignores what I tell the remote end to be00:26
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escottphunyguy, is sftp://remoteserver/home/username not the correct url? what would be the correct url?00:26
SierraARdaftykins, It says 'no limited warranty' on the drive now that it's registered00:26
Soelenhello everyone, quick question! Watching a unix/linux tutorial right now and he suggested to mount all partitions on /opt, I always thought /mnt is here for, what's the difference?00:26
SierraARNot sure what that means00:26
phunyguyescott, even if I go to sftp://remoteserver/media/storage/users/blah it still bookmarks sftp://remoteserver/home/blah00:26
phunyguydoes the same thing in Gigolo00:27
phunyguyI'd use Samba, but it is god-awful slow with gvfs00:27
daftykinsSierraAR: hrmm, there's a little tooltip nearby that explains that00:27
julian-delphikiphunyguy, and what does your fstab look like00:27
_Rocky_`I think it should be the firmware guys. Thank you very much for your help. Will upgrade the firmware and come back with news. I knew I could trust the ubuntu channel ;)00:27
daftykins_Rocky_`: good luck!00:27
escottphunyguy, is /media/storage/users/blah symlinked to /home/blah on the remote00:28
blkadderTrust us at your own peril!00:28
phunyguyescott, no.00:28
SierraARBleh, website says I can't file an RMA for the drive because it's not under warranty00:28
phunyguyjulian-delphiki, no fstab, this is gvfs00:28
kvothetechjulian-delphiki: bean from enders shadow?00:28
escottSoelen, opt would be a strange place. historically there have been two places /mnt and /media. the second for removable the first for non-removable. /opt would not be a reasonable mountpoint00:28
julian-delphikiphunyguy: oh, i thought you said something about sshfs, so i wasn't sure.00:28
phunyguyjulian-delphiki, I am mounting a share via SSH00:29
julian-delphikiokay, but thats not sshfs00:29
phunyguywas probably the wrong word00:29
escott!hier | Soelen00:29
ubottuSoelen: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier00:29
escottjulian-delphiki, does sshfs use scp directives instead of the sftp module?00:29
daftykinsSierraAR: doh, to amazon then i guess :S sounds like it wasn't a legit drive00:29
Soelenescott: ubottu: thanks a lot, I guess it's in the nature of solaris then00:29
SierraARWhats odd is, looking at the invoices00:30
SierraARWe bought two drives, exactly the same, from amazon, a few days apart. One was $10 more than the other o.O00:30
escottSierraAR, even if it is outside of warranty you may still be within your local governments legally mandated period of merchantability and could charge back for a defective product00:30
Soelenubottu: thanks for the link buddy, reading it00:30
ubottuSoelen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:30
ScuniziIn openshot, after slicing up a clip, how do you save the edited segments in their own files or put them in the project file box for later use?00:30
SierraARescott, This one was purchased Nov 17, 2012. I have no idea what the law here in Ohio is for that00:30
phunyguyescott, what are your thoughts?00:31
phunyguywith the SCP and sftp thing00:31
escottphunyguy, they are different. i dont know what method sshfs uses00:31
phunyguyahh, well like I said, was probably the wrong word.  I am going to sftp://url/to/share00:31
daftykinsSierraAR: was it actually amazon or one of their sellers?00:31
phunyguyin Nautilus00:31
SierraARdaftykins, amazon.com00:31
escottphunyguy, yes00:31
phunyguyand then creating a bookmark from there00:32
daftykinsSierraAR: ah well, just follow their returns procedure i guess. state 'bad sectors' and refuse to accept that's normal because it's never good :D00:32
phunyguybrb, trying a quick restart to finish updates00:32
modifieri have added a usb capture card....how do i know its recognized by system and drivers are installed for it ?00:34
escottSierraAR, in the future always stress test any hardware when you unbox it00:34
escottSierraAR, legally it probably takes you out of any possible RMA issues because you can just point to magnusun moss and ship it back to whereever you bought it from (even if that business is going OUT OF BUSINESS) and then chargeback on the CC00:35
modifierescott: have added a usb capture card....how do i know its recognized by system and drivers are installed for it ?00:36
escottSierraAR, but it also saves you from having to deal with getting your data off a failing drive and the risk of shipping confidential data back the manufacturer who might potentially sell the device as a refurb00:36
SierraARescott, How do I stress test a drive?00:36
phunyguyyeah updates didn't cure it.00:36
escottmodifier, you try and use it in an application00:36
escott!info bonnie++ | SierraAR00:37
ubottuSierraAR: bonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive benchmark suite.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.96build1 (quantal), package size 63 kB, installed size 187 kB00:37
escottSierraAR, also cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdX00:37
julian-delphikidd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX00:37
modifierescott: suggest any application for capture card on linux....no app or driver from vendor for linux00:37
escottmodifier, i have no idea. why are you asking me?00:38
modifierescott: u look most active at this time00:39
modifierin the channel00:39
julian-delphikistill, you should address the channel, not specific unrelated people00:39
escottmodifier, and if i knew an answer i would have messaged you. i'm not prejudiced against people with nicknames that begin with "m"00:39
julian-delphikiunfortunately you're probably not going to have much luck unless there is an open source linux driver00:39
SierraARescott: Drive isnt in the laptop anymore, it's sitting beside me so I can read off the S/N00:40
escottSierraAR, well that drive is dead so this is more of an "in the future"00:40
_Rocky_``modifier: lol00:40
modifierwell if source code is availlable then i will compile it00:40
joe9I want to run a script on startup on ubuntu 12.04. I read about rc.local. my script has the start, stop, etc, and can belong in /etc/init.d00:40
joe9Is the recommended way still to run update-rc.d?00:41
escottSierraAR, since you bought something that was OEM and has no warranty, and are two months into ownership you might have a hard time claiming merchantability00:41
phunyguyis there another type of filesystem besides cifs and sftp that work well from linux server to linux client in a gvfs environment?00:41
julian-delphikiphunyguy: actual SSHFS?00:41
escottSierraAR, original equipment manufacturer. ie not sold with the pretty box and usually has a lesser warranty00:41
phunyguyjulian-delphiki, does that work via nautilus/gigolo/gvfs?00:41
phunyguyIt needs to be a per-user thing00:42
phunyguyI had a script but it got flaky when switching networks, etc.00:42
julian-delphikiwait, are you wanting to mount home dirs or something?00:42
phunyguy(vpn, non-vpn)00:42
escottjulian-delphiki, is "actual sshfs" any different from sftp? what is the transport method of sshfs?00:42
julian-delphikiescott: I'm unsure, I just know its  FUSE file system00:43
phunyguyjulian-delphiki, portions of /home symlinked, like ~/Music, ~/Videos - etc00:43
escottphunyguy, there is NFS00:43
julian-delphikiNFS is probably the best option00:43
escottjulian-delphiki, you keep talking about sshfs as if it were NOT using sftp. I would think it probably does use sftp00:43
julian-delphikiescott: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS00:43
phunyguylet me ponder that for a bit00:43
julian-delphikiescott: actually, it looks like it uses w/e nautilus "ssh" connection uses00:44
phunyguynautilus cannot handle nfs locations00:44
escottjulian-delphiki, none of that states what protocol sshfs uses underneath. sftp is ssh00:44
julian-delphikii'd say its lower level than doing it in a gui though00:44
escottjulian-delphiki, phunyguy SSHFS is as I suspected sftp00:45
phunyguyescott, yes.00:45
phunyguyescott, I had something similar, what will this get me?00:46
escottphunyguy, the whole sftp/sshfs confusion has got me confused as to what the question is.00:47
phunyguyescott, sorry, I am trying to accomplish what gigolo/nautilus/cifs give me with dynamic bookmarks, so when a connection is active, filesystems are mounted, per-user.00:48
MK`Is there a way to get Ubuntu to remember to set the sound device to my headphones when I plug them in? I need to keep doing it manually.00:48
phunyguywhen using hard-mounts like in fstab, it prohibits my laptop from sleeping, and shutting down in a timely manner00:48
phunyguyMK`, version?00:49
modifierany good application for watching tv from capture card on linux....also how do i look that my capture card is recognized by system and drivers are installed for it ? how to look for any ardware connected to system is properly recognized ?00:49
phunyguy!info mythtv00:49
ubottumythtv (source: mythtv): A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:0.25.2+fixes.20120802.46cab93-0ubuntu1.12.10 (quantal), package size 4 kB, installed size 99 kB00:49
MK`phunyguy: 11.1000:49
julian-delphikimodifier: what is the model of the capture card00:49
modifierjulian-delphiki: chip is TM560000:49
MAL-_Hello, I'm having a weird issue with Ubuntu vs on Windows.. in Ubuntu 12.10 with unity if I right click the desktop then right click another location it simply closes the 1st context menu instead of opening the context menu in the second location.. has anyone noticed this too? It's like first right click open context, 2nd right click close context, 3rd open context. Ideally when I right click I'd like to get the context menu each time.00:50
phunyguyescott, also, the reason I wanted to avoid CIFS, is due to speed.  gvfs/cifs performance is horrid on wifi, and vpn00:50
phunyguyI can get 8-9MB/s with hard mounted samba shares, but 1.0MB/s with gvfs00:50
modifierjulian-delphiki: also when connecting through usb...the front lid is getting on00:50
phunyguyescott it doesn't perform well at all.00:50
julian-delphikimodifier: it looks like many people have not really hard luck with that card00:51
escottphunyguy, im not sure there is a good solution with all the requirements you have stated00:51
modifierjulian-delphiki: ohh,....can u find source code for driver ? i will try to compile and see if it works00:52
julian-delphikimodifier: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Trident_TM6000 is really the only information i can find00:52
phunyguywell, thanks anyway for your help.  I am hoping performance for cifs gets better, but I don't have my hopes up.  Been trying for years.00:52
julian-delphikimodifier: "In brief, while we want to fix the driver issues, it is recommend to avoid buying any devices with tm5600/tm6000/tm6010 (and DRX demod) chips."00:52
RobsomeHi all.00:52
modifierjulian-delphiki: late warnings....now i am stuck with it :(00:53
RobsomeInstalling 12.10 as I type00:53
RobsomeOnly 2.5 hours remain:P00:53
phunyguyI have eaten my words, escott.  The updates must have triggered a speed increase with cifs.  Although it isn't 8-9MB/s, it is around 4-5MB/s00:54
phunyguyI guess it's tolerable.00:54
phunyguythanks for your help, escott.00:54
daftykinsMAL-_: that sounds tolerable enough to consider posting somewhere as a recommendation, doubt it's going to have people up in arms00:55
AceFacehello, all!00:55
AceFaceis there anyone here with experience using KVM?00:56
daftykinsAceFace: just ask away00:56
MAL-_daftykins, It's an annoyance but it's causing problems when working the channels in Mumble. I'm just wondering if there's any mouse tweak programs I can try or if mouse settings are as is in Ubuntu.00:56
compdocAceFace, yeah00:56
AceFacecompdoc: here is my issue: i.imgur.com/2g5bA.png00:56
gyre008why does apt-get upgrade <package_name> upgades kernel I will never get...arrrgh00:57
jribgyre008: it doesn't...00:57
compdocwhat are you doing to get that error?00:57
AceFacei have ran "kvm-ok" and it says i can virtualiz hardware00:57
bootkigftrgdsI got Empathy to load up on my Lubuntu netbook, but when I ask it to load 'an account' it just goes to system setting .. what am I doing wrong ?00:57
AceFacei am setting up a VM using virt-manager00:57
AceFacethe gui tool00:58
gyre008well i just ran apt-get upgrade chef and the kernel has been upgraded too...wth00:58
compdocdoes virt manager open?00:58
escottAceFace, and this message is coming from the guest00:58
jribgyre008: that's doubtful00:58
jribgyre008: are you sure  you didn't run "apt-get dist-upgrade"?00:58
AceFaceyes, infact i can open it and configure the guest VM, but at the last step it gives the error00:58
AceFacehere is my lshw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1532944/00:59
trololhello, can someone help me on fully purging fglrx?00:59
gyre008jrib: 100% positive00:59
escottAceFace, sounds like the client needs to load a kernel module?00:59
AceFacemy CPU can virtualize hardware and its enabled in the bios00:59
jribgyre008: what makes you say your kernel was upgraded?00:59
gyre008the output in the log ?00:59
compdocAceFace, which mainboard?00:59
jribgyre008: be more specific00:59
AceFacecompdoc: M4A88TD-V EVO/USB301:00
trolol[Error]A previous installation of fglrx driver detected to be loaded.01:00
trololUser must uninstall existing fglrx driver01:00
trololor run install with force option.01:00
trololForcing the installation is not recommended.01:00
FloodBot1trolol: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:00
modifierjulian-delphiki: how to check if the capture card is recognized by system coz front lid is glowing very well......and also suggest any good mini card with wifi & bluettoth 2 in 1 coz i am also watching issues with broadcom 4313 chip which is currently installed into my system and i wanna change it.....suggest one which has fast speed with & over long distance01:00
AceFaceescott: when you say client, you mean the virt-manager GUI?01:00
bootkigftrgdsI got Empathy to load up on my Lubuntu netbook, but when I ask it to load 'an account' it just goes to system setting .. what am I doing wrong ?01:00
trololhas anyone purged fglrx before?01:00
compdocAceFace, did you add yourself to the libvirtd group? Does kvm have permissions to write to the storage?01:00
fishcookeris there any boot grub editor on ubuntu?01:01
AceFaceyes, i have added myself to the group with sudo adduser <username> libvirtd01:01
AceFaceand i got a success message01:01
compdocAceFace, you know about logging out after?01:01
compdocjust checking...01:02
escottAceFace, rather the guest01:02
AceFacekvm write permissions to storage? i dont know, it should as the disk image is in the default location01:02
AceFaceand yes, i have logged out and logged back in to ensure that i am added to group01:02
daftykinsAceFace: not sure if this is relevant, but have a read: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-925976-start-0.html01:02
jeffreewould this be the right place to ask about a network driver problem?01:02
daftykins!ask | jeffree01:02
ubottujeffree: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:02
jribgyre008: you could pastebin the output for example01:03
daftykinsAceFace: "Solved running: gpasswd -a qemu kvm" <-- no idea what that does but it's in that thread01:03
trololI downloaded fglrx for ati ,,, bad choice.. found the actual one from amd's website but I didn't fully purge fglrx properly.. anyone know how to do so?01:03
modifieranyone -  how to check if the capture card is recognized by system coz front lid is glowing very well......and also suggest any good mini card with wifi & bluettoth 2 in 1 coz i am also watching issues with broadcom 4313 chip which is currently installed into my system and i wanna change it.....suggest one which has fast speed with & over long distance01:04
AceFaceescott: to answer your question, the guest is a WinXP and it doesnt even get past the last step of "setting up" the VM01:04
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AceFaceso, the VM guest never starts to load01:04
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:04
=== Theodore_ is now known as Theodore
phunyguywoooo netsplit!01:04
escottAceFace, and you are getting this message on the host? did you modprobe the kvm modules?01:04
modifierbest virtual machine for linux ? virtual box ?01:04
MAL-_This here explains my problem perfectly but it's from 2010.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156638001:04
daftykinstrolol: sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*01:04
gyre008sure jrib http://pastebin.com/w38V8LD001:04
MAL-_modifier, Virtualbox is definitely awesome01:05
AceFacedaftykins: i will try that01:05
modifierand installing win7 in virtual machine in ubuntu will be good or installing it side by side ubuntu as a complete independent OS ?01:05
compdocAceFace, in your manual, it shows the default is:   Secure Virtual Machine Mode [Disabled]01:11
modifierMAL-_: ^^01:11
AceFaceescott: this message is on the host, sorry i did not specify01:11
compdocAceFace, nice looking board01:11
AceFacecompdoc: i have edited bios to show it as enabled01:11
AceFacecompdoc: shall i change it back?01:11
BillyZane|2sure wish i had some sound01:11
compdocAceFace, how did you install kvm?01:11
trolol<daftykins>: thats what I originally did, but it seems that it doesn't work01:11
MAL-_modifier, I've never tried Windows 7 in Virtualbox but I'm about to try ReactOS to see how well that might work for running windows stuff.01:11
compdocAceFace, no - enabled is right01:11
escottAceFace, lsmod | grep kvm does that show kvm.ko as loaded01:11
AceFacecompdoc: i installed per instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation01:11
daftykinstrolol: is the ATI driver claiming it detects something present and won't install, or?01:11
modifierhow to look for all the drivers loaded in system ?01:11
AceFaceescott: is shows kvm_amd 55604 0, kvm 414070 1 kvm_amd01:11
trolol<daftykins>: Error: A previous installation of fglrx driver detected to be loaded.User must uninstall existing fglrx driver or run install with force option. Forcing the installation is not recommended.01:11
compdocAceFace, what does 'groups' command show for your user?01:11
daftykinstrolol: trolol check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/78675/how-do-i-remove-the-fglrx-drivers-after-ive-installed-them-by-hand01:11
compdocthere are other important groups besides libvrtd01:11
AceFace<username> adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare libvirtd01:11
AceFacedaftykins: i tried the gpasswd command with no success, "qemu user does not exist"01:11
modifierMAL-_: how to look for all the drivers loaded into system ?01:11
MAL-_modifier, I'm not too sure..01:11
modifierMAL-_: lsmod ?01:11
trolol<daftykins>: that will not work (ive tried it before) ... however I did find a xf86-video-ati folder on my home directory01:12
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MAL-_modifier, I'm not sure.. I haven't had to play much with drivers on linux01:13
m0kshahi, anyone know anything about MPI? I'm trying to find information on building a cluster.01:13
daftykinstrolol: nothing in home should be relevant. just give up and go for the force install, if none of those package names are present to remove01:13
compdocAceFace, what does this show:  libvirtd --version     and this:  kvm --version01:15
trolol<daftykins>: when i run the sh that I downloaded from amd's website.. it will still pop up with that error message and not allow for an option to continue to install...01:17
AceFacecompdoc: sorry, i was afk for a min01:18
daftykinstrolol: that's odd. not sure a manual install is the best idea anyway. here's a crazy idea though - why not *install* fglrx so you definitely can remove it? :D01:18
daftykinstrolol: i have to go anyway, be back soon01:18
AceFacecompdoc: libvirtd (libvirt) 0.9.91301:18
trolol<daftykins>: ok thanks for your help01:18
AceFacecompdoc: kvm shows QEMU v 1.2.001:18
compdocAceFace, oh, this is 12.10?01:19
compdocdoes libvirt-bin exist in:  service --status-all01:21
jane_just installed xubuntu did the updates. what now? i don't think i have java or01:21
AceFaceyes, shows [ ? ] libvirt-bin01:21
julian-delphikitrolol: btw, you dont need to put people's names in <>'s, and you can tab complete them like, typing tro and hitting tab gets me your name01:22
AceFaceim a linux novice, and i -assume- ive tried to google everything to find a fix, but i have not01:22
AceFacei may have found a bug?01:22
compdocAceFace, well, maybe you should define a filesystem storage area on your own desktop to see if its permissions01:23
haysare there any new ultrabooks with flawless or near-flawless linux support?01:23
haysThose Asus look pretty sweet for example01:23
AceFacei will try that, thank you so much for the help so far!01:23
haysThe Dell Linux Ultrabook unfortunately has a kinda crappy screen01:23
jane_page link for after installing xubuntu01:23
compdocAceface, there seems to be a group named 'kvm' shown on that website you posted01:25
vulnI installed and configured Compiz in my Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. Sometimes when I turn on the computer, when I press super, the Unity left bar with some apps shows up. However, sometimes I turn on my computer and it doesnt. Even though I can't view it, I know it's there since tab+enter runs one of the apps that used to appear in the bar01:26
vulnHow can I make it appear once and for all?01:27
dr_willissounds like  some buggy video drivers vuln01:27
trololjulian-delphiki: wait... lol I havn't used IRC in a long time, but my client used to do that to tag a users name01:27
dr_willisvuln:  whats your video chipset?01:27
=== julian-delphiki is now known as bean
savagecrochmm right.. why on a default install of ubuntu do other users have permission to ls -al my home directory and  access half the files?01:32
savagecrocwhat should the permissions be?01:32
savagecroci'm guessing user::rwx  group::r-x other:--- on the directory01:33
haysthis is what i have: drwxr-xr-x01:33
savagecrocyeah but why should other get access01:33
savagecrocseems nuts01:33
hayswell they don't have write access01:34
Hilikusis nvidia still the clear choice for ubuntu?01:34
savagecrochays: yeah but they can still ls around01:34
=== chuck is now known as Orkultus
dr_willisHilikus:  I find the older nvidia chipsets work best. Avoid  the Dual-GPU optmius stuff for now. its still very much a work in progress01:35
jribgyre008: you know by the way that "apt-get upgrade foo" doesn't just upgrade foo and is the same as "apt-get upgrade"?01:35
Orkultus<-- running optimus right now01:35
gyre008jrib: mm didnt know that01:36
gyre008whats the comand to upgrade just sleected package01:36
jribgyre008: you can upgrade specific packages by doing "apt-get install foo"01:36
gyre008just install01:36
Orkultusgyre2008 if it finds a newer version it upgrades it01:36
gyre008will try that then! ;)01:36
gyre008cheers lads01:36
Orkultuscant wait for optimus to have better support01:37
Orkultuskind of annoying having to use optirun command01:37
Orkultusi finally just loaded a terminal with optirun01:38
Orkultusstarting running my games from that01:38
M4dN3ssthis channel is so much funz, yeah?01:38
modifierany wifi with blutooth 2in1 mini card which has good linux driver to support its performance and fast speed with and over longer range ?01:38
Orkultusmodifier this a laptop?01:39
M4dN3ssAnyway, if anyone needs anything I'd be happy to help01:39
dr_willismodifier:  cant say ive ever seen a wifi+bluetooth both in one dongle01:39
androidalfa wifi01:39
M4dN3ssmodifier: I agree with dr_willis01:39
Orkultusmodifier: oh my laptop has both built in, i think running from Atheros01:39
modifierOrkultus: hp G6 series model-1200TU with Broadcom 4313 chip01:39
dr_willisa 'mini' card will be01:39
M4dN3ssare you sure you have your information correct?01:40
dr_willisa 'mini' card will be  'anti long range' also01:40
Orkultusmodifier: this is a dongle that you want to get?01:40
modifierdr_willis: not dongle but wifi module or mini card01:40
Orkultusi see01:40
modifierOrkultus: ^^01:40
Orkultussomething like an old school pcmcia card01:40
dr_willisI alwyas hit up google and amazon and see what user reviews say about  the specific hardware and ubuntu support01:41
AceFacecompdoc: i found a solution for my KVM problem!01:41
mehworki plugged my ubuntu laptop into a plasma tv but i can't see google chrome on it. Any idea why? i can see terminal with irc in it though01:41
Orkultusmehwork: Nvidia or ATI?01:41
modifierdr_willis: so what will u suggest ? i wanns replace broadcom 4313 card with a faster one01:41
dr_willismodifier:  check the various linux hardware review sites.. or check amazin and see what gets good reviews/comments about well supported in Linux/Ubuntu01:42
mehworkOrkultus: amd radeon hd01:42
Orkultusmodifier i have no problem with the Atheros cards...i had to disable ipv6 cause of frequent drops..but it's good now01:42
DarkAceLaptophow do I get rid of these https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22806246/Screencaps/scollbar.png and install the ones U10.04 has/had?01:42
Orkultusmehwork: you using this tv as a second monitor?01:43
coreybis anyone familiar with fubuntu?01:43
mehworkOrkultus: yeah but i don't have to. i just want it to work on it01:43
dr_williscoreyb:  enough to know its not related to ubuntu.. but based on fedora.01:43
djznQUESTION: how do i turn offline the suggestions for online applications on the lens?01:43
modifierOrkultus: broadcom is also ok now with ubuntu 12.10 and its driver integrated under additional drivers software sources...otherwsie it was nothing more then a pain in***01:43
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ01:43
modifiersrry 4 lingo...01:44
harrisin 12.04 how do i add evolution to mail applet01:44
Orkultusmehwork: when i had an nvidia card, it would automaticly detect my TV, and it was in my Nvidia-Settings as an option to choose01:44
un2himdjzn, search for privacy, then there is an option to disable online search results01:44
Orkultusmehwork: does your ATI settings program have options?01:44
AceFacecompdoc: i used "sudo cat /etc/group | grep kvm" and "sudo cat /etc/group | grep qemu" and "sudo cat /etc/group | grep libvirt" to find all groups related to my kvm problem, i then added these users to the groups: root, <username>, libvirt-qemu, libvirt-dnsmasq to all the groups01:44
Orkultusmehwork: also which driver are you using?01:44
yugnipDarkAceLaptop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10939919&postcount=201:45
djzndr_willis, i done that, i am talking about the APPLICATIONS that appear (Free, Paid, Free, Free)01:45
AceFacethen rebooted for good measure and now it works! ^_^01:45
_DADDYi got xubuntu and my cpu is only running at 1400 whereas it should be 2.701:45
Orkultus_DADDY: there an option in BIOS?01:45
djznapps from the repo not installed are appearing01:45
dr_willisdjzn:  i recall there be a setting/checkbox for that.  i turned it off ages ago.01:45
mehworkOrkultus: idk, it crashed i'm over it01:45
_DADDYno hp style bios01:45
djzndr_willis, yes, there is this one i forgot01:46
harrisdr_willis,  how do i add evolution to 12.0401:46
Orkultusmehwork: well sorry i couldn't be of much help. Just be glad you dont have to deal with Nvidia Optimus01:46
harrismail applet01:46
dr_willisharris:  if its not instlled - use the package manager tools to installit.01:46
harrisi have evolution01:46
savagecrocdoes anyone have any suggestions of what to do to lock down a default ubuntu server box?01:47
harrisbut its not in mail applet01:47
_DADDYanyone know if ubuntu supports gtx660m?01:47
dr_willis_DADDY:  it should. You could check the forums and askubuntu.com to see if anonye has specific issues with it.01:47
Orkultus_DADDY: im running a GT 640M 2gb...im sure it's in the same driver as the one i have01:47
compdocAceFace, cool01:47
harrisdr_willis,  i have evolution but not showing up in top right mail thing01:48
dr_willisharris:  no idea. I never use it.01:48
modifierhow to install xubuntu lubuntu kubuntu and various other environments on ubuntu ?01:48
harrishow do i add thunderbird to it01:48
dr_willismodifier:  via the package manager tools..   packagtes will be like lubuntu-desktop  kubuntu-desktop and so forth01:48
Orkultusmodifier: say you want LXDE..you just sudo apt-get install lxde-common lxde lxde-core01:48
_DADDYanyone think they could help me out with a low cpu mhz its well below normal in ubuntu01:49
modifierOrkultus: that will give only lxde skin01:49
dr_willis_DADDY:  my system auto throttles the cpu up/down as needed...01:49
modifierbut i want whole lubuntu on ubuntu as a profile01:49
Orkultusmodifier that's what i did to get the lxde desktop. i run cinnamon as my default01:49
Orkultusim on Linux Mint 1401:49
dr_willismodifier:  you install the *-desktop package then select the one to use at the login screen01:50
_DADDYdr_willis: hmm01:50
_DADDYomg i hate mint01:50
_DADDYi just got rid of it01:50
modifierOrkultus: how to install cinnamon on ubuntu ? have heard a lot about it and openbox01:50
Orkultusmodifier you need to find a ppa for it01:50
dr_willis!info openbox01:51
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-4 (quantal), package size 288 kB, installed size 1291 kB01:51
_DADDYxface is better than cinnamon imo01:51
Orkultusmodifier then it's as simple as sudo apt-get install cinnamon01:51
dr_willisand hope cinnamon dosent break the rest of the system.. ;)01:51
modifierdr_willis: confirm plz....it will be bad if it breaks :(01:52
dr_willismodifier:  if cinnamon breaks your ubuntu box.. you are on your own. its an unsupported by this channel ppa/desktop01:52
modifierthen better i will leave it01:53
Thormodifier: try it in a vm first and see if anything breaks01:53
Orkultusmodifier: also note that it probly wont run well with ATI cards...hence the new Gnome environment01:53
djonohello im having problems with flash on chromium01:53
Thormodifier: you should be able to find virtualbox in apt :)01:53
_DADDYmodifier: u try go with xfce01:53
=== ubar is now known as tweikable
Orkultusmodifier: there are plenty of desktop environments to try from01:54
Orkultusmodifier: Mate is also another version simular to cinnamon01:54
tweikable<- anyone free need help installing vidila verzon of tor on my ubuntu 12.1001:54
modifierthere are thousand...i just choose the big-wigs01:54
_DADDYcinnamon isnt all that good i feel nor gnome-shell nor unity01:55
dr_willisOr just stick to unity. since that will be the easiest to get support on.01:55
Orkultusmodifier: if you like customization... E17 as well..just watch out for the network manager that it tries to install01:55
androidZSNES is arguably the most popular and highest rated SNES emulator available. sudo apt-get install zsnes01:56
Orkultusandroid already have it01:56
modifierare u both talking to me ?01:57
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histomodifier: openbox is pretty nice. Also if you are into tiling managers awesome wm is where it's at01:57
modifierzsnes ?01:57
djzni  hate unity but i am using it.01:57
histotweikable: have you tried just using the tor browsers availible?01:57
Orkultusfor a suggestion to anyone looking for a new laptop. If you get an ACER V3-771G ..haha your gonna have a hell of a time getting linux to run01:57
histotweikable: much easier to set up and it's portable01:57
tweikablei think so ,  not sure is does it have the features that vidilia has with being able to click for new identity01:58
djznunity needs to show the applications menu at all times.... always, like MAC01:58
histotweikable: yes it does01:58
tweikableproblem im haviang. when i type tor in terminal says its running. i go to ip chicken. still says my ip address01:58
Super_DogUpgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 went pretty well but I can't seem to load Acrobat Reader 9.X that was on my old 10.04 setup.01:58
tweikablewith the light sppeed bs01:58
dr_willisTheres indicator applets to show a more old type menu... trivial to install.01:58
histotweikable: you can choose a new identity in the side panel that's open01:58
Super_DogI get this: "acroread : Depends: ia32-libs (>= 20080808) but it is not going to be installedE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."01:59
histotweikable: can't remember if it's vidalia or what it's called01:59
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tweikableok./ i will re download it. i have fast internet, do you have the time to help me out01:59
Super_DogI see this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acroread/+bug/99076101:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 990761 in acroread (Ubuntu) "acroread 9.5.1 is not installable on Ubuntu Precise amd64 system" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:59
OrkultusSuper_Dog: do you really need acrobat? Linux has plenty of other PDF reader programs01:59
tweikableshould i download vidila, or the tor browser package01:59
AdiostHey guys01:59
djonohow do u get flash to work?01:59
histotweikable: tor browser02:00
tweikableok. once sec tyhank you so much for this help02:00
tweikable1 sec02:00
Super_DogActually I do.  Only one that will open password secured encrypted files my co-workers send me.02:00
modifieri like foxit phantom....anyone suggest its equivalent for linux02:00
Orkultusdjono: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:00
AdiostSome time ago I've heard that recompiling kernel on the machine to use on could significantly improve perfomance02:00
Adiostis that true?02:00
tweikableok i clicked02:00
tweikableim using archive manager right02:01
modifierOrkultus: djono install adobe-flashplugin02:01
tweikableor do i just save it02:01
dr_willisAdiost:  if you knew enough to compile it.. and knew enough to know what to optmize.. perhaps..02:01
dr_willisAdiost:  hard to justify the work needed.02:01
Super_DogLooks like this is a known problem.02:01
OrkultusSuper_Dog: what does sudo apt-get -f install do?02:01
tweikableShould i be using archive manager to open the file. or just save it. when clicking tor browswer bundle02:01
OrkultusSuper_Dog: it looks like it's needing 32 bit libs...is there a 64bit version?02:02
androidThe best alternative for CCleaner in Linux is BleachBit sudo apt-get install bleachbit02:02
yugnipi am trying to compile an app that needs openGL, which i thought i had, but the app doesn't http://pastebin.com/L4uJQvd202:02
AdiostOrkultus: -f for "forced"02:03
Super_DogHere's the output from command "sudo apt-get -f install" -  http://pastebin.com/BMiRHkWG02:03
tweikableok i just downlaoded it now what should i do02:04
tweikablesudo apt-get install telepathy-sofiasip telepathy-butterfly telepathy-idle libtelepathy-farsight0 python-tpfarsight02:04
tweikableups wronge post02:04
yugnipSuper_Dog, you have something else open that is a package manager02:04
yugnipSuper_Dog, close synaptic or software center or update manager first02:05
Super_DogNope.  Software Sources, Synaptic, and Update Manager are closed.  Just have terminal window open.02:05
tweikableafter downloading tor browser bundle. were should i extract it to02:05
OrkultusSuper_Dog: i would check your processes with the top command02:05
beanOrkultus: ps aux02:06
beanworks better02:06
yugnipSuper_Dog, update manager is probably working in the background, give it a minute and run the command again02:06
Super_DogUpdate manager is not running.  Not in tab list or in programs on "top" command.02:07
OrkultusSuper_Dog: i sent you a link02:07
Super_DogTried this.  No dice:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/166566/cannot-install-adobe-reader02:08
OrkultusSuper_Dog: im trying the link i sent you02:08
Super_DogIs there not a 64-bit *.deb version of Adobe Reader?02:10
Orkultusgot it working fine02:10
Super_DogOrkultus: Did you use that i386 version in the link on the page you gave me?02:11
OrkultusSuper_Dog: yeah and i installed libxml2:i38602:11
OrkultusSuper_Dog: opens up just fine02:12
OrkultusSuper_Dog: thing about adobe...they suck when it comes to linux support. They always drop support on everything02:12
Super_DogLet me check...02:12
Super_DogIs there no 64 bit *.deb file for Adobe Reader?02:13
OrkultusSuper_Dog: no sorry02:13
OrkultusSuper_Dog: like i said, adobe dont give a crap about linux. im suprised we had a 32bit version02:13
Super_DogBut the 32-bit works on our 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS....?02:13
vulndr_willis: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 540M] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])02:13
Super_Dog...still installing over here.02:14
vulnI'm sorry for taking so long to reply you dr_willis :)02:14
OrkultusSuper_Dog: that 32bit version works on my 64bit Linux Mint 14 no problem02:14
whatasunnydayHi! I rebooted my entire computer and it isn't in a language I recognize. It looks like its asian based.02:14
whatasunnydayI'm using cinannamon and I have no idea how I did this or to convert it back.02:14
_DADDYOrkultus, speaking of mint did you have any wifi connection issues?02:14
whatasunnydaySome programs are in in this asian text like xchat but I remember what buttons to press so it isn't so bad.02:14
challengerXwhatasunnyday: no racist comments02:15
Orkultus_DADDY: sometimes the connection would drop..was an easy fix...had to go into the connection settings and disable ipv602:15
Super_Dog...atom processor ain't the quickest running 64-bit I guess...02:15
dr_williswhatasunnyday:  cinammon isent really supported here so we cant help much02:16
OrkultusSuper_Dog: lol nope...good for a netbook though02:16
_DADDYOrkultus, yep thats the one i couldnt get it to stop02:16
Super_Dogwill report Orkultus.... be patient please...02:16
whatasunnydaychallengerX: what did I say that it was racist?02:16
Orkultuswhatasunnyday: i will send you a link with the fix to your exact problem02:17
whatasunnydaythanks orkultus.02:17
whatasunnydayi think i sent it in ubuntu02:17
whatasunnydaybecause in the system settings there is only one icon that is in this non english text02:18
whatasunnydayand its a flag with a un symbol02:18
whatasunnydayit has a list of possible languages to convert to but i can't read any of them02:18
Orkultuswhatasunnyday: ah02:18
Orkultuswhatasunnyday: try that webpage02:18
whatasunnydayno dice orkultus02:20
djznwhatasunnyday, another racist comment ?02:20
challengerX /join #vbox02:20
whatasunnydaydzjn, i'm sorry02:20
djznwhatasunnyday, just kidding... he was harsh on you..02:20
whatasunnydayi'm not sure what i'm saying thats racist and i don't mean to sound ignorant02:20
challengerXpheww !02:20
djzni am a convict racist! but I can't tell anything here.02:20
Orkultuseveryone is racist..it's ok02:21
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest98604
Super_DogSeemed to install Acrobat but does not launch.  Unless it takes like 5 minutes to launch...  There is now an AcroReader icon in Unity.02:22
jiridorasist is a bit stupid, its mor natural to be a culurist02:22
dr_willisyou could run it from terminal and look for errors.02:22
amageehey, i have a vps running ubuntu 12.04 that has just decided that it won't let me run `top` without sudo; it says "Cannot find /proc/version - is /proc mounted?"  .. any ideas?02:22
jribamagee: ls -l /proc/version02:23
OrkultusSuper_Dog: lol it took my quad core a few seconds to load it...it comes with up their license terms page first02:23
Super_DogHere's what I get when I run "acroread" from terminal:  http://pastebin.com/L8V0BBhT02:23
amageejrib: -r--r----- 1 root root 0 Jan 15 13:23 /proc/version  .  I tried giving it other-read, but that just made the problem more bizarre.  There is no error message, but the entire terminal session breaks.02:24
^Rubiu5^windows 8 is the best OS ever ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ :D02:24
Orkultussudo apt-get install libstdc++602:24
whatasunnydaycan anyone read chinese?02:24
Super_Dog"libstdc++.so.6" ???02:24
Super_DogWill try it.02:24
^Rubiu5^chineses sucks02:25
somsipwhatasunnyday: google translate02:25
Orkultusi took windows 8 off this windows 8 only laptop and put linux on it02:25
whatasunnydayi can't select the text to highlight to copy and paste02:25
lewisou^Rubiu5^: want do you mean by that?02:25
blkadderamagee: That looks pretty broken.02:25
Super_Dog"libstdc++6 is already the newest version."02:25
jrib^Rubiu5^: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Please stop with the offtopic chatter here02:25
^Rubiu5^.oO lewisou Oo. i mean what i mean02:25
^Rubiu5^.oO jrib Oo. ok02:25
challengerX^Rubiu5^: Did you come here for bill gates charity program?02:26
OrkultusSuper_Dog: i could be looking for the 32bit..which im sure it is02:26
OrkultusSuper_Dog: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i38602:26
whatasunnydayorkultus, i looked at the second answer and it helped :)02:26
^Rubiu5^.oO challengerX Oo. of course02:26
Orkultuswhatasunnyday: good good02:26
whatasunnydaysorry the second link02:26
whatasunnydaywell not the second link but the second answer02:26
^Rubiu5^ok ok02:27
whatasunnydayi'm out guys02:27
Guest98604Hi. First off well done to anyone involved in the Lubuntu project (It runs so much faster than windows on a Celeron 2.4Ghz)    Q: When loading Qjack (Lubuntu) there is no sound and system has to be re-booted to get sound back....Any hints?02:27
whatasunnydaythanks for yoru help02:27
OrkultusSuper_Dog: i love chasing dependencies...lol02:27
jribamagee: guess you need to figure out why the permissions are like that, for starters02:28
Super_DogThanks Orkultus....at least something installed with that command.  You are very clever...02:28
challengerX^Rubiu5^: Good!02:28
K350What doesn't run faster then windows on any system?02:28
Orkultusso what's going on with the losing 32bit support in kernel 3.8?02:28
modifierhow to create debs with compiled apps ?02:28
amageejrib: yeah, i have no idea.. it was working last time i logged onto the system. i think i'll just file a ticket with the vps provider.02:28
somsipOrkultus: i386 support, not 32bit02:28
jribamagee: probably best02:28
Super_DogBingo..... Orkultus is the king.  Thank you very much sir.  Another pleasant solution on the #ubuntu IRC channel.02:28
OrkultusSuper_Dog: got it working eh? awesome!02:28
challengerXK350:  BSOD02:29
Super_DogYep.... thanks for that one.  I'm OK at Ubuntu troubleshooting but definitely not in your league...02:29
vulnAnyone who has successfuly managed to use Unity+Compiz in Ubuntu 12.04?02:29
modifierOrkultus: get TM5600 chipset capture card working !02:29
Orkultusso what does this mean for supplying i386 libs for programs in a 64 environment?02:29
malkaunsvuln, yes02:29
K350challengerX: lol02:29
malkaunsvuln, unity uses compiz LOL02:29
OrkultusSuper_Dog: Glad to help :)02:29
lankenok, WTF unity, I'm trying to add Sublime Text to the launcher, and it's impossible02:31
whatasunnydayalright, so i still have the problem02:31
Super_DogBoy Adobe's really gone to crap on Linux...  Version 9.5.1?  I'm using 11 on my Windows Laptop...02:31
lankenI've tried dragging in the executable, tried dragging in a "Launcher / shortcut thing" of the executable02:31
somsipOrkultus: mayeb this will help http://askubuntu.com/questions/229814/does-the-removal-of-i386-from-the-kernel-mean-ubuntu-is-dropping-32-bit-support02:31
malkaunslanken, u need to create a .desktop file, most of which are located in /usr/share/applications02:31
OrkultusSuper_Dog: like i said..adobe doesn't care about linux..lol02:31
whatasunnydaywhat i noticed: in /etc/default/locate the first two lines: LANG and LANGUAGE were to zn:utf-8 and i set them back to english02:32
Super_DogWow, I can tell.  This interface is harsh....02:32
whatasunnydaywhere else is it set other than /etc/default/locale?02:32
lankenmalkauns: how is this different from the "links" that I can create with the file browser?02:32
lankenmalkauns: are those symlinks?02:32
malkaunslanken, .desktop files in that dir show up in the unity launcher if the icon is set correctly02:33
vulnmalkauns: when I press SUPER, the left app bar of Unity is not showing up :( (it's not viewable, but it's there). Do you know how can I work this around?02:33
malkaunslanken, no02:33
funkyAnyone know how to access unity's Suspend option on Gnome 3?02:33
Orkultussomsip: oh i see..thanks02:33
malkaunsvuln, tried unity --replace & ?02:33
zackcan someone help me out, im an ubuntu newbie02:34
zackso I just installed ubuntu 12.10. I went to system settings and for graphics, it says "Unknown". there are no propietary driers installed.02:34
zackhow do I get propietary drivers? am I basically screwed02:35
zackits so laggy02:35
zackRadeon x60002:35
malkaunslanken, links tell the filesystem where a file is, .desktop files contain metadata about an application including the path to the binary02:35
lankenmalkauns: this is incredibly frustrating for such a basic use case.02:35
malkaunslanken, agree :P02:35
vulnJust did malkauns. It didnt work02:35
malkaunsbut its up to the app developer to provide the .desktop file in the install package02:35
lankenmalkauns: there's a youtube video instructing me to basically clone one of the .desktop files and change its properties to point to the thing I want to target02:35
JonathanLimai was updating from 12.04 to 12.10 and my system suspended... i made a loop on bash to run apt-get upgrade, dist-upgrade and -f install... but i got stuck on a dependency problem that seems to have something to do with mesa... could someone give me a hand?02:36
malkaunslanken, yea that's what i usually do02:36
zackcan someone please help me find a driver for ubuntu 12.10 64-bit, graphics card Radeon X60002:36
KI4ROWhy doesn't gtkpod show up as an option on the programs list for when I insert a music player? (IPOD)02:36
zackdisplay driver02:36
malkaunsvuln, how do u know the unity launcher is really there but u cant see it?02:36
lankenmalkauns: that's bullshit, it's up to the desktop environment to provide convenient ways of launching your programs. please.02:36
vulnmalkauns: cause pressint TAB and ENTER I can run the apps that were there :D02:36
zacksomeone please02:37
vulnI mean SUPER and then TAB, TAB, TAB and ENTER and it will run the app that was third on the list02:37
malkaunslanken, the desktop environment cannot just "guess" where an app is that u install unless the installer tells it02:37
OrkultusKI4R0: it never did that for me as well02:37
zackI cant find display drivers and its so laggy . x600 radeon02:37
OrkultusKI4R0: of course i just used rhythmbox or Banshee to deal with my ipod02:37
KI4ROOrkultus, Thanks...very strange...do you use gtkpod?02:37
Guest98604Q: Audio works on Ubuntu Studio (But graphics lacking) so changed to Lubuntu (Graphics acceptable) but sound cuts when loading Qjack and have to reboot?....Any hints??02:38
malkaunsvuln, strange, u have your display drivers set up properly?02:39
lankenmalkauns: Nautilus probably needs to do the work. If you've got an executable binary in a folder, you should be able to drag it to the unity bar (ideally), or at the very least have a quick action to "add this to System Applications"02:39
vulnmalkauns: I think so02:39
malkaunslanken, true02:39
lankenthis is a real let-down. I'll install kde3.5 if anything else like this happens to me.02:39
KI4ROOrkultus, Wife got me the shuffle as a Christmas present.  I've been using Rhythmbox as well but would like to use gtkpod since it is supposedly written for the device02:39
malkaunslanken, LOL02:40
vulnmalkauns: I think it may be a conflict with some Compiz things I have set up.02:40
lankenit's also infuriating that you can't manually text-edit the path of the nautilus breadcrumbs.02:40
malkaunsvuln, does it work fine with unity 2d?02:40
malkaunslanken, omg hell will break loose if u do that LOL02:40
Guest98604Is it even worth trying programs like Qjack in Lubuntu?02:41
OrkultusKI4R0: i found gtkpod to be very confusing. It was the first ipod supported program for Linux, but then later on other musics adapted the plugin02:41
malkaunsvuln, maybe try unity --reset (baring in mind it will reset anything u did in ccsm)02:41
vulnmalkauns: unity 2d?02:41
vulnmalkauns: it all worked just fine before I started messing with ccsm :P02:41
malkaunsvuln, unity --reset will restore things to default02:41
OrkultusKI4R0: Music Players* is what i ment02:41
vulnmalkauns: aw :(02:41
vulnI will give it a shot02:42
malkaunsvuln, well at least then u can track down what it is in ccsm that messed it up02:42
KI4ROOrkultus, That was my experience with Gtkpod as well...thought it was just me...glad I'm not the only one! LOL02:42
vulnmalkauns: indeed.02:42
vulnI set up my Ubuntu in Italian in order to not forget my italian02:42
vulnbut I'm not used to Ubuntu terms in Italian so I'm a bit confused02:42
lankenmalkauns: kubuntu was always a piece of crap, but kde3.5 is golden. it's still maintained.02:43
OrkultusKI4R0: yeah i really would prefer to use either Rhythmbox, or Banshee..there is also Amarok, if your in a KDE environment02:43
KI4ROOrkultus, Maybe they'll come with a new more friendly version one of these days! LOL02:43
OrkultusKI4R0: lol we all hope02:43
kdnsHi all :) My logs are full of entries about nullmailer: nullmailer[1886]Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: mail. file: 1356296386.1126302:43
vulnNow it disappeared!02:43
malkaunslanken, mmm no global menu but maybe u dont mind02:43
KI4ROOrkultus, Tried Amarok...it, also, was confusing to me02:43
Guest98604Sorry....Just realized there is a channel for Lubuntu :)02:43
kdnsPlease tell me what it creating and what is attempting to send these messages, I'd like to turn both OFF02:43
vulnWhen I press super malkauns, the whole window appear BUT the left bar02:43
vulnwhat might have happened?02:44
KI4ROOrkultus, Didn't care for it taking up residence in my system either02:44
OrkultusKI4R0: give Banshee a try02:44
malkaunsvuln, hmm now try unity --replace02:44
rkdewamorning brothers02:45
KI4ROOrkultus, Thanks for the suggestion and for chatting with me regarding the Ipod...always nice to find another person02:46
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SonikkuAmerica!patience | rkdewa02:46
ubotturkdewa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:46
OrkultusKi4R0: always glad to help02:46
KI4ROOrkultus, One more question...have you had any luck getting the Ipod to announce what its playing?02:46
vulnmalkauns: didnt work :o02:46
vulnthe bar is still issing02:47
skp1SonikkuAmerica: yo02:47
malkaunsvuln, hmm02:47
Super_DogMan - now I have a "cannot install ia32-libs" error in Software center trying to install TeamViewer...02:48
malkaunsvuln, maybe u have to remove your .config/compiz-1 then02:48
malkaunsvuln, in your home dir02:48
Super_DogThese 32-bit libraries are really roughing me up...02:48
vulnthe entire dir malkauns ?02:48
malkaunsvuln, yea or maybe just move it to compiz-1_bak or something02:49
malkaunsjust incase02:49
vulnthen unity --replace again?02:49
malkaunsreset, then replace02:49
vulnunity --reset ?02:50
malkaunsmight just be better to log out and back in again after reset02:50
OrkultusKI4R0: this when you are playing the ipod while it's attatched to the computer?02:50
vulnthe nunity --replace? can I do it from a terminal like ctrl+alt+F1 or I must do it in the current display?02:50
malkaunscurrent display..02:50
KI4ROOrkultus, No supposed to be able to do it when you are playing it while walking...it is a shuffle02:50
malkaunsif u do it from ctr+alt+F1 then u must do export DISPLAY=:0 before02:51
dr_willisunity --replace wouldent work from teh consoles.02:51
malkaunsdr_willis, it will if u set the DISPLAY environment variable02:51
OrkultusKI4R0: oh so it says it like with voice in your headphones?02:51
dr_willisthen it woul dbe the same as running it on the running desktop. ;)02:51
KI4ROOrkultus, yes, it is supposed to be able to do that02:52
dr_willisUnity and compiz can get so confused - its often better to log out/back in02:52
OrkultusKI4R0: never had the chance to see one of those ipods. I have a classic 80gb. That's the last time i have touched an ipod02:52
malkaunsbut unity --replace restarts compiz anyway02:53
Guest98604Why is there nobody in Lubuntu room :(02:53
KI4ROOrkultus, Okay, thanks again.  Have a nice...whatever it is in your part of the world02:53
dr_willisThey change this stuff with every reelase i cant rember02:53
dr_willisGuest98604:  because they are all in here perhaps.02:53
malkaunsif compiz/unity crash or mess up often like it does for me, then login out and back in every time isnt an option02:54
dr_willisI rarely have  issues in 12.10 these days..02:54
OrkultusKI4R0: washington state...cold and rainy...you have a good one as well02:54
Guest98604I'm not sure if that answers the question but thanks.02:54
vulnit's really messed up now :(02:54
malkaunsi'm on 12.04 and will wait for 13.0402:54
vulnleft bar doesnt appear and when I maximize a window there is an empty space at the top02:54
vulnbetween the window and the top bar02:54
malkauns12.10 had too many issues for me when it was first out02:55
malkaunsvuln, ?02:55
dr_willisvuln:  does the guest user work properly?02:55
vulnI will have to log out to test it out, right?02:55
malkaunsvuln, probably the best thing to do02:55
dr_willisalso you could test with a newly made user. - if the new user and guest have the same issue -> points to a system issue.. if they WORK -> points to a Setting file for the problem user02:56
vulnIt works perfectly (the guest session)02:56
malkaunsvuln, now you're getting somewhere02:56
vulnIt sounds like so02:57
vulnSo what should I do?02:57
dr_willisnow i would make a test user. and verify it works for them02:57
dr_willis'sudo adduser testuser'02:57
Guest98604It's my name isn't it?....It says ignore me I haven't even bothered to come up with an inventive name.02:58
vulnYes, it does dr_willis02:59
vulncreated and logged in and the lfet bar is perfect02:59
alexandros_chow to enble hibernate on xubuntu 12.10?02:59
Guest98604Guest98604 has quit  :)03:00
bsmith093firefox is dead, but my swap is still full how do i fix that without rebooting03:00
Orkultusalexandros_c: is it located in the xfce-settings menu under power?03:01
vulndr_willis, malkauns what should I do then?03:01
alexandros_cit is greyed out and my computer supports hibernate03:01
vulnIt sounds reasonable that it should work after removing compiz-103:01
malkaunsvuln, back up and remove your user dir and user then readd it03:02
Orkultusbsmith093: you want to clear you swap memory?03:02
malkaunsvuln, maybe its your ~/.gnome2 too03:02
dr_willisid nuke every setting in your home; _03:02
dr_willisNuke it from orbit.. only way to be sure. ;)03:03
OnlyHalfTheTimeAlexandro, it was removed as an option. I forget whether or not you can reenable it.03:03
bsmith093Orkultus: yes, and the ram too03:03
dr_willisOr MOve all the setting files/dirs to a backup dir.03:03
malkaunsvuln, try removing ~/.gnome2 as a quick test, if that doesn't work then do what i said above03:03
Orkultusbsmith093: have you tried the swapoff and swapon commands?03:03
malkaunsvuln, log out and back in ofcourse to make sure your test is good03:03
bsmith093whats that03:03
dr_willis dozens of setting files in .config and .gnome* and .gconf*  i recall03:03
alexandros_cOrkultus, it is not available there, but my computer supports hibernate. tried the enable  fix but it did not work03:03
dr_willisI can nuke my settings and back to my normal setup in about a min. ;)03:04
Orkultusbsmith093: such like sudo swapoff -a sudo swapon -a03:05
dr_willisalso double check the .Xauthority file. it shouldent be owned by root.  you could just move/rename it also03:05
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
vuln.Xauthority is owned by my user03:05
Orkultusalexandros_c you running on a Laptop?03:05
Super_DogAnybody got 64-bit Teamviewer working in 12.04 LTS?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/97176103:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1016294 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #971761 ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable " [Undecided,Invalid]03:06
OrkultusSuper_Dog: i got it working03:06
OrkultusSuper_Dog: you need wine installed03:06
alexandros_cOrkultus, yes dell inspiron 940003:06
vulnso I remove ~/.gnome203:06
Guest98604Guest986604 has quit......Not :)   Any Lubuntu engineers floating about? Maybe hiding in the corner somewhere?03:06
Super_DogWine is installed...03:06
kdnsHi all :) My logs are full of entries about nullmailer: nullmailer[1886]Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: mail. file: 1356296386.11263          ............   Please tell me what it creating and what is attempting to send these messages, I'd like to turn both OFF03:07
Orkultusalexandros_c: under my power settings for my laptop is has controls for hibernation for like when i close my laptop lid, or idle out03:07
Super_DogShould I use TViewer 7 or TV 8 Beta 64-bit...03:07
BONG_IThow to mount folder from a server03:07
bsmith093ok im using 99.9% of swap and 75% of ram and i cant find where its all going, what do i do???03:07
SuperFunkyFlyHow can I reboot my networking.03:07
alexandros_cOrkultus, hibernate is not an option03:07
Orkultusalexandros_c: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-power-manager03:08
=== snowrichard_ is now known as snowrichard
Orkultusalexandros_c: i believe it would be called suspend03:08
SuperFunkyFlyIs /etc/init.d/networking restart the only way?03:08
kdnsbsmith093:  look at a task manager and sort by memory usage to find the hungry app03:08
OrkultusSuper_Dog: i would go with something stable like 703:08
bsmith093kdns: i am and the greediest is only using 600mb of ram03:09
kdnsSuperFunkyFly: No, but it works, doesn't it?03:09
alexandros_cno that is different, suspend is to RAM and hibernate is to disk03:09
OrkultusSuper_Dog: Never know if a Beta is gonna fail you03:09
PatrickDickeySuperFunkyFly: sudo service networking restart might work03:09
escottbsmith093, "top -m" if you only have a command line03:09
SuperFunkyFlyPatrickDickey that was much quicker and to the point. Thx03:09
OnlyHalfTheTimeBsmith, try running htop from bash. It gives you a lot of good info about what's doing what03:09
Super_DogSuperFunkyFly:  If it's Samba you're dealing with you may wish to try:  "sudo service smbd restart"03:09
kdnsbsmith093: how much ram and swap do you have?03:09
PatrickDickeySuperFunkyFly: They both do the same thing, and in some cases, you have to do the long route.03:09
SuperFunkyFlyNever used Samba?03:10
bsmith093kdns: 953mb swap 2gb ram03:10
bsmith0932008 laptop03:10
escottBONG_IT, please change your nick and identify what kind of network share this is. windows SMB, or NFR or ftp etc03:10
PDunI know this sounds retarded, but what is the key combination to kill a running program in terminal?03:10
alexandros_cOrkultus, I know what you are toalking about my laptop suspports suspend and hibernate03:10
kdnsSuperFunkyFly: it was to the point because he made the assumption that you don't know that you need to be root to restart networking. Sorry I wanted to work up to it without making assumptions.03:10
BONG_IThow to change nick03:11
PatrickDickeyPDun, I use ps | grep process and then kill processID.03:11
SuperFunkyFlyPatrickDickey kind of old school. Was working this this stuff back in 95 and now I am back with it in at work. Wow a lot has changed in the *nix world03:11
BONG_ITthis is smb03:11
Orkultusalexandros_c: this is what i could find http://xflinux.blogspot.com/2011/01/enable-hibernate-and-suspend-in-xubuntu.html03:11
kdnsbsmith093: that's not a lot, if your #1 app is using 600 of it, then #2 through #10 are probably enough to fill it.03:11
escottBONG_IT, /nick new_nickname03:11
fishcookerhow to know that my boar using ivy bridge rather than sandy03:11
PatrickDickeySuperFunkyFly: Short answer is yes. Longer answer is in some ways yes. Things have gotten easier, but most of the original ways are still applicable.03:11
escott!samba | BONG_IT03:12
ubottuBONG_IT: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:12
Orkultusalexandros_c: or try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation03:12
SuperFunkyFlykdns no sry about that. I just really did not know what Samba was. Been working with BSD for the last ... 10 years or so @.@03:12
bsmith093kdns:  but i have these apps open all the time and they never use this much, im gonna reboot03:12
kdnswhat's wrong with BONG_IT s nick?03:12
OnlyHalfTheTimeBsmith093 noooooooooo!03:12
orbitwhitehey guys i have abnormal amount of unused ram on my laptop, anything i could do to use it for some *good* purposes?03:13
bsmith093OnlyHalfTheTime: why not03:13
Orkultusto many bong hits...that's what's wrong03:13
BONG_ITthe client also is ubuntu03:13
kdnsbsmith093: I assumed you were in here because you'd already tried the basics. My bad. Yes, try a reboot.03:13
SuperFunkyFlythx escott . I kind of thought Windes died a few years back???03:13
SuperFunkyFlynot a gammer03:13
kdnsHi all :) My logs are full of entries about nullmailer: nullmailer[1886]Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: mail. file: 1356296386.11263          ............   Please tell me what is creating and what is attempting to send these messages, I'd like to turn both OFF03:13
OnlyHalfTheTimeLinux never needs a reboot. I'm joking of course. If that fixes it, more power to you03:13
phunyguyescott, I just remembered what my issue with gvfs and cifs was.... the process would deadlock and freeze up the main system process.03:13
escottfishcooker, look at /proc/cpuinfo and google the stepping or the name03:14
SuperFunkyFlykdns do you have a smtp on your server and your ISP blocked port 25?03:14
orbitwhitekdns, nullmailer maybe? =)03:14
Guest98604I designed an element to add to linux that reduces performance issues by reprocessing data and creating a smaller data flow....It works a little bit like 7zip data compression.....Not really. I'm off to find the answer to my question. Bye03:14
bsmith093kdns:  well, ok then, sorry for not trying that already but one of the reasons i switched from vista besides bsod 4 times in 3 months, is the lack of rebooting03:14
kdnsOnlyHalfTheTime: LOL03:14
Orkultusi gotta run guys03:14
Super_DogI get the error: "Cannot install 'ia32-libs" for either version of Teamviewer downloaded as 64-bit *.deb files...03:14
nomadisFirst time for me to use XChat or anything like it, hi yall03:14
Super_Dognomadis:  Hello!03:15
OnlyHalfTheTimeHi nomadis03:15
kdnsSuperFunkyFly: I'm not running a smtp server. Ubuntu Studio. No ports blocked. But I don't want it to even attempt to send these messages.03:15
SuperFunkyFlyIf your ISP blocked port 25 there are ways around that.03:15
PatrickDickeykdns which log is it in? (Not sure if it matters, but more information is better)03:15
kdnsorbitwhite: lol yes I already googled it and found that it was supposedly apport creating crash logs, and nullmailer sending them03:16
* rootpt is away: bbl03:16
nomadisI was told I could use this program to get on something called karaoke realm.. but I don't know how..03:16
kdnsorbitwhite: but i don't know how nullmailer is scheduled to check for them, and I already disabled apport but it still appears to be creating these logs.03:16
escottSuper_Dog, those were probably made for 12.04 or earlier. now we have multiarch so you can just apt-get install program:i386 the dependencies03:16
orbitwhitekdns, how  often do u need apport?03:16
PatrickDickeykdns: http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/nullmailer.htm03:17
kdnshi nomadis :)03:17
kdnsI need apport never. This PC is an audio workstation and needs anything fluffy and extra turned off.03:17
BONG_IThow to update my repo03:17
Super_Dogescott:  I'm on 12.04 LTS...03:17
orbitwhiteyeah there r always two ways, troubleshooting something u need to work and get rid of something u don't need for real lol03:17
PatrickDickeyBONG_IT: if you're adding a repository, you can use sudo-apt-add-repository or open Software Sources and add it under the "Other Software" tab.03:18
histoBONG_IT: sudo apt-get update03:18
BlkrdoMy ubuntu is stuck,after booting up,it halts with a violet screen,no icon,no sound,no keys working! Any help?03:18
dr_willis!nomodeset | Blkrdo03:18
ubottuBlkrdo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:18
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, ctrl+alt+f1, does it show black screen with login promt? =)03:18
BONG_ITwhen im sudo apt-get update03:18
BONG_ITi have an error03:19
BlkrdoUbottu: thank you03:19
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:19
kdnsPatrickDickey: This is appearing in the system log03:19
PatrickDickeyBONG_IT: what/s the error?03:19
kdnsPatrickDickey: Thanks for the link, that might help me stop nullmailer from sending the messages, but what is creating them?03:19
escottSuper_Dog, maybe it was 11.10... the years are blending together03:19
PatrickDickeykdns, I'm not sure. It might help you to figure that out too.03:19
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: no,nothing03:20
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: it was working fine 30min back03:20
PatrickDickeykdns: Also, the answer might be in the entries right before and after that one.03:20
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, what have changed for past 30min?03:20
kdnsPatrickDickey: The entire log is full of these nullmailer messages... It just keeps retrying over and over....03:21
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: i guess i just installed codelite03:21
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: and a direct shutdown03:22
kdnsbsmith093: You're right that linux generally needs a reboot less often than windows... Don't worry, this reboot is the first in a series of troubleshooting steps, which theoretically could lead you to not needing to reboot it.03:22
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, idk what is this but if it looks like the real reason for ur case, i would log into system over ssh and remove that all looking forward for next steps if necessary03:22
bsmith093kdns: well that fixed the insane swap fukll swap problem03:23
kdnsbsmith093: It's not a fix it's a workaround :) The fix comes after you fnd out what caused it, and then that probem is made to go away forever.03:23
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kdnsbsmith093: You may find that you have an app with a memory leak or something03:24
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: but isnt it necesary for my system to be working for tha? How do i troubleshoot it?03:24
RomperStompHi i was wondering is there a way to intall or build ubuntu for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" (similar to nexus 7 style "Native install")?03:24
PatrickDickeybsmith093: how long had it been since you rebooted last?03:24
bsmith093PatrickDickey: 17days 3:04 hrs03:25
PatrickDickeyRomperStomp: Try in #ubuntu-phone that's where the fun stuff is at. :)03:25
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, at the current point the most easy way is to troubleshoot it over ssh, if there is any interface left at all i would do it over busybox shell from bootloader if problem doesn't affect it too03:25
kdns17 days is a fair while for a workstation.... What's the machine's purpose?03:25
PatrickDickeybsmith093: One or more of the applications might have a memory leak. That would use up the swap space, as well as RAM.03:25
bsmith093PatrickDickey: just pidgin gedit and the latest firefox , 1803:26
kdnsBlkrdo: are you able to boot into recovery mode? (Hold shift before grub starts, and it will give you a menu)03:26
* PatrickDickey bingoooooo 03:26
PatrickDickeyFIrefox is notorious for memory hogging. Especially if you have flash running in a window.03:26
BlkrdoKdns: yup,got recovery mode. now?03:27
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, the first thing to check is if the box is alive or not, if network configured to get up automatically ping will tell u if its dead for real or looks just looks like dead03:27
orbitwhiterecovery mode works too lol03:28
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: now how do i use it actualy?03:28
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: root shell prompt!03:29
orbitwhitedepends on what u wanna do03:29
kdnsBlkrdo: I was actually checking to see the status of your box, don't actually plan on using recovery mode (not right now anyway) but the fact that it works is what I was after :)03:29
kdnsHowever... You said you installed new packages... Recovery root prompt is one way to remove them03:29
orbitwhitei would check logs on root fs under /var/log especially syslog, kern.log and dmesg03:29
Haematomawhere is the config file for USB HDD automount option?03:29
kdnsyes, check the logs!!03:30
HaematomaI'm looking to create a UDEV rule that executes an RSYNC script whenever i plug in my hDD03:30
kdnsHaematoma: the udev rules are the automount config :)03:30
Haematomabut I want to make sure that the drive partition(s) have been successfully mounted before the script is executed03:30
orbitwhiteif u're 100% positive that it happened after installing some packages removing it would be a good step to fix it fast way03:30
Haematomakdns: do you know of a way to ensure the drive partitions have been mounted before the script is execute?03:31
kdnsHaematoma: I'd parse the output of the mount command.03:31
Haematomakdns: I was thinking of using the wait command, but I'm betting that there is a better way of doing it03:31
PatrickDickeyHaematoma: This might point you in the right direction (note, I haven't tried it--only Googled it) http://hackaday.com/2009/09/18/how-to-write-udev-rules/03:32
Haematomakdns: thanks03:32
PatrickDickeyHaematoma: I mention it, because they talk about an rsync script when a drive is automounted.03:32
HaematomaPatrickDickey: thanks. I'll look into it.03:32
kdnsHaematoma: strictly speaking, you want to check for the UUID of your specific drive I guess03:33
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: i dont think so! Because its mostly something to do with my graphics driver! I got it while updating the system! But the last two time i re-installed completly,dont wana do ths time!03:33
PatrickDickeyBlkrdo: what kind of card do you have?03:33
ghostholeHi anyone able to help me with gpu, just installed the driver that ubuntu suggested rebooted and got black sceen and message say incompatable hardware... had to reinstall ubuntu03:34
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, linux doesn't need to be reinstalled until hardware fail of storage device(s) or lacking of skills, linux gives u more ways to configure it while it brings more responsibility for what was done03:35
kdnsHaematoma: use blkid to look for your drive by UUID, then look for that device node (EG: /dev/sdc) in the output of mount.03:35
PatrickDickeyghosthole: which graphics card do you have?03:35
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, so u updated it and the driver for ur video adapter was updated too, right?03:35
ghostholeRadeon 7660g03:36
Haematomakdns: Okay... I'm a little unfamiliar with the UNIX mounting process in general. I know there is the /mnt directory and the /media directory, but I don't know the difference between the two.03:36
orbitwhitei suggested ssh because in that case it would be easy for u to give us ur dmesg, kern.log and syslog from /var/log03:36
PatrickDickey!nomodset | ghosthole This might help you with the issue also. You'll reboot, and add it to the command line in grub using 'e' to edit.03:36
ghostholeThe one on amd a1003:36
Haematomakdns: I assume once a drive partition is properly mounted, the partition ends up in the /media directory, but can't say with certainty.03:36
orbitwhiteand we would find out if the box boots to coma or it is alive actually03:36
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: that was last time! This time i made sure not to update! I admit lack of knowlege!03:37
kdnsHaematoma: the udev rules in ubuntu mout most (all?) removable devices to /media03:37
Haematomakdns: I'll have to read more I suppose. I'll try not to badger you into an oracle relationship. lol03:37
PatrickDickey!nomodeset | ghosthole The correct information for what I was trying to point you to.03:37
ubottughosthole The correct information for what I was trying to point you to.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:37
kdnsHaematoma: and you can find out where your device is mounted by typing ''mount" at a shell03:37
orbitwhitenah i'm not saying someone is lacking of knowledge, im just trying to state the fact03:37
kdnsHaematoma: however in your case, you will not need to know where the system intends to mount it, but just whether it is mounted, no?03:38
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, u c it is hard to determine what happened to ur system actually, but in order to make sure what was wrong people will ask u for logs03:39
orbitwhiteif u don't know or not sure what happened03:39
Haematomakdns: Since the mounted partition ends up in /media, I just need to know the name of the partition.03:39
Haematomakdns: but my main concern is ensuring that the partition is properly mounted before my script attempts to rsync03:40
PatrickDickeyHaematoma: is it mounted right now?03:40
orbitwhiteif i were u and my box was configured with automatic network setup, first of all i would check if it gets up it's networking or it is completely dead03:40
kdnsHaematoma: I hope you don't mind if i go backwards for a minute... what's actually the intended use case here?03:40
kdnsahhhh okay03:40
orbitwhiteif ssh is an option, i would log into system and got back to community support03:41
orbitwhiteotherwise i would boot into recovery mode03:41
kdnsSo the idea is, you plug the drive in, and it magically starts a backup for you (or something like that)03:41
orbitwhitetook the logs from root fs03:41
Haematomakdns: I run a media server at my house that I share with my roommates. I get tired of transferring media files to their external HDDs, so I set up a script which automatically xfers the files from their respective home download directories onto a selected HDD.03:41
orbitwhiteand came back to coomunity with logs published on pastebin03:41
orbitwhitein order to figure out what exactly went wrong03:41
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: would he be able to install, and use pastebinit from recovery mode?03:42
orbitwhitePatrickDickey, i didn't say that03:42
orbitwhitesorry for being slow, english is not my primary language03:42
Haematomakdns: the script is intended to sync the roommates invidual download folder with their HDD when they plug it in, and then send an email upon completion03:42
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: No, I'm not saying you did. I'm offering it as a way of him getting the logs on pastebin.03:42
orbitwhitenothing stops u from using usb storage, ssfs, smbfs or whatever option there is03:43
kdnsHaematoma: Your housemates must think you are awesome.03:43
orbitwhitei suggested to check if ssh is an option at first matter03:43
orbitwhitebecause copy-paste and interactive console rocks for the context of situation03:43
kdnsHaematoma: I guess then, you need a way to detect which housemate's HDD is connected, and then grab the appropriate files for that drive03:43
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: agreed totally.03:44
kdnsorbitwhite: +103:44
Haematomakdns: yeah, I already have that part covered... The part i'm struggling with is ensuring that the drive has been successfully mounted.03:44
Haematomabefore the sync script is executed03:44
HaematomaI can differentiate between drives using serial no(s).03:45
kdnsHaematoma: well that depends on how you detect the drive? Are you using UUId or valume label or file presence or something?03:45
kdnsright, serial number :)03:45
HaematomaI'm hoping i can use udev to mount the drive from the get go...03:45
Haematomaand i just put the mount action before the script activation,03:45
kdnsHaematoma: how do you do that? as in, what tool do you use to read the serial number?03:46
Haematomaudevadm info03:46
orbitwhiteHaematoma, sorry if im saying something non-related but if it is mounted over uuid or label it would be easy to check this fact over grepping /proc/mounts03:46
kdnsorbitwhite: that's on point mate, definitely related, I said something similar earlier :)03:47
Haematomaorbitwhite: Kk thanks. I'll have to read more about that.03:47
orbitwhiteif something is not mounted, it won;t be present into there for sure03:47
kdnsHaematoma: I would not try to do all this in udev scripts, I'd simply use udev to pass an argument to your script, and do most of the work in bash.03:47
funtapazNow that was weird.03:48
funtapazJust managed to get CUPS to eat up every bit of disk space after trying to print to an IPP printer.03:48
orbitwhitemessing with system key components (is udev one? ^_^) is not a good idea until u know for sure what r u doing03:48
Haematomakdns: Kk. Thank you for your help.03:48
funtapazUbuntu then failed to boot, and I had to use sysrescuecd to clear out some files in /var/spool/03:49
Haematomaorbitwhite: I'm not too worried, its an individual rule file with low priority, and the rule is to activate a script.03:49
funtapazAnyone ever heard of something like that?03:49
BlkrdoOrbitwhite: it worked with the nomodeset in the grub! What does it signifies?03:49
orbitwhiteBlkrdo, http://askubuntu.com/questions/207175/what-does-nomodeset-do03:50
mribeirodantasI just came to say it worked out afterwards :)03:50
orbitwhiteHaematoma, oh ok =)03:50
mribeirodantasThank you dr_willis and m something :$03:50
mribeirodantasmalkauns:  :D03:50
mribeirodantasGood night! (it's vuln)03:50
malkaunsgot it working?03:51
orbitwhitei heard gnome devs told they will pay more attention for classic mode rather than they did for now, is that true? (soz 4 my retarded english)03:53
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: I haven't heard anything, but that doesn't mean much. I really haven't looked into it, because I either use Unity or Lubuntu.03:54
JoeCoolDeskWhen I go to install mysql I get this: http://pastebin.com/r75qCq9x03:55
orbitwhitei just got used to gnome since debian sarge and i liked it so much after they implemeted tabs in nautilus that i can't make myself to get used to something else03:56
dr_willisorbitwhite: id heard it was scheduled for removal in the next year or sommmm.03:56
orbitwhiteoh god that hurts =)03:56
dr_willisim suprised its still around03:56
orbitwhitei'm using mate but i feel like its just a dirty hack for real03:57
dr_willisgnome2 in many ways was a dirty hack .. then they tried to clean it up by removeing features people wanted. :)03:57
dr_willisThen again. i rember back when the 'ximian gnome' fork came out. so im old..03:58
orbitwhiteworked for me, the reason why its gone talking of interface style is that they started messing with touchscreens imho03:58
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: you can either try sudo dpkg --configure -a or sudo apt-get install -f and see if one of them finishes the installation.03:58
JoeCoolDeskinstall -f brings that same error03:58
CorpSamichHey, would someone be able to help me with some Win8 and 12.10 problems with Dual booting?03:59
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: is there any other messages right before the ones you pastebinned?03:59
JoeCoolDeskPatrickDickey: Errors were encountered while processing: mysql-server03:59
JoeCoolDeskFor dpackage configure03:59
PatrickDickeyCorpSamich: what issues are you having? Someone may be able to help out.04:00
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: Could you pastebin everything that you got when you originally tried to install? I mean after it downloaded the files.04:01
JoeCoolDeskPatrickDickey, sure.04:01
CorpSamichAh, I pretty much followed everything for setting it up to dual boot like I have on my Desktop with Win7, also disabling Fast/safe boot stuff that's been put into Win8. Everything downloaded fine and installed correctly, and I can't seem to find a way to get back to Win8. The bootmanager screen that you'd normally see on Win8 doesn't appear when I restart. Anyway to fix this?04:02
dr_willisCorpSamich: so the grub menu shows no win8 entry?04:03
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JoeCoolDeskPatrickDickey: http://pastebin.com/NReph3Nr04:03
orbitwhitethere is a topic on google from 2009 with something similar to this apt and mysql problem and guy said it fixed things http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1126169.html thats so weird04:03
PatrickDickeyCorpSamich: when you restart, does it take you to a grub menu, or just boot into ubuntu?04:03
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CorpSamichJust into Ubuntu. I see my Toshiba Startup logo and then it boots directly in.04:03
orbitwhiteoops, not the case04:03
dr_willisCorpSamich:  its possible windows8 is so new - you may need to add a custom entry for it in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file04:07
kfizzI'm using "Disks" in Ubuntu 12.10 and I'm trying to set a drive to mount at start up. One of the default options is x-gvfs-show and it's an unrecognized mount option according to dmesg. What is x-gvfs-show? Should I just delete it from the mount options?04:07
dr_williskfizz:  id just make a /etc/fstab entry by hand. Ive heard of some people breaking things badly using the gui disk mounting config tools04:07
kfizzdr_willis, that was my 2nd choice and what I was planning on eventually doing. I had just never seen x-gvfs-show before as a mount option and wasn't sure what it did.04:08
jakepianowell i have another problem with the ethernet. it was working about an hour ago and now its not recognizing at all. how do i fix it again?04:09
PatrickDickeyWell that was a fun flight out the door. LOL :S04:09
Sylphiejakepiano, a fix that only lasts an hour maybe wasn't really fixed04:10
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: has anyone else given you any suggestions? I crashed right after you pastebinned the second link.04:11
JoeCoolDeskPatrickDickey, no.  Mysql told me to come here.04:11
orbitwhiteJoeCoolDesk, i found exactly similar case like urs, eventually dude built the package my hands from sources and it worked, i'm 100% positive it is ur case04:11
PatrickDickeyWell, what I see is "ERROR: There's not enough space in /var/lib/mysql/" which tells me that your drive might be full.04:11
JoeCoolDeskorbitwhite: link?04:11
jakepianoSylphie no it was working for the past couple days. it just stopped all of a sudden04:11
c2tarunhi friends, can anyone please tell me how to disable default bluetooth app in ubuntu 12.04 and make blueman as default. I am having two bluetooth apps working right now. http://imagebin.org/24296004:12
grafthey does anyone know how to install computer modern as a font?04:12
modifierhow to add backup created by aptoncd as repository rather than restoring it to apt ?04:12
orbitwhitesame guy another forum, russian04:12
Sylphiejakepiano, what was the problem?04:12
c2tarunStartup application is not showing system bluetooth application04:12
dr_willisc2tarun:  one may be auto starting from /etc/xdg/autostart  (I think) thats the ssytem wide autostart directory.04:12
PatrickDickey!font | graft04:12
ubottugraft: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/04:12
dr_willisc2tarun:  those are hidden from the users auto start config tools04:13
JoeCoolDeskPatrickDickey, any way to see disk usage in CLI?04:13
SylphieJoeCoolDesk \ "df"04:13
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: du is the tool. Do you not have a desktop installed?04:13
JoeCoolDeskPatrickDickey, it's a server.04:13
kdnsFor those who were helping me, thanks very much, I found that the messages were created by the daily and weekly cron scripts, and if nullmailer is not present, the messages are not only not sent, but not created (as nullmailer provides the method for the messages to be placed in the queue, without it, the cron script can't create the messages)04:13
kdnsso purging nulmailer was my solution.04:14
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: Sylphie's response is better.04:14
jakepianoSylphie well i was connected to the internet via ethernet and i was running a virtual box, it had a freeze for a moment and then the internet wasn't working at all. once i restarted the computer the ethernet wasn't showing up at all. i just need to know how to get it back to functionality04:14
c2tarundr_willis, ok, I have these in that directory: blueman.desktop  bluetooth-applet.desktop  bluetooth-applet-unity.desktop   I think deleting or rename last two will do the job right?04:15
daftykinsjakepiano: do you get anything from 'ifconfig -a' in a terminal?04:15
Sylphiejakepiano, so you are running linux from a VM of windows?04:15
JoeCoolDeskWell how about that, no disk space.04:15
dr_willisc2tarun:  i normally make a autorun.disabled in the parent directory and move them there.04:15
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: sudo apt-get autoclean will help with that.04:15
orbitwhitejakepiano, bring us ur lspci please04:15
jakepianoSylphie no i have linux as the primary os04:15
modifierhow to add backup created by aptoncd as repository rather than restoring it to apt ?04:15
c2tarundr_willis, good idea, thanks :)04:16
PatrickDickeyJoeCoolDesk: Maybe, but it might not work, since you're in the middle of a failed installation.04:16
jakepianodaftykins the eth0 doesn't show up04:16
jakepianodaftykins just lo and lan004:16
Sylphiejakepiano, do you have a hub or switch with lights to tell whether you are connected?04:16
jakepianoorbitwhite whats that?04:16
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: do you see an indicator for the network in your panel? Either two arrows or a pie slice?04:16
orbitwhitejakepiano, `lspci` says what devices u have on pci bus including ur network controller04:17
daftykinsjakepiano: this is the host OS ja?04:17
jakepianoSylphie yeah the hub has a orange and green light that are lit whether its plugged in or not04:17
orbitwhiteafter what i would check if everything is fine with module by grepping it through dmesg log04:18
jakepianoPatrickDickey no i don't. i know it should be there but its not at all04:18
jakepianodaftykins yes linux is the host04:18
orbitwhitecould u please show us `lspci` command output?04:18
modifieranyone - how to add backup created by aptoncd as repository rather than restoring it to apt ??04:18
Sylphiejakepiano, so if the lights are lit that means you are connected hardware-wise, just something is being lost in the software04:18
JoeCoolDeskAlright, mysql running.  But now my sites are blank.04:19
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: not a problem. pastebin the results of lspci then. We'll help you from there.04:19
daftykinsjakepiano: ja pastebin the 'lspci' output for the others then04:19
jakepianoSylphie yes i believe so.04:19
PatrickDickeymodifier: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/APTonCD may help.04:19
jakepianoi haven't done a pastebin before what do i do?04:20
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com04:20
* orbitwhite :-* ubottu 04:20
PatrickDickeyUm, shoot....  He won't be able to pastebin, since he doesn't have Internet.04:20
jakepianohere it is04:20
orbitwhitehe has irc how comes he doesn't have internet04:20
jakepianoall i typed in to the command was lspci. is that right?04:21
Sylphiebecause it's inside a VM04:21
jakepianoand no i'm not running linux from a vm04:21
jakepianoits the host04:21
orbitwhitejakepiano, the problem is with a wired network interface right?04:21
kdnsGood lord, does nobody f***ing google before they come in here?04:21
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: You're connected via wireless right now. "lan0" is probably your wireless connection.04:21
orbitwhitei can't see the wired one =)04:22
kdnsThe topic should say: If you haven't googled your problem for at least three hours, go away.04:22
daftykinskdns: you're shocked? :)04:22
jakepianoyes it is. but i need to connect to the the internet04:22
jakepianoorbitwhite yes i believe so04:22
Sylphiekdns, sometimes you don't know the right question to search for04:22
kdnsdaftykins: LOL yeh totally dude... it's been like this in here since forever... I guess it never ceases to amaze me.04:22
orbitwhitejakepiano, it is a very bad sign, bring us ur `dmesg`04:22
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: You need what connected to the Internet? I realize that sounds strange, but if you're on the computer right now, it IS connected to the Internet.04:23
daftykinsdefinitely no wired interface there04:23
kdnsSylphie: of course! :D google doesn't answer everything. But it certainly has the answer to 90% of the issues in here.04:23
orbitwhitehe needs his wired interface working i assume04:23
blkadderYou sure?04:23
blkadderPerhaps it would be easier for all involved if none of the interfaces worked.04:24
orbitwhitein ur case too04:24
jakepianoyes i know its connected to the internet. i want to connect via the ethernet port. the university's wifi is very slow. wired is a lot faster.04:24
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: if you haven't seen the other requests, could you pastebin the results of dmesg please?04:24
orbitwhitei suspect we won't see anything interesting in dmesg and ethernet is dead =)04:24
jakepianowell i had this problem when i first installed ubuntu and it got fixed but i can't remember how. it was through a few commands and downloads04:25
Sylphiejakepiano, was this a builtin ethernet port, or an addon card?04:25
orbitwhitemotherboard or laptop model at least04:26
jakepianoit was built in and its built in04:27
jakepianosorry its built in and on a laptop04:27
orbitwhitelaptop model plz04:27
jakepianoi'm on a lenovo g48004:27
Sylphiejakepiano, if it's builtin, it's possible it might have gotten shut off in the bios (theoretically)04:27
jakepianoi checked the bios already. enabled and renabled it. still not working04:28
daftykinsorbitwhite: atheros?04:29
Sylphiejakepiano, strange, if it wasn't functioning it shouldn't be lighting the switch04:29
orbitwhitedaftykins, AR816204:30
jakepianoyeah its really weird. i'm not sure whats going on.04:30
daftykinsSylphie: they can be broken permanently lit too04:30
jakepianowell nothing i did messed it up i hope. the only thing i was doing was running windows on a virtual box when it stopped working04:30
PatrickDickeyjake, do you have the vm running right now?04:31
daftykinsorbitwhite: worth grep'ing his 'history' maybe?04:31
daftykinsorbitwhite: since he fixed it already once04:31
orbitwhitepeople complain about it saying latest compat-wireless solves the problem but its weird that we don't see the device on the list04:31
JoeCoolDeskThanks PatrickDickey, site's back up.04:31
PatrickDickeyAwesome JoeCoolDesk. :)04:31
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: do you have the virtual machine running right now?04:31
jakepianoPatrickDickey no i'm not04:32
Sylphiejakepiano \ as a workaround, does your Lenovo have any pcm slots for an addon ethernet which could be really cheap04:32
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: try starting it, and see what happens. (Yes, I have odd solutions)04:32
PatrickDickeyThe little slot on the side of the laptop. PCMCIA slot.04:32
Sylphiejakepiano \ pcmcia or cardbus, those credit card sized ethernet cards04:33
jakepianono i don't04:33
Sylphiejakepiano \ I thought pcm slots came standard on laptops. shame on Lenovo04:34
orbitwhitethat is weird, i have blanks in my knowledges but is it possible due to lack of some firmware that we don't see the device on simple `lspci` output?04:34
RomperStomppatrick i went to ubuntu-phone no one is answering my question about putting ubuntu on my samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1" the channel seems dead04:34
orbitwhitebut atheros is kinda *opensource* chipset04:34
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: I think it's tied into the wireless. The wired is an Atheros NIC.04:34
jakepianoso is there anything to fix the ethernet? or is it just dead?04:34
PatrickDickeyRomperStomp: I don't know what to tell you. That's where they're working on it at. Sorry.04:35
orbitwhitePatrickDickey, 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)04:35
orbitwhitei suspect its not possible04:35
daftykinspretty sure wireless and wired chips are never the same04:35
Sylphiejakepiano \ if it is dead and you have no pcm slots, there's always usb ethernet04:35
daftykinsSylphie: PCMCIA has been dead for years. PC Express cards are rare as nobody really used them. planning for the hardware to be dead so quickly and easily is a terrible comment to a user :P04:36
arusselHi, is there a ip blacklisting package for apache ? somethign that would get blacklisted IPs from a server and add them to my deny host of apache.04:36
logiwho can help me? i'am having a problem installing ubuntu04:36
jakepianoso is there nothing to fix it? i fixed it before. i'm not sure why we can't fix it now04:37
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: try sudo lshw -C network and pastebin the results please.04:37
Sylphiejakepiano \ I'd recommend the Asix ax88178 usb ethernet, as long as you're are using the newest drivers. even slightly old drivers and it won't work04:37
orbitwhite`lshw -C network`04:37
blkadderarussel: There might be but it would be pretty trivial to implement yourself.04:38
logisomebody who can help me?04:38
somsiparussel: you could try something like this and there are a few variants: http://perishablepress.com/ultimate-htaccess-blacklist/04:38
orbitwhitelogi, what is the problem?04:38
logii cant install ubuntu04:38
orbitwhitethat is not the problem04:38
logii am trying to install 12.1004:38
PatrickDickeylogi, a little more information is needed. How are you trying to install it, and what kind of errors are you getting?04:39
orbitwhitejakepiano, `lshw -C network`04:39
logiwhen it finishes loading some files at the beginning it will boot me to a black screen04:39
arusselsomsip: thanks for the link04:39
jakepianoits posted04:40
logii use USB btw04:40
PatrickDickeylogi, Try pressing CTRL + Alt+ F1 and tell us if it brings you to a prompt.04:40
somsiparussel: no worries. Personally I find these to be too much and quite out of date. I'd recommend Fail2Ban04:40
logiok i'll try04:40
arusselblkadder: probably, but I'm a dev, not a sys ad, and this is for a site already in prod, too many chances I screw somehting :-)04:40
orbitwhitelogi, nothing u can see on black screen after bios messages? any wornings or errors during installation process?04:40
phunyguycan anyone help me with a linux ping command question? I can't seem to tell it to wait 30 seconds for a response, before failing and returning it's failure error code. I tried the -w and -W command line options, and it still ignores that, failing after a few seconds.04:40
Sylphiephunyguy \ "ping -t timeoutinseconds"04:41
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phunyguyI have a keepalive script for sshfs, which relies on that ping to see if the network is active.  If not, it kills the sshfs process as to not lock up the system, and free up resources.  When copying files, it creates enough latency to make a ping timeout, therefore killing the connection04:42
phunyguySylphie, I was under the impression that was "ttl", which is how many hops to take before failing04:43
phunyguy(router hops)04:43
jakepianoalright well if theres nothing else that can be done thanks for the analysis04:43
blkadderttl = time to live04:43
Sylphiephunyguy \ I thought ttl was "-m"04:43
phunyguymaybe I read the wrong man page04:43
phunyguynope, -t did nothing04:43
Sylphieoh well04:44
phunyguy-m is mark04:44
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: you could try rebooting again, without the ethernet cable plugged in. Then reboot once with it plugged in. (I'll admit I'm going through things I've done in the past).04:44
Sylphiejakepiano \ if do you can some way to boot windows w/o a VM?04:44
jakepianoPatrickDickey yeah ive tried it but i can do it again04:45
orbitwhitejakepiano, `lshw -C network`04:45
orbitwhiteu forgot that "network" part04:45
jakepianoSylphie no not really. i've gone through hell to try and get both working and i finally did, but now with the ethernet not working i'm frustrated04:45
orbitwhitethats where we stucked04:45
SylphieSo Jake's ethernet isn't on lspci or lshw?04:46
orbitwhitewe still have to make sure =)04:46
logii pressed ctrl+alt+f1 but nothing happened04:46
jakepianoorbitwhite http://paste.ubuntu.com/1533362/04:46
orbitwhitenow we're sure there is no one04:47
logiplease someone help me04:47
orbitwhiteand it is dead or it is some sort of hardware fail04:47
PatrickDickeyphunyguy: one site I found recommends installing fping instead of ping.04:47
Sylphiesome ethernet cards need a firmware download at boot time04:47
jakepianoorbitwhite well i had it working an hour ago so i'm assuming its a hardware or software fail04:48
orbitwhiteSylphie, it is atheros card04:48
phunyguyoooh cool, thanks, let me try that, PatrickDickey04:48
logihi patrick04:48
logii did what u told me04:48
logibut nothing happend04:48
jakepianoorbitwhite what firmware download could i get04:48
logiany suggestions??04:48
apocalysqueanyone have any luck getting ubuntu 12.04 to work on PPC?  getting stuck @ boot @ a screen says "calling quiesce" using live boot option.  how can i log the boot to found out what problem is?04:48
PatrickDickeyHi logi.I saw that. When you did the install, did it actually get to the point where it said "Installation complete. You must reboot the system."04:48
orbitwhitei'm a bit stucked into old times but lenovo wasn't friendly for linux as i remember however atheros was always close to opensource world04:49
logii am stucked at the beginning04:49
orbitwhiteand they gave up everything necessary to develop opensource drivers so i doubt there is some lack of firmware for it04:49
Sylphiejakepiano \ One solution I've seen for atheros ethernet is to use ndiswapper04:49
PatrickDickeylogi, so it never even started to install? You haven't even got to the "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu" screen?04:49
kdnsjakepiano: maybe try a live USB distro to see if it is hardware or software...?04:50
Sylphiejakepiano \ ndiswrapper (sorry) in conjunction with a windows driver04:50
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: change the network to bridge on the lshw command, and pastebin that please? (On my system, my wired is under bridge --not network)04:50
logiyeah i got there, then i clicked install Ubuntu then it will load some files right? after that the screen will be black04:50
jakepianoPatrickDickey what exactly is that command?04:51
PatrickDickeylogi, try rebooting and choose "Try Ubuntu"04:51
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: lshw -C bridge04:51
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: sudo lshw -C bridge sorry (it will want to be ran as root)04:51
jakepianoPatrickDickey http://paste.ubuntu.com/1533372/04:52
Sylphiejakepiano \ if all else fails maybe you could try "ndiswrapper" along with the windows driver04:53
orbitwhitejakepiano, do u windows on dual boot on ur laptop?04:53
jakepianoyeah i could try it04:53
orbitwhitejust curious if it works at all04:53
jakepianoorbitwhite i have windows as a vm04:53
PatrickDickeyok, I'm at a loss now. jakepiano. You could try booting back into a Live CD, and see if it finds your wired. If it does, then you know it's something with your current installation. If not, then it *could* be hardware related.04:54
jakepianoalright well i'll see what i can do then04:54
orbitwhitegoogle says ethernet card on his laptop should be on lspci04:55
PatrickDickeyjakepiano: if you boot to a Live CD, do lspci again, and look to see if it shows both connectors. You can also do the sudo lshw -C network as well.04:55
orbitwhiteno doubts04:55
orbitwhitelspci -nn | grep 020004:55
orbitwhitebut it is not present and dmesg was keeping silence for all the time04:55
orbitwhitei bet at this current moment it doesn't work physically due to some hardware related reasons04:56
logihey patrick.. i do not hve the option "try ubuntu" I only have "livemode","Install","File integrity check" and "memory test"04:57
PatrickDickeyI'm thinking it's something to do with virtualbox and when that crashed. Maybe ubuntu is still thinking it's a virtual bridge. But, I'm not sure how to find out.04:57
PatrickDickeylogi which version of Ubuntu are you trying to install?04:57
orbitwhitethose r separate things04:57
orbitwhitenothing related to virtualbox04:57
logi12.10 desktop AMD6404:57
PatrickDickeylogi, first do the integrity test, and then "live mode".04:58
BrombombI'm running server at home as a media server (DLNA, UPnP).  Is there a way to play audio out to a connected speaker system?04:58
PatrickDickeylogi, you are running a 64-bit computer, right?04:58
Hwkillerdoes gwibber's facebook feed work for anyone here in 12.10?04:58
PatrickDickeyHwkiller: do you have the account authorized in "Online Accounts" (Settings > Online Accounts)04:59
logiit boots me to a black screen04:59
logiwhat should i do?04:59
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:00
PatrickDickeylogi, do you mean when you try live mode? or when you try the integrity test?05:00
orbitwhitesomething with video mode05:00
logiintegrity test05:00
orbitwhiteyeah nomodset again maybe hah05:00
PatrickDickeydr_willis: how would he get that to work in the installer (Live DVD)?05:00
HwkillerPatrickDickey: yeah; i've also tried removing all configuration and trying again; removing config from facebook itself05:00
Hwkillernothing works05:00
dr_willisPatrickDickey:  i beluve the url shows how to get into the options screen from the cd.05:01
dr_willisspace at the man=keyboard icon, then F505:01
PatrickDickeydr_willis: ok. I hadn't read it.05:01
PatrickDickeyHwkiller: I'm not sure then. I haven't used Gwibber with facebook statuses. Only empathy with my facebook messenger.05:02
logihey patrick..my monitor ledlight is blinking05:02
PatrickDickeyBrombomb: do you have a music application installed on the server?05:02
phunyguyPatrickDickey, so far so good!  Thanks!~05:02
PatrickDickeylogi: did you check the link that dr_willis gave you? !nomodeset It might be the solution to your problem.05:03
BrombombPatrickDickey: I have music files on the server, and DLNA apps (plex/mediatomb)05:03
PatrickDickeylogi: you can type !nomodeset to get the link again.05:03
BrombombIt's a headless/cli only server05:03
Brombombso no05:04
orbitwhiteBrombomb, u can use some console player of ur own choice05:04
Brombombbut I need something that I can control via UPnP/DLNA any reccomendations?05:04
Brombombpreferrably with an Android device05:05
orbitwhiteoh, now i got it, i only heard about dlna but maybe some player with web interface could fit :/05:05
PatrickDickeyBrombomb: http://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=command%20line%20music%20players%20ubuntu&oq=&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=4ed87bf74c3b6306&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41018144,d.aWM&biw=1624&bih=891 should give you a start.05:05
PatrickDickeySo, you don't want to play the music through the server. You need a compatible player for your other computer?05:06
BrombombI want to play the music off the server but remote control it through an interface (web/mobile)05:06
orbitwhitefrom the context i assumed that dlna protocol allows to control player remotely, the player itself needs to be run on media server05:07
orbitwhiteso android box will act as a remote05:07
henry_I'm having issues installing nodefront and roots(both won't download), can someone help me?05:08
PatrickDickeyhenry_: how are you trying to download them, and what messages do you get when you try?05:08
henry_I'm using npm install -g nodefront(roots)05:09
henry_i get issues with js-yaml1.0.3 not being installed(for nodefront) and a couple other errors05:09
PatrickDickeyBrombomb: one of your dlna/ apps should have a configuration for remote access. Then you just need to find a DLNA remote app for your android device.05:09
PatrickDickeyhenry_: could you pastebin the exact messages you get from when you try npm install -g nodefront(roots) to the end?05:10
henry_1 moment05:10
orbitwhiteBrombomb, im totally lost and not sure, but maybe u should look at vlc features05:10
Brombombthanks for the suggestions guys05:11
logiwhat are you saying a while back?05:12
PatrickDickeyNo problem Brombomb. Sorry we couldn't be more help. There might be a channel for dlna on here though.05:12
logihows the !nomodeset?05:12
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Brombombgood idea!05:12
PatrickDickey!nomodeset | logi this is what was suggested that you try.05:12
ubottulogi this is what was suggested that you try.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:12
BrombombI also asked in the #ubuntu-server channel05:12
henry_PatrickDickey: http://pastebin.com/8gJLFi2D05:13
orbitwhiteBrombomb, is that something that fits? http://ushare.geexbox.org/05:13
logii dont get :D05:14
logican you explain in to me05:14
Brombombthis works out.... As in shares media from server to device...05:14
BrombombI need the other direction05:15
orbitwhiteso it should be sortadlna hub that works in both directions right?05:15
logii'll just select nomodeset from the F6 menu?05:15
Brombombya more or less....05:15
BrombombI've got it serving up media just fine05:16
Brombombnow I want it to accept "commands" (play/pause) to play the content locally... and come out of speakers attached to the server05:16
henry_PatrickDickey: My friend has also attempted to manually install js-yaml(before i reinstalled Ubuntu 12.10)05:17
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henry_PatrickDickey: Even after fresh install of Ubuntu 12.10 it still doesn't want to install for the same reason05:17
logipatrick what should I do now?05:17
HannofcartThis is slightly offtopic but I don't know where else to ask... I just installed the Athena Widget library (libXaw7 and libXaw7-dev) which I need for devloping an application. However, I find that libXaw.so installed in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu has no symbols defined in it05:18
logishould i select acpi=off?05:19
orbitwhiteBrombomb, appears that basically there are DLNA server, DLNA player and DLNA control point which connects first two in various directions, looks like MiniDLNA fits05:21
PatrickDickeyhenry_: You might be able to get more help in /join #node.js05:21
dr_willisDlna is fun. ;)05:21
henry_ok will do thank you05:22
dr_willisminidlna and ushare are both handy if you need a simple dlna server05:22
logido i need to do some typing of commands?05:22
PatrickDickeylogi, yes. One second, and I'll look at the link I gave you to make sure of what to do.05:22
logiok thanks, you're great :D05:23
orbitwhitedr_willis, so if there is a NAS stock with MiniDLNA, plasma and android phone, can i show what i filmed with my phone on tv holding only phone in my hands?05:23
ripthejackerhow do i add apps to notification tray whitelist using dconf or gsettings05:23
PatrickDickeylogi: on the page that ubottu gave you, do you see where it says to enable it on the Live CD?05:24
PatrickDickeyHow to enable kernel options on the livecd (before install)05:24
bluebomberI have an LG Blu-Ray burner drive that reads and burns CD-Rs and DVD+Rs fine in Ubuntu (using Brasero), and it recognizes a BD-R disc inserted, but cannot burn to it. Can anyone help?05:24
ripthejackerplease help how to edit dconf ?05:25
orbitwhitebluebomber, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning05:25
dr_willisorbitwhite:  Hmm.. I got an Xios ARM based HTPC-micro box the other day. It does DLNA via xbmc, and has android 4.0.4 i bevlive05:25
PatrickDickeylogi: When you get to the screen that has "live mode" "install" etc, that's where you'll Press F6. You should see the option of "nomodeset" there. Click it, then click whichever option you want above (Live mode or install).05:25
dr_willisorbitwhite:  i got xbmc onmy android phone and tablets now also05:26
logii was redirected to the ubuntu logo with moving dots below it05:26
orbitwhitedr_willis, so dlna allows u to stream something from one device to another? D:05:26
PatrickDickeylogi, did you get to that screen at all before?05:27
orbitwhitelike from tablet#1 to phone05:27
dr_willisorbitwhite:  i stream from one xbmc box to the other  all the time.05:27
orbitwhiteand backwards05:27
logiand then an error message says "could not load file..... " i cannot see it clearly cause it is so fast05:27
logii did05:27
dr_willisdlna = upnp -  a video 'streaming' service ..05:28
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logiand my screen will be black again05:28
PatrickDickeyIs it black now?05:28
* orbitwhite gone to read about dlna protocol i can't understand what it does and why, wtf why not to mount something and listen from there lol05:28
logiyeah and my monitor's led is blinking05:29
logii have no response05:29
* PatrickDickey thought about setting dlna up on my home server...05:29
dr_willisorbitwhite:  mount how? :) it replaces the need to mount. since things can appear/vanish on the fly.05:29
* ripthejacker needs help editinf dconf or gsettings05:29
orbitwhitewhy someone needs replace for mount :/05:30
dr_willisMy android phone connects to teh  home network. I can have it play a video from thephone to the tv via dlna05:30
dr_willisorbitwhite:  ever have a mounted network server disconnect?05:30
orbitwhiteoh thats what i was asking about05:30
orbitwhitenow i got it05:30
PatrickDickeylogi, The only other thing I can suggest is downloading a different DVD. The Alternate or Server DVD, or Minimal install DVD, and installing from that. When you burn it, make sure you set the burn speed to the LOWEST setting.  You can always install ubuntu-desktop afterwards.05:30
dr_willisSamsung calls their dlna stuff 'allshare'05:30
Brombombbut I have my server hosting the content so I can get it on my phone/ps3/tv05:30
orbitwhiteno i never had mounted server to disconnect05:30
orbitwhitei got serious vpn network around everywhere in my place05:31
ripthejackerplease help with dconf05:31
logihow about havin it installed through USB?05:31
orbitwhiteresistant to disconnects lol05:31
Brombombbut what I want now is to have the content on the server, play locally on that server, but control it with my devices (android, ps3 etc)05:31
logican you suggest any bootable USB maker?05:31
Brombombwhat OS logi05:31
logiubuntu 12.1005:31
logidesktop amd6405:31
dr_willislogi:  dozens of linux to usb tools at the 'pendrivelinux'  web site05:32
dr_willislogi:  or you can image teh iso straight to USB05:32
PatrickDickeyBrombomb: He's trying to install Ubuntu 12.10, but it won't load the installer. It just goes to a black screen--regardless of what he does.05:32
logihow's that?05:32
PatrickDickey!unetbootin | logi this is what I use to make bootable USB Drives05:32
ubottulogi this is what I use to make bootable USB Drives: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:32
logiit says, file could not be loaded... etc05:33
orbitwhiteunetbootin also works fine05:33
PatrickDickeyI think it might be a bad DVD burn, myself. Even the integrity check won't load up.05:33
logidoes ubuntu have issues with AMD FM2's?05:33
orbitwhitei heard something about amd issues with windows05:34
orbitwhitewindows issues with amd*05:34
logibtw patrick thank you :D05:34
logiwhat about ubuntu?05:34
orbitwhiteeverything should be great when it comes to basic components support such as cpu05:35
PatrickDickeylogi, you could always try 12.04 and get it installed. Then upgrade to 12.10 from there.05:35
orbitwhiteespecially cpus and memory05:35
logiok maybe i could download another one05:35
logithanks :D05:35
PatrickDickeyNo problem. Like I said before, burn it at whatever the slowest speed possible is.05:36
orbitwhitethere is something wrong with installation process or media u install from05:36
orbitwhiteconsider some "unetbootin" as an option05:36
logii think my installer is corrupted or something05:36
Brombombgotta love using a 55" TV as a monitor05:37
orbitwhitelogi, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/05:37
logihey guys. what do you think about the LTS?05:37
logithat's the one I used :D05:37
orbitwhitelts is for long term support05:37
logithanks orbit05:37
logiwhat about that?05:38
PatrickDickeyThat's what I'm recommending you try.05:38
logioh i see05:38
PatrickDickey12.04 is the LTS, and then 14.04 will be the next one.05:38
logioh ok.05:38
logiactually this is my first time to use open source os thats why i have many questions05:39
PatrickDickeylogi: Personally, I'd stay on it for a bit also. At least until you know everything's working right. Then you can always upgrade.05:39
orbitwhitelogi, there would be much more later, don't worry about it05:39
logiyeah. everyone's moving to open source05:40
* PatrickDickey has beeon on Ubuntu for a few years, and I still have questions--and problems.05:40
logiok :D05:40
orbitwhiteslackware was a good start for me, but laziness brought me to ubuntu05:41
PatrickDickeyI've played with slackware a bit. Only for recompiling kernels.05:42
logiwhat's the difference of an alternate installer from the desktop?05:42
Brombombdang it broke my system05:42
orbitwhiteit includes much to play with u don't want actually as for me =)05:42
PatrickDickeyIt's just a different type of installer logi. You can try either one. The "desktop" gives you a chance to try it before you buy it, so to speak. With the alternate, you're installing it.05:43
PatrickDickeyBrombomb: what broke your system?05:43
logiwhat do you recommend?05:43
Brombombsystem disk check "Fix itself"05:43
PatrickDickeylogi: Try the desktop one first. Then install from there. If that doesn't work, then get the alternate.05:43
logiit can always be dual booted with windows right?05:44
PatrickDickeylogi: Yep. That's what a lot of people start out with. It will handle everything for you.05:44
logiok thanks.05:44
orbitwhiteBrombomb, sometimes when something goes bad with hdd, fsck finishes it to the end05:44
PatrickDickeylogi: You'll get to a screen that says something like "Ubuntu has detected another operating system." Choose the option to install alongside Windows.05:45
logiok thanks05:45
orbitwhitePatrickDickey, won't it install on ntfs this way?05:45
orbitwhitei mean on mapped ntfs partition as squashfs image or something05:46
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: no, it will repartition the space, and make that ext4, I think. I've always created my partitions first, but I don't think we want to go there tonight. ;-)05:46
orbitwhitezebaszp, ?05:46
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: are you thinking about the wubi install maybe?05:47
orbitwhitePatrickDickey, oh probably yeah05:47
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* orbitwhite afraid of zebaszp 05:48
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: please type everything out then hit enter. (If you are then please forgive me. I'm only seeing little bits).05:48
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PatrickDickeyzebaszp: yes or no, are you typing complete sentences before you hit enter?05:52
threex5hi, does anyone have experience with lirc? I've got it working with pulseaudio, vlc and xbmc, but now I'm trying to get it to work with nightingale05:53
androidonly irssi05:53
PatrickDickeythreex5: I've never used it with nigtingale. Have you looked at their site for information?05:53
threex5PatrickDickey, I have, and I've asked about it in the forums, but no luck05:54
threex5i am able to control playback via command line05:54
threex5but i haven't figured out how to map those commands in .lircrc05:54
PatrickDickeyhttp://www.lirc.org/html/configure.html threex505:56
logihi patrick05:56
zebaszphello? i switched clients, does this one work properly?05:56
logii was planning to burn the installer.05:56
PatrickDickeyAnd threex5 it probably is only a windows plugin, like they said in the forum. In which case, you probably won't get anywhere.05:56
logiwhat dvd burner you may suggest?05:57
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: yes, it works perfectly. I was starting to think you were a person of few words. :)05:57
threex5right, PatrickDickey, the lirc support add-on will not work05:57
PatrickDickeylogi are you on Windows or linux?05:57
Brombombwoohoo rebooting 3x fixed it05:57
threex5I have gotten the command line add-on to work, though05:57
PatrickDickeythreex5: check LIrc's sourceforge page. they may have the configuration file for you.05:57
Sylphielogi \ nero is good05:58
zebaszpok, I'll burn the other client, then ask for help as planned05:58
PatrickDickeylogi, isoburn is good. Nero is good. what do you have installed right now?05:58
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: what was the other client?05:58
zebaszpthere, stupid client deleted05:58
zebaszpi dunno, some stupid metro-based app05:58
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zebaszpi'm trapped in windows 8 :(05:58
PatrickDickeylogi that should work, you just need to check the options to set the speed to 4x or whatever the lowest number is.05:59
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PatrickDickeyzebaszp: Aside from the obvious that you're trying to do something with Linux, what do you think of Windows 8?05:59
logii have 0x is this possible?06:00
zebaszpin the words of Bill Hicks, "piece of sh*t"06:00
PatrickDickeylogi: i'd go with 2X or something like that.06:00
zebaszpan unfinished one, as well06:00
PatrickDickeylogi: and get some coffee, because it's going to be a little while.06:00
logiI only have 8x06:00
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* PatrickDickey well I won't be buying that $49.99 upgrade or whatever it was) then.06:01
Sylphielogi \ if magiciso can do dummy test burns, you could check to see what speed your system is good for06:01
logiyeah it has06:01
zebaszpit's funny how the Mail app offers POP3, then immediately says "sorry, we don't support it, get IMAP"06:01
qbitzaI recently overwrote an important file with a link to the file. Is there any way of retrieving said file?06:02
qbitzafstab line: /dev/sdb1 /mnt/data      ext4   errors=remount-ro 0       106:02
Sylphiezebaszp \ does win 8 allow you to use your own email apps?06:02
undefined_where i can find installed software folder (ubuntu) please :)06:03
PatrickDickeylogi: from what I'm seeing, you should be able to change the speed right before you click the "Burn!" button.06:03
undefined_some one help.. thanks06:03
zebaszpyeah, it's Windows 7 plus the silly "Modern UI"06:03
logii think so.06:03
zebaszpan slightly more unstable, I think06:03
PatrickDickeyundefined_: It depends on how you installed the software. Typically it's in /usr or /opt.  What exactly are you trying to do?06:03
zebaszpperformance does improve, though, boot speeds are quite something06:03
Sylphiezebaszp \ in that case, there are other good (and free) email apps that do support pop306:04
undefined_going to xchat folder06:04
logido i need to install drivers after installing the OS?06:04
orbitwhiteqbitza, maybe if u won't find any solution u will consider R-Linux tool06:04
zebaszpyeah, I know, but it struck me as odd finding the option for POP3 in the default app just mocked the user06:04
PatrickDickey!manual | undefined_ This manual is a good "Getting Started with Ubuntu" and applies in a general sense to most linux distributions.06:04
ubottuundefined_ This manual is a good "Getting Started with Ubuntu" and applies in a general sense to most linux distributions.: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:04
zebaszpI don't need POP, I use gmail06:04
dr_willislogi:  depends on the hardware. many peopleneed video and wireless card drivers06:04
undefined_patrick tell me where can i find xchat folder to add scripts XD06:04
qbitzaorbitwhite, R-Linux tool? Do you have a link?06:04
undefined_as quiq as you can06:04
PatrickDickeylogi: For the most part, they should be installed during installation. Some may not though.06:05
logiohh i see06:05
undefined_pleaase XD06:05
Sylphiezebaszp \ oh, I thought lack of pop3 was one win 8 complaint to voiced06:05
orbitwhiteqbitza, http://www.r-tt.com/free_linux_recovery/index.shtml06:05
PatrickDickeyundefined_: Sorry, I don't have xChat installed. I can google it for you though.06:05
qbitzaorbitwhite, Thanks will investigate06:05
zebaszpeither way, Windows 8 aside, I need help to get my Ubuntu back :(06:06
undefined_what do you have as a client ?06:06
orbitwhiteqbitza, i suggested because there is r-studio tool which is great as far as i heard from people i trust in such questions06:06
orbitwhiteseems like this one is free analog and equivalent06:06
zebaszpG210 (DVI and VGA ports), CRT VGA monitor; I've been using a DVI to VGA adapter for no good reason, but it's gone faulty, now Ubuntu doesn't recognize the VGA port06:06
logido you recommend using the Wubi?06:07
qbitzaorbitwhite, Thanks06:07
undefined_i'm using wubi06:07
logiis it reliable?06:07
PatrickDickeyundefined_: they are located in your home directory, inside of a hidden directory. Open a terminal, and type cd .xchat206:07
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zebaszplogi, wubi is somewhat unstable and has lower performance compared to a full ubuntu installation06:07
undefined_: ) :D thanks .. i wish you a beautiful life and God helps you like u did to me :) :)06:08
PatrickDickeyundefined_: I'm sorry. :) (wubi is bad). Still the folder will be in your home folder. cd ~/.xchat2/06:08
logibut it install the files the same as the full installation installs?06:08
orbitwhitewho on earth needs wubi, just asking of curiousity06:08
undefined_many tnx.. :)06:08
undefined_cd ~/.xchat2/06:08
zebaszppeople afraid of computing06:08
undefined_many tnx06:08
PatrickDickeylogi it's not good. It's a bad hack way of getting Ubuntu alongside Windows.06:08
zebaszpafraid of messing up their computers06:08
undefined_i'll tell you the results later :D06:08
logiim just curious06:09
orbitwhitecomputers is something one shouldn't touch at all if one is afraid of it =)06:09
bazhang!wubi | logi have a read then06:09
ubottulogi have a read then: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe06:09
dr_willisall the complex little blinky lights06:09
* PatrickDickey I haven't seen anyone successfully use wubi.. But that's just my .02 worth.06:10
undefined_downloads  keybindings.conf  scrollback  servlist_.conf06:10
undefined_where to go from here please06:10
zebaszpI don't mean to insist too much, but I do need help :(06:10
PatrickDickeyundefined_: http://xchat.org/faq/#q21806:11
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PatrickDickeyzebaszp: what exactly is the issue you're having? If you said it before, I missed it. Sorry. :$06:11
* undefined_ goin to http://xchat.org/faq/#q21806:11
Sylphiezebaszp \ sounds like you need a new dvi>vga convertor, if you've got a vga monitor06:11
zebaszpI did mention it, but I can paste it again06:11
zebaszpI don't want a new adapter, the video card has a native VGA port which works fine on Windows but Ubuntu doesn't recognize it, which is why I'm trapped in this little hell06:12
zebaszpIt used to work just fine before06:13
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: Is it a nvidia or ati card?06:13
zebaszpnvidia g21006:13
dr_willisIF he says S3 im running.. ;)06:13
* PatrickDickey has an S3 somewhere in a box.... Waiting for Spring cleaning.06:13
Sylphiezebaszp \ if you boot the install disc, does the video work?06:14
dr_willisId be curious if older ubuntu's or other disrtos properly see the vga port and work.06:14
* orbitwhite suggest to send a gift with s3 to dr_willis 06:14
zebaszpoh god, I hadn't thought of that, how silly of me :P06:14
zebaszpmy guess would be yes, since it worked before06:14
PatrickDickeyI can say that Ubuntu 12.04 sees VGA ports and works. I've used it on my mythbuntu box. Up until about a month ago.06:14
zebaszpthere must be some X.org misconfiguration or something06:15
dr_willisTry a 12.04 live cd - and see if it still works.. could be somthing  weird going on.06:15
logiwhat can you say about raring guys?06:15
zebaszpI'm using 12.10 32-bits06:15
orbitwhitei havn't experience such problem for 9 years06:15
dr_willislogi:  its a work in progress and in #ubuntu+1  ;)06:15
dr_willisa 9 yr old video card?06:15
PatrickDickeylogi: wait for about five months before trying it. ;)06:15
logii heard they already released a beta version06:16
logihave u tried it?06:16
PatrickDickeywb BONG_IT. How's your computer coming along?06:16
Brombomb'start-stop-daemon -x /usr/local/bin/gmediarender -c pi:audio -S -- -f "Raspberry" -d'  does anyone know the -- -f flags?  Can't find it in the man page06:16
dr_willislogi: discussion about it in  #ubuntu+1  ;)06:16
Sylphiedoes the nvidia driver even have a confguration item for which output to use?06:16
BONG_ITi cant find my installation of software06:16
PatrickDickeylogi: I won't try it for another couple of weeks or so. And I'll only try it, because I'm on the Ubuntu Manual project, and we are going to release a version for it.06:17
BONG_ITwhere i can find my softwares installation06:17
PatrickDickeywhich software did you install, and how?06:17
zebaszpI used the little adapter (which now displays everything in an eye-straining purple tone), but the nvidia config tool shows only one port: the current monitor06:18
BillyBeaglewhat do you think the * means in this?   mysql> GRANT ALL ON abe.* TO bpn@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'abc';06:18
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: what happens if you shut down, plug it into the other port, and start up again?06:18
zebaszpso I'm pretty sure my installation is fine, (except for X.Org config, maybe)06:18
Sylphiezebaszp \ I wouldn't call your problem "hell", more like a visit from Phil the prince of insufficient light06:18
BillyBeagleshould be replaced with X06:18
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orbitwhiteBillyBeagle, columns maybe?06:19
zebaszpmy problem isn't hell, Windows 8 is (to a certain degree, at least)06:19
orbitwhiteor tables :/06:19
BillyBeaglenaw, table structor is build by the program later06:19
PatrickDickeyBillyBeagle: It means that bpn will have all priviledges to every table inside of the abe database, IIRC.06:19
BillyBeaglejust leave it as it?06:19
zebaszpstill, I have the feeling I need to add stuff manually into xorg.conf06:20
PatrickDickeyBillyBeagle: did you set it up like that, or someone else?06:20
BillyBeagleim reading a walk though06:20
PatrickDickeyBillyBeagle: I'd follow the walk through then. If it says that, then type that.06:20
zebaszpwith which I'm not acquainted at all06:20
PatrickDickeyI'm pretty sure you'll see the reasoning later on.06:21
zebaszpsorry, missed your question, PatrickDickey: ubuntu works fine with the DVI port (albeit the adapter is slightly faulty)06:21
Sylphiezebaszp \ if th nvidia util sees only one output, then X isn't going to see more than one, so it's unlikely your problem is a misconfiguration06:22
zebaszpwell, I'm at a total loss, then06:22
BillyBeagleERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that                            corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mysql06:23
zebaszpluckly I don't have a ton of info in there, but I'd rather not reinstall if possible06:23
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia might give you a start.06:23
BillyBeagleI feel the guy im implying I replace the * with something06:23
k4m3h4t3i have problem http://pastebin.com/hEiXcRg4 . what solution06:23
PatrickDickeyBillyBeagle: don't type the mysql> portion.06:24
BillyBeagleoh ha, ok that was it im crazy06:24
PatrickDickeyBillyBeagle: That's just to show you what the prompt should look like.06:24
zebaszphmm, maybe I should have mentioned? I am using the latest xorg-edgers nvidia driver (not the rest of the packages, though, just that driver)06:24
PatrickDickeyBillyBeagle: no problem. Been there, done that..... Too many times.06:24
Sylphiezebaszp \ so you've removed the dvi>vga adapter and the vga port still only works from windows?06:24
k4m3h4t3what should i do about my problem06:25
orbitwhitek4m3h4t3, google it first06:25
giNeeRingAnyone know why I am getting such terrible decompression speeds. 17kb/s06:25
zebaszpyes, Sylphie06:25
k4m3h4t3sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C1192 <<i type this. but noting change06:25
PatrickDickeyk4m3h4t3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186989006:26
zebaszpI'll give the wiki a read and come back in a while either with a massive "thank you" or a "please, more help?"06:26
zebaszpthanks for the support you've already given me06:26
orbitwhitehonestly, this is not the kind of problem that needs much to solve, google should fix it, coming for solutions in such cases is simply unpolite as for me :/06:27
nytrixdoes compiz work with ubuntu 12.04 classic desktop?06:27
PatrickDickeyorbitwhite: But, like someone mentioned earlier, if you don't know how to phrase the question, you won't get the answer.06:27
PatrickDickeynytrix: this might help you figure it out http://linux-experiments.blogspot.com/2012/07/getting-gnome-classic-and-compiz-on.html06:29
mfilipeUbuntu 12.04LTS automagically align partitions on SSD?06:29
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Sylphiemagic never works06:29
orbitwhitein my case i did it by hand and i havn't mentioned anything strange or magic06:30
PatrickDickeynytrix: Just as a word of caution, you're using third party repositories. And you can really mess things up, if you're not careful.06:30
orbitwhitei guess it is always like that when u do it by hand though :/06:30
Brombomborbitwhite & PatrickDickey .... nearly there with this guy....06:32
nytrixim a regular user on my machine, how do i wsitch to admin in terminal to install something? is it su username?06:32
Brombombusing the gmediarenderer06:32
PatrickDickeynow for the slightly more serious answer mfilipe. It creates the partitions that you need/request. As for aligning them, I'm not sure what you mean. It creates and sets the proper flags, and creates a bootloader to boot them.06:32
PatrickDickeynytrix: You'll use sudo and your login password. su - is not recommended with ubuntu.06:33
orbitwhitei always use su and `sudo su` but im retarded06:33
nytrixi use sudo but doesnt ask for admin password06:33
PatrickDickeyit should ask for your password.06:34
nytrixjust asks for regular usr passwd06:34
mfilipeI'm going to install Ubuntu on my new laptop which uses SSD. I read that ssd align is very important for better performance. So, I wanna now if the Ubuntu installer calculates the ssd align automagically.06:34
PatrickDickeynytrix: that's because you're the admin.06:34
nytrixnytrix is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.06:34
orbitwhitemfilipe, not that really matters actually06:34
PatrickDickeynytrix: Are you the only user on the computer?06:34
mfilipeorbitwhite, really? why?06:35
PatrickDickeynytrix: Do you know the login information for the other user?06:35
orbitwhitemfilipe, because i didn't mentioned anything wrong06:35
nytrixand i dont want to keep logging in and out everytime06:35
Sylphienytrix \ interpol is unlikely to come visit you06:35
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PatrickDickeynytrix then you can use su - username. it's just not recommended. The question that I have is, why don't you set yourself as an admin?06:36
nytrixso i have to log in and back in as admin to perform admin commands in terminal?06:36
orbitwhitemfilipe, correct options for operating with ssd storage media really do matter, but there r tons of howtos on google about it06:36
nytrixi dont know06:37
Finklepantsanyone able to help me getting wifi resolved it keeps hanging up and d/c  -  i have Atheros AR9485 / Ath9k06:37
PatrickDickeylol If I had to guess, I'd say you're used to the Windows way.  Limited users and computer administators.06:37
Sylphienytrix \ the other solution would be to give your user account more privs06:37
devvrat_my is working slow ...what to do??06:38
nytrixi know06:38
aeon-ltddevvrat_: describe more06:38
nytrixthanks guys06:38
PatrickDickeyFinklepants: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11345041 might be a starting point.06:39
orbitwhitemfilipe, http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/SSD_Tuning_for_Linux#SSD_trim.2C_Partition_Alignment.2C_and_Erase_Block_Size looks like this paper covers all questions including partitioning06:39
devvrat_ubuntu is very slow than windows in my pc any reasion06:39
Sylphieno distro of linux should be slower than windows06:39
devvrat_belive me06:39
xx4hdevvrat_, what is slow.06:40
PatrickDickeydevvrat_: what graphics card do you have installed?06:40
devvrat_opening the application moving scoller etc06:40
* PatrickDickey had that issue with an older ATI card, and the open source drivers.06:40
devvrat_ati card06:40
xx4hdevvrat_, maybe you have to install gpu-driver?06:40
PatrickDickeyWhich ati card, devvrat_06:40
devvrat_dont know06:41
devvrat_i have tryed many driver but dosent work06:42
Brombombbad idea adding the pulse user to the root group?06:42
PatrickDickeydevvrat_: Open a terminal window (CTRL+Alt+T) and type lspci | grep VGA in. Tell us what it says06:42
PatrickDickeydevvrat_: you can copy and paste that, to make it easier.06:43
orbitwhiteBrombomb, adding users to root group is always not a perfect solution talking of security06:43
Finklepantsi tryed all of that nosence already, i know this was i know bug or something but cant find if its fixed. it worked great in 11 but went to 12 and wifi keeps hanging up06:43
devvrat_ATI RC410 (radeon xpress 200M)06:44
orbitwhiteFinklepants, not a very good idea but often latest compat-wireless helps to solve something related to stable work06:45
Finklepantsdoes that have chance of breaking wifi completely?06:46
orbitwhitedefine breaking06:47
SylphieFinklepants \ I have seen linux wreck hardware before. Life is full of risks06:47
Finklepantsk given it a shot06:48
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PatrickDickeydevvrat_: That's an old card. Ubuntu may not support it anymore, as ATI doesn't necessarily support it now.06:50
PatrickDickeydevvrat_: If Ubuntu does support it, it'll be with Unity 2D at the most, and they're phasing that out. You *might* be able to use something like lubuntu or xubuntu though.06:51
orbitwhiteor get mate06:51
PatrickDickeydevvrat_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215181/no-unity-after-ubuntu-12-10-upgrade might help out though. I used it with my card, for a bit. But I have a newer "old" card.06:52
devvrat_okk thanks for help06:53
PatrickDickeyNo problem. Sorry that I can't be more helpful.06:53
devvrat_no pro.06:53
cellofellowMy dash and hud, alt tab, most of unity really, has been really quite dragging lately. Is there a way to clean it up, remove crufty stuff in there somewhere so it will speed back up?06:56
PatrickDickeycellofellow: it sounds like you're having the graphics card issues too. Which card do you have?06:57
cellofellowPatrickDickey: HD 400006:57
miroesqI was told that I should never log in as root , but rather log in as a normal user and use sudo. Does that mean I should not enable the root account to begin with as well?06:58
PatrickDickeyIntel or ATI Radeon?06:58
PatrickDickeymiroesq: you shouldn't need to enable the root account at all. In fact, it isn't enabled in a default installation.06:58
cellofellowmiroesq: yes, don't enable root, you can do everything root can do without running user programs by using sudo.06:59
cellofellows/user programs/user programs as root/06:59
cellofellowPatrickDickey: Intel HD 400006:59
miroesqi was really using root so i can log in with ssh and move files around, change permissions. it was just easier for me to use than linux07:00
cellofellowmiroesq: sudo -s07:00
PatrickDickeycellofellow: Not sure then. You could check the forums to see if anyone has issues with that card.07:00
miroesqcellofellow: my ssh is a GUI. I use winscp07:00
PatrickDickeymiroesq: what cellofellow said. Or just sudo works too. You log in with the user account, and just sudo comand.07:01
hagzag_Hi, I have question regarding apt-get urls behind explicit proxy is this the right place ?07:01
PatrickDickeyhagzag_: what's the question. We might be able to answer it.07:02
cellofellowmiroesq: if you are scping only then root account, while still unadviseable, is less of a problem than if you intend to log in a full desktop session.07:02
zebaszphello there!07:02
PatrickDickeywb zebaszp. Did everything work out?07:02
miroesqcellofellow: how do i disable the root account then or should i just leave it as is and not log in with it?07:03
zebaszpI ended up uninstalling the nvidia driver from a tty07:03
zebaszpsure enough, the desktop's back07:03
zebaszpand my goodness, galluim drivers work a lot better than I recalled07:03
PatrickDickeymiroesq: how did you enable the root account?07:03
cellofellowmiroesq: probably best way to disable root account is sudo passwd root --delete07:04
_dmnHow to change a file which needs root permission using the GUI?07:04
hagzag_I see your discussing Nvidia I have thinkPad W520, and I havent yet found a way to configure it [tried a ton of howtos]07:04
hagzag__dmn = use "gksudo nautilus"07:04
miroesqcellofellow: I created a password then i enabled the account07:04
miroesqsudo passwd root07:04
miroesqsudo passwd –u root07:04
cellofellowmiroesq: yeah, just use the --delete option on passwd07:05
PatrickDickeymiroesq: sudo passwd -dl root will disable the root account.07:05
PatrickDickeymiroesq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:05
miroesqthank you very much guys07:05
zebaszpI've backed up and deleted xorg.conf, and purged the nvidia packages, I'll reboot and try to install them back07:05
cellofellowI've been using gnome-shell on my computer at work, which is I'll admit a much faster machine than this (this is an i5 with 4GB ram, the other is a Phenom 8 core with 32GB ram) but it really shouldn't be this much slower with Unity.07:06
hagzag_apt-get urls behind explicit proxy anyone ?07:06
_dmnhagzag_: Thanks a lot, it worked.:)07:07
hagzag__dmn: np, enjoy07:07
PatrickDickeyhagzag_: you're behind a proxy, and want to get to apt-get right?07:09
hagzag_yes, but I nned to provide a list of url's to our GSO Dept so they will add the urls07:10
hagzag_the apt-get configuration part of the proxy should be simple :)07:10
hagzag_the big Q with all the mirrors which url's should I be enabeling07:11
PatrickDickeyhagzag_: will they take domains, or do you need the exact urls?07:11
hagzag_I can try domains and see if it flys :)07:11
PatrickDickeyIf they'll take entire domains, then it's ubuntu.com. Otherwise it's archives.ubuntu.com security.ubuntu.com and a few more. I'd have to do an update to figure it out.07:11
hagzag_so what you mean is add *.ubuntu.com should suffice ?07:12
PatrickDickeyYep. That should work.07:12
hagzag_thanks wil try that then07:12
miroesqPatrickDickey: what about when executing a script, I should be logged in as root then, correct?07:14
PatrickDickeymiroesq: nope. you'll use sudo if it requires root access.07:14
zebaszpwhile I wait for the nvidia package to download, I had a little question that's been bugging me for some while07:14
PatrickDickeyhagzag_: here's my list of archives. YMMV though. what you could do, is try apt-get update, and copy the list of sites.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1533629/07:15
miroesqPatrickDickey: yes, but the password is only good for 15 minutes, i ran an install script that lasted for about an hour07:15
PatrickDickeymiroesq: It'll prompt you whenver a command requires the password. Or it should. If not, then you can change the commands inside of the script to include sudo.07:16
zebaszpDeja Dup gives me a "/usr/bin/duplicity" error ever since the 2nd backup (I configured it with Ubuntu One)07:16
PatrickDickeyand miroesq what script are you running, if you don't mind my asking.07:16
miroesqfreeswitch and fusionpbx07:16
miroesqPatrickDickey: is there a way to increase the amount of time from 15 to 2 hours or so?07:17
PatrickDickeymiroesq: not that I'm aware of. I've never tried though.07:17
miroesqPatrickDickey: i will not be able to change anything in the script as i am so not technical enough, so i think i will enable the root and disable it once i am done with any script installs07:18
PatrickDickeymiroesq: does the script ask you for sudo password at all?07:18
miroesqdon't know. i had installed it using root :)07:19
zebaszpYES! YES!07:20
zebaszpfinally! my desktop, back to it's full glory!07:20
PatrickDickeymiroesq: It should either prompt you, or tell you that you need to run sudo. And I think it will keep that script running as root while it's going.07:20
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: Glad to hear it. :D07:20
zebaszpadmitedly, I'm using one of the repo drivers instead of the xorg-edgers one, but still07:20
zebaszpthanks a lot for your support, you are all amazing people07:21
PatrickDickeyGlad to help. :)07:21
zebaszpI wish I could contribute to the community in more meaningful ways, but I'll just keep promoting Ubuntu for the time being07:21
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: I'm sure you can contribute. Everything you've learned here, will help someone else.07:22
* PatrickDickey breaks his computer on a regular basis.... And learns from it.07:23
zebaszpI'll drop by the IRC more often, I'd never actually used it before, it's great07:23
zebaszpTrial and error. Mostly error.07:23
PatrickDickeyYep it is. I got hooked on it (irc) back in the days of MSN chats. I used to run a room there.07:24
miroesqPatrickDickey: i just looked at the script and i did execute everything having to do with it using sudo. so what does that mean?07:24
zebaszpI'll just listen to the Jonoboard for a while, just to celebrate how awesome communities are (ours and in general)07:24
PatrickDickeyIt means that you probably didn't need to be root, miroesq.07:25
miroesqPatrickDickey: mind you, i am not talking about what is inside the script as i don't know that. i am just talking about chmoding, moving and running it07:25
Shazer[2]Hey guys07:25
Shazer[2]I'm just wondering how I go about making sure everything I install on Ubuntu goes to another HDD07:25
Shazer[2]Not my SSD07:25
Shazer[2]Like it did last time07:25
PatrickDickeyShazer[2]: when you get into the Installation, it should prompt you for where you want to install everything. If not, I'd use an alternate installation disc. Choose the "Something else" or "manually partition" option.07:26
Shazer[2]PatrickDickey: I'm already installed now :/07:27
Shazer[2]Is there a way to do it now?07:27
PatrickDickeyWhat all do you want to move? everything, and not use the SSD at all, or just things like your /home directory?07:28
zebaszpI seem to be missing one resolution, any idea how to add it back? I'm looking at the wiki, but so far nothing07:29
PatrickDickeyzebaszp: I'm not sure. If it's not in the wiki, then I don't really know. They may not know that it works.07:30
PatrickDickeyShazer[2]: http://askubuntu.com/questions/106527/how-to-move-ubuntu-installation-from-one-hdd-to-another or maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159886907:31
Brombombwoohoo!  sweet sweet music07:31
PatrickDickeyGlad to hear it Brombomb.07:31
mladoux@zebaszp you could try this --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Use_cvt.2BAC8-xrandr_tool_to_add_the_highest_mode_the_LCD_can_do07:31
BrombombI used that gstreamrenderer and the trick was unmuting my sound cards heaphone channel07:32
PatrickDickeyCool :D it's usually the simple things.07:32
zebaszpI was looking at that :P07:32
Brombombso it serves the library content to my phone, which then acts remote to send commands back to the same server instructing it what to play.07:32
mladouxzebaszp, yeah, that works in most cases, but I've personally run into one or two where it does not.07:33
PatrickDickeylogi, how's it going?07:33
Brombombnow to download the Ubuntuphone source and load that up...07:34
mladouxthat's when you need to dig and hope that monitor specs are published with all the right bits and pieces. They almost never are.07:34
x-os_palhey all! just installed bodhi to use strickly for studies..i'm comming from arch and i just need someone to explain how the whole root account works here on ubuntu. i heard something about auto-generated root passwords for securty and i just want to do some work as straight root. any links are appreciated.07:34
cobra-the-jokerHey there every one ... how can i install cpanel on ubuntu 12.10 ?07:34
PatrickDickeyx-os_pal: you don't normally use root, you use sudo07:34
PatrickDickey!sudo | x-os_pal07:34
ubottux-os_pal: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:34
mladouxx-os_pal, sudo -i will give you a root shell07:34
logii got 16x lowest writing speed07:35
logiis that ok?07:35
PatrickDickeylogi: if that's the lowest speed your drive shows (smallest number) then yes.07:35
Shazer[2]PatrickDickey: sorry07:35
Shazer[2]My computer died07:35
Shazer[2]What did you say was an alternative?07:35
x-os_palthanks for the quick replies ubottu and mladoux...i understand that but i want full access to root as root. it's definately possible because i doubt system admins use sudo for everything...07:36
PatrickDickeyShazer[2]: no worries, Mine dies every day. :) I'll scroll up and get the reply for you.07:36
Theodoreis ubuntu for android a cell os or a operating system for cells?07:36
Shazer[2]Thanks PatrickDickey :)07:36
PatrickDickeyShazer[2]: http://askubuntu.com/questions/106527/how-to-move-ubuntu-installation-from-one-hdd-to-another or maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159886907:36
cobra-the-jokerCpanel on ubuntu ...any one ?07:36
mvt007geekcan someone tell me what sh -c 'zcat ./ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4.img.gz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb07:37
mvt007geek  do exactly?07:37
somsip!phone | Theodore07:37
ubottuTheodore: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone07:37
PatrickDickeyx-os_pal: The first link that ubottu gave you talks about enabling the root account.07:37
DWSRI assume that http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200712-180/ would imply that the 2950 works with any LATER versions of Ubuntu?07:37
Shazer[2]I want to install Ubuntu on SSD but everything that gets installed like Chrome or anything I install on Ubuntu goes on HDD07:37
mladouxsudo -i will give you a full root shell. Root is locked off in ubuntu by default, so sudo is the only way to access it. It's the same as using su07:37
logiwhat is the another application you can use for burning ISO's?07:38
mvt007geekcan someone tell me what sh -c 'zcat ./ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4.img.gz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb do exactly? i want to install it on sd card to use on pandaboard07:38
PatrickDickeyShazer[2]: if you just did the installation, I'd say reinstall.  Put / on the SSD, and /var/usr/home on the other drive. You'll have to create partitions for each though.07:38
mladouxthe -i stands for interactive.07:38
x-os_palthanks all!07:38
PatrickDickeymvt007geek: you can google zcat, and find out from there.07:39
zebaszpthe voice of Jono saying "community" is surprisingly addictive07:39
mladouxwell, i guess you could do it with an ssl key login, but yeah07:39
logiapplication that can burn ISO?? SOMEBODY??07:39
PatrickDickeycobra-the-joker: did you download cpanel or are you at the starting point (just wanting to do it)?07:39
zebaszplogi: Brasero comes preinstalled, I think07:40
somsiplogi: brasero, xfburn07:40
mladouxlogi -- brasero is the standard for that, but xfburn is a good alternative07:40
mvt007geekPatrickDickey: i wabt to know the difference between that and this command: gunzip -c ubunut_omap4_image_file.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb07:40
PatrickDickeycobra-the-joker: http://forums.cpanel.net/f34/installing-cpanel-ubuntu-server-67159.html07:40
logiok :D07:40
mvt007geekPatrickDickey: want to know which one is better to use?07:40
cobra-the-jokerPatrickDickey: i downloaded from the usual wget method ... but then it say that it is not supported07:40
cobra-the-jokerso no cpanel for ubuntu ?07:41
PatrickDickeycobra-the-joker: look at the link I just gave you http://forums.cpanel.net/f34/installing-cpanel-ubuntu-server-67159.html it might help.07:41
cobra-the-jokerit says that you cant install it there :D07:41
Thorcobra-the-joker: http://forums.cpanel.net/f145/debian-support-ubuntu-server-lts-support-153517.html is also useful here07:43
PatrickDickeymvt007geek: I'm not sure which is better. I'd say you could ask in a #perl room though. Assuming it's a perl file that you're working with.07:43
PatrickDickeyIt's a scripting language.07:43
Thorcobra-the-joker: Cpanel used to support debian, but not anymore.07:43
zebaszpwell, it's 5 AM here, so I'm off to bed07:45
zebaszpthanks everyone for your support07:46
zebaszpI'm no longer trapped in Windows 8 :D07:46
zebaszp(most of my games are, though, but at least I won't need to install apache on it to test my .php files...)07:46
PatrickDickeyHave a good night zebaszp. You must be around France, right?07:47
zebaszpnot even close :P Argentina07:47
mvt007geekhere is 11 am :)07:47
ThorPatrickDickey: france would be 8:47 am ;P07:48
PatrickDickeyWow. I didn't realize that you were that far East. I'm in the middle of the US.07:48
mvt007geekhow is us? :)07:48
* PatrickDickey needs to change his wallpaper to the CIRAF map. :P07:48
PatrickDickeyCold. LOL07:48
zebaszp"that far east"? it's UTC -307:48
PatrickDickeyRight, I'm UTC -6 or 5 depending on the time of year.07:49
Thorzebaszp: I thought argentina was more east than that O.o07:49
PatrickDickeyI'm normally working right now, which doesn't require me to think. :P07:49
zebaszpsouthwest of brazil07:49
zebaszpI think our timezone is actually wrong, but whatever07:50
ThorPatrickDickey: http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/terrestrial/broadcast/images/broad-ciraf2.gif :P07:50
* PatrickDickey has something like that downloaded already for my Shortwave Radio log.07:50
PatrickDickeyYep. Now I see. LOL07:50
zebaszpI have no idea what I'm looking at, besides "a map" :P07:51
zebaszpwhat is CIRAF?07:52
PatrickDickeyIt's for Shortwave Radio Signals. You find your number (or numbers around your area), and look in shortwave radio schedules to find out when they're transmitting to you.07:52
Thorhttp://www.jgiesen.de/astro/astroJS/timezone/index.htm is more useful07:52
jaker3333HAIL !07:52
Thorzebaszp: you *should* be in timezone q, but you are in p :P07:52
jaker3333how to limit the size of syslog file ?07:52
x-os_paldoes apt-get support throttling using multiple mirrors?07:53
zebaszpwell, you can't blame me for not knowing, it's not even in wikipedia :P07:53
somsipx-os_pal: use apt-fast07:53
alimjQuestion: When you type a command in Terminal (which is not installed), some software generates this message: "The program xxx can be found in the following package"... What is the name of this helping package?07:53
x-os_palsomsip: ty!07:53
zebaszpThor, yeah, I know, but I don't really give a damn as long as nights are dark and days are bright :P07:53
PatrickDickeylol No worries zebaszp. The only reason I know, is because I have an ancient (like made in 1942) shortwave radio. Along with a couple of new ones.07:53
Thorzebaszp: timezones never make sense other than that night look dark :P07:54
PatrickDickeyalimj: It might be apt-cache, but I'm not sure. Or dpkg. I know you can search in apt-cache for programs.07:54
zebaszpI know, but I couldn't care less about a 1-hour difference :P07:55
alimjPatrickDickey: I use apt-cache for searching available packages; however, I do not believe that it chould be apt-cache07:55
alimjPatrickDickey: I would like to install this software on another platform07:55
zebaszpalright! I better go to bed now, otherwise I'll sleep till 5 PM07:55
zebaszpsee you all! nice chatting with you!07:56
somsipalimj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommandNotFoundMagic07:57
mvt007geekwho has installed ubuntu on pandaboard?07:57
alimjsomsip: Thanks for that07:57
somsipalimj: np07:57
sphynxis anyone using emitapp to stream media to his/her mobile device  ?08:00
radopidoes YoltA also spamm you08:02
MonkeyDust!anyone | sphynx08:03
ubottusphynx: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:03
skp1how can i tell which version of alsa i have installed?08:10
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trapnigood morning08:13
delfrieshi is there anything that would be problmatic if i tried to clean install ubuntu 12.04 over 12.10? i want to go down to the stable version08:13
Theodorei use 13.04 on my main desktop08:14
MonkeyDustskp1  apt-cache policy alsa08:14
Theodorei use 12.04 on my ppc G5Server08:14
delfrieswould it be an issue though?08:15
MonkeyDustTheodore  #ubuntu+1 for 13.0408:15
Theodoreyeah its the beta night build08:15
Theodorethe raring version08:15
delfrieswell thats fine. i'm asking if there would be issues in putting 12.04 on a disk and installing over 12.1008:16
Theodoreno i would do a full format08:16
Theodoreor install to its own partition or a 2nd partition on the same drive08:16
amageehey, i'm trying to get dual monitors working on ubuntu 12.04, and now i'm using an intel graphics card08:17
delfrieshow do i do a ful format?08:17
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amageethe "displays" widget only finds one screen08:17
amageeas does xrandr08:17
Theodorewhen you load the disc08:18
MonkeyDustdelfries  use gparted on a live cd, delete the partition08:18
Theodoresay format over entire capacity of drive08:18
Theodoredon't use partitioning08:18
delfriesok that will work i think08:18
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jaker3333no help ?08:26
Tex_Nick!ask | jaker333308:29
ubottujaker3333: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:29
jaker3333how to limit the size of the syslog ?08:29
jaker3333i want it to resert after half a mega08:29
daftykinsjaker3333: look up 'logrotate'08:30
MonkeyDustjaker3333  guess you need a script for that, better ask in #bash08:30
jebbhas any one be able to boot a ubunt live cd via tftp/pxe08:34
EaglemanIs there a way to recieve pop3 email in an imap inbox, my isp does not support imap mailboxes, so i have to convert it myself somehow?08:34
fred-frii cant find the additional drivers utility08:36
fred-frican someone tell me the name of that app so i can start it from terminal?08:36
dr_willisin 12.10 its in a tab under the software-sources tool08:36
fred-friim on mint, and its hidden in the mint menus08:36
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:37
dr_willisin 12.04 its 'jockey-gtk'08:37
dr_willisWe dont know what mint does.08:37
daftykinsfred-fri: this might be of relevance: http://www.muktware.com/3952/new-interface-installing-drivers-ubuntu-1210#.UPUVYWfxc-U08:37
fred-frithanks yall08:38
daftykinsEagleman: if they don't support it, there's no way around it.08:38
daftykinsEagleman: however if you had a gmail account, you could have that check the POP account and automatically store those emails with a given label so you don't have to worry about using a desktop client08:39
Eaglemandaftykins, there is no way setting up a mail system to recieve pop3 and then retrieve the stored pop3 messages with imap08:39
daftykinsEagleman: IMAP is a protocol that needs to be supported on the mail server.08:40
daftykinsEagleman: you could create your own mail server, but that'd just complicate matters.08:40
doomlordanyone know of a hex/data viewer which has an option to display shorts,ints,floats aswell as hex (for the whole display, not just isolated values)08:44
Eaglemandaftykins, i already have my own postfix/dovecot server08:45
ActionParsnipdoomlord: ghex maybe08:45
doomlordi'm using that now - it doesn't appear to do that (it *does* have a panel at the bottom showing the value under cursor as int,float etc... but i'm after the main view like that)08:46
ActionParsnip!find hex08:46
ubottuFound: libconvert-binhex-perl, dhex, fetchexc, ghex, ghextris, hex-a-hop, hexalate, hexcurse, hexdiff, hexec (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=hex&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all08:46
=== tspxx is now known as tspx
MonkeyDust!info dhex08:47
ubottudhex (source: dhex): ncurses based hex editor with diff mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.67-1 (quantal), package size 57 kB, installed size 144 kB08:47
doomlordi'll try that. ncurses seems right for a hex editor :)08:47
* MonkeyDust learns something new every day08:48
ActionParsnipncurses is sweet08:49
doomlordok ghex, dhex, bless dont do it08:50
EaglemanIs there a way to recieve pop3 email in an imap inbox, my isp does not support imap mailboxes, so i have to convert it myself somehow, i have my own postfix/dovecot setup. Is there a way to set this up?08:51
VP1using UIbuntu 11.10. How to share internet connection from my  Samsung star duos mobile? tryied n/w manager08:51
ActionParsnip#if getdeb is up you can get wxhexeditor08:52
MonkeyDustVP1  for a start, 11.10 is no longer supported08:52
ActionParsnipVP1: Oneiric is EOL soon (April 2013) you may want to upgrade soon08:52
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: it is08:52
jaker3333how to limit syslog file ?08:52
doomlordi guess i can spend a few minutes writing a program to convert a binary file to tabbed text showing all that, lol08:53
jaker3333logrotate is a backup system.. i don't want it08:53
jaker3333half an hour of my time gone08:53
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases  April 201308:53
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: or use maths :)08:53
ciphered cwhats a good opensource streaming server ?08:53
ActionParsnipciphered: steaming to what?08:53
bazhangarchive.org possibly08:54
ActionParsnipdoomlord: unixlab.blogspot.com/2009/08/five-gui-hex-editors-for-ubuntu.htmlCached - Similar08:54
jaker3333actionParsip is it safe to delete var/log/* ?08:54
VP1@ ActionParsnip, MonkeyDust: OK, but may I know the general procedure for the connection for the time being until ? update08:54
ActionParsnipdoomlord: http://unixlab.blogspot.co.uk/2009/08/five-gui-hex-editors-for-ubuntu.html08:55
MonkeyDustVP1  you mean internet sharing?08:55
ActionParsnipVP1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup08:55
MonkeyDust!ics | VP1 there's this08:55
ubottuVP1 there's this: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:55
daftykinsjaker3333: no it's not a backup system08:56
MonkeyDustah bluetooth08:56
VP1I want to share my mobile's connection with Ubuntu08:56
ActionParsnipVP1: yuou'll need that guide08:56
ActionParsnipciphered: you could use a minidlna server08:56
ActionParsnipciphered: please use my nick so that the text highlights08:56
ActionParsnipciphered: you can do this fgast by typing act then hitting TAB08:57
jaker3333daftykins i'm using a script to delete everything i var/log every few hours08:57
jaker3333is that bad?08:57
cipheredActionParsnip: minidlna server like what08:57
ActionParsnipciphered: its a service08:58
daftykinsjaker3333: not if you don't ever want to read the logs the moment after they're deleted ;D08:58
cipheredActionParsnip: i need to get a source as a raw stream and spit a url that streams on the web08:58
jaker3333daftykins and what will those logs do for me?08:58
EaglemanIs there a way to recieve pop3 email in an imap inbox, my isp does not support imap mailboxes, so i have to convert it myself somehow, i have my own postfix/dovecot setup. Is there a way to set this up, I know gmail is able to do this, you can add email accounts to gmail and then recieve your pop3 messages in a imap mailbox08:59
daftykinsjaker3333: help you when problems occur some day08:59
ActionParsnipciphered: if you have a minidlna client (most media players can do it) then you can browse, then stream your files08:59
cipheredActionParsnip: the web browsers dont have any minidlna client08:59
jaker3333when that day come i know which command line to use my friend09:00
jaker3333and the word " format " will be part of it09:00
vezim having erros when kernel is compiling.  It shows this errors http://pastebin.com/g7TbyRJU and then compilation stops.  I've tried changing gcc version and still fails. anyone can help me please?09:01
jaker3333i'm still using 11.04 by the way09:01
ActionParsnipciphered: you could use html5 to stream them via web interface, it's not pretty but it works09:02
circleMay as well ask here. I'm planning a format/reinstall; I have two HDDs, and I want to dual boot Linux and Windows. What do you guys think would be the best partition setup?09:02
circleI was thinking HDD 1  is just pure windows (320GB). Second HDD I use for Linux, with a parition for /home, /boot, a swap, and a storage.09:02
MonkeyDustcircle  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes09:03
zigovrhi all, I have an encrypted partition (/dev/sda7), I added it to my cryptab file09:03
circleMonkeyDust: I'll check it out09:03
zigovrhowever at boot it is not automatically opened, I need to type "M" and then open it (cryptsetup luksOpen) manually09:03
zigovrI did run update-initramfs several times already09:04
ActionParsnipcircle: hdd1:  Windows sytem and 20Gb for Ubuntu system and 30Gb for /home. Hdd2: partition for windows page file and windows %temp%, partition for swap space, rest for user docs09:04
circleActionParsnip: interesting09:05
ActionParsnipcircle: swap and windows pagefile / temp on a different drive gives a speed boost, keeping user docs in its own partition eases backups09:06
ActionParsnipcircle: having a small partition for /home and then symlinking the folders to the other partition will make the access transparent too09:06
zigovrok problem solved, my file was called cryptab instead of crypttab -_-09:07
circleActionParsnip: that seems quite complex, but I will consider ity09:07
ActionParsnipcircle: its how i'd do it.09:07
ActionParsnipcircle: if the data partition is NTFS then both OSes can use the same data asd the Windows OS is unable to access Ext409:08
Hanumaancan anyone suggest the problem with this update : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1533757/09:08
louigifellas! is there any software for ubuntu to produce 2d animation?09:11
ActionParsnipHanumaan: do you use a proxy for web access?09:12
HanumaanActionParsnip, yes VPN I use09:13
ActionParsnip!info tupi09:14
ubottutupi (source: tupi): 2D Animation design and authoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1+git12-6ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 2011 kB, installed size 5123 kB09:14
subdesignhow to know what version of php installs tasksel ?09:14
louigiubottu, thx will try out09:14
ubottulouigi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:14
louigiActionParsnip, thanks!09:14
ActionParsniplouigi: all I did was ask the duck :)09:14
|nv|s|b|eI have to logout and back in, my windoze machine will be jealous after this.09:14
ActionParsnipHanumaan: then you will need to tell apt-get to use the proxy too09:15
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HanumaanActionParsnip, how to do that ?09:17
ActionParsnipHanumaan: look into apt.conf09:17
ActionParsnipHanumaan: you will need:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf    to get write access (it doesn't exist by default)09:17
wlosioHello, i cant turn off my Ubuntu - i click Turn off, ubuntu logging off and i cannot turk off/restart my pc09:18
ActionParsnipwlosio: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now    does it turn off?09:18
wlosiobut idk why dont work by clicking09:20
ActionParsnipwlosio: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue; groups09:20
wlosioUbuntu 12.10 \n \l09:21
wlosioim using unity (Now)09:21
ActionParsnipwlosio: and the output of:  groups09:21
wlosiowlosio adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare09:22
ActionParsnipwlosio: looks ok, i'm in the same groups. works here.09:23
wlosioon my laptop is ubuntu with XFCE and not problems09:23
wlosioits like problem with Unity...09:23
ActionParsnipwlosio: well, gnome :)09:23
wlosioi think xfce using other command to shutdown than gnome09:24
wlosioehhh and im againg remove unity, lastly is removed unity because was not usable09:25
wlosionow is usable09:25
wlosiobut problem with shutodnw09:25
wlosioand reboot09:25
FloodBot1wlosio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:25
wlosiomaybe 13.10 reipairs it09:25
wlosiolol?! x)09:26
wlosiookay thanks.. i go to googling ho to de... or wait.., meybe i try Gnome ...09:26
nytrixwhere is ~/.themes ? what is the ~ for?09:26
wlosio~= home dit09:27
wlosio~/.themes = /home/<you_name>/.themes09:27
wlosiookay bye bye09:27
nytrixi set show hidden files and still cant locate .themes in my home dir09:28
nytrixi see .thumnais09:28
nytrixbut no .themes09:29
nytrixis it because im not admin?09:29
ActionParsnipnytrix: i believe you need to make ~/.themes09:30
cytokinestormi have a bit of a loaded problem09:33
ActionParsnipcytokinestorm: ask and the channel will reply if it can09:33
cytokinestormi want to re-install windows on this computer and delete linux but i'm a mega noob09:33
cytokinestormall of the guides I'm reading may as well be in Swahili09:34
cytokinestormwhen i tried to install windows it said i needed a NTFS file system09:34
ActionParsnipcytokinestorm: the windows installer can delete the ubuntu partitions and use the space for its ntfs partition09:34
ActionParsnipcytokinestorm: how is this an ubuntu issue, you are installing windows09:34
cytokinestormwell, i need to get rid of linux09:35
ActionParsnipcytokinestorm: the windows installer can do that, i suggest you ask in ##windows09:35
cytokinestormanand the windows installer said it can't do that09:35
cytokinestormthanks I guess09:36
ActionParsnipcytokinestorm: it can, the partitions are standard, so can be deleted09:36
cytokinestormjust told you it said it can't but thanks anyway09:36
nytrixi just installed myunity in ubuntu 12.04 classic desktop, where would i locate tis app?09:38
ActionParsnipCybertinus: it can. Ive used botyh OSes a long time09:38
ActionParsnipnytrix: use alt+f209:39
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terminhelloh hai09:45
daftykinso hai09:45
terminhellwhats new in the ubuntu?09:46
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daftykinsmany a challenge for those buying new windows 8 computers, wanting to escape to the land of GNU/Linux!09:47
daftykinsthat's the general vibe i get ^_^09:47
ActionParsnipdaftykins: could by OS-less, or home build :)09:47
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daftykinsActionParsnip: i mean that seems to be what we get in here lately09:49
quatarHi all! I use Precise64-bit. I don't like that when I call an application that is open on another workspace, it tries to send that application to my workspace... But i'd prefer Ubuntu to take ME to the workspace of that application09:49
ActionParsnipdaftykins: i guess, i think its curiosity too09:49
=== ViVaLaRock is now known as LaRock
mokushany idea why I can ssh login trough putty, but trying ssh user@host.com:1234 throws an "ssh: Could not resolve hostname " error?09:50
daftykinsmokush: maybe host.com isn't working?09:52
mokushdaftykins: it is, since I can log-in using putty, with the exact same details09:52
terminhellmokush: did you ask it nicely?09:52
mokushterminhell: even gave it a box of chocolates09:52
gnomefreakthrow it agaisnt the wall or out the window09:53
* terminhell stunned09:53
mokushterminhell: computers are such jerks09:53
ActionParsnipmokush: if you run:  cat /etc/hostname; echo "------"; cat /etc/hosts09:53
daftykinsmokush: try specifying the variables differently, such as the switch (i forget what it is) for user instead of user@ and possibly one for port too09:54
ActionParsnipmokush: does the hostname appear in /etc/hosts09:54
Darkstar1How do I find out which gui shell I'm using and what version?09:54
mokushActionParsnip: it doesn't, but I'm not using a direct ip. I'm using a domain name.09:55
terminhellI've been sending my computers xmas cards as of '06 so far so good :p09:55
PatrickDickeyDarkstar1: Do you mean like Unity, Gnome, etc?09:55
ActionParsnipmokush: no, the system you are connecting to is having issue resolving its own name to
ActionParsnipmokush: have you been mnessing with /etc/hostname09:55
Darkstar1PatrickDickey: Yeah09:56
mokushActionParsnip: no, never09:56
daftykinsterminhell: do they write back?09:56
ActionParsnipdaftykins: ps -ef | egrep 'gnome-shell|gnome-panel|unity'   may help09:56
terminhelldaftykins: all i get back is a bunch of 1's and 0's. I think they're conspiring, writting me in code and all.09:56
iceroothow to find out which nameserver is ubuntu using really? at the moment everything is resolved to and i want to know if the real nameserver is or
* terminhell hides09:56
Darkstar1PatrickDickey: Think I'm on gnome. trying to find out how to minimise windows without the context menu since all I have is a single close window button09:56
daftykinsActionParsnip: tab complete fail!09:57
ActionParsnipmokush: try:   grep `hostname` /etc/hosts     do you get an output?09:57
terminhelliceroot: resolv.conf?09:57
PatrickDickeyDarkstar1: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION will give you the desktop. I'm looking for the version now.09:57
icerootterminhell: ubuntu is using an own nameserver (dnsmasq?) and i want to know what nameserver that local dns is usinbg09:57
terminhelliceroot: just amend it manually in it09:58
mokushActionParsnip: yeah, one entry with and the name of the pc09:58
icerootterminhell: i dont want to change it i want to find out what is using09:58
ActionParsnipmokush: cool, that's good09:58
terminhelliceroot: just add in "nameserver
icerootterminhell: i dont want to change it i want to find out what is using09:58
simNIXhello - I forgot the name of a program: a program that lets you make from one web adress a seperate program (browser windows) that looks like a seperate program - does this ring a bell for anyone ?09:58
ActionParsnipterminhell: the file is generated when network manager starts09:58
ActionParsnipiceroot: is there a dnsmasq channel?09:58
icerootActionParsnip: good question09:59
mokushActionParsnip: is putty not using the same openssh service? how come it works?09:59
icerootActionParsnip: guess i will do some manpage reading09:59
terminhellActionParsnip: its hard for me to believe that my verizon mifi hotspot is using google's dns...09:59
ActionParsnipterminhell: why, it's doing the job.....09:59
ActionParsnipmokush: you can switch dns to use a different order, may help10:00
terminhellActionParsnip: ive set that dns manually10:00
mokushActionParsnip: how do I do that?10:00
ActionParsnipterminhell: same applies, if it does the job then who cares10:00
PatrickDickeyDarkstar1: which desktop did it say?10:00
Darkstar1PatrickDickey: It's gnome10:00
PatrickDickeyDarkstar1: then type gnome-shell --version and that will give you the version information.10:01
Darkstar1PatrickDickey: thanks10:02
ActionParsnipmokush: try:  echo "UseDNS no" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config > /dev/null     then reload the ssh service10:02
Darkstar1PatrickDickey: Don't suppose you know how to minimise without bringing up the context menu?10:02
PatrickDickeyNope, sorry. I don't use Gnome. I'm using LXDE.10:03
hariomHey guys, when I record my voice using built in mic of my laptop, there is no audio coming. File size is just 0bytes. How to fix mic issue? Same system mic works in Windows10:03
mokushActionParsnip: same error :(10:04
jaker3333how long is it safe to use an old ubuntu build?10:04
ActionParsnipmokush: did you run:  sudo service ssh reload    then log off and try to recoinnect?10:04
jaker3333nobody bothers to hack it anyway10:04
ActionParsnipjaker3333: i'm sure they do10:05
ActionParsnipjaker3333: guess which OS wiukipedia uses.....10:05
jaker3333ActionParsnip:  i have 11.04 and i want it to be 10 yrs at least before i upgrade10:05
gatuusdo ou know if it is really necessary to put the "ubuntu" user when creating a custom image of ubuntu with cloud-init?10:05
ActionParsnipjaker3333: there will be holes discovered in it later and you will be vulnerable. Why not clean install with Precise10:05
gatuus"do you.."10:05
mokushActionParsnip: I just restarted the ssh service. should I also log-out and try again?10:06
jaker3333ActionParsnip:  took me month to make it do what i want10:06
ActionParsnipjaker3333: don't you think Wikipedia get attacks, on a daily basis?10:06
jaker3333i use windows XP on another PC. never bothered to update it10:06
ActionParsnipjaker3333: then it was probably EOL before you even started10:06
jaker3333an OS released on 200110:06
ActionParsnipjaker3333: XP is still supported, its being phased out now (early stages)10:06
daftykinsapril 2014 XP finally dies10:07
ActionParsnipjaker3333: using natty you will get no updates and no suport here or any of the other official channels. You will simply be told to upgrade10:07
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: I'd say it depends on a lot of factors. But, at some point, they won't make updates for the version anymore. So, when you run into problems, you won't be able to get current help.10:07
ActionParsnipjaker3333: the OS will run but the security holes in the packages will never get fixed10:07
jaker3333PatrickDickey:  will i be able to use latest brower in like 5 yrs ?10:08
jaker3333or it won't work on my 11.04?10:08
* PatrickDickey knows of a company whos kiosks are still running Hardy Heron10:08
ActionParsnipjaker3333: you may be able to use the archived versions of browsers but they may fail to run as they will expect certain versions of libs in the OS10:08
jaker3333all i care about it browing the net on linux10:08
Theodorehow are you all tonight?10:08
ActionParsnipjaker3333: how does it take months, just to get web access?10:08
jaker3333once i used Internet explorer to view a file and the server launched an pplications from my temporarly folder to hack my pc10:09
ActionParsnipTheodore: 10am here, otherwise ok ;)10:09
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: I'd say it won't work. As distributions stop supporting the OS, so will browser makers. Heck, Google won't allow you to connect with older versions of Internet Explorer anymore.10:09
jaker3333it disabled all the programs and alit ctrl delete.. told me to press the OKay button on the screen to continue10:09
jaker3333i forced shut down and logged to another account and scanned teh pc10:09
jaker3333it found the virus in ie temp folder10:09
ActionParsnipjaker3333: how does it take months to configure a PC if you only need web access?10:10
jaker3333ActionParsnip:  cuz i'm not smart as you10:10
jaker3333i take ti step by step10:10
ActionParsnipjaker3333: the newer packages and kernel may make things work out of the box10:10
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: By configure, are you saying lock down all non-essential services, or do you mean just getting your stuff the way you want?10:10
TheodoreActionParsnip, im doing good too10:11
jaker3333PatrickDickey:  yes i make it as light as i can and i block everhing on the network except 1 port10:11
TheodoreActionParsnip, its 2:11AM here in southern california10:11
jaker3333i customize the browser too10:11
ActionParsnipjaker3333: you can backup the config folder for the browser and restore it in the new OS10:11
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: Some of that will remain, if you upgrade. And if not, you should be able to fix everything back up again pretty quickly.10:11
jaker3333i only run two things.. wine and a browser on it10:12
ActionParsnipjaker3333: wine is fun, what do you use?10:12
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: why wine?10:12
jaker3333to run 1 windows program10:12
jaker3333browser is native10:12
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: which one, if you don't mind my asking?10:12
jaker3333na. it's a secert10:13
jaker3333also that program runs best on wine 1.310:13
jaker3333the GUI breaks on 1.510:13
jaker3333so my luck10:13
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: no worries. Wine will still work. And you can install wine 1.3 on newer versions. You might have to do it manually, but you should be able to do it.10:14
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: Does it work on 1.4.1? (wine)10:14
jaker3333i tried but the GUI is missing some edges10:14
jaker3333anyway.. i'm extremely happy with 11.0410:15
jaker3333never gave me a problem10:15
PatrickDickeyedges, as in the window is too big, or something else? And more to the point, have you filed a bug with the wine developers about it?10:15
ActionParsnipjaker3333: i recommend a clean install of Precise. If you must hold on to Natty then wait til April next year and install 14.04 (LTS also)10:15
jaker3333120MB without page file at start up10:15
jaker3333better than XP or even win9810:15
jaker3333total RAM is 2GB10:15
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: You're preaching to the choir here. I'm running a DVR on an old Dell computer (like 2001 built). And an Amahi Home Server on a computer I built in 2003.10:17
jaker3333also the best part is faking your browser user agent on the net10:17
jaker3333it's showing win5.1 i think .. it means XP10:17
jaker3333so i someone trying to attack your broswer it won't work on linux10:17
ActionParsnipjaker3333: i cant think of a modern browser that can't do that....10:17
jaker3333ActionParsnip:  yeah i know but i meant like what they did on my xp os by hacking me through IE10:18
jaker3333.exe won't work on linux10:18
ActionParsnipjaker3333: it will but it will only affect ~/.wine :)10:18
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: Yes it will.  Sort of.. You have wine installed. So, in theory it will run.10:18
jaker3333yeah but when i double click on it it says it can not open the file10:19
jaker3333must right lick on and chooose run on wine10:19
jaker3333so it won't10:19
ActionParsnipjaker3333: the exploits in the app will affect your ~/.wine folder. You don't necessarily have to double click it10:20
jaker3333anyway ActionParsnip  i will keep it for at least 5 yrs10:21
jaker3333thanks for the advice10:21
jaker3333if nothing get hacked i will add another 5 yrs10:21
ActionParsnipjaker3333: your call but there will be zero support here and zero updates to packages10:21
ActionParsnipjaker3333: if you just need web acces, you could try xpud10:21
jaker3333what is xpud ?10:22
ActionParsnipjaker3333: go find out10:22
jaker3333ubuntu loads apps x2 faster than windows10:22
jaker3333very light on RAM10:22
jaker3333and very low on CPU load10:22
PatrickDickeyOops.. LOL10:22
jaker3333so i'm happy that this thing is free10:22
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PatrickDickeyjaker3333: All of the things you're saying are still true on later versions of linux.10:22
sevenhilljaker3333,  open isn't mean free always10:23
PatrickDickeyjaker3333: And, in truth, if you're that worried about security, you could use something like TOR (the Onion Router).10:23
ActionParsnipjaker3333: its been that way for a long long time10:24
llutzPatrickDickey: how is TOR security related?10:24
PatrickDickeyllutz: In the sense that it hides your IP address for one. I may have misspoke on how well it's related though.10:26
ponzellusllutz: and your traffic gets encrypted, at least from your pc to the (trusty?!) node ;)10:28
llutzponzellus: it doesn't10:28
ponzellusllutz: that's what this page says, though https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en10:30
MonkeyDustponzellus  anonymity is not security10:32
llutzMonkeyDust: it is, but not it-security, more personal10:34
ActionParsniptoo many tinfoil hat wearers these days, more so ones who don't actually know what they are afraid of10:35
* PatrickDickey hopes he's not a tin-foil hat wearer...10:36
llutzActionParsnip: "nothing to hide" ?10:36
PatrickDickeyOtherwise, someone forgot to tell my Facebook profile that. :P10:36
luckymuraliHi all10:39
PatrickDickeyHi luckymurali.10:39
ActionParsnipllutz: me personally, no10:39
luckymuraliI have 3 users in gdm, and one of the user if Iam login It is coming back to login screen again10:39
luckymuraliim able to identify that it is resolution issue and my ubuntu is 11.04]10:40
PatrickDickeyluckymurali: do the other two usres have the same problem?10:40
luckymuraliPatrickDickey: no10:41
PatrickDickeyluckymurali: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742203 is one thread that sounds like your issue. Although they only had one user. But, you can still try logging in without desktop effects.10:44
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zerribertmore of a general open-source question here: if I modify the source code of a program under GPLv3, does it matter where I publish the altered version? would it be enough to just push it into my FTP server's public folder??10:48
VP1Want to change file permissions a folder on NTFS drive. chmod and GUI method does not work as expected. Any way out?10:48
tarelerulzCan Ubuntu play blue ray?10:49
Mavrikzerribert, as long as it's available to anyone who uses that program it's ok10:49
VP1Any answers? Pl10:50
zerribertMavrik: thanks10:50
MonkeyDustVP1  goes chmod won't work on NTFS10:51
zerribertMavrik: good thing, too. nobody would have wanted to go through my noobish code that I would have commited to the svn :)10:51
VP1Thats what the question  is! Then what is the way for NTFS10:51
luckymuraliI have 3 users in gdm, and one of the user if Iam login It is coming back to login screen again10:52
EaglemanI am unable to get output from fetchmail. I want to see what it is doing. setting log file wont work either, what am i doing wrong?10:52
luckymuralirest 2 users are working fine10:52
PatrickDickeyEagleman: are they able to help you in dovecot?10:52
luckymuraliIt seems some resolution issue10:52
luckymuralihow can i set it right10:52
luckymuraliim using ubuntu 11.0410:53
PatrickDickeyVP1: You have to go to Windows to change file permissions on a NTFS drive. Or format it into a POSIX - friendly filesystem.10:53
ActionParsnipluckymurali: natty is eol, no longer supported10:53
ActionParsnipluckymurali: I recommend a clean install of Precise10:54
MonkeyDust!bluray | tarelerulz10:55
ubottutarelerulz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:55
PatrickDickeyluckymurali: I'll second ActionParsnip's motion, except that I'll add that you need to log in with a different user (an admin) and back up the /home directories of the users.10:55
=== codezombie is now known as codezombie|away
PatrickDickeyluckymurali: This might help you, but don't quote me on it. And I still second ActionParsnip's suggestion. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html The user will have to press CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a console, and then CTRL+ALT+F7 when they want to return to the GUI.  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html11:00
* PatrickDickey hates when he double paste's links. :S11:01
PatrickDickeyI'm off to bed soon. Have a great day/night everyone. :)11:04
=== adiaswin is now known as milesmaverick
AtuMIs there a specific channel for ubuntu server?11:13
MonkeyDustAtuM  #ubuntu-server11:14
AtuMtnx MonkeyDust11:14
Space_Manhas ruby/rails been updated in 10.04 LTS, as there have been several security updates?11:14
MonkeyDustSpace_Man  700+ people in #ruby, better ask there11:16
EaglemanWhat am i doing wrong with my sieve/fetchmail setup??  http://pastebin.com/wh4Q0YFY11:18
mikecmpblli'm a programmer not a sys admin so excuse my ignorance. we have a ubuntu server with postfix for sending mail, and we put the sender address as noreply@domain.com, but it's causing problems for some people because their mail servers rightly reject the mail because noreply@domain.com doesn't resolve11:18
somsipSpace_Man: Here's your list: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ruby11:18
EaglemanI am having problems with delivering mail from robin.poot@quicknet.nl to RobinPoot folder with my sieve/fetchmail setup, nothing from robin.poot@quicknet.nl gets delivered at all:  http://pastebin.com/wh4Q0YFY11:19
mikecmpbllwhat's the easiest way to set up the mail address so that it resolves? would it involve changing the dns, or playing with postfix, or both or either.11:19
codephobicI'm not sure whether this is an ubuntu problem or an issue with my ReadyNas Duo, but several mp3 folders I moved onto my NAS are now missing tracks.11:20
codephobicAll in all, maybe 4-5hrs of CD rip sessions worth of tracks11:21
codephobicis there a known problem with transferring large amounts of files from a desktop to a Nas using Ubuntu?11:21
codephobicAlso, is there anyway I can find out if files have been recently deleted accidentally (or maybe as a result of a crashed file transfer session with ubuntu)?11:23
Space_Manthanks somsip11:24
blamicodephobic: I wouldn't recommend to move them using nautilus. Everytime I move a larger amount of files using nautilus something is missing11:24
blamicodephobic: probably because of the fact the nautilus is designed by GNOME people who like to add ten or twenty layers of abstraction to everything to be sure there's enough space for code flaws and bugs11:25
codephobicblami, it seems I've been the victim of Nautilus.11:25
codephobicI've never really had a single major problem with linux, in all my dabblings.11:26
blamicodephobic: anyway, I recommend to try just rsync it (if NAS supports that) or simply do cp in terminal. Also mc might work11:26
blamicodephobic: midnight commander ...11:26
codephobicI've never used that, I'm not that familiar with the utilities in ubuntu.11:27
codephobichence my use of nautilus to transfer files, rather than using terminal11:27
codephobicI really didn't know how buggy it was11:27
codephobicvery shocked11:27
blamicodephobic: I had similar problem multiple times when I was copying something to CIFS/Samba volumes11:28
codephobicblami, sounds very much like my problem. I'm using cifs/samba shares on the NAS too11:29
blamicodephobic: I think it's caused by some timeout which leads to server deleting the file but client sending next file after resume11:29
codephobichmm, I'm really shocked and saddened by this. First time I've lost confidence in Linux.11:29
blamicodephobic: when I mounted the volume manually using mount command from terminal and then copy files using bare cp command, everything worked well11:29
codephobicterminal works fast and smoothly, but sometimes it's easier - much easier - to select and place files in multiple category folders visually.11:30
blamicodephobic: I know :)11:30
codephobicdamn, should just have booted into windows...11:30
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blamicodephobic: If this happened recently to you it may be worth to check system logs11:31
wlosioHi i have problem with LightDM -> http://hiddenb.bplaced.net/_d/111/20130115037.JPG11:31
blamicodephobic: if something happens in kernel vfs or samba driver it should be noticed there11:31
wlosioLightDM havent correct splash :(11:31
blamicodephobic: unfortunately this does not apply to gnomevfs and nautilus ...11:31
codephobicblami, I've only just realised today - I was planning on listening to some music and doing some work... then couldn't find my music ...11:32
codephobicblami, I think I'm going to have to rip the cds I still have, again.11:32
codephobicI actually dumped a whole load of cassettes a few months back, hopefully I haven't lost those too11:32
codephobicwow ... I'm really shocked at how shoddy nautilus is. I know it's buggy and a pita, but this is fundamental functionality stuff...11:33
jluluhello guys11:34
jlulumay i ask your help11:34
MonkeyDustjlulu  if you're sweet11:34
qwerkusHi everyone; how to you record h.264 streams from a webcam in ubuntu ?11:35
EaglemanI am having problems with delivering mail from robin.poot@quicknet.nl to RobinPoot folder with my sieve/fetchmail setup, nothing from robin.poot@quicknet.nl gets delivered at all:  http://pastebin.com/wh4Q0YFY11:35
jluluI'm sure I am:). I wanted to make an upgrade, from lisa to nadia, I changed my sources.list. But things doesn't work well, and now I'm stuck without X server11:35
MonkeyDustjlulu  mint?11:35
icerootjlulu: lisa and nadia are not ubuntu releases11:35
jluluMonkeyDust: yes11:35
iceroot!mint | jlulu11:35
ubottujlulu: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:35
MonkeyDust!mint| jlulu11:35
jluluthis is the chan name ?11:36
icerootjlulu: that is the channelname and the irc network11:36
jluluiceroot: so I have to connect under irc.mint.net and the chan mint ? Is that right ?11:36
icerootjlulu: i think so11:36
jluluiceroot: ok I try, thanks11:37
icerootjlulu: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:37
icerootjlulu: as ubottu said11:37
MonkeyDustjlulu  connect to irc.spotchat.org, then enter #linuxmint-help11:37
jluluthx a lot MonkeyDust and iceroot11:38
mLuxHi, which is the latest stable version of Ubuntu?11:39
MonkeyDustmLux  12.1011:39
codephobicIs there a stable alternative to nautilus?11:39
mLuxMonkeyDust: Is it possible to upgrade to 12.10 from 10.04?11:39
jribcodephobic: what's wrong with nautilus?11:39
codephobicsomething that isn't out to sabotage your files?11:39
codephobicjrib, until today I just thought of it as buggy and slow11:40
jribcodephobic: and today?11:40
hariomHello friends. Need help. When I record my voice, recorder shows that recording is in progress and file size also gets bigger as the duration increases. But when I play it back, there is no audio coming out. When I play another audio file downloaded from net, it plays audio fine.11:40
ActionParsnipcodephobic: pcmanfm211:40
hariomUsing ubuntu 10.0411:40
codephobicjrib, after realising it lost 5GB+ of mp3s I've been ripping for months ...11:40
ActionParsniphariom: Lucid desktop has about 4 months support left.11:40
ActionParsnipcodephobic: got backup?11:41
codephobicjrib, I used to transfer lots of files from my desktop to my NAS, now I find there are missing mp3s11:41
jribcodephobic: that seems pretty serious.  How do you know it was nautilus?  Did you file a bug?11:41
hariomActionParsnip: yea, but I hope intelligent people will remain there to help. I will be shifting to 12.04 soon though11:41
icerootmLux: you can upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 (LTS Version to LTS Version) and then if you want from 12.04 to 12.1011:41
mLuxin my Synapatic Package Manager, it shows an upgrade button which says I can upgrade to 12.04, but I need to upgrade to 12.10.11:41
codephobicActionParsnip, nope - the CDs are still in my cupboard but I dumped my old cassettes long ago.11:42
mLuxiceroot: Got it, thanks.11:42
icerootmLux: you are welcome11:42
hariomActionParsnip: Would you help to fix that issue?11:42
ActionParsniphariom: good, just so you know :D11:42
* daftykins winds a cassette up with a pencil11:42
ActionParsniphariom: is the mic unmuted and maxed in alsamixer?11:42
ActionParsnipcodephobic: as in a backup of the ripped MP3s...11:43
codephobicjrib, I experienced a few crashes whilst transferring files with nautilus, in the past. It seemed that the files still transferred safely, but the mp3s that I've been transferring over the past few months ... most of the folders are either empty or have one or two files in them.11:43
ActionParsnipcodephobic: pcmanfm2 loads fast and it is pretty light too :)11:44
hariomActionParsing: yea, Mic 1 is max and has mute and Rec unchecked11:44
codephobicActionParsnip, nope I thought it'd be safe enough to just place the files on my twin-hd NAS. It has redundancy (of sorts) and also, I can't afford the space on my SSD.11:44
ActionParsniphariom: does the system have a make and model? Is it an external mic or built in?11:44
hariomActionParsnip: built in11:44
ActionParsniphariom: does the system have a make and model?11:45
codephobicthanks ActionParsnip, does it integrate ok with Unity/Ubuntu? I don't want to cripple other parts of the system.11:45
hariomActionParsnip: Its Toshiba Satellite11:45
ActionParsniphariom: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload11:45
codephobicI'm actually very shocked - still shocked - by Nautilus' sabotage. First time ever, since I began using Ubuntu as my primary desktop, that I've had a problem that I didn't think was "acceptable".11:46
ActionParsnipcodephobic: nautilus doesn't destroy data.11:46
=== nibbler is now known as nibbles
agselhow do I reinstall unity on 12.04?11:47
ActionParsnipagsel: its default installed11:47
agselor is there a repair option?11:47
agselActionParsnip: I know, but it's kind of screwed up11:47
codephobicActionParsnip, it seems to have failed to transfer my files, whilst reporting to me otherwise... resulting in the data being lost.11:47
ActionParsnipagsel: sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -l | grep unity | awk {'print $2'}`11:47
jribcodephobic: did you file a bug about nautilus' crashes?11:48
agselActionParsnip: whatever configuration I try to set, it doesn't work. keyboard shortcuts, some compiz options etc11:48
ActionParsnipcodephobic: then that sounds like the drive is faulty, nautilus just moves the data between the 2 places11:48
codephobicjrib, I didn't. I googled the issue and found bug reports covering my experience, so I left it at that and just tried to be more cautious.11:48
arabihttp://pastie.org/5687748   all time I am getting the following error , while updating, installing all time :(11:48
jribcodephobic: which ones?11:48
ActionParsniphariom: use TAB and ENTER to navigate the text UI11:49
ActionParsniphariom: a URL will be generated, what is it please?11:49
codephobicActionParsnip, I'm pretty confident that the Nas is ok. I use it every day and I run checks every other week (health checks on disks/raid).11:49
ActionParsniparabi: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:50
ActionParsnipcodephobic: i suggest you check the disk health.11:50
codephobicjrib, the issue regarding stalling/crashing when lots of files are being transferred and the issue with browsing directories with lots of files ... iirc, I saw them on launchpad11:50
codephobicActionParsnip, I checked - one of the first things I did before coming here11:50
arabiActionParsnip, Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l11:50
MonkeyDustcodephobic  to trnasfer a lot/large files, better use rsync11:51
codephobicActionParsnip, both disks are fine, I even used windows to transfer over my web files then checked them against what I was expecting.11:51
ActionParsniparabi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/201638/postgresql-fails-to-start-on-ubuntu-10-04-4-lts11:51
ActionParsniparabi: I recommednd a rename rather than a delet11:52
codephobicMonkeyDust, I didn't know that it was so risky.11:52
arabiActionParsnip, I tried what is saying on that post11:52
jribcodephobic: I'm asking for a link or bug number; I don't know what you found11:52
hariomActionParsnip: It didn't give url at the end. Simply says: Your ALSA information is located at11:53
hariomPlease inform the person helping you.11:53
arabibut still not working... i also followed some stack overflow posts :( still no way11:53
ActionParsniphariom: ok, remove the '--upload' bit  and run it, select to not upload, open the resultinmg file in gedit and pastebin that normally11:54
codephobicjrib, oh, well, I'll have to google them as I checked the issue a few months ago (I came in here and mentioned the problem too - but didn't think it that great, since the files did actually complete their transfer).11:54
hariomActionParsnip: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/206099611:54
jribcodephobic: ok11:54
ActionParsniphariom: oh, its a virtual pc?11:55
ActionParsniphariom: are you running Ubuntu in virtualbox?11:56
hariomActionParsnip: yea, but sound was working fine before11:56
ActionParsniphariom: why did you not mention that at all?11:56
hariomActionParsnip: Because I didn't think it could be problem. I have 5 VMs and they have audio perfectly running11:56
ActionParsniphariom: its still detail about the setup, please give full details in future11:57
ActionParsniphariom: try:   killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds and reboot11:57
ActionParsniphariom: also run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-iquik/alsa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils11:58
codephobicjrib, this is pretty similar to the kind of reports I saw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/107592311:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1075923 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "nautilus hangs copying large directories from a samba share" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:58
ActionParsniphariom: all from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure   which I imagine you have been to..11:58
codephobicI was only transferring 1-2gb at a time11:58
ActionParsnipcodephobic: try pcmanfm211:58
hariomActionParsnip: Is this ppa from backport? Why not standard lucid one11:59
codephobicActionParsnip, is it fully compatible with Unity/Ubuntu?11:59
MonkeyDustcodephobic  yes, it's in the repos11:59
ActionParsniphariom: its a later version of alsa, Lucid has a painfully old Alsa version12:00
codephobicMonkeyDust, thanks.12:00
ActionParsnipcodephobic: why would it not be. Of course12:00
codephobicActionParsnip, I don't know, I guess after this I'm a bit wary of assuming things "hang together" properly.12:00
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arabiActionParsnip, psql --version12:01
arabipsql (PostgreSQL) 9.1.712:01
arabicontains support for command-line editing12:01
arabi   , but can't start it12:01
MonkeyDustcodephobic  use rsync for 500+ MB files, it's faster and more stable than any GUI or file manager12:01
MonkeyDusta good reason to get used to the terminal12:03
jeffjeff_join #puppylinux12:03
ActionParsnipcodephobic: works well here. I don't use nautilus these days, too slow12:03
jeffjeff_think I'm in the wrong place12:03
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: could even use grsync as a gui to rsync :)12:03
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  true :)12:04
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codephobicActionParsnip, I never cared that it was slow, I figured it was still quite an ok product... I'm just a bit shaken out of my general (naive) view that things more or less work to a reliable standard in Ubuntu/Linux... Obviously I could have transferred things in a more laborious (command line) fashion, but given that it seemed to do the job ...12:05
ActionParsnipcodephobic: it does, there are alternatives though. Could even use Rox etc :)12:06
codephobicActionParsnip, I do like a lot of what it does, but losing files and misreporting transfers ... I don't think that's quite right.12:07
jribcodephobic: I think you should create a bug report (or find one more relevant).  I really don't see how the bug you linked is the same.  You should explain that nautilus somehow showed you that the transfer had completed and the files were available on the nas when in fact they weren't.  You also said it crashes, so I don't know if that played a part.  But you should mention it.  Especially if this is12:07
codephobicAnyway, I'm just shaken, as I say...12:07
jribsomething that you can recreate, it would be useful to pin down and fix it12:07
codephobicjrib, I'll give it a go, I'm just not too well informed on the 'innards' of nautilus to provide much light in a bug report...12:08
arabiwhat does this means , how can I fix it pastie.org/568796812:09
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codephobicjrib, I'll rip some CDs and try doing transfers again, tonight.12:09
codephobicright now, I just wanted to share my experience, get some ideas on alternatives and maybe even other potential causes...12:10
jribcodephobic: #ubuntu-bugs can help in creating a bug report.  Hopefully, eventually the bug gets triaged and you'll get asked more details that you may have left out12:10
OnlyHalfTheTime Arabi, what are you working with? 12.10, 10.04?12:10
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melo88someone that can help me with my lan? If it's possibile with private massage pls.........12:11
arabi12.10 OnlyHalfTheTime12:11
codephobicthe crashes happen occasionally when I move large volumes (100+) of pdfs too (I tend to have ebooks on various disks going back to 2000...)12:11
XtremeWizI can't install applications on Ubuntu 10.04 with terminal any more. Is it because 10.04 reached EOL?12:11
codephobicjrib, k... I'll try replicating my crash and then documenting things tonight.12:12
cfhowlettXtremeWiz, 10.04 is NOT eol!12:12
ActionParsnipXtremeWiz: its not eol yet12:12
cfhowlettXtremeWiz, not for a few more months12:12
XtremeWizwhat else could it be then?12:12
hariomActionParsnip: Restarting.12:12
agselif I want to install KDE to my default unity @ 12.04 installation, is there anything I have to be aware of? Can I just install kde and boot into that?12:12
ActionParsnipXtremeWiz: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update      thanks12:12
ActionParsnipagsel: you can, you will simply choose the session you desire at logon time12:13
SwashBucklahey there, has anyone gotten their Bootchart to work?12:13
arabiOnlyHalfTheTime,  i am using 12.1012:13
codephobicanyway, thanks guys... sorry if I was complaining a lot ... Better out than in, I guess. When I get some perspective, I still see Linux (and especially Ubuntu) as something quite fantastic and worthy of the effort it takes us less skilled noodlers, to use.12:13
XtremeWizActionParsnip, sure, http://pastie.org/568801412:14
SwashBucklaI get the error "ImportError: No module named pybootchartgui.main" when I run bootchart12:14
SwashBucklaI have googled this, errors seem to point to a python2/python3 problem12:14
SwashBucklabut I don't know how to fix it :/12:14
OnlyHalfTheTimeArabi, "if you are using the unstable12:15
OnlyHalfTheTimedistribution that some required packages have not yet been created12:15
OnlyHalfTheTimeor been moved out of Incoming.". It is possible that this package is not in the repos for this version yet. Try installing it on a live CD of 12.10 and see what happens12:15
protrying to install nvidia drivers12:15
ActionParsnip!aptfix | XtremeWiz12:15
ubottuXtremeWiz: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:15
pro"you appear to be running X server blah blah blah"12:15
agselActionParsnip: I tried reinstalling unity as you told. but nothing happened12:16
prowhat do? i tried to kill x server process but it just reboots it12:16
XtremeWizActionParsnip, did that, but I'm still having the same error. Resource temporarily unavailable.12:16
ActionParsnippro: why not use the package version?12:16
propackage version?12:17
cfhowlett*dropbox* won't install!  Added the repo, did all the steps but it fails at the start command.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534120/  I'm using this guide http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-dropbox-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ and it works fine on my dual boot Win712:17
proi just downloaded the latest nvidia drivers from the site12:18
ActionParsnipXtremeWiz: try: wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage12:18
pro.run format12:18
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  have you visited to dropbox website?12:18
ActionParsnippro: the drivers are in the repos12:18
prodouble click just opens gedit, sh gives me that "x server" error12:18
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ActionParsnippro: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current12:18
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, yep, but nothing seems to address this ...12:18
proit says i already have nvidia-current12:18
ActionParsnippro: you don't need to manually download anything12:18
probut steam wont run12:18
prosays i have to update12:19
ActionParsnippro: if you run:  nvidia-settings   do you get an error message?12:19
ActionParsnippro: steam is in beta, so is not a good test at all12:19
SwashBucklabootchart error: I get the error "ImportError: No module named pybootchartgui.main" when I run bootchart. I have Googled this and found that this is possibly due to a python2 or python3 dependency, but I can not see relevant fixes on the internet. Any help would be much appreciated :)12:19
prono it opens the nvidia x server settings12:19
prosays my driver version is 295.4012:20
ActionParsnippro: and does it say the driver version in use?12:20
prosays my driver version is 295.4012:20
ActionParsnippro: and which nvidia gpu do you have?12:20
hariomActionParsnip: It is still the same12:20
proquadro fx 57012:20
hariomI had killed pulseaudio, update the dist-upgrade and reinstalled alsa12:20
ActionParsnippro: then the driver is installed and in use12:20
hariomActionParsnip: No improvement yet12:20
ActionParsnippro: if it wasn't then nvidia-settings kicks out an error12:21
ActionParsniphariom: i'd ask in #vbox, get your settings checked12:21
probut uhh12:21
pro"steam requires 304.22 or higher"12:22
pro"it appears you're using an older propertiary driver"12:22
proso no game12:22
agselmy application switches is the one with small icons and I cannot click on them with mouse. how can I restore unity default one? or some other switcher? I have tried compizconfig settings manager. whatever I do there, nothing changes12:22
MonkeyDust!steam > pro12:22
ubottupro, please see my private message12:22
agselI'd like to use some other switcher where I can use mouse for example. the one with bigger icons would be nice12:22
agselI tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, unity. nothing changed12:23
agsel12.04 on virtualbox12:24
prough, i give up12:24
XtremeWizActionParsnip: did that and something's being installed/updated/modified12:25
Hyperbytepro, giving up won't help to remedy the problem. ;)12:26
MonkeyDustpro  steam for linux is very new, so you're kinda pioneer12:27
XtremeWizActionParsnip, 1068 upgraded, 676 newly installed, 44 to remove and 38 not upgraded.12:28
HyperbyteMonkeyDust, if I understand correctly, all he has to do is install an NVidia driver version greater than 304.  That shouldn't be so hard....   ah, looks like he really did give up. :)12:28
MonkeyDustHyperbyte  guess that's the dirty work someone has to do ;)12:29
XtremeWizActionParsnip: sudo apt-get update worked, and here's the output - http://pastie.org/568808312:30
SwashBucklais anyone here good at analysing bootcharts? I have an incredibly long boot process (2m10s): http://i.imgur.com/l2DOJ.jpg12:40
SwashBucklaalso that resolution is awful12:42
lovrehi all12:43
lovrewhat could be the cause of wrong library name after install? For example, i install libsvn1, and get files like /usr/lib/libsvn_wc-1.so.0 instead of libsvn_wc-1.so.112:44
lovrei installed with apt-get install subversion, which installed libsvn1. My OS is 64bizt12:44
MonkeyDustlovre  lsb_release -sd <- what's the output?12:46
lovreMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS12:47
MonkeyDustlovre  in 12.10 it's libsvn-wc-1, in 12.04 it may be wc-012:47
SwashBucklais anyone here good at analysing bootcharts? I have an incredibly long boot process (2m10s): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/50078832/bootchart.png12:48
MonkeyDustlovre  or so.0, rather12:48
Godfather_hi ubuntuoers12:49
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SwashBucklaMy boot process starts with 60s of what appears to be nothing. What is going on?12:49
Godfather_i have rebooted my ubuntu (and seems there is updated something) and now i can't get into unity12:49
Godfather_it ask me for my user, i enter the password, and then seems entering to the desktop and i get the login screen again12:50
lcabrezaanybody has an idea how to make gta vice city work on wine 1.5.20 or usig playonlinux w/ precise12:50
MonkeyDustlcabreza  #winehq12:50
auronandace!appdb | lcabreza12:50
ubottulcabreza: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:50
lovreMonkeyDust: i dont mind it being either way, but other software that need these libraries wont work. For example svn-workbench or rapidsvn (gui frontends for svn) wont work unless i create a soft link with so.1 instead so.0 for those libraries. Why is this, and can i solve this  any other way, since rapidsvn is crashing persistently on some actions with Segmentation fault error, which i guess is caused by wrong libraries.....12:51
Godfather_now i am on the prompt without X, how can i see the log to see whats wrong?12:51
MonkeyDustGodfather_  ctrl-alt f112:52
Godfather_MonkeyDust: i am here12:52
Godfather_but where is the log?12:53
MonkeyDustGodfather_  try dmesg12:54
Godfather_MonkeyDust: and then?12:54
Godfather_i can't see nothing strange here12:55
Godfather_MonkeyDust: how can i kill the x-server?12:56
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Godfather_domelike /etc/init.d/gdm stop but this doesn't work now12:56
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auronandaceGodfather_: its lightdm12:56
Godfather_so how can i kill it?12:56
fairuzSwashBuckla: Maybe you can look up dmesg and see what is delaying the boot process.12:57
auronandaceGodfather_: sudo service lightdm stop12:57
Godfather_auronandace: /etc/init.d/lightdm restart12:57
Godfather_i get into the login screen12:57
Godfather_but i can't enter12:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:58
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)12:58
Sailok so i am doing ubuntu minimal install12:58
lovrewhat does it mean LTS is long term support, does it mean non-lts versions dont get updates? I never understood this clearly...*12:58
cfhowlettlovre, lts gets support for 60 months.12:59
cfhowlettlovre, non lts only gets 1812:59
auronandacelovre: lts releases are supported longer12:59
cfhowlettlovre, lts is also, generally speaking, a more polished release, i.e. less bleeding edge12:59
Sailok so i am doing ubuntu minimal install now i am done with installtions i dont have xserver install now i want to install python-gnome2 can anybody show me the way12:59
lovrecfhowlett: what does that really mean? that non-lts will not get packages upgrades after that time?12:59
jpdsSail: sudo apt-get install python-gnome2 ?13:00
lovrecfhowlett: so if i want my system to be as stable as possible, i should remain on LTS version till the end, and then switch to another LTS?13:00
radopilovre: yes13:00
Godfather_auronandace: i stopped it and then "startx" i get a black screen13:00
Godfather_its very sick this13:00
cfhowlettlovre, exactly13:00
Sailjpds: i did tht but its showing blank desktop no applet nothing just blank desktop13:00
lovrecfhowlett: i see13:00
cfhowlettlovre, note that a new LTS release comes out every two years ...13:01
lovrecfhowlett: i am currently on 12.04.1 which is LTS. I did a dist-upgrade and it didnt allow me to upgrade to 12.10. Is this normal?13:01
jpdslovre: Yes.13:01
auronandace!dist-upgrade | lovre13:01
ubottulovre: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:01
cfhowlettlovre, so even though 12.04 is supported until 17.04, the next lts release will be 14.04 and 10.04 is still supported until 13.0413:01
Godfather_I get into the console "Protocol Not Specified"13:01
jpdslovre: Change /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades if you want to go to 12.10.13:02
Godfather_on the Xserver13:02
Godfather_when i try to startx13:02
lovrecfhowlett: i get it13:02
dydlol, did they put advertisement in ubuntu?13:02
ActionParsnipGodfather_: if you log in as a different user, is it ok? If you boot to an older kernel, is it ok?13:02
jpdsdyd: No.13:02
Godfather_ActionParsnip: try to google "ubuntu no protocol specified"13:02
Godfather_it seems there is a lot of stuff with this13:02
dydjpds: dashboard, terminal, return, dashboard -> 20 books or stuffs :)13:02
ActionParsnipGodfather_: I'll use duckduckgo, but i'll see what it says13:03
lovrejpds, cfhowlett, auronandace: thank you all, i understand now13:03
jpdsdyd: That's the Amazon plugin.13:03
dydjpds: with prices, links to amazon; looks like adv13:03
cfhowlettlovre, have fun, be safe13:03
lovrecfhowlett: will do :D13:03
dydjpds: for the love of god, why install it by default?13:03
ActionParsnipGodfather_: do you have an xorg.conf file?13:03
ActionParsnipGodfather_: what GPU do you use?13:03
jpdsdyd: Welcome to 2013, that conversations been going around for a while.. you're late.13:03
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i tried other user and i can loginª13:04
dydjpds: just installed it after 6 months13:04
ActionParsnipGodfather_: have you been running GUI apps with sudo. eg:  sudo nautilus13:04
Godfather_ActionParsnip: let me retry with my user13:04
dydjpds: i've been on lubuntu for a while13:04
jpdsdyd: http://blog.canonical.com/2012/12/07/searching-in-the-dash-in-ubuntu-13-04/13:04
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i don't know, maybe yes, but i can remember cause this session have been active for 2 weeks or so13:05
Godfather_so i don't remember13:05
jpdsdyd: Better: http://blog.canonical.com/2012/10/12/searching-in-the-dash-in-ubuntu-12-10-an-update/13:05
ActionParsnipGodfather_: what gpu do you use?13:05
Godfather_ActionParsnip: for now, i can login with other user13:05
dydjpds: thanks13:05
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i don't remember, but its not nvidia and not ati13:06
Godfather_ActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85826613:06
lovreanother question :) when i install a program from the synaptic, i get the latest version. What if i want an older one?13:06
ActionParsnipGodfather_: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1   can you log in there?13:06
Godfather_ActionParsnip: yes13:06
cfhowlettlovre, not sure why you'd want to but you can manually install older versions13:07
Godfather_but as i told you i can login with my usually user13:07
Godfather_i can login with another user13:07
Godfather_not with my typically user13:07
ActionParsnipGodfather_: ok, log in as your user and run:  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME13:07
lovrecfhowlett: if i manually install, will i get updates for that software automatically? i guess not?13:07
MonkeyDustlovre  then you have to look outside the repos, but at your own risk13:07
cfhowlettlovre, as monkeydust said, expect unintended consequences ...13:07
ActionParsnipGodfather_: also run:  lspci | grep -i vga   when it is done, what is output?13:07
lovrecfhowlett: i see13:07
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Godfather_ActionParsnip: ok, wait a moment, its doing the chown13:08
Godfather_it can take a while cause i have a lot of files i though13:08
Godfather_can i go to ctrl+alt+f213:09
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Godfather_to see this?13:09
Guest78016HI, when i start vmware in ubuntu 12.04 it shows message to install kernel module updater but virtual network device and few other devices are not working and error appears..as"unable to start services"13:09
Godfather_ActionParsnip: done the chown13:09
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i have AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series13:09
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Godfather_ActionParsnip: LOL13:10
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i did a service lighttdm stop and then startx and i get done into my account13:11
Godfather_it was a problems with the owner of the files?13:11
Godfather_ActionParsnip: this is very sick, i rebooted and now the login is normally, all works13:12
Guest78016HI, when i start vmware in ubuntu 12.04 it shows message to install kernel module updater but virtual network device and few other devices are not working and error appears..as"unable to start services"13:13
daftykinsGuest78016: often you have to run a configuration script vmware_config.pl or something first. i'd recommend you read the readme/docs13:13
ActionParsnipGodfather_: what happened to 'its not an ati' ?13:13
auronandaceGuest78016: virtualbox and qemu are in the repos, any reason you are using vmware?13:13
ActionParsnipGodfather_: probably the chown13:14
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i thought it wasn't an ati13:14
ActionParsnipGodfather_: if you run:  history | grep sudo | egrep 'nautilus|gedit'        do you get any output?13:14
auronandaceGodfather_: amd took over ati13:15
Godfather_ActionParsnip:  yes, 2 lines13:15
ActionParsnipGodfather_: then you are running GUI apps with sudo, which causes issues13:16
Godfather_auronandace: yes, but i believed it wasn't ati/amd13:16
ActionParsnipGodfather_: use gksudo for GUI apps, sudo is NOT for GUI apps13:16
Godfather_ActionParsnip: anyway its very sick to break a system just for using a GUI APP with sudo, don't you think so?13:17
ActionParsnipGodfather_: you will probably find that there were some files in your home folder which were owned by root:root due to them being mangled by sudo13:17
ActionParsnipGodfather_: its what happens. Technically you can use gksudo for both13:17
ActionParsnipGodfather_: kdesu in kde is the kde equiv13:17
_porquecan someone help me with a bash where I need to get the remote from git remote -v, does someone know how?13:18
YamakasY_ruben: he man, also here ?13:18
Godfather_ActionParsnip:  i usually do 'sudo -s', and then i open some GUI APP, this could be a problem, isnt?13:18
auronandace!gksudo | Godfather_13:19
ubottuGodfather_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:19
ActionParsnipGodfather_: possibly. sudo -i   will use your user configs rather than root's13:19
Godfather_thx to ActionParsnip auronandace  very very thx13:21
Godfather_i will use sudo -i or gksudo insited13:21
auronandace!yay | Godfather_13:21
ubottuGodfather_: Glad you made it! :-)13:21
Godfather_ubottu: thx to you also13:21
ubottuGodfather_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:21
ActionParsnipauronandace: glad we got there too :)13:22
meeti have winxp desktop and ubuntu 12.04. how to share files between the two on my home network to which they both are connected?13:22
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auronandace!samba | meet13:22
ubottumeet: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:22
meetauronandace, there is no other way than samba?13:23
icerootmeet: just create a share on windows or on ubuntu (right click on a folder) then the other machine should be able to see it using the "network environment" in the explorer13:23
ActionParsnipGodfather_: I actually email authors of how tos who use 'sudo gedit' in their guides to avoid this stuff :)13:23
icerootmeet: it will automaticly install samba when you create a share on ubuntu, so you dont have to deal with installing samba or configuring it by yourself13:24
ActionParsnipmeet: could use an sftp server if you install openssh-server you will get one13:24
Godfather_ActionParsnip: i read http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo very interesting13:24
ActionParsnipmeet: or you could run an FTP server (not secure but fine for LAN access)13:24
meeticeroot: and how do i access windows xp folders here?13:24
Godfather_its very common to see sudo gedit .. :-D13:24
ActionParsnipGodfather_: yes, very annoying but i'm trying to clean it up one page at a time13:25
icerootmeet: open nautilis, click on "network" and it will show "WORKGROUP" or whatever your domain is called, click on that and you will see the windows machine and its share13:25
Godfather_ActionParsnip: its your page?13:25
icerootmeet: or just use \\windowshost  in the file-browser13:25
ActionParsnipGodfather_: no, its just one that highlights the issue well13:26
ActionParsnipmeet: did you share folders in windows?13:27
meetActionParsnip: yes. but the folders are not visible. only the winxp machine is visible13:27
WeechWebmeet: Have you rightclicked/share folder13:28
meetWeechWeb: in winxp i put them in the shared folders.13:28
ActionParsnipmeet: if you run:  smbtree   in ubuntu, do you see the shares?13:28
ActionParsnipmeet: if you have a 3rd party firewall, is it allowing the traffic?13:29
meetActionParsnip: i just installed ubuntu yesterday so no idea if by default is on.13:29
WeechWebmeet: its not on by default13:29
meetActionParsnip: smbree returned my pc name not the winxp machine in the list13:30
ActionParsnipmeet: are both systems on the same network?13:30
ActionParsnipmeet: cna you ping the XP system?13:30
WeechWebmeet: have you got a win PC to test it with, see if it can connect13:30
WeechWebmeet: to check if it is ubuntu or weather it is the whole network13:30
meeti shared a folder and was immediately visible on my android phone through the lan file browser. but my ubuntu machine is not being shown on winxp. WeechWeb , ActionParsnip13:31
meetActionParsnip: ping as in ping ip address right?13:32
WeechWebmeet: yes13:32
WeechWebmeet: like ping (example IP)13:32
WeechWebmeet: run this on your windows PC pinging your ubuntu pc and the outher way round13:32
ActionParsnipmeet: whichever makes it work13:33
atlefmy nas seems to be mounted ad afp and not smb, how do i change that13:33
meetWeechWeb: how to find my ubuntu ip?13:33
WeechWebmeet: is it a GUI based ubuntu13:33
meetWeechWeb: yes13:33
MonkeyDustmeet  knowing IP is the very basic thing if you want to setup a network, better do some reading, first13:34
WeechWebmeet: ifconfig eth013:34
meetWeechWeb: considering the level of my problems i am having you should have guessed ;)13:34
ActionParsnipmeet: run:  ip addr13:34
_porquedoes anyone here know of a bash command to open a browser pointing to my git repo? like https://github.com/blabla/test.git13:34
ovidiu-florinHello World, how does ubuntu update an application that is running, without stopping it? what happenes in the background?13:34
meetMonkeyDust: i know that for windows but not for ubuntu13:34
ioriameet: do you have a network icon ?13:34
ztanearrgh init does not reap zombie processes... do i have to reboot my computer to kill zombie firefoxen13:35
ioriameet: check info13:35
meetioria: yes. in nautilus the windows network is visible but no machines or folders13:35
WeechWebovidiu-florin: i think it kills it13:35
MonkeyDustztane  http://askubuntu.com/questions/48624/what-are-zombie-processes13:35
ioriameet: no .... in the bar13:35
WeechWebmeet: just use this http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17012/how-to-find-your-ip-address-in-ubuntu/13:35
ActionParsnipmeet: do you have a 3rd party firewall (not the windows firewall)13:36
ponzellus_porque: what about <your-browser-of-choice> https://github.com/...13:36
ovidiu-florinWeechWeb: no, it doesn't13:36
meetActionParsnip: nope13:36
ActionParsnipmeet: ip addr     in terminal will show the ip address13:36
WeechWebmeet: they are right, its basic networking, do you also know how to get the ip from your windows pc? ;)13:36
meetWeechWeb: yes13:37
ztaneMonkeyDust: init-+-firefox---43*[{firefox}]13:37
ztaneMonkeyDust: obviously not reaping13:37
_porqueponzellus, I need to make it run on anyones computer here...so I need to make it find if that folder is a git and get the remote...I already have this: https://gist.github.com/453869113:37
MonkeyDustztane  you can just ignore zombie processes, they'll go away13:38
_porqueponzellus, Now I need to get the remote and use xdg-open https://github.com/....13:38
WeechWebmeet: have you got your computers ip yet? if that command isnt working/spewing out to much data try ipconfig i find its layed out better13:38
ztaneMonkeyDust: i cant13:38
ztaneMonkeyDust: in this case they hold locks for example13:38
meeti am pretty sure there's no problem with the network. they are on the same network. as i said on my android I can access from both.13:38
_porqueso the users here will enter a the git folder and type, open and it will open the browser in the git.com/blabla/test.git13:38
ztaneor have pids matching pidfiles13:38
WeechWebmeet: test it to see if they can though13:39
WeechWebmeet: because it may be smething like ubuntu can ping windows but not the outher way round, or something wierd,13:39
meetWeechWeb: the ping's all right13:39
meeti mean both can ping each other13:40
_porqueponzellus, the problem also is that when I get the remote values I need bash think it is a path so I get No such file or directory13:40
WeechWebmeet: have you got FTP or anouther way to test13:40
meetWeechWeb: no.13:41
ztaneobviously init must be stuck at something, but what??13:41
ActionParsnipmeet: what is the name of the remote windows pc and what is the share name you made?13:41
meetmy ubuntu pc is not visible in my network places on winxp.13:41
meetActionParsnip: share name is folder name?13:42
ponzellus_porque: ah ok, didn't see that in your first question :D not a bash scripting expert, sorry :)13:42
ActionParsnipmeet: its the name you gave the share when you shared it13:42
_porqueponzellus, np ;)13:42
meetActionParsnip: i am trying to share the videos folder in my home directory on ubuntu.13:42
meetsame name13:43
ActionParsnipmeet: so is the share called 'videos'?13:43
meetActionParsnip: yup13:43
WeechWebmeet: if its not streaming cant you try FTP? or is it streaming13:43
ActionParsnipmeet: and what is the XP hostname?13:43
WeechWebmeet: try making a new folder for it,13:43
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meetActionParsnip: as-desktop13:44
meetWeechWeb: but the folder's visible to other devices on the network.13:44
atlantidehi i have a problème with gdm3: gdm does not start the login window13:44
ActionParsnipmeet: ok press ALT+F2 and run:  \\as-desktop\videos     does it show up ok?13:44
WeechWebmeet: or open terminal13:45
meetActionParsnip: i am sharing a folder from ubuntu. so should that command be \\myubuntu\videos?13:46
ztanewhy would upstart not reap its children13:47
meetWeechWeb: ok13:47
dwatkinsActionParsnip: which theme/style are you using in fluxbox, pls? your orangey screenshot looked rather nifty13:47
ActionParsnipdwatkins: cant remember the name, let me check13:47
* dwatkins discovered FluxStyle which is a handy manager for styles in fluxbox, of course13:48
ActionParsnipdwatkins: http://thrynk.deviantart.com/art/Zakeba-for-fluxbox-4453769813:49
dwatkinsthanks ActionParsnip :)13:49
_porquePlease someone help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/243464/bash-function-to-open-git-repository-with-browser13:49
ActionParsnipdwatkins: if memory serves13:49
ActionParsnipdwatkins: then a woody background13:49
ztanei cannot restart firefox using the profile i need unless the zombies go away13:49
meetActionParsnip: on the workgroup i am able to see only my ubuntu pc and not winxp machine.. what do i try next?13:50
ActionParsnipmeet: what workgroup is the XP system in and which is the Ubuntu system in ?13:50
meetActionParsnip: they are the same name13:50
ioriameet: sorry, but i think that you should have a windows network  icon and inside it mshome and workgroup's icons13:52
ioriameet: or it is in my system13:53
meetioria: i have a windows network icon but the winxp machine is not being gshown13:55
ioriameet: do you have a mshome icon ?13:55
meetioria: no13:56
ioriameet: try smbclient -L xp ip13:57
meetioria: thanks. but i think the problems on the winxp machine. i will check there. thanks ActionParsnip  WeechWeb and others. sorry for the trouble :)13:59
ioriameet: do you see a little hand under the shared folder in xp ?13:59
ioriameet: right click - properties14:02
meetioria: i think the winxp sharing is not setup properly. will check for it again.14:02
ioriameet: right click - properties -share14:02
meetioria: did that already.14:03
ioriameet: it's checked ?14:03
meetioria: setup the network on winxp again and ya it's working.14:03
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meetioria: thanks :)14:04
ioriameet: it's working ?14:04
meetioria: yup14:04
ioriameet: well... very good congratulation14:05
EaglemanIs there a script which runs fetchmail at an succesfull imap login?14:05
meetioria: :)14:05
WeechWebmeet: glad to see its all working14:05
meetWeechWeb: ya. btw sorry for the silly trouble :)14:07
anathema_hi guys, I have a lot of experience in the ubuntu setup dual boot in win7 but not in win8 (with bootloader, uefi etc). Is there any guide for installing dual boot ubuntu/windows 8 in a laptop?14:07
WeechWebmeet: dont worry, once you get the hang of it its good, acleast u learnet14:08
blezanathema_ I need the same thing.14:08
challengerXanathema : first install windows then ubuntu14:08
blezchallengerX the UEFI loader don't detect ubuntu14:08
anathema_challengerX, there are already installed (New asus laptop)14:08
anathema_yea as blez said there is uefi and windows 8 bootloader14:09
meetbtw i observed i am getting slow speeds while updating and downloading.. my whole bandwidth is being never utilized. what can i do to increase the speeds?14:09
anathema_it needs a "hack"14:09
meetWeechWeb: ^^14:09
=== Homage is now known as TheRainbowDawn
_porqueusing bash, how can I echo a path without the "No such file or directory" ?14:10
MonkeyDustanathema_  http://www.intowindows.com/dual-boot-windows-8-and-ubuntu/14:10
jrib_porque: give an example14:10
anathema_MonkeyDust, this is an excellent tut but not for the UEFI enabled and WINDOWS 8 bootloader14:11
_porquejrib, this is returning a path: remote_url=$($remotes | cut -d" " -f1), I need to concatenate it with a string14:11
_porquejrib, but the remote_url is a path14:11
jrib_porque: and?14:12
_porquejrib, I can't concatenate a path with a string I get the "No such file or directory"14:12
jrib_porque: show what you are doing14:12
_porquejrib, https://gist.github.com/453869114:13
_porquejrib, in this example I don't concatenate yet but I'll simply do url="$url$remote_url" and echo it14:14
jrib_porque: that's fine, you can do that14:15
_porquejrib, now it is the way I need it: https://gist.github.com/453869114:15
jrib_porque: and what's the problem?14:16
_porquejrib, when I run it, I get this: bash: planobe/walk-manager-3.git: No such file or directory https://github.com/14:16
EaglemanIs there a script which runs fetchmail at an succesfull imap login?14:16
_porquejrib, I can't concatenate the path inside remote_url with the string inside url14:16
BluesKajHi all14:17
cfhowlettBluesKaj, greetings!14:17
BluesKajhi cfhowlett14:18
jrib_porque: put something like "echo var is $var" after every line where you set a variable, then show the output.  So for example: echo remotes is "$remotes"14:18
_porquejrib, ok14:19
_porquejrib, doing this with the remote_url I get this: bash: planobe/walk-manager-3.git: No such file or directory14:20
_porqueremote_url is14:20
jrib_porque: oh right, now I see it.  Your remote_url line is weird...14:21
jrib_porque: you can put "echo" before "$remotes" if you want14:22
_porquejrib, same thing14:23
jrib_porque: show the new version14:23
_porquejrib, http://askubuntu.com/questions/243464/bash-function-to-open-git-repository-with-browser14:23
jrib_porque: this is different and I still don't see echo...14:24
_porquejrib, yeah...I need to concatenate these two string to make it open in a browser14:24
jrib_porque: you're trying to execute $remotes...14:25
_porquejrib, maybe, I'm new to bash, what I need is to get its value14:25
_porquejrib, not execute it14:25
jrib_porque: in your terminal you would do: « echo foo bar | cut -d" " -f1 », but you instead are doing: « foo bar | cut -d" " -f1 ».  do you understand?14:26
_porquejrib, yes, I get it...14:26
_porquejrib, is there a way to "save" the return from this execution?14:26
Eaglemanoutput it to a file ?14:27
jrib_porque: what you had before in your gist post was fine, just put "echo" before "$remotes"14:27
_porquejrib, but it will print the value in the terminal, I need it to concatenate with another string: I need something like this: https://github.com/bla/my_project.git, where my_project.git will be dynamic, depending on the folder you are14:28
EaglemanCan i safelly delete  postfix-script and post-install in /etc/postfix/ ?14:28
_porquejrib, this: $remotes | cut -d" " -f1 is getting the value from "git remove -v" origin14:29
jrib_porque: I don't know why you keep posting new links.  If you just stick with your original gist post and make the change I said, I believe it will do what you are looking for14:29
_porquejrib, ok..gonna try that =)14:29
meethow to get wget on ubuntu?14:30
WeechWebmeet: its pre installed :)14:30
fidel_meet: install it via apt or similar14:30
fidel_if it isnt there already14:30
WeechWebmeet: if it is not: sudo apt-get install wget14:30
_porquejrib, doing so I have the string printed in my terminal, I don't need it printed14:30
jrib_porque: show what you are doing...14:30
meetWeechWeb: ya it's there :) nice14:31
WeechWebmeet: No probs, do u wanna wget from HTTP or FTP, need any help? i used it a min ago to mirror my FTP server for backup reasion :D14:31
meetWeechWeb: for http. downloading a big file so i thought it might be better. :D btw where will it store the file? i did not specify output dir.14:33
_porquejrib, https://gist.github.com/453869114:33
WeechWebmeet: tip, make a screen14:33
WeechWebmeet: then u can leave it, open it on SSH ect..14:33
WeechWebmeet: sudo apt-get install screen14:33
jrib_porque: no, in line 8, put "echo " before "$remotes"14:34
WeechWebmeet: if u dont specify output DIR, it will be in the DIR you are in14:34
WeechWebmeet: (by default your home folder :D )14:34
meetWeechWeb: the home directory by default?14:34
meetok :)14:34
_porquejrib, THANK YOU!!14:35
_porquejrib, thanks a lot for your patience =)14:35
meetactually computing with linux is fun :) feels faster and easier in fact.. do I have to learn a lot but :)14:35
WeechWebmeet: whatever direcoty u are in14:35
TheGreyo/ I've setup a RAID 1 on my install..It seems I cannot detect any more hard drives if I plug them in...help please!14:35
meetWeechWeb: what is that screen for?14:35
beanTheGrey: the drives are likely disabled in your BIOS14:35
WeechWebmeet: so u can leave the screen and the process will still run, u dont need it, prob not good for starters :)14:36
meetWeechWeb: i saw the help it showed something -h option. not like that?14:36
dcopewhy would ubuntu think my tv is 72" when it's not over hdmi?14:36
newlinuxHi All14:37
meetWeechWeb: my bad14:37
TheGreybean: but I didn't do a firmwire RAID setup though14:37
newlinuxcan I have zimbra mail with apache web server in the same ubuntu server?14:37
WeechWebmeet: dont worry, remember, choose the closet mirror if its Linux, i keep copys of linux so i dont need to download it from the internet evreytime :D14:38
beanTheGray: that doesn't mean the drives aren't disabled in bios14:38
=== AndChat504 is now known as finklepants
xomrkguys i have an  $temp ( np linux is a great system ) how to ad " before and after to variable temp ? i want have echo $temp = "linux is a great system "14:39
ponzellusmeet: try this link, should be enough to read until sec. 3.3 :) http://nathan.chantrell.net/linux/an-introduction-to-screen/14:39
beanxomrk: you don't really understand how that works14:39
beanxomrk: temp="linux is a great system"14:39
beanxomrk: echo $temp14:40
ponzellusxomrk: escape your ": temp="\".....\""14:41
anykeycan someone tell me what the meaning of the files in /var/crash is? I mean what is the difference between .crash, .upload, .uploaded files?14:41
xomrkmy problem is that i have in var something like that  $temp= Del Rey - Blue Jeans.mp3 and i want to have an " on begin and end14:42
xomrkcan i plese an example14:42
beanxomrk: you'll likely need to provide more code for any help14:42
beanxomrk: you could pastebin or gist your code14:42
beanI'll be back in a little bit -- gotta run to work14:42
MonkeyDustxomrk  try the channel #bash14:44
blamiI wouldn't recommend him to do so :P14:44
meetponzellus: thanks for the link. got some idea about screen. :)14:45
xomrkok here it is14:45
ponzellusmeet: np ;) try using it, it's really powerful, specially if you run stuff on different machines or want to check your programs remotely :)14:46
meet how to install a downloaded .deb from command line14:46
ponzellusmeet: sudo dpkg -i14:46
meetthanks :)14:46
meetwow this irc thing is really fast for help :) :D14:46
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meetponzellus: like sudo dpkg -i package.deb right?14:47
TomyLoboi installed libhiredis-dev and am including it with "#include <hiredis/adapters/libevent.h>". I get /usr/include/hiredis/adapters/libevent.h:1:19: fatal error: event.h: No such file or directory14:47
finklepantsAnyone know how to fix the wireless connectivity issues with ar9485/ ath9kverson3.2.0-3514:47
ponzellusmeet: right14:47
meetponzellus: does the terminal feel fast or does it really work fast14:48
ActionParsnip14:46 < meet> thanks :)14:48
ponzellusmeet: uhm, what do you mean? ;)14:48
xomrkif $linia="linux is great"   how to have on output "linux is great" not Linux is great?14:49
ActionParsnipmeet: yeah its pretty swet14:49
MonkeyDustxomrk  better try the channel #bash14:50
meeti mean the package installion was done way too quick then it is being done for other packages i just downloaded. i was using the normal double click or the software center. but when i tried through the terminal it felt quicker :D14:50
anykeynevermind found it. So, apparently, if there is no *.uploaded file, a crash report didnt get uploaded.14:50
finklepantsAnyone know how to fix the wireless connectivity issues with atheros ar9485/ath9k version 3.2.0-3514:50
ponzellusmeet: ah ok, yes, often times you get your work done faster using the terminal14:50
meetponzellus: but how do you remember all those commands?14:51
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ponzellusmeet: by using them :) at the beginning it's hard probably, but after some time you just know them. and if not, there's google =) or irc14:51
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MonkeyDustor duckduckgo14:52
ActionParsnipxomrk: echo $linia | tr 'l' 'L'14:52
ponzellusright, even better14:52
ActionParsnipxomrk: replaces all instances of l with L14:53
MonkeyDustnerdshank  anyone what?14:53
xomrkstill not have " before and14:53
ActionParsnipmeet: as you use the terminal, you remember commands. I'm sure what you can probably do in Windows would impress a new user too14:54
nerdshankNeed help with wireless connectivity of atheros AR9485/ ath9k driver14:54
ActionParsnipxomrk: echo $linia | tr '"' ' '14:55
OerHeksnerdshank, if you asked a question, it is not wise to change your name14:55
Absolute0Which file does ubuntu source on login when the default desktop manager startsup?14:55
_porquejrib, are you there?14:55
Absolute0is it .xprofile?14:55
nerdshankNo one responded14:55
MonkeyDustnerdshank  then wait a bit longer, until someone enters who can help you14:56
ActionParsnipxomrk: or do you mean:   echo \"$linia\"14:56
Zappnerdshank, What is the problem you are having with the driver?14:56
xomrkty very much14:56
ActionParsnipxomrk: got there in the end :)14:57
xomrkyes yes now i have an the end and beginning14:57
ActionParsnipxomrk: the "s need escaping so they are seen as characters to output14:57
nerdshankZapp: terrible speed signal drops hangups14:58
orudiewhich irc client does everyone use with ubuntu 12.04 ?14:58
ActionParsniporudie: irssi and pidgin14:58
MonkeyDustorudie  xchat is also popular14:58
orudieisn't xchat a paid software ?14:59
smashTheGrandpasnot paid14:59
nerdshankNeed help with wireless connectivity of atheros AR9485/ ath9k driver15:00
ponzellusorudie: i think for windows they have some kind of fee15:00
ActionParsnipnerdshank: what is the issue?15:00
ponzellusfor linux it's opensource15:00
smashTheGrandpashang ups terrible signal sitting on top of router15:01
Zappnerdshank, OK, MIght want to ask for help with that instead of just driver trouble. Just a suggestion! :)15:01
nerdshankHelp with what?15:02
meethow can i search for my music file on an ntfs partition from the overview?15:02
ActionParsnipmeet: do you mean the dash when you say 'the overview'15:02
nerdshankYou dont think its a driver issue?15:02
Zappnerdshank,   "terrible speed signal drops hangups"15:02
MonkeyDustnerdshank  start from the beginning, what are you doing and what went wrong before you came here - in one line15:02
meetActionParsnip: i am using the gome3 so whatever it's called :)15:03
meetgnome 3*15:03
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orudieis xchat still managed / maintained ?15:03
ActionParsnipmeet: all i can suggest is symlink the folder in ntfs to the music folder and it will be seen.15:04
ActionParsniporudie: very much so15:04
nerdshanki did alot compat-network thingy, reloaded drivers, removed encryption15:04
nerdshanki found alot of people with this issue with tthis card.. idk if this is an unsolved bug issue or not15:05
ActionParsnipnerdshank: you haven't stated the issue yet15:05
MonkeyDustnerdshank  what are you trying to accomplish?15:05
nerdshankto get my full connectivity back... card is only opeteation at 60% signal sitting next to router, major signal drops15:06
nerdshankand then it bugs out a freezes15:07
nerdshankwhole pc15:07
nerdshankim running 12.04 btw15:08
ActionParsnipnerdshank: try:    echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf > /dev/null15:08
nerdshankseems to of made it worse lol15:10
ActionParsnipnerdshank: did you reboot to test?15:11
nerdshankreboot or restart networking?15:11
ActionParsnipnerdshank: how could it have made things worse when the option hasn't even been applied yet?15:12
ActionParsnipnerdshank: reboot the PC is easier15:12
nerdshankdont ask my signal is fluxing pretty wildly15:13
nerdshankkk rebooting15:13
ActionParsnipnerdshank: are there lots of wifis on the same channel?15:13
spaceneedleI'm wondering if I should change swappiness on my 2gb memory dual core laptop. Does it really  make a difference?15:13
nerdshankno, this is ubuntu 12.04 thing im pretty sure worked alot better in 11, make kernal issues idk, and works just fine in windows15:14
ActionParsnipspaceneedle: I set mine to about 3 but all I do is chat and browse15:15
nerdshankim pissed cuz i use linux alot and just ordered new pc come to see it has this card too15:15
spaceneedleHas anybody tried JFS --instead of EXT4--for Ubuntu 12.04?15:17
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nerdshankso far so good15:18
nerdshanknope still fluxing15:18
nerdshankreally annyong15:18
nerdshankActionParsnip,: think this maybe an unresolved bug issue15:19
ActionParsnipnerdshank: are there many networks on the same channel?15:20
nerdshankhmm good question15:20
nerdshanki think maybe only 2-315:20
ActionParsnipnerdshank: sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'ssid|channel'15:20
nerdshankAceFace,  215:21
nerdshankActionParsnip,: 215:21
ActionParsnipnerdshank: thats ok15:22
ActionParsnipnerdshank: how close is the router to the antennae15:24
nerdshankatm 2 feet, no more than 10 LOS/ internal antenna15:25
dcopeanyone know why my TV (HDMI) would have ubuntu thinking it is 30 inches bigger?15:26
ActionParsnipnerdshank: did you try disabling ipv6 using the boot option:  ipv6.disable=115:26
nerdshankhave not15:27
BluesKajdcope, which graphics card and driver ?15:27
dcopeBluesKaj: i'm just using onboard with an ASRock Z77 Extreme 415:27
nerdshankput into grub?15:27
dcopei googled around and found people with similar problems but no solution15:27
ActionParsnipnerdshank: yes, next to:   quiet splash15:29
phunyguySo I am having an issue with this little mini PC from Lenovo.  Seems to have a pretty standard set of hardware, intel chipset, intel gigabit, etc, but for whatever reason on the install of Ubuntu, networkmanager won't see the adapter and connect to the wire.15:30
nerdshankActionParsnip, so it will look like "quite splash nomodset" "ipv6.disable=1"    - i need the nomodset in there too15:30
nerdshankor same quotes15:31
ActionParsnipnerdshank: put the boot option in the same quotes15:31
zexHi all.15:32
ActionParsniphi zex15:33
zexI am tryign to map from Ububtu a perminate share to my Freenas share. in order tu use PLex to view my media15:33
meetActionParsnip: how do i share folders on the ntfs partitions?15:33
nerdshankActionParsnip, kk rebooting fingers X15:33
zexplease can some one help me as I have spend all day workign on this and not much luck15:33
phunyguyback, sorry15:34
zexanyone please?15:35
ActionParsnipzex: can nautilus mount it?15:36
zex@Action let me PM you15:36
bean__zex: typically its bad form to pm people here.15:37
zexSorry I have not used nautilus before15:37
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ActionParsnipzex: its the default file browser in ubuntu15:38
zexthe network share is //freenas.local/share15:38
Guest63268ActionParsnip, did solve the signal issue but speed and responsiveness are alot better15:38
ActionParsnipGuest63268: dang15:38
Guest63268alot better than it was tho15:38
ActionParsnipzex: what does it use to share?15:38
zexyes in nautilus is does mount15:38
ActionParsnipGuest63268: that's colol15:38
zexbut how do I point Plex to that share?15:39
zexas in /mnt there is nothing15:39
ActionParsnipzex: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:39
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zexUbuntu 12.10 \n \l15:40
iceroothow to find all installed packages from a specific repo/ppa? something like "dpkg -l" and look on that list for every package from the repo "foobar"15:40
Guest63268thanks for the hand ActionParsnip15:40
ActionParsnipzex: look in /run/user/gvfs   if memory serves15:40
ActionParsnipGuest63268: I try15:40
ActionParsnipzex: change user for your username15:40
defer_Can i share my HDD to LAN is there any guide for that?15:40
ActionParsnipdefer_: you can share the partition, not the drive15:41
defer_How can i do that? With samba maybe?15:41
zexsorry on call quickly. brb15:41
ActionParsnipdefer_: yes, you'd share the mount point with samba, if it is ntfs then you wil probably get isues15:43
subdesignlove ubuntu. installing on a new machine, doesnt recognize LAN, but found wifi, and now installs smoothly :)15:43
defer_I got new SSD so i will convert my netbook to network hard drive :) Because the ssd is only 64GB15:45
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ActionParsnipdefer_: thats plenty, ubuntu only needs about 6Gb15:46
defer_Yes but i need network drive for videos15:47
ActionParsnipdefer_: totally, file servers make low storage drives a possibility :)15:47
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Psi-Jack!op YoltA PM Spammer15:51
ubottuPsi-Jack: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:51
ActionParsnipPsi-Jack: try:  !ops | YolarP spammer15:52
Psi-JackActionParsnip: Ahhh, thank you. :)15:52
ActionParsnipPsi-Jack: or just put the nick on ignore15:52
Psi-JackActionParsnip: Likely en-mass, based on the content of the PM.15:53
krzfuckn hell. is there anything similar to unetbootin for mac?15:53
krzthat program can't do shit15:53
krzam trying to create a bootable usb15:54
Psi-Jackkrz: #MacOSX15:54
MonkeyDustkrz  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/15:54
ActionParsnipKyngdom: you can use dd to put the ISO on a USB stick in Oneiric and later15:54
krzPsi-Jack: its ubuntu related Psi-Jack15:54
krzMonkeyDust: yea i know. thats where i got it from. duh15:54
Psi-Jackkrz: Mac OS X software is not related to Ubuntu, or Linux.15:54
MonkeyDustkrz  mind your language15:54
alvesjnrhi all. I'm using vinagre to connect to a windows  VM (RDP protocol). My VM has freezed, how can I send a ctr+alt+del signal using remote desktop?15:54
ActionParsnipkrz: use dd in a terminal and it will boot15:55
ezioai have a centrino advanced-n 6205 wireless card.  works great in windows.  in linux it has intermittent connectivity at best15:55
ezioaanyone know what i can do?15:55
desaila__how do you grep for ONLY a newline character? ive been trying grep "\n", grep "\r", egrep ..15:55
krzActionParsnip: dd when? where?15:55
Bare7a_PCCan anyone please tell me how to make wine and pulseaudio compatible because I dont have sound while playing games15:56
MonkeyDustBare7a_PC  try #winehq15:56
Bare7a_PCOk thanks15:56
ActionParsnipkrz: whenever you like15:57
ActionParsnipkrz: its a terminal command15:57
krzActionParsnip: i can't get the thing to boot anywhere15:57
ActionParsnipkrz: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?15:58
anathema_hi guys, i have a new laptop with win8 installed. whats are the steps in order to boot and install dual boot with 12.10? I must disable uefi?15:59
ActionParsnipanathema_: you will need to resize your NTFS to make space for ubuntu16:00
MonkeyDustanathema_  did you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:00
ubuntu-studio_I am re-installing ubuntu studio and had an interruption in wireless.  My install has been hung up at "running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common"  How do I get it back on task?16:01
subdesignhow to find the mac address of my built in wifi adapter?16:01
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ActionParsnipsubdesign: ip addr16:02
krzActionParsnip: they don't match........16:02
krzbut it completed 100%16:02
ActionParsnipkrz: that's why you are getting issues then, the data is corrupted16:02
ActionParsnipkrz: doesn't matter, data can get damaged in transit16:02
ActionParsnipkrz: thats why MD5 testing is importnat16:02
VikaHello, anyone with an ATI HD7670m ?16:03
ActionParsnipVika: ask your real question and see :)(16:03
anathema_MonkeyDust, yes. I dont know if my asus laptop has EFI Mode. How to check?16:04
angsI cannot copy file to my usb flash disk, I can only copy file as a root. how can I decrease file writing privilege of the device?16:04
krzActionParsnip: well i did it again seems to boot now16:04
anathema_I fear if I do somethign wrong and to lost win8 partition + recovery partition16:04
krzActionParsnip: the md5 don't match though. so should i redownload?16:04
ActionParsnipkrz: i suggest you redownload the ISO using torrents if possible. The torrent protocol adds extra data checking16:05
phunyguyI figured out my adapter issue I think.... I reset the BIOS.  May need a bios update if it does it ahain.16:05
VikaActionParsnip, well, im looking at the specs that Catalyst CC give me, and it shows DD3, im preety sure that my GPU is DDR516:06
krzActionParsnip: ill go with that16:06
krzthnx matey16:06
krzy'all prefer mint or ubuntu?16:07
ActionParsnipkrz: ubuntu, the support community is huge16:07
pijushhello once again guys :)16:08
MonkeyDustanathema_  not sure myself16:08
krzwhere can i check the md5 for ubuntu?16:09
DJones!md5 | krz16:10
ubottukrz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:10
NuSueyhow can I for sure know that my swap partition is active?16:10
NuSueyjust with free -m?16:12
eziohaving intermittent connectivity issues to my university's wireless only.  low signal strength and i keep getting disconnected.  often if i sleep my session and wake it up it comes back online.  windows has great signal strength.  any ideas?16:12
GuidoPallemansI'm making a Reddit reader app for the phone! Anyone care to join me? (QML) https://github.com/brambram/UbuntuPhoneRedditApp16:12
krzwhen i download the iso file with my mac the file name is different. something with i386. and when i download it with my windows machine. it has amd. if i download from  my mac and use unetbootin to create a bootable pen drive so i can install on my windows machine. will that be fine?16:13
MonkeyDustGuidoPallemans  wrong channel16:13
VikaHello, anyone with an ATI HD7670m ? Im having some problems with drivers, anyone recomend any other driver beside the ones on ubuntu?16:13
ActionParsnip krz as long as it passes md5 test, it is fine16:13
ActionParsnipVika: are there any bugs reported?16:14
VikaActionParsnip, no, but like i said, is not seem the correct driver for the card, everything is a bit slow and the glxgears show low fdp16:15
ActionParsnipVika: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:16
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VikaActionParsnip, Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS \n \l16:18
ActionParsnipVika: what CPU are you using please?16:21
VikaActionParsnip, i716:21
ActionParsnipVika: which one?16:22
Vikaim on HP laptop btw16:22
zexOk I am back16:22
ActionParsnipVika: run:   cat /proc/cpuinfo    what is the model of the cpu?16:22
VikaActionParsnip, model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GHz16:23
ActionParsnipVika: you also have an Intel 4000 GPU in the CPU16:24
ActionParsnipVika: switchable GPUs don't do great in Ubuntu / Linux.16:24
Vikayes i know16:24
ActionParsnipVika: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics  may help16:24
Vikabut i force the ATI16:24
harushimocan I get sdl in ubuntu?16:25
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harushimohow would I get that package?16:25
ActionParsnip!find sdl16:25
ubottuFound: libsdl1.2-dbg, libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl1.2debian, libwsdl4j-java, libwsdl4j-java-doc, bochs-sdl, erlang-esdl, erlang-esdl-dev, erlang-esdl-doc, freeciv-client-sdl (and 102 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sdl&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all16:25
ActionParsnipharushimo: yes16:25
harushimowhat's the actual command? sudo apt-get install sdl?16:26
bluegoonHi guys16:26
TheGreyo/ Can I ask something?......I've been running ubuntu and intermittently I have no connection with my mouse and keyboard...How can I find out a solution or bug report?16:26
bluegoonI cant type the 'hash' and 'at' symbols16:26
FlowRiserTheGrey, are they both on usb ?16:27
ezioTheGrey, you have to sit down and have a long talk with them.  that's the only way to develop a connection with your mouse and keyboard.16:27
NET||abusehi folks, was going to try StarTrekOnline and had some issues with it, anyone here play STO? I can't click on Options or Patch on the launcher window16:27
ezioyou should tell them about the dangers of drugs and strangers, too16:27
TheGreyFlowRiser: yes they're both on usb16:27
FlowRiserTheGrey, can you find them by running lsusb ?16:28
NET||abuseI'm using GC_DONT_GC=1  flags on the launcher for wine.16:28
NET||abusei've install ie8 and vcrun 200816:28
ActionParsnipharushimo: install the libsdl1.2-dev  package and you'll get it16:28
MonkeyDustNET||abuse  ask in #winehq16:28
ezioTheGrey, how are you doing anything without a mouse and keyboard?16:28
NET||abusehmm, ok16:28
NET||abusedidn't know about that channel :)16:28
harushimoActionParsnip: thank you16:28
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FlowRiserezio, good point O.o16:28
NET||abuseMonkeyDust: thanks for the pointer16:28
TheGreyFlowrRiser: Yes, they are both Razer USA, Ltd.16:28
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: did you check the appdb?16:28
TheGreyezio: this is me after a reboot16:28
bluegoonHow do you type the AT sign on a UK keyboard?16:29
arandharushimo: Normally install the packages libsdl-image1.2 and/or libsdl-mixer1.2 if you just need the libraries, libsdl1.2-dev if you want the development files for compiling as well.16:29
ActionParsnipbluegoon: shift + seconds key on right on the middle row16:29
ezioTheGrey, huh?  how are you typing anything16:29
eziointo linux16:29
ActionParsnipbluegoon: not counting the enter key16:29
FlowRiserTheGrey, Razer ?  oh, damn... they have all sorts of weird functions; tried searching the developers website for linux drivers ?16:30
harushimoarand: I need the development one too16:30
TheGreyezio: This is a reboot...there is no problem atm. It happens intermittently. I'm looking for a solution16:30
NET||abuseActionParsnip: yeh i didn, didn't see my issue, but generally they just said you probably need to try GV_DONT_GV=1 and have vcrun2008 and IE8 through winetricks16:30
ActionParsnipbluegoon: http://www.goodtyping.com/teclatUKok.png   image searching is your friend16:30
harushimoarand: pygame requires it16:30
TheGreyFlowrRiser; cheers will do!16:30
arandharushimo: Then just the -dev package (as ActionParsnip said)16:30
ezioTheGrey, ah ... intermittently ... are you sure the os isn't frozen solid?16:30
ezioTheGrey, when this happens have you tried ctrl+alt+f116:30
harushimoarand: I am. I'll install the other two packages what you said16:31
TheGreyezio: right cheers16:31
ezio try that ... see if you get a terminal16:32
ezioif you do then you can just reboot your dm by /etc/init.d/ldm restart16:32
ezioif you have the standard install16:33
arandharushimo: Hmm, it might be that you want libsdl-image1.2-dev and libsdl-mixer1.2-dev separately as well, yeah (I've no experience with pygame though).16:33
harushimoarand: that's okay. I'll figure it out but you gave me direction on the problem16:34
harushimothank you16:34
mihaon ubuntu 10.04, evolution now complains about gmail imap ssl cert being "bad", while  openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -connect imap.gmail.com:993  works fine16:34
xomrkhow exaclu delete first 6 character from var in bash?16:34
mihaxomrk: #bash ? :)16:35
xomrkif i have example = " /home/xomkr/music/2012/lol.mp3" i want delete ewerything to last /16:35
xomrkor delete first 10 characters16:36
mihaxomrk: why dont you ask on #bash ? you'll get more help there16:36
littlebearzxomrk: use regex16:36
bluegoonmy bloody keyboard does "£ instead of AT and Hash16:36
bluegoonwhat could be the probleM?16:36
jribxomrk: you probably want the "basename" command?16:37
bean__bluegoon: wrong keyboard type selected16:37
ActionParsnipxomrk: let me play16:37
bluegoonbean__: I selected US Standard16:37
Theodorewhat is the best music player for ubuntu?16:37
xomrkthe var16:37
MonkeyDustTheodore  audacious is nice16:37
bean__bluegoon: are you sure? cuz that doesn't sound like US standard, it sounds like UK standard16:37
xomrkhave example16:37
AbhijitTheodore, vlc and clementine16:37
xomrk/home/bolo/Muzyka/2012/wrzesien/Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness.mp316:37
xomrkand i wanna only same filename16:37
bluegoonbean__: Ill fool around with some regional settings16:37
jribxomrk: you probably want the "basename" command16:38
DJonesbluegoon: You probably want UK standard to get £ and # symbols16:38
ponzellusxomrk: not nice, but working would be foo=`echo $foo | sed -e 's/.*\///'`16:38
bean__DJones: he does NOT want pound as @16:38
xomrknot work16:39
jribxomrk: have you tried basename...?16:39
DJonesbean__: Ah sorry, I read that he wanted it the other way round16:39
xomrkwhat that is?16:39
jribxomrk: a command.16:39
xomrki create a script to find and copy songs16:40
jribxomrk: well I've told you to use basename around 5 times now.  I don't know what else to say.16:40
genteorhi fellas!I'm searching for a good alternative for skype!Do you have anything in mind??16:40
bean__xomrk: use basename16:40
jribxomrk: try this as an example in your shell: basename /foo/bar/dog16:41
phunyguyDoh, So I reinstalled this OS with the network interface issues, and now I have another problem.  I remember doing this before as well but can't remember what I did. I installed Ubuntu 12.10 from scratch but it won't boot. After going back into the LiveUSB, it shows the partitions as an EFI setup... how do I make this work?16:42
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arandgenteor: There's mumble or empathy(jabber/jingle).16:43
harushimocan someone tell me what is freetype-config and smpeg-config do?16:43
littlebearzharushimo: did u try man freetype-config?16:43
subdesignhow is it possible, during install i had wifi, after that i dont have. ?16:44
harushimoit didn't work16:44
RalliasWell... this is new... my laptop just went into hibernate because my mouse battery died.16:44
littlebearzRallias: that's just funny16:44
xomrkok ty / but how to use it with cat lol.txt | basename not work16:44
Ralliaslittlebearz, IKR?16:44
RalliasHow do I disable that happening with my wireless mouse's battery?16:44
littlebearzRallias: um. usually it's usb, lsusb i think16:45
jribxomrk: what are you actually trying to accomplish?  What is your final goal?  And as someone else mentioned, #bash may be more appropriate if you are looking for general scripting help16:45
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Ralliaslittlebearz, it's a bluetooth mouse.16:45
zexHi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have troed fstab, but that is nto helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1016:45
xomrkok ty very much for help , now i can complete alone my script16:45
littlebearzRallias: still should list under /dev/xxx i think16:45
HirakI  have a problem with installing ubuntu from PXE16:46
Hirakcan anybody help?16:46
littlebearzHirak: no idea about pxe but i thought it's preinstalled16:46
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Hirakanybody there for help16:46
HirakI am new to this chat16:47
bean_workHirak: What is your problem16:47
Hiraknot sure whether I am asking the question in the correct forum16:47
Guest1657does anyone know when did ubuntu start to use grub 2?16:47
Hirakhi bean_work16:47
genteorarand: thnx man!16:47
zlatanhi is this also a support channel for ubuntu raring?16:47
HirakI am trying to install Ubuntu from the PXE server16:47
HirakI have a problem regarding the kickstart files16:47
ActionParsnipxomrk:  echo ${example:10:${#example} - 20}16:47
bean_workHirak: ok, what is the problem16:48
MonkeyDustGuest1657  9.1016:48
Hirakthe problem is that ubuntu desktop is not getting displayed16:48
phunyguydoh, nevermind, I figured it out, it was booting the LiveUSB in UEFI mode by default, so Ubuntu installed it that way, but the HDD boots Legacy.16:48
HirakI need a kickstart file to get the ubuntu installed with desktop16:48
igor_anyone know how to install video drivers with 3d acceleration?16:48
kevinguttHello all16:48
zexHi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have tried fstab, but that is not helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1016:49
ActionParsnipHirak: what GPU do you use?16:49
bean_workHirak: okay, but what is the actual problem16:49
Hirakthe desktop package is not getting installed16:49
HirakI get a blank screen with a blinking cursor16:49
Hirakno desktop16:49
bean_workHirak: that sounds like a problem unrelated to the desktop package not getting installed.16:49
Guest1657is there any channel related to grub?16:50
kevinguttHey guys, on 12.10 my battery is completely wrong.16:50
Hirakyes I am not saying something is wrong with the package16:50
kevinguttthe battery charges, but the indicator isn't right.16:50
Hirakbut I need help with creating the proper kickstart file16:50
ActionParsnipHirak: what GPU do you use?16:50
arandGuest1657: There's #grub, but if the problem is ubuntu-related, that's good for this channel as well.16:50
Hirakwhat is GPU?16:51
ActionParsnipHirak: the video chip16:51
zexHi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have tried fstab, but that is not helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1016:51
Hirakthis is a basic onboard intel16:51
ActionParsnipHirak: try the boot option:   nomodeset16:51
Hirakwhat is the complete line which I need to add to the kickstart filen16:52
Hirakor if you have a kickstart file16:52
Hirakcan you please share16:52
bean_workHirak: can you share *your* kickstart file?16:52
ActionParsnip!bootoption | Hirak16:52
ubottuHirak: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.16:52
Hiraklet me share the kickstart file here16:53
Hirakand let me know if I need some changes16:53
bean_workHirak: please paste bin i16:53
Hirakjust hold on for a sec16:53
bean_workI know, just telling you to not paste it here, Hirak16:53
Hirakjust hold on16:55
Hirak#System language   lang en_US   #Language modules to install   langsupport en_US   #System keyboard   keyboard us   #System mouse   mouse   #System timezone   timezone America/New_York   #Root password   rootpw --disabled   #Initial user   user ubuntu --fullname "Ubuntu" --iscrypted --password $1$SCOXweI4$drrBtag3Am7IBIKztnx.00   #Reboot after installation   reboot   #Use text mode install   text   #Install OS instead of upgrade   ins16:56
HirakI canot paste it here16:56
Hirakcan you please let me know of any alternate place16:56
Pici!pastebin | Hirak16:56
ubottuHirak: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:56
zlatanhi, I am just installed Ubuntu raring and get in right bottom corner AMD Unsupported hardware...how to get rid of it16:57
HirakPasted it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534751/16:57
Hirakplease check and let me know what is the mistake I am doing here16:58
HirakI am facing this issue in both ubuntu 11 and 1216:58
Abhijitzlatan, may be just remove that unsupported hardware?16:58
Hirakare u there?16:58
bean_workone moment please.16:59
zlatanAbhijit, remove hardware - are you kidding, its my graphical card on laptop :p16:59
rikimaru90Hey guys, does anyone here use spotify for Linux here?16:59
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bean_workoh, Hirak, i've never done that with actual kickstart scripts -- just debian-installer17:00
Hirakthats sad17:00
Hirakbut any idea17:00
bean_workno idea17:00
Hirakcan you please guide to a good forum17:00
Abhijitzlatan, then may be install the drivers?17:01
bean_workHirak: can't say that I can... like I said, i've never done kickstart17:01
igor_anyone know how to install video drivers with 3d acceleration?17:01
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zexHi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have tried fstab, but that is not helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1017:02
littlebearzigor_: find the make of you're video driver, goto software manager and download it17:02
zlatanAbhijit, I installed already flgrx and it didn't help, and after that fglrx-updates and it still is there... the system is working okay, I just want to get rid of that annoying windows17:02
Abhijitigor_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AcceleratedX17:02
Abhijitzlatan, hmm. no idea.17:02
littlebearzzex: use UNC pathways ie \\servername\folder17:02
rikimaru90Is there a way to remove Linux Mint and come back to Ubuntu 12.04, without losing all my stuff again?17:02
littlebearzrikimaru90: copy you're /home17:03
Abhijitrikimaru90, you just need to delete and/or format mint partition from ubuntu17:03
zexSorry I am not following17:03
Abhijitrikimaru90, if you have important data inside mint partition you need to back it up first.17:03
ActionParsniprikimaru90: use your backups to restore data17:03
rikimaru90Okay what steps do I need to take after backing up my home folder? How will I safely remove Mint and replace it with Ubuntu?17:04
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Abhijitrikimaru90, you just need to delete and/or format mint partition from ubuntu17:04
Abhijitafter taking the backup that is.17:05
rikimaru90Oh I see, so do it from the live USB in Gparted?17:05
Abhijitfrom the currently installed working running ubuntu17:05
Abhijitlive media is not necessary. its optional.17:06
rikimaru90Abhijit: Oh no  I no longer have ubuntu installed, I replaced it for Mint. But I'm not happy with it.17:06
zexis there a support engineer I can chat ti in PM?17:07
Abhijitrikimaru90, you said you want to delete mint and come back to ubuntu17:07
rikimaru90Abhijit: Yeah, by that I mean reinstall ubuntu, sorry for not being clear.17:07
Abhijitrikimaru90, if you want to replace mint with ubuntu then first take backup and then follow regular ubuntu installation instructions and just delete mint partitions while installing ubuntu17:07
kode_when i try to run cheese in ubuntu 12.04 i get:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534776/17:08
ActionParsnipzex: find out how the NAS mounts the share, you can then add that to fstab, or mount using nautilus then cat /etc/mtab17:08
kode_antone knows whats going on there17:08
Abhijitzex, if you have bought the support from canonical then this is not the place to get that support. this is community support channel. if you have not bought any support just ask your questions here, be patient or ask with details on askubuntu.com for better support17:08
ActionParsnipkode_: are you accessing it over SSH?17:09
zexok I cll ask again Hi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have tried fstab, but that is not helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1017:09
kode_ActionParsnip: no17:09
zexoff to the shop will come back17:09
ActionParsnipkode_: tried guvcview?17:09
=== robrecht is now known as bentley4^^
ActionParsnipzex: find out how the NAS mounts the share, you can then add that to fstab, or mount using nautilus then cat /etc/mtab17:11
kode_ActionParsnip: actually when i was using cheese with ubuntu 10.10 it was working fine and then i upgraded to 12.04 and after that this is happening.. i havent tried guvcview17:11
ActionParsnipkode_: did you upgrade to the releases in between?17:11
ActionParsnipkode_: or direct from maverick to precise17:12
kode_direct from maverick to precise17:12
ActionParsnipkode_: thats why17:12
ActionParsnipkode_: you have leapfrogged releases which is not supported as you have not gone from LTS to LTS17:12
kode_ActionParsnip: is there no way to get it to work in precise??17:13
ActionParsnipkode_: reinstall precise17:13
kode_ActionParsnip:  without reinstalling??17:13
ActionParsnipkode_: you havent followed correct upgrading procedure. I anticipate you will have issues17:14
=== root is now known as noob
ActionParsnip!rootirc | noob17:15
ubottunoob: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.17:15
=== noob is now known as Guest97701
kode_ActionParsnip: ok.. thanks..17:16
Guest97701ok so i fresh minimal install of ubuntu12.10 now i have no unity no gnome install i want to install mate desktop?17:16
ActionParsnipGuest97701: you will need the mate ppa. If you get issues with mate itself, then you will not be supported here17:18
Guest97701ActionParsnip: all i need to know tht its not important to install unity or gnome to get mate desktop?17:18
ActionParsnipGuest97701: you don't need to have unity installed to use mate17:19
ActionParsnipGuest97701: you will use gnome17:19
Guest97701ActionParsnip: i want to only install mate desktop not gnome and unity so kinda confused  hope only install mate desktop not create any problem17:21
ActionParsnipGuest97701: mate is a fork of gnome, so it will use gnome stuff from the official repos mixed with the stuff from the ppa17:21
Guest97701ActionParsnip: so it means i have to install gnome first to use mate?17:22
ActionParsnipGuest97701: no, just add the ppa then install mate, it will install what is needed17:23
Kion1How do I uninstall Ubuntu from a dual boot computer?17:23
Guest97701ActionParsnip: ok thanx a lot17:23
ActionParsnipKion1: how did you install Ubuntu17:23
ActionParsnipGuest97701: no worries17:23
Kion1ActionParsnip: No, Uninstall from a dual boot working system17:24
Kion1ActionParsnip: It is for a friend, that will update his computer and will give the old to somebody17:24
ActionParsnipKion1: yes, how did you install ubuntu? there are 2 ways to install it, so there are 2 removal methods...17:25
dangersaladanybody here started playing with the ubuntu phone sdk17:25
Kion1ActionParsnip: sorry, did not read correctly, my bad, I am not shure, I guess he had windows preinstalled and booted with a cd...17:25
=== me is now known as Guest49426
ActionParsnipKion1: ok, so in Ubuntu if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    do you see Linux partitions and NTFS partitions?17:26
Kion1ActionParsnip: yes, he has a windows partition and a linux partition17:26
ActionParsnipKion1: then boot to windows and delete the Linux partitions. You will need to use a Windows CD to reinstate the boot loader17:27
dangersaladI am trying to get the XmlListModel from the demo working and it is not pulling data17:27
ActionParsnipKion1: you can then make a partition of the freed space for user data storage etc17:27
Kion1ActionParsnip: Yes my first thought was to format the linux partition and use it from windows, my only obscure area is how to fix the boot loader17:28
ActionParsnipKion1: you'll need the windows CD, or supergrub (may work)17:28
Kion1ActionParsnip: I thought of modifying grub to automaticlly choose windows with time =0, but I know this is not elegant but rather rudimentary17:29
ActionParsnipKion1: when you delete the ubuntu parftitions, all the config files will go too17:29
Kion1ActionParsnip: I see, including groob...17:30
ActionParsnipKion1: if you have a windows CD, you can put the boot loader back on the mbr, the ##windows can help you with that17:30
ActionParsnipKion1: grub will be on the mbr still, but there is no /boot partition to look at etc, so it will just sit and expect you to boot it manualy by typing the boot command17:31
Kion1ActionParsnip: Ok thanks!   so step 1 , format the ext4 partition, step 2 reinstall windows boot loader with their disk17:31
hje841How do you deploy a gSOAP webservice written as a stand alone server in C++?17:32
Kion1ActionParsnip: Thanks!17:33
ActionParsnipKion1: np :)17:33
=== MartinS is now known as Guest60012
dangersaladHas anyone successfully used the XmlListModel in the Ubuntu Phone SDK? I cannot get it to retrieve data17:35
Kion1biglinux: hello17:35
DJonesdangersalad: Probably best asking in #ubuntu-phone for that17:35
dangersaladah ha17:35
cdavisAnyone here used installed e17 on 12.10 with ppas?17:35
ActionParsnipcdavis: http://www.itworld.com/software/307124/install-enlightenment-e17-ubuntu-121017:36
ToBago70 Ciao a tutti :) un click grazie sul video di Monica Bellucci  http://youtu.be/EZuWHms7N64 17:36
FunGoat_Is it possible to create a live USB for another distro via startup disk creator? Doesn't let me select iso in question. Does it only work for Ubuntu ISO's?17:37
bazhangFunGoat_, try unetbootin for that17:37
ActionParsnipFunGoat_: unetbootin lets you use lots of different distro ISOs17:37
ActionParsnipFunGoat_: http://media.askvg.com/articles/images/UNetbootin.png17:38
ActionParsnipFunGoat_: sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unetbootin/wiki/supported-distributions17:39
FunGoat_bazhang and ActionParsnip: thanks. Will give it a shot. Do you know the answer to my original question? Are other distros purposefully excluded from startup disk creator?17:39
shanky_tyjoin #ubuntu17:39
WHAT_UPshanky_ty: will do17:40
ActionParsnipFunGoat_: not sure, I always use unetbootin17:40
shanky_tyhey guy need help how to install nvidia driver in ubuntu 1217:40
ActionParsnipshanky_ty: which nvidia gpu?17:40
FunGoat_ActionParsnip: Okay. Unetbootin can target a local ISO as source, correct?17:41
ActionParsnipFunGoat_: yes17:41
ActionParsnipFunGoat_: install it and see, its a small app17:41
FunGoat_ActionParsnip: Thanks!17:41
ActionParsnipshanky_ty: then run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current17:42
Kion1ActionParsnip: I usually download the latest from nvidia, then ctrl + alt + f1 to switch to a console, disable lightdm and run the executable17:43
KI4ROAnyone had any luck downloading gtkpod 2.1.3?17:44
zexI have tried usign fstab. but no luck can I please share th einfo and then you can tell me if I have done something wrong/17:45
shanky_tyActionParsnip: thanks it say already installed  so now how do i configure it17:45
ubottuettore: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:45
zebaszpshanky_ty: if you're on Ubuntu 12.10, drivers are available in the Software Sources tool17:45
shanky_tyyes i am using 12.1017:45
zexHi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have tried fstab, but that is not helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1017:45
bazhangettore, stop that17:45
DJonesettore: No pirated software/movies here17:46
zebaszpsearch for software sources in the Dash17:46
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zexcan I post my fstab here ?17:46
Kion1shanky_ty: just hit the supe key and type nvidia, the configuration program should pop17:46
tor_ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before17:46
tor_         installing.17:46
zebaszpshanky_yt, also, once installed, the Nvidia X Server Settings tool should be installed17:46
bazhangzex, pastebin not here17:46
tor_How di i exit the x server before i install a different driver?17:47
jribtor_: what are you attempting to install?17:47
krzActionParsnip: where is the torrent file for ubuntu 12.4 64bit?17:47
krz12.10 i mean ActionParsnip17:47
MonkeyDustzebaszp  use cat /etc/fstab|pastebinit and paster the url here17:47
CommunistJamieDoes anyone know how to install open office 3.4.1?17:47
MonkeyDustkrz  under alternative17:47
krzurl Monk?17:47
MonkeyDustCommunistJamie  the repos contain libreoffice17:47
jribCommunistJamie: what ubuntu version are you using?17:47
tor_Want to install drivers from GeForce..17:48
CommunistJamielubuntu 12.1017:48
jrib!nvidia | tor_17:48
ubottutor_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:48
CommunistJamieI have downloaded the deb.tar.gz for open office from the vendor17:48
krzMonkeyDust: http://www.ubuntu.com/download where?17:48
jribtor_: follow the guide on the wiki.  Ideally, you would use the drivers from the repositories through "Additional Drivers" or "Hardware Drivers" (I forget the exact name)17:48
zexcan you guys get to : http://pastebin.com/D0W3DF3H17:48
jribCommunistJamie: you're aware of libreoffice?17:48
Kion1tor_: if on a tty you type sudo service lightdm stop it should be enough to let you install nvidia drivers17:48
subdesigntrying to run sudo modprobe alx, i get module alx not found . any idea?17:49
CommunistJamieNot particularly.17:49
MonkeyDustkrz  choose the one you want, then scroll down to alternative17:49
CommunistJamieIn the package manager?17:49
shanky_tyKion1: its there, i changed few setting, now  how do i save it ?17:49
krzMonkeyDust: whats the diff between i386 and and 64?17:49
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
jribCommunistJamie: libreoffice is a fork of openoffice.  Libreoffice is also available through ubuntu's repositories and you might even already have it17:50
zexcan you get to http://pastebin.com/D0W3DF3H17:50
krzlatter is 64 bit right?17:50
DJoneszex: Yes thats working17:50
zexok so I still onyl get this back17:50
zexmount: special device //freenas.local/movies does not exist17:50
zexI can resolve the name17:51
Kion1shanky_ty: on the last menu of the nvidia-settings-configuration there is a button that says save current configuration!17:51
shanky_tyKoin1: thanks did thanks a lot bro ...17:51
krzwhats the diff between i386 and and 64?17:51
zexis there a log file I can see why I get : mount: special device //freenas.local/movies does not exist17:52
shanky_tykrz: i386 32 bit n 64 is 64 bit17:52
Kion1Shanky_ty: no problem1 :)17:52
krzanyone know how to use curl to crawl a website but with a different session each time?17:52
zexmount: special device //freenas.local/movies does not exist any ideas?17:53
zexplease guys can someone help me as I havebeen tryign to get thsi workign since 8:00 thi smoring it is not 8:0 pm here17:54
littlebearzzex: it's \\17:55
littlebearzzex: UNC states that u need back slash17:55
zexI am sure I have tired that also17:55
zexlet me try agian17:55
littlebearzzex: freenas.local is not a valid ip or fqdn17:55
Picilittlebearz: It should work fine with forward slashes.17:56
ActionParsnipzex: when you mount it, run:  cat /etc/mtab   is it present?17:56
littlebearzPici: oh really? i always thought u need \ since / is used by windows17:56
zexthis way ?17:57
zex\\freenas.local\movies \home\arthur\NAS-Share auto username=guest 0 017:57
ActionParsnipzex: is that what it sas for the mount?17:57
Picizex: you don't need backslashes.  Can you even mount that device anyway?17:57
zexI can moun tin gui yes17:58
zexmount in gui yes17:58
littlebearzzex: any space in names?17:58
ActionParsnipzex: after you mount in GUI, run:   cat /etc/mtab    is there a line for the mount?17:58
zexone sec17:58
ActionParsnipzex: this isnt the first time I have asked this, but you never replied17:59
hillarymy laptop ubuntu 12.04 os not detecting printer hp 1010 any more17:59
zexno it is no tthere17:59
hillaryi have been using last week properly18:00
alo21hi everybody...18:00
zexsorry I did say I am ogoign to the shop in my previous posts18:00
zexso when I run cat /etc/mtab18:00
zexI get nothing18:00
zexit is nto there18:00
zexnot there18:00
FloodBot1zex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:00
zexI did18:00
alo21I cannot install Ubuntu raring on my usb with usb-creator-gtk, because I got: checksum not valid18:01
hillaryam unable to print18:01
ActionParsnipalo21: ask in #ubuntu+1 for prerelease18:01
hillaryusing ubuntu 12.0418:01
hillaryprinter hp laserjet 101018:01
hillaryany help/18:01
zexwell the help here is refreshing to say the least18:02
alo21ActionParsnip, OK. Thanks18:02
tor_ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before18:02
tor_         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING18:02
tor_         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver18:02
tor_         download page at www.nvidia.com.18:02
FloodBot1tor_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:02
ActionParsniphillary: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_1010.html18:02
ActionParsnipalo21: is it usb based or parallel18:03
tor_I want to exit the "x server". How do i do that?18:03
alo21ActionParsnip, what?18:03
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan
ActionParsnipalo21: is it connected via a usb cable or a parallel cabel18:04
zexHi guys I need soem help please. How can I get a permanent share up between my Ubuntu and freenas server? I have tried fstab, but that is not helping me at all. I can connect to the share via Nautilus, but I can't seem to find a way to point Plex to that share. PLease can I get some direction please? I am running 12.1018:04
alo21ActionParsnip, I think usb18:05
hillaryi have been printing even last week but it stopped today18:05
ActionParsnipalo21: have a look at the printer and check18:05
hillarynot detecting printer18:05
Picizex: How is it being shared?18:05
xentity1xMy package system is broken. I tired disabling other software sources and running sudo apt-get install -f, but it didn't fix it. This is what I got http://pastebin.com/UVHCuWC6. Can anyone help?18:06
alo21ActionParsnip, what about the printer?18:06
ActionParsniptor_: why not use the packaged driver?18:06
ActionParsnipalo21: sorry crossed wires18:06
ActionParsniphillary: is it conecting via usb or parallel18:07
z_Chansharkcan someone tell me the difference between ubuntu in mint?18:07
tor_When i use the "current" driver, I get nothing on my desktop..18:07
ActionParsniphillary: try grabbing the latest hplip from the hplip site, may help18:07
ActionParsniptor_: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue18:07
tor_And then i had to re install ubuntu.18:07
z_Chansharktor_:  whats wrong?18:07
icerootis "precise-updates" enabled by default on a 12.04 installation?18:08
ActionParsnipiceroot: I believe so, not 100% sure18:08
icerootActionParsnip: its trying to install linux 3.5 on this system18:08
tor_Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l18:09
icerootActionParsnip: sounds like backports/volatile and i cant imaging its enabled by default but i am not sure, on this system it is enabled18:09
alo21ActionParsnip, sorry, but I do not understand18:09
z_Chansharkoh beacause every time i think of drivers i think wireless drivers because i had been trying to figure out my wireless dirvers for 3 days :/ never did figure it out18:09
tor_I am trying to install the drivers i find on nvidia.com18:10
z_Chansharktor_:  what kind of drivers18:10
ActionParsniphillary: wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/hplip/hplip-3.12.11.run; chmod +x ./hplip-3.12.11.run; ./hplip-3.12.11.run18:10
ActionParsniptor_: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display     do you see an intel and an Nvidia GPU?18:11
tor_GeForce 9300ff18:11
BenkinoobyHi, my system started to freeze more regularly recently. I does not freeze instantly, but "slowly" fewer things are working until complete freeze. dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534938/ syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534946/ kernel.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534950/18:11
z_ChansharkActionParsnip:  is his display not working?18:11
Benkinoobythe first thing i notice is, that wireless stops working18:11
alo21ActionParsnip, what is crossed wires?18:11
ActionParsnipalo21: mixingv 2 users issues up.18:12
z_ChansharkBenkinooby:  whats your wireless eithernet cabble? wireless usb,  wireless card?18:12
ActionParsniptor_: did you try running:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    after you installed the driver using the package?18:13
hillarysend  the command again please18:13
Benkinoobyz_Chanshark: lspci | grep 80218:13
Benkinooby03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)18:13
Benkinoobyz_Chanshark: it's built in (lenovo s12 laptop)18:14
igor_i am having a difficult time trying to install proprietary video card drivers.  been at it for  hours18:14
hillarythanks i got18:14
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Benkinooby18:14
ubottuBenkinooby: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:14
hillarylet me try18:14
z_ChansharkActionParsnip:  can you tell me the difference between mint and ubuntu?18:14
z_Chansharkmore importainly which accepts more wireless usb adapters18:15
ActionParsnipz_Chanshark: support community, default applications, some sources for packages18:15
ActionParsnipz_Chanshark: the driver base and kernel are pretty much identical18:15
igor_can someone help?18:15
BenkinoobyActionParsnip: i don't know if it is the driver - it is merely a symptom that i notice before my whole systems goes down18:15
z_Chansharkigor_:  what do you need hlep with18:15
LucidGuyIf you were in charge of deploying an office environment consisting of all Linux workstations.  What distro would you deploy?  The organization is primarily research/science.18:16
histoz_Chanshark: There maybe additional firmware for wireless cards nonfree provided with mint although I'm not 100% on that.18:16
MonkeyDustz_Chanshark  there are plenty reviews, here's one http://www.datamation.com/open-source/linux-mint-vs.-ubuntu-the-best-option-1.html18:16
z_Chansharkbecause my wireless usb adapter does not work with mint :/18:16
histoigor_: what method are you using to try and install them. If you could provide more details it would help18:17
histo!details | igor_18:17
ubottuigor_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:17
z_Chansharkso i was thinking about switching over to ubuntu18:17
igor_i want to install proprietary drivers for my video card18:17
igor_i have gone under additional drivers and it says install failed18:18
ActionParsnipz_Chanshark: try it is all I can say18:18
histoigor_: What type of video card do you have?18:18
igor_tried leaving x server and then i could not do anything18:18
histoActionParsnip: doesn't mint provide stuff like broadcom firmware etc..18:18
alo21ActionParsnip, the hash is correct18:19
histoigor_: can you lspci | grep VGA   at a terminal or console.   and tell us what chipset it is18:19
igor_geforce 450 GTS18:20
Benkinoobycan some1 have a look at my dmesg and tell my what made my system to freeze? it's quite long, and ends in call traces :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/1534938/18:21
histoigor_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current18:21
zexIt is simple I have two boxes ( - Freenas) and ( - Ubuntu with PLex) Local content works 100% I want to point the ubuntu system to the shareof freenas to play the content back. I am not having much joy getting the Ubuntu and plex to see the freenas share. PLease help18:21
=== jack is now known as Guest34534
histozex: what type of share is it?18:21
igor_is that proprietary?18:22
zexit is a afs ( apple share18:22
ActionParsniphisto: I think so18:22
histoBenkinooby: I would be suspicious of line 109918:22
igor_how do i know if i'm running proprietary drivers18:23
histoBenkinooby: actually nvm ignore that18:23
ActionParsnipigor_: sudo lshw -C display | grep driver     if it says 'nvidia' it is proprietary18:23
Benkinoobyhisto: yes - but to me it looks like the trouble started ealrier, at line 71018:23
=== The_Pugilist is now known as DaveR
histoigor_: yes18:24
histoigor_: when you boot into X or your desktop opoen a terminal and glxinfo | grep render18:24
histoBenkinooby: yeah something is freezing up18:24
Benkinoobyhisto: that's waht i figured too XD18:25
histoBenkinooby: iwconfig is freaking out for some reason18:25
igor_will that tell me if i have 3d accelleration too.18:25
orbitwhiteigor_, if its not laptop with optimus be sure u have one until propietary driver is loaded18:26
Benkinoobyhisto: line 70618:26
Benkinoobyhisto: now i wonder - iwconfig or soft lock up - which one is the trouble maker18:26
histoBenkinooby: I think iwconfig is the problem looking at that but i'm no exper18:27
igor_i'm trying to get play on linux setup properly and it said that i need to have 3d accelleration enabled.  and i want to make sure it is.18:27
histoigor_: if you sudo apt-get install mesa-utils  you can use the glxinfo command and see18:27
histoigor_: glxinfo | grep render   will let you know if you have direct rendering enabled or not18:28
zexnot sure I understand the reason for these irc channels ??18:28
=== bikes_ is now known as nicebikes
histozex: for help18:28
zexwell I have bene asking18:28
zexIt is simple I have two boxes ( - Freenas) and ( - Ubuntu with PLex) Local content works 100% I want to point the ubuntu system to the shareof freenas to play the content back. I am not having much joy getting the Ubuntu and plex to see the freenas share. PLease help18:28
zexIt is simple I have two boxes ( - Freenas) and ( - Ubuntu with PLex) Local content works 100% I want to point the ubuntu system to the shareof freenas to play the content back. I am not having much joy getting the Ubuntu and plex to see the freenas share. PLease help18:28
FloodBot1zex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
histo!patience | zex18:29
ubottuzex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:29
zexsmal room dark no light gun to head18:29
igor_it says "direct rendering: Yes"  so this means i have 3d acceleration?18:29
zexso no one can help me mount a network share?18:29
DWSRAnyone have a link for a quick and dirty tutorial on configuring x?18:29
orbitwhiteif no one answers u just wait until someone will be able to help u, same people as u come here to help others18:29
histoigor_: or you could use the command /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p18:29
DWSROr just a utility to do it interactively/18:29
histoigor_: then you are good18:30
igor_cool. thanks18:30
ActionParsnipzex: what does the nas use to share?18:30
histozex: any reason you are using a apple share?18:30
orbitwhitesome afs he said18:30
adam_8606hi, where is the gconf entry to undo the "Do not show this message again" when it said you have connected to "wireless network"18:30
ActionParsniphisto: probably to accommodate apple dumbasses18:30
zexI have have apple kdevices, but I also have smb share up18:31
ActionParsniphisto: anything else would be too hard18:31
Dripahi, i have a problem with my keyboard, some keys doesnt work,ex  Bloq Mayus , it has a ligth.But if i connect an Usb keyboard and pulse that key that light gets on18:31
histozex: Does the apple share work witht eh apple devices?18:31
zexyep 100%18:31
ActionParsnipzex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently18:31
jacklkDripa: Using Windows will work.18:32
zexYep been there done that18:32
histozex: Personally I would create an NFS share and use that.18:32
gatorgar79hello everyone18:32
histozex: but let me find info for you on browsing apple shares18:32
Dripajacklk: it doesnt18:32
Benkinoobyhisto: ok, my lockups seem to be kernel bugs (as if the big fast BUG note in dmesg would be there for fun :P ). maybe i'll upgrade to 12.10 (i am 12.04 now) or try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168527818:32
ActionParsnipzex: http://www.swerdna.net.au/susesambacifs.html#permanent18:32
zexI just want to be able to use Plex to see the share on the server so I can watch my cartoons ;)18:33
gatorgar79i use ubuntu 10.04 lucid and am looking for a document scanner that works without compiling a bunch of stuff from source any ideas18:33
DWSRzex: Run Plex on Ubuntu...18:33
zexIt is simple I have two boxes ( - Freenas) and ( - Ubuntu with PLex) Local content works 100% I want to point the ubuntu system to the shareof freenas to play the content back. I am not having much joy getting the Ubuntu and plex to see the freenas share. PLease help18:33
DWSRzex: Plex Media Server runs on Ubuntu.18:33
zexthanks DWSR, but hwo do I get the share to work?18:33
DWSRWhy would you want to use a share?18:33
DWSRShove all your drives in your freenas box into Ubuntu.18:34
DWSRProblem solved.18:34
ActionParsnipDWSR: central storage of files18:34
zexplex is workign and I can play back the content on the ubuntu but I need to have network sghare working18:34
orbitwhiteBenkinooby, try 12.10 if it won't help, try to get the latest drivers for ur card, i've missed which one u have, but i suspect it's still on compat-wireless18:34
blkadderzex: Can the two hosts see one another?18:34
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histozex: forget about plex for a minute18:34
blkadderCan you ping between them for example?18:34
DWSRzex: Are you running Plex MS or Plex Player on Ubuntu?18:34
Benkinoobyorbitwhite: ok18:34
cleardowndoes the new java vuln. affect linux users?18:34
zexI do not have 15 TB on my ubunti server18:34
histozex: you need to get the ubuntu machine to see the content first outside of plex.  Test one thing at a time.18:34
cleardownshould i disable18:34
orbitwhiteBenkinooby, which card u have?18:35
zexyes that is what I am trying histo18:35
orbitwhitelike `lspci` should help to determine for example18:35
ActionParsnipcleardown: yes, the webupd8 ppa has the newer version with the fix18:35
cleardownwill update manager get it18:35
ActionParsnipcleardown: yes if you have the ppa18:35
ActionParsnipcleardown: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html18:36
DWSRAnyone that can tell me how to generate an xorg.conf quickly? Autodetect got the wrong refresh rate.18:36
cleardownthx ActionParsnip18:36
gatorgar79anyone here good with hardware in ubuntu i need to find a document scanner that works18:37
histozex: I'm not really familiar with "apple shares" so you'll have to wait for someone that is. or mount the samba share.18:37
gatorgar79send me an instant message18:37
histozex: can you see the samba share.18:37
Benkinoobyorbitwhite: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)18:37
zexyes I can if i use the ubuntu gui18:37
ActionParsnipDWSR: what video chip?18:37
DWSRActionParsnip: Sec.18:37
DWSRActionParsnip: AMD ES1000.18:38
orbitwhiteBenkinooby, never touched broadcom ones but i assume it needs propietary firmware to work that makes things worse18:38
DWSRhisto: Doesn't FreeNAS support NFS shares?18:38
DWSRhisto: Because that would probably be the easiest.18:38
ActionParsnipDWSR: tried:     sudo aticonfig --initial18:38
zexit does support NFS18:38
blkadderzex: go to a shell on the FreeNas server and type "mount" then pastebin the output.18:39
zexquestion is what must my fstab lok like18:39
DWSRActionParsnip: You want me to install fglrx?18:39
zexone sec18:39
ActionParsnipzex: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-file-system.html18:40
meeluim not sure why my ram usage is so high, top command doesn't help, shut down apache too, fresh install memory usage shows near full all the time, any help please?18:40
ActionParsnipDWSR: I assumed you had it in18:40
phunyguyI have another question for the group.  On my work PC, I have to proxy EVERYTHING, so I have that set up system-wide via system-settings.  However there is one small thing that doesn't get proxied, and I can't figure out how to make it proxy.  The flash plugin says that extra stuff needs to be downloaded, and i can run this action now, or close.  It never runs when I tell it to, it just times out.18:40
DWSRActionParsnip: It's a Dell PowerEdge 2950. I wasn't aware that Ubuntu's base drivers were so poor that they don't support 6 year old hardware.18:40
DWSRActionParsnip: I just need to change the refresh rate.18:41
blkadderzex: And what share are you trying to see?18:41
orbitwhiteBenkinooby, this could also help, read it carefully it may contain keys to whats goint on http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#firmware18:41
blkadderThe /mnt/FreeNas?18:42
blkadderOk first that is exported as NFS.18:42
histozex: what are you posting your fstab from Freenas18:42
blkadderSo what is all of this stuff about Apple shares?18:42
histozex: Why?18:42
blkadderI asked him to histo18:43
histozex: there isn't a problem with freenas there is a problem with Ubuntu.18:43
blkadderI wanted to see how he had stuff exported.18:43
zexcause I have an apple Macbook?18:43
blkadderRight but your server is exporting NFS.18:43
blkadderNot AFP18:43
histozex: so Ubuntu can see the share but plex cant18:43
histoblkadder: doesnt' matter18:43
DWSRzex: ls /mnt/FreeNas18:43
DWSRDoes that give you back the contents of your share?18:43
blkadderhisto: Depending on how he is trying to mount it it might.18:44
zexplex askes the location of the share18:44
zexot location of the folder where you media is located18:44
histozex: But am I right that Ubuntu can see the share and browse it18:44
mbeierlUsing lubuntu 12.10 - I accidentally clicked on a notification where it said "don't show this message again."  Does anyone know how to get that back, or to reset the notification settings?18:44
zexyep if I use Nautilus18:45
blkadderzex: Is the issue that you can't see it on your Macbook or on Ubuntu?18:45
DWSRzex: You can either tell Plex the share name for Ubuntu remotely.18:45
histoblkadder: he can't see it in a program called plex18:45
MonkeyDustwhat's plex?18:45
DWSRzex: Or you can tell Plex the local folder it's located in (/mnt/FreeNas)18:45
blkadderBut he can see it in the OS?18:45
DWSRMonkeyDust: plexapp.com18:45
histozex: You need to mount the share on your ubuntu machine.18:45
zexI am tryung to see the share from ubuntu for plex . SHare is on my freenas18:45
histozex: then just point plex at the mounted folder18:45
DWSRhisto: Unless of course he's having permissions issues.18:46
zexwhere does ubuntu map the share to is I use nautilus/?18:46
zexI have looked under /mnt but it is nt there18:46
DWSRActionParsnip: aticonfig --initial "no supported adapters detected"18:46
histozex: it's in a folder under your home18:46
blkadderzex: Go to a shell on the Ubuntu server and do a "mount" and send me the output.18:46
ActionParsnipzex: look in /run18:46
ActionParsnipzex: you will find a folder for your user and then a folder called gvfs18:47
histozex: on ubuntu sudo mkdir /mnt/share  && sudo mount18:47
histozex: hold on sorry line truncated18:47
zexone sec18:48
ActionParsnipzex: try:  sudo updatedb; locate gvfs   what is output?18:48
ActionParsnipzex: /run/user/arthur/gvfs    is ity there by any chance?18:49
=== sharky2 is now known as sharky
histozex: sudo mkdir /mnt/share && sudo mount //192.168.xxx.xxx/path18:50
histozex: /mnt/share18:50
histostupid keyboard18:50
ShapeShifter499hi again18:50
ActionParsniphisto: once it's mounted in gui, it goes into the folder in /run which can be used18:50
ShapeShifter499ubuntu 12 should run in virtual pc 7 right?18:50
histoActionParsnip: I think it goes in a .gvfs folder in the users home I believe18:50
histoActionParsnip: with some uuid numbering or somehting18:51
zexok I can see the map : /run/user/arthur/gvfs/afp-volume:host=Freenas.local,user=anonymous,volume=Movies$18:51
ActionParsniphisto: not any more, look at the mount output18:51
MonkeyDustShapeShifter499  you mean as a virtual machine in win7?18:51
zexbut plex does nto see that18:51
histoActionParsnip: When did they switch the way nautilus does it?18:51
ActionParsnipzex: could run:  ln -s /run/user/arthur/gvfs/afp-volume ~/NAS18:51
histozex: just mount it manually like I instructed18:51
ActionParsniphisto: no idea18:51
histozex: first unmount it18:51
zexhisto let me try one sec please18:52
ActionParsnipzex: try the command, it should work18:52
zexlet me try one sec18:53
johndoe_Hi. I've been using dhclient in a script to search for dhcp servers for some network surveillance. Now, dhclient was turned into an upstart script and I get complains using my script. How can I run a dhcp client on a specific interface and only on that interface at any time?18:53
ShapeShifter499I really want to use my old powerbook g4 /w powerpc for video streaming/media center, airplay, and a server but the tools for airplay and media only seem to work on mac os 10.5 and no where else, so I'd have to run ubuntu in the background with virtual pc 7 or qemu, which from research is slow on this comp18:53
ShapeShifter499MonkeyDust, no I mean the old vitual pc 7 for powerpc machines18:53
zexmount: can't find // in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:53
zexalso tied this mount: can't find //freenas.local/Movies in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:54
histozex: sudo mount18:54
MonkeyDustShapeShifter499  what do you mean by 'ubuntu in the background'? of what exactly?18:54
ActionParsnipzex: did the symlink work ok?18:54
zexthe link is there18:55
zexyes and I can see the content18:55
histoActionParsnip: he needs to learn how to mount it then he can put it in his fstab on the ubuntu box. rather than having to browse to it first in nautilus then openinjg plex18:55
zexbut how do I add that folder to Plex? as the broswer interface does nto go past this position in link18:55
user82hi. my notebook all over sudden reports a wrong max capacity of the battery. how can i reset/fix this?18:56
user82battery out in reboot?18:56
zexI can oly get to : /run/user/arthur18:57
ShapeShifter499MonkeyDust, my setup would be Mac OS X 10.5 with xbmc + airserver for the media center and ubuntu 12 running in some virtualization (qemu, a older virtualbox version, or virtual pc 7) for the server tools18:57
zexcan not see gvfs folder18:57
histozex: sudo mount /where/ever/you/want/to/mount18:57
histozex: that would use NFS18:57
zexmount.nfs: mount point /home/arthur/HERE does not exist18:57
blkaddermount /mnt18:58
zexarthur@Mordor:/$ sudo mount /home/arthur/HERE18:58
Benkinoobyorbitwhite: ok18:58
MonkeyDustShapeShifter499  yes, just run ubuntu as a virtual machine in mac os - or is that not what you mean?18:58
zexgetting somewhere18:58
ShapeShifter499MonkeyDust, right now I'm installing Mac OS X 10.5 on this old powerbook g4, haven't looked into running ubuntu in virtual pc yet so I don't know if that would work18:58
histozex: You're not understanding i'm merely explaining: mount -t nfs nameofcomputer:/directory_on_that_machine /directory_you_should_have_already_created18:58
ubuntu-testeruser82: what capacity system reports?18:59
ShapeShifter499MonkeyDust, from what I researched VirtualPC7 is the last version that works for powerpc systems and I'm not sure if ubuntu will work on it18:59
blkadderThat is a FreeNAS server config issue.18:59
histozex: is the share in /mnt/FreeNAS18:59
user82ubuntu-tester gnome energy monitor says: energy(design) 51.4Wh(correct) Capacity when fully charged: 134.2Wh(totally wring)18:59
histozex: or is it /mnt/FreeNas/Movies19:00
user82so the percentage is totally wrong...the time left not19:00
zexin /mnt/FreeNas/Movies19:00
ShapeShifter499MonkeyDust, also Virtual PC 7 seems to be the fastest virtualization software I can use19:00
MonkeyDustShapeShifter499  give it try and post your findings as a review19:00
zexI di d19:00
zexI did sudo mount /mnt19:00
zexand it did nto bitch19:00
blkadderThen try mount 192.168.254:/mnt/FreeNas/Movies19:01
histozex: now plex should be able to browse /mnt and see the content19:01
zexlet me see19:01
histoblkadder: please19:01
ShapeShifter499MonkeyDust, ok, sure19:01
zexffs when I browse to /mnt I soo nothing19:02
zexsee nothing19:02
zexwhen i go cd /mnt I get -bash: cd: /mnt/: Permission denied19:02
ActionParsnipzex: i'd just mount it using GUI, then use the symlink :)19:02
histoActionParsnip: then he needs to do that everytime before using plex.19:02
blkadderls -al /mnt19:02
ActionParsniphisto: least there is a way to get it flying til the mount can be made19:03
histoI thought he wanted to do this in fstab anyways.... Maybe i'm confused. I just want him to mount it normally first19:03
histozex: please type just "mount" in a terminal and pastebin the output.19:03
zex192.168.254.8:/mnt/FreeNas/Movies on /mnt type nfs (rw,addr=
zexseems it is mounted... but now how do I point plex to that mount point?19:04
histozex: can you ls /mnt/  do you see any files?19:04
=== kristofer is now known as kommodor
upsetEven though I have changed all my default fonts, some text is being rendered in the ubuntu font.19:04
zexif i go to /mnt in plex vie firefox I do not get to see anything in the /mnt folder19:04
upsetWhat can I do?19:05
zexls: cannot open directory /mnt/: Permission denied19:05
histozex: also can you please post the output of mount by itself so I can see how gvfs mounted the share.19:05
zexmount commin up one sec19:06
zexhere is the mount19:07
ActionParsniplooks good19:07
zexok so last thing to do it get the pleg media manager ( in firefox ) to see the /mnt19:07
blkadderls -al /mnt19:08
histozex: no you have to use sudo to get a directory listing currently?19:08
histothere is a permissionis issue please do blkadders command19:08
zexye I had to use sudo19:08
blkadderAnd probably something like chmod 755 /mnt19:09
histozex: follow this page19:09
histozex: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-nfs-client-configuration-to-mount-nfs-share.html19:09
El_Fantasma_EL FANTASMA!19:09
zexlet me chekc it out thanks guys!!!19:10
histozex: also why wouldn't you put the plex media server on the freenas box.19:12
zexyou can't :P19:12
histozex: and then the clients on the other boxes.19:12
histozex: do they even make a ubuntu app to browse your media then?19:13
zexnope :P hence the drive to see if I get the share to work19:13
histozex: What are you going to use as a plex client?19:14
zexfrom that link they suggest this sudo mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /nfs19:14
zexI get access denied by server while mounting
zexI have one question19:14
histozex: becuae /viveks is the directory yours is /mnt/FreeNas/Movies  remember19:15
zexI have a TV that is NDLA enabled19:15
zexwill it be able to see the plex ?19:15
histozex: then there are easier ways to do this.19:15
ravenanyone who knows about xslt?19:15
zexplease tel me19:15
histozex: I don't know if plex does dlna or what protocal its using.19:15
zexI think it is19:15
histozex: then yes19:15
histozex: You have an issue understanding the mount command. Let me give you an example.19:16
histozex: mount -o options,that,you,want ip.address.of.freenas:/path_to_share_on_freenas_box /directory_that_you_want_to_mount_to_must_exist19:17
zexgot that19:18
histozex: okay then why are you trying to type /vivek19:18
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
histozex: does the /viveks folder exist on your freenas box?19:18
zexyuo gave mte the handy link : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-nfs-client-configuration-to-mount-nfs-share.html19:18
zexthere is a step19:19
zexunder Task: Mount Shared Directory19:19
zexand I think I am loosing my mind19:19
histozex: You need to read litterally what I typed to you19:19
histozex: it shows how the mount command works19:19
zexyes I now see my error.. dude I have een tryign to get thsi working sinse 8:0 am .. it is now 21:20 here19:20
histozex: then take the examples on that page. *don't copy and paste them* adapt them to your situatioin19:20
historich: hola19:21
histozex: I would take a break then and come back to it.19:22
richHi there, I was looking for some help installing ubuntu on vm fusion, am I in the right place?19:22
histozex: This is all due to a misunderstanding of how the mount command works.19:22
historich: what sort of problems are you having?19:22
zexlok guys I had it for one day. I am no expert hence soem of the problems19:23
zexthansk for the help19:23
histozex: I would just read up on the mount commmand and understand that first19:23
histozex: and what it does. Then you will see how silly this all is once you understand it.19:24
zexwill do thanks guys19:24
richI get most of the way through installing on vmfusion on a macbook, I notice a prompt of host smbus not installed, but it seems to continue to the point where you login. After I enter the password, it just says there is an error with the machine and shuts down..19:24
=== MartinS is now known as Guest26407
historich: what are you using to install an iso?19:24
richVmfusion 5, I've tried 12.04/12.10 both 32 and 64 bit19:25
meethow to change the ubuntu splash screen?19:25
meetthe one before the login screen19:25
historich: right how are you trying to install ubuntu what is your source19:25
ActionParsnipMeet: you mean before you log in?19:25
rethusi have a script, that adjust brightness of my lapop with this line: echo $val > /sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness19:25
rethusproblem, i must execute as root.19:26
meetActionParsnip: yes19:26
fidel_hi - is there an option to configure what folders/location are shown in nautilus sidebar under 'computer'?19:26
rethusentry in /etc/sudoers and chmod 777 to script take no effect19:26
ActionParsnipMeet: look for Plymouth themes19:26
richThe source of the iso? Ubuntu's website. Not sure if that is what you mean?19:26
fidel_using nautilus: 3.4.2 here19:26
rethusany idea, how i could execute it without passwd-prompt?19:26
Steve___Hi. can i ask for help please?19:26
=== Steve___ is now known as Guest30151
histo!md5 | rich19:26
ubotturich: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:26
fidel_!ask | Guest3015119:26
ubottuGuest30151: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:26
meetActionParsnip: i tried that actually.. btw while apt-get update.. i m getting an error .. can you have a look at it?19:27
Guest30151How can i run play on linux as root?19:27
ActionParsnipRethus: you will need to add an entry in: sudo visudo19:27
rethusthere is a entry ActionParsnip19:27
ActionParsnipMeet: sure, pastebin the text19:27
rethussuther ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/sonyLcdBrightness19:28
MonkeyDustGuest30151  #winehq19:28
Guest30151What is that?19:28
meetActionParsnip: http://fpaste.org/3J8v/19:28
orbitwhiterethus, u can specify certain commands or scenarios in there to be executed without auth over sudo, just google about "debian sudoers command" or smth like that19:29
richThanks Histo/ubottu... I'll have a look at that.. Appreciate it19:29
MonkeyDustGuest30151  type /join #winehq, ask there19:29
mbeierlGuest30151: do you mean "how do I switch user to root"?19:30
ActionParsnipMeet: does the ppa support Quantal?19:30
ActionParsnipRetus: gimme a sec, I'll check mine19:31
historich: http://www.google.com/search?ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=en&source=hp&q=installing+ubuntu+12.04+on+vmware+f19:31
historich: sorry meant this one http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3De8U79XGPmBE&sa=U&ei=Ua71UI6_FoHa819:31
meetActionParsnip: did not understand.19:32
Guest30151MonkeyDust. people are not answering me at wineHQ19:32
MonkeyDustGuest30151  wait a bit longer, then19:33
mbeierlGuest30151: what exactly is your question - how does one play windows games, or how does one use "root" ?19:33
Guest30151How to use play on linux on ubuntu as root19:34
fidel_Guest30151: what is your nativel anguage?19:34
Guest30151 o.o19:34
mbeierlGuest30151: that question makes no sense.  There is no game called "root" that you can play.19:34
ActionParsnipRethus: add a percent sign before the username in visudo19:34
richhisto: Thanks, funnily enough I've had a look at that. Everything goes well up to the point about 7:15 into the video (apart from the "host SMBus controller not enabled" problem), I type the password to login and it just crashes.19:34
Guest30151Play o nlinux is a program...19:34
Guest30151play on linux*19:34
Guest30151And root is like admin19:35
Guest30151And it won't let me run play on linux when i am root.19:35
mbeierlGuest30151: and the error you get is ...?19:35
ActionParsnipMeet: check the ppa page. Not all ppas support all releases.19:35
zexok I have one more quesiton guys19:35
zexI manged to get the symb link up for the freenas server19:35
MonkeyDustGuest30151  "PlayOnLinux is a graphical front-end for the Wine software compatibility layer which aims to simplify the installation of Windows-based applications"19:35
meetActionParsnip: but how do i remove the error?19:35
zexow do I get the permision chanced on that folder?19:35
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest14508
Guest30151Exactly. i want to run conquer online using it.19:36
ActionParsnipGuest30151: I use play on Linux.  I run it as user19:36
Guest30151and it gives me a error and says pol is not supposed to be run as root19:36
Guest30151i want to run it as root.19:36
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:36
ActionParsnip Guest30151: what is the output : lsb_release -sc19:37
Guest30151I AM ALREADY ROOT -_-19:37
Guest30151Sorry on caps19:37
Guest30151Dam keyboard o.o19:37
zexkick it :)19:37
ActionParsnipGuest30151: please run the command.  What is output19:37
Guest30151what command?19:38
rethusi have the lines19:38
rethuskeycode 232 = XF86MonBrightnessDown NoSymbol XF86MonBrightnessDown19:38
rethuskeycode 233 = XF86MonBrightnessUp NoSymbol XF86MonBrightnessUp19:38
rethusin my Xmodmap. how can i add a script to execute on lxde on it?19:38
FloodBot1rethus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
ActionParsnipGuest30151: lsb_release -a19:38
Guest30151root@ionized:~# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 12.10 Release:12.10 Codename:quantal root@ionized:~#19:39
ActionParsnipGuest30151: why are you logging in as root? It's no t wise at all19:39
Guest30151I know.19:40
Guest30151But am stuck like this19:40
Guest30151I know what i'm doing.19:40
ActionParsnipGuest30151: tonnes of applications will not run as root because it's dumb19:40
ActionParsnipGuest30151: you really don't19:40
Guest30151most of them has a way to bypass that.19:40
MonkeyDustGuest30151  exit root, then run playonlinux19:41
Guest30151The normal account has no customizations19:41
mbeierlGuest30151: if you know what you are doing, then why are you asking?  Sorry to sound rude, but really running things as root is not the way ubuntu's desktop is set up19:41
orbitwhitehe knows what hes doing19:41
Guest30151Root has customizations i kept making for 3 monthes19:41
rethushow can i fire a script on lxde by keypress19:41
JohnUK89Running stuff as root is just asking for them to do bad things to your system19:41
rethusor gui19:41
ActionParsnipGuest30151: so you would know that running Xorg and web browsers and especially irc clients is particularly foolhardy19:41
Guest30151I have been running those for 3 monthes with no probs lol,19:42
Guest30151And you can easily shut down Xorg control.19:42
ActionParsnipGuest30151: im gonna go with that you have no idea why too19:42
mbeierlwell, you have probs now, lol...19:42
orbitwhitehe knows what hes doing19:43
Guest30151Just tell me how to run pol as root dude.19:43
ActionParsnipGuest30151: Xorg runs as user. So it is easily killable by user19:43
bekksorbitwhite: I doubt that, strongly.19:43
Guest30151Easier to kill by root :D19:43
Ray2Where to find numlock in 12.04.119:44
Guest30151Now just tell me __-19:44
ActionParsnip Guest30151: you will need to recompile it to remove the check19:44
Guest30151No probs.19:44
Guest30151I can compile it19:44
The_JagHi all, I need help configuring grub for a triboot system19:44
Guest30151But which part of the code has that annoying check?19:44
The_JagI need to edit the entries19:44
The_Jagany help?19:44
orbitwhiteas for me i'm afraid his mind is too beyond mine so i wouldn't try to give him any advices because as it was mentioned before he already knows what hes doing19:44
ActionParsnipGuest30151: I have my "I told you so" flag ready for you19:44
The_JagI'm on Kubuntu19:45
Guest30151Told me what?19:45
mbeierlIs acroread completely gone from the repos (12.10)?19:45
ActionParsnipGuest30151: ask in tje channel for the application.  Alternatively you can use the app as it is supposed to be used and have zero issues19:45
micw_i try to run xbmc on a ubuntu 12.04. most works out of the box except the remote. lirc_atiusb is missing. does anyone know where i can find it?19:47
slowzGuest30151, you can copy all your customizations from the root folder to the user. .config .gtk* ect.19:47
ActionParsnipGuest30151: don't you think the guys who code the application know just a little more than you and would put a check like that in for a really good reason19:47
=== dysinger_ is now known as dysinger
ActionParsnipGuest30151: but you know what you are doing19:48
Ray2Where to turn on numlock in 12.04.119:48
OerHeksGuest30151, just make a user account on your Backtrack :P19:48
PjotrOrialHi, so when I try to report a bug,19:49
PjotrOrialsb@sd:~$ apport-bug19:49
PjotrOrial*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python3: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x095121a8 ***19:49
PjotrOrialI get a memory corruption. I do get this corruption as well when trying to start VirtualBox, how would I repair such?19:49
CommunistJamieWhere would I find phpmyadmin after I've installed it?19:49
CommunistJamieIt's not localhost/phpmyadmin19:50
bekksCommunistJamie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin -- did you configure it already?19:50
ActionParsnipCommunistjamie: try:  sudo updatedb; locate phpmyadmin19:51
CommunistJamieI followed a tutorial and installed the packages and the dependencies.19:51
epicfailHow do i get ybuntu phone on my samsung s319:51
speckzCommunistJamie, /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ for me19:51
ActionParsnipEpicfail: try #ubuntu-phone19:52
ubottuUbuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone19:52
CommunistJamieYeah. Mine is there.19:52
epicfailThnx dude19:52
CommunistJamieHow would I get it to display on localhost/phpmyadmin?19:52
bekksCommunistJamie: You have to configure your webserver to access it on localhost/phpmyadmin19:52
OerHeksepicfail, if not, try #ubuntu-arm if your device has ARM19:53
PiciCommunistJamie: make sure that you have a symlink to /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf in /etc/apache2/conf.d/19:53
ActionParsnipCommunistjamie: I'd check the link bekks gave19:53
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zexany south african people here?19:54
ActionParsnipZex: this is support. Location is moot19:54
zexlol I have rezched a poitn where I willing to pay 1 year of beer to get my problem solved.19:54
ubottuDo you need help with Ubuntu or Kubuntu in Afrikaans?  Type /join #ubuntu-za  or  /join #kubuntu-za - Het jy hulp nodig het met Ubuntu of Kubuntu in Afrikaans? Tik /join #ubuntu-za of /join #kubuntu-za.19:55
orbitwhiteu need to find someone to fix it for 1 day of crack19:55
orbitwhitemeth will fit also lol19:55
zexdude I will give up ,y sister for this19:55
epicfailSomeone knows when ubuntu phone releces19:56
CommunistJamieCheers guys.19:57
CommunistJamieAll sorted.19:57
ActionParsnipEpicfail: omgubuntu has some details on it19:57
orbitwhiteepicfail, Source code and image should arrive end of Feb '13 (c) #ubuntu-phone topic19:57
Ray2Where to find numlock in 12.04.119:59
bekksRay2: Isnt that a key on your keyboard?19:59
=== kamikaz3 is now known as Glecio
Ray2bekks But how do I turn it on when trying to enter password at login without clicking key20:01
bekksRay2: By holding the shift key.20:01
bekksRay2: Which has the same effect.20:01
bekksGNA - no.20:01
zebaszpwow, I didn't know that shift/num lock thing20:02
bekksRay2: Why do you need numlock? All keys available through numlock are availanle without numlock, too.20:02
bekkszebaszp: It was a mistake.20:02
zebaszpmakes a load of sense, though20:02
richhisto: I found the answer!20:02
ActionParsnipRay2: look into numlockx20:02
bekkszebaszp: Replace numlock with caps, and suddenly it makes a lot of sense :P20:02
epimethhi all!  I'm trying to install ubuntu server to microsoft virtual pc to no avail... I tried nomodeset as well as selecting "minimal install to virtual machine" ... any ideas?  Googling gave me a bunch of older information including vga=791 and something about paravirt.  Nothing works.  The VM just shuts down after hitting "install"20:03
ubuntu-testerzebaszp, bekks: mee too, thank you20:03
ActionParsnipsudo numlockx on20:03
ActionParsnipEpimeth: is it a known issue with ms virtual pc?20:04
Ray2ActionParsnip, Thanks20:04
zebaszpEpimeth, why not use VirtualBox?20:05
tioncan i report a bug?20:05
ActionParsnipEpimeth: any particular reason for using the Microsoft product instead of virtualbox or vmware?20:05
ActionParsnipTion: anyone can20:05
tionbecause MS is the standard  software house for the PC20:06
gatorgar79anyone know of a document scanner that works in ubuntu20:06
ActionParsnipTion: just run: ubuntu-bug packagename      and it will start the process20:06
ActionParsnipTion: what is a software house?20:07
gatorgar79hello slacko20:07
tion/etc/fstab lists /dev/sda7 and in gparted its listed has sdb720:07
gatorgar79how are you20:07
ActionParsnipTion: do you mean "default installed" ?20:08
tionmaybe aim doing something wrong or its a bug20:08
=== slacko28636 is now known as omg_IRC_isSoOld
ActionParsnipTion: fstab only lists the names from install time as comments.  It uses the UUID20:09
epimethActionParsnip: I have installed it in the past using something along those lines (vga= and paravirt) but don't remember how exactly.  Also, it was an older version of ubuntu.  As for why MS instead of other: a combination of laziness (as it is already installed for XP mode), knowing it should work, and just plain preferring how MS VPC looks and acts.  Bottom line, no specific reason I just want to have it20:09
tionok so its a bug20:09
ubuntu-testertion: and Disks utility lists ...?20:10
susannahi everybody20:10
jahlfrezihow can I configure wireless+wired at the same time? I'm trying to let a computer in the local network access the internet through my laptop, which is the only one to reach anywhere wirelessly. :)20:10
tete_hi, i have ubuntu studio running and i can see that there is some input from my e guitar but i get no sound output... can someone help me with that?20:10
ActionParsnipEpimeth: if it's a known issue then you will need to use the older version and upgrade or use something else20:10
tionor maybe some one needs to update this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConvertFilesystemToExt420:11
epimethActionParsnip: I did a bunch of searching.... I don't know that it is a known issue20:11
tion#code: sudo nano /etc/fstab20:11
ActionParsnipJahlfrezi: if you define the wired in /etc/network/interfaces   you can let network manager deal with the wifi20:12
jahlfrezithanks ActionParsnip, I was considering that, but thought it could cause issues between the two :)20:13
ActionParsnip Epimeth: tried asking in ##windows20:13
minashi, why does the dash take a lot of time to load the first time I open it after tirning the pc on?20:13
ActionParsnipJahlfrezi: network manager will see the wired connection as 'unmanageable' but you won't care20:14
epimethActionParsnip: really?  "lol" is overused but in this case I actually did out loud.  I would say that the chance of me getting support for this there is actually negative20:14
ActionParsnipEpimeth: then you know your choices. Considering virtualbox and vmware have been making virtualization software for a tonne longer than Microsoft,  I'm surprised anyone would use their offering20:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:16
jahlfreziActionParsnip: yeah, true, but I just added a static entry in the interfaces file and did a networking restart, but for some reason, it seems eth0 is not coming up20:16
ActionParsnipEpimeth: as in, I thought it would be laughed out as a joke20:17
tiondisk utility the same /dev/sdb720:17
tionas gparted20:17
zillaActionParsnip: im trying to add getdeb pgp key and my cursor just keeps blinking20:17
zillaActionParsnip: how do I get the key file to add?20:17
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ubuntu-tester!inetsharing | tete_20:18
ubottutete_: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:18
ActionParsnipZilla: getdeb is far from reliable20:18
zillaActionParsnip: okay thanks20:18
ActionParsnipZilla: try their web page too20:18
epimethActionParsnip: all true and I'll probably end up doing that if I can't figure this out20:18
tioncan someone kill who ever pushed the use UIDS as default20:19
ActionParsnipTion: those labels change so now UUIDs are used.  These are static20:19
tionand deprecated the convetional /sdb etc20:19
ActionParsnipTion: its a better system20:20
tionits not HUMAN READABLE20:20
ActionParsnipTion: if you add a new drive the drive names can change equals no boot20:21
ActionParsnipTion: if you run:  sudo bllid   you will see the UUID mapping20:21
tionso the system would use UISI this one to update fstab in a proper maner and get out of the way20:22
ActionParsnipsudo blkid20:22
=== home is now known as Midec
ubuntu-testertion: trust the majority :)20:23
tionmajority = Hurd20:23
ActionParsnipTion: if you shove in a PATA drive (for example) it will become sda and the current drive will be sdb. Grub will not find its data and your system will not boot20:24
ubuntu-testertion: given the explanations above, there's no alternative to UUIDs today20:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest11330
tionwhy in the 1at place would the new drive overcome the older installed drive thats nuts20:24
POVaddctubuntu-tester: there is also filesystem label based mount20:25
MidecAlright, I'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 64bit, i currently have ubuntu 12.10 32bit, im making my way through doing the fresh install(i want to erase everything and start over new)  and i get the error "Input/output error during read on /dev/sda"  every time.  I am a big noob when it comes to this, so help me like a child.20:25
ActionParsnipTion: so you propose a possible non booting OS for hunan readability.  For the audience of ubuntu.  Not going to happen20:25
Guest11330is it possible to install ubuntu 12.04 with other bootloader than grub 2?20:25
niclasI recently started using Ubuntu (coming from Windows) and I'm stuck on trying to get Python 3.3 and Django 1.5 working. Could someone help me out a bit?20:25
tionthis bug wasnt adfressed has NSA likes to have really access to HW UIDS20:25
tionthats the only reason20:26
tionthat and to piss me off20:26
ActionParsnipGuest11330: sure.  LILO is in the repos too20:26
bekkstion: Of course you can still use the ancient /dev/sdXY notation.20:26
POVaddcttion: UUIDs are _not_ hardware IDs20:27
tionnot for long since ubuntu is going TM way20:27
POVaddcttion: at least filesystem UUIDs aren't20:27
ActionParsnipTion: you can still mount in the old style yourself20:27
MidecAlright, I'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 64bit, i currently have ubuntu 12.10 32bit, im making my way through doing the fresh install(i want to erase everything and start over new)  and i get the error "Input/output error during read on /dev/sda"  every time.  I am a big noob when it comes to this, so help me like a child.  (if you could, pm me with the help because It's hard to filter through all this chat)20:27
ubuntu-testerPOVaddct: ...and that label has to be UUID to be reliable20:28
jaker555how to give root persmission to a folder ?20:28
ActionParsnipJaker555: do you mean ownership20:28
jaker555ownership yes20:28
jaker555if i change it to my admin account other than " root " it breaks ubuntu20:29
Guest11330ActionParsnip , so i first install ubuntu with grub 2 which is the the one that comes with live cd and then change it to lilo using software source?20:29
ActionParsnipJaker555: look into chown. Be careful20:29
tioncan i resize / once i upgrade FS to ext4?20:29
bekksjaker555: Which folder do you talk about?20:29
=== milind is now known as abyss42
jaker555yes but what do i do with chown ? i use $user for my admin account20:29
jaker555in var/log/gdm <- locked to root20:29
jaker555if i change it to my jaker account it breaks ubuntu20:29
POVaddctubuntu-tester: i agree that fs UUIDs are more reliable than fs labels. but they would be more human readable.20:29
ActionParsnipGuest11330: yes. Imstall lilo and remove grub20:29
jaker555the theme disappear20:29
ubuntu-testerMidec: what installation media do you have?20:29
bekksjaker555: Then just leave it as it is. What do you want to achieve actually?20:30
tionUIDS are machine code20:30
ActionParsnipJaker555: why not just run: gksudo gedit       then open the file20:30
bekkstion: Thats just not true. :)20:30
Midecubuntu-tester: what do you mean?  i am using a USB stick to do the install(i am a big noob at this)20:30
=== root is now known as Guest19118
michelei already have ubuntu-server installed. how do I launch the tasksel for "ubuntu software selection" (like http://askubuntu.com/questions/153265/what-does-the-basic-ubuntu-server-package-contain-in-software-selection-during ) ?20:31
POVaddcttion: UUIDs are not code at all. they are just big numbers, randomly generated.20:31
tionthey are made by machines for machines20:31
jaker555actionparsnip i don't have time for that20:31
jaker555logs are not important20:31
bekksjaker555: Then just leave it as it is. What do you want to achieve actually?20:31
jaker555i want full access20:31
jhalfrezinot quite successful :(20:32
bekksjaker555: So you want to access it with another user, as well?20:32
ActionParsnipTion: the UUID is generated when the partition is made. Thats how each one has a UUID20:32
POVaddcttion: then "machine code" is the wrong term because it refers to something executable20:32
jhalfrezias soon as I plug in the eth0 cable, the wireless disappears20:32
Guest11330ActionParsnip , i want to try this because using an usb stick with ubuntu 12.04 makes my computer freeze at boot. i cant even enter bios. what do you think?20:32
jhalfrezifrom the network manager20:32
jhalfreziand if it is connected, it disconnects itself20:32
ActionParsnipJaker555: you have it via sudo and gksudo20:32
tioni was being ironic/sarcastic20:33
jhalfreziand if I happen to modify the wireles config an choose to save for all users, it goes on step ahead and deletes _all_ configurations20:33
jhalfreziwhich is quite like the intended purpose, inversely speaking20:33
HaematomaActionParsnip: For dealing with USB HDDs, is there an advantage of using UUID over serial no. to identify a particular drive.20:33
tionmachine code isnt human readable20:33
bekksHaematoma: Sure.20:33
bekkstion: But UUID are human-readable.20:33
tioncan i resize / once i upgrade FS to ext4?20:33
Haematomabekks: what would that advantage be?20:34
jaker555ok ignore it guys.. i will try ti find out how to chown it20:34
jaker555in after few hours of serach20:34
tionjust like code bars are human readable20:34
bekksHaematoma: Uniquely identifying your USB filesystem.20:34
ActionParsnipJaker555 : its an extra word in a command.  Yet you have time to ask and wait for an answer in IRC20:34
tioncan i resize / once i upgrade FS to ext4?20:34
bekkstion: Then stop argueing, and just do not use them.20:34
jaker555no probvlem guys20:34
ActionParsnipJaker555: not weird?20:34
jaker555you just stress us too much so we stick with linux20:34
bekkstion: And stop asking your question on and on again.20:34
Haematomabekks: so uuid implicitly tells us the partition filesystem?20:35
tionive got this question a timer till someone ansers20:35
bekksHaematoma: The UUID is stored in the filesystem header. It tells us: "This filesystem has the UUID xyz."20:35
Haematomabekks: kk, that makes sense20:36
bekkstion: Then please dont mind setting you onto ignore until then.20:36
tionHaematoma, dont tell you anything other that an serial number20:36
Guest11330ActionParsnip , i want to try this because using an usb stick with ubuntu 12.04 makes my computer freeze at boot. i cant even enter bios. but i boot plop whithout the usb stick and connect it when at plop menu.what do you think?20:36
POVaddcttion: looks like ext4 can be resized online (in mounted state) if it is not the root filesystem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24027/how-to-resize-a-ext4-root-partition-at-runtime20:36
slowztion, you can resize ext4 so long as its not mounted20:36
bekksHaematoma: A _unique_ number.20:36
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POVaddcttion: i am not using ext4 so i don't know for sure20:36
tionslowz, so i can use eseus partition master to do it?20:37
tionfrom windows20:37
mcclainreynoldsHey guys20:37
mcclainreynoldsCan I ask some questions about how to install an Ubuntu partition20:37
mcclainreynoldsusing a usb?20:38
mcclainreynoldsI have the iso downloaded20:38
mcclainreynoldsI'm on a mac20:38
slowztion, i would use a live cd with gparted. i dont know anything about eseus20:38
FloodBot1mcclainreynolds: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
POVaddctthis is ubuntu support, we don't know about obscure windows tools20:38
tionmy cdrom is broken20:38
=== mcclainreynolds is now known as BroUnicorn
slowzusb stick?20:39
jhalfrezidoes anyone know why when network-manager detects link eth0, it immediately disconnects the wireless?20:39
BroUnicornI'm mcclain btw20:39
tioncan i use my usb mp3 player to install gparted on?20:39
jhalfreziany suggestions on how to keep both network would be great :)20:39
tioncan i use my usb mp3 player to boot gparted from?20:40
slowz /ignore tion20:40
bekksslowz: Already done :)20:40
OerHekstion how did you install ubuntu in the fist place ? stop trolling please20:40
POVaddct!repeat | tion20:40
ubottution: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:40
Guest11330ActionParsnip , never mind i ll have to try it anyway.20:40
tioni installed it from *.iso20:41
tioncdrom broke after instsalation20:41
tionive upgraded all the way from intrepid20:42
tioncdrom isnt working anymore20:42
tioncan i use my usb mp3 player to boot gparted from?20:42
POVaddcttion: do you know if the bios of the machine is able to boot off usb anyway?20:42
tionyes i know20:42
tionanymore questions?20:43
POVaddcttion: and you have no spare usb stick?20:43
hillarystill unable to print ubuntu 12.0420:43
tionnone other that my mp3 player20:43
hillaryPage 1 (Scheduler not running?):20:43
hillary{'cups_connection_failure': False}20:43
hillaryPage 2 (Choose printer):20:43
hillary{'cups_dests_available': [], 'cups_queue_listed': False}20:43
hillaryPage 3 (Local or remote?):20:43
FloodBot1hillary: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
hillary{'printer_is_remote': False}20:43
quarthKrenair: /wc20:43
POVaddcttion: does the player appear as a normal usb mass storage device? (class 8)20:43
hillaryPage 1 (Scheduler not running?):20:44
tioni think so but were do i check from (class8)?20:44
hillary{'cups_connection_failure': False}20:44
feeshonAnyone have experience with Samba4 DC and win720:44
POVaddcttion: try cat /proc/partitions before and after plugging the player20:44
POVaddcttion: if there is an additional entry after plugging, its probably usb mass storage20:45
tionits using fat1620:45
hillaryubuntu 12.04 cannot detect hp printer 1010 laserjet or scanner hp 240020:45
tionis that a problem?20:45
MidecAlright, I'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 64bit, i currently have ubuntu 12.10 32bit, im making my way through doing the fresh install(i want to erase everything and start over new)  and i get the error "Input/output error during read on /dev/sda"  every time.  I am a big noob when it comes to this, so help me like a child.  (if you could, pm me with the help because It's hard to filter through all this chat)20:46
POVaddcttion: i wasn't asking about the filesystem. fat16 has some size limits, on files and the filesystem itself.20:46
bekksMidec: You do not have to erase anything, you can just start a new install.20:46
hillaryany help20:47
tionyes i know im thinkng about the usb installer trying to format it20:47
ioriaMidec: when and where do you get the error ?20:47
Midecbekks:  every time i get 'input/output error during read on /dev/sda"20:47
abyss42how do i integrate cookie info in a curl request?20:47
bekksMidec: When doing what?20:47
bekks!details | Midec20:47
ubottuMidec: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:47
Midecioria:  right after i click fresh install, or manually set up partitions, i have tried both20:47
hillaryunable to print20:47
tioni dont want to brick the mp320:47
POVaddcttion: don't format it20:48
hillaryubuntu 12.04 not detecting printer hp laserjet 101020:48
BroUnicornQuestion: I converted the ubuntu desktop iso file to an img file. OSX added .dmg to the file. How should I go about correcting this?20:48
fidel_BroUnicorn: hdiutil should be able to convert dmg to iso afaik20:49
fidel_its a osx cli tool20:49
Midecubottu:  I did, i said i was using 12.10 32bit, and im trying to install 12.04 64bit, and i get the error "input/output error during read on /dev/sda"     it happens right after i manually set up the partitions, and when i just do erase disc and install ubuntu,20:49
ubottuMidec: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:49
ioriaMidec: are you installing from usb ?20:50
Midecioria: yes i am20:50
Bino1710@hillary - did you  ever have the printer working with any version of ubuntu?20:50
BroUnicornfidel_: I just used that to convert the iso to an img… do I have to redo it?20:50
bekksBroUnicorn: Isnt Mac capable of dealing with iso files?20:50
phunyguyWhy do I always have to tell Ubuntu to restart TWICE before it actually acknowledges a restart command?20:50
bekksBroUnicorn: No, you dont have to convert it again.20:50
fidel_BroUnicorn: then ignore my input - i might misinterpreted it20:50
hillaryyes last week it was working with this 12.04 lts very well20:50
slowzMidec, ive had that error before. it was a disk going back. i know that not much help but that was my issue with the input/output error20:51
BroUnicornbekks: I'm following the instructions on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx -it states that OSX may append .dmg, but it doesn't say whether this is an error or not20:51
slowz*disk going bad*20:51
hillaryyesterday it stopped detecting even the scanner20:51
Midecslowz:  what did you do to fix it?20:51
Bino1710sound like you may have to reinstall the drivers20:51
slowzMidec, bought a new disk20:51
ioriaMidec: maybe bad sectors20:51
bekksBroUnicorn: No, it is not an error.20:51
Midecslowz:  so how come i can normally use the laptop as it currently is?  i just get this error when im trying to do a fresh install.20:52
BroUnicornbekks: So I should just carry on?20:52
bekksBroUnicorn: Yes.20:52
Midecslowz:  should i just reformat it while i am logged on normally, and then proceed?20:52
slowzMidec, i did cheat and give myself some time by partitioning only the last half of the disk. the bad area was only on the first part of the disk20:53
bekksMidec: You cannot format anything while being logged in.20:53
tioncan i use tune2fs  using uuIDs?20:53
ioriaMidec: did you download from official mirror ?20:53
Midecbekks:  i thought i could use gparted or something?20:53
bekksMidec: Just boot from the installation cd.20:53
bekksMidec: You cant use gparted from a running system.20:54
hillarywhat do i do20:54
Midecioria: yes, i downloaded yesturday from the website20:54
Midecbekks:  so should i just throw gparted on a usb and boot it, then try?20:54
bekksMidec: Yes.20:54
Midecbekks:  alright i'll try that, i guess if that doesn't work, ill have to go out n' buy a new hard drive :/20:55
bekksMidec: No.20:55
ioriaMidec: try before the alternate20:55
bekksMidec: If that "doesnt work", you have to deactivate swap, and try again.20:55
tionuuids are spam20:56
Midecbekks:  so when i am setting up partitions don't include a swap?20:56
bekksMidec: Thats not what I said. An existing swap partition is maybe used by a livecd. So you have to deactivate it before being able to perform actions with gparted.20:57
tion# /etc/fstab: static file system information.20:57
tion# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>20:57
tionproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       020:57
tion# /dev/sda720:57
FloodBot1tion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
Midecbekks: okay, i'll pretend i understand that :/  (been using ubuntu for about 3 years now, but i basically use it like windows)20:57
tionis it possible to enable mouse in nano?20:59
quesadacould anyone tell me the equiv. ubuntu packages to this list; http://opentoolsandspace.org/en/workflow-downloads20:59
tionlike if i click exit it works?20:59
coolboy13can anybody help a 13 yr old boy with my homework pls about operating systgems21:00
miroesqi installed a program using a script which i ran as sudo. now when i try and access the location using normal cd....., i get permission denied. if i use sudo cd...... i get cd command not found.21:00
coolboy13what are the advantages of unix like operating systems over windows21:00
ioriaMidec: did you try "try ubuntu" instead of install ?21:00
miroesqi installed a program using a script which i ran as sudo. now when i try and access the location using normal cd....., i get permission denied. if i use sudo cd...... i get cd command not found.21:01
qrcoolboy13: you get to hang out with people with big beards21:01
tioncan i use e17 from bodhin linux?21:01
tionnot to meantion neck beards21:02
quesadathey are from opensuse. Is there a package name translator somewhere? :)21:02
vekexasiahello i've /j21:02
coolboy13what is a neck beard21:02
qrexactly what it sounds like21:02
BroUnicornSo I don't want a bootable usb disk. I want to create a bootcamp partition of Ubuntu. I have the .dmg file… do I just use disk utility from this point?21:03
nick__Anybody here using Deluge?21:03
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mrmycornhello... does anyone know how to rip a CD using Lubuntu !@.1?21:05
MonkeyDustnick__  yes21:05
nick__MonkeyDust: I have quite a problem with it, I have set another download location but everytime I restart Deluge it's back to the defualt. I have read it's a bug within GTK?21:06
Ronalds_MI lost chromium tabs after update21:07
Ronalds_Mno tabs showing by default21:07
MonkeyDustnick__  it's odd, the location stays as i changed it - did you click 'apply'? - there's also 'move completed to'21:09
miltonanyone help me with a flash problem?21:11
nick__MonkeyDust: Yep, I clicked apply. When I exit Deluge and starts it up again, it's back to defualt.21:11
Ronalds_MI lost chromium tabs after update, is it design flaw or something?21:11
nick__MonkeyDust: But from what I can see, it should help to downgrade GTK+ to 2.24.1021:12
ilikepandassoftware center was released in summer of 2011 correct?21:12
MonkeyDustnick__  don't downgrade, you'l ruin your system - delete ~/.config/deluge   then restart deluge and change the location21:13
BroUnicornso I got to step 8 on this21:14
BroUnicornhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx. I typed the code. It asked for my password for sudo. I entered it but nothing happened....21:15
dr_willisilikepandas:  its been out for like 2-3 releases now.. so close to that.21:15
BroUnicornSo I pressed control-c to exit out. Then a bunch of things pop up. "324+0 records in" "323+0 records out" "338690048 bytes transferred in 64.578664 secs"21:16
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  the Pendrivelinux site may have some links for tools on OX_S to make a bootable flash from an ISO21:16
PeyamIm trying to run some android shit. I get this error massage.21:16
alusionI want to remove a bunch of files with nearly the same name [out-1.ogv out-2.ogv] how can I make this process easier?21:16
MonkeyDustPeyam  language21:16
Peyam[2013-01-15 22:06:02 - ThenewBoston] /home/peyam/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:16
BroUnicornDoes this mean that the command worked or exited when I pressed ctrl c?21:16
nick__MonkeyDust: Hmm, I can't figure out how to delete it using terminal21:16
bekksBroUnicorn: ctrl+c broke it up, it wasnt finished yet.21:16
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  sounds like it wasent done with the dd copying... it was copying  and thats why 'nothing heppened' it was working21:16
BroUnicorndr_willis: I see. Is there a way to undo my mistake?21:17
MonkeyDustnick__  rm ~/.config/Deluge21:17
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  rerun the commands21:17
MonkeyDustnick__  rm -r ~/.config/Deluge21:17
nick__MonkeyDust: Didn't fix it, hmm :(21:18
nick__MonkeyDust: Is there any other torrent clients worth using?21:18
ilikepandas_but its not clear when software center first released, since ubuntu used synaptics package manager which is kind of similar to install software.21:18
dr_willisdozens of torrent clients out there.21:18
BroUnicorndr_willis: Thanks! I reran the command. I entered my password (I believe, although I can't see anything being typed). Now it's just sitting there.. so we'll see if it corrects it.21:18
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  it dose not echo your password.. that would be rather insecure if you think about it...21:19
ilikepandas_why am i getting ping timeout21:19
MonkeyDustnick__  transmission is the most common21:19
nick__MonkeyDust: I fixed it!21:19
BroUnicorndr_willis: That's definitely true. I'm just wondering whether it's working or not since it didn't pop up any type of message..21:19
MonkeyDustnick__  how did you do it?21:19
ilikepandas_nick__: utorrent is master.21:20
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  dd command dosent give any feedback by default.  Theres ways to moniotors its progress.21:20
nick__MonkeyDust:I found this: "From the user perspective, I found out that the following allows me to use the directory I choose: select "Other", choose a directory, then switch to "File System" in the drop-down and switch back to the chosen directory again." and it seems to work!21:20
dr_willisutorrent does exist for linux.21:20
Peyam[2013-01-15 22:06:02 - ThenewBoston] /home/peyam/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/aapt: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:20
xanguathere is utorrent server dr_willis21:20
BroUnicorndr_willis: Okay, that's good to know. I believe it finished now, however a box popped up that says "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer."21:21
tomrthi, all !21:21
BroUnicorn(Initialize… ; ignore ; Eject) << Those are the three options provided.21:21
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  if its done.. time to test it out21:21
tomrtI'm new to ubuntu, I try it since one week21:22
BroUnicorndr_willis: I guess that was just it's way of telling me that there was now an operating system on my flash drive. :P21:22
mbeierlOk - How do I share printers in ubuntu now?  I have the check box on the server checked - share printers with other systems.  On the client I have the option show printers shared by other systems checked.  Yet... nothing.  This used to work in 10.0421:22
mbeierlat 12.04 now21:22
BroUnicornI'm going to test it out now.21:22
tomrton ubuntu 12.10, it seem lightdm is freezing sometimes21:23
tomrtjuste after login, impossible to move windows21:24
blamitomrt: or it crashes completely, 50% of my boots end up in console21:24
blamitomrt: by the chance do you have intel gpu?21:25
ilikepandas_ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 has major changes in that unity is no more. And graphics changed too21:25
tomrtno crash, just freeze, the only way to resolve the problem is to restart lightdm21:25
tomrtwith "sudo restart lightdm"21:25
KI4ROmbeierl, Did you share them in CUPS?21:26
orbitwhitesomeone please kill me, i'm missing for classic interface i got used to =)21:26
blamiilikepandas_: I blame intel driver rather than xorg or unity21:26
tomrtI'm on an intel Core i7, is this a usual problem ?21:26
blamiilikepandas_: I had to disable intel_iommu and txt extension completely21:27
tomrtblami : I'm on an intel Core i7, is this a usual problem ?21:27
BroUnicorndr_willis: Well, it definitely didn't work. I believe I messed up the usb when I used ctrl-c, as now it tells me the disk is unreadable every time I plug it in.21:27
BroUnicorndr_willis: How do I go about cleaning it off?21:27
BroUnicorndr_willis: OR could this also be due to having a file that is Ubuntu.img.dmg?21:28
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  No idea.  I dont use OSX.  i would think the tool would look for the right file name21:28
mbeierlKI4RO: Share them on the server or do something on the client?  I haven't changed the server21:29
mbeierlKI4RO: the check box on the server says to share printers, and the printer itself has a check box saying share this printer21:30
dcopeanyone using SnapRAID?21:30
mbeierlKI4RO: Basically, following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu21:31
BroUnicornDoes anyone know how I can completely clean a usb to factory?21:31
mbeierlBroUnicorn: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX where X is the if of the usb once mounted?21:31
BroUnicornthe if?21:32
usr13BroUnicorn: The device name21:32
hilogood afternoon Ubuntu21:32
mbeierlBroUnicorn: if = the input source.  in this case a pseudo device that emits all zeros21:32
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usr13mbeierl: Just a reformat would do, wouldn't it?21:33
dr_willisBroUnicorn:  is on OX-S so i dont know the right dev names.  on it21:33
BroUnicornThen I totally messed up as I actually typed "if=" when running the dd command originally to put it on my usb21:33
t4b__BroUnicorn, think of "if" as input file, I think that's what it means and it makes sense :-)21:33
mbeierlusr13: yes, but that is typically a quick format.  If one wants all the data erased so that it is filled with zeros and not recoverable....21:34
hiloI have a server running ubuntu 10.04. The swapiness is set to 1. The machine is still swapping. Currently, there is over half the physical ram completely unused, but the system swapped almost a gig. What's going on here???21:34
usr13mbeierl: Ok. Fair enough...21:34
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html21:34
feeshonhilo: Can you figure out what is utilizing the swap?21:35
usr13hilo: How's it running?21:35
hilousr13, Fine, just not sure why it is swapping.21:36
tomrtblami : thanks for your help, finally found out many other having the same problem on a Intel i7 on Ivy bridge and ubuntu 12.1021:36
tomrtI'll try 12.0421:36
hilofeeshon, not sure how21:36
BroUnicornmbeierl: I'm attempting to restore it to how it was before I attempted to put Ubuntu on it so that I can try to put ubuntu on it again21:37
blamitomrt: I am on i5 Ivy Bridge as well21:37
feeshon http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ is a str8 and to the point21:37
BroUnicornhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/239817/usb-becomes-unreadable-after-putting-the-img-on-it-mac Exact same issue I'm having21:39
usr13hilo: Did you read http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html ?21:39
tomrtblami : OK, so the HD4000 with 12.10 seems to be the cause21:39
hilousr13, I get what the cache is doing, but I have 16 gigs. only about 5 are used and the grand majority are free; yet my system is still swapping21:42
deitarionCan anyone recommend a tool for blinking my Scroll Lock LED to indicate something like new mail? Ubuntu no longer provides packages for "blinkd" or "ledcontrol", I'm not sure if they ever provided "mailleds", and I don't want to waste CPU with constant fork()ing by using (while true; do xset led named "Scroll Lock"; sleep 0.4; xset -led named "Scroll Lock"; sleep 0.4; done)21:44
tomrtblami : maybe one solution -> edit /etc/init/lightdm.conf and copy "sleep 2" just before "exec lightdm"21:44
koumihey some times when I suspend Ubuntu it crashes and the image stays still  does it happen also to you guys21:46
kmicuAnyone have patch for current compiz grid behavior described here https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-plugins-main/+bug/87882021:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 878820 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "Window Management, Keyboard shortcut - The grid keybindings are behaving inconsistently" [High,Triaged]21:47
BroUnicornWould someone mind walking me through the steps of making my usb a boot drive?21:47
BroUnicornI managed to clean it off21:47
kmicuOr maybe some windows manager where I can divide windows by 2/3 and 1/3 ;]?21:47
orudieI remember a long time ago a rotating cube for ubuntu was called compiz-fusion or something like that. is that still around ?21:47
usr13BroUnicorn: So you want to install Ubuntu on a USB flash drive.  Right?21:48
thec4kecompiz doesnt work with unity21:48
BroUnicornusr13: Yes. This is correct.21:48
BroUnicornusr13: :D21:48
orudieI really do not like unity21:48
deitarionthec4ke: Really? Did 12.10 replace Compiz with something else? I know 12.04 uses Compiz to provide the compositing for Unity.21:48
ero-jijiis it possible to share a folder in my /home folder with another user? say my user account is "desktop" and i want to share /home/ftp with user account "test"21:48
orudieis there a way to completely turn off unity, and what are the drawbacks of turning it off ?21:48
thec4keorudie: give mint a try21:49
thec4keits basically ubuntu with a normal desktop21:49
deitarionorudie: You don't need Mint to use Compiz.21:49
orudiewhat is mint ?21:49
designbybeck____CTRL + ALT + L to lock the screen... is there another keystroke or is there another one?21:49
designbybeck____or another way?21:49
usr13BroUnicorn: It's the same process, you just choose the USB drive as target.21:49
deitarionorudie: It's another Linux distro (based on Ubuntu) which, apparently, is so primitive that you have to reinstall to upgrade to each new release.21:50
BroUnicornusr13: I'm not sure what you mean..21:50
kmicuthec4ke: deitarion I have compiz with unity @ 12.10 with retarded grid plugin...21:50
BroUnicornusr13: I should follow the same instructions I was following?21:50
BroUnicornusr13: I don't know what to do differently.21:50
usr13BroUnicorn: And in the end you tell it to write grub to the USB drive.21:50
orudiewhy do I need mint ?21:50
orudieCan't I just disable unity ?21:50
deitarionkmicu: In other words, Compiz works with Unity... just not necessarily every Compiz plugin.21:50
BroUnicornusr13: To write "grub"?21:50
deitarionorudie: Of course. What desktop do you want?21:50
thec4keif you just want compiz lubuntu and xubuntu support it iirc21:50
usr13BroUnicorn: Yes, grub.  (grub is the boot loader).21:51
orbitwhitei run mate on 12.1021:51
kmicudeitarion: grid works, but devs are hibernated https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-plugins-main/+bug/87882021:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 878820 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "Window Management, Keyboard shortcut - The grid keybindings are behaving inconsistently" [High,Triaged]21:51
BroUnicornusr13: Okay. How would I go about doing that?21:51
thec4kepretty sure anything besides mutter will break anything gnome 3 based21:51
BroUnicornusr13: All I know how to do is follow the directions ubuntu provides.21:51
thec4keie unity21:51
deitarionorudie: My brother ditched Unity simply by running `sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop` and then picking Lubuntu at the login screen.21:51
orudiedamn. I am really not familiar with using linux desktop. So i am not even familiar with what is lubuntu or xubuntu21:51
ero-jijiis it possible to share a folder in my /home folder with another user? say my user account is "desktop" and i want to share /home/ftp with user account "test"21:52
thec4keits ubuntu with a different desktop environment21:52
deitarionorudie: Ok, why don't I give you a quick intro to it, then.21:52
usr13BroUnicorn: I'm not sure what else to tell you. If you have a specific question, ask and I'll do my best to answer.21:52
thec4kexubuntu = xfce desktop, lubuntu = lxde desktop21:52
thec4kei personally prefer lxde, others will like xfce21:52
thec4ketheres tons of desktop environments in linux, you can choose whichever suits you best21:52
deitarionorudie: Basically, on Linux, everything is built from bits and pieces you can mix-and-match. "Lubuntu" and "Xubuntu" are Ubuntu with a different set of bits and pieces installed by default.21:52
BroUnicornusr13: In step 8 on page http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx I'm unsure what to put in place of the if and of21:53
kmicuReally? Everyone here manage them windows placement with mouse? x]21:53
usr13BroUnicorn: Oh, I don't know any thing about a mac.  Sorry.21:53
deitarionkmicu: One sec while I find what you're responding to before I reply.21:53
orudieso whats ubuntu 12.04 installed with by default ?21:53
BroUnicornusr13: Okay haha. thanks anyhow21:53
thec4keorudie: unity21:53
thec4kethats what you have now :p21:54
usr13BroUnicorn: You'll have to ask someone that is experiended with mac21:54
orudieok I've heard of unity21:54
orudiewhat is gnome ?21:54
orudieand what is X?21:54
thec4kegnome is what unity is based off o21:54
BroUnicornCan anyone here help me make a usb boot loader from a mac?21:54
thec4kebasically its ubuntu's extensions to gnome 321:54
deitarionkmicu: I think I might have the perfect solution for you.21:54
BroUnicorn*bootable usb21:54
usr13orudie: gnome is a Desktop Environment21:54
usr13orudie: X is the X-server (GUI engine)21:54
thec4keX is a basic set of tools for creating and running desktop environments21:54
deitarionkmicu: I wrote a little tool called QuickTile which gives tiling keybindings which cycle through different widths and use, by default, a grid with three columns and two rows.21:55
thec4kebasically all desktop environments in linux run over X21:55
orudieso if I type "startx" I am starting what? gnome ?21:55
thec4keyoure running whatever your system is set to run by default21:55
deitarionorudie: "startx" means "Start a GUI". What it launches depends on how your system is set up.21:55
thec4keubuntu runs a display manager21:55
thec4kethen runs unity21:55
kmicudeitarion: real keyboard driven windows manager! ;] please share21:55
thec4kethe display manager just deals with logging in and out21:55
usr13orudie: X  is a network transparent window system21:56
deitarionkmicu: It's actually an addon for existing WMs. If you want a full replacement window manager, then look into AwesomeWM, Bluetile, or Xmonad.21:56
deitarionkmicu: http://ssokolow.com/quicktile/21:56
thec4kebasically if you want unity to go away you need to install a different desktop environment21:56
thec4kelxde and xfce are good options for ubuntu21:56
deitarionkmicu: Using QuickTile, you'd just turn off the tiling plugin or unbind its keys and let QuickTile handle the keybindings.21:57
kmicudeitarion: no whole window manager, but placement manager21:57
thec4kemint offers mate and cinnamon which are imo the best two DEs atm, which is why i recommended mint21:57
thec4kei think you can get packages for them for ubuntu but they arent officially supported21:57
kmicu"for people who don't want to use the Compiz Grid plugin"21:57
deitarionkmicu: So QuickTile will probably do what you want then. It just handles moving and resizing windows in response to keybindings, leaving your regular WM in place.21:57
kmicuI love it21:57
kmicudeitarion: THX21:58
deitarionkmicu: No problem. The docs aren't Ubuntu-specific, so let me tell you exactly what to apt-get.21:58
orudieso there is gnome3 (unity), and compiz is what /21:59
BroUnicornI don't know what to put in for my if and of when attempting this sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m21:59
kmicu"Just unpack and run. No installation necessary." ;)21:59
BroUnicornI'm trying to make a bootable usb21:59
deitarionkmicu: You still need the libraries it depends on, though.21:59
kmicuall deps ok21:59
usr13orudie: startx will initialize an X session.  The startx script that starts the X Window System.22:00
voltagexhow can I get verbose log output from modem-manager?22:00
BroUnicornWhat do I put in place of the if and of? I'm on a mac. I'd really appreciate some help22:00
thec4kecompiz is a "window manager"22:00
thec4keits what draws the windows22:00
thec4kedecides what they look like and how they behave22:00
thec4kecombining the window manager with the desktop programs (start menu, task bar, etc) make the desktop environment22:01
thec4kefor instance gnome/unity uses "mutter" as a wm22:01
thec4kethat with the programs on the desktop, ie the "launcher" make the DE22:01
deitarionkmicu: Just in case, QuickTile will start without python-xlib or dbus-python, it'll just be missing features.22:02
thec4kein the past and still in some DEs you could change the WM in DE to something else entirely22:02
thec4kelike in gnome2, the default wm was metacity22:02
thec4keand you could change it to compiz if you wanted all the effect22:02
kmicudeitarion: I read "Usage" but what is binding for tile left 2/3 :)22:02
thec4kewith gnome3 using any other wm besides mutter will probably break it22:02
kmicu1 to 9 is regions, but what is whole left/right side?22:02
deitarionkmicu: Pressing a binding repeatedly cycles through different proportions.22:03
thec4kexfce, lxde, and mate will probably let you use whatever wm you want22:03
kmicudeitarion: but only in region?22:03
kmicuand we have 9 regions22:03
slowwritespeedIs it possible to install ubuntu to USB? not liveUSB.. or boot drive.. but like as both where ubuntu is installed and my primary means of storage (yes, I know it'll be slow)22:03
deitarionkmicu: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "only in region"... and could we go to PMs to avoid cluttering the channel?22:03
kmicuI want whole 1,2,3 :)22:03
slowwritespeedand if so .. how?22:04
usr13slowwritespeed: Yes22:04
usr13slowwritespeed: Same process, just that you choose the USB device as target.22:04
OerHeksslowwritespeed, just choose your usb device as target to install, it must be 5 Gb +22:04
thec4keslowwritespeed: look up "persistent storage" in regards to pen drive linux22:04
deitarionkmicu: Could we go to PM before I ask for clarification?22:04
slowwritespeedI've a 32GB SD card.22:05
usr13slowwritespeed: And in the end, tell it to write the grub boot loader to the USB device22:05
deitarionslowwritespeed: The main question is whether your motherboard knows how to boot off an SD card. If it does, just install onto the SD card as if it were a regular hard drive. IF not, you have to install the OS to the SD card and GRUB to something the motherboard DOES know how to boot off of.22:06
CazHi there22:06
usr13deitarion: Good point.22:06
deitarionslowwritespeed: Just make sure you DON'T create a swap partition or you'll wear out your SD card REALLY fast.22:07
BroUnicornSO I did everything exactly like it said on here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx. However upon step 8 completing a text box pops up that says the disk I inserted is unreadable by the computer.22:10
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EivindIs there a guide online to show you how to change themes in irssi?22:11
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BroUnicornSo no one can help me lol22:12
trijntje!patience | BroUnicorn22:12
ubottuBroUnicorn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:12
CazI'm getting an issue while configuring "separate-x-screen" with the lastest nvidia drivers 310.smth with two graphic cards. Before I did an update (kernel update) it worked well but now, when configuring it with xinerama, unity doesn't show up anymore22:12
BroUnicornI have patience. I apologize.. I've just been asking for over an hour haha22:13
bjoern_sounds like not enough patience then :D22:13
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fearphagewhen i'm listening to youtube videos or streaming audio with my USB headphones, randomly audio out stops and the video/media also. If I unplug them from the sub hub and plug them back in, everything picks back up. any idea why this would happen?22:15
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nisiothis happened to me today no idea how it happend though22:15
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danmeHello i have just bought a new modem/ap and ubuntu wont reach the internet (windows 8 on the same laptop CAN). how cn i solv this issue?22:16
danme*how can22:16
usr13BroUnicorn: It all depends on the capabilities of the mac, (particularly if it will boot to a USB device or not).  If it will, it's as I said.22:16
BroUnicornIt will.22:17
BroUnicornI'm about to switch to my windows partition just so I can get some help lol22:17
usr13danme: Does the modem/ap have a DHCP server running on it?22:17
nisiodanme:connect using an ethernet cable see what happens22:17
usr13danme: Yea, is is WiFi or Wired?22:18
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BroUnicornusr13: The issue I'm having is putting the bootable file on the usb. Every time I try it makes the usb unreadable22:18
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usr13BroUnicorn: unreadable?22:19
danmeusr13: it is wifi22:19
usr13danme: Are you seeing the essid?22:19
danmeusr13: yes i has dhcp22:19
danmeyes i see essid of course22:19
nisiowep or wpa22:19
BroUnicornusr13: Yeah. I plug in the usb and it pops up a warning box that says "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." alongside the options "Initialize, Ignore, Eject"22:20
usr13danme: Have you entered the wpa passphrase?22:20
BroUnicornThis happens directly after executing the dd command22:20
nisiohave u tried updating the wifi drivers for ubuntu22:20
usr13danme: ifconfig  #See what IP you have.22:20
danmeusr13: it is connecting to the wifi but wont reach the Net22:20
usr13danme: Tell us....22:20
usr13danme: inet addr: ______________?22:21
danmethis happened since when i have changed the wifi router. but windows CAN connect so i wonder whats wrong.....22:21
usr13danme: .... for the wireless device.  (Maybe wlan0?)22:21
danme*CAN reach the internet22:21
usr13danme: Are you getting an IP?  If so, what IP do you get?22:22
F3Speechdanme: have u tried rebooting your router?22:22
nisiothis happened to me but the oppisite way round , and when I updated my drivers it worked22:22
danmeusr13, i will come back immediately, i need to use another laptop because i have to restart this laptop to check ubuntu22:22
danmeF3Speech: yes22:22
usr13danme: ifconfig    #In a terminal window will tell you the IP info you have now.22:23
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usr13danme: cat /etc/resolv.conf   #In a terminal will tell you what nameserver you have.  (Should be same as router, probably.  If not see if it a valid nameserver.  You can change to another if it's not working, like
BluesKajno need for capitals22:24
nisiosame laptop?22:24
Hexchdanme: try ping if you get positive response then its your dns22:25
Eivindwget -P ~/.irssi http://static.quadpoint.org/irssi/kurja-round.theme22:25
danmedifferent laptops as wel22:25
Hexchas usr13 mention then change it under /etc/resol.conf22:25
usr13danme: See that the IP you get is in the subnet that the router uses.  For instance, if the router is  you should be getting an IP of 192.168.1.xxx  (where xxx is a number between 2 and 254)22:25
nisiodid it work?22:26
usr13danme: See if you can ping the router.  ping -c3
danmeok. sorry people just wait i preparing the laptops22:26
usr13danme: See if you can resolve domain name:  host av.com   #If you can not resolve domain name, look at /etc/resolv.conf for [valid] nameserver22:27
mtuhiyas. i have a strange problem regarding acpi. something that's _not_ acpid is catching a button event and doing something it shouldn't. if i stop acpid and press the wireless button, it still turns off the wireless, but it shouldn't.22:27
danmebut why this is happening only with linux? (fedora and ubuntu) Windows works good on both laptops (windows 7 and 8)22:28
usr13danme: We don't know.22:28
Hexchdanme: the real question what you did under installation.22:28
nisiohave you got a password set up for your router22:28
danmei just installed as normal of course22:28
mtuany idea what service/daemon could be catching the wireless button acpi event and doing stuff, that's _not_ acpid?22:28
Hexchdanme: can you try what usr13 were pointing out?22:29
danmeyes i will try now22:29
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usr13danme: It is more than likely a nameserver issue.  It is possible that the new modem/ap is giving out bogus IP info.  If that is the case, you should be able edit the modem/ap's configs and change it so that it uses proper nameserver.22:30
danmeneed to installed mirc on other laptop first :)22:30
danmethx :)22:30
hje841will this result in a new compiler named g++-4.7 along side g++ (version 4.6.3) ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/76885/where-can-i-find-a-g-4-7-package22:30
usr13danme: mirc?22:30
danmeusr13: but why "bogus"? windows can work with it22:30
danmeusr13: mirc yes. to connect here on irc22:31
danmei nned to use windows bcos linux wont work22:31
danmeas im saying..22:31
danme*i need22:31
nisiodrivers. possibly22:31
Hexchdanme: I've seen 100 ubuntu laptop and dosen of windows connecting to an campus wlan, but apple shity devices couldnt22:31
orbitwhitemtu, so u press hotkey for wireless and it goes on and off?22:32
usr13danme: Windows may be ignoring the nameserver info.  I don't know. If you tell us what IP information the Windows PC's use and we comapre it to the IP information your Linux PC's use, we could see what the difference is.  Then we could decide if the modem/ap's configuration needs to be fixed or not.22:32
danmeHexch: well for me is the contrary22:32
Hexchso you need to focus on your problems insted of symptoms22:32
danmeok justv wait guys22:32
danmeHexch 'k22:32
mtuorbitwhite: yes, but acpid is not running. syslog doesn't show what's catching the keypress.22:32
orbitwhitemtu, anything on dmesg at all related to it pops up?22:33
usr13danme: You need three things. 1) An IP. 2) A gateway IP, (same as modem/ap).  3) A nameserver, (one that works).22:33
danmeuser13: ok wait dude, im almost done22:34
orbitwhitemtu, could u plz show us ur `rfkill list all` also22:34
orbitwhitelscpi and laptop model could help too also22:34
waglei'm running 10.04 nautilus..  trying to connect to a sambda server..  if i click on the home dir, it autotries to login as the same username and fails..  how do i get it to let me enter username and password?22:35
jhutchinswagle: I think newer versions handle it better - 10.04 is pretty old.22:36
jhutchinswagle: We are I think five versions ahead of that now.22:37
univyrsehow do I change to a different DE in 12.10? I can't find any settings and there's no option at the login screen22:37
waglei like having a useful gui22:37
usr13wagle: http://askubuntu.com/questions/50197/cannot-connect-to-samba-share-from-nautilus22:37
jhutchinsunivyrse: Do you know which dm you have?  There should be a menu if you have more than one desktop installed, but some of them are very subtle.22:37
jhutchinswagle: By which you mean to imply that at least one of the current GUIs is crap - with which I agree, but there are good ones available and forks galore.22:38
univyrsewhatever 12.10 installs by default22:38
slowwritespeedok.. sorry, quick question: how to format an empty SD card to ext4 in ubuntu?22:38
slowwritespeedit is fat right now22:38
orbitwhitewagle, from-under 12.10 i can say that mate de is a compromise for me, give it a try on vm, maybe it will allow u to upgrade =)22:38
jhutchinsunivyrse: That's probably gdm, which SHOULD have an option.  (I don't have a test box at hand atm).22:39
stqnHi, is there a channel about publishing/developing for the ubuntu software center? And is “Ubuntu Application Development” ( http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=417 ) the appropriate forum? The Community page ( http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/get-help/community/ ) is desperately empty…22:39
jhutchinsunivyrse: What alternative desktop do you have?22:39
univyrseinstalled from the ppa22:39
usr13slowwritespeed:  mkfs.ext422:39
jhutchinsunivyrse: Have you restarted gdm since?22:39
stqnunivyrse: you can for example sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:39
univyrsestqn, I'm not trying to install xubuntu22:40
jhutchinsstqn: He's having trouble figuring out how to tell gdm to use a different desktop, and I don't have gdm at hand to tell him.22:40
danme2usr13: ok here i am. tell me what i need to do22:40
univyrseI have cinnamon installed, i just don't know how to switch into it from unity22:40
jhutchinsWait, I can do this...22:40
waglejhutchins: its about time for me to try again..  especially since EoL for 10.04 is april or somesuch22:40
usr13danme2: iwconfig  #See if the essid is correct.22:40
hje841how do I install g++-4.7 in 12.04 along side the existing 4.6.3? without breaking anything22:40
mtuorbitwhite: rfkill list all looks like you'd expect on a thinkpad - tp_bluetooth_sw, tpacpi_wwan_sw and phy0 wireless. the key press i'm talking about changes phy0 soft block from no to yes22:40
xanguaunivyrse: in the login screen there is an icon next to your username, select it and you'll be able to select the session you want (and it will also set as the default)22:41
danme2usr13: yes it is correct, im already connected to wifi, ubuntu says.22:41
danme2just cant reach websites22:41
mtuorbitwhite: hard block is only active if i turn the hardware switch, obviously. let me check dmesg.22:41
univyrsethere is no icon22:41
wagleits just that this is everything i want/need, and the new gui was a severe regression22:41
stqnunivyrse: ah, I see… there’s an “ubuntu” icon on the page where you login after boot, click on it…22:41
orbitwhitemtu, seems like somewhat good start i hope22:41
usr13danme2: ifconfig   #See what IP you got.  inet addr: ______________?  Tell us...22:41
univyrseI've looked, I'll check again I suppose22:41
univyrseI'll report back in a sec22:42
wagleusr13: thanks,that looks promising22:42
usr13danme2: route -n    #Tell us the gateway IP  (Is it same as modem/ap?)22:42
jhutchinsuni4dfx: On my gdm, to the right of my username is an icon which is my default desktop (xfce).  If I click on it, I get a list.22:42
usr13danme2: host av.com    #Does it resolve the hostname av.com?  Or not?22:42
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danme2usr13, ifconfig says: ip Bcast Mask
univyrseyeah, def no ubuntu icon, says my username and has a password prompt22:43
usr13danme2: route -n    #Tell us the gateway IP  (Is it same as modem/ap?)22:43
univyrseit *should* be there but it's not22:43
* jhutchins finds xangua's response in the scrollback - thanks.22:44
usr13danme2: (modem/ap is more than likely
=== sdx32 is now known as sdx23
danme2usr13: modem is apart from ap. ap gets recognized here as
mtuorbitwhite: dmesg appears to be showing the same stuff as syslog. the only interesting things: "iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Disabled; Enabling L0S" and "e1000e 0000:00:19.0: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X". but that doesn't tell me anything about the acpi event.22:45
jhutchinsI guess I'm actually in xubuntu, not xfce.22:45
usr13danme2: host av.com    #Does it resolve the hostname av.com?  Or not?22:45
thec4keunivyrse: what does ls /usr/share/xsessions say?22:45
danme2usr13: but i dont know whats the ip of modem22:45
BroUnicornHow do I install ubuntu using a cd-r22:45
BroUnicornand bootcamp22:45
danme2usr13: no it does not host av.com22:45
univyrsegnome.desktop ubuntu.desktop22:45
usr13danme2: Can you ping the modem/ap?    ping -c3
jhutchinsuni4dfx: It should be there anyway so you can pick between "Ubuntu" (Unity?), gnome, gnome classic...22:45
univyrsedoes that mean cinnamon isnt installed correctly?22:46
jhutchinsunivyrse: Drat nick completion....22:46
orbitwhitemtu what is the laptop model and card?22:46
thec4keunivyrse: you probably need to manually add a session definition22:46
orbitwhitesoz 4 being slow english is not my primary22:46
danme2usr13: yes i can ping the ap
jhutchinsunivyrse: Try adding something light like lxde or xfce to see if it shows up.  Could be the ppd packages don't update gdm correctly.22:46
usr13danme2: cat /etc/resolv.conf   #What do you have as nameserver (IP Address).22:46
jhutchinsunivyrse: In which case, seek ye the ppd maintainers for an answer.22:46
danme2usr13: nameserver (resolv.conf)22:47
univyrseyeah I'mma go complain to the cinnamon people and then figure out how to fix it myself22:47
univyrsethanks for the help, you guys are great22:47
danme2usr13: *
usr13danme2: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf  #Add line:  nameserver  (on a line by itself).22:47
mtuorbitwhite: thinkpad X200s, lspci says "Intel Corporation Ultimate N WiFi Link 5300". not that i have the tp_smapi module running.22:47
usr13danme2: or gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf22:47
mtuorbitwhite: i mean, note that i have it running. i installed it with dkms.22:48
maslowould removing grub and using syslinux bad on a 12.10 ubuntu laptop? 1/2 of the times it hangs on a purple screen after booting my laptop, I never see grub at all it just blinks for a little and sometimes I get to the login screen22:48
usr13danme2: Now try to ping av.com     ping -c3 av.com22:48
orbitwhitemtu, touched intel cards only once and uhm i didn't like it lol22:49
danme2usr13: i added to resolv.conf but still cant ping av.com22:49
usr13danme2:   YOu put    "nameserver" on a line by itself (at the bottom of the file?)22:49
danme2ping: host unknown22:49
stqnmaslo, do you have an external usb drive by any chance? I have to unplug mine to get to grub.22:49
usr13danme2: nameserver
maslostqn: no nothing is plugged other than a mouse22:50
danme2usr13: ah shall i remove the other line?22:50
maslostqn: actually it does the same even withou tmy mouse22:50
usr13danme2: yes22:50
jcamfieldCan anyone help me kick my synaptics touchpad into a functional state?  Dell Lat E6430; 12.1022:50
jhutchinsdanme2: Just comment it!22:50
danme2usr13: ok did it but still cant ping22:50
usr13danme2: ping -c3
jhutchinsusr13: Can you ping
danme2host unreachable22:51
jhutchinsThere ya go, not DNS.22:51
usr13danme2: route -n   #Tell us what gateway you have.22:51
Miebster_whats the apt-get equivelant of going to this url "http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/vmware-view-client"22:51
usr13danme2: What is the IP address under the word     "Gateway"22:52
g-zusI'm trying to share my wlan0's network with the local network via eth0/eth1. but somehow, everytime I plug in a cable on eth0, the wireless connection is disconnected (I presume, by network-manager)22:52
ubuntu-tester1danme2: try
g-zusany idea how to solve this problem?22:52
jhutchinsMiebster_: The vmware packages are distributed by vmware, unless you set up a local repository you need to use theirs.22:52
danme2usr13: i have three rows here. but the first word under "Gateway" is
usr13danme2: What country are you in?  USA?22:53
Miebster_jhutchins: why does vmware website link to vmware-view-open-client22:53
danme2no italy22:53
mladouxMiebster_, apt-get install vmware-view-client22:53
Miebster_jhutchins: sorry wrong paste, vmwares website links to http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/vmware-view-client when you try to download it22:53
ubuntu-tester1g-zus: pastebin tail -50 /var/log/syslog righr after that22:53
usr13danme2: I see.  Ok. can you ping ?22:53
orbitwhitemtu, i'm not sure yet if it needs some firmware to be loaded, but are you 100% sure that module doesn't show any signs of erorrous work while everything is ok on rfkill?22:53
g-zusubuntu-tester1: nothing fancy going on in there, AFAICT22:53
Miebster_mladoux: unable to locate package22:53
danme2usr13: i will pastebin here route -n bcos there are lot of datas22:53
usr13(as suggested by ubuntu-tester1 )22:53
jhutchinsMiebster_: S0rry, that wasn't actually an answer to your question.22:54
usr13danme2: No need.22:54
mladouxyou may not have the repository enabled.22:54
jhutchinsMiebster_: Multi-distro-dissonance, gimme a sec here...22:54
mladouxI'm not sure which repo it's in, so yeah22:54
usr13danme2: ping -c
danme2no i cant ping
ubuntu-tester1usr13: i suggest use for lookup, not ping22:54
GuidoPallemansWhat is a good desktop-screencap application to film? (like fraps)22:54
n1cholasAre there any filesystems similar to mhddfs, but without the huge loss of I/O-performance?22:54
usr13danme2: Waht nameserver does your ISP recommend?22:54
mladouxprobably multiverse22:54
Miebster_This site links to a thing thats not found :( https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/details?downloadGroup=VIEWCRT_LINUX_170&productId=266&rPId=333822:54
usr13danme2: Or, look at your MS Windows config and see what it is using.22:54
usr13danme2: ipconfig /all22:55
ubuntu-tester1g-zus: nevertheless22:55
GuidoPallemansWhat is a good desktop-screencap application to film? (like fraps)22:55
mtuorbitwhite: i just unloaded the tp_smapi module and tried the key, still with acpid stopped. it still disables the wireless.22:55
g-zusubuntu-tester1: this will disconnect me, so brb.22:55
danme2usr13: ok wait i reboot into windows 8 and try to check it22:55
usr13danme2: Wait...22:55
GuidoPallemansWhat is a good desktop-screencap application to film? (like fraps)22:55
mladouxMiebster_, it's in the partner repository, just checked, make sure you have the partner repo enabled.22:55
usr13danme2: What is your ISP?22:56
ubuntu-tester1GuidoPallemans: try VLC22:56
danme2usr13: this looks so strange bcos windows can connect but ubuntu can't :/ not even fedora :/ so i dont think it has to do with the router... just with linux22:56
danme2usr13: Tiscali22:56
orbitwhitemtu, so talking in general, software or hw block switches to positive state?22:56
danme2usr13: tiscali italia22:56
Miebster_mladoux: just tried that, still unable to find it22:57
jhutchinsMiebster_: What mladoux said, then just aptitude install vmware-view-client22:57
jhutchinsMiebster_: Did you update?22:58
univyrseI fixed that problem with cinnamon22:58
danme2usr13: wait i need to explain your better the configuration here of my network22:58
g-zusubuntu-tester1: http://pastebin.com/LAtxWcjR22:58
Miebster_jhutchins: okay that was it thanks22:58
malkaunsis there a way of removing the file menu bar in any application?22:58
univyrsethis is a horrible fix, but I removed the package, kept the ppa, reinstalled the package, rebooted, and it works fine now22:58
usr13danme2: ping -c3   #Can you ping this one?22:58
jhutchinsunivyrse: cinnamon is available on gdm now?22:59
g-zusubuntu-tester1: only relevant from line 11 onwards22:59
danme2usr13: i have the ISP's modem/router, which is connect to this new modem/router/ap... but the one to be the real gateway is the ISP's device... of which i dont know the lan ip here.. :-?22:59
univyrsejhutchins, yes22:59
mladouxMiebster_, make sure you apt-get update after enabling the repository before trying to install the package22:59
danme2usr13: no i cant ping it22:59
univyrseI have a feeling my issue was more of a user issue than anything else22:59
danme2usr13: i cant ping either23:00
mladouxIf you still can't install it, you may be on a release that doesn't have it yet. What version of ubuntu are you working with. I tested this on 12.1023:00
mtuorbitwhite: only the software block switches its state, and it does so every time i push the (soft) button, even with acpid off.23:00
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usr13danme2: Sounds like we are using wrong gateway.  Maybe it is  or  I don't know.  I suppose you can boot to MS Windows and do:23:01
Miebster_mladoux: I got it now thanks!23:01
ubuntu-tester1g-zus: did you just plug in eth cable at line 12?23:01
AndChat504Anyone know if there is a solution fir atheros AR9485 wireless. Terrible signal and randomly times out.23:01
usr13danme2: ipconfig /all    #And write down all the IP info.  Gateway, DNS  etc...23:01
mladouxMiebster_, glad to help23:01
danme2usr13: i have the ISP's modem, which is only wired. so, i used to have an older ap before that was relaying for me as wifi. but now i have replaced the wifi ap with a wifi modem/router and wont work anything with linux :-/ only windows can make it work23:01
g-zusubuntu-tester1: no, the line 11 is when the eth0 got plugged in and dhcp acquired the ip; the line 12 is when I unplugged the cable from eth023:02
orbitwhitemtu, it is strange because according to google u're the only person with such problem, if i'm not missing something ofcourse23:02
usr13danme2: firefox
danme2oh well, my android phone works as well23:02
danme2usr13 ok wait i try all what u said23:02
orbitwhitemtu, i can't be precise, but did u touch the driver, i mean did u set it up manually?23:03
shelfrieshi could somebody walk me through partitioning my drive to install windows+23:03
usr13danme2: If you connect to wired, you may get proper IP info.  But ... well, you can just see what IP info MS Windows gets and duplicate that.23:03
danme2usr13: firefox gives me the new ap login page23:03
usr13danme2: Login and see how it's configured.23:03
g-zusubuntu-tester1: just to clarify even further line 11 refers actually to the wireless disconnection, it happens just after eth0 got plugged and dhclient received a dhcp offer23:04
Miebster_Unity strikes again.  I can't change VMWare View Client to non full screen because the unity tool bar covers up the window bar with maximize, restore, minimize, and there is no context options. Any ideas?23:04
ubuntu-tester1g-zus: strange. your eth socket state is somehow connected with the radio killswitch. maybe somw weird option in BIOS?23:04
mtuorbitwhite: well, it's probably not a common problem to want to stop the wireless soft button from switching the wireless on and off...23:04
mladouxI've seen that issue with some coffee shop wireless gateways, windows can access, linux can't. Not sure what causes it.23:04
danme3usr13: firefox gives me ap's login page23:05
g-zusubuntu-tester1: yes, that's what it seems :) I don't think there is any BIOS option that I haven't noticed, but I could well look again :)23:05
usr13danme3: I know.23:05
orbitwhitemtu, sorry for being useless lol but is it everything ok with button itself? loool23:05
danme3usr13: ok so what do i need to do?23:05
mtuorbitwhite: yeah, i'll look elsewhere. thanks anyway. see ya!23:05
usr13danme3: Login and see how it'23:05
usr13s set up23:05
ubuntu-tester1g-zus: also try googling '<model> radio killswitch'23:06
xentity1xMy package system is broken. I tired disabling other software sources and running sudo apt-get install -f, but it didn't fix it. This is what I got http://pastebin.com/UVHCuWC6. Can anyone help?23:06
usr13danme3: ping -c3   #Can you ping that IP?23:06
danme3usr13: wait i will just pastebin here route -n and windows's ipconfig /all23:06
usr13danme3: Ok good23:06
ubuntu-tester1Miebster_: turn launcher auto-hide in sys. settings23:07
danme3usr13: no i cant ping that23:07
usr13pastebin windows ipconfig /all23:07
shelfrieshi could somebody walk me through partitioning my drive to install windows+23:07
usr13shelfries: to install windows?23:08
usr13shelfries: MS Windows?23:08
usr13shelfries: The MS Windows installer will do it for you.23:08
usr13shelfries: Or,   /join #windows23:09
g-zusubuntu-tester1: thanks, will try :) going to check the bios. brb.23:09
shelfriesusr13 it says my hard drive isn't partitioned correctly. and i would but i'm running linux they prolly wouldn't be able to help me partition hard drives when i'm running linux23:10
mladouxI'd install windows first, then linux after, that way you don't have to deal with the Windows boot loader.23:10
TimeRider_UKcan browse at home bt not coffee shop? static dns set maybe?23:10
usr13shelfries: How can you be running Linux and installing MS Windows at the same time?23:10
TimeRider_UKsorry, reading back all over23:10
TimeRider_UKvirtualising :)23:11
usr13shelfries: Are you trying to set up a dual-boot system?23:11
TimeRider_UKgparted - or parted23:11
TimeRider_UKor fdisk23:11
ubuntu-tester1shelfries: are you trying to install windows side-by-side with ubuntu or to a separate physical disk?23:11
shelfriesno not currently. i jacked up my computer pretty nicely when i was attempting to dual boot and ended up with ubuntu installed. i want to get back to windows so i can run ubuntu in a virtual box23:12
xentity1xMy package system is broken. I tired disabling other software sources and running sudo apt-get install -f, but it didn't fix it. This is what I got http://pastebin.com/UVHCuWC6. Can anyone help?23:12
usr13shelfries: And you have installed Linux first?  If so, did you leave free space at the front of the drive?  Or do you have a second HD?  If not, I suggest you install a second HD.23:12
shelfriesbut i can't do that until i get windows back on and i can't get windows back on until the hard drive is partitioned correctly. how do i do that?23:12
shelfriesusr13 how do i do that23:12
jribxentity1x: do you have any idea why?  Give background23:13
TimeRider_UKshellrisk: make do primary partitions, install windows firs, then install ubuntu, you'll get a boot menu to start either then23:13
usr13shelfries: Are you sure you don't have MS Windows still installed and are just unable to boot to it?  (If that is the case, you should be able to fix that...)23:13
TimeRider_UKI can't type...23:13
ubuntu-tester1shelfries: boot from live cd/usb, run gparted, remove all partitions (with ALL your data, beware!), then install win23:13
usr13shelfries: Actually, your best bet is to just set MS Windows up as the guest OS.  You already have Linux installed, just install vbox and install MS Windows as guest OS.23:14
xentity1xjrib, I'm not exactly sure. It happened when I installed WINE from the software center. At the bottom of the pastebin it shows the deb files that cause errors while processing.23:14
jribxentity1x: why did you mention you disabled software sources?23:15
danme3usr13: Ok, here's ROUTE -N (UBUNTU) -> http://pastebin.com/n6dDvWdw and here is IPCONFIG /ALL (WINDOWS) -> http://pastebin.com/xq64ufHi23:15
shelfriesusr13 no i'm sure i dont have windows. and i'm confused on the boot part. how do i boot from a live disc and then run gparted?23:15
usr13shelfries: The package is virtualbox23:16
TimeRider_UK.. you all gonna confuse him23:16
ubuntu-tester1!livecd | shelfries23:16
ubottushelfries: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.23:16
xentity1xjrib, I saw an error message that said to try disabling third party repositories and running apt-get install -f.23:16
danme3usr13: i messaged you23:16
xentity1xjrib, it did't really seem to help23:16
jribxentity1x: pastebin: dpkg -l '*:i386' | grep '^ii'23:17
danme3usr13: Ok, here's ROUTE -N (UBUNTU) -> http://pastebin.com/n6dDvWdw and here is IPCONFIG /ALL (WINDOWS) -> http://pastebin.com/xq64ufHi23:17
xentity1xjrib, what does that do?23:17
shelfriesyeah i'm confused.23:17
shelfriesubottu how do i get that?23:17
ubottushelfries: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:17
jribxentity1x: it just prints information23:17
TimeRider_UKshelfries : so many ways you can achieve what you want from linux23:17
TimeRider_UKme thinks you new23:18
shelfriesyeah i'm new to this23:18
shelfriesi need like a step by step of how to do all this23:18
TimeRider_UKme thinks you should: run gparted - partition your drive... THEN install windows to one partition, then reboot and install Ubuntu to the other23:18
TimeRider_UKshelfries : you've partitioned a drive before?23:18
ubuntu-tester1shelfries: how did you get your current system's distro23:19
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xentity1xjrib, http://pastebin.com/hX5Npwb423:19
shelfrieson windows yes. but on linux and gparted it won't let me because its mounted23:19
Nerdshankanyone good with wireless problems?23:19
shelfriesubuntu-tester well i had a fiasco and managed to somehow get 12.10 installed. i'm not sure how23:19
TimeRider_UKshelfries : as mentioned above, boot from your install disc.. it wil let you run gparted23:20
usr13Nerdshank: What do you need?23:20
TimeRider_UKshelfries : I'm assuming it was the ubuntu live install you used23:20
jribxentity1x: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdrm/+bug/106816523:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 1068165 in libdrm (Ubuntu) "package libdrm2 2.4.39-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libdrm2/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libdrm2:amd64" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:20
shelfriesi installed 12.10 from a boot disc i created TimeRider_UK23:20
TimeRider_UKshelfries : run gparted now though to familarise yourself and you can ask questions in here.. it's quite straight forwrd23:20
TimeRider_UKshelfries : 12.10 shoul give you a desktop with option to simply run, OR install.... simply run/test23:21
TimeRider_UKWhere are you in the world Shel?23:21
Nerdshankusr13: got atheroes AR9485 wireless card, really bad connectivity and random timeouts freeze up pc too sometimes23:21
shelfriesi'm a student, and its installed23:21
TimeRider_UKshelfries : but you have the disc?23:21
usr13Nerdshank: iwconfig  | pastebinit   #Let's have a look at connection info.23:21
TimeRider_UKsel the cd/dvd?23:22
xentity1xjrib, how can you tell from what i just showed you?23:22
Nerdshankusr13, i know this was a know bug for this card but havent found solution23:22
jribxentity1x: it was unrelated, I stumbled upon the bug while waiting for you to pastebin23:22
jribxentity1x: there's a workaround in the comments23:22
usr13Nerdshank: What version of Ubuntu?23:22
shelfriesyes i have the disk, so boot it and i can just run it and partition the system?23:22
xentity1xjrib, thanks23:22
TimeRider_UKshelfries : yes you can23:23
Nerdshankusr13, atm 11.10 - was on 12.04 this is where the problem laid, not sure if 11 does it too this is a fresh install23:24
shelfriesok so when i do that how do i partition the hard drive and where do i go from there?23:24
TimeRider_UKshelfries : I'd suggest erase all partitions, then create 2 primary ones23:24
ubuntu-tester1danme3: seems like your wireless connection is up. bring it down, bring eth up, record ifconfig and route -n, pastebin23:24
TimeRider_UKshelfries : that way you can choose your OS as familiarise yourself with Linux/Ubuntu23:24
BroUnicornSo I changed over to windows23:24
=== F3Speech is now known as F3Away
Nerdshankusr13, but so far its not as bad23:25
shelfriesTimeRider_UK so i have a 500 gb hard drive. for the two partitions should i just do half and half?23:25
TimeRider_UKshelfries : Install Windows first, then install linux to the second partition, Ubuntu will realise windows in present and give you an option on boot23:25
usr13Nerdshank: iwconfig  | pastebinit   #Let's have a look at connection info.23:25
BroUnicornI'm running the universal usb pendrive installer. However when locating the iso file that is on my desktop the iso file doesn't show up..23:25
TimeRider_UKshelfries : half and half is fine, it'll do for you for now, you may decide later to have more (or less) space for either OS... Depends on what you want to use it for... go 50/50 for now though :)23:26
TimeRider_UK.. I smell coffee... but I don't have coffee machine on... hmmmmmm23:26
ubuntu-tester1BroUnicorn: are you in win now?23:26
Nerdshankusr13, no extensions returned23:26
BroUnicornusr13 I moved my iso file over to windows.23:26
usr13Nerdshank: So, it's not working at all then?23:26
BroUnicornSorry, not trying to interrupt. Accidentally hit enter23:26
shelfriesTimeRider_UK ok so when i do the partitions in linux, i shut down, insert windows cd/usb and install it?23:26
DaemonicApathyBroUnicorn: Did you put it on the correct Desktop?23:26
usr13BroUnicorn: Thats' ok.23:26
=== F3Away is now known as F3Speech
Nerdshankno its working very intermittently23:27
BroUnicornYes. It's on my Windows desktop. I run the pendrive installer and select ubuntu, then attempt to find the iso file on my desktop. Yet, it isn't there.23:27
ubuntu-tester1BroUnicorn: what's exact iso filename?23:27
d4rkwizz4rdhi people23:27
usr13Nerdshank: You don't see  wlan0  ?23:28
Nerdshankusr13, maybe its just a 12.04 issue?23:28
Nerdshankusr13, no not23:28
usr13Nerdshank: Should work on either one.23:28
TimeRider_UKshelfries : yes.. partition using your ubuntu disc.. shutdown, instal windows to first partition, shutdown, install ubuntu to second partition.. reboot and play :)23:28
Nerdshankusr13, sec just ran it again it showed23:28
ero-jijiis it possible to share a folder in my /home folder with another user? say my user account is "desktop" and i want to share /home/ftp with user account "test"23:28
shelfriesTimeRider_UK ok so what type of partitions do these need to be? NTFS?23:29
ubuntu-tester1BroUnicorn: looks like wrong name.23:29
shelfriesdo i need to change anything in the bios?23:29
DaemonicApathyshelfries: Have you been through the installer yet?23:29
BroUnicornubuntu-tester1 Does the name have to be exact?23:29
shelfriesand then how will it know to install to the right partition?23:30
TimeRider_UKI'd leave em blank and let the OS choose it's default23:30
Nerdshankusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1535959/23:30
shelfriesjust leave them as unallocated space then right?23:30
TimeRider_UKshelfries windows will ask you, as will Ubuntu23:30
BroUnicornThat was the issue.23:30
TimeRider_UKshelfries : so yes leave em blank, but TWO partitions23:30
BroUnicornThank you very much.23:30
ubuntu-tester1yes, installer only shows iso files that  match target system/arch23:30
shelfriesand both primary. ok i'll try that then23:31
TimeRider_UKshelfries : you're welcome, you have another computer so you can get back in here if you get stuck?23:31
Nerdshankusr13, idk seems to be ok in 11 im think its just an issue with 1223:31
Danawar3Hey #ubuntu my ubuntu machine is running rather slow and at times when i try to use it, it just locks up what would the reason be for this or how can i troubleshoot it?23:31
usr13Nerdshank: Link Quality=48/70  Signal level=-62 dBm   (Doesn't look good..)  Weak signal.23:32
TimeRider_UKshelfries : and don't worry about the confusion earlier, pretty much everyone WAS right, just so many different ways of achieving a similar goal23:32
ero-jijiis it possible to share a folder in my /home folder with another user? say my user account is "desktop" and i want to share /home/ftp with user account "test" (its not possible for me to move the folder)23:32
shelfriesTimeRider_UK yeah i do. and alright sounds good23:32
BroUnicornWhen this program turns the usb into a ubuntu pendrive will I be able to boot on my Mac?23:32
usr13Nerdshank: Can you improve your location?  (Or the router's location?  Maybe a higher shelf?)23:32
Nerdshankusr13, ya thats one of the problems i get even sitting only 2 feet from route23:32
TimeRider_UKshelfries : Have fun, you stick at playing with linux, you gonna love it... I've not looked back in YEARS :)23:33
usr13Nerdshank: Ok, not good.23:33
usr13Nerdshank: I see:   http://askubuntu.com/questions/121487/atheros-ar9485-wireless-card-doesnt-work-in-an-asus-k53e23:33
DaemonicApathyero-jiji: GUI or CLI?23:33
TimeRider_UK.. anyone got any cigarette papers I can have?23:33
univyrsei remember the night I switched to linux23:33
usr13Nerdshank: And for 12.04 I see:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198300323:33
TimeRider_UKunivyrse : how long ago?23:34
ero-jijiDaemonicApathy GUI via x2go23:34
usr13Nerdshank: Fully updated?   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:34
TimeRider_UKMy first UNIX experience was like 22 years ago.. eek!23:34
univyrsei thought I could switch back, so I just stuck with linux. I miss playing video games a lot, but this year will be great with gaben and steam23:34
univyrseTimeRider_UK, around 10.04 was released23:34
univyrsewhenever that was23:34
DaemonicApathyero-jiji: You don't have local access?23:34
TimeRider_UKunivyrse : Yeah, but hey.. Wine if set up right will play TF2 etc BETTER than windoze!23:35
Nerdshankusr13, yes its updated lol i laided it on top of router and only getting 59/7023:35
BroUnicornI'm excited for this to install. I'm a computer science major at UT Knoxville. I went into one of the labs for the first time the other day... every single lab computer has ubuntu installed. First time I'd ever seen it, and I was completely convinced to switch.23:35
TimeRider_UKunivyrse : Thing OI love with Linux... it's so open source, there literally is NO limit to what you really can do23:35
univyrseI hate wine23:35
ero-jijidae its a remote server that i was using as a backup ftp target, the original ftp root was put in /home/ftp of the main dir. and the way it was partitioned all the space was put into /home23:35
Perfieunivyrse, wine hates you23:35
univyrseI would rather devs make linux games23:35
BroUnicornNow I do have a question... since I'm putting ubuntu on a pen drive.. I won't be able to save any programs on it would I?23:35
usr13Nerdshank: Not good.  I dono.  Maybe you need another wireless card?23:36
ero-jijiDaemonicApathy its a remote server that i was using as a backup ftp target, the original ftp root was put in /home/ftp of the main dir. and the way it was partitioned all the space was put into /home23:36
Perfieand besides, only old farts and wanna bee classy people drink wine23:36
Perfiebut that ain't classy23:36
TimeRider_UKunivyrse : hell yeah, that's the way it should be, crumbs, we have compilers here for everything.. if the company has source... make...23:36
matti_Trying to shoehorn Ubuntu on a 1280x600 tablet. Having trouble locating info about how to effect auto rotate screen and automating the onscreen keyboard popup behavior. Any pointers?23:36
Perfieawwh, c'mon. Just making conversation.23:36
TimeRider_UKPerfie : wanna call around for a drop?23:36
DaemonicApathyero-jiji: "Dae" is fine if you like, I'm paying attention. ;-) If there is no sharing option upon right clicking the folder, I'll leave this to someone else.23:36
IdleOnePerfie: please stop ban evading. part this channel now.23:36
ero-jijiDaemonicApathy now i need to give a couple users read access to backups on the machine, and i dont want to give them my user acct obviously23:37
Perfieban evading?23:37
PerfieI'm banned?23:37
TimeRider_UKPerfie : long as you bring some women and some cig papers :)23:37
univyrseit wont matter after this year, gaben is going to force devs to switch to linux with the new steam, and as long as us linux games buy the linux games, that will be that23:37
PerfieIdleOne, my ip gave me another chance, you should too ;)23:37
univyrseban evasion is gline-worthy23:37
univyrsetalk to #freenode23:37
TimeRider_UKMy STEAM ID: 49523:37
TimeRider_UKwell actually 1:49523:38
univyrseI still don't have one23:38
TimeRider_UKI was running steam servers for a long time before steam was released23:38
brady2600the policies here are nazi level anyhow.23:38
DaemonicApathyHardly, brady.23:38
univyrsebrady, freenode policies or channel policies?23:38
TimeRider_UKbrady2600 : they are? where are you? Britain?23:38
ero-jijiDaemonicApathy theres approx 7tb of backups there now, and no easy way to remove them all, reset up the folders, and reupload23:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:38
Nerdshankusr13, if your suggesting bad card i dont believe so, it works well in windows so idk. maybe just not linux friendly23:38
TimeRider_UKfreenode so bad? I never did have a problem23:39
univyrsecan ubottu actually tell if we're offtopic or does someone play puppeteer?23:39
Danawar3ey Ubuntu my Ubuntu computer has started getting very slow and occasionally locking up where would I be able to troubleshoot this as CPU usage is always around 10-20%23:39
univyrseI have a feeling it's the latter23:39
k1lhey guys, would be nice if we can keep this channel clean for the support questions. thanks23:39
Nerdshankusr13, trying backport update ill let u know how it turns out, thankyou23:39
Hamtechpersonhey, can someone give me some help? I mistakenly typed Http instead of http when trying to input the partner database. How can I change it?23:39
TimeRider_UKDanawar3 : top/htop23:39
usr13Nerdshank: Exactly, not Linux Friendly.  (Linux users are careful to buy Linux Friendly Hardware.)23:39
TimeRider_UK.. but that's just cos I'm a console dude23:40
univyrsehtop is godly23:40
Danawar3TimeRider_UK: htop and top seem to show me the same thing  weather the computer is locking up or not23:40
usr13Nerdshank: Yea, I've given you all the info I have on it.  I just dono.  Maybe someone else will tell you something.23:40
univyrsei just wish it would save my damn settings between sessions23:40
k1lHamtechperson: does that make any difference?23:40
Danawar3TimeRider_UK: Some times htop shows a process called "visitors" which takes up alot of CPU ussage23:40
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : if I'm reading yo uright.. look in /etc/apt/sources.list23:40
TimeRider_UKDanawar3 : so look up 'visitors' see what the heck it is!23:41
univyrseidleone, that is most likely unwise23:41
TimeRider_UKanyone else got 'visitors' running on their machine?23:41
univyrseyou just banned everyone without an irc client23:41
TimeRider_UKDanawar3 : or kill it and see what happens23:41
ero-jijiis it possible to share a folder in my /home folder with another user? say my user account is "desktop" and i want to share /home/ftp with user account "test" (its not possible for me to move the folder and theres no share option in right click menu)23:43
TimeRider_UKwow, everyone is gone!23:43
univyrseman oh man, super goof has been enabled in this channel23:43
Hamtechpersonsuper goof?23:43
univyrseyeah, it's way worse than a regular goof23:43
k1lunivyrse: do you have something usefull to say? please keep this channel free for support. thank you23:43
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : yeah, apt-get install super-goof23:44
TimeRider_UKthough it looks like it's running as a cron job, lol23:44
univyrsek1l, are you implying that I am less than useful because I would find such an implication highly derogatory and hurtful23:44
brady2600notice how quickly they will ban people here for tiny infractions to pointless policies, yet they don't seem to spend much time caring about people asking questions most of the time.23:44
HamtechpersonI'd need sudo for that, right?23:45
univyrsebrady do you have something useful to say? please keep this channel free for support. thank you23:45
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usr13brady2600: This is a busy chanel.23:45
TimeRider_UKbrady2600 : agree...  I idle in here much, but tonight have answered, and hopefully helped several people... I await my ban23:45
jarlathAnyone recommend or warn against amd-driver-installer-12.6-legacy-x86.x86_64.run ?23:45
HamtechpersonAlso, now that I'm into sources.list, what should I do?23:45
DX099_liveI'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on a  new computer that has an "AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor"23:45
orbitwhiteban plz23:45
=== MartinS is now known as Guest90117
DX099_livewas I right to choose amd64 image ?23:45
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : edit the Http to http23:45
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : then save23:46
JeruvyDX099_live yes.23:46
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : if that doesn't help, then I didn't understand the question that you didn't ask correctly :p23:46
HamtechpersonIt opened read only. But it helps.23:46
orbitwhitewow never thought Http and http plays role23:46
tekkhi guys, i wanna try out the bond0 interface.. i live in a remote region with poor adsl, however i have 4 3G modems, all that i can connect to via WiFi23:46
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : drop to root console and edit in there23:46
ikoniatekk: I'd not advise you to try two networks like that for bonding23:47
tekkthe question is… does wpa_supplicant on a single system, support the connection/authentication of 4+ simultaneous wifi connections?23:47
k1lTimeRider_UK: no need for root console. we have sudo to to this23:47
DX099_liveJeruvy, ok. Now I have a 60 gig SSD. Windows is already taking ~25 Go23:47
HamtechpersonRoot console? (Sorry if that seems stupid, but I'm new)23:47
TimeRider_UKorbitwhite : upper and lower case matter a lot...23:47
tekkikonia, how come?23:47
ikoniatekk: bonding isn't meant for that sort of thing23:47
DX099_liveTo avoid any space conflict how should I install ubuntu on it ?23:47
tekki basically wanna broadcast a single wifi network for my family that has several backbones23:47
tekkroundrobin style23:47
k1lHamtechperson: use "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"23:47
tekkikonia, but it would work right?23:47
ikoniatekk: you'd need very complex routing23:47
TimeRider_UKk1l : he's still gonna have to drop to console, no sudo for gui for him?23:47
JeruvyDX099_live Windows 7 or 8?  I would use a 60GB drive strickly for windows.  You could partition 20GB for Ubuntu23:48
ikoniatekk: no, it wouldn't as I suspect your routing would not be good enough23:48
DX099_liveJeruvy, Windows 823:48
tekkwhy? i thought that for example if i had 4 separate connections to 4 seperate websites, the bond0 interface would handle it if the correct bonding option was chosen?23:48
TimeRider_UKk1l : cos nano is orrible! :p23:48
ikoniatekk: the technical concept you suggest would work, the practicality of a working solution, wouldn't23:48
JeruvyDX099_live 60GB is recommended for 8, so I'd consider another drive, or like I stated above.23:48
tekkikonia, right now i have 1 3G connection broadcasting wifi for 3 people23:49
DaemonicApathynano isn't horrible, but one can usually use gksudo nautilus if one preferes. I've seen this cause glitches in the DE occasionally, though.23:49
orbitwhitetekk, how will be decided which particular website should be routed through certain device23:49
tekkseveral separate 3g connections over a single wifi would be better for my use case23:49
ikoniatekk: I'm sorry that wouldn't work23:49
DX099_liveDX099_live, so I may take 20 Go for Ubuntu on the SSD (of course, home will be on another partition) ?23:49
komputesorbitwhite: heh adblock plus auto-corrected Http for me23:49
ikoniatekk: while as a concept it is acceptable, as a solution it's not23:49
tekkorbitwhite, the bond0 interface supports several options, one is simple roundrobin23:49
TimeRider_UKDaemonicApathy : handy tip there :) I play console 99% of time so bit behind on the gui23:49
ero-jijiis it possible to share a folder in my /home folder with another user? say my user account is "desktop" and i want to share /home/ftp with user account "test" (its not possible for me to move the folder and theres no share option in right click menu)23:50
tekkhmm… can you suggest anything else ikonia? as i know vendors who ship expensive 3g dongle bonding solutions23:50
ikoniatekk: I'm sorry, but my view of that problem and it's solution requires enterprise hardware23:50
matti_Ubuntu 12.10 on a tablet - any info on implementing auto-rotate screen and on-screen keyboard auto-popup?23:50
JeruvyDX099_live, that should work for a while.23:50
tekkmaybe i should code a simple socks proxy as a workaround for now23:51
univyrsei cant wait to write mobile apps in something other than java and objc23:51
tekkthat round robin's 4 interfaces23:51
DX099_liveJeruvy, Meaning 12 Gb left for Windows isn't enough ?23:51
univyrseubuntu phone is going to be the shiiiiiiiiiit23:51
tekkbut exposes just a socks proxy to the client over a LAN ip23:51
ikoniatekk: it's not as simple as just round robbin23:51
Jeruvyikonia, you could do that with a sony eriksson MD400 for example on a desktop.23:51
TimeRider_UKDX099_live : windows needs lots of space.. lots of memory...23:51
tekkenlighten me… if an IP connection is given over eth0 to client1 and returned the same route… what could be an issue?23:52
TimeRider_UKDX099_live inneficient coding23:52
orbitwhitetekk, ok u got roundrobin what will it solve according to ur plan?23:52
tekki understand if its transmitted via eth0 and returned over eth1 for example23:52
JeruvyDX099_live if you not going to do a lot with it you should be fine but yes when it says 60GB is recommended you should listen :)23:52
tekkorbitwhite, it means that my wife can be watching iplayer whilst i play spotify23:52
ubuntu-tester1ero-jiji: do you want to share via ftp?23:52
ikoniatekk: a bonded interface is not a physical device oviously, so you are going to have multiple networks routing packets to a single host23:52
HamtechpersonHow do you save in nano?23:52
tekkboth using different backbones23:52
jribHamtechperson: the bottom explains (you want to press ctrl-o)23:53
BroUnicornI made my usb into a pen drive using the software that I was told to use via the ubuntu website23:53
DaemonicApathyHamtechperson: make  change, then exit.23:53
ero-jiji@ubuntu-tester1 no, i need it shared to a second user account on the same machine23:53
tekkso ikonia, without any bonding at all… what danger is there in making a simple socks proxy that selects several physical interfaces and chooses them on a round robin basis?23:53
BroUnicornI did it on the Windows partition that I have boot camped on my mac. NOW, how do I actually run and use ubuntu?23:53
tekkas a possible "solution"23:53
NukienCan anyone point me in the right direction to create my own udeb for inclusion on a customized ISO that can use dialog to ask questions of the user?23:53
tekk(its a real question, i wanna know what point i'm missing)23:53
tekk*so i don't waste my time23:53
orbitwhitetekk, as for me u already do, but u will realize it later23:54
orbitwhiteat this point seems like its impossible to explain why this idea not worth it23:54
tekkso you suggest the best practise for now is to just give my wife 1 dongle whilst i use the other?23:54
ubuntu-tester1ero-jiji: is sharing with any account OK?23:54
tekkas god intended23:54
orbitwhitethis is the only solution according to provided facts as i see it23:55
HamtechpersonIt worked! Thanks everyone!23:55
ero-jiji@ubuntu-tester that would be fine, theres only my admin account, and 2 accounts im setting up on it, its a remote server so i dont have physical access23:55
TimeRider_UK:) pleased to be of assistance hamtechperson :)23:55
NukienGood example would be the tasksel screen, which asks the user which tasks to include23:55
tekkand i doubt anyone is using bond0 interface for an enterprise solution…. so what is it used for?23:55
tekkor is it a left over kernel artifact23:56
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : case matters a lot :)23:56
ikoniatekk: bonding is used for MANY enterprise solutions23:56
ubuntu-tester1BroUnicorn: boot from pen drive, use, install23:56
tekkubuntu linux kernel bonding?23:56
ikoniatekk: linux kernel bonding, yes23:56
ikoniait's a very good solution23:56
BroUnicornubuntu-tester1: How do I boot from the pen drive though? Especially since I'm on a mac.23:56
NukienSorry - meant pkgsel, not tasksel23:56
tekki thought people would prefer a hardware solution23:56
tekkgiven enough money23:56
HamtechpersonFigured that out on yer own, did ya TimeRider?23:57
ikoniatekk: some do, but it's a good solution, so more than usable by many people23:57
orbitwhitetekk, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_bonding23:57
TimeRider_UKHamtechperson : no, I asked in here :p23:57
tekkcan you give me a use case other than link agg23:57
tekkso i can understand it better23:57
DaemonicApathyBroUnicorn: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht194823:57
ubuntu-tester1!mac | BroUnicorn23:57
ubottuBroUnicorn: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:57
HamtechpersonBroUnicorn, can you get at the BIOS of the computer?23:57
ero-jiji@ubuntu-tester1 that would be fine, theres only my admin account, and 2 accounts im setting up on it, its a remote server so i dont have physical access23:57
ikoniatekk: not really for this channel, but the wiki is quite good23:58
BroUnicornHamtechperson: On a mac? I'm not quite sure. I have Windows partitioned on it already, so I hold alt when the computer starts up and can choose between Mac Windows and Recovery HD, but the usb does not show up among those options.23:58
slowwritespeeddoes partition table matter?23:58
ubuntu-tester1ero-jiji: give that folder proper permissions (readable by others) with chmod23:58
tekkthe wiki describes the wrong kind of bonding23:58
tekkthere are something like 4 methods available in kernel bonding23:59
orbitwhitetekk, u asked for examples, u can expand from that wiki on google23:59
ubuntu-tester1ero-jiji: chmod -R u+r /path/to/folder23:59
XeagoI installed ubuntu server and can access the server fine from local network23:59
orbitwhiteto discover certain cases and solutions where it used23:59

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