
ttoine10cm of snow here. the world around me is slow or still.08:11
smartboyhwlen-1304, zequence ttoine how you guys doing???08:15
ttoinehello smartboyhw 08:15
ttoinehere, it is snow white. and in a big french city, it means all is slow or still. it means it is hard to use a car,08:17
smartboyhwttoine, how's Ubuntu Studio going these days?08:17
* smartboyhw missed three weeks just for exam purpose08:17
ttoinefor my part, I am doing a lot of tests with mixbus, and soon with lighworks08:17
* smartboyhw goes download a new ISO for testing:P08:18
ttoineand I work with a small non profit studio in order to install this week a ubuntu studio workstation for audio production. I hope I will be able to make a kind of white paper08:18
ttoinesmartboyhw, i saw that some work has been done with PA and jack08:19
smartboyhwttoine, that's probably zequence's08:19
smartboyhwzequence, saw your kernel maintenance guide nice one08:19
smartboyhwttoine, good post08:20
ttoinesmartboyhw, very interesting.08:46
smartboyhwInteresting things are what we need08:46
* smartboyhw goes to work on Xfce translations08:47
zequencesmartboyhw: The kernel maintenance guide is not ready yet. Things have a way to not work as one expects, so I'll need to fill it with more info later on11:16
smartboyhwzequence, for my part is that the script cannot startnewrelease for me, it shows an error11:16
zequencesmartboyhw: The script will only work, if there's something to update. But, there should be no error. Just a "everything is already up to date"11:17
smartboyhwzequence, I mean when there IS something to update:P11:18
zequencesmartboyhw: The guide is not complete, so there might be some error11:18
zequencesmartboyhw: If you want to understand how it all works, just study the script in detail11:19
zequenceThe commands are not that difficult. Most of it is just creating the variables for release tags, etc11:19
smartboyhwzequence, the problem is that it says there's no changelog in debian11:19
zequenceAnd making sure the commits are pretty looking11:19
* smartboyhw did read through the script11:19
zequencesmartboyhw: You didn't do debian/rules clean11:19
smartboyhwzequence, hmm let me try again (I did do it however)11:20
zequencesmartboyhw: If you did it, and had all the dependencies installed, you'd have a changelog11:20
smartboyhwzequence, ok. But I can't understand why we have to do the work in GitHub..... 11:21
zequencesmartboyhw: It doesn't matter where it is. Probably we'll be uploading to PPA later, and have the packages built there. Then, they just sync from there11:23
zequenceThe important part is we get control of the source, and they are fine with how we do things11:23
smartboyhwzequence, so you actually did the last update wow:D11:25
smartboyhwzequence, the thing is that you should write a guide for updating metas (small work)11:26
zequencesmartboyhw: I don't do the metas. They are done automatically somehow11:26
smartboyhwzequence, ooh11:26
* smartboyhw doesn't know that11:26
smartboyhwsadly there are no new kernels, if not I would really want to try the guide once-out11:27
zequencesmartboyhw: If you subscribe to bug reports for linux-lowlatency, you'll be notified of the next update11:27
zequenceThe bug doesn't have a version in the name initially. Once the source is uploaded, the bug name changes to include the version11:28
smartboyhwzequence, I will now:D11:30
Len-nbsmartboyhw, pulse is still getting fixed.It is not a done deal yet.14:00
smartboyhwLen-nb, ouch I just submitted a pass result in the QA Tracker for Cadence week 414:05
Len-nbThe test is simple14:06
Len-nbrun audacious with some audio. Then start jack with qjackctl14:07
Len-nbJack should still start.14:07
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
ttoinezequence, the 12.04 is far more light and stable than the 12.1015:47
ttoineand it seems that the nouveau driver is not so bad15:47
zequencettoine: I haven16:10
zequence't tried nouveau very much yet, but I know AMD free drivers are awesome16:11
zequenceExcept, the card gets hot16:11
zequencettoine: I feel 12.04 is a bit lighter too, but I get the feeling they only do serious optimizations for the LTS releases16:12
ttoinezequence, I spoke with didrocks. He told me that the main aim for 13.04 is to make Ubuntu and Unity as light as possible for ARM and phones16:48
ttoinezequence, do you think it may cause a problem with a A4 or A6 AMD CPU + integrated GPU ? or only with pci cards ?16:49
scott-workttoine: do you have any other items to report regarding helping your friend set up a studio?16:50
* scott-work is going into a meeting now but will be back in thirty minutes (hopefully)16:51
ttoinescott-work, not at all16:52
ttoineis it boring ? or anoying ?16:52
zequencettoine: Don't know. PCI is definately a problem. A friend of mine has two in crossfire, and we played some 3D games using the free drivers. All went well, until the cards got overheated17:11
zequenceI told him not to use the free drivers any more after taht17:11
zequenceFrom reading about it, it seemed like the free drivers can't regulate power to the cards, or something like that17:12
scott-workttoine: "is it boring? or anoying?"...is that regarding my meeting? a scheduling meeting for three offices and two plants all across the US is certainly not boring but absolutely frustrating18:19
scott-worki'm just now back, btw18:19
scott-workpart of the trouble is was the EOY and the holidays. we pushed so much work to the shops for the end of year but didn't complete those jobs as we normally would, but now we have the normal january work PLUS the left over from dec.18:20
scott-workttoine: i am curious on how your installation went because i don't think we have enough documented experience with setting up a studio. i am very curious to where the opportunities lie for us to improve18:25
ttoinescott-work, oh, no.... my question is it boring or anoying was about your " do you have any other items to report regarding helping your friend set up a studio?" question18:27
scott-worki don't find it either boring or annoying, perhaps relieving but disappointing at the same time18:28
ttoinescott-work, one of my contact in Nantes, fr, is a guru of video production (live broadcast, films, etc.) and I hope he will help me to do the same for a video production workstation with cinelerra or lightworks18:28
scott-workttoine: that would be incredibly informative :-D  i hope he helps as well18:29
scott-workttoine: have you (or he) tried either blender or kdenlive for video?18:29
scott-workttoine: and which version of cinelerra would you use? i believe there are two version18:29
ttoinescott-work, he tries everything. At the moment, he is considering that Open Shot, Blender and Cinellera are the most interessant floss18:30
ttoinescott-work, the community one is more stable18:30
scott-workttoine: that is surprsing to hear that he views open shot more interesting that kdenlive18:30
ttoinescott-work, he is interested by the open effects framework. too bad this is not supported by cinellera at the moment18:31
scott-workis that the ML-whatever it is called ?18:32
scott-workkdenlive uses it as well i believe18:32
ttoinescott-work, and he already uses blackmagic gstreamer acceleration pci cards for some live video performance application. Scenic is one of the framework he is using. So for him, Pitivi, wich is based on gstreamer, would be a very good editor if it would be seriously developped18:33
ttoinescott-work, by the way, he is a sony vega demonstrator, and he know very well the r&d team of France Television, the french public tv and radio broadcasting company18:35
ttoineHe knows so much about all that stuff... I hope I can get some of his time for us18:36
zequencettoine: You should interview him about Ubuntu Studio, and put up some stuff. Sounds like a great resource, that guy18:36
zequenceOr, just the apps he's using.18:36
ttoinezequence, yes18:37
ttoinewe are not living in the same area, but when possible we have a drink a speak about all that18:37
zequencettoine: Actually, we could probably do interviews on each other, since all of us use US for something18:54
zequenceWould be nice to do that sometime18:54
zequenceDo a series of interviews with the all the people involved in developing Ubuntu Studio18:55
scott-workttoine: wow. i also hope you get some of his time. that would be incredible to get his feedback/knowledge/experience18:55
zequenceInteresting link was posted on the jack mail list about a new audio server for Chrome OS, based on jack and pulseaudio https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/chromium-os/chromiumos-design-docs/cras-chromeos-audio-server21:31
len-1304ttoine, I have found the  nouveau driver seems to have improved each new release. I do, however, have an older card.22:21
ttoinelen-1304, I agree. Performance is quite goog now with the nouveau driver. The only difference is that with the nvidia driver, the image seems to look better when working on pictures or watching a film22:39

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