
lelapinI have a question. If anybody's awake and has time for me :)00:00
lelapinFirst of all (maybe this might be the way I can get your attention) I *love* Ustudio. ;)00:03
antivapor1http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/10/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-legacy.html hopefully is my solution, will know on reboot :]00:07
lelapinallo le bar ????00:16
lelapinsalut antivapor100:16
antivapor1good news! my monitors now show up separate00:17
antivapor1BUT, they dont stay when i drag them00:17
lelapingood for you ! I just would like to repair an Ustudio without erasing all my /home :D00:18
lelapinMake it I'm just beginning to handle this stuff :)00:18
lelapinYou mean you can have 2 separate monitors ? Is it under Xfece ?00:19
antivapor1this might help, but i'm not very expert with ubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/202857/cant-install-ati-proprietary-drivers-in-12-1000:19
lelapinit's not abour ptop drivers, juste the install00:21
lelapinsince 10.04 there's no "ezpair" any more00:21
lelapinI just hope the new release can self-install/fix everything :)00:23
lelapinsorry... I'm bothering you00:25
antivapor1you're not bothering me, i just dont know anything about it :)00:25
lelapinyou mean you never had ti repair a Ustudio system ?00:26
antivapor1len-1304: should i make a script in arandr?00:26
antivapor1i see that i dont have an xorg.conf..00:28
antivapor1oh, i guess its not used anymore00:31
antivapor1i dont really want to make a script to run.. i'd rather permanently set this up :/http://askubuntu.com/questions/215277/create-startup-terminal-program00:32
len-1304antivapor1, The best way I know is to use the display setup00:33
len-1304Once you have the monitors where you want them then chaneg any setting in the display settings and then back. It will auto save00:34
len-1304This will break if you ever boot without one of the monitors plugged in.00:34
antivapor1okay, when i move one, it just moves itself back. lol00:34
len-1304Move using?00:35
len-1304with arandr?00:35
antivapor1for real00:35
len-1304Is there an ATI utility to go with the driver?00:35
len-1304look under accessories or settings00:36
antivapor1yes, but just resolutions and such, no dual monitor that i can see00:36
antivapor1what! nvm, feel silly, i found it00:37
antivapor1thanks for the help :D00:37
lelapinlen-1304, ? Can you help me ?00:38
len-1304For what it was worth :)00:38
len-1304I can try...00:38
len-1304What is broken?00:38
lelapinWell. I tried Ustudio and loved it at the first glance.00:38
lelapinBut I have about 9 HD online, some are NTFS00:39
len-1304And I thought 3 was bad...00:39
lelapinI don't reboot much, but since a few weeks it doesn'y do it any more, must use some tricks to boot correctly, and it doesn(t recognize all of USB HD00:40
lelapineven if i disconnect all external HDs00:40
len-1304Ok, where have you got grub?00:40
lelapinthat leaves me 400:41
len-1304So you have sda, sdb, sdc and sdd?00:41
lelapinI use UBCD but the problem is afetr Ustudio boots the first part00:42
lelapinlol, it seems it remebers up tu sdh00:42
lelapinI mean there are two problems in fact00:42
len-1304Are the drives always in the saem order?00:43
lelapinsome are remote (3 USB HD, some USB jeys...) and 4 are SATA (2 NYFS) and 2 ATA00:44
lelapinthe fixed ones are always at the same place on the interfaces, the others are USB or eSATA00:45
lelapinthe thing is I xan't find any software that can help me fix permanently the problems for all USB/NTFS HDs and USB keys00:46
len-1304You are sounding beyond me.00:47
lelapinnd now when I reboot it just hangs00:47
lelapinI'ld like ti be able to have two screens, so don't look down :D00:48
lelapindid u try 12.10 ? Is it ok ?00:50
len-130412.10 was fine for me, now testing 13.0400:50
lelapinIs there a Ustudio 13.03 ?00:51
lelapinIs there a Ustudio 13.04 ?00:51
len-130413.04 is alpha right now.00:51
lelapinIs it stable ?00:51
len-1304 They come out every 6 months so .10 to .04 to .10 etc00:52
lelapinAnd what about 12.10 ?00:52
len-130412.10 has been released.00:52
lelapinwhat d'you think about ? They said it would be a great advance ?00:53
len-1304There are some changes, but everything is incremental.00:54
len-1304It depends on what you want to do.00:54
len-1304Any of them seem to record audio00:55
len-1304work well as a stage synth00:55
len-1304do graphics ... etc.00:56
lelapinDo you think I should use do-release-upgrade ? How does it work ?00:56
lelapinI do sound, synth, HD videos, photo00:56
len-1304Release up grade is ok so long as you are at least at 12.0400:56
lelapinI'm 12.04. So what should I do ?00:57
len-1304You may have to add the photography meta though00:57
len-130412.04 works pretty good, is there something you would like missing?00:57
len-130412.04 will continue getting updates longer than 12.1000:58
lelapinwell, I'm working with Canon EOS and its RAW's not supportef, and I can't even make extfat work on my machine... :(00:58
len-1304I would not know about that.00:59
lelapinCanon RAW's proprietary00:59
len-1304I am mostly audio and record mostly acoustic sounds. (that is I don't do much in synth sounds)00:59
lelapinso, tell me the best and simplest way to get to 12.10. :)01:00
len-1304In my case I normally start from scratch.01:03
len-1304Install on an empty drive and copy my home dir into it.01:03
lelapinI found this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades01:04
lelapinlen-1304, I'm trying it... Feel no fera my friend. ;)01:12
yugnipi am trying to compile an app that depends on openGL which i thought i had, but for some reason the app doesn't http://pastebin.com/L4uJQvd202:20
yugnipubuntu 12.1002:20
yugnipnvm, i got it03:34
warrior_any one can help me09:22
warrior_how to install graphic driver on lenovo g46009:22
warrior_ please help me09:22
warrior_why no one reply.... my voice here????09:23
lelapinlen-1304, It worked ! :)09:36
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studio-user679Perhaps I am misunderstanding things, but are the login sessions configured differently in US12.10?14:05
studio-user679I seem have different files and programs available on the XFCE side than I do on the US side14:05
studio-user679at least while going through with synaptic14:05
zequencestudio-user679: The available programs is not determined by the session, as those are not in user settings14:09
zequencestudio-user679: Whatever is enabled in /etc/apt/sources* will show14:09
zequencestudio-user679: Do you have an example of a program that you cannot find in one of the sessions?14:10
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
lemonbarI'm installing ubuntu-studio 12.10 on a Toshiba Satellite P-740, dual boot win7  and it is taking forever in post-installation - is this normal?  I've had this set-up before and it worked pretty well16:26
lemonbaralso, I had an interruption in my wireless connection during the install...16:28
holsteini *never* install packages during install17:14
tete_hi, can someone please help me how to configure jackd to get my guitar working? i can see that the signal goes in but i can not hear anything :/20:17
tete_i even connected all inputs/outputs in jackd but still no sound20:17
holsteintete_: what audio device?20:17
holsteintete_: i would remove the guitar from the equation20:18
tete_for testing at the moment my laptop audio card :)20:18
tete_input comes from the rocksmith usb cable20:18
holsteinopen something like audacious, choose a known good audio file, play it with jack as the source20:18
holsteintete_: using multiple devices in JACK is not trivial20:18
tete_ok... will try that20:18
holsteintete_: you could use jack to record from the USB device and *not* monitor the guitar there20:19
holsteintete_: the rocksmith might not work with alsa20:20
tete_i am not even able to get a mp3 playing 0o20:22
tete_it just does not start, tried it with xine and audacity20:23
tete_and i have not seen where to set the audio daemon to jackd20:23
holsteintete_: i would remove variables20:23
holsteintete_: you are testing players and files and JACK and interfaces all at once20:24
holsteintete_: i would stop JACK20:24
holsteinopen audacious.. test a file20:24
holsteinchange audacious to JACK and test that *same* known good audio file with JACK20:24
holsteintete_: im leaving soon.. head to #opensourcemusicians if its dead in here20:25
tete_jack is stopped but audacious is still not playing.. very strange20:25
tete_ok thanks20:25
holsteintete_: is it a file you have codecs for?20:25
holsteintete_: will it play in something like VLC?20:26
tete_its a mp3 file and i just installed the codecs20:26
tete_will install vlc and test it with that...20:26
holsteinafter that is sorted, then test anc configure JACK20:26
tete_jop, thanks :)20:26
holsteinyou wont easily use JACK with the USB device and the internal sound card at the same time20:26
holsteinand the latency would be awful anyways20:26
tete_thats no problem... as its only for testing20:27
tete_hm vlc still no sound20:27
holsteintete_: then, you are either still running jack in the background, or you have no sound20:28
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:28
tete_ok sound is now working... had to change the snd-hda-model in the alsa conf, maybe the guitar is now working too20:41
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:47
tete_hm as soon as i kill jackd the audio works, when i start it, no player starts the playback20:48
antivaporhi! i see empathy isn't on ubuntu studio by default, anyone know how to add it?23:44
antivapornvm! its as easy as sudo apt-get install empathy...23:45
antivaporit usually is..23:45

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