
alexandros_cgood night everyone01:20
alexandros_cI just recently installed xubuntu and have notice that hibernate is disable and restart is missing. I tried the fix in a ubuntu forum but it did not work. does anyone know how to fix these issues?01:22
_DADDYi got xubuntu and my cpu is only running at 1400 whereas it should be 2.701:44
ToZ_DADDY, in ubuntu, the default cpu governor is "ondemand" - meaning it will cycle up the cpu when there is a load that requires the higher cpu cycles and cycle down when there is a lower load.01:55
Unit193_DADDY: Run  openssl speed   and check again.02:00
_DADDYna still 140002:01
ToZ_DADDY, run "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"02:03
_DADDYya was the gov i have to run a bunch of crap to get it to move02:07
_DADDYthink i should adjust gov settings?02:08
drcAnd why would you want to do that?02:08
_DADDYidk it seems like its lagging behind alot02:08
_DADDYwhat do you use for a terminal? is terminator any good?02:10
ToZxfce4-terminal is the default02:11
xubuntu065Hi, my name is Hugo and I just would like to say to the devs and maintainers of xubuntu that xfce is great and xubuntu is amazing!02:20
xubuntu065Sorry, could not find a better place to express my feelings :)02:22
raytrayoops sorry04:11
v1adimirraytray: ctrl+a+d :P :D04:13
=== greenwolfwolf is now known as n2tech
MoL0ToVi just removed /home/user/Documents and replaced with a symlink that link to a dir. but if i try to browse with tunar, don't work. How to fix?09:13
s0mm3onzHello, anyone here? I have a problem with installing particular software. The software is named "Network Tools" and i've installed it from the Ubuntu Software Center. The problem is that Ubuntu Software Center tells me that it's installed, but i can't find the software in the Application Menus. Any help would be appreciated.11:46
s0mm3onzOh, i've found it in settings. Nevermind than. :)11:48
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
iLogicalthe power management settings cannot be opened13:12
iLogicalit gets loading forever13:13
xubuntu737I am having problems with my projector.  I can't get it to connect to my Daktech netbook.  If I turn the computer off while the projector is plugged in, it will connect, but I can't see anything on the computer screen, only the laptop screen. If I try to plug the projector in after the computer is on, and use the FN F6 function, it just doesn't work.  Can you help?16:57
xubuntu737I meant turn the computer ON while projector is on and connected through VGA16:58
holsteinxubuntu737: i usually troubleshoot with a known good monitor.. then i can usually know better how to deal with the projector17:15
holsteinxubuntu737: the funtion keys are usually specific to the hardware, but arandr is a handy tool i usually get dual head working with17:15
recon_lapis it just me? my firefox seems to be very sick, the menus suddenly very unresponsive and getting lots of screen shredding!!17:18
holsteinrecon_lap: could be the graphics card.. or unrealistic expectations of the hardware?17:19
recon_lapicore-5 with 6gb , think something is up :(17:20
holsteinrecon_lap: try as a different user to remove your user config from the equation.. try another web browser... try isolating flash17:21
recon_lapgoing to try as a different user17:25
recon_laphmm, seems to be related to my profile, firefox runs fine in different login17:30
drcrecon_lap: try renaming ~/.mozilla and starting FF (with a new profile)17:36
drcYou can add what you want one at a time and see what it was17:37
holsteinyeah, then you dont lose anything too.. i mean, theres likely some things in there you want to keep17:37
recon_lapthx, will try that17:47
recon_lapremoved .mozilla and restarted, a bit better, but the menu is still very unresponsive.18:16
holsteinrecon_lap: if it runs as expected as a new user with a default config, then id say the issue is in your config.. could be added plugins or anything in there18:20
Zelouillerecon_lap: there is also a "-safe-mode" parameter, which disable extensions and themes for the session. That could help.18:20
recon_lapthx for the suggestions, just realized that i installed a lot of DVD player junk a couple of days ago. might be a cause. but I'm not sure whats really wrong.18:26
holsteinrecon_lap: the same "junk" should be installed as the other user, correct?18:28
holsteinrecon_lap: the main difference in your user and the other user is the config file... if using a different config file "fixes" it, then its safe to assume the issue is in there18:29
holsteinrecon_lap: i would just grab your mozilla config and rename is as Zelouille suggests and try it.. adding back what you need til you figure out what is the issue18:29
holsteinas drc suggested *18:30
recon_lapholstein: I did rename .mozilla, firefox is still running slow.18:31
=== jamur2__ is now known as jamur2
xubuntu572so, how do you actually download xubuntu? since the links on the download page apparently don't work at all.20:38
xubuntu572and while we're at it: how do you report the links that don't work?20:39
Unit193xubuntu572: Let me poke at something.20:42
David-Axubuntu572: what do you mean "links on download page does not work"? it works for me. (you have to choose either to download via torrent or select a mirror site) (and choose between 32 and 64 bits)20:44
Unit193xubuntu572: Where are you looking at?  I clicked on several with no issues, and they pulled up the page as expected.20:44
xubuntu572Right, I select a mirror site, get to a page with a lot of links (12.04), none of which actually work.20:45
Unit193Clicking on the .iso rather than .jigdo?20:46
xubuntu572is that a problem?20:47
Unit193Weird, I'm still not having issues.  Can you give an exact link?20:47
xubuntu572page with links is http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/12.04/release/20:47
Unit193Which file?20:47
xubuntu572the links show in the status bar when hovering, but nothing actually happens when clicking20:47
xubuntu572xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso17-Aug-2012 18:17682M20:48
Unit193http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/12.04/release/xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso is downloading for me at 1.38MB/s with an ETA of 8m 47s20:49
xubuntu572ok, the link you just sent in chat is working fine20:49
xubuntu572the webpage itself is no-go20:49
Unit193That's the link I clicked on the site, what browser?20:50
Unit193Some browsers are very quiet about when you click it.20:50
xubuntu572I've never seen this before in chrome20:50
Unit193Well, at least you have it working now.20:50
skellatIt is generally better to use a download tool like wget or aria2c to grab an ISO in lieu of a browser by itself20:50
xubuntu572thanks, and do you know how to report the issue with the webpage?20:51
Unit193xubuntu572: Well, you'd normally contact the provider, but as I said, I can't hit that issue here.  skellat is right too, download tools, or bittorrent clients are the best way to go (except if you already have part of the download, then rsync or zsync)20:52
ForgHmm, I have an odd issue. It seems that the display manager/switcher allows me to easilly switch display settings on dual monitors in ubuntu21:09
Forgbut not in xubuntu...21:09
Forgwould anyone happen to know if it's possible to run the display manager from ubuntu in xubuntu somehow?21:09
Unit193Install and use arandr, more info at...21:13
ubottuLists of common questions and answers about Xubuntu can be found at http://xubuntu.org/news/category/faq/.  See also: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions21:13
Unit193I've actually done it before, pretty easy to use.21:14
ForgI'll check it out. Thanks :)21:15
Forgon a similar note, I have a few issues with the sound manager in xubuntu, yet the ubuntu sound manager works just fine (default on both for 12.10).21:17
Forgis there a method of running ubuntu's sound manager in xubuntu?21:17
Unit193Forg: I have no idea what "Ubuntu's Sound manager" is.  pavucontrol should be installed, is that what you're having issues with?21:22
ForgYes, pavucontrol is what I mean.21:24
ForgI can't control my analog output (my built in audio) with my hardware volume control in xubuntu. Instead it adjusts the digital output only.21:25
Forgit does, however, work as it ought to in ubuntu21:25
Unit193Could always look at alsamixer.21:30

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