
alleeMhmm, when a lib is GPL 2+, then  the code using the lib can't be LGPL 2.1+, right?  (other way round is okay)00:20
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philwyettMorning. There is a conflict in the package kde-workspace_4.9.97-0ubuntu3. The new patch adds the line to install 'usr/share/kde4/services/kded/ktouchpadenabler.desktop' but this line is also in 'kde-workspace-bin.install'05:38
philwyettAlso the file 'usr/lib/kde4/kded_ktouchpadenabler.so' is listed in the 'kde-workspace-bin.install' file.05:59
soeegood morning08:19
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
alleeyofel_: thx for your support and uploading!09:57
Riddell< allee> Mhmm, when a lib is GPL 2+, then  the code using the lib can't be LGPL 2.1+, right?10:18
Riddellallee: it's all the same linking chain so there's no difference10:18
Riddellit's fine to do that10:18
* allee ponders10:29
alleeWouldn't this allow to wrap any GPL2 code with open source LGPL layer and than link to the LGPL wrapper.  As LGPL allows linking without forceing to open source it,  closed source code could make use of any GPL  code it likes10:32
tsimpsonit could only make use of the wrapper, not the GPL code directly10:36
tsimpsonlike how Qt can use GPLd libs, but still be LGPL10:37
Riddell"GPL2 code with open source LGPL layer" the result would be GPL10:49
Riddellbecause GPL linked with LGPL makes GPL10:49
mikhasyou'd need process separation to avoid that problem10:56
Riddells/avoid that problem/do an evil work around to avoid freedom/ :)11:00
kubotuRiddell: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"11:00
BluesKajHi all11:11
yofel_Riddell: as you were the one that originally disabled sanitizeBranch() in kubuntu-initial-upload, please review if this works for you: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation/revision/11912:02
Riddellok will take a look in a bit12:05
Peace-pavillionmmm installig 13.04 from mini iso = fail 12:21
Peace-pavillion:D some error selecting kde full 12:21
Peace-pavilliono kubuntu full12:21
Riddelldoes it say what error?12:23
Peace-pavilliondisplay is not set12:24
Peace-pavillioni am trying to set but i did not work 12:24
Peace-pavillionmmm lightdm started but... doens't work funny cuz i am writing from 13.04 from another computer12:27
Peace-pavillion:D wtf i forgot to install xserver-xorg-video-intel 12:29
Peace-pavillionRiddell: btw if you use mini iso and select kde-full or kubuntu ful  i don't remember well it doesn't install the proper driver ?12:30
Peace-pavillioninfact installing that package video-intell it started 12:31
alleeRiddel, tsimpson: summarizing:  LGPL using GPL stuff is allowed, but as result is GPL, it makes not much sense because every user of the LGPL code is forced to obey the GPL, right?12:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 1099508 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "missing FindHUpnp.cmake file" [Undecided,New]12:55
apacheloggerallee: makes sense from a code perspective12:57
apacheloggerthe LGPL pieces are only GPL as part of the work that contains the GPL code12:57
apacheloggeri.e. the binary12:57
apacheloggersource-wise they are still different code pieces, so I could go ahead and take a function from the LGPL code and put it into LGPL Qt12:58
apacheloggerallee: it's pretty much the thing why companies don't like GPL  ... if they were to include GPL code in a product and publish that they'd have created a GPL licensed binary thus required to also publish the GPL containing code of the binary artifact13:01
apachelogger(suffice to say there are ways to work around that... one of them being containing the GPL code in a *runtime loaded* *not necessary* plugin 13:02
apacheloggerthen the GPL code is no longer part of the larger binary and one would only need to release the unaltered GPL code + whatever is used to create the plugin portion13:03
apacheloggerPeace-: ping13:08
apacheloggeranyone with raring around?13:08
BluesKajapachelogger, yup 13:09
BluesKajmanaged to get it installed yesterday , still configuring stuff13:10
apacheloggerBluesKaj: what's the output of apt-cache rdepends xserver-xorg-video-all13:11
shadeslayerwe have an armhf ppa now13:14
apacheloggervirtual? :O13:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21927813:15
apacheloggerfabo: what's the roadmap for qt5 btw13:15
philwyettRiddell: Have you addressed the ktouchpadenabler issue in raring from the last update?13:15
apacheloggeroh actually someone asked me about active3 the other day13:16
apacheloggerwho as it? :O13:16
* apachelogger has 300 queries open13:16
yofel_the ppa has some active3 build, shadeslayer will know more13:17
yofel_shadeslayer: go rebuild PA3 as a test ;P13:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* apachelogger notes that one is not to use PA for plasma active while apachelogger is around as PA is something different13:18
yofelPlasma-Active 313:18
yofelfor other interpretations of PA see channel backlog of yesterday evenign13:18
shadeslayerI'll upload later tonight13:19
apacheloggerso at least two morons fell for your misuse of PA :P13:19
apacheloggerI'd rethink your acronym13:19
BluesKajapachelogger,  http://pastebin.com/fbwh0afe13:19
apacheloggerBluesKaj: thanks13:20
apacheloggerso it makes no sense that peace- had the intel driver not installed13:20
BluesKajapachelogger, np13:20
apacheloggeras kubuntu-desktop should depend on xserver-xorg one way or another and that depends on all drivers and that depends on intel13:20
yofellightdm recommends xserver-xorg, that's how it gets pulled in usually I think13:22
BluesKajapachelogger, I have no xorg file , using nvidia 310.19 driver on 8400gs card13:22
* apachelogger notes that using nvidia binary blob before release is mostly a bad idea13:23
apacheloggeror say before rc13:23
yofelthe blob works fine13:23
yofel(as long as you use the right one)13:24
apacheloggerBluesKaj: anywho, xorg configs are not necessary when autodetection works fine13:24
apacheloggersuch that it creates the config in-memory when loading the driver13:24
apacheloggerin case that is what you meant ;)13:24
apacheloggeryofel: as long as they don't break ABI :P13:24
apacheloggerwhich usually happens around beta I think13:24
apacheloggerah yes13:25
apacheloggertomahawk 0.6 building13:25
apacheloggeryofel: I upgraded jreen to 1.1.1 btw13:25
yofelwell, we can blame the Ubuntu-X folks for pushing new X right before beta then13:25
yofelah good13:25
yofeloh, new tomahaw, wheee13:25
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, just saying, I prefer not having broken X over having broken X so I usually use the free drivers until rc13:26
Riddellphilwyett: next on the todo list is htat13:26
apacheloggertho now all my systems are intel again, so not needed anymore :D13:26
apacheloggerintel ftw13:26
apacheloggeralso intel drver not so much :S13:26
yofelno comment on intel. As for nouveau the performance is similiar to intel and I can't use my DisplayPort with nouveau13:27
philwyettRiddell: Ok13:27
BluesKajyofel, i just ran nvidia-xconfig for safety's sake 13:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: so that buildtime <4hrs is a constraint for arm ppa?13:32
apacheloggerbut how would you know considering you cannot build with arm? :D :D13:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut?13:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: I just estimated from archive builds13:51
apacheloggerbut what if one wants to do that for a package that is not actually in archive13:59
shadeslayerthen you check it on the arm farm13:59
shadeslayerthat ScottK has13:59
ScottKWhich would work faster if apachelogger would re-enable the ice creaming.14:00
shadeslayerwell .. atleast have a super fast way of updating plasma active now14:02
apacheloggerI looked into that14:02
apacheloggerand something was a astray14:02
apacheloggerand you were not around14:02
apacheloggeror perhaps it is all set up14:02
shadeslayerwhoop whoop whoop https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active/+archive/ppa/+build/422203414:15
Riddellshadeslayer: so what's the status of active 3 packages?14:21
Riddellcos I see active 4 is in progress :)14:22
shadeslayernow that we have armhf packages we can ask people to test them on their N7's14:24
shadeslayerbut it's mostly done14:24
shadeslayerI think I need to update the rules a bit to point to the Active 3 branch14:24
Riddellbut what's stopping it being uploaded to the archive?14:24
shadeslayernothing apart from QA and updating rules14:25
shadeslayerI have no idea if it works14:25
shadeslayerbecause I haven't tested it at all14:25
Riddellwell does it work on your laptop?14:25
shadeslayerdidn't test, because I was working on other stuff after uploading it :(14:25
Riddellinteresting way of development :)14:26
Riddelldidn't you compile it locally and test?14:26
shadeslayerI did, but did not test :P14:26
Riddell"it compiles so it must work" :)14:28
shadeslayerhaha :D14:28
apacheloggerit's the way of the shades14:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: why n7 btw?14:52
QuintasanHonestly I have no idea whatsover as to why I passed Algebra15:09
QuintasanABSLOUTELY no idea.15:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: magic15:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: no particular reason, it's just that alot of people in here seem to have an N715:10
shadeslayerand there's atleast some kind of support from Canonical for it15:10
QuintasanFirst exercise was some equations with parameters magic - I was supposed to solve it using Gauss method but I failed somewhere in the middle15:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah15:12
apacheloggerdoesn't it run android?15:12
Riddellyofel: that kubuntu-automation change looks fine at a glance, well get a chance to test it out tomorrow I guess :)15:12
Quintasanoh my god15:13
Riddellapachelogger: there are ways of putting ubuntu on it and we hope to have images built soon (we hoped this in october)15:13
apacheloggerI suppose I was trolling that fact :P15:13
QuintasanHow on earth did he grade that, I've pulled pure BS in the third question and it was apparently correct.15:13
yofelRiddell: if it doens't poke me and I'll try to fix it - but simply turning that check off means loosing the out-of-sync-with-archive check for the branches15:13
apacheloggerQuintasan: when I was TA it regularly happened that a grade ended up in the wrong column :P15:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=135828074517081&w=215:14
apacheloggerunfortunately for the students I then checked and double checked :P15:14
QuintasanRiddell: Should things go as good as today we should have maliit-frameworks this Friday15:14
Riddellreminder: reviews needed for simon and oyranos packages in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages15:14
RiddellQuintasan: excellent :)15:14
Quintasanapachelogger: Thing is, I've got the paper back and he really gave me 5/5 points there15:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: I've found that it helps if you just go with it :P15:15
QuintasanIt was pure (excuse my poor wording) bullshit15:15
apacheloggerif it had been calculus I could explain it :P15:15
Quintasanshadeslayer: This ml post seems like another fail project ( see plasma-widget-kimpanel )15:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: kimpanel was fail?15:16
QuintasanBut this one might actually work out in case the user has fcitx installed since the developer himself is doing that15:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: I just wanted you to be informed about it, I don't know anything about input methods to give an opinion15:17
Quintasanapachelogger: Try running that in clean jp_JP install15:17
Quintasanor cn_CN for that matter15:17
apacheloggerso it's bugged?15:17
QuintasanDoes it even have a maintainer?15:17
apacheloggerisn't it in workspace?15:18
QuintasanRiddell: You need to tell me how to modify langpacks and not break anything if we want $ASIANLANG input method to work by default15:18
Quintasanapachelogger: No idea. I don't really care now.15:18
apacheloggeralso why modify langpacks?15:19
apacheloggeror to what end result15:19
Quintasanapachelogger: Input methods by default my friend15:19
* apachelogger shoudl go buy dinner or soemthing or nothing as people refuse to talk to him today15:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: stop talking nonesense15:19
apacheloggerso what would you modify to get there?15:19
QuintasanGo and install Kubuntu in some asian language and tell me inputting those symbols works.15:20
apacheloggerI fail to see the connection between a package providiing language files and localization TBH15:20
RiddellQuintasan: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common/  script build-l10n.sh15:20
RiddellQuintasan: it's not very elegant I'm afraid15:20
Quintasanapachelogger: chinese langpack for example should pull ibus-pinyin15:20
RiddellQuintasan: down at bottom it says cd language-pack-kde-$ubuntudep/debian/15:20
apacheloggerit's the most elegant bash you'll ever see15:20
Riddellso there about you need to put in something to add whatever new dependencies you want15:21
apacheloggerit even has pointers!!#@!15:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: so it is a matter of dependencies?15:21
RiddellQuintasan: correction, it's the most elegant bash you'll ever see.  but nevertheless, it is bash.15:21
QuintasanRiddell: Okay, I see. I will try doing it this weekend to, will push to bzr if it works.15:21
yofelapachelogger: where the hell do you have pointers in there?!?15:21
Quintasanapachelogger: more or less, things get more complicated if you have locale other than the language you want input but that's not reallty interesting15:22
apacheloggercase `eval "expr \"\$"$1"\" "` in15:22
yofelapachelogger: oh, the eval stuff?15:23
apacheloggerpointers for bash15:23
apacheloggerI had a nerdgasm when I came up wiht that15:23
apacheloggerit's so simple and yet so awesome15:23
Quintasanif locale is jp_JP and you install japanese lang pack then the langpack itself should pull ibus-anthy15:23
* yofel tried to keep kubuntu-batch-backport non-nerd readable15:23
Quintasansame for other asian languages15:23
Quintasanyofel: You get negative points in apachelogger's nerdranking :P15:24
apacheloggeryofel: that's why most bash looks like crippled crap :P15:24
yofelnow you assume that I care about that :P15:24
apacheloggerpeople not wanting to establish sane standards15:24
yofelapachelogger: IMO it looks rather sane15:24
Quintasanyofel: You don't? Oh well 15:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: so, if it is just about dependencies it's easy to do15:24
QuintasanI'm NOT sure if adding deps will solve everything15:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: in the template packaging you introduce another variable where you want the dependency15:25
QuintasanI have to add them, test it and only then we will see.15:25
apacheloggerthen you sub those in the build script15:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: you can simply edit the deb for testing15:25
apacheloggershould be faster(tm)15:25
* Quintasan will advocate the switch to fcitx15:26
Quintasanfcitx > ibus15:26
apacheloggerdpkg-deb -e foo.deb content15:26
apacheloggerah, nay, wrong15:26
apacheloggerdpkg-deb -x foo.deb content15:26
apacheloggerdpkg-deb -e foo.deb content/DEBIAN15:27
apacheloggerthen edit stuff in content/DEBIAN/15:27
apacheloggerto build a new deb15:27
apacheloggerdpkg-deb -b content bar.deb15:27
apacheloggerRiddell: what's the calligra portion in build-l10n suppoesd to do?15:29
apacheloggerah, I see15:29
apacheloggerRiddell, yofel: why not Recommends: calligra-l10n-$code?15:29
apacheloggerthis if there seems like a not very scalable idea15:29
apacheloggeralso the code seems to appear twice, for some reason15:30
* yofel hasn't touched that15:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: so to edit the entire magic ... you introduce a new variable in the meta packaging and then add a new sed to the bottom of build-l10n15:31
apacheloggersed -i "s/aaaUBUNTULANGDEPbbb/$ubuntudep/g" $dfile15:31
apacheloggerlike that15:31
apacheloggersomehwere you'll need to map languages to additional deps15:32
apacheloggerwhich you can do using the eval magic at the top of the file15:32
afiestas2 days ago shadeslayer told me that there are virtuoso debug symbols now (they weren't a few days ago)15:43
afiestashow do I download them?15:43
ubottudbgsym is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash15:44
yofelgo to the debug symbol packages part15:44
yofelafiestas: note that the debugging symbols are only avaliable on raring15:44
afiestasraring is 13.04, isn't it?15:45
BluesKajafiestas, yes it is 15:45
afiestascan we have them for 12.10?15:46
yofelby adding a -dbg package and putting that in some PPA it would be possible I guess15:48
sbivolhi, I'm trying to build a custom ubuntu image with live-build and I have added the medibuntu archive to config/archives/medibuntu.list.chroot16:21
sbivolI've also added medibuntu.key.chroot in the same folder. lb build stops with an error: „GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.com raring Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2”16:21
sbivolwhat am I doing wrong?16:21
Riddellwhat's lb?16:22
Riddellwhat's the custom image?16:22
sbivolRiddell: „lb” is a wrapper for live-build programs. custom image is the custom Live ISO image I'm trying to build16:24
sbivolRiddell: this is the documentation that I'm folloowing: http://live.debian.net/manual/3.x/html/live-manual.en.html#36816:25
Riddellthat's a debian tool, no idea if it'll work on ubuntu16:26
Riddellsbivol: is it a kubuntu remix you're making?16:26
Riddellshadeslayer might have pointers for that16:26
shadeslayerok so16:26
Riddellhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization is the easy one to follow16:26
sbivolRiddell: yes, it's a Debin tool, but heavily ubuntu-oriented. I just thought that the official Kubuntu images are also built with live-build...16:28
shadeslayerthey are16:28
shadeslayerkind of16:28
shadeslayerthe squashfs is built by live-build then handed over to some tool that creates the actual CD16:29
shadeslayerbut live-build will suffice 16:29
shadeslayersbivol: I recommend installing ubuntu-defaults-builder16:29
sbivolshadeslayer: is there a recipe for building an official Kubuntu image with live-build? at least to the squashfs stage16:30
shadeslayernope, but I have a script to create Netrunner Images16:30
shadeslayersbivol: see https://github.com/netrunner/live-build16:30
shadeslayermore specifically netrunner-image-builder.sh16:30
shadeslayerbut that's heavily customized16:31
shadeslayersbivol: I recommend installing ubuntu-defaults-builder and playing around with /usr/bin/ubuntu-defaults-image16:32
sbivolshadeslayer: thank you very much, netrunner-image-builder.sh is priceless16:34
shadeslayernp :)16:34
shadeslayersbivol: if you get stuck, read the live-build manual :P16:35
sbivolshadeslayer: I did, but it only says „Add the keys to config/archive”, with no mention of the key format or troubleshooting 16:35
sbivolIt's a key error, but I have no clue what exactly is wrong with the key, since I extracted it from the medibuntu-keyring package16:36
shadeslayerhttps://github.com/netrunner/live-build/blob/master/archives/medibuntu.key.chroot :P16:37
shadeslayerit was fun when I started out because the version of live-build in the archive was pretty old16:37
shadeslayerand then I asked cjwatson to updated lb and all hell broke loose because they changed the format16:38
sbivolyep, I have the exact same key16:38
shadeslayerso I had to redo everything16:38
sbivolshadeslayer: I see that the official documentation is up-to-date, but all the tutorials on the internet are not suitable for the current live-build16:39
shadeslayeryeah, the documentation is actually too new16:39
sbivoloh, and I'm trying to build raring :)16:39
shadeslayersbivol: oh oh, if you're trying to build raring on anything but a precise machine it won't work16:40
shadeslayerso I recommend building in a raring chroot16:40
sbivolI'm doing raring on raring16:40
shadeslayercool :)16:40
shadeslayerand the documentation on live.debian.net is for a different lb version than the one we have in Ubuntu16:41
shadeslayerand the ubuntu one has some customizations16:41
shadeslayerso if you find that the documentation has some feature while lb on your system doesn't really have, it's not a bug :P16:42
sbivolshadeslayer: I'll keep that in mind16:43
Riddellanyone got a windows 7 machine and able to test if ubiquity can detect the parition?  (from http://forums.netrunner-os.com/showthread.php?tid=134 )16:44
* shadeslayer needs to figure out a better way to add multiarch to ISO's16:44
Riddellis anyone on raring able to apt-get install kubuntu-full ?16:49
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: hi16:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: i have windows 716:50
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: have you installed kubuntu alongside it?16:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: no16:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: you mean dual boot?16:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ya16:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: 12.1016:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: also ubuntu 13.0416:51
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: and the partition option during install correctly identified the windows partition?16:51
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: for what verison?16:51
Riddellfor 12.1016:51
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: 13.04 was an upgrade from 12.1016:51
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: 12.10 kubuntu , the partions where deteched normally?16:52
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: 12.10 kubuntu , the partions where deteched normally16:52
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: great thanks16:53
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: Do you want me to confirm ?16:53
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: if you already installed 12.10 alongside windows 7 there's nothing more to confirm16:53
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: cool16:53
Riddellalthough it's a mystery why that users had the issue and why the mint guy had the issue testing with kubuntu16:54
shadeslayerRiddell: nope16:54
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: nope what?16:54
shadeslayercannot install kubuntu-full16:54
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: fails in between or doesnt start?16:55
Riddellshadeslayer: it's weird, it moans it can't install kde-workspace kubuntu-desktop16:55
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: does  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-full  work or break?16:55
Riddell(no need to install it, just does it let you)16:55
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: checking16:55
Riddellshadeslayer: but if I do  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-full kde-workspace kubuntu-desktop plasma-widgets-addons16:55
Riddellit works fine16:55
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: unmet dependencies 16:56
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: can you pastebin the output?16:56
shadeslayerRiddell: more fun, kubuntu-full the task will install fine16:57
shadeslayersudo apt-get install kubuntu-full^16:57
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/648734/16:57
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: yes same as me.  thanks16:58
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: forgot to tell you , i have beta ppas enabled16:59
yofelhm, in a raring chroot I get (with -proposed on if that matters):16:59
yofelThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:59
yofel kubuntu-full : Depends: kdegames but it is not going to be installed16:59
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: yw16:59
yofelwhich is because kmahjongg was rejected on i386 so nevermind17:01
Riddellmm, was it?17:01
yofelRiddell: does it fail with kubuntu-desktop already installed, or?17:01
yofelas in a plain raring chroot (without proposed), kubuntu-full seems to install fine17:02
Riddellsmelly old archive admin rejected it without telling me why17:03
sbivolshadeslayer: I see that in netrunner-image-builder.sh you use „config/archives/ubuntu-defaults.chroot.list” instead of „config/archives/ubuntu-defaults.list.chroot”. The docs specify the second naming scheme. Is there a reason for that?17:04
shadeslayererrr ... did they change it *again*17:05
shadeslayerit was foo.list.chroot earlier17:05
shadeslayerthen they changed it to foo.chroot.list17:05
shadeslayersbivol: just go with foo.list :P17:09
sbivoldoh... confusing.17:10
jussidunno who made that nice new wallpaper, but WOW17:17
shadeslayerwhich wallpaper?17:17
Riddellthe lovely oxygen team17:17
Riddellcome to fosdem and you can get a snazzy name sticker with the same17:17
jussishadeslayer: ^^17:18
shadeslayerah Elarun17:18
shadeslayerand yes, it's extremely awesome :D17:19
phoenix_firebrdRiddell:kubuntu-full can be installed now after an updating17:19
sbivolbtw, regarding the wallpaper: with KDE 4.10 on Kubuntu 12.10, the images used for lightdm, greeter and desktop background are the same, but look very different17:19
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: updatingkksysguard17:19
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: updating ksysguard17:19
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/648746/17:20
sbivolthe difference being in the way they are rendered. for example, the desktop background is very smooth, while the lightdm background has rough curves17:20
Riddellbah, usb-creator-kde needs python3-ising17:36
xnoxwhoops =/17:44
* xnox thought i did do it, did I not?!17:44
xnoxalthought I only just fixed a bug in the helper script....17:44
Riddellxnox: maybe you did, I'm testing from bzr now, but it's running very very slow17:48
Riddelli.e. taking a very long time to copy an image to my usb stick17:48
xnoxRiddell: currently there is "sync" remount option in the raring package that I need to revert. as it's way too slow.17:48
Riddellxnox: ./bin/usb-creator-kde in bzr uses /usr/bin/python and works fine but /usr/bin/usb-creator-kde in version 0.2.43 uses /usr/bin/python3 and breaks17:52
Riddelldoes something change the header to /usr/bin/python3 at package build time?17:52
xnoxyes. dh_python3.18:01
xnoxRiddell: do you not want python3? or you just want it to work?18:01
Riddellxnox: python 3 is fine, I'll look at porting it, will be interesting to learn how to do that18:03
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1100377] package ktouchpadenabler 4:4.9.97-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescr... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1100377 (by mercuriete)18:03
Riddellxnox: but could you tell me how to stop the sync mount option?  cos an hour to make an image isn't going to help my testing speed :)18:03
xnoxRiddell: look for ",sync" in the /usr/share/usb-creator/usb-creator-helper18:05
xnoxand remove it.18:05
Riddellhmm, tried that, still mounts it with sync18:05
xnoxRiddell: kill the spawned dangling helper on the dbus....18:05
xnoxRiddell: make sure a new one is spawned....18:05
Riddellthat it, thanks xnox 18:06
RiddellMamarok: nicks in #kde-devel might be interesting to you18:15
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1100377] package ktouchpadenabler 4:4.9.97-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescr... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1100377 (by mercuriete)19:04
shadeslayerRiddell: could you have a look at transmission in the unapproved queue?19:32
shadeslayerjussi: can you test https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/daily-builds19:32
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
=== jessie_ is now known as jessie|work
=== V is now known as heHATEme
=== heHATEme is now known as Obama
=== Obama is now known as vorian
Riddellshadeslayer: "The Unapproved queue is empty. "23:40
Riddellah, quantal23:40
Riddellshadeslayer: well it's all there but it needs ~ubuntu-sru to approve23:41

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