
=== slank is now known as slank_away
=== hggdh_AFK is now known as hggdh
twbWhere's the wiki article that describes malone's email command syntax?  I can never remember, and my search fu is weak05:30
twbAh, it's on help.launchpad.net; my problem was searching with site:wiki.ubuntu.com05:30
wgrantRight, it's a Launchpad thing, not Ubuntu05:31
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
teolemonI wondered whether there was anyone with the rights to increase the timeout limit for Search11:14
czajkowskiwhich search ?11:15
teolemonsuch as in this example11:15
teolemongive it a bit more room to complete the query11:15
czajkowskiwgrant: ^^11:16
wgrantWhen that page is slow, it's *really* slow. We can't sensibly increase it enough to make it succeed frequently.11:16
wgrantThe page needs to be fixed.11:16
teolemonok :-/11:17
teolemoneven one out of 10 would save the day11:17
teolemonto be honest11:17
wgrantSure, but we'd have to at least double or possibly triple the timeout11:17
wgrantWhich is not hugely sensible11:17
teolemonfair enough11:18
teolemoni reckon being more specific11:18
teolemonincreases my chances of having the query complete11:18
wgrantMmm, potentially a little.11:18
teolemonare there any factors, time of the day that may be useful11:18
wgrantIt's just that the translation system wasn't really designed for the sort of scale that that template requires.11:19
teolemonIn how many parts would we need to split the template to solve the issue ?11:21
teolemonto make search somehow work again11:22
wgrantThat's not really much of a solution.11:22
wgrantAnd I don't know a number.11:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
TeemuOhi, we have problems with branching14:42
TeemuO$ bzr branch -v lp:~codership/codership-mysql/5.5-23 5.5-23-114:42
TeemuOConnection Timeout: disconnecting client after 300.0 secondsimate 685479/68580414:42
TeemuObzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.14:42
TeemuObranching freezes every time at about the same position and connection eventually times out14:43
TeemuOany ideas what could be the problem?14:44
=== slank_away is now known as slank
idnarso I have a project that I previously maintained in Launchpad, but I've now handed maintainership over to someone else who is continuing development in Github16:15
idnarwhat's the correct way to point people away from Launchpad for the functions that are no longer being handled in Launchpad?16:15
idnar(I assume just deleting the project completely is not the thing to do)16:16
czajkowskieither delete it16:18
czajkowskior just add a note on the lp project page16:18
dobeyidnar: pyflakes?16:20
idnardobey: no, sorry, dosage16:20
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== slank is now known as slank_away
=== adam_g_ is now known as adam_g

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