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sim590I'm presently trying to trigger a script after I press the power button on my TF101.. I know the button's keycode from running "xev".. All I need is to know what what to put in the place of <trigger script> in xmodmap -e "keycode 142 = <trigger script>"05:52
sim590anyone's got an idea?05:52
sim590keycode is 124, by the way.. I inverted 2 numbers05:53
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dholbachgood morning07:17
dholbachogra_, janimo: do you think it'd make sense to do something ARM- or enablement-specific for UDW? we still have 3 open 30m slots: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable08:47
janimodholbach, TBH the last ARM sessions did not seem very successful :)08:47
janimoeither too techniocal or lack of hw makes people shy I guess08:48
* janimo checks the session names08:48
dholbachmaybe it'd help to advertise it in ARM/mobile specific lists and so on08:50
janimowe only have ubuntu-devel as a ml AFAIK?08:57
janimoor you mean outside ubuntu?08:57
dholbachwherever ARM/Ubuntu people hang out :)09:00
janimodholbach, this is the only dedicated channel, the mailing list is ubuntu-devel as it pertains to ubuntu as a whole09:04
janimoI am just not sure what ARM specific thing we could disucss because it would either be too technical09:04
janimoor if not, than not ARM specific09:05
janimoanything that is different on ARM should be low level details of plumbing and kernel which few people know or care about09:05
dholbachI just wondered if it might be interesting to talk about how in general ubuntu is brought to a new device and everything is enabled, images made and so on - I mean you are the experts - there's a lot people don't know about what you do :)09:09
janimothat is true, cdimage people like ogra and infinity know most about making images09:09
janimowould be a nice session to hold if we had easy to use tools to roll your own image09:10
janimobut there is none, besides scripting together debotstraap or live-build and which makes it error prone09:10
dholbachor maybe an overview over what the arm/mobile/device people do - just a description of the work that goes into it - there's a huge variety of things and it might be interesting to learn more about what's going on behind the scenes09:11
dholbach(as an idea...) :)09:11
janimoI am mostly thinking about what session could we have that people walk away from with info they can apply09:11
janimorather than just finding out trivia about ubuntu development :)09:11
janimoor at least that is what my impression was about the goals of open weeks, maybe I misunderstood partly :)09:12
janimooh by the way, happy birthday09:12
* janimo hugs dholbach09:12
dholbachthanks a lot janimo :)09:13
dholbachwell what you do HAS to do with development :)09:13
janimoit is development sure, I am just thinking it is nowhere near as readily described and copied/applied as a topic on packaging for example09:16
dholbachsure, but you always have that - some sessions are hands-on, clear-cut, others are an introduction to what a team is doing which might generate more interest09:16
janimoI wonder why no QML/phone SDK sessions there though09:16
janimoI am just basing my belief on the ARM FTBFS session I gave last year where I think only you asked a question to break the awkward silence :)09:17
dholbachjanimo, I just thought that with all the great stuff coming up regarding Ubuntu on ARM there must be a story we can tell09:47
dholbachat least one09:47
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ogra_dholbach, putr me in, i'll make something up about image building (and re-packing the nx7 image)10:29
dholbachogra_, 30m? 1h? Thu 31st Jan - 17:30 UTC?10:30
ogra_30m for a "talk" plus 30 for Q&A ?10:31
janimoogra saves the ARM team's honor again. \o/10:31
ogra_not sure i can fill the second half10:31
* ogra_ goes afk to shovel a ton of snow ... *sigh*10:32
dholbachogra_, thanks a bunch! I'll put you in there10:37
reiseiogra_: what type of rootfs image for nexus7 ? squashfs?11:18
janimoreisei, ext4 last time I installed11:21
janimoit is not a live image but a form of preinstalled - last  I checked at least11:22
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reiseijanimo: thanks.11:27
jmscomtechyhi is there a distro image available i would like to install buntu to my superpad but unsure on how to go about it anyhelp would be appreciated12:24
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hrwinfinity: can you take a look at alsa-{lib,utils} in {precise,quantal}-proposed queue and accept them?13:19
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xnoxmeh nexus7 needs charging.14:00
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focus_wellAnyone know if there is ubuntu distro available for IMX6Q Sabrelite board?15:58
ogra_focus_well, iirc linaro has ubuntu images for it, ask in #linaro15:59
focus_wellogra_: that was my first destination but they say they discontinue it and there are no distros to download from their Sabrelite web site https://wiki.linaro.org/Boards/MX6QSabreLite16:02
ogra_ah, well, we never had an mx6 image in ubuntu16:03
ogra_there were mx5 ones but they  wont run on mx616:03
focus_wellI am hoping to make something from sources for mx6 - are there going to be big problems (not expert at this)?16:04
focus_wellpardon my ignorance, can the sources for mx5 be worked on to make it work on mx6?16:05
focus_wellor is it down to lack of documentation that keeps mx6 from a decent ubuntu supported CPU?16:06
focus_wellThe iMX6Q (quad core) has come down in price to about $20 - opens up a lo of possibilities.16:07
ogra_mx5 cant be made to work on mx616:08
ogra_well, the images cant, you will need a different u-boot and kernel16:08
focus_wellogra_: Ah! So its just documentation and compiling to march mx5 into mx6?16:09
ogra_i know ppisati looked into addint devicetree support for mx6 to our current raring kernel, not sure where he got his image from exactly16:09
ogra_(for the userspace)16:09
focus_wellSaberlite did come with some sort of Linux, so if I got hold of the sources for that, I'd be able to compare and work out what to do?16:12
Tassadarquad core for $20? that is crazy Oo16:12
ogra_focus_well, indeed, yes16:13
ogra_you could also make something up on top of ubuntu-core if you are experienced16:13
focus_wellTassadar: http://uk.farnell.com/freescale-semiconductor/mcimx6q5eym10ac/mpu-i-mx6-quad-1ghz-624fcbga/dp/225317116:13
ogra_the sabre is an awesome board16:13
ogra_and ++ for actual SATA16:14
Tassadaroh, I thought you meant  the whole board16:14
focus_wellogra_: I am in the game to make an open source KiCAD SO-DIMM board with the iMX6Q and release it free of charge16:15
hrwogra_: I would say -- for freescale16:15
hrwI have a feeling that freescale produces cpus and do not care at all about supporting them16:16
ogra_depends how you define support16:16
ogra_if your definition is release a half finished BSP and move on to the next project, then they actually do support it :P16:17
focus_wellogra_: so its possible to just copy the circuit of the Sabrelite which is available online - chop unecessary bits (just have micro SD to boot + RAM + minimal bits) and then make the rest of the pins available out through the 200 pin SO-DIMM edge connector + fpc connectors.16:18
hrwogra_: ;DD16:18
hrwogra_: that's their definition indeed16:18
focus_wellTassadar: Sorry I meant chip price is $20 for quad core. Dual and single core chips probably a lot cheaper16:19
focus_wellI already try to start project with AllWinner A10 CPU - but their lack of documentation is putting the whole thing through sticky syrup16:20
hrwfocus_well: who cares about single/dual when quad is 20$?16:20
focus_wellNow that the quad core is $20, I'm thinking the AllWinner at $10 is not competitive16:20
ogra_hrw, makes of industrial stuff probably16:21
focus_wellSo if I make a SO-DIMM board, with quad core, and release all the circuit diagrams in KiCAD which is free for anyone to use, they can make their variants and sell it or whatever16:21
ogra_if your 600MHz beagle B1 like chip is capable enough you wont use any dual core solution16:21
focus_wellBut I need Ubuntu ported to it. What are my realistic prospects?16:21
ogra_for running some sensors in your factory or whatever16:22
ogra_focus_well, well, userspace will just run OOTB16:22
ogra_you need to make up the kernel and bootloader bits for it though16:22
focus_wellI wanted to have a proper tablet like computer with a speech and touch LCD with lots of GPIO pins and completely working open sourced KiCAD drawings and PCB so that anyone can go make product with it free of charge.16:23
TassadarIs like an actuall datasheet available for that processor?16:24
focus_wellI plan to port Gambas IDE so a Visual basic like software runs on the CPU + espeak - so the thing doesn't need any buttons - it accepts inputs from buttons designed on Gambas programs, and output is visual + voice16:25
ogra_intresting project16:26
Tassadarfocus_well: that seems like a pretty expensive thing to build16:26
focus_wellI already do all that work in software for cheap A10 matchbox computer  - http://www.gplsquared.com/mk802/mk802.html16:26
focus_wellI got stuck trying to get sources for all that Linux and datasheets for the A10.16:26
focus_wellDragging on 6 months16:26
ogra_A10 is crap16:27
* ogra_ isnt a fan ... 16:27
focus_wellThese days the CPU + display + RAM etc under $30 BOM costs16:27
wookeysurely it's better than the Pi chip?16:28
Tassadareven the touchscreens? Oo16:28
wookeywhich is the competition in that price bracket16:28
ogra_wookey, my ipaq is better than the Pi chip :P16:28
focus_wellTouch screen $7 for 4.3" - $13 for 7"16:28
* Tassadar is looking at the pi which is quetly sitting on his router, working as a dlna server16:29
Tassadarwau, that is quite low Oo16:29
focus_wellTassadar: CN factory prices - need to order 1000+ usually to get prices like that16:30
Tassadarthat CPU can't be soldered by hand, you need board made in factory...that kinda limits the "everyone can make one"16:31
focus_wellSo if I commit to make an iMX6Q board, is there a good chance by the end of the year I can get the software working?16:32
ogra_well, as i said, the userspace should work OOTB16:32
ogra_depends how well you can work out bootloader and kernel for your device16:33
focus_wellTassadar: just need a reflow oven - about $600 or less16:33
focus_wellogra_: What does 00TB mean?16:33
ogra_out of the box16:33
ogra_ubuntu userspace will run on pretty much every armv7 SoC16:34
focus_wellAh! I get it - so all I need is command line to be working on the board and the rest is just userspace?!?!?!?16:34
ogra_no, you need a kernel and a bootloader that work16:34
wookeycomand-line _is_ userspace -)16:34
KuschelwolleHerzlich Willkommen in der Freiheit! Kein Kick Kein Ban nur Fun! lg Lukas #ubuntu-de-offtopiic16:34
ogra_the bootloader boots, loads the kernel, the kernel gets executed and then mounts the root filesystem which contains the usersapce16:35
ogra_the last bit here will just work16:35
ogra_everything before the mounting needs to come from you (or someone)16:35
focus_wellOK - the boot loader - might be able to rework this - http://www.eewiki.net/display/linuxonarm/i.MX6x+SABRE+Lite16:36
focus_wellCompiling and getting the kernel to work will then be the hardest of the hardest part - I can spend months on it if that is what it takes16:37
focus_wellThanks guys for the chat.16:42
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