
evilthoughtwhat am I doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/p7KnXzwJ04:18
evilthought"tune2fs: Not a directory while trying to open /dev/sdb1//media/owner/WD_Drive"04:18
tsimpsonevilthought: why do you think /dev/sdb1//media/owner/WD_Drive is valid?04:24
tsimpsontune2fs is run on a "device" and those live in /dev, /media/owner/WD_Drive is just a mountpoint, it happens to be where the filesystem on the device /dev/sdb1 is mounted04:26
holsteinis it /dev/sdb1//media? or /dev/sdb1/media?04:26
tsimpsonbtw, there's nothing wrong with sequential slashes appearing, //////////////////home/////user is a perfectly valid path ;)04:31
Unit193No such file or directory. :-----D04:32
holsteintsimpson: insteresting.. i cant believe i havent found that out by accident ;)04:32
tsimpsonautorepeat is to thank for me finding that out04:35
tsimpsonbefore I look away from the keyboard while typing anyway04:35
tsimpson*before I could...04:36
r4yI want to know your thoughts about http://ubuntu-gs-remix.sourceforge.net/p/home/06:40
r4yI want help, but I have to back up then re-install Ubuntu 12 before I can use any help you give me06:47
r4yI am a big fan of Ubuntu gnome the way it was in Ubuntu 10.0406:47
r4yWhat was I supposed to install?, and I am not just saying the interface, for appearances, I know there is more to it then appearances though. Like I had talked about and asked about on this channel making launchers in Unity is not like before.06:49
r4yI don't know if I tried making launchers in Ubuntu 12's gnome version06:50
r4yI found this link sometime ago, http://askubuntu.com/questions/61567/how-do-i-change-to-a-theme-not-listed-in-the-appearance-screen06:50
r4yI've thought about Linux Mint, Debian, Ubuntu 12.04 and Mandrivia. Mandrivia was something my uncle suggested for me to try years ago.06:54
r4yI am not sure that I am ready for debian though06:54
r4yUbuntu 12.04 + Cinnamon ?07:02
r4yWell at least I have some choices, perhaps I should try these in a virtual box like I have talked about many times. Take care and sorry for any trouble07:06
histoI remember wing commander privateer08:01
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