
=== hggdh_AFK is now known as hggdh
=== imbrando1 is now known as nodnaebmi
dholbachgood morning07:17
* popey hugs dholbach 07:19
popeymissed you!07:19
* dholbach hugs popey back :)07:19
dholbachI missed you guys too :)07:20
dholbachalthough I have to admit... I could have easily stayed longer :-D07:20
nigelbdholbach: Happy Birthday!07:43
dholbachthanks nigelb :)07:45
nigelbpopey: Are you going to be in London in the next 3 weeks?07:46
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, 3 open slots left: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable08:43
* czajkowski hugs dholbach you're back!08:59
czajkowskiIn London this morning - https://twitter.com/craiglet/status/291458207577153536/photo/108:59
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back :)08:59
dholbachugh :/09:00
czajkowskidholbach: that was too long!09:00
dholbachno, quite the opposite :)09:01
bkerensagood morning dholbach czajkowski09:36
dholbachhi bkerensa09:46
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, 1 session slot left :)10:53
dakerczajkowski: Skyfall :)11:41
dpmhey dholbach! Welcome back!12:09
dholbachthanks dpm :)12:09
dpmdholbach, I hope you've got lots of pictures for the Friday demo day ;)12:10
dholbachhaha, yes12:10
dholbachuploaded some of them already :)12:10
dholbachdpm, just listening to your latest end-of-the-world mix12:11
dholbachgood stuff! :)12:11
dpmah, cool, glad you like it :)12:11
dpmI'm djing again this Friday12:11
dholbachand I'll DJ on Saturday :)12:11
dholbachcan't wait12:11
dpmexcellent :)12:11
dholbachman, the state of my inbox is depressing12:14
smartboyhwdholbach, how depressing????12:18
dholbachsufficiently, but not too much :)12:19
smartboyhwI have a web speed that is depressing (due to downloading Android source code)12:23
smartboyhwEstimated finishing time: 18 minutes12:23
smartboyhwdholbach, I got 4603 emails piled up in the past three weeks. I only cleared it yesterday evening12:23
czajkowskilike me and bug mail over xmas12:39
czajkowskias automatically subscriped to lp bugs and branch reviews12:39
smartboyhwdholbach, see?:P12:42
smartboyhwQuite strange from a 14-year-old12:42
smartboyhwTrue though:(12:42
cprofittbkerensa: cnet?14:10
JoseeAntonioRhey, dholbach! (wb, btw) filled that slot?14:37
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, no, still there14:37
JoseeAntonioRmaybe someone who can quickly explain what's the development process for phone apps?14:38
dholbachyeah, although that'd fit a bit better into UADW probably14:39
JoseeAntonioRmaybe something about how translations and launchpad work?14:40
JoseeAntonioRor something related to all launchpad tools14:42
SergioMenesesdholbach, is here! \o14:43
dholbachhey SergioMeneses :)14:43
JoseeAntonioRwe were all missing him14:43
* dholbach hugs you all :)14:44
dholbachthanks JoseeAntonioR :)14:44
* JoseeAntonioR hugs back14:44
* SergioMeneses brings cake!14:44
JoseeAntonioRidea! quick tutorial with topic 'you can fix bitesize too!'14:48
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, yes, that'd be great15:22
JoseeAntonioRnow we need to find someone who can do it15:22
jcastrodholbach is back!!!15:36
dholbachhey jcastro :)15:36
dholbachjcastro, regarding the mail from Will about the Juju store - is there anything for me left to do?15:59
dholbach(I don't know anything about it, but was CCed in.)15:59
jcastronot afaict15:59
dholbachok cool15:59
jcastroKapil and him discussed everything15:59
mhall119dholbach is back \o/16:00
* dholbach hugs mhall11916:00
dholbachare we having a team call?16:00
mhall119have a good trip?16:00
* mhall119 is on the phone with the ped's atm, but I'm up for a hangout16:01
jcastrome too16:01
dholbachmhall119, it was great :)16:01
jcastroI want to virtually hug dholbach16:01
dholbachstarting the hangout16:01
* balloons hugs dholbach 16:02
dholbachhey balloons16:02
balloonsI was holdng my excitement of your return in.. ;-)16:03
dholbachhope you're not going to explode :)16:03
balloonsI exploded..16:13
balloonsthe hangout bug is still here :-(16:13
dholbachballoons, did you see didrocks post?16:15
* balloons goes to look16:17
balloonsdholbach, a little bird tells me it's your birthday?16:57
dholbachballoons, your bird looks well-informed :)16:59
balloonsdholbach, a most wonderful birthday to you!17:02
dholbachthanks a lot balloons!17:09
jussihey dholbach! Happy birthday!17:22
dholbachthanks jussi17:25
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:29
dholbachdaker, شكرا :)17:29
MezHi all, any update on when the Global Jam for Raring will be?20:46
pleia2I proposed Feb 22-24 for a nice time QA-wise, but I don't know if they ever decided on anything20:47
Mezbeing harassed at work "when's the next one?" seems they liked it.  (and need to book out conference centre)20:48
balloonsmhall119, jcastro, is there a way to sign a package with a team as a maintainer, or do I have to be the maintainer?22:08
balloonsI trust that makes sense.. I can't builddeb without being able to sign with a valid gpg key.. but of course I don't have a key for a "team"22:09
cjohnstonballoons: just put that the maintainer is the team22:09
cjohnstonyour the uploader in this situation22:09
balloonsNow signing changes and any dsc files...22:10
balloons signfile ubuntu-autopilot-tests_0.10ubuntu1-1.dsc Ubuntu Quality Team <ubuntu-quality@lists.ubuntu.com>22:10
balloonsgpg: skipped "Ubuntu Quality Team <ubuntu-quality@lists.ubuntu.com>": secret key not available22:10
balloonsgpg: /tmp/debsign.hpINwOam/ubuntu-autopilot-tests_0.10ubuntu1-1.dsc: clearsign failed: secret key not available22:10
balloonsdebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....22:10
balloonsdebuild: fatal error at line 1278:22:10
balloonsrunning debsign failed22:10
paultagballoons: use -k22:10
mhall119-k with your personal key id22:10
balloonspaultag, I'm building with bzr bd, I don't see a -k22:11
paultagballoons: use -uc -us # and use debsign by hand22:11
mhall119I *think* you can do "bzr bd -- -k $keyid"22:11
paultagor that22:11
* balloons rattles head22:11
mhall119or set an env variable with your key id22:11
balloonsok, that makes sense..22:11
balloonslet me try22:11
mhall119paultag: what's the env, do you know off the top of your head?22:11
paultagmhall119: DEBSIGN_MAINT22:12
paultagor DEBSIGN_KEYID22:12
mhall119DEBSIGN_KEYID, that's the one I use22:12
mhall119mhall@mhall-thinkpad:~$ cat ~/.devscripts22:12
mhall119balloons: ^^22:12
mhall119I'm pretty sure bzr bd will use what's in ~/.devscripts22:13
paultag(or bashrc ;) )22:13
balloonshmm.. yea, my stuff is in bashrc now22:13
mhall119or there, but then you only get it if you're running bash22:13
balloonswhy would I run anything else :-p22:13
mhall119maybe you wouldn't be running it from a shell :P22:13
paultagwait, this is community-team, why am I in here22:14
paultagoh god autojoin22:14
paultaghey guys22:14
mhall119ah hah ahah22:15
mhall119you can't escape us paultag22:15
balloonsI appreciate the help22:16
paultagnp brotato22:16
balloonsok, I cheated for a min and built without signing22:16
paultag(if you're a dude, otherwise something else there)22:17
balloonsyes, I am male :-)22:17
paultagthen brotato stands22:18
* balloons increments the 'mistaken for a female on irc' counter22:18
paultagno, it's a neutral name and I didn't want to make that mistake.22:18
balloonssidebar story: I worked with some folks for like 6 months on another community oss project22:18
balloonswe finally all met in person at a conference, and they were shocked to learn I was male22:19
balloonsapparently between my name and speech, I was clearly female?22:19
balloonssidebar off22:19
balloonscontext for the joke.. anyways, it happens.. best to not assume etheir way :-)22:20
* mhall119 is shocked to learn that balloons is male22:20
* balloons falls off chair22:20
* mhall119 is even more shocked to see somebody actually say "brotato"22:20
paultag(clearly not serious)22:21
mhall119then again, it took me years to realize that jcastro was actually a robot22:21
balloonsmhall119, paultag .. ok, had some other issues to work out, but I can't get -k to work22:52
mhall119balloons: use DEBSIGN_KEYID instead of -k22:53
balloonsi place it in bashrc and source it22:53
balloonswith the -k, I get:22:54
balloonsdebsign: Must be run from top of source dir or a .changes file given as arg22:54
balloonsI could send the it the .changes, if I knew how22:55
mhall119balloons: what are you trying to sign and for what reason?22:55
balloonsa new package for a new ppa22:56
mhall119so you need a signed source package to dput?22:56
balloonsI made an unsigned deb.. looks good in lintlian22:57
balloonsinstalls ok22:58
Mezballoons: debsign -kyourkeyid *.changes22:58
balloonsnow I want to test it in pbuilder and dput it up :-)22:58
MezBut the changelog entry should really have your name/email - rather than the teams :)22:59
balloonsyay, it worked23:00
balloonsmez, yes, that was really the source of the question23:00
balloonsI wanted the team to stay as maintainer23:00
balloonsI could overwrite the changelog as myself23:00
Mezcontrol specifies who the maintainer is :)  It's not particularly important as it gets overriden in ubuntu anyway :)23:00
Mez(though that may only be for non-ubuntu-specific packages)23:01
Mezthe changelog will get parsed for who to send notifications regarding ACCEPT or REJECTs though aswell as some other things.23:01
MezThe only other consideration is if it's a debian package rather than an ubuntu one - where it has to have a specific version numbering (upstream-debian.point) and mention it's an NMU23:02
Mezor have you listed in the control under uploaders/maintainer23:02
balloonsat this point it's just attempting to get into the ppa23:03
balloonsbut yes, this will stay a ubuntu only package once it hits the wild23:04
balloonsit has ubuntu tests in it.. perhaps debian would be interested, but ?23:04
mhall119balloons: can you just re-run "bzr bd -S"?23:05
balloonsyay! it's uploading..23:06
balloonsok, now to somehow figure out how this happened again23:06
balloonsand why it differed from last time ;-(23:07
mhall119tail ~/.bash_history23:07
balloonsthanks to all23:07
Mezballoons: personally, if it's not available in debian - then I'll upload it to debian - always good to have a canonical - espescially if you can build it so it works for both, and maintain it in one place :)23:07
balloonsMez, nothing preventing it.. I'll keep that in mind when we go to push it in23:07
Mezballoons: what is it ?23:07
balloonsright now it harldy belongs in a ppa ;-023:08
balloonsautomated tests23:08
Mezfor ?23:08
balloonsusing autopilot specifically23:08
balloonsfor the default desktop applicatons23:08
Mezhmm... drop me an email (mez AT debian.org or mez AT ubuntu.com) when you're done - will have a look and see whether it's something I'm willing to sponsor for debian23:09
balloonsthanks mez!23:09
mhall119Mez: while you're at it, how about uploading all of Unity ;)23:09
balloonsis autopilot itself in debian? if not, it certainly could be.. it's a seperate package from unity mnow23:09
Meznp - though - my stuff mainly centres around server based stuff - so might not be the best idea23:09
balloonsbut these would require it ofc23:10
Mezmhall119: Make it work with an nvidia quadro and 3 screens and I'll consider it :P23:10
Mezcurrently stuck on lucid at work due to unity :(23:10
mhall119buy Intel23:10
Mezmhall119: do they make a sensible solution for 3/4 screens on a single PC?23:11
Mez(all HDMI)23:11
mhall119three fourths of a screen?23:12
Mez3 or 423:12
mhall119I saw them working on usability on multiple screens, but don't have any myself to try it on23:12
mhall119is your issue usability, or hardware support?23:13
balloonsI had good usablity with precise on multi monitor23:13
mhall119usability should be there (I hope)23:13
Mezusability is ... ok23:13
balloonsI've since gone to one big one :-)23:13
Mez(but that's personal preference)23:13
mhall119nVidia support, well, ask Linus how that goes :)23:13
Mezballoons: I have 3 26" monitors on my workstation23:13
Mezmhall119: lucid works with the 3... precise doesn't23:13
Mezballoons: switching to 4 soon.23:14
balloonsI like the simplitcity of only one now23:14
mhall119Mez: you know there's this cool thing call workspaces23:14
balloonsbut we'll see23:14
Mezmhall119: yes - which I use :)23:15
mhall119just checking ;)23:15
MezScreen 1: Browsers. Screen 2: Code/Image manipulation, Screen 3: Consoles/Systems Overview/Feeds/Other stuff23:16
MezScreen 3 is getting cluttered.23:17
MezI need to see all these things at a movement of the eye as part of my day by day job23:17
MezHome - I can deal with 2.23:17
mhall119ctrl-alt-(left|right), saves me the eye and neck movement23:17
Mezah, but - that means I can't be alerted by the big thing flashing red on screen 3.23:18
mhall119then again, I have one 12.5" screen too, and that's enough for me23:18
Mezit means I can't compare the HTML to what's on the page23:18
MezIt means I can't see when someone pings me on IRC :P23:18
* mhall119 does that all the time23:18
mhall119that's what indicators and launcher are for23:19
mhall119and notifyosd23:19
Meznotifyosd is ok - but doesn't let me, for example, see a graph spiking (I have to write some elaborate code to see that something is spinking and notify me)23:20
Mezit's all about the fingerspitzgefuhlen :)23:20
Mezhttp://goo.gl/wkr8Q <-- my current workstation during a break on a seperate viewport than the ones I usually use (hence a blank screen 3)23:21

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