
jbicharicotz: my gjs problem was http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538095/16:54
ricotzjbicha, ah, you didnt update gnome-shell concurrently16:55
ricotzsimply removing the "dbus import" there fixes it16:56
jbichawell I built gnome-shell against gjs 1.35.416:56
ricotzno the js code of gnome-shell contains a left over16:57
ricotzjust use the newer shell version16:57
jbichathat was 3.7.4 and there haven't been any commits like that since16:57
ricotzthe js code isnt affected by a rebuild16:57
ricotzso 3.7.4 is fine16:58
ricotzmaybe you didnt update the -common package correctly?16:59
jbichaoh, never mind I apparently reverted back to since I had problems16:59
jbichaok, now my problem is that I can't figure out how to get gnome-control-center to compile: http://paste.debian.net/225388/17:05
jbichaI am building against g-s-d 3.7.4 which was built against gnome-desktop 3.7.417:05
ricotzjbicha, i was planning to take a look at those two packages17:09
ricotzlook like a missing ldflag17:11
ricotzbtw nice to finally have eglibc 2.1717:13
ricotzjbicha, as i said yesterday mutter/g-s might have problems without a newer clutter1.0 due xi2 bugs17:32
ricotzjbicha, or maybe not, just go ahead17:34
ricotzrobert_ancell, hi17:39
robert_ancellricotz, hello17:39
ricotzjbicha, robert_ancell, i have a e-d-s 3.7.4 here, any objections to push it to staging?17:39
robert_ancellricotz, sounds good to me17:40
ricotzi am not using evolution, but it doesnt make g-s crash or something here ;)17:41
ricotzfabien doing evolution packages too, maybe i convince him to look at rdepends too17:42
robert_ancellricotz, I figure it's OK because it's a staging PPA - if it does break stuff then the new e-d-s doesn't get copied to the main PPA17:42
robert_ancelland at least then we'll know17:42
ricotzfor non-evolution users it shouldnt do much17:44
jbichaI don't think you should push e-d-s17:46
ricotzjbicha, why17:47
ricotz(already did)17:47
jbichaI don't think we want to maintain all the rdepends that need to be rebuilt17:47
ricotzbut still stoppable17:47
ricotzjbicha, currently it coexists fine17:48
jbichawell maybe it's doable since we're already maintaining most of the gnome stack anyway17:48
jbichait was a bit different when we shipped the same gnome as ubuntu17:48
ricotzwait with g-s upload until e-d-s is finished please17:48
jbichasure, I'm hoping I can figure g-c-c out first since it's kinda tied with gnome-shell17:49
ricotzdid you manager to refresh some more patches of g-s-d?17:50
ricotzrobert_ancell, are you working on any package?17:59
robert_ancellricotz, just updated libpeas, now working on colord18:00
robert_ancelland baobab18:00
robert_ancellin raring, not the PPA18:00
ricotzok, pushed eog18:00
ricotzalright, i guess libpeas 1.7.0?18:00
robert_ancelllibpeas 1.6 in raring18:00
ricotzor 1.6.218:00
ricotzi hope you can do 1.7.0 for the ppa too18:01
ricotzthanks :)18:02
jbicharicotz: no, g-s-d isn't really any better; I went ahead and pushed what I have to https://code.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu18:24
ricotzjbicha, ok19:00
jbichaok, it was some Ubuntu patches that were breaking the g-c-c build19:32
jbicharicotz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538880/20:55
ricotzlibedataserverui was removed upstream20:59
ricotzjust remove this dep and try again21:00
ricotzwhich package is this?21:00
ricotzi guess gnome-shell21:02
ricotzjbicha, just drop that dep it is obsolete21:02
jbichayeah, it was gnome-shell, I had to replace it with libcamel1.2-dev21:04
ricotzjbicha, camel is not a dep of g-s21:04
ricotz libecal-1.2 and libedataserver-1.221:05
ricotzif libcamel1.2-dev is needed the e-d-s package is missing an internal dev dependency21:05
ricotzyeah and missing internal dep21:07
jbichaok I'll wait for you to push a new eds then?21:09
ricotzyeah, i am on it21:09
ricotzjbicha, why did you push a glib2.0 package to the ppa?21:14
jbicharicotz: um, don't we need it?21:15
ricotzno it is in raring as you stated21:15
ricotzthe ppa builds against the proposed pocket21:15
ricotzotherwise you would have seen quite some failures21:15
jbichaoh I'll delete it then21:16
ricotzalso wait a bit before you delete packages21:16
ricotzi guess you did with the previous glib2.0 package21:16
jbichado you want to delete it instead then?21:16
ricotzno delete this one21:17
ricotzbut someone deleted the older one already21:17
jbichaon the other hand...21:17
jbichaI don't think we should encourage users to be using -proposed21:17
ricotzno please remove it21:17
ricotzif someone is able to deal with gnome3-staging then -proposed shouldnt be problem21:18
ricotzalso gobject-introspection was already deleted21:19
ricotzjbicha, i figured you did that?21:20
ricotz(i deleted the glib package now)21:20
jbichayes but I wasn't thinking about glib2.0 getting held in -proposed for a while21:21
ricotzjbicha, if you want to badly do a binary copy21:21
ricotzthe builders are busy already ;)21:21
jbichahow do I do that?21:22
ricotzi copied both now21:23
jbichaok, how did you do it?21:25
ricotzif possible do a binary copy to avoid rebuilds and different binaries21:27
darkxstricotz, can you file a bug with  your install headers patch upstream, and cc Jeff Walden23:13
ricotzdarkxst, i don't have a mozilla bugzilla account, feel free to do so23:17
darkxstricotz, ok23:18
darkxstricotz, also mozilla are planning on landing this before release https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81226523:18
ubot5Mozilla bug 812265 in Build Config "js/src needs versioning added to build system to support spidermonkey releases" [Normal,New]23:18
darkxstwhich changes the versioning to match firefox numbers23:19
darkxstso presumably mozjs-17.2 or similar23:20
ricotzdarkxst, i see, looks nice23:21
ricotzwith support to co-install multiple headers23:21
ricotzhoping this release will happen soon then23:24
darkxstricotz can you whip up an install-headers patch with proper headers23:37

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