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micahgachiang: yes, and I'd suggest adding yourself to the sbuild group so you don't have to use sudo to build something02:52
achiangmicahg: is there a way to make it not unpack the *.dsc?03:50
RAOFachiang: To make sbuild not unpack the .dsc? How would that work?03:55
achiangRAOF: use a directory that's already unpacked?03:55
RAOFI don't believe that's possible, no.03:56
RAOFIt's also somewhat against the spirit of what sbuild is trying to do, anyway. The unpacked directory is not necessarily the same as what the .dsc specifies.03:57
RAOFI mean - there's no guarantee that you haven't made extra changes to the unpacked source directory. Not that unpackig a .dsc is non-deterministic.04:02
dholbachgood morning07:17
gesergood morning dholbach07:22
dholbachhey geser07:22
dholbachLaney, tumbleweed, <anybody else>: would you be interested in giving a session about working with debian/upstream? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable07:55
dholbachcould anyone imagine demo'ing how to fix a few small bugs?07:55
dholbachwe still have a couple of slots open07:55
astraljavaHey Daniel, hippo b-day! :)08:22
dholbachthanks astraljava08:27
tumbleweeddholbach: signed up for two sessions (I'd put them next to each other, but that won't fit my schedule)08:32
tumbleweed(also, happy happy)08:32
dholbachtumbleweed, erm... what about the schedule? anything I should change in the schedule somewhere?08:32
dholbachthanks tumbleweed :)08:32
tumbleweedI'd have taken 17 and 17:30 on thursday, but that clashes with my life, so spread them over two days08:33
dholbachahhhh ok08:33
* dholbach hugs tumbleweed08:33
Laneydholbach: wb!09:02
dholbachhey Laney :)09:02
Laneygood hols?09:03
dholbachvery much so :)09:03
dholbachhow about yourself?09:03
Laneyyes, very nice - being in Snowdonia for new years was the highlight :-)09:04
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bkerensaCan someone direct me to info on how to remove patch fuzz from a package I am trying to build?10:08
Laneyquilt refresh it in the source package10:12
Laneyafter verifying it applied correctly10:13
dupondjeSomebody around that could help me a bit with autoconf?10:53
dholbachwould anyone be available to demo a small bug fix or two? we have one 30m slot left: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable10:54
dholbachshould be easy to do and much appreciated by new contributors10:54
RhondaHmm, what was the IRC channel of the canonical sysadmin team?11:41
Laney#canonical-sysadmin ;-)11:41
RhondaThat's … embarassing. Thanks. :)11:41
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hyperairthese days do we still use revu and require two sponsors' ack?14:06
geserhyperair: I don't think so, though reviews by other (team) members are still recommended14:19
hyperairhmm, okay.14:19
hyperairdoes anyone want to review diodon then?14:20
hyperairoh hang on, i think he's working on another version14:21
hyperairsao: o/14:21
gesera cdbs package? any specific reason to not use dh? (or doesn't dh support waf?)14:24
saogeser: dh does not have waf support as far as I know14:25
gesersao: ok, you might also check on the requirements for using waf by the archive admins14:25
geserespecially if you want to include the package later also in Debian14:26
saogeser: have done so. waf source code is included in the orig tarball.14:26
geserignore me then :)14:26
saogeser: hyperair had some comments about unnecessary libdiodon0 deps and missing Multi-Arch field. Updated version is now here: https://code.launchpad.net/~diodon-team/diodon/ubuntu-packaging14:30
saocan upload it to my ppa again if necessary14:30
cjohnstonGreetings... Question on bug #1022024, I'm thinking it should be marked high and tagged as regression-update, could someone please look and comment if they agree/disagree.14:36
ubottubug 1022024 in roundcube-plugins-extra (Ubuntu) "unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102202414:36
Laneycjohnston: How's it a regression in -updates? At least roundcube and -plugins-extra have no SRU14:51
tumbleweedurgh did someone say waf?14:51
gesertumbleweed: sao is packaging an app using waf14:57
cjohnstonLaney: ok, so update is when its from an sru. the wiki just said stable release, which I figured thiswas as it is, well, released. my misunderstanding14:57
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Laneycjohnston: Nah, that's what regression-release is for14:58
Laneyanyway that is worth fixing so I'll look at your patch now14:58
cjohnstonso is it  -release or no?14:59
Laneybdrung: is sponsor-patch supposed to work out the target release?15:08
bdrungLaney: yes15:08
Laneycould it be that it requires '-proposed'?15:09
bdrungfor stable releases, yes15:09
LaneyI see15:09
Laneythat's not necessary any more15:10
Laneyalso it just tried to download the raring package; should have errored out instead or at least warned?15:10
bdrungit determines the target from the bug series15:11
bdrungfor SRUs, there should be a open bug against the stable series15:11
Laneyah, doesn't look at the changelog15:11
Laneynow I see the prompt15:13
Laneyit wasn't signed, so dput failed, so sponsor-patch failed and deleted its working files15:19
bdrungnormally sponsor-patch ask if you want to fix an failure manually instead of exiting15:19
LaneyError: upload of … failed15:20
Laneythen it exited15:20
bdrungfile a bug15:20
Laneyalready doing15:20
Laneycjohnston: I uploaded it but you'll need to fill in the SRU information in the bug description before it gets accepted15:21
Laneythanks for the fix15:21
TheLordOfTimeif i created a patch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oidentd/+bug/1094773 that changes its /etc/init.d/ file to add the -l 10 option, would that be acceptable for SRU?  I'm asking here because its a Universe package.16:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 1094773 in oidentd (Ubuntu) "oidentd spawns a new process for all new connections unless -l [number] defined" [Undecided,New]16:46
dholbachall right, who would like to demo fixing a bug in a 30m session at UDW? 31st Jan, 18:30 is the last slot we've got to fill: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable :)17:10
TheLordOfTimedholbach, can you answer a universe bug question regarding acceptable patching?17:12
TheLordOfTimeunless i missed a response to my prior question.17:12
dholbachTheLordOfTime, there should be no difference between main and universe in the criteria for SRUs as far as I can see17:16
TheLordOfTimedholbach, my question was whether changing the default /etc/init.d/ file is a valid solution as a SRU/patch.17:16
TheLordOfTimebecause in one sense its a workaround without removing the problem, and in another sense it is the easiest solution to the problem.17:17
dholbachTheLordOfTime, I don't know - somebody in the server team might know17:25
dholbachtry #ubuntu-server maybe?17:25
TheLordOfTimeyeah well i've got higher-priority bugs, such as an nginx security bug i'm watching closely17:25
TheLordOfTimewhich reminds me, i should set that oidentd bug as 'low'...17:25
cjohnstonLaney: could you please look at it again and let me know if that works17:32
Laneylooks good, thanks17:33
cjohnstonLaney: what else do I need to do with it? From the wiki page it looks like I'm done17:34
Laneyyep, a magical SRU team elf should come along and process it at some point soon17:35
cjohnstonan elf.. cool17:36
cjohnstonthanks for your help Laney17:36
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achiangcan i find a sponsor for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/remmina/+bug/1093511 ? it's sat around for a few weeks now...19:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1093511 in remmina (Ubuntu) "please merge remmina 1.0.0-4 (main) from Debian testing" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:49
jtaylorso many python m-a build failures ...22:37
jtaylorcan someone remind me what we need this for again?22:37
jtayloris this also intended for debian?22:39
jtaylorhm it probably already is, nice22:43
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