
=== len is now known as Guest19426
deepeeCan someone confirm my understanding ? Is it easy to install the latest mythbuntu 12.04 and then upgrade to mythtv 0.26 ? Many Thanks.....13:05
sabhaindeepee, that's my understanding as well .. that you can decide which mythtv to keep current inside MCC.  I'd wait for confirmation from one of the regulars here.13:39
deepeethx sabhain and wilco ! :-)13:41
Shadow__Xdeepee: sabhain once you have mythbuntu installed and setup15:32
Shadow__Xyou run mythbuntu control center and are able to select .26 repo15:32
deepeeoh wow !!  Just waiting on the hardware arriving, thanks very much !!15:32
qwebirc44069I have tried a couple of different tv tuner capture cards and unable to get any of them to work.  Please recommend one which will work out of the box for over the air digital and anologue in North America16:03
Shadow__Xqwebirc44069: did you check the mythtv wiki or the linuxtv wiki16:08
qwebirc44069yes, the issue I have is i tried a one and it did not work and the rest I cannot seem to buy anymore16:11
qwebirc44069most of what is listed is for Europe16:11
Shadow__Xwhat card do you currently have16:13
Shadow__Xand you are trying to only do analog correct?16:13
sabhainqwebirc44069 do you need them to be the same card?  digital/analog?16:14
qwebirc44069I am trying to capture over the air digital and analogue via other sources16:15
Shadow__Xwhat are the other sources16:15
qwebirc44069It does not have to be on the same card, other sources i.e. cable box16:16
sabhainfor the digital, I'd recommend the HDHomeRun (older style without the cable card).  Setup is dead easy, and it's reliable .. only needs the antenna or cable feed, and a port on the LAN.16:16
Shadow__Xqwebirc44069: you want to record analog and digital from a cable box? if you plan to do that you are either stuck with analog going from the coax out from the box or using something like the hdpvr16:17
sabhainfor analog, I use the hauppage PVR-500  .. it's an internal card with 2 analog tuners.  I set it up many years ago and forgot about it.16:17
qwebirc44069i am unable to find it available (PVR-500)16:32
qwebirc44069dumb question how does the HDHomeRun work with mythbuntu?16:34
sabhainlike they were made for each other.16:34
qwebirc44069bad news discontinued16:35
sabhainyou add the HDHomeRun as any other tuner in the backend setup, link it to a lineup, and scan for channels.  Then you have dual digital tuners for either OTA with an antenna, or any clear QAM channelson your cable signal16:35
qwebirc44069i liked the idea of this box.  I will have to see if I can find one somewhere.  This is what I keep running into good card/box and it is discontinued :(16:37
tgm4883qwebirc44069, you'll have difficulty finding an analog tuner in the US that is still in production16:38
tgm4883I'm not sure they are allowed to sell them anymore16:38
sabhainqwebirc44069: see this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681534500716:38
tgm4883qwebirc44069, where do you get your TV from?16:38
sabhaintgm4883 there are a few Hauppage cards at Newegg that still do analog16:39
tgm4883sabhain, not analog only, and nothing that I can think of off the top of my head that is any good16:40
tgm4883then again, I don't do analog16:40
sabhainI'm trying to stop16:40
tgm4883I'm actually a bit surprised that people still want it16:40
tgm4883since it's terrible16:41
sabhainfinally got my HD-PVR installated yesterday16:41
qwebirc44069it looks like there are new models out, hope they willl work16:41
sabhaintgm4883 some cable companies (TWC) make it really difficult and expensive to be entirely digital in myth16:41
qwebirc44069need analog for migration16:42
sabhainI use the analog for the kids' shows16:42
sabhainqwebirc44069, I think the HDHomerun is as close to bulletproof in setup as you're going to find for unencrypted digital.16:42
tgm4883sabhain, yea TWC does suck16:42
tgm4883qwebirc44069, who is your cable provider?16:43
sabhaintgm4883, about a year after I set my system up, we got swapped from adelphia (just about everything available via clear QAM) to TWC (minimal).16:44
qwebirc44069i like the idea of the HDHomeRun as well I will give it a try.  I like the idea it could be used by other computers as well16:45
tgm4883sabhain, do you know if cable cards work well?16:45
tgm4883or did they just protect everything too16:45
sabhaineverything is set to copy once, so I think the cable card is a non-starter16:46
Shadow__Xtgm4883: not that long ago i got my hd home run prime and am super happy i did16:49
Shadow__Xfirewire was not as stable as it once was16:49
tgm4883HDHRPrime FTW16:49
Shadow__Xits fantastic honestly16:49
Shadow__Xif comcast doesnt screw with my cablecard provision recording 3d content works too16:50
qwebirc44069i'm sold  I will give it a try16:50
Shadow__Xqwebirc44069: i would not try to record off of a cable box using analog16:50
Shadow__Xunless its the hdpvr16:50
Shadow__Xthe quality of analog is bad16:51
qwebirc44069the only concern i have is is if 100meg is enough for HD16:51
Shadow__Xfor the frontneds?16:51
qwebirc44069for the HDHomeRun to the backend16:51
Shadow__Xwhich one16:52
Shadow__Xhdhomerun or hd homerun prime?16:52
Shadow__Xprime does cablecard which imo might be a better option depending on your cable provider16:52
Shadow__Xcomcast for example has all channels except premiums accessible via the prime in mythtv16:53
Shadow__Xits gigabit16:53
qwebirc44069cable provider does not support card; looking for over the air and anlog16:53
Shadow__Xwhat cable provider do you have that doesnt support cablecard16:54
sabhainisnt that the law"16:55
Shadow__Xthere is a fcc mandate but i am wondering if qwebirc44069 has a small cable company that the mandate might not apply to16:55
qwebirc44069does not apply unfortunately16:59
Shadow__Xwho is your cable provider?17:00
Shadow__Xah the ip is from canada17:05
* sabhain wishes I had comcast as an option .. it would severely simplify my backend setup.18:12
sabhaintgm4883, I shouldn't be worried about support for the older analog cards in current 12.04, right?18:12
tgm4883sabhain, I don't think that has been removed. I've seen stuff on the mailing list about issues with the older PVR150/500 cards on mythtv 0.26 though18:13
sabhainthat'd be the card I'm using (PVR500)18:14
sabhainso maybe I've got to stay with 0.25?18:14
tgm488312.04 ships with 0.2518:15
tgm4883I'm unsure the issues with it on 0.26, I've not read that thread as I don't use those cards18:15
sabhainthere seem to be more and more reasons to not upgrade (grub2, diskless .. ugh).18:15
tgm4883whats wrong with grub 2?18:15
sabhainbefore I used mythbuntu-diskless for my front ends .. I did an NFS boot where I had a 2GB CF card with /boot, and then / was on an NFS share on my backend.18:16
sabhainNFS boot appears to be broken in grub2.18:20
sabhainso I installed old grub .. but wasn't able to get back to what worked, so I punted and put in an SSD18:21
sabhainmostly I think I've forgotten the little tweaks I learned on getting it stable.  I can get the base system up and running with / on NFS, but once I do the install of the frontend and it rewrites intramfs .. things go south.18:36
sabhain.. which is why I'd prefer to help get diskless back .. it's a much more elegant and maintainable solution18:37
=== len is now known as Guest35565
whyzzyrdsabhain, looks like I ought to be able to do it with the fat-client options, and a script to populate the mythtv settings into the overlay.21:49

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