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pittiGood morning06:07
dholbachgood morning07:19
pittijibel: hm, when I try to manually restart a jhbuild jenkins job, it is immediately "done" with a copy of the last log07:34
pittijibel: it doesn't actually try to build it (I fixed the problem on rabisu, it does work now for gnome-terminal)07:34
jibelpitti, good morning08:09
pittijibel: bonjour Monsieur, ça va?08:09
jibelpitti, very well, thank you, und selbst?08:10
pittijibel: sehr gut, danke!08:10
jibelpitti, right, it's a bit special, jenkins doesn't drive the tests, but just display the results08:10
pittijibel: is there a way to run a test manually that jenkins will pick up? I just did jhbuild buildone --check gnome-terminal08:11
jibelpitti, to restart a test you must change the checksum on the test host in ~/jhbuild-data/jhbuild.modules08:11
jibeljust remove a character for example08:11
pittiaah, then the next cron run will pick it up?08:11
jibelpitti, yes08:11
pittiah, seems it re-ran it now anyway08:12
jibelthe problem I had is that you cannot have several jhbuild running in parallel08:12
pittibut good to know for the future08:12
pittijibel: for modules that depend on each other? I often run stuff in parallel just fine08:13
jibelthere was something with a locking of the package database08:14
pittiah, I use "buildone" in parallel, not "build"; that might be it08:17
jibelpitti, I used build for the automated runs because it supports the option -C to force a checkout and autogen on failure08:23
jibelI think I could add it to buildone too08:24
pittiok, I think I defeated the glib tests now08:24
pittiI just install xterm; we really want to test the Terminal=true code paths, but xterm is sufficient08:24
pittitrying the "force rebuild" trick now with glib08:25
pittijibel: I guess we need an RT to remove the broken "jhbuild-amd64-gnome-doc-utils" job from public jenkins, right? I'll file one08:37
jibelpitti, right, we do08:38
pittijibel: ok, sent08:38
jibelpitti, I restarted gnome-control-center, it failed because .gitmodules was corrupted (unresolved conflict)08:40
pittijibel: right, someone pointed out that our setup might have some problem with nested git modules08:41
pittibut they work for gstreamer, so probalby just a corrupted checkout indeed08:41
jibelpitti, it does, I rewrite urls in gitmodules on the fly to use git over http instead of native git and it sometimes break08:42
pittijibel: ah, because of our proxy?08:44
psivaabdmurray: thanks08:44
jibelpitti, yes, I hope I won't have to continue this gym in a close future08:45
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pittijibel: ^ \o/ il est vert à nouveau10:28
pittiI also prodded Tim about applying the gst-plugins-* fixes10:28
jibelpitti, awesome11:10
jibelI'm still on gnome-control-center11:10
zygahey, can I get a quick ack on https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/checkbox/fixes/+merge/14347711:11
* zyga really wants certification people to work hewre11:12
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zygaseeking code reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/checkbox/test-cwd/+merge/14348211:28
pittijibel: looking at gtk+ now11:33
zygaI've updated the integration tests branch11:52
zygait now has far less commits than before11:52
zygaI removed some of the early mistakes11:52
zygaand code that I dind't know existed in the standard library11:52
zygathis is how integration test patch looks like now11:52
zygait's still pretty big because TestCaseWithParameters patch has not landed to master so it's still here11:53
zygaspineau, brendand, ara: ^^11:53
zygaI would like to propose it to master now, unless there are any objections11:53
jibelpitti, several autopkgtest failed with a unicode error on amd6411:54
jibelhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-adt-gobject-introspection/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/25/console for example11:54
jibelit seems to be an error message that adt-run is trying to decode11:55
pittiindeed, so the test fails, and then that autopkgtest bug runs into a bug in the failure reporting; great11:55
* zyga cannot wait to get this plainbox release into autopkgtests11:55
jibelpitti, unicode quotes11:57
pittijibel: so this should probably .encode('UTF-8') the two arguments?11:57
pitti(not sure what 'result' is, whether it's just "PASS" or so and thus doesn't need encoding)11:57
pittijibel: ooh -- that would be with the new glib?11:58
pittijibel: that's indeed a valid point, we want to update those I think11:58
jibelpitti, right and adt-run failure is just a side effect11:58
jibelpitti, you know how much I like adt-run code, I'll look into this11:58
jibel(adt side that is)11:59
pittioh, that affects a whole bunch of stuff11:59
pittijibel: I'll get to it11:59
pittiwhile this git bisect is running for figuring out the GTK regression12:00
zygabrendand: thanks for the review12:06
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jibelpitti,  gnome-control-center ist grün zurück12:11
jibelnow geocode-glib which should be trivial, then my beloved WebKit <312:11
pittigo, jibel, go!12:13
pittijibel: libgdata fix uploaded, going to gconf, gdk-pixbuf now, and then g-i12:15
pittijibel: FYI, the GTK failure is real, I filed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=691842 for it12:47
ubot5Gnome bug 691842 in GtkTreeView "/TreeView/scrolling/specific/bug-111500 fails since "Kill gtk_tree_view_size_request" commit" [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:47
pittijibel: btw, "g-c-c ist wieder grün" :)12:58
jibelpitti, ah thanks, I was not sure :)13:00
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* zyga-afk really would love some reviews of https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/checkbox/test-parameters/+merge/14337613:30
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jibelpitti, I filed bug 1100283 but couldn't find way to reproduce13:49
ubot5bug 1100283 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "adt-run failed with "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 46" when stderr contains non-ascii charaters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110028313:49
* zyga needs reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/checkbox/test-job-origin/+merge/14350813:52
jibelaha, found a reproducer14:01
pittiargh, poppler too, fixing15:12
pittiyay, the gobject-introspection autopkgtest discovered another upstream regression16:02
sk8rdoes anyone know if there is a tester for the ubuntu phone os for a htc one s? cause i would be ok with being that guinea pig.16:10
balloonssk8r, atm there are no images for the htc one s16:11
balloonsthe only confirmed image is for the galaxy nexus, and it's not YET out :-) a few weeks and it should appear16:12
sk8rbut it should not take long to make it to other handsets, correct?16:12
balloonsthat said, glad your interested, and there might be options for helping test without having a galaxy nexus16:12
sk8rlike i said i have a one s and would love to put it on there.16:14
dkesselgood evening. hm, what was the workaround for "testdrive gets stuck at 'configuring virtual machine'" again?18:54
dkesselnevermind, i'll just use virtualbox directly18:57
dkesseli need someone to confirm bug 1100006 . help? :)19:03
ubot5bug 1100006 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-collect complains about missing launchpadlib, but does not tell what to install" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110000619:03
balloonsdkessel, indeed19:22
balloonsmartin gave the proper response19:23
balloonsshould be straighforward19:23
dkesselballoons: yeah, i forgot the release. i should have known better. so you're trying?19:25
balloonswell, lol19:26
balloonsI'd have to uninstall pyhon-apport19:26
dkesselwell i guess pitti will confirm this himself tomorrow anyway19:26
balloonsYou need to run 'sudo apt-get install python-apport' for apport-collect to work.19:27
* dkessel scratches head19:28
dkesselmaybe it doesn't even get that far in a clean live environment?19:28
balloonsyes.. to be fair, I already had the package19:29
balloonsand simply removed it19:32
dkesselcprofitt, did you manage to "make uf" (friendly)? i tried and failed, but i can't find the problem20:00
dkessel(see my mail if you read this later)20:29
letozaf_Hey dkessel20:37
dkesselhey letozaf_20:37
letozaf_howzit ?20:38
dkesselwell, fine :) i have been filing bugs and confirming some the last evenings... :)20:40
dkesselare you still working on autopilot tests?20:40
robotfuelnot at the moment, but I can answer questions if you have any20:40
thomidkessel: well, I'm working ona utopilot itself, rather than tests at the moment, why, what's up?20:40
letozaf_well I had a kind of a break :)20:40
thomioh wait20:40
thomisorry, I got confused20:40
dkesselthomi :)20:41
thomithought that was for me. Going to get more coffee,20:41
letozaf_dkessel, I ran some tests on ARM20:41
letozaf_dkessel, but I will get back to it soon20:41
robotfuelI was in the wrong window sorry.20:41
letozaf_thomi, hi20:41
dkesselletozaf_, what ARM device do you have?20:42
letozaf_dkessel, a Panda Board20:42
dkesselthomi, i promise to get back to writing autopilot tests too :)20:42
letozaf_dkessel, have you done something interesting on autopilot ?20:43
dkesselletozaf_, nah. i started with the file-roller test and got stuck somewhere when trying to select an entry in a combobox and then paused...20:44
dkesseland currently cprofitt, me and maybe some other guys are trying to get 'ubuntu friendly' to run on our machines20:45
letozaf_dkessel, well when go get going, then you cannot stop :-D20:45
letozaf_I mean with autopilot20:45
dkesselyes, bad me...20:47
letozaf_dkessel, no! I also get stuck, like now, but I'm confident things will get fixed20:49
dkesselletozaf_, sure. we got thomi, after all :)20:49
letozaf_dkessel, yeah! thats true! :)20:50
thomi^-- that's my "strong coffee" face, BTW20:51
letozaf_thomi, :-D20:52
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* balloons <3's packaging21:21
dkesselballoons, trying to package the autopilot tests?21:25
balloonsyes.. I have such troubles getting the initial packages going on things21:25
balloonsI always seem to fall down somewhere on getting it to be what I want21:25
dkesselyay, i'm the 200th member of the ubuntu quality team on lp - what is my prize? ;)21:31
letozaf_dkessel, lol a new autopilot test to hack on ?21:32
thomiballoons: you need a hand with the packaging? I managed to get the unity tests packaged OK21:32
dkesselletozaf_, i better finish the last one first...21:32
letozaf_dkessel, :-D21:33
* dkessel watches the cat watch tv21:34
balloonsthomi, sure thing if you wish21:35
thomiballoons: which branch?21:35
balloonsthere's a breakdown in understanding.. or a lack of memory for me21:36
balloonsbzr branch lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests21:36
balloonsi'd like to get that into a nice magical package for this ppa21:36
thomiballoons: OK - seems you're missing a setup.py file21:37
* thomi hacks one up quickly21:37
thomi.... almost done21:44
thomiballoons: ok, one last issue - we need a top-level package name... right now they're being installed to 'terminal', 'nautilus' etc, which is likely to cause conflicts21:45
thomiwhat should we use?21:45
balloonsyes.. I had attempted to call it ubuntu-autopilot-tests21:46
thomiballoons: can't use '-' in a python module21:46
balloonsgenerically the same as the project, hah21:46
thomiyou can have '_' though :)21:47
balloonsyes.. and I don't like '_'21:47
dkesselthat sounds well known to me :)21:47
balloonsany name suggestions21:47
balloonsI don't really care.. keeping it simple would be nice21:48
balloonsbut basically yes, ubuntu_autopilot_tests21:48
thomiok, I think this is done... just doing a test build21:52
balloonsdkessel, oww, #200 eh?  i missed that early21:53
balloonshere, let me get you a prize...21:53
* balloons prepares an amazing surprise for dkessel 21:53
* balloons rummages around on desk21:54
* dkessel closes eyes21:54
thomiballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/packaging-fixes/+merge/14359721:54
thomiballoons: diff is still updating, but it works for me21:55
balloonstake my personal balloon21:55
balloons        ,~-.21:55
balloons         (  ' )-.          ,~'`-.21:55
balloons      ,~' `  ' ) )       _(   _) )21:55
balloons     ( ( .--.===.--.    (  `    ' )21:55
balloons      `.%%.;::|888.#`.   `-'`~~=~'21:55
balloons      /%%/::::|8888\##\21:55
balloons     |%%/:::::|88888\##|21:55
balloons     |%%|:::::|88888|##|.,-.21:55
balloons     \%%|:::::|88888|##/    )_21:55
balloons      \%\:::::|88888/#/ ( `'  )21:55
balloons       \%\::::|8888/#/(  ,  -'`-.21:55
balloons   ,~-. `%\:::|888/#'(  (     ') )21:55
balloons  (  ) )_ `\__|__/'   `~-~=--~~='21:55
balloons ( ` ')  ) [VVVVV]21:55
balloons(_(_.~~~'   \|_|/21:55
balloons            [XXX]21:55
balloons            `"""'21:55
balloonsok, let me have a quick look and merge21:55
dkesselwow, soo nice :D21:55
zygaballoons: classy21:56
zygais there anyone that wants to have a look at some python test code?21:57
thomiballoons: you may want to tweak the values in setup.py21:57
thomifor example, the license21:57
thomiI just copied & adapted the unity autopilot test one :)21:57
balloonsyes of course :-)21:57
balloonsafter I look, I reserve the right to ask questions21:58
thomiballoons: sure :)21:59
thomiI reserve the right to say "I don't know"21:59
thomiI'm really not a packaging expert, I've just packaged a few python modules before21:59
letozaf_zyga, what python test code ? I mean what for?22:00
zygaletozaf_: literally for unit testing22:01
balloonshmm ok, so you added python2 switch, makes sense22:02
thomiballoons: possibly you don't need that... since there's only a setup.py file22:02
balloonsstill I like the explicitness22:02
thomiif you have (for example) a 'Makefile' in the root dir then you need to tell dh which buildsystem to use22:02
letozaf_zyga, would like to help but maybe someone more expert than me should do this, I just started with python :(22:03
thomiexactly, explicit is good22:03
balloonsohh shoot22:05
balloonsno key for ubuntu quality team22:05
balloonsI had myself as maintainer, but I didn't want it to be owned by me22:05
balloonsso I guess I have to be maintainer?22:06
thomiI'm not really sure about that part - fginther would know more22:06
balloonsyea.. that doesn't seem right.. but it would solve the issue22:07
letozaf_bye guys I'm going to bed, goodnight everyone :)22:07
balloonsty letozaf_22:07
balloonssorry for the troubles with evince22:07
letozaf_balloons, night22:07
dkesselnight letozaf_22:07
letozaf_dkessel, night22:07
letozaf_balloons, no problem!!!22:07
dkesselgood idea, i'm going too - same time zone :)22:08
* dkessel takes the giant balloon into his dreams22:08
fgintherballoons, what's the problem? who to set to maintainer?22:26
balloonsfginther, hello :-)22:26
balloonsI asked around, apparently I can use my own key via the -k switch22:26
balloonsand set the maintainer as the team22:26
fgintherballoons, glad you found the answer22:28
balloonsI'm not out of the woods yet, but.. yes22:28
Noskcajgood morning everyone23:02
phillwhiyas Noskcaj23:06
Noskcajhello phillw23:06
Noskcajso i missed the first classroom session?23:08
Noskcajballoons, for the autopilot tests, how can we make autopilot aware of what programs you have installed and what DE you are using?23:11
balloonsNoskcaj, yes.. we had 2 yesterday23:11
balloonsI don't know what day that was for you23:11
balloons2 days ago?23:11
balloonsNoskcaj, umm.. it's possible, but presumably someone is running the test23:12
balloonsit will just fail if you don't have the stuff installed23:12
balloonswe have no fancy runners in place yet for this23:12
Noskcajok, i am making the manual version of the transmission testcase at the moment23:14
Noskcajballoons, where are the logs for the classroom session?23:15
balloonssorry distracted23:16
balloonsI have the autopilot stuff to put up23:16
balloonsthe classroom folks know23:16
phillwdrat, balloons JUST beat me to it :P23:18
phillwas there are now simple work-arounds to the KVM bugs, I have scheduled https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom#Section_3 up for KVM and VBox.23:23
phillwI'll let the classroom people know.23:23
phillwNoskcaj: do people need to have testdrive already installed for your session?23:31

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