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popeyhullo! bug 110011001:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1100110 in xorg (Ubuntu) "can't upgrade xorg package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110011001:21
popeyi cant upgrade my xorg package in precise proposed01:22
slangasekpopey: 1:7.6+12ubuntu1.12 doesn't appear to be an official version of the xserver-xorg package.  Isn't the problem that you have packages installed from an unofficial source?01:33
popeywonder where that came from01:36
* popey rummages, thanks slangasek 01:36
slangasekbeats me :)01:36
Mirvprecise queue's jockey (pre-requisite), nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates, nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental, fglrx-installer-experimental-9 and fglrx-installer-updates would be nice to have so that we can test the LTS-Q stack as a whole also for the proprietary drivers09:03
Mirvnow that the packages are finally in shape AFAIK09:04
Mirv(and I think bcmwl is also relevant although not a graphics driver - includes support for >3.4 kernels)09:05
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psivaacjwatson: infinity: I've had to report bug 1100213 for the precise d-i alternate and server installation failures this morning.10:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1100213 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Precise d-i installations fail with "/cdrom/dists/precise/main/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Packages does not exist" error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110021310:13
cjwatsonthough you misidentified the error message :)10:16
psivaacjwatson: ohh again? :), syncing the image in progress slowly, so could not directly see what the issue was. took the error message from the logs10:21
cjwatsonThe correct error was in a slightly different place in the logs10:24
cjwatsonit's just a kernel mismatch10:24
cjwatsoni.e. muggins forgot to update the seeds10:24
infinitycjwatson: Oh, yeah, I was going to update the seeds when d-i was accepted.10:25
cjwatsonI'll do it now10:25
infinityWhich kinda happened, and then I forgot. :P10:25
psivaathanks you, can i assume that all the impacted images would be re-spun?10:27
cjwatsonI'll do ubuntu alt/server, anything else can be tomorrow's cron job10:27
psivaaok thanks10:28
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LaneyAre the usb-* seeds still used for anything?11:39
LaneyAFAICT they hold some stuff in main11:39
xnoxLaney: there is also a funny dev seed that I want to kill.11:44
tseliotcjwatson: would it be possible to have bcmwl approved (the SRU for precise) by the end of this week? This would really be helpful for hwe11:45
cjwatsoninfinity: ^- could you do that?11:45
Laneyxnox: yeah don't know about that one12:16
Laneyalso not sure if usb is holding stuff in main that we actually want there12:17
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scott-workis this the appropriate place or -devel to mention that 386 image are not available for ubuntu studio precise ?15:14
Riddellin the ubuntu studio channel?15:16
psivaaout of curiosity, was there a bug involved in causing the precise desktop images to have been re-spun (i.e. 20130116.1)?15:55
cjwatsonpsivaa: New livecd-rootfs to try to fix size issues15:56
psivaacjwatson: ahh ok, thanks15:59
cjwatsonHopefully, anyway, I haven't checked yet :)15:59
psivaa.OVERSIZED marks are still present in cdimage.u.c though16:01
cjwatsonpsivaa: Yeah, I wasn't expecting to get everything16:05
cjwatsonIt's death-by-a-thousand-cuts rather than a single problem16:05
psivaacjwatson: ok :)16:07
ogra_stop caring, its healthy :)16:11
cjwatsonWe've stopped caring for *later* releases ;-)16:12
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slangasekinfinity, cjwatson: any idea on the current precise zh_CN build failures?  I'm not sure why it's complaining about xserver-xorg-lts-quantal; it's true that this is only in -proposed so wouldn't be in the sources.list when rebuilding, but shouldn't it already be in the image?16:43
cjwatsonI was thinking about ignoring it until we decide we can blat xorg into -updates - I suspect ubuntu-defaults-image isn't very good at handling -proposed16:45
Riddellanyone remember rejecting ksnakeduel and kmahjongg?17:11
Riddellthe new transitional binaries were rejected but I got nobody telling me why17:12
scott-workRiddell: it is the developers from the ubuntustudio-devel channel than are asking about the images that are not being created17:21
Riddellscott-work: have they looked at the logs?17:29
slangasekit's being discussed on ubuntu-release@17:30
scott-workRiddell: to be honest, i had forgotten where the logs were at. i have them now. thank you for reminding me.17:40
scott-workslangasek: i see the email now. it was in an unexpected folder because of who is was addressed.17:41
scott-workthank you both17:41
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cjwatsonSpamapS: ^-20:51
cjwatsonwas bitten by me forgetting to rm .upload when re-uploading with infinity's correction to the default/grub.d bits20:52
SpamapScjwatson: thats what you get for using dput ;)20:52
SpamapScjwatson: will review shortly, thanks20:52
cjwatsonpretty sure dupload had similar behaviour, only worse (it used to produce partial reuploads if you'd interrupted a previous one, which was not too terrible with Debian's upload queue but pathologically bad with Ubuntu's)20:53
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