
* patdk-lap gave up on dk and only use dkim00:01
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m_tadeudkim is listening in some weird port00:07
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sarnoldorudie: be confident in your ACLs, back them up with iptables rules. you don't want to run an open proxy for the world.00:09
orudiesarnold, so in the ACL I can allow by ip or host ?00:13
sarnoldorudie: I would allow by IP, it feels less likely to break00:13
patdk-lapfor the client side00:14
patdk-lapfor the allowed websites to visit, host is fine00:14
orudiewell squid.conf looks huge and difficult to digest for someone who never used it before00:14
orudieso I just need some guidance00:15
sarnoldorudie: indeed, I remember last time I set it up (10 years back?) spending two or three days reading the manual and configuration file comments...00:15
orudiesarnold, okay, going to start looking at the conf file now ...00:19
orudieI wonder what squid enables on default00:23
LeChacalhello all, i am trying to use the output of "/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check" in  a bash script but its output doesn't seem to be going to stout, i can't store its out put to a veriable and even trying to do a redirect to /dev/null still outputs to the stout. Looking at it code it is a python script, i am not formiluar with python so maybe there is something i am missing. Wondering anyone could sheds some light on what is goin go.00:47
sarnoldLeChacal: at least some of the writes are going to standard error00:48
sarnoldLeChacal: programs start with three standard IO streams -- standard input, standard output, and standard error00:48
sarnoldLeChacal: programs can also do IO directly to the terminal, but that is less common00:49
sarnoldLeChacal: it's not so different to capture hte standard error: foo 2> /path/to/file00:49
LeChacalsarnold: that is bizare all of its output is going to stderr i didn't even think to check that unitl you metioned it00:49
sarnoldLeChacal: so you could have your program capture it like: apt-check > /tmp/output 2> /tmp/error00:50
LeChacalsarnold: thank you00:50
sarnoldLeChacal: to get both, you could use apt-check 2>&1 > /file/for/output00:50
luminoushello, how do i move a block from <foo_ip> to the top of a ufw list?01:47
luminousI want my explicit IP blocks to superceed all allows01:48
luminousthat is the default deny policy01:48
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jdstrandluminous: you can use 'ufw insert ...'. maybe I don't understand the question...02:47
luminousjdstrand: can you insert 0 or -1?02:48
jdstrandluminous: '1' is all you need to be first02:51
luminousjdstrand: except that if you have existing rules there, ufw doesn't gracefully bump the rest down..02:51
jdstrandsure it will02:51
luminousit yelled at me about an existing rule.. so I am confused02:52
jdstrandthat is a different error02:52
luminousoh, I see.. hah02:52
jdstrandthat is telling you that you already have that rule in your ruleset02:53
jdstrandsudo ufw status numbered02:53
luminousyea, I see what you mean02:53
jdstrandsudo ufw delete <the old rule>02:53
jdstrandsudo ufw insert 1 <the new rule>02:53
jdstrandnp :)02:53
luminousah... and auth.log is once again silent :)02:56
lvmer1what is a good pdf annotation program for ubuntu server?03:55
escotti confused parted as to the filesystem on a device. It was ext4, then I made it into a raid, then i made it into lvm on top of raid, but parted is still reporting ext404:24
escottanything i can do to make it report correctly04:24
escottpartition table is gpt, i dont see anything in the table that indicates ext404:24
sarnoldescott: isn't that changing the partition type? (82, 83, etc..)04:27
escottsarnold, no the type is FD0004:28
escottsarnold, i think parted is reading the contents to try and determine it04:28
sarnoldescott: ah, gpt changed things quite a bit then :)04:28
escottsarnold, yes and no. "fd" was the old fdisk type, "fd00" is gdisks way of doing the crazy GUID that is the type for raid-autodetect in gpt04:29
escotttechnically ext4 is in some sense correct for /dev/sdc1 because I have ext4 inside lvm inside mdadm on /dev/sdc104:30
escottbut i would rather it say lvm, or none for the filesystem04:30
sarnoldbut it'd nice if tools knew exactly what is going on, to save trouble in the hurried wee hours when things break :)04:31
escottyeah its just confusing to look at that and know its wrong.04:32
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Diegosnathi guys! What's openchange??10:41
DiegosnatI do not understand what it does10:41
miguitasDiegosnat: it seems a implementation of microsoft exchange protocols, its only a library10:46
Diegosnatso I still need a mail system10:47
miguitasyou need make a mail system with this library, if you want a exchange server try openexchange10:48
Diegosnatmiguitas, is it free?10:52
miguitasDiegosnat yes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-Xchange check license limitations10:58
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KuschelwolleHerzlich Willkommen in der Freiheit! Kein Kick Kein Ban nur Fun! lg Lukas #ubuntu-de-offtopiic11:40
jamespagezul, adam_g_: Just uploaded a snapshot version of openvswitch to raring FYI11:42
jamespageit tested OK locally; decided to upload as the dkms package is broken in raring anyway so it does move us forward.11:43
stanman246hi in here, i'm collecting netflow data with nfsen. anyone using this?12:19
stanman246have a couple of small q's ...12:19
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jamespagehallyn, is anything funky going on with lxc in raring ATM?  lxcbr0 appears but does not get assigned an IP address...14:13
andygraybealhow do you guys safely shut down your virtual machines when there is a power outtage using a UPS?14:16
andygraybealif the UPS shutdowns the libvirt/kvm host, will the machines be shutdown gracefully as well?14:17
ikoniashell script ?14:17
ikoniawhen the host detects running on UPS and it power doesn't return within X seconds, do a shutdown14:17
andygraybealikonia, okay sounds like a plan14:17
ikoniaandygraybeal: no, the hypervisor will be shutdown while the machines are running14:17
ikoniathats why a script to shutdown the guests is better in my view14:17
ikoniathen let the host manage the rest14:17
hallynjamespage: see bug 109915514:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1099155 in network-manager "[raring] No ip assigned to bridge and no routes added for routed network" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109915514:21
jamespagehallyn, w00t!14:22
jamespagethanks - guessed you would already know about it:-)14:22
hallynjamespage: not sure that's a "w00t" :)14:22
jamespagehallyn, probably not14:23
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isthakurHi everyone I want to setup a thinclient setup with linux server and windows OS for client over tftp. is that possible with ltsp?14:36
patdk-wkit MUST use tftp?14:37
patdk-wkstrange restriction14:37
isthakuris there any other option14:37
patdk-wkthere are tons of options14:38
isthakuri know about tftp only14:38
isthakurI dont want to use rdp14:38
Kentarouhi guys, i have setup a samba shared printer but when i try to view printing preferences the windows explorer got crashed, i'm using x64 both the server and the client. Any Idea?14:38
Kentarouits find on x86 though14:38
jamespagezul, glance client is borked in raring - jsonschema got pushed up to 0.714:39
patdk-wkisthakur, maybe what you mean is, I want to setup an ltsp enviroment for windows os based clients?14:39
Kentarouits fine on x86 though14:39
jamespage(wants 0.2)14:39
jamespagelooking now14:39
isthakuryea thats true14:39
zuljamespage: gah14:39
patdk-wknot sure windows will work like that at all14:39
patdk-wkisthakur, I would recommend likely you look into using ipxe and iscsi boot for windows14:39
zuljamespage: im just sending a fix upstream14:41
andygraybealthere is no dana14:41
andygraybealerr.. sorry14:41
Kentarouany advice?14:42
isthakur_is it possible to use wine with ltsp14:43
isthakur_Wine on LTSP clients14:43
zuljamespage: odd...jsonschema is not in the tools/pip-requires14:45
jamespagezul, yeah - its really odd14:46
jamespageI can find any reference to it in the install either14:47
isthakur_I want to setup an ltsp enviroment for windows os based clients or client that can run some windoes bases softwares such as dreamweaver, photoshop etc14:48
isthakur_I wouldn't mind to use wine or any other windows emulator14:49
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jamespagezul, did you see that the g2 upload of cinder FTBFS?  some tests failed...15:33
zuljamespage: yeah someone else fixed it im going to take a closer look at it today15:33
jamespagezul, 'fixed it' as is skipped failed tests i.e. disabled gating15:34
* jamespage sighs15:34
zuljamespage: skipped failed15:34
jamespagezul, "  * debian/patches/series: Enable skip_failed_tests to fix FTBFS."15:34
zuljamespage: yeah...ill take a look15:35
jamespageyolanda, taking a look at that cinder branch now (have ovs out of the way).15:35
zuljamespage: lemme finish what im doing here15:35
jamespagezul, dude - no rush15:35
jamespageits 'fixed' after all15:35
zulnot fixed properly15:36
EaglemanWhy keeps apache saying this in the logs? File does not exist: /var/www/website/HTTP/html  ?15:47
zulbecause it doesnt?15:48
EaglemanWhat is requesting the file then?15:48
Eaglemanwhen i visit my website the file is somehow requested, or there wont be an error15:49
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yolandajamespage, did you already to the merge for my MP?16:13
jamespageyolanda, I did - I needed to merge an out-of-band update from raring as well16:14
jamespageso I tweaked the versioning to support that and merged it16:14
yolandaok, great16:14
zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-quantumclient/grizzly-ftbfs/+merge/14354516:36
zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-novaclient/grizzly-ftbfs/+merge/14354616:42
anti-neutrinoHi guys17:01
anti-neutrinoneed some help in disabling IPv6 *completely* from my ubuntu server17:01
anti-neutrinosurprisingly .. even after setting the right parameters in my sysctl.conf (and reboot) .. still my services are opening a IPv6 connection on this one host in my cluster17:02
RoyKanti-neutrino: can't you just block ipv6 with iptables?17:05
RoyKanti-neutrino: if you add "ipv6.disable=1" to the grub config, it shold do the trick17:06
RoyKkernel boot param17:06
anti-neutrinoohh ok .. havent tried that17:18
anti-neutrinoI was relying on sysctl.conf17:18
ckramerI'm troubleshooting a strange one. Anyone ever seen a bind mount show different file contents?17:19
TheLordOfTimewill unattended-upgrades autoinstall security updates to everything but the kernel?17:22
ckramergoing to chalk that one up under kernel silliness. the 12.04 box was due a restart for kernel updates. My bind mount sanity returned after the system rebooted.17:26
stiv2kanyone here17:33
stiv2kthat can help me with this http://i.imgur.com/SBICT.jpg17:33
sarnoldstiv2k: irc tends to work best if you ask detailed questions from the start :)17:33
stiv2ksarnold: lol17:33
stiv2kim asking in a roundabout way17:33
sarnoldoh jeeze, still fighting that? oooooof.17:33
stiv2ki havent tried anything since last week17:33
stiv2ki dont know what to do :S17:34
sarnoldheh, I can't blame you.. :)17:34
stiv2ki need to speak with an expert17:34
stiv2kon this17:34
stiv2kim not familiar with what the error is trying to tell me17:34
TheLordOfTimewho here on the server team knows how we handle server-related bugs?17:35
TheLordOfTimeand specifically whether changing the init.d file counts as a valid solution for a bug.17:35
micheleafter installing ubuntu, how do I recall this screen? http://i.stack.imgur.com/Nu44s.jpg17:44
hallynmichele: tasksel I believe (though I haven't done it)17:46
jcastromichele: I just answered your question on AU17:53
jcastro`sudo tasksel` should do what you want17:53
michelejcastro: right, thanks!17:55
michelejcastro: can you also tell me how to bring up the other screen i mention in the comment?17:55
jcastrohere you go: http://askubuntu.com/a/26/23517:57
* sarnold looks for the +1 button on irc..17:58
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michelevery good jcastro , thank you again17:58
diegosnathas any of you tried to integrate samba4 with imap???18:01
frojndHi there. Has anyone played and configure ligttpd? I'm having serious problem enabling php support even though by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/lighttpd#PHP I should only lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi Yet I keep getting 403 - Forbidden18:03
frojndWhen I visit info.php18:03
TheLordOfTime*cough* use nginx *cough*18:03
* TheLordOfTime is biased18:03
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, you should read the error logs18:04
TheLordOfTime403 forbidden suggests your file permissions are borked18:04
qhartmanI second the rec for nginx, if you have a good reason to not use Apache....18:04
frojndTheLordOfTime: what permissions should they be? error log gives me: Path         : /var/www/info.php -- file found18:04
TheLordOfTimethat suggests a 404 not a 40318:05
frojndI can pastebin the whole error log18:05
TheLordOfTimeIMO nginx is easier to configure php and proxying than lighty18:05
TheLordOfTimeif that's all you're doing at least18:05
frojndTheLordOfTime: I'll be using it for wordpress so php mysq18:05
frojndsomething light18:05
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, nginx-light can achieve it with some minor configuration18:06
frojndTheLordOfTime: if you have time I'd be much appriciated if you can bare with me18:06
TheLordOfTimebut i am biased against lighty and apache18:06
* TheLordOfTime works with nginx all the time, and has bug handling specializations in the nginx package18:06
frojndTheLordOfTime: ok let me try nginx18:06
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, if you go the nginx route, sudo apt-get install nginx-light php5-fpm18:06
TheLordOfTimethen lemme give you a basic config18:06
TheLordOfTimealso, sudo apt-get install php5-mysql18:07
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: why nginx-light?18:07
TheLordOfTimesarnold, basic core modules18:07
TheLordOfTimeunless they need SSL support, nginx-light is a lighter version of nginx18:07
frojndTheLordOfTime: in future I'll probably need ssl18:08
frojndbut in compare how faster is nginx to apache18:08
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, then nginx-full18:08
TheLordOfTimei don't have benchmark stats on bookmark unfortunately18:08
TheLordOfTimebut nginx is a bit lighter on memory IMO18:08
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: ah, save a few kilobytes then :)18:09
TheLordOfTimesarnold, mhm.18:09
TheLordOfTimesarnold, unless they say they need SSL and a wider range of modules i suggest nginx-light18:09
TheLordOfTimewhich is the barebones but still operational version of nginx18:09
TheLordOfTimepersonally, i put nginx-full on all my systems18:10
TheLordOfTimebut all my systems and VMs have at least 512MB RAM so i can spare the few extra kilobytes of RAM18:10
TheLordOfTimephp5 and mysql are the memory whores though18:10
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, which ubuntu are you on?18:11
TheLordOfTime12.04 or 12.10?18:11
frojndso nginx-full php5-fpm ?18:11
TheLordOfTimei ask because php5-fpm's listening dynamics were changed for 12.10 and later18:11
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, php5-mysql as well18:11
RoyKTheLordOfTime: heh - mysql only uses what you tell it to use, php can be a bit hungry, though, especially with apache18:11
TheLordOfTimeat the bare minimum18:11
TheLordOfTimeRoyK, apache in and of itself eats more memory than php+mysql combined18:12
TheLordOfTimewhich is why i started using nginx :P18:12
RoyKmod_php is linked into apache, so you'll have to dig deep to see if php or apache is using that memory18:12
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, the default configuration file should be sufficient if you uncomment the PHP section, i can go write up a basic config if you want18:12
TheLordOfTimesince i run a wordpress blog on nginx + php5-fpm + mysql18:13
RoyKphp won't use much memory unless it's used :P18:13
frojndTheLordOfTime: ok all installed nginx-full php5-fpm php5-mysql18:13
RoyKphp with nginx is rather slim, but rather slow as well, compared to apache18:13
RoyKif you have half a gigabyte, it should suffice for most things18:13
RoyK1GB for all18:13
frojndTheLordOfTime: that would be awesome18:13
TheLordOfTimeRoyK, if you're not running anything intense nginx works fine18:14
TheLordOfTimewith php18:14
RoyKsure, but something like wordpress is rather intense, so there apache would probably be better18:14
TheLordOfTimeRoyK, lets not argue webserver preference mmkay?18:14
TheLordOfTimeRoyK, they said lighty18:14
frojndTheLordOfTime: just please help me :)18:14
TheLordOfTimelighty's evil18:14
RoyKTheLordOfTime: heh - I just use apache with php18:15
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hallynzul: have you been able to build libvirt lately?  I'm getting weird dep failures https://launchpadlibrarian.net/128637930/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-amd64.libvirt_1.0.0-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:16
zulhallyn: i havent tried whats going on?18:16
zulhallyn: weird lemme check18:17
hallynzul: well the configure failure suggests kernel-ehaders is missing, but i don't think that's it18:17
daguzSo, I'm running ubuntu server under xen for some development peoples.  I've been able to install and follow recipes to make it work.  Are there some guidelines as far as replicating these hosts?  What about booting with UUID?  I'm a little confused how that should work for me.18:17
hallynfails to compile linux/if_bridge.h: present but cannot be compiled18:17
RoyKhallyn: new kernel?18:17
hallynRoyK: i assume the ppa builders are on hardy like the rest of the farm, so hope that's not hte problem18:18
hallynzul: well ok, let me dig deeper, i jsut wanted to make sure you didn't know off the top of your head18:19
zulhallyn: lemme try here18:19
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, absolute base config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538319/18:19
TheLordOfTimei've commented out the SSL portion, because you don't have SSL yet (I assume)18:19
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, NOTE: the followoing must be confirmed:18:20
TheLordOfTimewww-data (user or group) must have read access to the entire directory structure up to the document root18:20
adam_g_roaksoax: ping18:20
TheLordOfTimeso if you have /home/iamevil/html/blah as the docroot, www-data has to be able to see the directories and read anything in folder 'blah' at the end of that docroot18:21
frojndso I must chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/myserver if /var/www/myserver is documentRoot?18:21
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, chown -R [user]:www-data at least18:21
frojndwhat do I put for user? you mean ssh user?18:22
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, typically, in my /var/www/*, [user] is root18:22
TheLordOfTimeor my ssh user18:22
TheLordOfTimebut typically i put my stuff in userspace18:22
TheLordOfTimeto avoid using /var/www/18:22
zulhallyn: looks like this https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2013-January/msg00930.html linux/if_bridge.h changed in 3.8 looks like it18:22
frojndI'll ask about this few minutes later let me use your config and configure it first TheLordOfTime18:23
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, :)18:23
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, also, proof of concept using userspace: https://lordoftime.info/18:25
TheLordOfTimewhich is my wordpress blog18:25
TheLordOfTime(usually used specifically for ubuntu stuff)18:25
frojndTheLordOfTime: and I already have questions, server_name and yoursite.tld18:25
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, server_name's a directive DO NOT CHANGE18:25
TheLordOfTimeyoursite.tld is where you want your site to listen on18:26
TheLordOfTimei.e. ip address, yourdomain.com, etc.18:26
hallynzul: all right lemme try https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2013-January/msg00936.html18:26
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, what domain/address is your blog going to be listening on?  privmsg it to me if you want security18:26
zulhallyn: my google foo is awesome today18:26
TheLordOfTimeoops resend18:26
TheLordOfTimei had +g on xD18:27
hallynzul: it is - thanks :)18:27
TheLordOfTimefrojnd, resend the privmsg18:27
roaksoaxadam_g_: pong18:27
* TheLordOfTime had filtering on and did not receive the privmsg initially18:27
roaksoaxadam_g_: whats up? :)18:28
adam_g_roaksoax: hey, was just looking at the hacluster charm for use with rabbitmq.18:28
roaksoaxadam_g_: ok...18:29
adam_g_roaksoax: i had some questions but reading the code answered most of them. i might make a MP against ~openstack-charmers/charms/quantal/hacluster/trunk that will avoid installing openstack-resource-agents unless they're actually needed18:29
roaksoaxadam_g_: cool! :) just let me know if you have any left or want to merge something18:30
hallynzul: alas, those two patches don't fix it18:36
zulhallyn: ergh18:36
zullemme finish what im doing here and ill have a look18:36
hallynaha /usr/include/linux/if_bridge.h:172:20: error: field 'ip6' has incomplete type18:37
hallynzul: no, wait, i think the second patch had a thinko18:37
hallynzul:  i think this is technically a bug in the kernel headers, so asking on #ubuntu-kernel18:44
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diegosnatis it true that zentyal sync active directory users with emails?19:16
adam_g_roaksoax: have you ever seen this trace upon adding thre relation between subordinate and primary service? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538474/19:19
roaksoaxadam_g_: nope never19:23
roaksoaxadam_g_: are you doing rabbitmq with drbd?19:26
adam_g_roaksoax: not yet. gonna start with mirrored queues19:27
iron_houziDo I have to reboot my computer if I make changes to /etc/default/locale?19:44
iron_houziIf I want to permanently set locale to en_US.UTF-8, do I have to have this set in both /etc/default/locale AND /etc/environment ?19:45
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TheLordOfTimefrojnd, :P20:30
Free99hey everyone. I have a bunch of VMs running on what needs to be a publicly accessible bridge. Advice I keep getting is to disable iptables and arptables on the bridge using sysctl, but if I'd rather limit access by using specific iptables rules, is that possible?20:31
adam_g_roaksoax: will is_clustered() // "clustered=`relation-get -r $r_id clustered $unit`" only return True if the cluster is configured/crm is up/the resources are active and not waiting on more peers?20:34
roaksoaxadam_g_: where is that?20:42
adam_g_roaksoax: cinder/glance20:45
* roaksoax looks20:45
adam_g_roaksoax: found what i was looking for, but yea. hacluster sets 'clustered' in its relation when its done with cluster bootstrap, so that clustered services know the cluster is actually up20:46
roaksoaxadam_g_: exactly20:47
roaksoaxadam_g_: keystone implements it differently20:47
roaksoaxah no20:47
roaksoaxit is is just it is in shell20:47
adam_g_roaksoax: which of the charms actually request a resource be created with an RA from the openstack-resource-agents package?20:48
roaksoaxadam_g_: quantum20:49
roaksoaxtha's the only one so far20:50
roaksoaxadam_g_: btw.. are you using canonistack?20:54
adam_g_roaksoax: no20:55
adam_g_roaksoax: is openstack-resouce-agents available for precise somewhere? i'd be great if this hacluster could be used on releases since 12.0420:56
roaksoaxadam_g_: nope it is not20:56
roaksoaxadam_g_: i was planning on getting it into the cloud-archive if possible20:56
adam_g_smoser: ping21:36
smoseradam_g_, hey21:37
adam_g_smoser: noticed im failing to bootstrap nodes using juju+MAAS, cloud-init is failing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1539094/ noticed a new precise SRU ~7 hours ago. any relation?21:38
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smoseradam_g_, $*@!21:39
smoseradam_g_, please file a bug.21:40
Davieygreat news eh?21:41
adam_g_smoser: ack21:41
roaksoaxDaviey: i do have great news, new upstream version of maas in raring21:41
roaksoaxDaviey: bad news is something is f'd with chain.c32 and fails to localboot21:41
smoseradam_g_, please attach output ec2metadata --user-data21:42
smoserand /var/log/cloud-init.log21:42
Davieyroaksoax: woooot21:42
adam_g_smoser: yup21:42
Davieyroaksoax: and :(21:43
roaksoaxyeah :(21:43
adam_g_smoser: is it possible to just run user-data thru cloud-init on-demand, without a reboot?21:52
smosermostly, yes.21:52
smoserrm -Rf /var/lib/cloud21:53
smoserprecise ?21:53
adam_g_smoser: yes, precise21:55
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adam_g_smoser: rm -rf /var/lib/cloud .. and then ?22:01
smosertry that22:01
adam_g_smoser: thanks22:03
adam_g_smoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1100491 if you haven't seen the spam yet.22:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1100491 in cloud-init "cloud-init 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.3  failing to process juju-generated userdata" [Undecided,New]22:08
smoseradam_g_, are you able to just test fo rme ... (i have testd, but want you to verify at lesat that re-run script)22:22
adam_g_smoser: with that diff, i reran everything as in that pastebin of yours, and ended up with packages and agents22:23
smoseri'm gonna upload to -proposed then.22:23
smoseradam_g_, could you please do the SRU info on that bug for me ?22:26
smoseri have to run now.22:26
smoseri've just uploaded to precise-proposed22:26
adam_g_smoser: ok.22:29
lvmer1My minidlna files.db  only shows approx. 9000 audio files, while the folder has 38,000. I've increased the watches & I've forced several reloads, but I still get the exact same number 9000 something audio files.  All the 25,000 picture files show up perfectly, so I'm curious what the problem is. All the audio files are mp322:54
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=== adam_g_ is now known as adam_g

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