
jedijfChinnoDog: http://hundredzeros.com/book/B009K44MMO00:50
InHisNamefree muffins ?  or just more recipes for free reading.?01:46
ChinnoDogmuffins don't make themselves01:56
InHisNameSo, the muffin man is NOT a self-made millionair !   Oh what a let-down.03:11
waltmanHave you seen the muffin man?03:37
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Guest93973
InHisNameHowdy, Mr. Guest9397305:47
=== DJAshnar is now known as Samuraialba
teddy-dbearMorning peoples13:08
SamuraialbaHow is it going?13:08
teddy-dbearbetter when I fall asleep again :-D13:08
SamuraialbaI sleep on and off since I have this chest cold >.<13:09
SamuraialbaAnd I have a tooth extraction tomorrow13:09
InHisNameone more step to toothlessness ?14:22
InHisNameOr one more step to pain free ?14:22
Samuraialbapain free14:28
=== Guest93973 is now known as Joe_CoT
InHisNamewassamatter, bacon not the cure-all its all cracked up to be ?16:57
Samuraialbanope :(17:30
ChinnoDogBacon doesn't cause tooth decay18:19
ChinnoDogIf you were on an all bacon diet you would not have tooth decay18:20
ChinnoDogDecay is caused by fermentation of carbohydrates into acid in your mouth which then eat away at your teeth. Bacon = no carbs = good teeth.18:23
InHisNameand what about all that acid in coke, pepsi, OJ, pineapples, etc. eating away at the teeth too? Anyone bathe their teeth with a liter of coke a day?19:53
ChinnoDogThat is carbonic acid and doesn't harm teeth20:04
InHisNameOnly when removed and dumped into science fair experiments, not in your mouth ?20:05
ChinnoDogTeeth dissolving in soda is an urban legend20:06
ChinnoDogThe sugar in the soda will provide the carbs for the bacteria to make lactic and acetic acid to eat away at your teeth but the carbonic acid is harmless20:06
ChinnoDogSo to summarize, drink diet soda if you are going to go on an all bacon diet to save teeth20:08
InHisNameSo, its the carbs and bacteria that completely eat up a tooth over night in the sci fair experiments ?  No acid involved ?20:09
ChinnoDogHave you ever personally seen a tooth dissolved by soda?20:10
ChinnoDog(over night or any other time span?)20:10
InHisNameOf course it REALLY hard to sit around for 12 hours with a full mouth of coke and not swollow it.20:10
ChinnoDogPut a tooth in a glass of soda overnight and nothing will happen20:12
pleia2http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/tooth.asp :)20:17
InHisNameWhen I returned to the Coke fly the next day, I discovered, to my surprise, the fly floating around, unscathed. The Roto-Rooter fly, on the other hand, was dissolved down to a couple of tiny fly bits. The Roto-Rooter had also eaten through the bottom of the plastic cup.20:21
InHisNameLet's all go for Roto-Rooter !20:21
InHisNameSnopes is TOUGH to copy from , need to go to Page-Source to copy text.20:24
ChinnoDogLuckily I do not know of any soft drinks fortified with roto rooter.20:40
SamuraialbaWait.. that's booze20:44
ChinnoDogOrange gatorade has brominated vegetable oil in it. Be more worried about that.20:45

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