
Kilosmorning all05:00
nlsthznmornign uncle Kilos 05:26
mazalMorning guys05:29
Kiloshi nlsthzn Squirm barrydk maz05:36
Kilosmazal even05:36
Kiloshow come you two get to knock off so early everyday?05:38
inetproGoeiemôre 05:43
Kilosmôre inetpro 05:44
barrydkMorning all05:54
mazalKilos, because we start so early everyday05:54
mazalWe start work at 6:4505:54
mazalAnd get no lunch or tea or anything05:54
Kiloswhew the no tea sucks05:55
barrydkHey are you my supervisor thats personal05:55
Kilosthey want you to go home and get your own lunch05:55
Kilosno wonder you guys get verlep05:56
mazalWe have to "ontvlug" if we wonna go eat something05:57
Kiloswe had 2.5mm rain yesterday05:58
Kilosdidnt even settle the dust05:58
inetproKilos: be thankful, I didn't have any06:29
Kilosai shame06:30
mazalAnother one for the clever okes: http://askubuntu.com/questions/243728/how-do-i-manually-insert-my-signature-in-thunderbird-in-ubuntu06:42
Kiloshi ludo!!06:55
Kiloshi Vince-0 06:59
Vince-0ubuntu-za.org seems to be offline07:00
Kilosinetpro, who looks after the site07:02
Kilosthe fly or the weed07:02
inetproKilos: hmm...07:02
Kiloshi superfly you sneaked in without a greeting07:02
inetproKilos: both and none07:02
superflyKilos: jammer, bietjie besig07:02
Kilosinetpro, mazal barrydk julle moet hard op roep "Kom groot reen"07:03
Kilosnp superfly 07:03
Kiloslol @ both and none07:03
superflytumbleweed: have you moved the site to the new VPS yet?07:04
superflytumbleweed: cause the IP address that the domain name resolves to is not responding (even to a ping: destination host unreachable)07:04
superflyVince-0: ^^07:04
inetprosuperfly: it's been down for a few days already07:04
superflyinetpro: orly?07:05
inetprosuperfly: 03/01 20:11:54 <smileee> http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/Main_Page is down :(07:09
inetproI assume it's on teh same host as that ^^07:10
inetprohow can I slow down my left hand to stop typing e before h?07:10
Vince-0at work so usually between screens here07:12
Kilosnp Vince-0 07:12
superflyinetpro: you can't... I even type some words backwards sometimes...07:12
superflyohi henkj!07:16
henkjhey superfly 07:17
Kiloshi henkj 07:17
Kiloshi zeref 07:25
Vince-0I'm doing another Durban Linux User Group G+ hangout tomorrow eve at 8 - may I suggest anyone who joins us can join this IRC channel?07:34
Kilosyes please do07:41
superflyVince-0: that's usually the time I put my eldest to bed, but if I am around, I might pop in07:41
Kiloswhen ubuntu-za gets to 50 users here i can retire07:43
nlsthznreally enjoying faffing around in something other than Linux for a change...07:50
Kiloswhat is it nlsthzn 07:51
nlsthznThe latest offering from the original evil empire, with some tweaks cause I don't have touch on my desktop07:52
Kiloshaha 7 or 807:53
nlsthznalso finshed setting up OSX in VBox... just becasue07:53
nlsthznnext up ubuntu and also pc-bsd07:53
nlsthzninstall all the os's07:54
* mazal also need a new little project08:01
mazalPc has been working correct for a while now08:02
inetproResidents warned to be on alert as heavy rain fall in Mpumalanga http://www.info.gov.za/speech/DynamicAction?pageid=461&sid=33686&tid=9627908:04
inetproKilos: ^^08:04
inetproKilos: ons hoop maar ons kry 'n stertjie van daai reen08:06
superflymazal: http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/archive/2008/09/06/linux-is-boring08:07
Kilosai inetpro ek hoop ook so08:09
Kiloshiya maiatoday 08:09
maiatodayhi Kilos08:10
Kilosyou well maiatoday ? just busy?08:10
maiatodayyip year started with a hectic pace08:11
maiatodaybig deadline for  friday08:11
henkjhi maiatoday 08:11
maiatodayhi henkj08:11
inetprosuperfly: you have a new desktop?08:14
superflyinetpro: no, that's an OLD post08:14
superflyfrom September 200808:14
inetproI mean wow08:14
inetprosuperfly: BTW that link to "previous blog post" is broken08:15
superflyinetpro: i'm not surprised08:15
* inetpro was just trying to figure what happened08:16
inetprothought I had missed something08:16
Kiloswhat hardware you got superfly ?08:17
Kilosmb specifically08:17
Kilosglad to hear it just worked08:17
superflyKilos: at the moment? ASUS, I think08:31
superflyinetpro: http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/archive/2008/09/04/dead-computers-and-upgrades08:34
superflyinetpro: that's the previous blog post08:34
inetprosuperfly: thanks08:35
Kilosah ty superfly glad to know asus in linux friendly08:36
Vince-0yoh those are old posts - I find most local blogs etc died out long ago08:36
superflymine is practically dead08:36
superflyI don't often blog08:36
Vince-0who's is that saturnlaboratories one?08:41
Vince-0I've got a few I follow RSS on, not many ZA ones though08:41
Vince-0my G+ feed is the new micro-blog kinda08:43
Vince-0I started posting to blogger but its quite a bit of effort: http://vince-0.blogspot.com/08:44
Vince-0I prefer the interaction on G+ . Blog pages seem a bit one sided and I'm no journalist08:47
inetproVince-0: AFAIK that is superfly's own site08:58
superflyVince-0: whether or not blogging is a conversation is dependant on how you blog :-)09:02
Vince-0the platform plays a part in how that conversation flows09:07
Vince-0do you use G+? 09:07
superflyI do09:11
Vince-0add me? Vincent Swart - I havn't kept track of IRL names...09:12
superflyVince-0: I did already, a few months ago?09:14
Vince-0oh yar! we've been through this09:15
Vince-0my feeds been getting a bit much lately so I miss the good stuff. Busy siphoning off the spammers09:16
mazalsuperfly, nice one :) That reminds me of the day I got this new pc I have now that I was talking about. It went much the same way. Installed pc , installed my custom .iso , boot up , everything works hehehehe10:03
mazalsuperfly, refering to your earlying link btw , only now had time to go read it :P10:04
inetproKilos: what's for lunch?10:13
* Symmetria dies laughing10:13
Symmetriathats ALMOST as bizarre as: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262149/Belgian-woman-67-picking-friend-railway-station-ends-Zagreb-900-miles-away-satnav-disaster.html10:13
KilosMaaz, whats for lunch10:14
MaazI'm sure Kentucky would go down well Kilos10:14
mazalHey hey , stadig , ek is honger10:15
mazalEn hier issie 'n kentucky nie :(10:16
barrydkhies nie eers 'n hoener nie10:16
Kilosjulle moet plan maak by die kombuis10:19
barrydkKilos, what about a takeaway?10:20
Kilosfrom where barrydk 10:22
barrydkyou, i see you're farming with takeaways10:23
barrydkseriously Kilos , you don't think of farming with tilapia and aquaponics?10:25
Kilosno dams here10:25
barrydkmake your own dont have to be that big10:26
barrydkWhats your min temp in winter10:26
Kilosat bad times -210:26
barrydkyea so youll also need heating i thought it would be a bit warmer there.10:27
Kilosthats too much work and costs involved to get going and electricity is expensive out here10:28
barrydkyea electricity is bad.10:30
barrydkHave to go again 10:30
magespawnhowdy all10:36
Kiloshey magespawn 10:36
magespawnstruggling with a network 10:37
magespawngoing insane10:39
Kiloshi hubx 10:49
hubxhi Kilos 10:49
Kiloseish magespawn that sucks10:49
Kilosim back to iptables again and cant get to share 3g from tiny10:49
Kilosforgot what i did last time10:50
Kilosor rather forgot where i saved the commands10:52
magespawnneed indexing software10:52
Kilosmore to learn how to use10:53
Kilosim still learning to use apt-get10:54
mazalAh , gor one question answered. The Thunderbird thing is solved :)11:20
magespawnlater all12:13
inetprosomeone hacked the coffee machine?12:18
inetproMaaz: coffee on12:18
* Maaz starts grinding coffee12:18
mazalmaaz coffee please12:19
Maazmazal: Yessir12:19
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and mazal!12:22
inetproMaaz: thanks12:22
Maazinetpro: Okay :-)12:22
mazalMaaz , dankie12:23
MaazGroot plesier mazal my vriend12:23
inetpromazal: were you not supposed to have gone home already?12:23
inetprohmm... ok12:23
inetproso mazal, you have no Internet connection at home?12:24
inetproor is it simply me forgetting that I've not seen you here after hours?12:26
inetprooops... forgetting seeing you* 12:27
mazalI do have inet at home inetpro , and I used to be on a lot after hours12:27
mazalBut the last few weeks I haven't12:28
mazalGot busy with other things12:28
mazalNou is dit daai tyd inetpro :)12:48
mazalEnjoy your evening everyone12:49
inetpromazal: ai, just because Kilos came in?12:49
inetproKilos: wb12:49
Kilosty fellas12:49
Kilosnearly did a clean install12:49
barrydklekke slaap almal12:50
inetproKilos: he ran away from you12:50
inetprobarrydk: bye :-)12:50
Kilosnsg barrydk 12:50
Kilosunity het ewe skielik nm verloor12:50
Kiloshet recovery gedoen en niks12:50
Kilostoe recovery en dan fsck van daai grub menu en dan reboot en dit werk weer12:51
Kilosdis crackers hackers12:51
Kiloswas trying to get iptables setup again and ssh  and did something wrong13:03
Kilosi take back my email addy13:03
Kilosdit reen so bietjie hier13:19
Squirmwhat a day13:28
Squirmsomeone shoot me please13:28
Kilosaw miss13:29
inetproSquirm: only if you bring rain here13:37
Squirmshoot me first13:39
Symmetriadid all the news outlets get bought by comedy central today13:41
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
inetproSquirm: no, I need the rain first14:54
superflyit is extremely hot here, but it looks like it may rain soon. 14:56
Kilosit alsways rains down there14:57
Kilosevery week14:57
superflyhaha no.14:57
Kilosour average rainfall here has dropped to about 350mm pa14:59
Kilosyou guys get 900 or more14:59
Kilostop billing or carte bl;anche reckon we are a semi arid area now15:00
Squirminetpro: I asked first?15:00
Squirmworks over, now can you kill me?15:01
superflyKilos: but the plants here need lots of rain - we might get more than you, but we need it all15:13
Kilosya ya15:14
Kiloscan one ssh to another pc with a working os on?15:25
Kilosas in from unity to my maverick15:25
Kilosor will i crash something15:25
superflyKilos: huh?15:26
Kilosas in ssh miles@
Kilosfrom miles@
superflyKilos: why not?15:27
Kilosi crashed nm earlier now im scared to just try without asking first15:27
Kilosit completely disappeared15:28
Kiloshey nlsthzn you still up?15:29
Kilosholidays again15:29
Kilosinetpro, you may take leave of your place of employment and travel to your abode15:53
Kilosbetter Squirm ?15:53
Kilosof / from ?15:53
Kiloshi Cantide 16:01
Cantidehello :)16:01
nlsthzn_hiya all16:19
Kilosyou well neelsie?16:19
nlsthzn_I will live (I hope) Got some tummy bug making me an expert in sprinting under pressure16:20
Kilosmaybe you allergic to camel milk16:23
Kilosor dates16:23
Trixar_zaThe fruit or with somebody else?16:24
Trixar_zaor the arrangement of days on a calender16:25
Trixar_zato cover all of them16:25
Kilosthe fruit man, his wife is there16:27
nlsthzn_my wife is more allergic to me going on dates than I am I think16:27
Trixar_zaPossibly violently allergic16:28
Kilosyou still enjoying sucks 8 nlsthzn ?16:28
Trixar_zawith a pair of scissors16:28
Kiloshaha or rat poison16:28
nlsthzn_Yes uncle Kilos ...  it is working very well for me at the moment...16:28
Kiloshave they got rats there16:28
Kilosnever heard of desert rats16:29
nlsthzn_big rats16:29
nlsthzn_where you big civilization you bring rats16:29
Kilosand small cats16:29
=== Cantide is now known as CanCycle
nlsthzn_vicious cats16:29
Kilosand peeps feed them instead of letting them live off the rats16:30
nlsthzn_not really... if the cats are not careful there are enough cultures here that will have them for dinner too16:31
nlsthzn_but the climate here is hard on animals outside...16:32
Kilosexcept camels16:33
nlsthzn_I guess16:33
Kiloslo ludo16:39
Kilosevery day i greet you and you never reply16:39
Kilosaw wraz is gone16:40
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi Trix[a]r_za 17:16
nlsthzn_two nights to go and I get to have all my four off days for a change :) looking forward to it17:18
* nlsthzn_ is thinking of trying to play through final fantasy on the xbox, problem is last time I played a month and was still on dvd one of 4 or 6 (memory fail)17:22
Kilosare they so difficult or just slow to get everything as you need it to be on top17:24
Kilosthats too long on one game17:24
magespawnEvening all17:27
magespawnEvening all17:27
nlsthzn_it is a beautiful but long game... the beginning is especially tedious and repetitive but apparently it gets better17:27
Kiloshi magespawn 17:28
Kiloswell maybe your 4 days off will help17:28
* nlsthzn_ has to go and try and get some dinner... bbl17:29
Kilosmagespawn, you sweat again tomorrow17:30
Kilosand swim on saterday17:31
magespawnI sweat always17:31
magespawnAny rai up that way?17:52
Kilos1mm this avy17:52
magespawnYou actually measure that?17:53
Kilosyeah thats where the gave shows17:53
Kilosstarts on zeror17:53
magespawnHmm true dat, but 1mm surprised it did not evaporate before you got out there17:56
magespawnBuys clearing out all the stuff on my laptops17:59
Kiloswhat im missing17:59
magespawnDowloaded stuff 17:59
magespawnFiles duplicates of files etc18:00
Kiloswhats Buys18:00
magespawnSorry busy18:00
=== CanCycle is now known as Cantired
magespawnI have got too much stuff clutterting up my hardrives18:21
Kiloswhat kinda stuff18:22
magespawnMiles and miles of pdf's18:22
=== Cantired is now known as Cantide
magespawnGotta go charge battery bbl18:23
* Squirm ponders about studying mechatronics18:24
KilosMaaz, define mechatronics18:25
MaazKilos: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?18:25
SquirmMaaz: define Mechatronic Engineering18:27
MaazSquirm: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?18:27
SquirmMaaz: google test18:27
MaazSquirm: "Create Tests for Organizational Training and Certification Programs ..." http://www.test.com/ :: "Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test" http://www.speedtest.net/ :: "Test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test :: "Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology" http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-18:27
Maazwin/jtypes2.asp :: "Speakeasy Speed Test" http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ :: "Test your IPv6." ht…18:27
SquirmMaaz: google define Mechatronic Engineering18:27
MaazSquirm: "Mechatronics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechatronics :: "Mechatronics Definition" http://www.mcgs.ch/mechatronics_definition.html :: "What is Mechatronics? | Engineers Australia" http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/mechatronics/what-mechatronics :: "Mechatronics engineering definition of Mechatronics engineering in18:27
Maaz..." http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Mechatronics+engineering :: "Mechatronics e…18:27
SquirmKilos: it's more the processing side of engineering18:28
SquirmI mean18:28
Squirmcreating a circuit board for a robot and making it do xyz18:28
Kilosyou mean programming machinery to make circuit boards?18:29
Squirmmaking the circuit boards so you can program the machinery18:29
Squirmit's a form of mechanical and electrical engineering that branches into creating that18:30
Kilosphoto etching and all18:30
Squirmif I don't get a job somewhere nice next year, I may start it via Unisa18:31
Kilosarent you happy at the school?18:31
SquirmI want to go into linux administration18:32
Squirmthis isn't the place18:32
Squirmgoing on an RHCE course on the 28th18:32
Squirmthen will maybe do the exam mid March18:32
Squirmand hopefully pass18:32
SquirmRed Hat Certified Engineer18:33
Kilosdidnt you do that?18:33
SquirmI have my Red Hat Certified System Administration18:33
Squirmit's a step up18:33
Kilosah ya18:33
Kilosgood keep studying18:34
Kiloseven if you stay in that job. its an income same time18:34
Squirmthat's all I'll be able to afford this year :P18:34
Kiloswork is scarce18:34
Squirmyet I have to move forward18:35
Kilosanddo the LPI course on the side18:35
SquirmI'm thinking of that18:35
Kilosyou will 18:35
Squirmit's just I don't think I'll be able to afford it18:35
Squirmso once I get my RHCE I'm going to push for a job in that field18:35
Kilosyou mean to write the exam18:35
Kiloswow how much they charge for that18:36
Squirmdon't know18:36
Kilosmonkey had all the info18:36
Kilosand nuvo i think18:37
Kilosi mailed some site where you can register and all18:37
Kilosi mean i mailed our list with the info18:38
Kilosyou register online and then get the course from them and go write at local exam place18:38
Kilosmail the monkey and ask. he should still have the info18:40
Squirmyeah, will see what happens after RHCE18:40
Squirmanyway, I'm getting into bed. night people18:41
Kilosnight Squirm 18:42
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:07
smilegood night19:08
smilebyeee :)19:31
inetproSymmetria: now that's one interesting way to get the job done19:52
inetpronlsthzn: and you are still not back from dinner yet?19:56

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